Kingston Gazette, May 17, 1817, page 5

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jyflcnirtf>xtomi;nff diraffcction and fee ret focicties, (taTtieeefft fam heT. coilfin ed to tlic manufacturing j, lrict9,twhere thediftrefs is m-re previ lent, and numbers more eafily collected ; ■ and that even i'n many if tluifc diftrict^ privation- liavbren borne wiih excuialary patience ami nH^nation, Sc the at »-*np of the dtfaffeetcd have been cufapp iinte ■ - that Few if any c « higher order* o even of the middle •.ictfs oPfoetcty, 51■.- fcarcelyany of the agricultural papal-* tion, have lent themfelvi to the more olentof thefe projectnrs—Gnat allow ' anee muR be made for thofc who. under the prefurt' of llrgeftl diilrefs, have been i. **c liltrn to piau^hle^a id confident dem<jg*'i*tic»f * - expec».Tt;>n of iT»me- * diate rdirf. Jt is to be hoped that ma¬ ny of thofr who have engaged to a etr- tain extern, in the project* of the dif- aSected, but in whorn cite piincipais of moral and religious fluty have not been extinguilhed or perverted by the m »tt profane and oiifr-rable: fophrftrVi w- uld vt . U withdraw themfelvcs before th>fe pro- jefts were pufhed to a&iwl infun ection. But with all thefe allowances, vonr committee ca mot cdntcnvpWe the activ¬ ity and arts of the leader** in thfa eon* fpi«acy, and the numbers whom they have already fed need, and may feduce ;' the oath by which many of them are bound together • the* menu's furjrefted and prep red for the forcible attainment of then objefts ; the nature of the nb- jefts themfelvcs, which are nor only the . overthrow of all the political tnftitulions oft1'.- kingdom, but din fuch a iubver- fi a .*f the rights an.I principles of pron- €rty as rnuft necefiarfty lead to general conf"fion plunder and bloodfhed : with¬ out niborfttitiff to th° mod fenou^att n- '«*<• Mmed en ftforesafa, at earh r.T the <&<\ . ^saiH*hnnfhprcr-porHoilio Collector or " piny, I he arrival of the ^airl v*&a \oa< tR Ortaniaee, io**sh«rwtiI» the burthen,cai' • ;or lo.-iil or.uefcvessel, |>o,»i, raft or carriage '"I r in j .ir!:age . or 'towed loose, of •!, - •m<*iith<*marlif and numbers of each park. .r<s a*tjj the p»«cfl or ntacps. pemm or per-ons, > and for wueu pr v*|uvi tliey at.-* respective- ■•'•..11 icr.H'.i orioiendedi and the sajd ,na-ler * (»'-r»n huvsng il.e charge or comiMM nfain i'h vessel, boat, raft of carriage: thai] fnrthVr - CI*** that no par^oftbe. cargo or loadol nr*. e>M*h horn* raft preferring*', -i„ce the deitor- •»rpor>,„hv^.-M,hoU(tra'r or carriage, from - t«»rtoi \j\KCi\rjtf/,esmt1 Untied Stati■*, from iv licit IhCJ-ahl ve>e), boat, raft-or carriage! wit ba\e<a l<-tlor<ie|>arted,lia$ En-en landed! - iUi1iadedrQi oilier ui^rrc.novrd, except a.- he '»:;11 'ti"n ppi-cify, loser her with the catAe, •oc,':l,iei and manner^ uhirh aid report* .i«i*l declarations rowecovely shall be made in ,-..-.!,, ,^_ ..;^„).;i jM dtepar v inaktitrihe-^ne, an^auerfed hy uUnath,oraltirmatio», if one •ft't • *>ersoi- railed Quakers, uhic!i the *;»u Coileetororhi- Deputy is hereby antj.o.i/ed ir-! r4qvi -ed ,o a>!mini.ter 5 and* if the said r^ate** or person having '.he char^i'tir command of am Wclivt-^dtboffl^raft*^ carriage s^tfllrteff- i*vroromn ro-i ak»».hi- <iid reporta ;ind declar- a:itioo,oroi:h.rof them, 01 toat.est the same. o«- eitljerof :he:n,o.i nutb or nAlnnaiion afov. «aid B« the rave mas require, he<hall fn^eren i»rh otieite*, fbrfMitanJ^ay a mm not lest than r-vepound-, nor more than iwo hundred and ft;. Pbnud ." TWa S-- -ion consists of on»y «»ne ^ent^ne/*, hr»fccveral meniners of v\hieh arc connected >a ■ ofati entire ^ovi^iou. T;i firsttneaiber pr'-"-ilj*-; 1 hat vessel* e.e. shall be repon^U ; he^iidpoin!so«'rniio*'f>di>t% n<! it K» ie- •mri 'Hero; Hie 3rd direct* what partienlar^ j .