[teUKDAY, MAY 'tfl, 1817.1 [NG Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and P [VOLUME VI.------N TON GAZETTE. ;**=.--> r-V-JS-rj*,"-.-. ubmshed bv STEPHEN MILES.-Price Four Uo^ars per Aknum_Exci.u3iv* of Postal •A-*«"i. re-. price of advertifing In the Gazette Six lines and under, if* firg infeni>n Ind 1/3 every lubfeq.itffti. T^»J'nC': nnd unj -r 3/4 firft infer ((i»), and Iy7t evuy fnbfequent. Ten lined and upw rd*, 4,/. per line flrfl infertnn, a"d zd. per line every fuc-' tyt&"£ inf</»i <n. t * Aihertiftntntp unaccompanied Witfe ■ fPnVcii 'lfreflions are iiilcTted Uii forbid,' Knd charged accordingly. Lieutenant Geiserw** OJke, Torhy xytb February, 1817* THIS i> to give ■ ii, that T.-r;dci < will be received :;t thU OiEcr frtnp &.ch perfon or peifuiis a> may be tleJtrou*. ofCt*nttaO\inir to rend-r the whv!e. or cny part of the Water Com ruimcntiOTi between La Chine and liingstou, bv •)., omrfeofihe Kiver Ividtau, naviV'abi-' f.V coats drav.':n^ two feel *vater and tea tcct ■width—alfc, for boar* drawing three reel iv-jter and twelve f. d i.'. width. The Tcndeis aic t.» fticciiy the num- lar of I ock* and the olace-c at which 11- ii ornn >f*d t" build thcrrr : alio the nmn. bcr of F'ood Gatc« in e.^-h Lock—and VjcperiiMb for completing the work by thcF.iJh Creek. Tender: w*' . 'fo be received for open fy?€hd Communication in the dtre&iun «P?hfc Ri.l-..u Lake, a^> the waters eom-nutiicuing fin r. theicc to mud Luke, aud fr it t •" -c 1* Rfjijjfton. Tend.Ts, i| ,f \s "! ■-■ fecomie* fo- pe« Iffmiilg the on mutt Anil be received ;il; fa-joth of lun- ir x fnclilGvc, a-i.t fto- wr particulars rftay be known bv ar p)y:.)gn. iV Sn * v), Ceo. OiS.va-1 A W»|^i« Tck—Th Of, - 'Ac I).putyQ..:i- H-*? .. f;nc lac^Eij.^i^rjt**:*; fcncjsa&a x.-<*: MOORE'S C 0 F F ii E -HOU S & irjrV?E fubfenher having opened the! ■it. Houfc lately erected by Mrs. Pitt- tle\ nexr J001 to Jvhna & Fn»ltW'8, ref« ••ectUdly inff.r'm khep^i th^i he Kan ,ak«"-£r<?at pains to h n i'h ft in cvety refjJwto nerltthcbcfl f cull-em. G«n- Mt' reu travelling may rely upon h&viRg j;o>id accomodations a»rd attendance. Their p'einjf aitaehcl to rhe hor.tg z. . o.>d ya.d apd ihtb.e- TcamtUra can! have fauTihl? acc^nachodationa, ^mp^evf'iy rt'jft fjo.ii 12 tc 1 o'clock. P Seven or ci;ht ^cftU'cl bonders can e 'atten.Icd Of *' J. MOORE. K^sh^FeL u rfci/. NEW GOODS. THIS day received at the Store of S. Bartlet, 100 Calks wrought and cut! No (ice. \ L'L pcrfon* indebted to the fubfcn-l **■ ber are requeued'to make imme-i Nai^, of all fjzes. ; req iliote payment All kinds of produce will hi taken in payment) at the Market prices. , The fubferibcr has taken into partner- Window C>Iafs, Iron, Steele, ;' EducaHon. Mr, & Mrs. WOMF, EG