Kingston Gazette, May 24, 1817, page 2

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* NOTICE. TO be Fold at AUCTION, on Thurfday next, at 12 o'clock, in §;. Gcoagc's Church, EiffhtNew PJE W CHARLES SHORT,) It. C.THOMSON, V KifTgftcni May 24, 18(7. Church fl aniens. Government Sale. nnObcSold at Public Auftion, --an m Wedpcfd.v* lie 2Xth iuftant, at the CommiiTjriat Magazines* 13,084 Pounds of Carolina Rice, 100 Eufhclsof Liverpool Salt, Of a good and merchantable defcription. Cj* Sale will commence at II o'clock Commrffariat Office, 1 50 Kingrton, VTay ic, 1817 J w2 Circulating Library Removed. A//>.9 Read, KES the liberty of informing the fubf-:nbera and otheia, that fhe has removed the Library to Score Street, cP'-ofitr th- Brick building,; v/be-e Bcsks *vill be given out aa ulnal. Juft lecifvcd frewn Montreal a f i.'p'y of Taney G ods, and alfo expc&s f-om Quebec, a largre aifortinerttCpf new end Fancy Goods of the moft fafhiona- tie kinds. KingsttiH\ May 17 18*7. 50W* T PACKET, THE Schooner Commodert Perry, Wt)l another feif^n Tail regularly between Kina<tnnand Sacketlharbor. Horfe? and ?.li kind of freight lakenon board a* u'-ial—(Jood accommodation for p'flcngen —pui Pa(faj;e or Freight "apply to the Matter on board. J. G.PARKER. may 17, To he Let, Leas- ^d or So'd, a fma.! honfe In Water Irrt. Vvi»h Stable and Yard, next uo,r to the iH'tlle f ntnerly occupied bv Richard fcmilh It is well known to be an t?:cel- leni !i<. id for bufinefv ; alio a handforne Junifr well laid out tor 8 genteel family, C'-'fe to the Engineer Y^rd. People within? to pc'chuie or rent, will find a bargain by uut delaying to come for¬ ward /«$■$$ mAomR\ Wellington ftm. Barrack firett. SCmgfton, May 17, 1817. 50tf THE PRINCE Or WALES. REGENT of the United King* dlffll of (trial Britain and fyetonu, in the name and on tkehelhiifof His Majesty. A Proclamation. J. C. SIIKRBROOKE, WHEREAS by an ad of the Par- liamtnt of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, patted in the forty third year of His Majefty'? Reign,intituled, "an Aft for extending the Jurifdi&ion of the Courts of Jutiice, in the Province of Lower and Upper Canada, to the Trial and Punifhment of pcrIoD8 guilty of Crimes and Offences within ceitain parts of North America, adjoining to the faid Provinces," it is a- mongft other * 'ungs,en-»&ed, "That all offences committed within any of the In¬ dian Tcrritoi ies, or parts of A mcrica, not within the ..'nits of cither of the faiJ Province*, or of any Civil Government of the United States of America, (hell be, and be deemed CO be offences of the fame nature, and (hail be tried in the feme manner, and be iubje-5t to the fame pun- i&tneutj as if the fame had been commit¬ ted within the faid Provinces of Lower or Upper Canada " Awu Wkerfas, by the fafd aft. it is alfo eoafttd, " That it fhaij be lawful for the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or perfon adminiuenn** the Govern¬ ment, for the time being, of the Province of Lower Canada by Coramiffron under hit Hand and Seal to authorize and em power any perfon or per Inns wheresoever refideot <*r being at 'he ti*ne to aft as ci¬ vil Magiitratc* and Ju'licea of the Pcajc for any of the Indian Tcrritorie* or pails of •f/mcica, not Within th* limits o* ci¬ ther of the faid Provinces, or of any ci t vil Government of the United States -»f| America, as well a* within the limi. s of g?ged in His Majefly's Seryife as Qu¬ eers or Soldier**, and aa fwch n*vc enlift- ed and engaged in the fervicg of the laid Hudfou's bay Company, or North Welt Company, or either o( them, ot of any of their feryants, agents, or adherents, to I leave the fervicc in which they n»ay be f<> engaged, within twenty-four hdUra after their knowledge of this