. .„ ,r ,-,-r.i i«^ia]»•>•• *»»("■. tin *. ■ * haa-ol K nr oit.wnru fl >• *-;(" p'Op"1 In., <> ,n>Caiwliao L%ru*n :i"d ;:an>* <* L- .rl«a*U, iw 1111 tin uai'l' .- ujj lttC Ian |T • i»;-J r .y.i'r; Mentis, Ter \|'l;tha.<n H(riof-4#0ftlit' King, •■ &*«»«, tfXtfmpo ha,. \, *fcr. I'.upta *'*I hi .ii«' Hit. .-port a.ui ;. i! lln-r-euM' ill Whlvli UK1 LMgi IdtUfC Ui i' ioo*t ill* act of the Jl t of Cm* King, o\u ii tUe-utu aet did no- i*|»|»»% to M.cii Jf.it.* aiix. Sjc bui u.ily tlxw Ciuiing froia tit to- Sue.-. Vet UV exetfiJHton us if i* vn iH 'o w th? trOfffc sh'p Hi vr.xcl th'iwin \i I* i contained." Uda*3i "*»t repeal Uie provi - of toe jonncr aci> bin leave* them un- J ic ivorJ; of (hat clause,on which alonevou i5"i-( rely,arc,fto fara*Thev n u#,c-. tluspoiut, 5f all vessel*] boat*, p&fta <»r carriage imping Iti'Or intu *ui'*aid port>,or riihrr of litem, *.a*UI , repimed."* YThOtJwr lhe>c words arc to bo iiV-ivil a distinct »M)ieflct%*oad lointdnde •j t ■ es.*cW%iCc. ccming from an i place Khatsott?- h|pijn< coon with the oiner niru>l><*rs of tue*ea* *Jrnc\ <o as ttHrtwUiali WUtctl arc ihc ^object; tf»*» ?i'*"ioii, iliai is* all coming from Hie D. tied States* a.- I consr me Ihcm ; in \s uiebei - hA-c iwo ■srnsfa ihc clause ** io bo tmder- iWmonOiof \otM Sflstj -tfit disease vn-- :H ro».r*eif-i;ift;)r to the Hghth flay, on '. nioh I'ayinnny child rn w«»re COlh'ct- (I .>i the louse and assembled round Jr.--------------to bu vaccinated ; tliu >oimund';c, by mistake, be took (Ui- rtrne infants ntfarr arm, and inserted .nr^sh, iluil matter jo-1 tuk«-n from it- . If; in thrti- hours ffftcr, iullamhialiou bc^.lt* iD ap»oar a!;out the. new nuuii jjmiiturc, <»e infant became rcstluas .nid iRVfri-land passed awn bad night \,iti» incn aing degree of fever; tiic foHoM'in^ mirtiiug the rrducss and in- rtanuitiou b'/jamc about the.size of an i»alf-i>«'nny aid of a bright scarlet co-i lor, and vrT^tmrtly after, say an hdor9 it was porcciu d to be graauaHjr exfen- diuj: itself upvards to the shoulder and down to llie ingets, forming vehicles of limpid fund 4] along the arm ;• fruit. MiH shoulder the redness and tumefac¬ tion exteiuVdacross the pectoral mus¬ cle to th»: otSginat vacciued arm, hi which it ran asiuvilar course to whi.1 v?onM not loofen Ih fcoM nnril fom<? offh I i fc*setm*icnse*tlJCclause wto ucuaacr- i -*.^» •- •-» -.,.«...«- ■ -77 7 lie v.v^Kisc: reonired io be rcpo.uv ; , hUs been |nSt(lescrH).(l, vutli ine ex- all, are to he reported aw ev<-ry port ot t h- ; u by or into" which tae> i»a>v. B^iM"c:i restablisbfd port-of entry, however, ihe.ej i c.'niv^pieiu places enooga for t*ie ^vgrei 1 iin* of smuggled goodf»s so iha* idoiftoUM Uy.caii objec K^ajii&I rc;j.tiring reports of j vrjse! and uoa; nKSMHg fro a»vy jHktt ui \ ce in the United Sfat."