Kingston Gazette, May 17, 1817, page 6

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ftfftttrtt PfWi©\ Agfst's QfPWBj Vork, S4iM\Lirrii, 1817. TikTOTICE is hereby given, by the General Agent for Paying Militia Pensions in this Province, pursuant to the directions con ' M Gained it. the ^evcnil, S« ctiot. of the I enxion Act pmfrf in the fiftv-sixth yeftf of Hi Mp*f» Rrig*, that he has mind the further sum of l< ive Thou- :,«•!• JVC Hundred Pounds, in Aid of the payment of the said Pensions, for the period up to tfTc 3ist-of December last ; and that the Mime arc in course ot issue fca.H live iiumiiva rounds, in ma 01 uie pa io till 'undermentioned Persons. . - ., • t_ j .. r*.i r •,* List of Widows and Children admitted as Pensioners, between the 18th of September last, (the date ot the List : ' ivi '•(. m :;::xr r!i... front l)i ;«-< rni.tnct'>.| v !,:'. on Militia s* irke, diiru^ the late war w \th tfce Urn^ Supplementary th**« published) and this dat«\ wfc t,-t* States of America,—with f Sheriff }$ Bate. Midland District, To Wit: * :,■ i • J; -, rfcv* jVame of Widow, &c. Name and lla Husband or Father of en. ,ren.| Name o Guardian of Children- XAMK. RANK. V^:;i.Clii 'O Kvluch *I-p:i- ,?(! belonged. I iim Ol (de¬ cease. i>y what Board Recommended ■ Kin«■' u. » 3 ie «o,j Currency Dollar at 5s. course ot ! aym, nt. FllOM To Nancy M'Douell Mnrgaret M'Docgal Mar} Grant Nanry Campbell Children of Children of Cathatzne Frascr Elizabeth Itamblin Children of Children of Children of Donald M'Doiiell Donald M'Dengsl William Grant William Campbell Thomas Roach Robert M'Laughlin William Fraser Silas Jlambliu Jacob \ an Camp ftodolphss Fuller Joseph Clapp Catharine Farrington [Samuel Faj-rington Dorothy MCrath John M'Grath* Christiana Smith Elizabeth Hicks Charlotte La Tour Nancy Young Anna Forbes - , Susanna lieu Hannah Storms J*1 reelove Darby Deborah Tompkins Mary Young Catharine Pulse Ra» hel Carscallan Eli »bet* Cole Ca< mine Brown Child of Children of Hannah l*aiterson Children of Si annah Keudrick Child ef Chi'.d of - : Sop na Carpenter Children of • Children olF Children of Children of • Children of • STaryM. Coock Jt ;• . Wi'kersou Z»*Ha lb<ar &*rah M'Colluro jNl-i i \ Stickle Mary IVw Children of m S*vannah Petit Elizabeth Johnson Bwtli Marks C I "dren of JPrance? Cope Cbfldrca of • Chttd-en of * Ainrttia Birmim Children of Children and Insane? Widow of ) Children of Snrah Roberts Ala iv Wi^ley Hannah Hazel Elizabeth Uuchannan Sophia Angustin Children of IVI an Mc Clean M<-n;ca Girty Widow of * Child of Arching Moloche '§ [Benjamin Smith Joseph Hicks Joseph La. Tour Henry Youn^ Adam Forbes George Ben Henry Storms Dudley Darby Jeremiah Tomkins ERnry Youn David Pulse Edward Carscallan Abraham Cole Henry Brown Samuel Wutiofl Simon A rehart John Fatterson John VWod Dukp Wm. Kcndrick »ji:jah Durphy G-Orge Marlat James Carpenter Robert Cook A' 'lit I/'krn* tit gn Buckborottgh John, William Cote (it ono? Couek Stoh^rf Wilkeron J nathan liager Colin iVTColium lohti Stickle Samuel Few I >* rra de f.a mace Uriah Petit Prueman Johnson I 'ornrliu? Marks ' tromas Smith vV'illiam Cope \!<Vr. Tlntchinson \:at)£on lease Wheeler Bam am Solomon Nichols Samuel Wilson Levi BeemgF William Roberts Christopher Wigley Richard Hazel Win. Buchanuan Abe! Angastim Johnston Story Allan ivi'CIean Thomas Girty James Miller Ktteign T-amster I'rivntc Teamster Private do Captain Pmate do do do do tio do do do Lieut. ' Private do do do •<lo flo do do do [Teamster Private do do do Lieut. ! rivate •ieru'ant do rivAle do do do !' KiQstei do do I rivate do do Serjeant do do IV'vate do ISciioant. do Private do do Stonuor.t SO March, isi.