Procl*mii:'oni under penalty of incurring out (Wft fc vere difplealure. and forfeiting *very pri. vilege to which their former employment in his Majeftf'a ferviee would ^herwife have entitied them. And we'do, under fimilar penadtret, herehy require ofalj and every pf1* lT1 and perfonfl wltomfpever, whom it doth or at all, «>r may in anv wife coui**r,,» ^hc rettitutivm ofall Forts, Building^ or tra ding Stall-Mil!. v».?tb the property winch they contain, which mav have b»cn MHZ edor raken poffeffion of by eithtr part>'< to the patty who originally e(ial,l,"^,f' or cotirtrufted the, and were poflfeflfcd thereof previous to the recent fllfputes between theaforefaid Com panic • AND wredfl hereby require in like manner, ot ail and rtery perl^n yn(i per fons wi.nmlorver, whom it doth or fna.l, or mav in^rtv w \y coaccrn, t'»e removal f-'v.ces whatfocver, within the Indian Ter* M of Hie capital ana fhre*»-fnurths nf *-h ritorics, or parts of America, in the faid , monarchv ! liiat Prfricp would lis acl mentioned a«id defcribed, whether (' recollected the pvotr tation- he mad without or within the laid Provinces of j to Napoleon at the bivouac in Moravia Lower or Upper Canada* and to caule in 1806, and at the interview in f)r(t< »:hem to be carried before the faid IVti- Ham Racheler Co'tman and John Fletcher* or One of them, or fuch other Magiftratea as may hereafter be appointed for the like purpofes, or other wife be inverted with competent jurifdi&ion in thai be- halfto be dealt with according to law, and by all lawful ways and means wrr.t- foevcr to reprefs and difcouraire all fuch crimes and oflences ; requiring and direc¬ ting them and each of them as well with¬ in the iaid Indian Territories or parts of America, aselfcwhere, to bt aiding and ? (Tilling to the faid William B ache ter Coltmnn and John Flefchfry in the execu¬ tion of the duties wherewith they act charged an fuch Magiflrates and Special Commidioners as atorefaicL in all their endeavors i<>r the repreffion and difcouc- agement of all fuch crimes and offences, whercfoever or by whomfoever perpetra-1 ted or committed ; for the detection and j appiehenfion of all fuch perfona^rts have been or hereafter fhall be concerned or implicated in the perpetration thereof, and for the maintenance and prefervatiuti of the Peace and of the laws. ■ In faith and teltimony whereof, We, by our cxprefs Command, in the name an-l on the behalf of hi* niajeityf have caufed • e ^reat Seal oi the Province of Lower Canada to be hereunto affixed. Wimess onr trurty and well beloved otber^rrom lawful ai Teft nnr! etifiody. furaforefairf, nr mf othtr cnmei 0? *&I j 1W5C, when lit-s armle£'trf<] pftssefsin* WE do therefore in the nurr.e %nd on the behalf of hii M^jelly. publifh this Proclamation, hereby calhng upon ttu faid Merchants, fo as afon-Uid carding on trade and Commerce '0 the faid In¬ dian Territories, under the n ante*of t,,e Hudfon's Bay Company, and the North Well Company refpe&ivglyi nnd Upon each and every of them, and upon all oth¬ er pcrfons, their fervants, a^ent^, or ad herents, and each and everj of ilicm, to d^fill from every hofiileaggrrffion or at¬ tack whatfoever : and in order l<» prevent the finther.employment of an nnauthori- fed Military force, We dfj hereby icquire all pcrfons, who have hee:» hereiofort cn- den in 1Siv2. Had (ho person of the Emperor Na. poleon been In the power uf the I'impe- ror Alexander, lu- would have recotlcc- ttrd the tics of friendahip contracted at Tilsit, at Krfurtji, and during twelve years of daily cprreyjwTiu'cni'c, iL; would have recollected the coo. he >fai#y block .ic j.' impeJinum |>y which any '.aMy. pcrlon or pe< Ions m:*y have attempted lo urr/enijOr-inlcrrupl lnt" frcc cither of the &id Provinces, either bput 11 p-lf-itje of Traders, or oth< r% .if Hi.