Ifnvf t: hif r»«- ;»)«■ public, that on the »r:.n ir.i'r. they pur- j oolV to commence a Bcirdii.g and Day I SCHOOL, in the h u(c nccmly ncc 1- pfed b) l)r Maemhiy ; »or th» Fflfirue-j tion ofYoirn^ L#udfc* i-. the different brancbce if EVinalc Education. Cards of iferrn's aftd ev,rv other re- qyifice in foliation .nay be \\<A on appli- Nai! rods, Sh?et Iron, CHOCKERTis GLASS WARE in Crates and Hogfhoad^ White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin lea, Cofloe, Chocalate, ^•iuf^ov.:JrJ Sugar. 11 Jamaica Spirks,.- g'il Currier1? Oik arid j' A hr^e addition to bis Stock of 1 *I)ri/ Goods ; .^nd \\$* en the w*v up from Montreal, A G RE A T V/l R fliTl' Of GQ'QBS, Of Sim ' en-cry IMcription^ ; Blip his brother, ^fHari R. ATicDojieU. ThrbuHnrfs;:; future will be carried on under the arm of fr'-** A WAITER, at a rtfpe«aMc hnuOj -Ov who understands his bufiu-f- in e- vcry refpi-cl. N'o one nc?d aj>p!y hut who is tliornu^My acqopipte.-* with tfc« bufiiK-f..—. EnquireattrnsOace. 4>rt/13». 1817. 4^f Fo r SWe, a iv T Of No 23, uth c- -ceilion eftft^ 10 ailduion to their former ftoc^tbeyj JLd "•«" m.p n Pcic>. Di^n'cl o? .- now reiving ag«aeca1 afli rtmeptof] tfcir-Cafiie,—al??, one fifth of a^ acre u> the Town of Klngflon For terms enquire »t ti.ia Office. Kin-lton, 14th apiil. iftjy 4fjj> DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. ' jTUST received and tor f,\ at this Ot< Which wii: he f.~:]d vvry clieao by whole- j ifale only. ! AEXV MACDONELL. Kingston, ij Srpi, i*?l6. 44 cition t'* utcm. : February 1. 1817. • Ktf /C;/i^ ./^A, 37 ?-f.7r, . S17 4« To ieft FOR i'RIVf.ViT. i;\ SUuM -ilFTION. i?l" /f y t*TF.ttH & Sfil"f.S£RS. AKHA.W. .V. V. IttOiN rKEAL -^/>% Furnace- oOlEPH LO!Xi>rj& Co. EC !e?ve to ggnouuee to the Pub, lie, that they have comtncucod the buii:»,f, -rf jrJ'ourKiers, OfiTh-ir orot)«vtv. tOnt of the (Quebec j;/.f Frfr try i$\ *j 'n it Q'icbcc—«" il vlutter General ct 4' 7 . J:<sl Arrived. JOU 0'.">"i"- f> ""<i Fish, 10 lJari*c*t Liii^, j/0 l>*'- Bu) C-a -••■ BairtWB %[) \\<);< IjOvIi i'iic Hcrriiiy f£.SD.—A few fcttt bed En^9*h F^tcd Mmuesagfi, gsddies ami itridlo^ R;artingHlcSj T'a-i ncis arc 6t ;b!c, 00 opi d ., 1 w ..ic uaiotii, , , li(l , .Jt>Jlnir ,?ili , ^.Jitowrto,! a«tviu •»«"* "«7 will l-xiur.1i A/ill Cairhisffc of "jV * »/• "' ' '-"^ •*»' •£'«- WH» T.( .^mIm. ...,|,.,:u,, ..IxJcu ■jD|iWf.iiffrcBa»,lr to fuch nrdrr. rJt.aa iiAKEK. Kfnpfton, May 1 7^17 -ifc T IU» llfUl* i.*l'il** f.,..-^! iImi '.v fh-.':u;t- ^*»r .. 'hi. rtJtd ••• >: 'iu.uiii. <0.\i;ITiO\N; I. This Hnrk ^.l. be cuh.pr!-.od : -• '--------------------------- —j *• *"i0 "nrtt 1*-. 1. o*: cuisipn->cci 'li HlSi-t*fo.hi,l illWecry r-r-1 fan ^orVv^' |V, r-^ m about ^ pa«.