-hall he specified lu t&c sports; the Jrh re- ((nir^the reporter to declare tiiai no part of bis load ha- i>e"»n unloadedj on iwpa>«igeVrom Uic V iud Stated eveepi usr^xpresfCtl; .the o:li pc- quire: tlie rejoiHar.d delarcuion to he- in wri- Ittt? anditnderoath; thef^b impo-e- ;iie pe- nakv for iterleetlui; to mane the nquiriie re¬ port a.t<t declaration. !.•; IvYOoftbfce m?;nber- of theeertence, it i- etjire^ly KmifiH '<• v^v-» 1-^e. from t<ie t'ni i*»d Slate*. Ti. ibeother*, lha lio)il;UiOiil»lol expressed, "lit : .: -v-an!, 'rftpiied. It woa!d lie a* incousl ;» n: with *he rule- of correct Le- *i'4« t*l:e%io«l Oraiomar,i03p:n!yo ,e ;»ar f nftV Cirftpeldrfer fre^aad Puhjrct th^ mer- rhont«. enrriers mul fatniei^ to' needless e\ pen%ee.i)j trnabli* it would be a slander up¬ on the Legislature, 10 sav they Intended such a system of vexation: and it would be an im- r' letteetioii upon out- judges &jnrie*, t'» -uppei liny will ever taud their sanction '• * .e.reHsonable an ext*n>ion of the law, CAMIM'N. fnund inadequate to prevent. - * * tmn of the iioufctke danwra wlvV. ex'it, ~\'lu l0nas ,J ?lH" «■"»;.'^iv'y<; •;* \w *.«j u' i_ .i_ n. • ;i r I t»M'iecoa" eti'cmv to ve-*elsti*im t.te UiiittM ana which th- Uttnofrvt^ilanc* of cfoven UtUi^ and another pan, niiaraiwi o- ly h? a ment. nnder the exifljng laws, has been c^uma.'o' -*s*el-- ^c. i'r«mui.- Lo.ver iVo'.ine- I or el ev. !*e: •; and it would be 1.1 unnatnral i const rnciiot- of the act, oct.'ndi:. 'v. force of 1 a'»> 'evpre siou, to objects be3"Und the general decided -**'n-> 'oftheai'U The penal ulao<e,uuiict- Ihe p»:*ialty on "1he master or pcro.i 'la-.ins ihe tfyitzt Of Coal- maud." for a n- ••„*■ k:[ of whai i: ff -lulrei! to b- O'oi" by him. lint in the oTsie!a*ise ihe Ma*~| tor or person bavinfi^be ejmr^v or com "and, i- not enilonod. In 'l-u elausr, •-. en h^ i. :-!.. no p-T 01. i- required to maLc riw uepor1; t)t iw>n, fherefore. can he liabli for no." making i<. -Ai.ff,)'* a »> "' i'*ni'- to •:»!• si cortd cimn^e. n The iinfun^«-d Heht in Exchequer • bills, out (lanclinrr on the crh Je-rjuaryf 1817, amonnted to j^. ft^^o:J \ "f! ^vhirh iirtco.^oo/. hav« fince been .IiquMttM, anrl 3^ millions yet remain Unprovided for. \ lettLi- fr >iTi an *f&*er, lat"lv arrived at Portfmonth f-om S' He'ens, Antes that " La^ CaiT-s, lwis 'aUen wi'h him j j «hten Mie ve^els'-:i;e, whoh are tin- <uhp ci< 01 tQihcCap'- 0^500^ *'1ooe fcriof of th" 'if.- <^f rXrtn^n»rtC wl.irh it j :n Wl'h him 11 w hiefi *tie vessel? s c. «viiich are the «ithjccu oi the mario i,r ,"!,nr* ■' "v*^"^ Hrr expressed to lie mm !i a "i.i'-. arrive fnmt !hv *<o\/ t'.ii* -d Stat^. There .r li prfl'i^.^l h'- * ■ • e isiiniv nopeiialty provided for ncglceli or to report vt* »»U :tc. eojiiio^ from any Oilier placf i rjiai: the I 'oiled Sia e*-. 'i':>f art thm**j£hoo| r.'-neeu »he trade wit*- j«;.t ililei] S ;.e- It u-Vj-'e* i> ui l,i. dillim 1111 tr«»(»d- imported rrouiihc Sta;-1-. h iav-1,0 "eli"- 00t*oi*d» hrnyi^ht op l'*0m l.o»f; Ca :a- t>u vie:i jf*HiU. wlftlier imported In'o I'ntvioe- li\ -.