* l2 Glen gar) I do 1 do 1 do (21 February 'I? 18 February U^l I March, M.c 22 do M.l i20Marchl«l3 3iDec. 1810-75 14 i\Tadab Eastman John Lamson flnrorporM.^J AugUStj M 3 I Grenvillejl7 May, »I3 8 February,'!. do do Prince Ed. do do do do Frontenac Prince Ed. Iiu nrp'df Lenox Addtngton do Prince Ed. .Xddiinjton If 1 stings Lenox do 'FiSther VanSteiuberg lAddington f Johnstown I March," US i District. 7 do »is) v Eastern District. John Atrhart (Keziah Raymond 1 Fr^drrick Hinds Rebecca iv.eiiny Mary Beatty Catharine Myert jFunice Grant John Clark iWiiliam Scram John Wurreu, Esq. Joseph Porrier Louis Me'oche do Lenox Durham 3 York incorp'd. 2 York 5 Lincoln 3 Vork 5 Lincoln 5 do 1 do do do do do do 3 do 2 do 3 do 2 Norfolk 1 2 2 Tl 'AO jtfnvembr. '1^'^ SI Decern. 'Iff SO April, '11 :«1 October, 'U c21 do M3 31 March, 31 Decern. 6 March, .^1 Dec. 31 do 11 March, 07 Decern. 18 Novem. 14 June, 2n Jan'v. * .;i Decern. 8 Feb*). 6 April, 31 Decern. 12 t^o 7 April 1 Jan. y Dec. I Sf ■ item. £6Jan'y. 5 Decern. 1! do n why. lo Jnne, 25 Novem. ■1 D«'Ctm. 5 June, 10 October; 12 Decern. 10 do 10 Septem. 31 Jan'y 1 do Midland District. • Newcastle Dis**. ( Home { District. Gore District. - Niagara District. * Tizabeth Killmaster John Hnckbouse,Esq. Klbabeth Ivcarms Violette Dusten 1 Oxford IK) Decern. \ Aft I \ Jmtjm 15 Decern, 6 Mai eh 9 October, 1 Norfolk l do 1 do i Middlesex 1 Norfolk 1 Oxford Martha Woollcy Mary Roach 1 Norfolk 2 do 1 !C<.scx 1 do I do 1 do 1 do 1 do Kent 1 Essex ProM. Mar. do 1 Essex I JaiVy. 16 March, 27 June, SI Decern. l2 i October, II do 10 do 19 Septem. 1 April, JO Jmiiuj 1 Feb'y. 18 Septem. 9 October, 1 Jan'y. IS May, London District. fl F.'b'y. 'I3i IS do 'If 1 March, '13 22 do '1 24 August,'131 17 May, '13 Sl'Wy. '1" I March, '13 27 do Mi 30 Xov. M 31 Decern. MJ 30 April, M4 31 October '14 24 do "13 31 March," MS 31 Deem. '12 6 March. MS [81 Deem. «M,' i3i do M: 111 March M: 27Dcem. '12 ISiNovm. '12 14 June, M3 2.'^ Jan'y. MJ 31 Decern. 'i2 Si-'cb'y. '13 6 April, "J 31 Decern. '12 12 do '12 7 April, '13 1 Jan'y. '13 9 Decern. M4 1 Sept. M4j |2GJ*iii'y '13 5 Dftcem. '12 II do "12 |27 Ftb'y '14 10 June, 'i.3| lo Novem. '12 4 D.cem. '12 jJuiie, M; li) October'13 12 D'-cem. '12 10 do '12 loSrptra. '13 ■U Jan'y. M3 I do M.'} 10 Decern. '12 Uan'y. '13 15 Discern. '12 6 March. M: 9 October'l: I Jan'y. '14 16 March, "13 27 June, '13' 31 Decern. '12 • « ft » ft * 77 4 77 7 7fil5 75 12 67 0| 72 10 77 18 7fil5 75 0 81 15 ■60 1 153 9 .43.7 (631 o ,75 2 80. 50 60 60 ft - 4 5 8 • • ft • ft • ft » 76 80 s4 7li 0 78 12 80 1 77 18 74 15 SO 1 81 1 74H so. 0 ni 5 l$13 rs:i l Si! 9 Kl| 3 ft * • * • * ft * 56 71 82 31 71 61 81 81 66 7H 8'.. 81 80 6 'I H 44 34 111 U M 10 of i 7 Ol n 6 1 101 1 1 4 54 U H 71- 1 H io| 1 11 H 0 2 n. H 7 0 61 7i H 8 ft « • e 76 61 60 7"> 70 > Western District. '1 '12 '12 J 24October'J2; 11 do 10 do I9.Septpm.M3j 1 April, '13 30 June, '13 1 Feb'y. '13 18 Septem.'12 9 Ocfr. M 1 Jan'v. 