-* Ma informat:ons taken or given within viie j'jelly's fuh;e£t^or of the u.mvm of th. faid provides of Lower or Upj er Cai-i* ' j fai I [ildl&ri Territot te^, with lhelr BW da, or out of the faid provinces in aryjjckandizc» fur*, ptf>»!'ioh^» and tJ*«CT ef- part of the Indian Territories or parts of 1 ftftn, ihi^uwhoutthe lakes, river--' Toad*«. America aforefeid, for the puroole only land ev. y otherulnal route orc"rnmum t»f liearing crimes and offencea and com : cation brreiofoie uf.d fo» thcpu^Mlei i<f -r- mttting any perion or perfou« guilty of any crime or ofl nee to la*e cultudy, i.i i the Fn trade in the rotfirior America ; a;id full and free p£ oJ? No-ih rmifHon I duet of the Kmpcror Napoleon the day after the battle of, when though he could have made him, with the wreck of his army, prisoner* con¬ tented himself with taking his p:irole and allowed him to Ope/ate his retreat. I He would have recollect* d the dangers : to which the Emperor Napoleon pet* sonallj exposed himself in order toex- tingui-h the fire at Moscow, and to pre* serve that capital for him—assuredly that Prince would never have viMafcd the duties of frt'<n(Uhip and gratitude towards a friend in misfortune. Had the person of the Ernpen r Na* poleou been in th':|K»Hei of th- Kin°: ofPi'yssia, that Sovereign could irothave- [forgotten that it depended on the Km- peror,after thebuttloof Friecl'aud, to place another J-riocc on tiie tiircnp of Berlin. Ife would not have forgotten in tl. * presence of a disarmed enemy^ th? protestations of attachment and the- SMiiimeut- of gratitude wiiich he te.sii- ficd to h'-m in lHli^at the iiiterviewsia SIR 70J/N. CO APE SHER-[ Dresden. gRQOKM, Knight Grand Crofi ' «accordingly appears from crficlra of the Moft Honorable Military j2 and 5, of the treat) of the 2d of Au* Orde. of the liaih. Captain Geuer- -i>t that •1>tf><' -P'»"^S l>'-!"5 i<uapa- al and G-wernoi i». Chief of the faid b:'^of exercWna *.uy influence over the — -■ - - disposal of the fcmpcro.r, who Mas not [in their power, accede to what may be idon$ thereon by his Britannic Majesty who takes upon himself Ihe charge of fulfilling ereryobligation. 7h*se 1 rin- ee« have reproached the l^npcror Na- Provinccs of Lower and Upper C nida, Nova Scotia and New Bruuf- wiek. LfCbtenant General and Com¬ mander of all His M^jcdy^a For ce» ifj the laid Puvinccs, £tc. &c. at the Ca!Ue of Saint Lewi*, in the City ofQnebec, in the faid Pro¬ vince of Lower Canada, this third! I j poleon with having preferred the pro- [lection of the Bngl'rh laws to theife accuHomM'l tin >e without hindi'aucc or moltti'itio.i, h<re'-*v declaring! th*at wotn- ing cio. e in coufequence of thin rioLia- mat: -ii. (\\t\l m any decree he C' ^n fide red A Gentleman wiflies to procure a jt\. Nurfc, to attend a (ick Lady. ,An elderly woman would he preferred ; £0 whom liberal wages wit* be given. Annlv to the Printer. Kiogfton, icth (an 1^17. 32 FOR SALE, A N elepant Black Gtlding, 7 years +t\, old, very manag.ible under the Saddle or U the -Harnef'-:—w.^n1d wcl £uit any Military gentlenan that wants a Rnddit" 'orfe. Ft particuiaYs enquire «• this office, or of Mcffia. Johns and Finfo Kingston, .May 17, tRi?. 5©tf AOENCYi yi^H1! fubferiher having been upwards A of fen years in the Dep. Pay after General's ofiiv tr^aad bvi>»g o<ic u#f t'.e re- dncerl uofftrttanafes, he refperSfuUy off¬ er* hi" fervices to all'-AaiT, retired. hVif p*y officer^, aud others who may have Stcratfun for an a*»ent in Qnehec. H<- tit;its that, from bib intimate ace* lai'^t- ance wi: h the nature *>f inch iranfat e.iou», J\e will be found fitting f »r.*the b* ilnefs he folicit*. v JOSEPH CAK Y. j Qutbec, Aptti r 8, 1817. 