-a, or iVom it»c l7"Ued jitaies For i»R hrxGsrvx GAZETTE, \W\mfi* Pn«*rrA«n, I huffo' verloii" time, keep me tnnpair wid deguW'0»*n»ffe \ich yon haftreat your >ul^eci- '**»rsix. seven week ago; bill beear I rnn vfao t1 no loe'ifir. ami I haf set done foi explain o'voMiif^-ntimeiilsoriny^idl and oY r.o„iriopopleOn jrenn*a*,vid re-rnr todeCom- mmnuic; ^oiis virh'heen ins'Crte in your Ga- /rtte, de: li 'n-nent. In deflfn plac. Hair, ! '»^tr perm^'OO tomnk apologie for de litOede- ricietice il*t may be expose in my knmvlo-r el de rienpUvli !an*nnj;<vand Oramnmirj a^ 1 \i(| inform to voiifSiaseeremniili! clal Ion- Prtuieh- "laii.r.nti was emigrate 10 die Contnejfl oftaVr de lombe^fdegreat iVoooleoo. I am Wateh- otakair. ^ir,ai dhafe- abli-hia^'lfinde Ha% l-ohrte,v>ere I (ine^troneeneotiragemvnt in de lineoftnj pro'fossion, and w here 1 should re¬ main tocV oder side of my life, if dC little in- Ciitl..[iore virh 1 haf. con Id he gratify. Rjl de Kr.mee ft* peopl • areuiueh morejrr>-atei- poli- rifiau-ic'r-1 in dis t'ontri'*, aud hva<habit vii.h 1 aroniei a Pari*, m read fU- nev\s-pup,itr, bv vii'h I hn* obtain d.- information of d<* HCAs dat paw to <\ u'cretu parte ofde Vorld. and vfeh 1 viaNareicitime to^sjWuin 10 my netehbatr.——\ No\ . 5a<'\ ven I t':r- ro l»- (.'onM-e. I Mibfcribc for your papttr, in <upj>osiiWm c.u i miff'r sei done on th* IvVeOiil by d< oide. of mv hare, ami be ireal »\id ili-ne*vsof dr(ui\s, dat I should »>ear ho\vd'*s maloe £-'t on en rrance. how del mp'reiir .eporleende Uilun tHaiirte, and ocdd.iir dere t^oi of iioddnil v&\ •ndr Continent, or i,y de llenjjiish and \ieriean*3 btit, Sair. I haf been n* " h ii*-a|>- potht in my expectations Yon haf not so much a inform de poUlione to de e-esipe im porta.«i v.elt Bi'oi.aparie haf made fiom de Mi- land ; b?l dat rircon-tauc-e Inf been ver wil explain b) dspaj>airs Mericans viel, Itaf eomi ovair inn>di parU*ot'de Con Mac and dere U no nec'*--ilf Co 1 'ndevair 10 secreie it iVom •!«• peo- pleany loneair.— \:* ,^-air. li- true dat in de i»ln"eof grfdenew ofdi< impnriaoretn vonr redair, yon «end derommun Feat ions of di- fei- ! air and dai fellair and w oder iViliir widntt! tr»f -o much a-: iea«-i»ii fot (lis extrnnrdinuire ba- dtnasre. I'n de fireplace, dere it de *Bfiimu* •.••o. heear, 1 haftink ro iu>sefmnii beonedir- iv biases ir ^ aike. dat when be seer ("•r-.-^r. he t<-!! hoitf -for> abom aot'n^ and qi . re is de .nttadie 1— one x er*!*ii Ite.elevairlnile fciU;ir, \ .-tppn--, dot oiak" anstir,ai:d den dey Wug- :'ar and an-air ohe 10 de oder, tor Mto treet .»e«-k. till J(»j;ai', I •:•'! somncji ani=a*rr wld de ; ai:a;r. «le preniuW-. ::n*t all <l'^'-ddair, dm I hafhad M-ont: imlinanon to viidraw df Mib- 'C'p'ioo ai'ddet'onfrie ni de^ameiime. Veil j *•'»*. all, iir di< aifair Has aCCS<iUpUab) and <c j 1-iioin AQ»,snuK ",n d« mm!, beeau^f del the Lodjre was clo'ed. The procea- lion then repaired, to Mr. P -nncll's Hotel, ftfll attend'.d by the mafic, to partake of a fumpiUQus dinner prepared forthe «ccnfion. The refreft)m*nl wa« preceded and followed by prayer from the Rev. Gentleman above mentioned.— The cloth removed, the toads introduced by fhe Orawr of the dfvy were gtceted with a foetal refponfe from the compa¬ ny prefent. The Brethren retired at an early hoorin*the fame peifcft order and ] decorum which had chara^enfed a'l their proceedings through the day. How gratifying to behold fuch a numerous aOetublage of gentlemen from the Navy, the Aiflny and fcveral adjacent towns, voluntarily Conveiied^tO bury with onr accord, their prejudie^Sj their relent, ments ; th-ir a.iimciitr:.s " to enjoy the feali of re.ion, and the flow of \*ul ;" and «r.iuuaiu; exchange, in the fn.cvrn* otfraternalq$bcti&nt the Olive branch of MiMonrv, Polttenefg and cunofity had cqllefitd a littge and reipectab:e c-ncoutfe of' people, among whom were the fir ft ladies of the place, to wit'tef^tbe inter- eilnip; f-<c£laele;whofe conduct,tbmuglv oui 'he whole ccrtmony. was decorous ^and landable Suffice it to fay, that the d-<ty exbib'ted pft fuch a fecne asj Majht>yhet{t\£ wou •! coiuempUte with delight....... 