?, wM »e * «Ub °' 'lirin* fi;m;.iA !i:cv'-drti .o be «ri ",'J?J^- elf ou^fi "i$vt ■«(=' a'wmeni iia ivm suTTciriii ^en^iji io .v\pj>or» it^eif, ^<>u uti^m^l to pnUi |Ui>(1by ibc pO.sSlficratUtn iitai of laic jeu»-.. ic hren the- prr.cnc" to oernii f;>.<v •■» fcfr^rf1 Jl*a>t;cii;i-(e in lar Proving at roa^*^g suu; ijiapr] ira-i'; and.r ;e la i *oa:*, a sre;- Pr<*- :i#rrioo rflt wa« prsixh cd i»j fUCJi foreign ■<■ trftj acu Wm,yo^say, "de<irucnve :o on* ,, ial inipre*": oi" uivnriri'm'1' i*iff<f^liatil4U- e-.lv opposite to di^ S.atntes of tlie Inio. rial I'ii'inieui."* i!o\ a praf'tiC11 peruiiitvd ol ^'- >\*a»»tandparUcularlv t!u'Ja-l * "a^ineu- wf*-r option ofvoacks being formed; the puncture* j;ar. of this arm became ex- •eediu^ly inllaued u»d put ou a livid ■i,ie diWltarptga^>uUc:hnroMs mntter. iJiO iufau'allV HmesuU. ring so much ( ^ ^ horn rvain aa! i"evrr? t;,ut .t couid IW(jcrt}jatft scar4c *iv bear b h? touched or moved " ' from it? cmdlefor 9 da>hd'iring which f me the disease was ruan'mt- its Course; in n'KHit frnrt#udays from this second raeci^ntion, dcrjuairation of the cuti- jc!e :•!! over thebody teot place and \thz cMld gradutlly bevu to recover. } %lYm---------------averts that rbe lancet he used wasperfiiljf clean: he lortner tat ^ that at; tte 6t!^r cases, iu which thu virus had been inserted from iliis ^uionto^Baii^^i^ioV/^ and CO* tfefi inf-(turn, ran erdtfrfractr c io tue \iai interest* *fw<tm*>ll thcit COtttfC u»;*iiinlli —J,,?- cImW is ,-kii/i,■-hitr-fr*** ran liav* *-sch a retro-pecuve J'.i*a;ion.a i« littveiuuuencedtue '.""1. !a(ure jtei tiie act in question ii.vte en yean ag<3, i> ("yond my <.:rnpr^hei^loa. oi»r ^trojpe^t It.^Uiu at brirj;- "p ibe nvi. jriu-Irtwo'.'he laad i* a sue bout o..ooniii'. "ih(v l'!'*!ct! v lil&C d i" il"*liaid'«>t"u- »»-»'-'!*r. iwcr to cha^ti^e all -vho have ;he icuierit;. 3-lfnJly lOoflWud a?ai.:-i ir, a:-d wha will «'n . il'^'ionablY be visitcd wUiiUaextremcrt n» i"- j iir-iri..M Ti:.>ei'^,,"r«t anp/*ul to dtp tear.- o? i smr,U but aopv ars tealth) > l?« ordinal ,-ial marKtho l^tetMbi^ i-wie.-— d --------------Csi^.-d 8 mouth? vJi.eiuirt at 10« vioi'k A. ML.M the LT$h rfA.iril, [flt I i.M. ^i^«riUwdny^iH-r«rtfrd* pn4»tf"^ri»n?id'thepui.6tuiti9 the ohilu , at (ho sabu* fisnr*rttSitjp few?inn, pas- ... . . . :,"j svtd a wrv bad nilht b^th r^tl«» and ifo« whoh*Hitxte abo-i r^ptMiii^ tfuar bw*t-! ' -. a Yl r-( Dnci ' • . tiw „m ,,.ls |dpftYingittcC#>wtfCtt.Ai*^«uav be more j tm- sw\, the iietf«eni>ng the arm was Tv-^oiUlWi your juiitl &M:r**t<i their ra |ir«jdftr.H gVefttl) ;i»liH;Ti d tu-;n tne ei- 'n-% H-thepfiiaVn^Tvith v.lnrhrh'-v a>e io bi IJ;;ilU jQ ^t|C ahovifk^ ^:' P'>»'M°r* wa mi*'- andr^B^ii^fil, in case i»riiociooie|i!.aiic« j J .. \ , ..' :.,«..« frhp h'*ad ,^* i id|i jferta-iv-^d^'--* e, o'i*'-x'n? "c^'j ^id witi *' untjMe^Monaolv' i*e «.-|.hir."il un . le im>Nt i.lxn;':U ri-»i>!»r. Vienoiii'. reyion m*- iha • •-.