Kingston Gazette, June 7, 1817, page 2

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1 t<?or?rnmflll Pal fmO Se So'd ?t Public Auction, in .& ?•«»«'c-f the Commiflariflt Store, eu TUESDJT&t colli June* «<Wi I-MM /»•«* ^/ooj;», 3 '0 Ffottr Ihrrrh; 100 Pork Bat rrtscnid Tierces, 1.000 Bfccitt* &*£*■ The fsle will commence pseciitly at 13 o'clock. Commjfariai Office. Kington, a; th M«y\ 181 f< 5 2 frovemmpnt Sale. TO he Wd at Public AUCTION, on WVoursUA* 'lie i ith June, in the Mfrifo P'^ce, a pair of Black Canadian Horses, Waggon and . Harness. i n I Mr. Scott, ATE SURGEON1 of His Mnj-s- tv\ Ship Montreal, on Lr.kc Onta- and Mr ruber of the Royal College ..fSurgeonsin Dublin, formt-ily o-e of! the Medical Attendants si the Lying in H fphal in Dublin ; acq'iaints the inha- hi'ianti >f Ktofjiiqa and its viu'nity, that U r fides near the South Gate, m pMtj of tic bmife occupied i,v Mr. Richard fon. and intends ynQlRns the leveraj brashes of his prufeffion in future,— Every attention will be paid to patients, on the moil reafosiablt twits. A fmatl proporn'oH ■(MEDICINE, of a genuine ooaliiv, to be had. tungsten, i y/« May, 1817. 5'w6 ! LAWS of Uj'pKiVCASAD MlSC^LtAWBOUb. * ft * • ■ * I .'1 r^p Sale will commence at 11 Cnmnrjftiriat Office. Kiwi'M* 20th Mayt tRr7' 'clock 52 To Bakers* GOVERN WE NT CONTRACT F RENDERS will be received at this L OfFLe until 12 o'clock on Monday the iQth June, from perrons' wifhing to fi'^nlv thfflGarrifon foi fix months,com- mefici •« ftftbi J'»ne and ending 24th of December next; with B*ead: to be baked fr-m Ft.-nr furmlhed from the King's Mai?-* xhieR. Fmther information may be had application at this oJBCC- CommiiTnfat Offi.c, 7 26, 18:7.3 Something Neil ' tfTPlHE Ni&frriber is desir- " -" Mi* <>f 1^/*%' ALL hfeSc counts op'to-tbc£oth JUNE 1817, in oidcr that he <ray fcnrw how he lidnAt ui the world.------- TR0&1 therrfoie who have accofiltt*1*- gV?oft him* art defircd to prefer* them on«>r about that day. that * fer'lement j mav take place. He alfo expetb, that fame of Ilia country Dihfcrihers, who at. ;c/;v two and THREE years in arrcar. will cafi and f-ttle their accounts wiili- out further invitation. STEPHEN MILES. OaZFTTG OEflCF., Kingston, May ?8, 1817. Strat/edn I71ROM A1 fley's Mill* in Phtfhnr^h, the 291b April Lit. three working OXEN—two of fhern black, one with c a whit* face, the other a ftar in his Wee on I and •< h-11 on ; thr rther a red one with a • Kincjfion, May 52 " JVOTTCE TO LUMBER MERCHANTS Proceeding to Oue&ec with their Rafts :— ? |lH \T every advantage will be given _lL to forward 'he (<Re of -ill defcrip- tlo .s of Lurnbct that may arrive On the Beach of fit. I locks, wheie every thi »ff belorgfri'f to a Raft *>clU tor a higher [-rlecthan in any other Cnirtrtowing to its