'lin- AJeiCTin- li«v captured two Sa'ciHsIi ships and -cut the crews into ilav-rv- Of; apa/mes, 13,08+ PftuncCof Carolina RirCf too Bitiheleof I iveir„,oi Saft -*X\ -"d ""chantable dnfc&tb„, C3- Sale will commence at 1 1 oMock A. M. 31 27 28 Bowie, Trenchers PI ters 1 Jittil'triS ././'•'•? ptlftCi'S tr> the K)(I Oft ftfftfhs ha:y<- fawn revQh*»ii nt ??•///- ofth'* 0:*ititrc o>'C!nl/\ hjj fhr Usnifb*] U»*iin /"./'.r.v ///'"///*•>* arftitmJ af'the] 5/// ^ff'h trot'/ li'trnot tijft*%mifl'A u )V'!utv further'ican-its, G^i*-, trtrt N i»""v '•"" R"t!"l Gnrerwr o/-; Chili* with hfs sjt/fr. i'fi hern tnkvn ■'// ®Hh 'wo rnilticns of d iJlar*! The. ,>til- fiat* *?//."• /)• vy.'VN/o/? of even/ pori oh th>* rn'tst nfVhUi ! I j rti^^w.tH intended to VH- h> uchporttoan Th'lt there 'Cttt he ti t&ftr With /^jiot'nTptrice^.vitiinpritM'ii.-Mha'tli.'^ovds^ip Parln>zii. *e. J hftve noulmlf. g.wt'n-n >?/. in rrtttl/nt/;inofsomrttrf& &fth**'P*rftt$tfi+!tC*l fit \I'nrl,r/.!si). /»//: imprhom'd alt the Pinittvuesc wcr- ekaofs a'id nfhpr* at fkh j e i" -11. Hiai «•!•• d'liii-- ar le»icd and lUiU) ci-'-i tlU'ie. I. v^ teld In* to 30 l-c, :aeieiore, to retjwire boat?. .'<<. tiring;.>$ tip InO-e pio'.U, U- be leporiei* here, since no «' >i> 1 nere :o h • e<i|J -r ,[ ,,\ I In in. Il woold Ooj he inoreuselew to rCipiife thai evei'v loudof*ia> the rarimci i*tiiq into hi h:r*i: ; Qild esCTJ load of ?iuil1 lie .'.'inn's id r*i!i 01* ;o market, should lie reuor.ed 10 the Collector. The iv*■ ufibe \'n\ nf'fl '0.3,p '.-^d ir. expht-i j I na'i 01 and anie.a'.tviu ofll.a ui Iv *!<«, con- ItiUi^soine fartlief provi-ion- tv-pe-'oie: >li;o* I ail'1 \eSfleU arriving at : .v |>or n nmy, l;a- :«!iM.„-(^i,;id m-'^'it jirapair (omave adrer- i-s*'.ius.-; to etal>li-de r'errie 00 de Kin^ioii, nueGeiuletnan ** ftiirn*'gei up li!,e Lair, and '}Jjg^' J^'ople dai 1I1 r .lohiase had i»«>| de auio- W»l df ;au ,11 make notice ;»f (lis sort; hm. ',- LjA>areofdi pari .-fde Conine, haf >- ui0 Im me dm de, bad Je powair, and t\t\. v«nn it- . .1 - MocWhcad SedbUtir 10 make I •>enl t'e.]:iii<riia«c. ilinu..riliail| tl) Je Ion' iej —den d'-ie \ww nnd^;ai, relim. 0fdei.ami------' HI , i.-jai-, li Ool Vo -.r.»lr to-pen*; dciUwinmel for o- 111 uhrdr Ile-^j'^i, ,(ftrde l-Vei eli—lail l.ari i.iuiaino Vni-r.,.*ilf l|af nni|l. nM..;iir m ,,-J oun«'r:ieaoce. In VI rjttcc* '> ran tttb kiwim yf QuIzkttk. 77/?c • 1 *""*v**rti herein U'^fufp ron nitied sAsiV «n; /#r. ' const runt t>> • .i7c» / ttnni'i llattn 1, fiejlt, /"«.'*/. Or i»///> r cru/V ur rtlt't'itig? f *»/""(,'"' /W (Ac /iVil' j»ir.*i ot'.mif gouth oe mffjtnndh. /*•*•» Lnwr Citv.tatt I thh Prrrhn .'. '»ru7*ir'» s7i'/7 4r iO'(;/ employed in the infoni tmdn vfth* tot/Jiffy, ami thaKnot iitiwtii'i'ioril front h't I nitrtt Kftitea o! .iiu-rirc" Thh pvnvtMj refers >mi »od?> to iltee.intenfsof that act: bni itiinpUeltly eon- t I A noeitien 'la* lai-*1 vV*n ^rarted, wh*»»hi*r; tinn-onr fon traction nf 'h*k for o-r one. li' Ba'^iuxi-'HU.!- iu» the "wliflure •• ■» sire, op-j on their arrival al Kio^sw-n. o'li'.^'d |»> law to 1 be reponed at the ( n-t/im tto—«e ? Ithu-v not hfretoforc Keen t'ne praetice to iruori them. IVC-iUlyciAr n-m K^atre micJi j report. andopro-o-r ria'" i«|tb f^ft" nn '*"f,,»»-; Th* claim is founded on ft-» Slil ^Ctl.»