«', avofod .o answer; bur uu i> ali-n- icelv nao**\^rablo, C \ *l I- KN. 2V f«1 rJ.V ../•/ mmn-u*> at'.'^-r-, 1 srfc* "'^^ 'I*-.' cdi-ira o"f tlt^ public p.iper-^ o -vutr .) w anomalous ca^e- »>» it elF'iets an ! i^HCSt the respective Kdit.ors of th" Afferent papers in thyp I'r^Tinrt-. t vj.publiritvto thcsn thatihry mayal- e*rendtofhe- United States: fr»«w v Sflh........ Mm)', pi,,. ^w«rds^cflingaVUhe?ymp-t co..rse of theduj A? child ret) ill, »*?5f j oi.t lilting in"oie"thaa live m.iutes r**t ;U : C'-T.e, pa- sed the Wl*»*»tt «d^W to. . %rerynadl3%tmvar* momhvg h-evever w,"... A to set sonicc-^.e ; r.. ims day •-r ••..» h:i-» ».inch uui'a^^ rnsiM?*he a..il iowai<i eveningi vu totn^ Sng^r^ om '- ; llwu'l itil pfhtt-d thi* i«iftM raih- cr '^((tmh! on tiwftdlovrin^ m'rniiigj !hr- u.llnn.matoiyap;;. :uatuc5an<' red- nr-'S M.-re le^s and me child on tiie vvh',!f* bHtrt— Ah mt t!i.' :)tii day ihe .-hilil reccvered. and mi the 13th d;i) nth- I.- was a smalt discharge of ynlloM U*» hoius wer< broke —*l wa" irnmedia^- ly killed. The laceration waa wafhed with brint, and dreflfd with fi-me dom.s- tic remedy, fitch as th; family had been I in the habit ofapply^gto wound, and ' fore—it cciitinuedopeftforfeverftfwetk*, and healed at Wl wi'h much difficulty. About the beginning of Maqr, the feats became ii.fUtncd, and very' itchy, attcn ded with afort efpinohin? pa;»> »Well extended in the di^&ion of the lym phaticstotbc Axilla, and fide of the neck On the morning of the "-th, when attempting to take a Itilc cordial for the re'ief oi a pain in the ftomach, { fre f .-undherefelrTciZcdwithau indefcribfc- olc feeling ofhorrOT| and couil.icium of rhe throat, as the liquid ap^ toaehed her mouth : vttrtbuttng this to the fmell of theeordial, fhe tried a little tea. and .'ftcrwards, forne water t bm the fame J feeling was excited, tl>e iuitaet ihc looked at either of thefe H*r hulb-ind being employed iu the O'^nanee, Sent to- a medical v-T.cer «f tint dep^tment, who immediarelv attended, and r.rtrr much, ei.quiry obtained ilyhtilotj ^bov. related j of the -ale.—Care was tttKfi Ftt p H ting j -tl.e necefT.y quv'ii«^ to the Ufi&rdJ j thai the pattern uV'eU not hrai uicu.t i . ; e might have m iulnicion or j the real nature of the Jiiealc ; ihc, hc^'ever, ove/h-arci fomc^ obiervad^ns that weremadebboatthe -at,a. d iudart- ]y exclainrd/' CenVd pa« cela car moo enfant a etem-rdu dnns :a meme urns que raoi." The cafe being cor.iidered an important oiv, W33 reported to the f-.fo^orof Hotpi'^, and pcrmiffiun was obtained from tae lanuly to cul!_ m\ an eminent pbT&tan, who, u)K>n feeing the cafe, did nor h.fitate to coincide in opfnmn w\h ihe Onteawe M«dicw Officer, that it was a diiumSi cafe of hy drMphoJiia. This ooinJoii was en tlu* f^lhiwtuo mon.ino Futtfcti eonfivmcd by that of'hf In^prAiTof HofpitaK and the Surg^n to the forces. Notice wsh given of .:.