40 3 nrder to his or their being coir-eyed t*» jforajl perfi»m to purfue their u!*iUa* 2nd the faid pro* ince of Lower Canada, to be dealt with according to law ;" an I "That it mail he lawful for any person or pcrfons whairver to appuhciul and. take before any pctfons fo commiiConed a*> af-irCiid, oi to apprehend and convey TC*jfc to be f;.fcly conveyed with all convi nieitt foced 10 the province of Low¬ er Canada^ any perfon or petfon3 guilty of anv crime or offence, there to be de- livercd into fafe cuftody for the purpofe; af being dealt with according to Law." AND WHEREAS by the aa it( is alfo further en itSled,4t That every fueh I lo aifrcj the 'i^et whichi !>*ayultimately be a^jurged \*' hel ug to, vitiicr or any j patty, p a fi' ifi ration of ali the circ imftftnec- fr heir fc-oral claims. \ Nl) whciea*, for the porpofe of re- ftraining all t»flfenr - tn the faid Indian iVr'it>rjV inioffbringing to condign punifli e,,t the pei pttrators of all .ncn- ces there r turn it led, Hi*- Exeellency Sir John Coape She a brooks, Knight oifender may and fhall be profecuted and: G; Crof- 'frtie Mott Honotablc Mi- d-*yofMay»tnibey^fyfiuirLord(|^efK^ Chrift, one thoufand J~)a hnn.:red PtdIoon ha<1 {orw™] ff lh(' hfcrttmt ?I and feventecn, and in The fifty fc. 'h l»^;of F.n-land, and of the ^- verith year of Hi> Majdly's Reign. J (J. H. By ff'rs Excrl/rncy's Command, 'JOHN 7AYLOR, Defy Scc'y. e 1.2 ■rf * * "-■ * - . tried itt His Ma efty*a Courts of the pro Ijiitsry Ordcr :if the Bath, his Majefty'n vfnee of Lower Canada, fn which Clime*! Captain Ccneru! and Governor in Chief and ttffeDC€9 uf *be Irke nature are ulual'y , in and Ore» the Province* of Lower and tried, and where the feme would have L'ppet Canada'] NovaSco.ia, New Brnnr been tried if fuch prime or ©»Tence uad vvick, and ihdt several dependencies, been committed within the limit* oF thejI Lieutenant Genera] and Cotninander of nrovincc where The fame fhall be tried Pal' Hi> McjtUyV V .r.-esin the (aid P<o- under the faid ;i£i ; That every offtr-der-', &c ^ . by and wi h the advice ttled and convict, d under he faid adtpf Hif-Makft1* Executive Council of (hail be liable and fcSjcct to fuch pumlh-i • aud foi the !a V Province of Lower Ca ment as may by any law in force in dieijnada, bat' -.r.'. inattd, eonlliLuted and province where he or (lie (hall be tr:*d,'jamhciirct. h- Honorable William Bach- be inflitSltd for fueh crime »-r offence, end , rtrr Gduiav- m of the Member*, of the that fuch Court mrty aud fli ill proceed ! , faidH. unc.'v, a Lu'Utenant Colonel in his to trial, judgment and execuiion or oth ! jMajelly*? fndfan D-.partmenr, and one er pun-frimeut fo? fueh crime or offence |of ill Maj' tly's fpfticCS of the^ Peace for tiie A'cItem Dtftriil of the faid Pro- FOREIGN. LRTTKR, BY OKOCIt OF TUB EMPEROR NAI OLKOX, Addressed by General Count Monfho- Ion. to Sir Hadsoa Loice, British Governor of the Tslundoj Si II lena. Csneral,—I have received the trea- j ty of the 3d of rVagultj 1815, conclu¬ ded between his Britannic Majefty, the Emneroi of Auftria, the Emoeror of enre of the opinioh o\ a grvtUygc^€foils^ aud free people ov "their Gov*rnn>etrti decided him to pro:' r the pro»Tetion of these law s to that ot«"} fathcr-in-hc*> or an old friend. The Kmpcror Napoleon had it in his power »o s. cure by adiplomatic treaty, what pvit iVaa personal to himself, by putting himself cither ai the head of the amy <,f fa L**iv, wiftk'h^ltwl. r/IVh* army of the G.rondc. commanded hy General Clausfl ; bur wishing, hence* foith, for nothing but retirement »n<| the protection of the law^ of a free state, either English or Amerirnnj all Stipulation appeared to him unnecessa¬ ry, lie conceived that the L'nglishpeo- pie were more bound bv a conduct which wau, on his part, frank, nobio »r-d full