«" of? e Pi-ovincia] Statute of the* 4Ut of i>o. 3rd, th Chap, o il. The fl.tU*.AeJ?i«l a^i •hitestnenbjeet of it to fceto*rrinU*o * \lnj<*?ty. for Hie n-e nf the Province, dutie-* 0U*p>KH and merchandize brought into 'his Pr<»viin*e from the t'aii.d Stat*-. 'The firsrf serthm aeror W.i«iv i-onet> thatth»re he levied., coll rt -d a?'l oaid. the >iV*dntie«on g""d*;and merr!ir.»vVr'e impu^iCO from an >- ponof Ve- I'nUed Siates..a^ are levi- ad-bv art*lift-In- Brl»«* P.«r!mmiMvoron«nw- er f^i-.ada,on aood^ i-npo:-er! into ♦»!«* S'ro- vincefrom Great Britain, or pans beyond tin* 8ea* Tiiesiih$e(|neiiHecfiionftpTnvide Fur carrying j this object into erTec. II. the^id U J "cnr.rt-vl. " rhr.t for the hettrr roMeeling the y/j/d-!••'•*■:." »i;a* !-" d"'ic; on good* inr.ort^d from the U.tUe I Rtat^. cenain ports of entry and elea^uee 4srii ^' " »aMI •l'"^- Tur Wi see'ion deeiare- tint no TMrl, h4wi% raM or rnr- ri;i^fiora:het'o;,-d<:i-nr."«>ha,l he watered at «nvo»:her place than tba et^mcrated ports of entry, Th.- fit1. S^etlan »s<^nneeted withtnepreee- diiir-^-etio'ic. (• ;- an e*u»nfial linV t\\ i'u- tfwinofprnvViou«on the>nHjeei oi'iiie ad. II pr><erhV* the manner o»" i-rc-e 'din* on 'he nr- riv.,ur ve-M-V. hoaw, rafu- or errr .v:«^ fr»m ..',; It e-ed Q»;i'es rmvKOf 'h«' net, Hi an. port or ptaee m ihe van iVi-eh* reu»rr"»n'r 'othe f-irm-r p: in wMeh the Unbred fratfearemHiuoii^ A*ihe ihrimo»'«hel"idl. run wsts upon to- W/ifd^ nf tills mnv he proper lo re. .ie ita»tame- Jn-1 hn it f«Hb*f eitu^d. Eft"- " Ttia' all vea,el*J»i*a^i rafts nud tmAw&s «»l what kind or nature*o ver. eno:iahiiii< ^»"J>- var*-or o^rclwndi/.c, na-.isi^h> or into ih- sail pnrtsor -ii'.ier of Mwm, diall t«e rrportPd to ih-r »!t-rtoror,';«1)cp'itv,ni.d be sobieCJ t» M-i-aiioo and *mreh by Hie t\»Heclor or hi. Dmnily eslahlrsheiial anyi>f tVvH'l pnru,and 111 .• upon ilH*a:'"iv»tofariy w- .•Ll.oai.ran 01 ca- -'r.z - {'row ,nu ,.«'/ ve^Uc* ivdht ^"^ i-'"'* ff»/Srw/>».ai aavofihe porn nTo -.auhihenia- teroroMe'r •*•'■ m .'eilv :ioihori •!. h.iMoe In' di.i-f.- urcoomunduf such v -...I, boat, ra'o or %)piagr, Hudi^rthvvUb rcgair toxic jilae^ »o l^iMesi*.:\, &<', einplov*ii 111 lire traa-purt of j;m>iU from the Lower l*i"u\hie««, or in the in- land rufh-of this Province, were mpiired Ir the 'ir.-; an to l)P r-po- uM, \iiiied and search* ed, the additional regulations of the second uC^on ilir- am-^nh-eei. would 'nrnraiU ia.e '. \:o I-ft toopei-au-oo Armor eUeth *_v trotdd have been txeoip*«*d from ibe^Dp^ation nf the hi- art, by arepertl nf%a nitieboft a- -iiUjk- •o'd them to<r,ei,r.n'r-- ol 're po-t, v^naii>»n aoit yearehi Tiioir* \c\ i-iei»f;i-ii iheprov»*ion-,ol liU" Ulrt act -hew 'iirii th-- Leffi-Iantre did not con uler thorn itnd'.d-d in iho-e of:he nr>l. The e!an<R '* nil ves-cl-, boal*, raft> and ^^r- riai;e-,ol'\\hul Uind o. oa.-ire-oevei, contain¬ ing tfpodi, ware-01 n.crClnii.Ji«*e, pj sOttjbyor tliesn-d por:r." nnt?i be untivr-icod, in ronnectiO.11 v.iih vhal i^'ereens andfol%»rt> it, 10 intend all ve-ehi^e. whirl: ;:-e the sivhjecta of Hint section ;;ml :Smr a<i,ihar i-, all c».oi..s Irom the I'nited Man-, or il h«M i»e taken h> iiself n> mean ail■•■vefesrta Stc* ah^lnlelji a-d inii\er-all\,"i'ho'.it regard lolhe p'.yce- from Whence !he> roite\ The uord> will not admit of any middle -eo<c. If I'anadmn Hattean,\:.c liable to be re- p:>!;ed,l'a;.-.dinn Trait* ;..'