beng Co near 'he Town M&OshatiS! JBt*«* ■filV«*irR ffjrrtfc qivntly ^ive the Lumber the pr.ftreire, as 1 he charge of ground rent and other cx^iUes will oc up>>n n» »der;ite terms R. V^QOi)f I 1 Fpit'^r of Jjumhr. .Q^icbec, i6ih May, 1617. $Z\*6 Removal. TIHE fubferiher beg» leave to inform h\ fr'c: Js and (h-f pifhlic* tha; he hasremovfd fiom Bar^ck Street <o the coioer orator* and Water tuieet, oppo-) fitetoMt Kit by*!, "n the new* Stone Houfc, where he offers for fule a frtih aii'./t.v.eut of Drv Goods and Groceries y GLASS ANDKARTHEN WARKj xftl which he will difpnfe of very low for CASH. S?/fj—Pour elegant Rooms and a teixokte Cellar Kitchen, to be let in th^r faul lioufe. MICHAEL COYLE. Rttigsititf) May jo, 1^17. j2 A SCHOOL OP liberal Arts and Sciences. tniliiE precep'or of this School begs JJ- pe-;niilio(i to acqumt hi* friends and the public, thai having rem^vi-d a few Joors from the farmer eftabliibmeutj to thi commodious Stone houfe recently occupied by Mr. Henry Baker, fronting Store, he will haven in hii oow- tr t-j alford his preient pupils, and thole who may hereafter at fend, with n hand- iome paved play ground and other p!ca- fing [uvehfle convvnie ices. He returns •untei^neilacki.uwltdv^nun^s to hi.friends tat th ir very If Serai Inpport. A f«>n of the Reverend J, G. Weayant is ftortly cx^eciedas Lifierin bib School.—He .trofta from his f-mer attention hia nr - arrant>ea.ent« and future exeicions to le- *s'»rea c-Mitinuaiice of public patronage The Evening and Sunday Schools arc s»1fo continued at thr, place. Scholars reading-at adiltancc may be boaided and inttructcd on moderate Xenns Kingston, May Jt, 1817. $%$ KOR SALE at Tins OFFICE, / JIT \ rlR " Proceedings of a Court fllar. Jl /.viA holdenat Qaebepi foi the rri- alof Lt. Biisoir Bknosk. of the 4?^t R^'i-nt of Fool, in July, rSl5/*—. j line back, all aeed about 7 or 8 year* I Any perfon who will return them, 01 ' »ive information where they may be OUlid will be wr"l awarded. JO HN fi R M v TR0NG. I Pittsburgh, May 28. 1817. S2'v4i V"V*\^ I _ —----- 1 tie nid Cc ; rflHE fubfcriber WiAes ro inform the; \ tfT f|U.jl f(J j *" public, that fhe has Iat:ly put up |r>.00fo"fn an excellent iuw MANGLE, iu Stme 1 Street^ near Mr. Gof^'s EfuuiV, — Her AN ACT, To extend the Jurisdiction of the Court of , Requests < » 1-.*..." -MMaTh. 1"16.1 VlfTHERFAS it will contribute 10 \ V the co. /eniercy of the Inhabit¬ ant* of this Prqvincc lo extend the junl- diflion of the COUit« of Reqneftfl. I. Belt eiuusfcd by the Kbg'a Mod excellent M*]d\ym by and with the advice) and content of th* Legiflarive Council and WfettMyotthi Prince of Upper- CnmJz* conllitijted and afTembled, by virtue of and uij-jer the aarherity of an act palT-d in the Parliament of Great Bri- tain, entitled "an aft to repeal certain parrs of an aft ,.nfTed in the fou.teenthj year of hi? M<,| ity'» Kcl^n, entitled -Sin j act fo< making more cifclual provfflbn for the Gove;t.;r,ent of the P.ovince of Quebec in NVih Arren'ca, and to make fort her provijBon for the Covernment of the faid," ar.d by thesutlmury of the fame, tl»W the fe-^oud-claiifeof "an \ act paffed in the thirty leoond y*ar of his Maj>fty*l reign, enmled " an adfbrj the mo';i eafy and foeedy recover/ off fmall debts" fliail be and Uic fame ir here¬ by r-pealed. I I [ And he it fyttk* moSsl by the an- \ tborify afunfciid. Tuai fiom i»nd iftcrtliei firftofripriii yt, itmal and may be! lav. fu' for every inhabitant within tbej lifmtnofthis Province***© * n or there- Tifu-r may have any debt o' debt5, owing 10 him, her or them, not exceeding the, fj'nof live ponnJ-. Cui'ency of the Pro-; vin-e. by a. y p-rfon or perfons whatfb- j ever» 1 tb?.b:t:"ic: the laid P"0'-incc, to cauffi fi ch perTon or ju-. fo v U1 be wai iv d j 01 Clutiupced by a wnring under the' hand of a Jbftscc of the P .^ce. afting uu-1 dei flnd by virtue of Hi. M-j hV* com-j rniflton fo he Mr with fooie Grown per- ! fon at the dwlS'n" houie or place of a- Lode of inch oe^fon or perioni O by Er- vice of the fame, on tl»e pcion of lurh deb-or, *o appear befoic the JulUces of, the faid Court, and rl.» Joilice^ af-i rnmom an aforefatd3 fHaJ; upon ! ch fummwni hanng been fo! l-ov. the Kingston CiZETTE. To the mom,wo^ writer tfavausr<-er to Camden in the Gazette uj *tfm - dau hsU n%M* 1 on have honored mj With an ansv. e. form of item***** Tn '"•T'^r>,:<":* « h II* IK %S , I »kppOnefll , iffnii .irdttahl.....'- n« . , - clocirii>r, 10 ■ 1 • ■ '-a1 •■ a 1 [^ ^iVibiecirtwrqu^"*1'^ ■»"" • aw ' i»iitifif*Tnrnce»iofyom h'n rnwi-tnrfu. ^ I net,condrtdes-with*h«pa -a<:-\, 4IJ nariralh uuocrdi w •• " *•" ' "*• uo' '« p ! • y itiiux com\u*«f U«r Si. Iawrrnr^ are re- ,ouce TbtoacfcnoftI?dg.rtri *w*t befbtec S bVa*^ Wvr nor <f.«,en ro appea v"h\-o»r tftesrta rba'Wirr. I r(U,(;nniovo1.r^.io-iatl.aiivsprrl, ami au- jr«y v.)«i a- an monyiWiui wmT. Before weatwnaeli yooifaam RwttHnHon iffteeins necessary to remote or surmount some of votrr oat *vorI»». . -»^ ^oul.av.Miv.dranrfiortD uitrrcept Cam- fa* march, bs an ob^.idr of a prrll«fa a.> Cliarar*er, thai » hem/rfV*♦ithn the lar.. And i tift la*, then, 100 deli. ai>, or too .nj-Men.«.va ortoosaercd,tobe<IV«a^fl i" a puM« (,il- /rlu? IcUan in teres. ini»iiiiyerUo! a imWie na(U'e,iiitthiclianum»'ro«iel^of'.Hh:ihiiaru< an eo..cen..i!; a qia-tioi, indeed, proper tor urofv^iOlial a'»v»ee, an;!, u due time, fti jnUt- rulde^ion, ;:;;•; peH.a»-ew-nlnallv, for U-- pislativeiflterj.OMtion; hn, ;n ihenornm. noi improper for N^\\-[.aper|i?nissu)u. And sure- Ij,ioUiwfreecoitn«ry,a^ person \v\10 writes Kith iain!o!ir;uMdeeino. mav, ivithorl j »>t p»0sC ofuiVetice,offer iiiMpinion on such a.