- c» e to -ill the medical j-»; tlemen W tov.n who C u dj be iounu The proKrefe «f the diieafc waa fo r«pa» | as to afford but tittle time for helical j treatmem. 6>prbn« lilecding having i-cei; httertvresnmn cide iVomhi^ha'i'.!^1-1)», u9n put in pr»£l»ce, bvt with cy-Meot -' ■ advantage—hmc« du.es of n.ceuua. putgaiW(Indicated by th: ftate ol h*r nowei-) were a 'uu> ,^,td tficb loriic Ue greeofti^np^ary t <uf—iniifpiifinouas vvtre ihe.i attempted to be giveii, b"t the rKj*er of dejiUition ivaa.(b&on 'o't, thai very little wafl t ^en—(aboyt thrct;, r<tTamiofth€ extra \ cf t-Iy... yunu-) 1 L'iic famefcnl'c ol h rQr, :.ni fpufatodJO V-m* 'eV m «f A1 ,Uwi; C*L -*"" extiud Hy lockinic iftt aw'tw, «>r any other rn' fiance havi.^ a poliihcd refl.e Kingston, June 7, IB17- * * « • * • • * * • • • Wednesday last, being the King's Birth Day, theulual Salutes were fired from the Batteries and Shipping. The Steam Boat FRONTENAC Teft this port on Thurfday Morning laft^i on her fiid * rip for the head of the j Lake. KINGSTON AMATEUR THE A TRK. »• • l We understand lhat the Prefbyterian Church that has beeti for f>me time i ON MONDAY »:Vi;' INCL Wi!! be performed the Comedy f the Heir at Law ; With the F«rce J PLOT, and • Counter P;of. . Cj3 Door? to he opened at c IX, net;- ereaiiff in 'he Village of Broc1t*illef J formance to commence al SEVi^:. an'I for which fubferiptions were raifed in; j f-|-f TfCKETS to be had at iVt th:s town, will be opened for the IVst : Macaui.ay's. *.* Mo iNfonev to be taken at tLe time fer Devine fcrvice on Sunday, Tune' ■ -^ nr. . • . , * J , Door o» Children arlrniited. 22. Theferviceto commence at thej ( N> B [t w requcfted that every ne r- ufual hour of ii o'clock a. ir. | j fon going to the Amateur Theatre, will go to the Box for which then Ticket* arc numbered j thole who ad conti.rv -•Lovx-er Canada Steam Boats. /^ , . t r „ J to this rule, will fuLitt thcmfelves to ue cor '.he information ot traveller**, we1 I i I i removed. pub'.ifh the arrivnls and dcpartures nf the Steam Boats which run between Mon- freal *n^ Qufbee, viz. Ft ~j*n Matures*to Switches* By Auction^ , X^TILL be fu'don SA [ \<^X I v v next, tl«e 14'h inftanttVai i Y 2 -» ai.ig, at jj o'clock. From ^vet/re to Mfl'itml* , The Car of Commerce eve-v Tnefday, the Swiftluw every Thurfday, and th* ti)a//J: wi c- ery Saturday Night, a* the tide may Icrve. j 1 • The la(i Montreal Herald contains the Arii* lea oi affectation of the Mont¬ real Bartk- It contains twenty-five ar¬ ticle^. The Capital ftork i« nt.t to ex¬ ceed two hundred and fifty thoufand pounds, and to be divided into 50 thou- fand (hares of fifty pounds each. . LOUTS TAP1N, Kingfton, June 7. i'?jy. 1 4 ■ Naval H&fpital) %tiu *>. THE follow ag; A *tw , upr io be difpofed of, and rmv .be feen fro '01 1 I lHlli turfs c 0 11 imc mm nine i»f tl. lis sourrc we may eoWcct th^ unhi/..