'is! ft * ft * ft * • • ft ft ft * 18 M 3 J'l 1 • # 17 1 0 10 10 10114 111" 4 I 3 10 7 I} 0 0 1 1 oj 0 910| 12 0| V virtue a fa ii Writ of EX¬ ECUTION, issued out of Uh Mqjet* ffs Court of King's Benck^ldmgQm vil Pica* in and for the Midland /)&. .YH aforesaid* at the suit of RICH- JRD ROVISOW, of the Toxsn 0f Kingstonyin the • m' I District, Gentle* :////;/, against.the Lands mdTenemeutg of JONAS VJN JLSTfNEy of the Tozenslrfp of Richmond, and District •{foresaid^ Inn Keeper, directed to the Sheriff oj the said Mir/land District, [ have seized and taken in Execution^ #$ belonging to- the said JONAS VAN JLSTINE, apart vf the South E«s- terltf corner of lot number Seventeen, in the first Concession of the Township of Richmond; ichich piece of Land is hutted and bounded, or may be other* mse htozen, as follows : that istosajjy commencing in front of the said conces¬ sion, at the South Easterly angle of said Lot No. Seventeen* thence North Sixteen degrees, West Fourteen chains tpid ffifljf Units ; then South Seventy- four degrees. West tipo chains ; then- South Sixteen degrees* East Fifteen chains Fifti/ links* more or less, io the t0OtcriS side ; then Easterly, along the icatcr side, to the place oj* beginning f containing Three Acres of Land, be the same more or less, with a dwelling and out Houses thereon erected. Noic I do hereby give NOTICE, that the aforesaid piece of Land, to¬ gether with the buildings thereon ereo fed* Kill be sold and adjudged to the highest bidder, at the Market, ninths Town of Kingston, on SATUR **AYy the THIRD day of JANUARY, mm. next ensuing, at the hour of Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon* , ilENRY THORP, Deputy Sheriff. And every person or persons having claims on the abovo described piece of Land and premises, by Mortgage, or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertised to give notice there/f, to the said Deputy Sheriff, at his H"usi9 in the Village of Ernest Town, previa ous to the sate ihereof. HENRY THORP, Deputj Sheriff. Kingston, Wth March, 1817. 45 0 i a 6 HO, 1 83 15 81 Rl 65 71 70 78 8;> 41 40 7*2 9 10 13 10 2 6 la 10| <>{ I n 10} n 12 0{ o o 9 101 iupplanentary List of Persons belonging to the Militia Forces, disabled by WoBwb received on Actual Service, or frc -err ■ -c- r-vcr Ml * e^ T>it v -. +-'•*]* th<z $vm* ccn.w ? 6ih&ai r^se?ctively, to the ^ ist *:* December^ tS%6. from Acei- NAML Ol' PLNSlO.Ni.R. J?AVK. | i. Kit; I , xttt vice io witacii *>»- Irtjltr.-rt. ACTIOV ^cC. TV TTTTICU V/.' VpF.D. Wrkn k jOIOiTit) » ■'fcvsi .f s in co'iiva* Ti. vt :% f, of Pavmkvt. IC'eRREvrv Ooi.l^r at FROM TO ames Secord Goorje Adams Levis Clement Alexander Rose Angus McDougal r^.-i"! M'Collum Deuald Cameron Adam Stull J v,.i Bryant Frederick Thompson Daniel Steward Jreeph L0115 Geoige Chase Peter LampmaA John Campbell Aaron T«ter Joseph Book George Elsworth George Hutchinson William M'Mullea John Cornell Ariimas W. Cushmaa Natnan Baxter Joseph Dessaux Pierre Carthicr John Mitchel Donald M'Unnell 1 h* tj:.t- Ross Dftul \ Cain Fink) Monro 9obn Campbell 47 .p)i-. Captain 1 Lincoln Lirutunaut i do do 2 do do incorporated Serjeant do do 4 Lincoln do 1 GlengarV Ao 1 Lincoln Corporal Incorporated Private 1 Lincoln do 1 do do Incorporated do do do I Lincoln do 1 do do do do Seamen Private do do do do do do do do do do do 4 do 4 do Northumberland Prarftic'l Marine Hastings, att*J. toj r\ddingfon dr'gns.J Lenox -Adiugton Dr'gns. 1 Leeds 1 Essex 2 do Kent Vols. 1 Citeugary 1 do 1 do 2 <\o 5 Lincoln Qneeiiston Fort George • (>hippavva Accident at Fort WeHiogton Lundy's Lane - Lundy's Lane * Accident on duty Fort George # Fort Brie St. David's Quei-nston • Accident on duty do do Fort George Accident on duty Accident while on march to oppose the enemy Wounded while standing sentry Accident on service, ou board a Uatteau Lake Erie Accident on duty Kingston Accident on duty Brockville liiver Raisin do do Lone Woods Ogdensburgh do d<> Ilooplc's Creek Aneavtdf \ i UOctobr. '13 21 May M3 5 July 26 do do do 7 June 27 May 25 25 M4 M3 '14 M4 '14 M3 12 August M 1 18 July 13 Octr. 19 Sept. 1 July 27 May 2 i Oct. M4 '12 MS '13 M3 M2 13 October, MS 31 Dec. 1816. 