-ub- .,,-po cot coU *rm.p anj '••"">« M'm,| us,-: hniO'.U lop"1 tn" v oio 1|ir ]•<„(;, h,^ ( olhcioV lor f«*eh» ""*» ^nhj-ct 1 nr 1 ,ia:itNcanieii:aiidt"avl.i'i^u.;; cdicistipe] -:„,( troyhle;" -. hiin, tit' infti i a 5>,tqfl -.ixatimi.hshihr !.'^ hit.-re o-Iu uot intended-and the «',1,1",H,V u,n n^"r .100. \Mie.lur theaif. " ,'1 h( ropcht-n, ' or, a c.*rmn!> rontn-n i.-iiini an awrtifl tor an i-ntimariun-gV*1' ' nfnp* \t» |. ' lirtillingiOjinppo'-e^n" ll'MTO v|i»Tflifal it teUj'itimUtti prB?enrfiion«frunideiiJiir«iier{' oi pronmuu'iflg bitn " n ^.'.r n picUeiHWci 10'eriTrJna!." You m. ;■ iia.- (oh. yottprll a* ce.sedofreiii^hneN^aii'1 «-vewof i>eiDfa»r)HW a*yonov»re^ it,lt h- n» pihor motive^ u, voii mi-iu^k ><»uruce:iM'." 1» Ha? h«l t nMtJ So, Sir, it mial i.»ve brei;.» more tcmidabt* Kccusrr.within jony ovu hr.-u't. Fount fives hnv'^^or, ii'vl in' WtiVC hern thus p |irl) eo-uesM'd. t'J.ej rannoi airecttif qR tioti before the puMic. i ire correctors or eoiTectiie-ssufjn isniKerpreUiJioiioftbeac. »;o. \01rr persouuJ vrrv-. i- 'be irur ponM til ru^inn I and iot':«. romr ivil Oioci n aiin'< 'jucni'im, wiihout lanti.lii:^ any get in piiTstsit or w»h. \ ourpo?ition is iba;cl all vr«-e?Kboats,n and earriog*^ oar.tatnlnp snoods wnr-^ o'rm j chntnllsCA, Coming f> ornnn- port or pfaff tehatti I Mwr, ar^ 10 ho reported ... U.e (imo;,. iUi\n ■ Y 11-. voueiidiM\o:ir u> pr«vt Sroin two nun :.-rt and ^Ue'n^rra^ii:u support ol it. Ha- of aiiurarnl: 1st, the vtO** *f ^ 9M* diem iu error," Inr^w, pennit mp to 00- *ei^evtbattiieiawujifi«:e»'U?i«tenititffl;baaueei. iu f<»rcee\rr-i«ic. 13t« Siuecn > a nnl raining rnml. wtr^ or m^rr^arJ^e. [ n** ! \t\ ;u iiuc .; • .ani >H»*i>,oreinorot ihrm, VfiOnfti t'ollor: rrof br * pmj ne ii *L vtuirpp'.l^ovor^ud yn.r ^dop^oi. of it I Lfon -:v 1, :h^ nosier or > :i,-i • ••. d"! # r.ijiii/i l»c a-vnbrd .j I">a.a^ e.n .e. ii> your thoiiM d% linvnn; the - hiugeoi euinnuUKiofv rr*'t ns aiiverti-oiiieiii ii tile Gazette, and .noro I vesrcl ' *\ -h?!.' f/i thw'lli n»p«li *» •" I'.^f •'rr'ui i.ih stun* or h* Fu*wir, quired GoUs prices are, ror Table Linen, Sheets, and other plain articles, 19. 3«i. per dozen ; Si'ics according 10 rite piect>; Gowns, [pttttaiatSjoriach aiiiclea, 1-. icd per 'dozen. MARY VYII1 ITS. i\tr.gstoti% At ay 29. 1H17. 92 For Kate* 3131 r1 Of aaexctr'le-ti qu^ffcy—Enquire at F. .