--I t MV-;t^r sihrnt th** ttisw *»r a pn&j fhrcnt^l rfopjnionof medical PractUiotmxwrr*-1 j f|IHf separatee was of 1 br •nt r> d eo- 3 itive to the*e anornali^s, eua<*r to res- i« var-iuation from the preJM.iie,^ now <(. ir, f HI liie Cttiltl wa> vaecUuHi bv tw.i mwm............... . m .inuncturesin the left mm. the mark- cited against it, or to prove suen j j *nrr leaveapp.ar nuiiur sinnlW tht»a mi>tom« a- these cases exhibit um not [jeotiimou—Opcnmurn d;vi:.e ;iod>atur- iline ^olulions were administered. From the above tho ganei'al outlines of th * rr»roahting wsei ntay be itnagin*. •d, in some the disease woat on itsreg- u1;m-c.-ur-io. till tin*- fluid was tak» u from the pu*tufe either on theoiLorblh day : in rthers in a tew hour^ afl^r vac¬ cination had been performed, the m- ilammatorv appisatanResiset iti so much ] ,0, nw on Hie*! day todiaCUatge from |fitep%lisc(ure aboft the quantity of a table spo-nful of matler i Generally «Epeaking the patients were very line strong healthy looking chil¬ dren : two punctures iu Hie san^e aim *Has th;"* mode adopted in all. Qlck-y, What gave rise to these anom¬ alous appearance: Did tlitf) fttise from a?-decompo<itiou 0l the virus: Kieni the improperslateof the in- strtom-nt used ? Or lias the crust been known to produce an anoma¬ lous vehicle Ui one case, ami auc- thor vacciued from tho sonje crabt? .cownon* but have happened to oth- ™s. It i^ noces-ary to remark HWy haw Jccurr«et' here to only one lVaclitiom-r, jfhn %tO?iJbfl2J similarenses have oc "■tttrr.d to him sine** March la-t^ out 0 ijhre-:- hundred chlldhn he hasvaccina- vlp&i btit whose characteristics were less ;• vera than the follow ing.------------------ "4-> ro.inths old. vaccinated 'Mi the 10th 3 tpril last; the disease appeared rc- Vuhnlv to proyiessto the Gthdav. when Spue lancet and two vaccinators madt Tf qutll, w°re armed from the Pustule : (il:e folio wins; inor-;:ng the arm. from !nePn^tule> beg&oto Inflame and swell awttcndtngfupwards to the shouWlerand |f>vru to the eluo\v?attendt d with great sttesMt&Pi fever and consequent un- a 'asiness for four or iivi days, the arm -for that space covered with a bright of- lolfcscence—After thi*= the violence of e-syrj»ptom6 abated and the chilil be- n gradually to pH well ; in about a irtni^ht or three weeks after, aweo'id liillaniation, in e*ery respect slciilar to hefor'ner. and nr.^nin^a sirnilar course ithotttbVintjjbt'e to assign any osten- ih\>. cans0, i"ok p!ae* but le.^s severe, pthfi terinina*-^?, of which, the crust- fl,fcneoiV (vatuinalicu being rau-dc vfitbI jn'ipo puuetures iii tiie same arm) avul' ere of a dark brown color : iu eLht STBays alter, another lntlamutory action '■'"(fexr.ctlv like tiie former but stili jess se* f(,*ere came on anu ran a^am tae came ■ rttourse : during tlii-. attack the axillary ^Ha£M$F of th- afleeti d arm became iu- ^bmed and tumefied and at this p#viod ^filith May, remain indolent and ^welled u*—\ dis iQamatiotJ o: the cuticle of this j^rm h apparent. The pustule nark^ Pfr>l,'ai supurhciaiond mtikW. The child .