>. I il Of p..-liti-i tthvincc , inv-l I :.»«uiloii <Ht d ^o "; '.M1'- u"t' uac J>A«*r« I .-■* . itiiog wiih, in it; &*Y«i c. :t»: fr r l- with I j *i. The prtc«f **> BttI)«ClibfT^ V.iJl 1 i 1 Jo-iiu' nvi'te n-ir.-J: ';tj -*ib!]'021< Dolbi1 ttul'1^ u'v.^ff'-^C.". m^s mj,1 frhi Penttifon, * !(•. Sy *he inVciNr-.' Jf)" *>-(h,)>rT-A'" Ooliar.. anct Fifty Cou;-;| | £©cpei (Mi 1 lb i' W'licsc- hoil^hl from J*-m» fV-. thlr dr^ trr.i. failbn carhTd Kcau, fcv the I ml Kxtia-d v 'I 6p QeMvHftei \n Ki'U'*-*"!!* at rh» • u!) pru'tt r»fT>vo Dollarsnitd i*ii- mit 11. and *> ti.hiv i.if) ; :0% Betija-jJl; I'witi, wiliu the add.iiou ol the im- Ho^c CtoatUinfi', and • SO Ooi- i ;nc Siioes. ">'hr aW«C -1 liclcs will be fold che.v fcrCaih oi produce. ALKX'r. vfACDOMBLL & Co / . . mm Waikcr !i th a%d Maria Sn.iih,| v • :\'>: t icavp 1* ll h:.! ,aid ahutntd iV John Krgu-ibn, tfquire, lu, iiAit&«:ai ra, h »i«1 V ^ iH , »>i4iji. Kingtten, April 21,1817. 47wfi ■ _ __ . For Sale, l*f% for Ten 1 I; IT^HTlTr - h:-lf< Ho: nnntat mnefecn 1 p m dory- rtfHKy. 3. To Mi'?»v whosubscn' Ci ;»ic?; ot .rtp'-uro TotrS^b*crrbcr*, an Mi'v.'i'th Q .ip'V will b»- iiivxn gratis, on livery nod- payment of the Copi. * •ub-cribe*1 i'ot. [ ~VStii..i'T*j Huns/>>r the above ffivrfc zi'ilttoe recivdat (his 0jii.ee, th dtu ipfi .n«f a^rceahlr 10 furh oidrrs ao they roaj icceive,—All », BJa kl::.itli's wor,c of ev-ry kii i executed wilh mat- ucfi and dirpatcii. N. b. CMbgJvvii for-»!d Meul, deltv- crcd r: t!:c V.Toi.;a—lay at the tatc of'! ' ft>r o'.d iirafa 4 I, and 31 AIPSA ;/ tXGL\ir& rHE fubferiher has lately recc.Vri a fnifeli nffut'Ment of PAPER HANGINGS. n,r falc on rtaibuabQ terms ifapplIeJ for f on. A fi.v Boxes Mould and Dipped CAKOLKB& .4o.\ft And a new funply of Do Irood^ & liar (lira re. March, 181 7. For S. BA&TLST. 0 For Sale, AT the Star*, of the mb/crikr, ■i.afork, tfrjBctf, "*■ Fh'ur, Feafe, 8 e.* Corn, And.: General ttffbrtmtti $ BRAKES. GARDEN SEEDS. P. WLTSf.L. Kiagstw* Mard. \ % 1817_________39 BLAIIt'K ScJrtfcw, Ponciu' Ev! denew, the Canadian Vifitor, b«u&do.- fi'^le. t.-i-vthcr with a grt.11 *nct< of ufefol Bo-ks and TracJ>. for piing rciote. furS.dc at this Office ;-- \T*tere av.cef= nrmy he bed W a t»abU-cii- <;uiatinj: L;braiy( llucc lutifla a v.cck, 01 moderate terino- 1 ffiip of Ki'^gfton. .~\pt PACKET. ■ icortcefflon oftberown [jOTlHE Schooner CommVltre Perry, . Apply tilth-, pfinter || -I wi;l air-tlier fedfon fajl regularly 31 v6 K'./ilCii. ".^ttt'ccn King'ton tad Sat keif)»arb*>r. Horfes and all k^ui or freight taken on .'■t.ard ai ufual—Good accommodation for pafTer^ers —For Pdffage or Freight Atul I'.ie 'lij !iest 0 -re paid Tar B Sale, A V^/Li/AIU E F*rm. with bni!