-. •. h'to-e. Kingston, 2 id May, 1 h* 1 7, 51 W^n , ,wj v'^ntiMio! *o"4^^' :.t tl"" pitbilV ' /iniii'i.'t left orierved-a* halt ruin days previous! toerror.butfo> viniatingyott 8£*'si*t j-our- to the day n'f apoearance, have full po-ver 1 and afiihoriiy m\ utrtue 0t the laid set,! to rnakc or eaofe to be mad**, fuch acnr < rder», de'-re*-. fttdjjmentft and proceed* tngo between f- h MaintllF, atad hi-.. her,( 01 I heir debtor* tjeff iidaritj* touching fttch! del t'. no: exceeding th- fu<Ti iffiveponnde] n as they Ha:l find eoMMent; :SjHity and good cnali fence, and all K, order*, decree^, Jndy;mein3, e-edin.r<f Cali he enre ed in a j !?J°J "-i bHcept for that purree, prcv W-iyc, that not.ii'f' herein con- 1.1 ( recent Circnar h-t-r i'» <»»#• M^r'-nar-s ir ' V*. KingsiO.i, itanpearo,pae you urv atttfutpci 1/^11 tUibituo great ittbrt u. io;ic *> ■ quirertj toinirorrueearha g.^pf-^.*1^ iTni>orta' ?. !■'] ■• yea: j;-. r o 1. Hen- */'•'• oni-oder U respects the fer< of p('p. tforvaiioitft rrp*m| "f,n) i|«ntcd,R* 'tone**n •; jnef, ^'Hcn ■ »oj|>pi\ ^o-trlo^n, - on n ai linuitj ^riJirr Bfnteiiiw; ■»• '* '• •> na!J; ; £.*■• mom w Ir il norc rlv* n'i" ■Mittltt ; r,i-l.-.t..e ,1;.11 ' r. r n-» ftfltutfi*' 1 -ni*«a 1 Mflft*** *W>>eld i< I^oi'-ed, u|i\ eon *»v <»'nf mo«inii i: 01 '"■" Mlltl Vi »t* eatabtUhod pmeiiceufef*i not u L-- b*r wi'Imnt VT) satisf^cip n a^ous. If you a- • j j '«*» d now right, yon anJ yor predecessor w t-*- o»a- nyytarsui'OR^. .» bti irawe i»o! oc: 1 ;k-- i )', ^i*i...i..e .ham.- tuicrru^ i»i • wtwii^f^n tc-ti 11» oi'i»<-»t(M i<r jc... >o'.i- new ispini.iu 9 ciroj.oo;;s;ane C3m.i1 way clatui cine indi I- fore th* w'-h ei fuch ? [and t>Tt VI I rained f Mtall extend or beeo^ftrued to tx 'JlHE Widows ^c- recommended by; !jc" ro- ^uthonTe Inch Juftices as alore-' A^ the bc.ard w rhe Mid'and Dh l !.a,cl» l'J■ nive any judgment ftr a larger) tricti c?.n iec.i\e theiT* PWIOMS, by applyinp; at tht QtRct of Das tfit. W.xshbui.n, Efq. in Kincj^to-.. money unlt-fi the ferae fhail d bv ac- iprit z'j. tByr 47 O A T F, For Sa'eat this Office. fr'-71 th; ri Fctfty&ulinMp fawfifl !ofti"- Province, j have be p r>ro;0„/}v alcerr,-"'ncd by N;*"wl^,io;meit of'lie Defetdant in wrf-l r' '£ °' oihcr o.oof than that of ibeoath ' 0 * ;c tofeeutor and provi led fl'io. that no'hi."' Vcmi admit that hJasr^taWf«h-r *♦ i»t* dv *ri?u'to iii"fiii»s;fl;,ron '•Mnoi'li^'lit? •"••.id rs; aru\.f ;,mi k. rlH.rllj*' bis "/fc/T.MVA/a,*' a. you term it, of tbi ".J. i*ir*e*ir« «i. -d .:,cn;- pOaitt ronmxiu ,i0n [evidently cnrrrci ;" tl ai 4i ibearg#rirjen'«ncfvaiitfj5a»%:uviK'n(t) iai • and tn ian^'ia^cinpip.'ratr/1 Wlu awi .hj.I tie pruicfpie* io.«....» ,id«*J^; uia; .u*. of ibem are sttt:*ti 'ivitf; int*&pwt* fa ifnttc. + a dor'rine evid "' fn-'oiTc-1, ami rfgiuueiw* cpiftcnlty fdr**i ^nhe- *o»h eoiifi" noMoifctv piniou 01; ha [irarfand iirai \» oi rea -. > in ^e- MTal 1 there»ult "Mipe; jt innK-r iaTi(husr..>r an rbfilHlOfl nfTaim and ;tia.;nn,i>i*ol f<)T ifle Mid(Ci'f'\ I e?no|\ a«.s«vrrlor yrysell, ii;ai I really iJiouglit twublic, In-iore who!