of contidence, than they would Knffi3, andthe King of Pruffia, whichM . Hp h(n j^ ^wrf but this error will CD he in the fame manner in every reflect, as if jf"' tifc Atiten* Dtrlr»a nt ihe laid Pro fuch crime or off: had been really j; vincc wf.U^pcr Cai^da, and John FLich onimittcd within Utejurifdtcti'jn of fuch f«r- Ewjaire^ftatrifler at Law, one of th C«-utt ; and to proceed alfo in the trial- J principal Police Maglftratca, and Chair- of ^ny perfon hen g a .fnhjedt of Hiajtman of HK'MaJely'a Coor of Quattci Majefty, who fhall be char-ed with any j Seffion &t the D'ftrift of Quebec, a offence, notwixhftanding fuch offence. J Major in the laid hx&fo Department, fliull appear to havebeen committed with-' and on^ of His ttiayily'* Jnlbces of the in the limits of cny Colony. Settlement,! | P'ace f - the faid .WeJIcrn Diilrift of or territory, belonging to any European ! t tTppt-r Canada to a<S "* Civil Magis- State/* 1 [rtrates and Juttice* o'"th' Peace for the pi.hltc that 11 -^ND Wht.reas divers breaches of thej jfaid Indian Territories t»nd part* of A- the parne'tv lately e^eh;«n-rCd « peace and ads of force and vio'.ucv: have!! meri.-a aforeiaid as WeQ without, a? with- accompanied your letter of the 23d of Juy. The Emperor Nap leon protefts a- gainft thecohtents Treaty ; he it> not the pi ifoner of England. A ftcr ha¬ ving placed f 1 id abdicati >n in the hands ^>f the Reprefe.itativeacf the nation, f. the advantage of the Constitution adopted by the Frenchpcjple, and in favor of his fc.iy he repaired voluntarily and ficcly to England, with the view of living there, as a private individual, under the protec¬ tion of the Britifh laws. The violation of everv 'aw cannot conftitute a right. The perfon of the Emperor Napoleon is actually in the power of England, but he neither ha.« been nor is, in the power r*f Auftria, Ruflia, and PrulTia,either in fatft or of rii?ht even according to the law9 1 or cuftoms of England, which never in¬ cluded, in the exchange of prifoncrs, Ruiinns, Pr Tians, Auitriana, Spaniards or Poituguefe, though untiled to thefe powers by treaties of alliance, and ma- kin-r war conjointly with them. do hereby notify the !>y Mr. Blwej wirh Edward Barnett in the Vflfagf <>f Siulrt-ville, is fubi :6t to Biy claim? .">f dowe*y, and- I fdrl»id all -pcifbna onrchafing faid property with- .-kj! previoudy cftWinc; on me. . , ^fARY BURNETT. Kingston* May 9, 1^17. *j^tf lately been committed within the laid' |In [bi faid Pr evince* of Upper Canada, Indian Territories -fVid parts of /-/mcrica' I under and bv virtue 1 f :J*e f»3 actt and j mention-d and defcribed in th;.- fav* r,& FOR SALE, A-HOUSE atrd LOT, in the village of Stuadviile. For particulars Squire of J' HN DARLET. ■ Kingston* \pril 26 1 8 1 7. 47 PTJlHE Widows &c. recommended by J. the board in the Midlaud Dis- ^ict. can -ec-ive taei.' 1 FK^BJONS, - by a;:: lyieg at the Office of Dan- fyu WashuUkn, Efq. in Kingston, 4frilz$> 1817* 47 of Parli irr^t, which haw ar:fi fr< m Contentions be.ween certain Merchants j carrying on tr^de and commerce in the faid Indian Territories, under the names of the Hudfou^ Bay Company, and North WIS Company refpecli^'ely, and other perfon?, their fervants, agents or adherents, of whom fomC have entered into and feized and occupied by force* and with* or j trffeffions, therein taken ai-d by retaining di vers goods, ware**, merchandize and o- ther property and obftru&inx the pr.Tage of navigable Kivers aud ether natural paffes of the country ; and* others have met together in unlawful alTemIilie6, for¬ med diver-; confpiracH-a and confederacies, committed murders, riots, routs and uf frayn, and apoe^red, prone a* d riddei- \n coenpaniea, in military array whh armc 1 'alfo Hi* Majefty's Speci*' Commifiioner* •for enquiring 'n'o, and civeftigating all ; offences co n .ntttfVin phe faid Indian JTcrritorie f -nd the circ^m^n-es atten ding the fame ; with peri**r and author¬ ity for fuch porpofea r\fld whereas the faid WitRom Bacheler ColtmanvaA **ohn FUtch?r- ■winwittfi. ately ..bout to proceed l& ll,c fa'd Indian Tcvrttiriesi inexecutiorr ofthe truft fo repofed in them. W Edo therefore hereby ^ *&y charge and command, in the n^!!!