Kingston Gazette, June 7, 1817, page 1

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[SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 181?.] roN [VOLUME VII.------No. i.j GAZ TT KmaoTON, Upper Cakada-Pmhts and Mlmu bv STEPHEN MILES._P«ce Four Dollars per Annu m—Exclusive or Postage. £&!*3E9K Lieutenant Governor's Office, TIl Tdf~\'"XTm ¥~~^ *~* jHIS i« to give notice that Tenders will be received at tliia Office from ,<ierfon orpjrlo-is as may be deSrous Itotra&ing to reader She whole, or part of the Water Communication ted La Chine fend Kingston,by the COFFEE-HOUSE. THE fubferirr having opened the Houfe laty erected by Mrs. Fin- kle, next dooi UUtm & Fink!e\ ref-1 c of the River kukau, rjavsgab'c h> r~«hw| drawtug.twofeet ivatet and tea feet j tnken jjreat painso furnifh it in every pe&fwlly inform* ic public, that be haa ^.j taken g —alfo, for boats drawirg ihrec feet | * cfp ft to merit thbeft of cuftom. 0*en* and twelve fret in wdlh. !itl."r>en ;..uveiling uy rely npon having he Tenders are to Ipecify ttie nr.m- 5000 accomm 'drubs and attendance. Locks and the placet at which 11 |f Their being att.hed to the houfe a ipnfed t«» build rhem : allot1 \ rtiim- 'l«T^H yjrd a»"! (hie-;, Teamfters can of Fiood Gate1* in each Lock—an-.1 11 have iuitjhlc accomodations, S^wpc every dayom 12 to l o'clock. 8--v-n or ei'jlu jj'tcel boa.ders can be attcud^d 10. J. MOORE. Notice. A LL perfon^ indebted to the fubfcrl- ** ber arc requeued to make imme- diotc payment. All kind* of produce will be Uken in payment, at the Afarket prices. s Tne fubf.riber has taken into partner¬ ship his brother, AWaw R. MacDnnell. TheJnifTpefi; in future will be carried on under he firm of In ad'.iiti,!. to 1lu.11 tour -v 'iuck, the) arc now reviving a nrcnerai £fi finest of Tiie Steam Boat FRONTENAC -V enods for completing the work Irifh Creek. ender.* wiii ^!fo he received for open he Commun'cat'O" in the cHrc&u«n e Rirleau Lake, and the w?.;er [ ixiuestSng from thence ta mud • and fromt'eucc to JCinj-Hon, drr«>, rt?tincr the tVcuntiri- for per injj the contract wiii be peeciveJ til' tothof June w:%t ioclottve, and fur- particMlars may he known bv ai>* klo the Surveyor Gen. Oiftctt at i—The Office of the D-.potv Qnar- alter General at Quebec—or th,; ant Quarter hUlUr General *; rtolK /£ Ft!-nary t8i7. ^^V fc/ JOBS, K':"»stor ^d. 1,817. 35 41 Mr. k MtuWOOT F, SG leave to \form th- public, St tha* or the th int\ they »nir- pofe to commence a warding and Day •SCHOOL, io the* life rrctntly occu ,*>itd by Or Ma- v*l : %r tin inftfUG j tion of Young Lad., n the diffeitnt j il Dl CROCEHIES. HARDWARE Ear I hen § Glass, lr*?, -Sfc. §?c. ^X'r. MACDOKELL. Kingston, 0 dt-pt. iy,5. 3^j J ILL commence gaubig from this port the ensuing week, at tiie following Rates oi Passage :— Kingston to Ernest Town,............0 : ' Oo to New Castle,.............1 ; Do to York and Nui^-.i.a,.......3 : Do \U) BuHin^ton,.....'........3 : Do to Preseptt,...............I ■ 10 : 0 P'.vscott to Vork and Niagara,.......4: : 0:0 8. 10 15 0 10 d. 0 0 0 0 'rnid'cHe- of F^-ilc ii5c-:t; i. '\ Air Fdnioce. AbfHPH LOCGU& Co. ?