«etrii»o« wai \\o have In en dcu^ingan itnportani (jne$- trou, had sen«i emili to JiMiiteuiai viphi ;> ! fr/im sound fi^ureiuarlbnoeslj FVfficiem 10 be rlijfiauxfied witpHenTpei^ate-laii^uaee, and evidem foJ»U) aulueorrectuf^ hy whumev- pj", or in tthatevejause, 1 ii#-> >liuuiJ be muo- \ 011 siill have nlvo. Camden, you a-serf, ubft>$Ui'ci'ed«d a* dhetorician^ Mliere he se* eo.nled Jf?ire."' ),ni K)ietone,pray, ia there in citing ar lareeie vcr^ ivorda of .nai gecuo* • m ' sn.h ifffv, v iiril <• ,.' \* ••.!('■ Ik. tr *« •»' nunh"K'^ivi ')r.i|fwr Tl*eirutlil*»«*ew ■*• • iuaI i- i<i.i Joe ^ra;.ini..i;ral frCUU.DC<fl whirhthr 11ml ••i,o(v.< )*• y&v rr iw» Mjj bei o'-riot.^iv. j',» i .0 .-'1,. «,*,|vr •■.'.noW mi give cf.V.i ijcari.,!,.« . .titer. fiiet^V m« * hC tfc' -i. 'n ». :,,-. mn. .'J ' -^l*Ji jfaken by if>v!f, is ni'liom ... v r--t.i> eii«'»*«"J n-,dv ptr»r»jbo ihi. > o.^ tfa cli:u ?r-f rM' :un f 1 .v-.n in n/ • .|. . -. .,„rf. Uoesit u.llie; au> p<nai;\ I'm 3 ,, J.xiti Vt'r lit 1, lU\ ,;. j,""",:'.i-' i rhfs ?rt contain^, fha'l extend, jor b^C ,ril1ruefJ to extend, t. antln^rife- toe uiOi mo,,;na of arty defendant or de-| fend^ms b-foreany other Cocrt of Re- n , 7 o qnel1* v^hin any DHlnSi 01 Connty, o-, blank, aumrnonscs w«*B a* «*«* (haiibeeftabirihcdi w-, A, ta. . -. r 11 ^y r"c Mtrgiftrate* in Qu uter SlAiomik as For the Distnct Courts, for jbv law ,Vll^(] tW thcUm'fior, in which Sale at this Office. }uil received and for (all thii Oiiice, 11 Reams Writing Pod No. 2, 9 ditto dnio uncut. £ at Cash and the highest price paid tor CLE \N COTTON AND LINEN A G AT THIS Oi'FICE. R Notice. THE Publica»e hereby particularly cai:tioued aaaiulL purehrjling my Note of hand, palled to one James. Rob- infi ri, for five ponnds or upwards, as the lame has* been paid by roe. ANTHONY DURKE. Kings/on, JlJay 23, 1817. .fuch defendant or defendants fliail at the! tiiiH-o, iflinpff fuch fu'i'moim be rcli Jc"t. HI Provided nl.v.iy-, a'/Jbe if fit. thcr cna %eJfy tlx authority afcrefmj, Thnt nothn,,r ;„ this ad coiitatned fh*Uextend or be <"t..,fJrneW to extend tu a-tJio-iie the holui.-b p],.af Infiicll Coud for auv debt C"nlr;.«tc.I at a Tavfn foi fpii«»tM ){■'■ qiioaj @r foranjp gambling debt what-] evi-r. IV. Anttht 'tfurt'-er enacted by the au¬ thority afire/aid, That lid Writ of Exe-! ortson f0. khiag and f !!?ngeffecta fljall .ifTi.e imt,'i forty days after Judgment has' vati'ed where the fum exceeds forty llu'l- J1U 0 STOLEN, .ingb. err- 11 »ce 4/9, S2iF. I FROiVf Mr. Thompfou's Wharf,I Eingflon,on the night of the 1 itl» intt. a i'aul BOAT, wiih (piit Sails and Ichooner rigged, with u boomed Mai foil and oftlJe k. eifp.ked on. Whoever will return faio boat, or give information where ii may bt found, will be hand- fomely rewardedj and all necciTarv rbar- gc« p«*u s/Lds