• lik. im-c, heinjr -nciitded in the im'in " ewmagv*? If'hey are to he reported al all, lUej mn-i, ii-a>rBt{ie ttOrik" pa-ii< h_\ or lino Hie -aid port ,orci- tln r of lU'-m." Ifer reporrrd aL I wi'v^aU. Je^n- ^:ovn. iirorkville, Kioic-ooi, iV'Uilh", Vo.::, and evern pwriufeoso l,,:" upaishyoriwto, ,n the.r projere^ to uteplaci'tif iheii ulumute dr>lioaooii. U the clause applov- m boats Cl •lifheiinl oicceetl, ; am r«m- iiice 10mj -iiVl -i. u ,„. jlTlfnal exiircw h.-o-et' 10. 'a. cii.ct.aioi- .mpo^blc 10 collect whal be ineai xo^s on d. , i,.,..,,.^^ awj in ,\r fomrie! I' l»SalP» "57 "Uo more whai lit: KtY, ^aiflt a« len'.lev.oul line >n^iUneair. Bnt Mr. Hum 1 ■ ;i-cova.. ubai he rtemsandlic^ei oj aboinjn- ti\tw it^e, and s:., JO j,;,,,,!^ rUi,^ :Mld (\-m tine: * a id b«j •«* h . •. pfn,-miail: and ,!,-». „,n de re-»,t»-oder p.-» rt0 preach long senann a'-. •: | de horrible marti,.^. in%((.|l(t:it comMUUiruiton \ wa* expVi-r, an slV ii;il 4|,. ftr-,tair was de M-rap.-'.pot '"an |li;;/a(ioiuall(l v,-,, rj . nii: g.eniv-tMai-a' |n de wllOle (imirii\ Pai- Iiheu* Mr. I'^^'^ir^isaaattah ioex!dicab!« , bad in 1 wirpris, u.t. (Ull(.h ^^...i.^ lor (i3 11^ ;)O.Mb>efordcr'i^.,C|U, (...d-|;iail 0. tOM-nvaiv lorw'-m deM-Mer;. .,iOI].jair Jepntuupm. NoU,| Sair, Liu J *""lv iuon to jri-v** vou on. hah-. t-n:ceid adxin ^.i,,, ail.r$ \. >» h" pm v;it will, .a\eioyol.rpi'" tf(.(.at h.anv dallau, and1 ti'^oudv :- « ^vtV^vaii Iffeot dhtieco .ineoda- tion son tt-iH ^-i .man> .uoaixan,» ^ »i bedi,-1 .-aide hy de l-one-'t( ^n„aUl| a;, u «llon yci I receivedt com "".nuatitmsofd" nature •>!' vic4i. L haf been coiHi%lnand %;ch are tend tode hla^ardo-r.^o,M,toiu. a?lJ jp^t^dai >on p u I : .,> o> in ue corn;^r wy 0,|,.r .mpatr den fin «'■•' pnhli.-u- jmpon-. aml ^i.n^.jMuceofde lol-' l. vfdis Kine,\»\\ :Us>rl(. de eews of Unjior-I to uca de irv[yy. -]n general ran beiniP- -rte. ("ortivla! ,t> ^^ t tVoftW 0l. V(.r> g,^. ifs wyonrsi«^n.hairin ueContrietoheai lie mitneiit, weddair dere he POUT UP KINi^rON. rite*ELS U.S'TEI'ED. May 10.- SeS Carolina CoaUi. from fi^n- e^ee, with pn»vigionu.—srh. Olive Branch, Joli'.iMxt.from Troopville, oith £Q6 barrel df t:„nr.— Itiiar l-urk, Vlrk5, from K-ocU\iMe, beP.i-i.—Sell. 'Jinekbird, lli»trj ;nni- . from S.-n-lirharhor. with *»4 >>arr**l of beer.-—Btt&l J"lian.Tr»mair, lioin liay ol ^nime, wiiii fcO harrels of/lonr. Iv2.—Kch. fTorn*"1, Wood, from Her.d'rsne* Ilni'bor. with pnta*h. »hlogle«and U-atber,^— (V/»n Coat, Nev.fon. fronj O vvegQ, wiih 74 harri'UofsiH.-- Boat !jeopam.SiniUi,from die Ra^ ol'i.-nine. wiihf^e* < iirutr. Seb. Hutn- 'I'on Packet. WiU'mi'is. Irom \e.vra-.|e, wiih, jieas, oa.;". »vc—s«ii. itoik. petrie, iVom ,\i'\\e.e'.|r, w^!» -tavcs.—Sclrl Comma dorc Perry, Pi.rker.; >• 1 Sackei harbor, With pnvk, v.iit, torif, lemons leathery booty and •hm^.- Rwal Pur-er, l{astin^-. from Saeke - harbor, withe,iiitiia.its.— s»a. DoljiHln, llowe f.-mu BcHvilJe. Willi !.Vi barrel-oi' iT.e«rat»d wiieat.— S -h. Natuv. Fairbanks, froin Gene¬ see, wiih Itfl harrelso'.* !of\ lt»haire! of pot¬ ash, am) Uiimt»e«.—Sell. Ifn-nhler, i"her»-y. IVom Sa» Lei^haihor. will* oola h.—^eb. M*■■-"• Mrr-ffd^l, from V-'^ea--Ie, \k\ h ;i,..d .»*".— Sr.i. K'| Oli1!' i. .. nr» ll'^.W"- fl'*Ufl -aw. c--he.rh:»r. with S461'tarrel* ot'rimn*. H.-.vh T.ii.mpb, Rcid, from8*ck*tshar- boe. \/i'h pro hion«, and ,S1 aeul<*< .— Vim S-jUVfrom tl—:di rH'iiV llobor, with 18.1100 •hi,»?'!*-.<i'*on f^e1 of boards, aed fttonfi rtfpu - a«U.—Root tjheriv, .T^nWn*, f-om Sandy f^.-rk. wiih ,.a>.— Se . Ram'drr,» Cherry. ;"ror. Sat'lv-h: rhoi. with pota b.— <rli. Ci>in- modore P^rrv, Pni^er, from Jacket harbor. CommhTan'at Office, 1 ^ ^Kingfton, A*y i0> 13,7 j Damaged an. I Unferviceabll STORES, To be Sold at AUCiTOtf |^N Monday thti9.hi,,llanu „*he l VVJ* fcveral places menodntd below r> ,„ wrack Depot. Beheads, ,„ $ Te,;.nts Canvalk heavers 1 £ Strele!ie« Yd-jFlannei, ^ § ral|iaff ' I'*inngatuig La.