*e "*d °n the behatfof his Majefty,$ Sherirfs, Bai- hfls, ConftaMes and od^er Officers of the Heaceandall the.s, Hi1^ Maj'fty'a OfTi-j cers, Servants, and Suhji^i C,VI*' ai'^ Military, generally in ** fc'rft'ral and refveftive Stati'MW, tc n.-ake diligent in- quiryaud fcarchto difWovCr »*dappre¬ hend all perions, who bccn nv mJ'l fojce,aud have icfcucd tbanfclvc« and be gmltc of arry fuch^^^^ wffeftccaj Pi^iurjb ^a \SOQ9%ui at V*«^^ in of 1%« Uu*»*i he «?u^ded tiie ore; The Convention of the 2d of Auguft, concluded fifteen days after the Emperor was in England, cannot have of right] any effect. It exhibits only a fpecTtacle of] the coalition of ihe four greatcft powcra! of Europe for the oppreffiou of a single [ man !—a coalition which the opinion of every nation and all the principles of found morality equally difavow. The Kmpcrors of Austria and Rus- >ia, aud the King of Prussia, having neitherin factor in right any claim over the person of the Emperor Napoleon, could decide uothing respecting him. Had the Emperor Napoleon hoeo in the power of the Emperor of Austria, that Prince would have recollected the ndafion which formed bettccen a father and a '■on — relations which are ever violated with impunity. Hr» Mould have recollected that Na¬ poleon had four times restored fo him his throne : viz. at Lf»nfoen in 1797— at Lniv^ville in 1801—when his armies wi re under the wails oi Vienna dtcervect. but this errnnvill for ever cause true Britons to blu^b and will, in the present as w< II as the future generations, he a proof of (fa bad faith of the English Administra* tion. Austrian and Prussian Commission* ers are arrived at St. Helena. If the object of their mission be the fulfill, ment of a part of the duties which the Krnperors of Attbtria n&\ Rnssia have contracted by the treaty of the 2d of August, and to take core that the En. £li-h agents in a small colony, in the midst of the ocean, do uot fail in the respect due to a prince connected wifn these Sovereigns bv the bonds of reUt* tiovship and so many other ties, proofs of the character which belong t* theso two monarchswill berecognizftdliiUiis proeeeding ; but you,Sir have decla¬ red that these commissioners have nei- ther^Ae right nor thvpdwsr of giving anv opinion on what may be passing on this Roek! The English Ministers have caused the Empl^ror Napoleon to be transpor¬ ted to St. Helena, at the di^tauce of 2000 leagues from fturnpe ! This rock situated within the tropics, and 500 leagues from any continent, is subject to the devouring heats of these lati¬ tudes.—it is covered with clouds and fogs during three-fourths of the year, and is at once the most arid and the most humid country in the world. Such a climate is most inimical to the health of the Emperor, and hatred must hare dictated the choice of this residence, as well us the instruction!) given by the English Ministers to the ollicers com¬ manding rn the Island. They have even been ordered to call ihe Kmpcror Napoleon General* as .if ii were wished to oblige him to const* tier himself as never having reigned in France. The reason -which determined him not to a sume an iuco^nitio name, a^ he night have resolved to do on leaving France, were tkese : Fir^t MagJatratd for life of the Republic under the titi»

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