*fppears nari.ipliy troug and hettltllv : jiJOarVng the course of its ilin. ss. tiiebc-.v- r *Ms .vere always regular, ic never was' ,$* -n -l,tv <«p* whi^ medrdne^ lotion of l ^th. ihcfe feniati n*? ca'ne on fponta- neoufly: and veiy ficqjuent y (bliowed by I viol, t CiiPviilGoiis th* mou.ct any I liquid was brought in. fight— thff power [of f%vall*vwing folid mow began to dim j iYifh,md by 16o'clocJknot even the faliva ! could be gut dewn bntt ilTned abnndantl atn of the month, in & vifcid and ftriflgy ft^tte —From this motinenr, the convu!- j f»r»ns continued inctfTantly, until 2 P. M. [when Sl< died. ') he body became per- ffctlyputiid in a few hours after hej dec-ale. Ii. Qt . bf.c, 22d May. In the name and on the behalf of His ?/..;-.*. y. GEORGE P. R. PWlO our trufcty and well beloved IS Sir John C^tpe Sherurooi:l, Knight Gra*d Cu fs of the Most HonurabJc Military Order of the Bato9 Lirureuant (rcueial of our Forces, our | Captain Genetal =^nd &we;oor in; Chief inand over our Provinces of Up-1 I per-Canada and Low- i-Canada,in Anie- rica, or to tlic Uoe..... aider to Chief of our Province «i" Lc cr Canada, for the time ben*?* Greeting •—With this yv | will rec \^ a new Seal, prepared by our; fwT^anv aith ie*. prepared for this da\ s Ca/.ette, are unavoidably o;nit- ti d. PORT OF KINGSTON. E\TEtt;<D, WtfySl -*•' ft. Cvmmclo-.c Pemj, Parker frmn C/f'^l"'ar'$ar, ni'ti "provhiuH*.— ffflai '/fttvi'V, IVwQtlm t'rO'tt Sifk-ts'i,:-bvi\ with ciftfu. trunr¥. —xcA, lfamhrer% Vforrjfn from Jvac.V- >!*l.ttm,iin. to Hit punmg rsitr.d bnggaff?,— Rnai I. Ill; v-l>a />•"!"J. t'r.'W H l'viUr,'"fA ,\.<har- w1* .'///••./.—S-h. Mary Ann.% W«si r, from ft 11 rli tig ton with 151 forrchofjttiur* 8._Sr/fl TrluniphyUnil.from S*i krtshetrtor* wifft pntt'ilij Iralh r, cn'lr-Wcr,—>V/\ Dolphin Ftatrti fi'Oitt Og!cux&urg*i 'bound In Snrk '- •i*n '• •»*, f/if' t«ny —.\V. .•' '" p**r*. KftAfa f svnrfvc - v. with ' KQ11O t'"> 1 of hint*-n— *eH* I'hrnix. Kciint. f.itm S ifti* t-i/irnbury HUh y/«>- Mtti;i'\ itm' tHiffgngfu !.—.SVA. ("ni.foth*re Pcrrjji Parker* from Sftr^rt-iha 7'n>\ tvitti h'>f. Gutter ani r/trric,— S'/i, \.-.7'. .7? '/'uitt-r% ititrre"* from 'J'rup-\ rill- with 9Qt\ hurr'is of JtuJir.—". &at(8' SeA. Lml'i ufihr /,/(/,•,:. from Surfa'tehtit'liar, fftuxtm- «'-.'s CofiMIQtl re tYuQU :/. xInjor Gat An r. th. I,"itt - ofQnurnl and Major Brown, and jtr. other l.i'itirs. X—S'li. tiHrljf. }fr\'itt, from fflchbwl with WJfiOQ / ••' of ItuitOtrand ihinglc$<—$rh. iteinui* ~!avtj§ j.a llwpo. with nli br,r*t\ff xa-'.ttmtu ifunnii/u 'ff/ti isiun'i,— Hunt ffornet, Wood* (rwn SttCkftsharhOF* uith *A. r/». ->'•■/*. !ij:titit'.\ Cherry, from 8neketeharhort Kit't IV r am* of /"ip-r, rutnpravi<fon:.—ft'Jk. Hfhi rvn* ' f'tnr. P'"k y.fro-rf tl'i>niH»nt tr'/'i 90*1 A.»rre/» offournni}\hufpotash- Ho.