-p-. 3 #/** //.^;.^/. 63 iS Ha.f pt. Mcafure t 10 tj Sauce pans 4 § *o 20 9 -Jo 3 £ P'-p^ts 1 5 Can;, Kettles I v La'Tips Whitewafhfng 2 j * .„l(,rns filing tub 1 « Ca- iieiKek C. btool trar. -^ Tea kctt'lcf i5d. Pans a <r S-. -.:,. * k v y °Pi«M»g boxes 4 # Tea pots 25 # Pfate- 21 # SKppcr baths Tmn trivet r jj fhtth forks Gallon pots ^ 4 j Sonp fcuQc £;W»rcr\ Yard. 22 Plot forms DARLEY&THORN"Rf e . av8ioaeerff bale to commence at 10 o'ci- ck, t,rc- cifely Kingfton^ Way l2, iS(7. Np"on», Moph. ndlen I-onp; htotim H;inrl do Stool do C. Pots Bafons Ink Stands 4 s 2 59 3 3 1 .? 12 I 27 2 X ■ Scwi GOVERNwknt SALE. 'jnobciodat Public auction; Jl on Tuelday the acth Wtay nt the Biittenux Y» d.neai the Sc wwharf, am] other condemned Stores, Sale w il commence at :i o'clock A. Mj CommiHarial OfSee, 1 cr> "'ngiion, i-th May, 1817. J \i Kir neu Vro.n r e'-anc.of ^ue-eed ))% d(. p.lIvirt, UJ| ^ UKb!ah side.rde Wd.-.l.:.ti(| Url|uair(ie H«w1hh peu-l :-.e- be«m iiMouk. ^om derevoUttio. in de.r t nntrvi ; Uio >««j ^^ not ]K, fcar scicueViOie ie expire :lejsr. -.rc, vi(.h ^p Kmporeanr be muU.iv>.:*-'!>Mr!|H (ii>:nr_a|>a ^ tw0uld no Ik imprepa-v |,teA„i;iii. m de ^noutnt ha- hfant^oid^Ce. r;C(U. niaiin:l\r oi plan I de :'°^^'.'-e ua> l".ar de Corn. ;os:op de hlaek ! ftow fie.m pull 1. dt ri,oi.Undde n.aanaude' GUI dyne delnwn^ tVeia d:-ai-^ietrce. >vW ma¬ ny oda.v info)o*aurtn 01 ihs luuurr. nitrf den Fair ^un»i!! |iiit..ui0). (lflll. Coiau.o- uiUMnlai^.anai(7lm(>5tliuIeli> bair, *ofl1, ire- oilplant Servitear- n n * ir iW nL DOMIMQUB. flayCoinfe, May \_f ^^ From the Sad ,s)mrior Gazelle—Apri! The Breth. |( of the Wafhington jLoJjreof HcnVrron_The Rifing Sun of Adatiw, an, thc R()val Arch oi in n !*h oot»-h o\ pap'V'han.Ti'**;-, 15.—Unat dark, VtrfcR, froni rfollmcell woh loftbarrel^offlour.—Srh. Oen*«ee Pack¬ et, Rlnvo, fni:e Ceoe-ee. lvithj734 harr- I ftf •!ooi\—Seh. Viini'r-a Anne, I oiker, fvons Vodi, with ll ki-%? of tobacti., I'-.^ciis^^and ba-»;tjre. b Iti.— Sell. V;<;rplnv, Kiblin, Sm ^nndy Tn'ek, withh.OOO iWl of hoard-, and 4 lonsol hay. CJ.EstitED. Mav 10.—^eb. Rambler, Cherry, fnrSarfc- et^barhor.—Rrh.t'andine. CoalevforCtrHiefCe. —SrKTriumph, lleid. fiw Saeketsh.irhor.— sell. ;iii\*- Branch. 7obn«on, f*>r (Vwego,— Sell, IJIackbod. Ritgoioiiin,for Oswego. I»—Sih. Hornet, HTflOd, f<»r HeoderM»n% H:,\._Sib. Comet, Benncl, for York.—Sch. Mary \ine, -Mo*ier% for taerdian- dlv-e.—Srh. Copunorlore P'n\. Park.-r. fbr Sarke«harbA^—*th. Nancy, Fairbanks foi Gfitesee. IS.—Sch. Rambler, Cherry, for Saoket>har- bor.--«*eli. I'li/a. Hartford. f»»i Xev.eaMb-.— Scb. PsiisnerV Hai • hter InealU.iorCene^ee l4._*^rh.Trioinph. R.-id. for Sacketsharbor. — IJoai Star,' llenderron's Uurhor. —Boa* Liber ,..!• for Sandy Creek.— Scli. IS oc\. Petrie. for Vork, with emigrant*. J5t—Sei. Comuiodore F'eny, Parker, for S:- ket-barbor.—Sell- ttamWcrj Cherry, En SacfceUharlior. 16.—Sch.fteneeee Packcd"Ma\o, forOene- «ee.—Seh. rairpla\, Kiblin.fur ^andy (roek. • • • • * Frraia.—Jn the Gazttle ofth* B&inst. in tl»- Cvtinuwiirtilionof * a ftknti to ft"' Co'on'i's*" mkUUcctilumU of tfh'd put' ^ '"" ff0mm fm turtlam, in th' /?e7eotr;- of aw nthan's. fa/ ■- tckere tl>< popuhrtton h Ubtritth compact" reml u where (he population is toleraldv cam- cpu.iiiguptlieSi.T*w«<"«^ti w i-Tsall; ■*■ . Watcitown,a»S\;iated on tne 8th dav of plicaUlMoiho»i.g«t«8 *«« u« ^^..w™-1 APri1, A' l" 5*I7, and laid tlie 6W/«r- Inriiino'-al-oiii'-l'ii1- slui-rf.