> Just Arrived, $ii«itals aty Cod Fisii, IWreis Lmg, Oo. Bay Clwleur Sa!mo>:. MKi Loe!» bviae ilerring-, firkins Butted if£J0,—A few JettA heft %'[<\ FiaU'd tiurtiesses, wlttles baU Bridie*, ^rtingaie^ Pads, Wiieses (■rse^ioa.lnu^.awd }[)ol. Kiw S5JOC8. above anie'es will be foM chca:- rti nr Dioducf. _ bfiX'R. ^'KCDOMELL &C m. «V* 7flfl' '^'7 3-1 Sale, * — ' C :rd* of tt-rms an every other re- j | ~\£.1\ ^9 ' -;ve to ennoiince to the rui- inio T.a'.ioit nrchc had en Sppli-^ jJl-il lie, thai the York CbUdreu u viud utulc Do to Hmlinutoi..............4 : 10 ; 0 j)1"" • •«• to Niagara,................| #• 0 : 0 jet;: ;i t.'. them. Kingston^ 3J A/rj','17. th c online... y tiave cauiuieuced ' \\ ror &ie i pHEWfflj hhlf i<f Inurrbc nineteen in ;h. fecund coupon L»t the 'own :";:p of Kii«^n•• i- Auj U» th<_ Piit»:."*r 1 Poumlers, Kingston, jhiv 10 ' 5- iSvJxi^. t'n their, to-t of the Qwftee Sithuths, ii... - i.M'dv aiij'»u.iag ths Shi'- Y,<-.} of .(,'d-.-.s. I-iu' Li-an & Co. wbcrethcj v.,i AkchMi fl/ili Caftiuff» «rf alMetc-ipti ,n ;!l,,t- ...... t„ lllt;, >n ;.,, a theyn, ,e. ••■.-,—Alio,'Sl'kim'-J.'s i«orJc. f Cv. ryJchtfJ executed with iitat- uzU and dirj«tt,.H. A LL perfens havr, any de.-n.nd, i N f'f-if ^-."V>^- . A a^MV Mr Etc off the lat, , l(.^. ":rflr^en ,or ,Md ^U*'": . u • 1 ■-. . 7 . »i • ■fc'ti ">U prl i'.j, I. laren under ttueeycuts of ag?, half price ; above thi^e :*r ten, two thirds. A Book will be kept for entering the names of Passenger* and t ;e Birltis winch mey may cnoose, at wliieh time thepa^save inoney must be paid. ' ' Passengers are allowed f»011>s. weight of na«?;ajaijc, surplus H'A'^V^ f» ^ paid lor at the usual rate. Gentieueu » ttrvauit caii not sleep or eat in the Cabin. A.11 applications for passages to be made to the Captain. PKEHjHT will be transported to and trum iheabave place* at th • etthtomar} tales, and deliver.-.1 to the di lie rent r&iivi^iiei*^ k -ist of fiieir names -will bo put in acuuspieuou^ place on boa: .1, wliieh must, be deemed a sultiuentnotice, and the Goods, winn • from tiie Steam Boat will be considered at the risk of to© owners. Kingston, A%3t3 \BYT. ■•* t.-d.-^alfoall pcrf.ns lehtcd to .he fuid Efl-ftte are hereby »jCilcd to make ! imn-ediatc oavm^n to SIMEON W;H^UP;J. STRylM Lit «r* XH £ fu*>fcr&cr K- .^ ^ »0 Lifam 6., hw r.ic».»ls :r.u\ t public gc-ia j i iuM'v. th"t ive h w t?.;v:n 't Lav ; ■ and THIS day tece*:e<] at tlie Ssorc of • S. Bur tie I, too Calks wrought and cut .Vvinduw Gi-afs,lron> Steele, F o r r&tf S#or« gT «4« sub/cribs^ Pork, B- ef, | Floor, Peale, OiltS, Seed Corn, , , I General a/ortment of SJiAiUklt t (.„|1 nndi0m 1 iouu- i.Uvkctfha bo< ( GA.ROEN SEKDS -;--,ec-: ccugSdV-c^ m v-.iuTi-. P. WETSET.. ' ( vhioii is n<iw opened Wie accommo € 4 fe im.K3IJOLj " Nvil rr-ds, Sheer l.on, A.dtoe huyhesM pri-e p=» id for. I CliOCKLJU ifGLASS WARE Sheriff's Safe. Newcastle Disoiff, 1 J5 Y virtue of 2 io wV: } i-> WritofEK- ECUriON.iffucdout of the Court of King's utneha holding civ!1 picas in anJ for the faid Ui;;rict »f NcwcaiHe,4t hue m»a ■ n n. 7T7? Hi i RYE, ■ a ::d BO PS, Y9 m Crates and Hogllieads, [LAIR'S Sermon:., Poncus' Ev. I d<-nccs, the Canadian VtGtra* ,do> finglc, t^cth^r with fl (5i-cs«i f of nfefni • Bo k^ and Tr ids. for ntr pft^1« for Salt at this I office ; - ' &&&> nXf be had to a fnaU cit- Umv Libraty, three times z week- or ••ate terms. ■aft t 1816 4^v6 39VI '^tion of trav-'ler* H^V^^e- hhn ~-----------—— 'i-u co the p *'./iiv, lhat ii&tai ftwil he White Paint, M sword in Kegs, ji.;i* Ski.l ICil, C vffce9 I'liocalate, M-\f rtvaOn Sugar, Jamaica jpirits, Curner% Oil, and \t the Oid lirevv*h'y i<jf Jas. itohinson. - f/;7fes .»