* iu£„ also lin-ge ;mvrov*aicr.u ther> on, favorably f;t....ud ivltlii.i z8 nulfl of Ki-'j!" ion. P. n>.i' -v i;-(-.u .»f , -x> chnhi'4 to i'-'i -^ u Int r. «t> K\n*ti',it~ 7-i/y IO, 1 8 I C 3tv5 s.'fa IBLEY, UYE a x ;j mows, Attlipold h.c^-r.^f 2tt5. rlobiafOlw GtJesfiic «y Bnrhti. KingatOn, 16th December, 1S16. 32 —■ * a ,1 LL perform having any■ der-and* j • , Mft bo?r(] \ a-THioit clu Kltace of the lace! ' aug- J&ba ^\: re: fon.ble terms, a remarkable ffome O Vll 111 IP,i A LET ADeiMStoi M*rj*> bttrwh, deceafed. -are her/r-y recpiefird, ;o produce ih-.ii cbims duly anthentica red,—a'loedl pttfosi indexed T^ the 'aid TLdan are hereby requefted to make] immediaic pavor-ni to bl.\:EON WASHBVRN. Aft'tn* F.xttU'/tr. Hillnwell, i2'h Kov. 1 ii \ 6. $iv6 SThAM BO-.T Masisioii House. .•""ji\HE fuhfcriber begs leave to inretm X hie friends and the public gcne> rally, thn he lias taken i!tat i.a'^e and commodious Houf- in Sacketfha bor. lately occugid by Caot Wrn VaugWn, which io now opened for the accoramo- datfofi-ef travcSletfi. He pJed^Iiim feiftotiv p-ibiiV. that 1.0 D-ii.i. Biall be fpatedoahis pari to rendei the fituation of Lib £utlls phaf^nt and agreeable. Good Carnage?, and ca-rfui Amm% will be kept for the accommodation of may 17. J. G-PARKER. * Bay Gelding* AWjvVa* ol<l next G-^.-goejl A^tWn f .UI J0HNST0N. Veil in Harnefc, is- ve.y peutle, and . . >y'r l»r J .0._ k'Kiwn u: be one of the bell b*ed Horfes in the ndglibputhoosl. Enquw* ->t thi- •fficc. <>r it il;.- Stars of Mr? Walur Sackijh.'dor, May t. 1S17 40 To be I jet* Leas- Cd or Sold, a fmall houfe in Water ilrt with Stabic and ¥ard, next door to the huufe f-.irtnciiy occupied by Rich;ud Smirh It is well known to be an rxcel- -'.-itt Hand f.,r bufinefs ; aifo a handlbm? houfe well lasdotit for a genteel family^ *:!ofe to the Engineer Yard. People »inVug to pc.xhale or rent, will find .1 bargain by *ot delayiug to come for- u ard- JVMES MEAGHER, . tVtttkgton Ipnt Barrack Jheet. Kingdon, Mrw 17, 1817- 50tf ,A Gentlenan wifliea- to procure a xl Nurfe.vo attend a fick Lady. \n elderly wiman would beprtferred; to whom libeal wa^es will be giveu. Apv^y^* tlw Printer. 'u. Kitiglton, »oth Jan. 1817. W 3^ FOR SALE, A N elegan Black Gilding, 7yeart ,^p old. vuv manatrablc under the old, vuy TO LET; . Suit mii.e for a pc«ionina merean- tite»l othei pnblic li;teof bufmefs, a large new butt Houfe two Ilnricfi riijih. with a got.d cellar : a Wharf and Store., fit it ate in a nod eUgihSe part of the ■ town for bufincfs, being in the vicinity of the market -dace. For particular? enquire of the Primer. 