> Mar,, (fitch- •octt. fro>» Hi t of tjniiUc$ with ^i aartxiiuoj ffnuri rt&^trna '■.. ^r. (j. — .s'r/f. i°.•<*./. , Kcnniji from S& :r/s.?ar- bai\ icitr: pass ^'.^avd b/'~~ti% .—fi-:tf ,'r.ac+ tj'i.orf,/ n BjfflrftU **;it.t< % tmrffils ofjlour nm1\Q»f' "•—t'/r '.*«•«!. »f ^"• r^froir ;/ Itivr? Trent^ vc"ii / -r/r, // (/v 1 ui 1 .^4*. (r.Gdnro. I ttnilSL—?rh. Cuni'muhre Perry* Park-r% \ far £ia**;tt9hxraor,— Boat tIorntt% Wood, for do. Jmr$+—fkS, Rambler* Chttrrjii for Hadu&s- harbor—Boat Lahj M-rit^ Brttgfy for Bhth ritic. o.—Scfti Triumph^ K>u<f fir Sac* nistotboh 4.—Sffc ftytffff.1', /•" nny. /"*** Sf/i'ktt -hofhor— *•■!>. Ci>n,.rcr;y. (> rk-V, 7'or ^'.—>V\ />a/- />/;irj, Wilis*,\>' ftftCgt -Sch. Mory Jnnt>., Mo- «Vr, far \~arfc—SUn>i: Boat JfotnUnar,McKcn- ;/*•. /or K"*"'*, icif'1 yttrffrK o'/ft barrage. ,5. — //. .U. SA//I C/u/'-cftV, Gqvf. titty, for the brad oftha Labo—V Staie ' .S //. /we/i/ o/i^i I Will Jti*- -V^- ^* !•*-'-------T#| [V-' ^^- ^*^- " /------'I ,v # tf «1 j <: •', »f. ^r « .. V^.m'iwp «Fl! Lake, tor Snrkrh/iaroor.—Si:/i. /f.imWtr, C.wr- Mer,f^t te ufc or out trovmce^ ol ^^ ; Lower-Canada, in comequence ol certain j _s(/( K ,1;,<^;i?„v,/-„r fawego- Hoot itar- found to exhibil alltha true- well d< fined marks of the g-uuiue Cow Pock ? V VCCISATOR. N.B. The first patient of Air.----- was vaccinated from a crust, the alterations whicli havi bctn ntade in our • Royal Arms and mi. Will and PIcafure 19, and We do herein- autbo'iV-e and di- d Ui ! 1 _ Ht fl tl I ( pustule ari^ins from it, affi-rded virus j lor many others, u ho raor or tr» suf¬ fered as the fort*g'ung : i^ 's worthy of ie-i.arkev^ry app-'araties^ent on na¬ turally till the Rihdayiri this lir^tv'ase, on which the vir- 3 whs toKcn,ir.iIlro;a ... hi h the child exhibited appearance* all* mly ?t%* *Af all PnbUck litstrum^ijt*, w!.;ch fhm bcitaatcr be made and pafled in OUT icmie, (and lot our fervIcC, uA the place of the I Seal now in ufe In the faid Province ; and for fo doing, this feall be your Warrant* ^ _ _ V T .*• /, \y-md, f.rr Hackepharuor—Sr£. lairp'ny, 1 Ml'i'iufor XmnLi (U-e k. fi.— %,-?.-. P ,,)ii.}\ Krnnu, for Srtclcet*hn:har— \hoaf-laiu, Wmtd, )'■"• 0*uegu-—Boat Dilplun,\ Uow\ far WcllvitU: Notice IS hereby given, that the old fchooner LJRK will be'fold at Public Aue- 104 o'clock, with ihe prico annexed, for one week from this ^atc. i ■ A &<•( t*f Maho^ny D ••^ T;tbie*, 1 d wsep hand" Ctie RuOi kot m Chairs, Kitchen UtcuHJ , a fmall b<ue Dinner Service. Glaf^. Cu.