<?>• &j thirty. I Kingston, 26th Dumber, 1816. 32 ^ large addition to his Stock of Dry Goods ; For Sale,) .>afontb\e terms, a reitiavkable iN re h -ndiomc \Bm/ Geldings fpared or. *i« p^rt to reuujic fitudtion ,»f -sh tnipHa pieaf.iijt **ndreeable- i,^od Cat -ages, anr1 tful drjvcv», \CiHbe kept for the acc;nodation of -eniiemvn. WIT.LIAMJOlRTON. Sachtfharhcf. Mafu 17. 40 - TO LM TO I* E T, Suitable *or a Rjerfoii in a niercan-', tileorothet pnfoic tine of bufinefs, a Vanje r»cwhui,r H th-\($ two-ftnrK** hi' l». With a good cc»lar ; H Wharf and Stoic, fnunte in a mod eligible part of the| town foi buSuef-5, b*.i,>g in the vicinity! of the maik^r olace. for partkuUraj enquire of the Primes-. 4.^ I AtxA has on rl e wav up fr^rn Monfrwli A GREAT fAHi&Tl Of G O O DSr Of almost e^ery Dtfcn'>tron^ Which will he f Id »cry clieap by wholc- fale oii-y* Fefotary 1, 1817. 3?tF TipHIL weft half of Mr. An Bavnefs 1 Hnufie. For parti, ra enquire .-.f 1 he owner, at S* Mevri'l .irt mt 5 vears olri next f>*afr,^gce* j 't Harnefn, is very (pent!?* »^ ♦ tc be OCt of the beil bird Moru-- j . eighbouthood. Enquire a» litis ;Vc, or'at the Store of ~»ir. W*iu.r Khi$$iw< 114th dprih i-« 47 For Sttfe, >^ PART of a \,ot near the Mar- _,! ktt Place, v^th a houfe ry. it. For puilicularaapi.iy u> the P niter. Kingstont jan 25, 1817. ______ 34; Qj Blank Deed and 7!* r uiuffe. ingfton, April 4, 18^7. TO LET, 44* IMemona, For lule at this Ice. LO> 5T. ON Friday the 2 ,d [nftant, between Hater9! Bay Hud Kii.wUon, Wr,4.NTE D, A IVsIITER. at a relpccu.,le houTc, Jr\, who understands his bnfinef= in e^ very refpeft. Ko ^>n need apply hut who* is thoroughly acquainted with the bufinefis—Enquire at thin Oftce- Mriliit iR'7- • • 46lf town «f Kt'tgfron, Ef^'»i»c, againU ths lands and tenements -»f ElJAKHft li'ELJ.EJi.ufiht: Towfliip oi Mur.ay, in the faid Uiltnit of N«*vcitltl<-, and to rue directed, I lv**c Ecixcd and taken in Execution aa belon«(tii;/ t*> ttie laid i^iii> kim Welles jtii« undivided moiety f »ote number three and four on the botthweft fide of the Carrying Pi cet in the tuwn- - flnp .if .vTnn?iy/in thcijii Dilbid »*P New'c, containing (wo hniKtred acres, he the lame more or lefs. NOvV I da .hereby give notice, that the afo»e- faid Lots of land, together with the b'U- dings thcrcotfereftedj will he fold and adjudged to the highelt bidder at ( my office, in the townlhip of Hamilton, on SATURDAY, the FLF TH day sf Jc- ly next, at the hour of ELEVEN a'Clock in the forenoon. JOHN SPENCER, Sheriff And every pet ion and persons having claims on the above ddcribed land ami pverr.ifefi, by mortgage, or other rmhr or incumbiw-nce ate nereby advertiled to 'Mve notice thereof to the faid She*iff, at las "ffk-e, in the Townttvip of Ha ..iltoa previous to the fale thereof. JOHN SPENCER, SherJ. Sher'iff'sOJf'ce.Miiy 17, l»J7. >twi For Sale, W TjfUST received and for IVt this Of ej Bet, price 1/8, Poems his Do¬ mestic Circiimstar.ccs, by Lor'.vmvi.