Mat. Kingston* A fay 24, 1817. c 11 f iiL.iNiv Sail bo u^. ' EOT saje at this OiHce# ii Notice TS hereby qiven, that thr- buflnefs h Jt tol »recarried on by tlte fobferibero, - th: day diffol^ed by mutual COI1fenc. All (JcbrsdM to, or agninlt them, to he paid t„ Delifle, who continuea the bufineis, and will liquidate all c!3trni BENJAMIN HOLMES, BENJAMIN DELISLE. ^ P«*, xyh Maj, 1817.. f, W3p To Let, '. A SD po.TefTion give,, immediate!.. -^A. a consent HOUSE, with fiv^ roums—EjMnmt of the fublc.iber 70VSWT ZBSTJGM. K>»gstun.&fay33>l8t7< PERGCS0X-5 ot 0.^d to-. „ver 0r UI)dt, • , for Saleat tbii Olfiw..B ' rlh^a/'* nn wlif| tiie q u'Siion bei »\een n>dc- peods, thus fimjf comparing ItsseveraJ | arts, and (tawing licences, wiueh die r«»ai'-er i.-. liiu.-." 11 >sii« d \\U rliefji**ari>oi \'u\<rUts'o( to, bhnficll'; tt i -, (<>t* *mre, n ;»lain, fair mode .if reasinin«r. andja ^nnn caiiM', a cnnviitchiff one ; bin here nothing riieiorieai an it. Cainrfets, bower, it neenis, bu> succeeded, b«T.iii?e " Ae sfiitia! dc-siee i" li.a: t>, ii* 1 com- prebendtfti forloffherxjw ion, "^ean ebb readrrs. '•:»:<»■ .^ ihi-iriinere^t, wire de-nou. orbril);;<'<'n\i,-|d 0^ ills tun O'UCOVtl ui lnc \u\\, 1'ifisst jfjsnoi). tliaf opinioa j< inilnen- ced by intere>Jii tu-tf-ed^* d -ui>i*i ; and, ui<- fdrtuaatrj^ fopu. ;? .-hai^i te'i^;'i^ turned a^uin.M voii'Sf! lor, «-eu|iectnr,you unite tn vuiir unglff- pjnn. «1s mncb inieie-:. on one -ide,> dia,-lu;ed, ou the othej-, stfeiJug aij 'liu 1, wbomiiiay y»u eliemfditSo/iai reea voi, 1 * Idreeeh.ti UiP.uultipJied Custom iloil^e re|K)!is Nnirioft!u*piogi wonid aceraeto th.Mr.-aMiry. Tiie whole, wludi allot" tbcm Mould Ioh*,>t utfHkJindi-.iJurjjj gain. \our opiiriiii:,i/ierOii%«t:lie meaning of th< art, Uab :::div*l id more liable 10 toe hiiliieneeof interr.l, ;ind»n-eqnenih 01' prrji-dler, tbai) ibar ofany «e of thent Poor ( q^ren receives tbebtsb ot yonr cen¬ sure at 1idni|evi-rv wcp. iou <^.»»v bim nub a"di'iJeti')i./ro.-./ prud.MtceaaJ j>*opr - eu," and A bis »u ual r.artness enimlA rujMinJv bii!f.b< 11 heas-i-ru-d :Dui vb.- i>Hie« ■*• of (iV.ermrfK had u*>ofher inoiive lupttwim HiISDCM CpUtftfoiron Ihr UtAUlttfL ».,ai. iO pui moneyio tJiepocfcet of Che Cbtteefor for feesand«feet die mveehwi^ carrim and larm. rsr»redlnisespeiiseai>dan bh ° ^thecJm.Ugoverawrra,indaWrsaBJi dr.i reitir*ce u laniropoliac the » bole honor 01 ll,e-u^-oa,,,eiin,,' and. a, Uie JS goodeoffifcr .and become, if not meir -o ■* K'nivlu-rbif, ifiiolcrimiiial,^ 6 ^ |.nn,ritf. llip P' r. Ut) in- ■• ; ..((1 r ibesretimsdcu' uotreG*rti*iii-*et U:*.znW less in eonner*lon vrlth t,h#» ^rennd i|.( efg'isi h«ii*;;in lhr$i vi.kI-: < aiwUfiln. '•in reror pi»r?on bnvir^ i!