27 May M3 5 July, 'tt 26 do M3 25 do '1 1 25 do M1 7 June, M4 27 May, ' I.} 12 August, M4 18 July, M-4 13 October, M2 19 Sept. M3 1 July M3 27 May, M3 24 Oct. M2 15 July 24 do 16 April 10 Sept. Ml 15 July, M4 j 24 do M4 I 16 April, M3 14Decer. '12 10 Xor. M2 15 Sept. MS 7 Feuy. '13 22Jany. M3 22 do M4 4 March 'I 1 22Feby. '13 22 do M3 22 do '13 10 Nov. MS 1 Nov. '14 10 Sept. 14 Deem. lo Nora. 15 Septal. 7 Kcb'y. 22 Jan'y. 22 do 4 March, 22 Fcb'y. 22 do 22 do 10 Novm. 1 Novm. '14 M4 Ml M3 M2 M2 '12 M3 '13 '13 Ml M3 M3 M3 MS Ml S4i 7 8 71 10 0 49 68 48 48 51 71 47 49 .81 63 '70 71 83 49 I 17 3 14 3 15 4 15 4 711| 10 0 i ft H 3 0 7 13 0 10 15 6 182,16 85 14 77 19 <78 18 7S 15 56 12 77, 1 77 1 77 1 62 17 43 fi S 11 0 0 n H 5 P I II 10 8| ll| H H ii ii 04 41 io ■ (ERRORS EXCEPTED} EDWAIID mACMAUO^, General jgcntfoi fWfng MOttia Pensions. SHERIFFS SALE. Midland District, viz: BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Foe ems, issued out of the Court of Kings Bench, at the suit of Junus Robins, of ^hfc town oi"Kingston, EsqiJrc,against the lands ami tenameiits of Amos Aus* ley, of the township of Kingston, Yeo¬ man, to me directed : I have seized and taken in execution, as belonging to the said Amos An-dey, the nor/!i half of Lot number 15. in the second concession of the township of Kings¬ ton, containing by adirtea^urment one hundred acres, be the same more or less: together with a log house and framed barn thereon erected. I do hereby give notice, that the above men* tioned lot of land, with the buildings* and appurtenances thereunto belong¬ ing, will be soWl and adjudged to the highest bidder, at my office in the town of Kingston, on Tuesday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'¬ clock in the forenoonn—at which tim« and place the conditions of sale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Now this house and barn and sixty acres of lot No. 15 was not sold. The Sheriff came into Court as a witness a- gainst Jethro Jackson, and declared upon Oath to twelve Jurors, that he did not sell the Uouse k t arn and six¬ ty acres of that lot, agreeable to the original survey; wherefore, that house and baru and sixty acres of land, h the lawful right, the labour and prop¬ erty of Amos Ansley, rfnd will be re. ' covered as soon as Justice can take place. Therefore, these or to forbid all per¬ sons from malvingany waste of timber, stone or clay for brick, or in any ioan* ner injuring the house, barn or orch- ahard, fences, out-houses a::d build¬ ings on said lot So* 15 in the second concession in the township of Kings* ton, now the village of Wellington. AMOS ANSLEY. March 3d, 1817. Sensible of the predicament in which we stand, and conscious (hat we have done our duty as subjects, we should be wanting to ourselves and io those tender connections, who from necessi¬ ty have been the unhappy companions of our misfortunes, if we did not make our claim lor justice to u ho are authorised to grant it; and therefore we do appeal to the fu;idnmental law* of the society of which we are mem¬ bers— to be protected in the original Landmarks and Boundaries by which uc have reduced a howlim/ vnld rnees to a poHolousProviiifc. 40 AMOS ANSLEY.

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