44 For Sate) /fj PAZVfot* Let near the Mar- <$/jL kct Place, wiih a houfc on it. For particulars apply to the Printer. Kingston% J/tn 25- 1 S 1 7- 34 LOST, ON Friday the 33d inrtant, Hauer'-Bay and Kinglt Two Gold Seals, ■ A Guld KEY and RING. The Seals are engraved, one with a Coat of arms, thcothei with a Crctr, and the initial* A. G —Whoever will bring the fame to the Printer will receive a fuitable reward. May 24. J* TO LET, A TWO Story Houfc. In Stnatt U.A. ViliC.jtill oi'iudc of :-'c Town, oil ihe read Ituditlg to the C;:y f Qur.tc. Tiierew a inker's Oven u= Jt? lowe* part of ii, aud an excellent Kichen. F.*r further panic- lur> -pp'y to i* e U hfciU bcr. JOSEPH CLEMENT. • Klwfr.a, March 11* 1H1 7 41 A pUANTIVY ur SEED COilN between on, For Sale ^t tliis Office. 4.^ A small rjiniutitv of ONION SEED For [ale 3t the Drug ;ifi Store of F. CARLISLE. Kingston, March (2, 1817. >}ltt OATS, ^ For SaV at ihia Officer Wanted, A COOPER. Liberal wages vrtB be given for a got>u workman by applying to JAMES ROBINSON. Kingston, Feb* zz 1817. 3-Stf 44* i-'cCunifTe. f King (ton, April 4, tSi?.____ ~TO LET, AND p..ffcffi»pgwef the G:r; day of . Mjv nest, tlial St>rc :w<i Bouft ..t ipeTent occupiciHiy Mr."RIcbatdSmn^ Apply to T. >:i RANCH. & McLtOD. • TO JLMT, THE well half of Mr. John Buy^'s Huufe For particulars euquue .f the owner, at .->. Mtirill* . ■Kbyttui, zA'b dprti, i S17-_______4J_ Blank Deeds and Memorials^ fur Isle at Ctu^ O^se, Saddle or in ftic Hamefs—would we'll fait any Hilil ry ^eiiileman that wantb a Saddle Horfc For pnrticidars enquire at this t irtce» or of MciTrs. John;, and Finkle- Kingston, i(ay if, I ? 17* 5°,r" ~FOR SALE, | A HOUSi and LOT, in the village j~\_ of St^ttwlle. For partiowlnri cnq.nre of JOHN DARLET. 47 Wan Is a situation, f~iNT f«»m(.' Writing Office in this ]>Ia<-r, as a Clerk. Merchant* or A tfti* n- **er? who T»ny be in want of afii'tjuce m •liat branch, will do w«.H by callinji upon the Prin'cr for fan|».-r informatiun, a» the per foil who wi!he3 t" er^rage will hi in readir>ef\ t«i attend r ; the (ainc OA Monday, next, the 28th I*(L Kingston, April it. »Si7- j£f Kn>:<W> t^.'X i,-6, i8i7. l,i 50 Dollars reward. ESCAPED from the Gaol, in King*. ton, en thceveuiiig of the tg chin ft. A FELON, by the name of JACOB 7- OUTMAN. Hc^ad ;»n when he went away, a hWt Grey Coat 3nd-Trowfer«. Whoever will return the faid prifond •o ihe fulfcribcr ihall be entitled tw die above reward. ROBERT YOUNG, CtuJer. timwt M& &$,»«.»; i>- No (ice. nflHE fublcriher lufpofifully tnforafa .fi_ t!ie public ih.'t the third Ci.iCcS- liooj or the place nfhisrelidcnce, in the townihip '»f K'n^llou, is IcgaMy iu"'-3 Sao'dyille, frrun Dewh le^i'le-cl i-i the Reyiftcri '^ii:cc, tho'i^n »"vnti u* jtr- lon# have reprefented ilie name . • f mi p!n-e to he War r ui \1' |«tieu !.- recl.-d tc hilll will not U pened a> ..p fuch p!acc is kuo^#i to h m. SrvRlt. i'uRDY.