^rvf P. -e aiid Plated Articles, a Bedhead w * S Be»Mii:g &c comj letCj a quantity of new Flannel, Carpet, vr. See- Iwt-p Notice. yilHOSE fu ►ferlbcrato th? Kingston J. Rook Iff Tmii Society who hawe not taken then (hares »f th« BpoIcn ^'tf requeftcd to call ard tnke tlirm in*medi- ately ; othcrwi'c th y will be dilpo'rd of for tiie benefit of the foccty. A^d fuch as have not p^id tluMf fubfeiptions, arerequcSled to fettle without delavj with Mr. Sam'l. MiRRtLL. the Treaf* urer. Bj Order of the Ptyident. ice 5 To bt Sofd, A^fem A NEAT P.eafurc #AQ* \%^J J^ GOtV. the nrouerty rif an Officer leavinu the Pr- vince. To be feen.and fold by Mr. Waller McCumrte. Kingston, June 5, 1817. itf Public Notice. A COMPANY of the toth Bat¬ talion Royal Artillery, exn^&inj* to leave Kingftou fhortly,Captain II. A- Kollo,. Cooimnnding it, partici^arly Jrcqu^Qt3 all perfons, having claims up^.i the faid Company, to forward theift wrhou! delay to the Artillery Park, for i adj istment. I Kington, June 5th, 1817. X TOLET, 5?lOR any length of time, and pnfT^f- iion qitfen immediat^lv, that no ufe lately occupied by Mr- Edwd. Hender— fon, in Store tlreet. For particulars ap¬ ply to the fubfciiber. FRANCIS ROUCHELAU. 6th June, 1817. 1 tf NOTICE. THi_. fubferihers beg leave to inform the public, that they have cuai- mecced the btoiint;' & Forwarding : ,!,• roday of¥*humy, ^,7, in tl.e Uou.at tbe bmfc of J- B. EfTe^vn, on By <ViwkukI or h;s ll-vval H%h- tiv.-'.^ tl:« Prin. e Regent, in the Mroe and or. thc bchaif 0f Hia Mcjwty, BATKURST. J'Vc « the (jfuvber Mt -uru of *" V-7- CASE OF HYDROPflOBI %. Madame Br-:iu:j? wife of Mr Biuneau, of the Ord.ian©e ^c^nnnrent, hid h-rarm vio'en^y iaccra^d by the j hit of <i cat about "he co lejenci nleni ( of November i;,!l "he ant rfl 1 ncn-d j | STRAY^ARE. ^f AMK intoth, incl0fure of the ;?L ' Suh^-iber. ahei]t ^xrx Wetk- ago, a bi'y J;:n'. 1 k" v ener h delV.cd to prove property pay Charges, and take PHT1 , ippa.LEY. del »w sy« ?. M. fur ground rent and cliarge», uu- lefe fhc is fooner removed, and the rerit And charges paid by the owners. ESSELSTYN& A1NSW0RTH. Cupe Vincent, Juh: 4, i » 17- l W3P HE RE AS it has been reported vy th it 1 am onr of the Execotnw „f the last Will and Testament of J-)h" \lc Lnwghlm, l^c of Pitt&ttrftb, decea- r. d 5 this is togive notice, that lam not I ().ie of the Exeontors, but merely aj ,vitnefs of laid Wi'l. JOHN B AT LLIE. Piuftargh, June 4, 1817. J«Jp| lousiness. Thev will unload and receive Go«Js from veffcls, to their Stoit: Houfe, at the Outlet ; and from thence bn'ng them a- crofs the fmall lake wiih boats, to thefr Store Houfe, near ■ Mr. Hugh;on*3» They have alio a Scow to lighten the boats at the bar, at the Outlet. They therefore take this method of informing their friends and the public ta general that they will be in a fituation co tranfport Goods of every defcription be¬ tween this and Lopg Pornt, at thc fhor- teil notice, and ori the mod reafooabltf terms. Wm. KIR BY &C°- Hamilton, May 24, i H17. :wj ,, . ___ ____ _ JUST received by (he the fubtcnberf a complete afTotinient of GcnlteiiU'H** CtvathSi Of a fupcrior qualify a id Wbrtctttaomi^ which wiil be fold vefy rhi*p \x Casb. J. FiSK, Kingston, June Jt/>7 1817* iti ■