— VVit'll llie Siarof the L-you rfonour, Mav next, that St^re and Hmifa at | W* *$* QJJ™ ^ cut occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. I ««* 2*- f THRR ANCE & McLEOD. r Gentleman wiIks to urncitfie H L Nurfe, to attend a tick Lady 1 elderly woman wou'd be picfened ; whom |H*pral wa^es wiii be given. Aptily l^ lbc Printer. Kngftou, ICtth Jan 1817. 32 FORSAI.R, HOUSE and L.O T, in the village <C Siua.tviMr F-r onvtic-. »•» ,.,,»• 7 U\ OHKLtT \ \ngsMt A.p«ii it), 1617. 47 I PAP & ft HANULW, f"*HE r..bicriber has lra.kcrived , » a 1 rr.aii airortment W^'^f HANGINGS, Eor fale on WW Etrms if applied f'-r f.»on. ALSO, A few Boxes Mould and I»ed And a new fnpply ■•£ Dry Goods • Hardware s.BAra-T- . - March, 1817. 43 Two Go/d Seals, A Gold KEY and HlNG. Tke Sr^ls are enrnaved, one wb\i a Coat of arms, ihc/)thet with a Cr*\\t and the initial-* A. G —Whoever wi'i |„i„or ihelameto the Primer will fecei-.c a Suitable reward. May 24- ^L 50 Dollari-reward. OSC \PED fiom il,eGaol, in King* SUA ton,on tlie evc.(j„g 0j vhe lythintt. A FELON, b> the name cc JACOB J. (turMAN. Ke hf' on when |,c weI)t a\vay, a (h.vt Ony Ctat and frWrfcn. VThoe-vcT wdl ittu.1( t|R. fajd pvifone LOT No 23, 12th couccfT-on ofthe tuwnfliip of Peicy, D'flrift of Nv.v-CalUe.- -also, one fifth of an acre in the Town of Kintjiion. For _terms enquire at OfScc. Kin-ftjn, 14th aptil, 1817. 46V/ PACKET. nrlHE Seise jner Commodeve Perry, !L will another feafon fail regularly hvtween Kingrton and Sa^ketfharbor. t lories and all kiiri of freight taken on board as ufual—Good ac-ommodation for paflfengers—F01 Paffage or Frei6ht apu'lv to the Mailer on hoird. vv ■ j. G. PARKER, may 17. Fur Sale, n AV -/LUABLE Farm, with build- in aUo large improvements there¬ to the fubkrile.- ftwll bc etltilicd lo the! on, fa M-ably funated within 98 ffiOa above revard. j of Ki , ton. Pcrfons delirou.s ot pur- ROBvRTY'htng, &.<,/«'. chafm •., i»q«ite of the Pimttt. Kwgi op, Sty w>, i3»7 51" 1 &»^fm7uv l0> i8ii* ^l TH£ SUBSCRIBER J ILL receive propofah for I uili- ino- a GRIST MILLat Oan- anoque,on the North fide of ihe iiv=r, and for making a Canal to lake he water from the r-rpids at the For dip fl place, *o the Gully at the lauding w6cr< th'- Mill is to be place:!. He rcqusfts that pio- pofifts may he given to him before the 20th of June next. A Town plot v\.U He la«d out this feafon at the above nam¬ ed place ; the term* of fale and hale will be known by applying to the fuhfen- ber, who hi* for fale 1174 acres of Land on the River Ridean, being lot* Nos. 5» 6 and 7 in firtt eoacefllnn and N03. y & 6 in the iecoud c->nceflion» with the broken front, in the townihip of Marlborough : Alio foi Sale, fc«S val lotes of land and Town lot*, a» and in the vicinity ofthe Tovvi. uf &:0$(ba. For fiuiher pirticulars apply to jOHM FEMGU80N. A saiail iiauii1 ■ <-' OlS'lON SEED For fale at the Drujji;"^ >^tor« ' ' p. carli^lp:. ^ I

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