-om r;.,„a,.of;u.- nv"' w' "V" i's H..U in (he ilattly orl'nH<-iru«n.uM.|^rll«:.^oM^;»d-l.-i;:hs, edihec CKftiPg bv Mf. ^ hite in fly. ^muifSf«aaai»^i'a.'«>riMi»Kius^« «iM,»yj Village of Sa k;tfharb(rf. Tl-.e da^ oturr olsu-iM.r m.'..k.-t, or lo; any, ,M|1>Ti."i'^,--!,l'0<"1,","1"'vl!av"ir"'",'-":"'"' mm.-r.-i.andiz.-. Hml h, anv ar ,v\-iM ptf "'•- j ,a»rnttcrt . m.,-1. u-nr»..l.u »....:•! «t po:a- tm's, a p«attd«r h»tt«« » "»"■" «>' ,^'.*" board |M'rvsu«Mil>oai,»r«:i-ra«it' or»wtg« in:,vi aoronli«is ••» **i '«■» «*4«iclto«. •>••, rraiui<Hl«l H»-1*« '"", """^ M'V,,,Ta l"'" ,of from («-niv 10 a ItoMjn* dollar*, km • i„. pmm .'.iivwjg cfcws? "f'" ,»«,r «"^',> '"■ .i:l„'vof..m.-v,„n: nn.1 all (Uls, nol for the „1.,m,s.-ofloiu-c.i1«s a«« revenue tor pnblw [use} but w»tyto»«iWOWS inm the p»*et|^ (Ml //ic iS//» vJyV?v7 i"i/. J'l'lirosr Co/- Hits, a hatter fa/ profession. His body isw found vn tin- 10/A /»»•/. DIED T- fi/j totan (id coneemon) on Sunday r.venfnglast, E&zttfiefh* dtwgk- !,:r o/thc Rev. Nf. 11 oath., agvd 16 months* waft cloudlets, a;d n!cafant ;n thc cz treme. At i -cimkt p. M. the pro- ■ccflion fermed a tlicc|vnu.b, and witer tl.e dl ccliun ol ;1CiYltnyt Col. U^- vctivrouh, movtvio f<icrcd n,ulic Lhrmigh fM»wi.ftrertto ,iC ,,oe tlf aefth««6n. The/rf*rbcto«fillWie4fMa lhc vmi prouoH ccd «V/i&|tfj by !he ptc6d- mg Uattct, Uair ruDbs ;lhc rcv cieud Mr. <;wwdgn delivered *|| FOR SALE, A N elepant Black OMilJoo*. 7 year^ j_^- olrl^very managable under thr Radille gt in the Haruefs—\v««ulrj well {tut any Military 'jerclerr-an that want^al .i?.di*.1c Horfe. For particulars enquire' at -.nii office, or of McfTra. Johns and FinKie* hhgston, Mcy 17, 1817. jfotf Circuhtinr-r Library Removed. Mt98 tterrrl i T»KES the Hbtrty >f informbg thr fuhfcTibcn t id 1 ibet** tl Dt Ihe hns removed thc Library to Si re .Street, OppoHie the Bri..k bufl Hngt wPe Book* will be piven nut a^ nfoal- Sbehaa fnft rec Jvcd fmtn Mfnritff ' a fu^ply of fancy Goods, an«l alfo expeiis fuur. Quebec, ab'^e aiTortmcnt o! v and Fiincy Good> of the moA fafliiona- ble kinds Kingston^ may 17 18 7. e-»w* packet. THE Schooner Comrrrdcre Perry, will another <e*fo.i fSi] regularly between Kiogftoa and feickecibarbnr. Ho'fe? and all kir>d of freight taken OH board a? ufual—Good aceoTimoci^'-iori for paffengerK. — For Paffage or Freight apply to the Maft.T on board. J. G. PARKER. may 17. Notice. THE fublcribcr refpe&fully tnfQrrta the 1 ublic that the thi-d C.»r ces- Gon, or the piace of his rtfi 'encej in the t'lwnlhip of Kint'ftt»n, is legally named Sartdville, frnrn Deeda Tegifteied iii thc Regifters (.-ffic(, though invidious per- fonn have reprefented the name of faid place to be Waterloo. -Ml lecterc di¬ rect* d t-* him will not be opened as uo fuch place is known to him. SaMl. i'X/RDY. Kingston* May 13, 1817. $ctf To be Let, Leas- ed or SoUK a fmall h* rift in Water ftrt% with Stabic and Yard, next c'o^r to 'he huufe for^eily ^ceupu-d by UfcW'd Sniith It U well k""wn robe an excel¬ lent Hand Fin bujinefi ; a .0 ahand.< n^c houfc weV' ^-id o • ge^teil fere-fly- dole to th. Eng c Yar •. Pecpfe wi(hing 'o ;.c cluf ai :e •-. wiU luid a bai^ain by not deVayiug to c mc for¬ ward J kMttS MF.AGH1.R, Wellington Inn, Biirratkjliw. Kingfton, May 17, 817. $otf AGcnMeman wifhci to pmenre a Nurfe, to attend n ^r.k I a'*}-. An elderly won an wou'd !><■ prtfcwrd^ to whom bberai wage- wi!! he j>iven. Apt ly to the Printer. Kin^ftou, iz\U Jau. 1817. g*5 *

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