*eeiT»rg t.rconiL dfany snebre>*el, 1 at, raft 01 '".'i::;^r prelect or omiI lonjnfcetb'»»zn'i rriiorf *•- shall, for everysiicii oHrnee. IVnlrn nnii« -iiim, noilePS tban 1 ve pound . i.oi aior/u two hundred and fifty pound*,*1 This p**ciHiiarY penalty i« rhe only oanrf' providrri l>\ the an ff»i 'niU' ir*»b-»-iv3 The ve-^H hoar, raft or *arriHtr*' itself „ tbrfeiteri and made liable n* tJiv | oeca of znrc. Tbrir [s«i remedy hnran a* .ioufor penallv^ and eucbartfon i*giv*n nntvasa uihe.w/i ma^irr, Sec.Of sttc/r \****vttm$r4 the firs? elause of titeseerjoti i> to be coosi a$distinct, and iineoituet-.ed wf.Ji ilieie the ma-ter or person liavijig Uiecbaige,^ \U$g ibem'u menfioned, h no: i^t-.v^njas de. and therefore is noi Gubjccl 10 iJic ppn TheAnasJer i^ firntinned in tno .laiiMi. rid** the penal clause, and in boih <*. bS^ll vt-H. b.^c. rafl o; earriap. i • d< *ei ,u": ^ ally tmyakvA) andngaiuM ^^,1 other tew ani j^ fheSfa(«(e; and jj b an rtiil}^ j Mile *>i .'.nsrli.lijiTi^nidenef. tbr4tten^J aivroV construed tfrfety, —d nor rYreJ n\ eoii.;fruetini/. V Vo« rre«,, from the words of (be <k, life beiiff*- netebMl in .!■<■ Imiane. an; kI (vaiidiy;,' Jen.* n.vxr examine M»nr am3' rt'-rive«rfiO"»ibeiiio;;ve^ ivbieii" probefl** duced thr !^rt»Jmnretepabs c|j.i htm**, • Yonroinvde ebailJie ohjeei of the Si ( v,a>tiiereguiatJon of titid^ «> frfa fbe Li ;Siar.->; !n,t e</m.|.d tl .ti uiy reffn.'ttic trade icftA prft &/, rtJ Jj u neces*ar> to r^i j.» fcttefU, ho 1: ubate%rr ploee r-fcev rami berrporred; for otfterwiM-, >oU oImoimJ j ^^InbenodinicoJima.tfrf.Va !>.-itraUId] I -a^W lade-: m La ('hir.e,a-w! r*s f.ovr ,(. J Jgji eempj^eei at Hamiifon, < 5jeA^.*r^] ebe^hcre, nirh roHfiss.n.,! ftr tut^fl r.e*. fbtfiee yon fuf r the fnten'Imi 0/1 Uvi?aitt-rr r0 re<ftrire J?ejion> fM m at] m »<»eN and bottfo, an vh Ii as rj.on-AundA States, inoiu.rtu prevint Mi;r.^?11(g. ^tN«Iimyivrrvfffifte i.r- fJ ..,. ffa narnaribarnvwha. io..r»,r<|af {l ,.,.., ?|| rf juted States, and iiu iKerame iinuope in iJ"»--ii.eMn-Sa,Ii:tU.-io;,e rrm.ivu l.c a I^rbamtoTeoinin^fromflii an.,-p!,W Dafioi»adiiimei«rjaiilLC*A0di: rcM»f*ci. aci e fiice in J W Sdly, to ley thr Ptn-wtt nf sour a-i neuf wco.^nt to take intoccji Id, iatiofi3 u'-1 nrdiiig ro your euiKtna-i .on, Imieat cm yonobfaii) by a :ri,*or(i(f a hamau.u i>plae--n (i„a| dJ»u^a,..w? v«k norttnyniuvrglpdpjod # ulf|4.n ,t |( ^ P|Jtf|( loneniue iia^. i„<]mi ai|(< rretiy ifc<ri on bo; •<(. be as Jecrr-I^ "1.411 A w>meintefaiediai.#pl.Hv/ binoJiVrtpif W»«W«Kl«fcr»»lMV.-.lreiai.i.iihi*^ ?* ', ™ Nrl*.v ^:*'.-' "'""I rari;. , .1 M^ ai pli ' idiculr r inpfr, , ■ xr,,,r '.rear argumenMni i.,hu»<f ^^'^ao.inali.o.^o,,,.^..,,,,.,,,..,.,^} Cwidoiir «ere oldi^ )IM. ,0 ,. > ,„,* «iniiy«H>etti.ii 'i-in..duilr,r(,.,( . r«. •;MH'f| U'll 'vll.lrdiUlr irp'.t

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