Kingston Gazette, May 17, 1817, page 2

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F B i ji L..L.HI i—.^imj... ' I pQif r parts oft"g country. Ti.e pid f rtf* rjYr» 7<r* ^T *•""' h«yd*wofthe1»nw »'-• dfftuHEng. U i 8 Zi 1 ^> - V. :'.»- fl-il.-ni ot Clubs ha* attended isfcM" ^ r * ♦ • V * ■ the greater Ftt m f+tititlow i3t:prrr nrrived -tl the Onrc • • fhr Xcu- )'or.';C>iK itcrcJat Fw-x the London Courier of Feb* 20. The Siir.i committee* —The two R-.-poits of iisc Committves of Secrecy have been primed, and will he found iii -our paper of to-day 1 lr Re.iOit ol i the Common^ Secret Com nittce was | prefented laft night to th* H'^fc of"! Commons, and dcliverid out printed | tin- m ruing. The jgeotra) features or( both Reports arc the fa ne ; but thai of j the Commons ib more circumstantial.— ( 'J he Lords esptvfs their full c»uviciion] that i. figns *' dellrodivc ofthe GonlVitu tion have been extendi-'], and avcjliflett- fending widely in flfcany parts of Great Britain/' Th'- Common/ Commuter fhows in their retv-ii that the duafFc-lcd adopted the different forms and ivmbols of the French reYolatfoa, and mat the Ksvo-u lion tlwy meditated was. if pofiiMe, more fweeoing and immediate in it:- eifect*.— .In France there was (bine graduation 'n the attacks upon property. By men ace and clamour, :r.en were induced to abandon the fabrics of their "ffices, then their plate, then part of their irt- comes and at laflwere deprived of the led of their property, and in innumera¬ ble ii;fiance.-- of thei' lives* upon forae Qh?*ge of being hoflile to de-mocracy.— If'hey emigrated their propeity was fci- zed and fold- Here the projectors "of revolution mean to bjfgirj by depriving every man i f his landed and Rinded pro- pcrty t" h ;]pr«* ^U the land in common, and to extiuguifh the funds. Nor was the rchcfiou nfthe GOUatry to be n.ou- relpecu-d- One of the courfes of fludy j by w^:ieh the rcvolutfouifts prepaid thcmfelvcs fot a&ing their parts on the! grand Theatre of R.«rro!atJW, was to recite profane parodies of the Llturyy, or fongs hlafphcmiog the Ho5y Scrtp- tinc', Their Rzvolutit nary axe was to cu' --'ok and kecneenough.— "heirtreel of hherry was to be* planted and moiIl-| c i with blood enough *' -Jlconiia- b7-* who touch a man of m to be run th m*tr N» !IlOM,t—no Casti.f.- r. \c,h—-iff with thei? heads—No P -r. Tien, Tithtnor inch fare—No bi fll i ." Tjrfe -re the flort I .it f%nifi« c- r^p» effions ot one of ttyefr handbills. Tl > rea<! the annels ->t the French rev • <, i noidy to improve upon th< Fienchl £) rnagOg-UCS They find the latter tt t* o Aav fo» th'Mi t I In- lou'c by v hey arriv -d at their goal was too I. ■ rhe Royal Family were not got ri - . .ot 2 or ? year* after the revntu t' \ machine had been put tn motion Tl lees, the dregs of the populace, the h ■ •■■* --td Heberr9. and Peie Dnchcs- n- ,f F-^nce, did not rile to the top <jn -: r- ^Ogh. They had a certain ca¬ re, v ;.• run which did not fntt the impa¬ tience >< the difaffected here. Tlv. \* viflieu to fet off from the poini ivoich their Gallic brethren hid rearhed with difficulty and pain. The firft operation in their revolutionary fyt- tern wa- to get rid of Regent, Mmiil- er<. Clergy, and all nvn in *;lfice. 1'hey marched between trenfon and blafphemy and maffricre was to be the pointer of zhwirpith. ' Thelyiubols of revolutioni the tn- co1 «H iki^, tl*e cockade, and the red czp of France, were adopted lie re, as ;\vc:: as the name* of lh? revoluti'»raty Committees ; they had their commit reel of PubUc Safety, suid Coniervatiw Co n- mittee. To the fntdiers they had, ! y a fecn-d deter vitiation, rtf;iKvd to adopt the means, of fedufti'-n. But the firft plan and irmu fe was the murdi.r of the fi-ldiVisby midnight. The reportofthc Cc.nmonv ruforma u«, that " the deiignl wa-,, bv a f'.dd'.j rifmg" in the dead • fl the t»'t[u. to fu'p.-ile and owrpowei' the J foldieretn their different barracks, ivhieh: wtrrtobe fet oa fire r' Heroes of Wa-' tcil'^o ! Such wras the fate ref'»".vtd up-, on far you, in the flrtr plan of thefe re¬ generators of their e >m»try ! Arms \ycre procuicd ; a l-irpe quan¬ tity of pike heads orueteo j and a ma- chi"c prc»jrfl.-d for clearing the llrcet^ jf cavalry Tin. pnfoni were toht drain*] ed >t their i..-nates ; and the murderer1 and '|i»- f-lon, and the criminals of all J dtferiptions to he :et 1 -^fe upon the me-1 tr-.polio with army. Tiiefe were to be tJieheh ma'e^ a^ I aff-ciates of the oon- fpirator*—fit cnirineA mdc-ed to cany on th .orkof, mafiapfe and plan- The general" rifin;.^ was, a^ we have already Hated, fixid for the 2d Dec«m ber a::d the Common* comni'itee, ap- plyo'rth*. mfelves dilrindlly to thia point gave it ■ i their firm perfoaGori, 'hat the tran^clfo 1 of that day were deliberate¬ ly; emeditated ; andconfeoueutly tlicy ' W±r? M "or merely the fudd^w eHulititigj uf tl r G'n'nt.ritf or the unauthorized at- terrr I if any nnc nnt :.erl individual.*• 0 Thf rerv»rt of 1 he crfmrniLtc* may be divided into two ,»att ; the firfi relating moft wioe'y ; and u in rai number of hem, and p-irticularly thofe which are rflahlifhed in \)w. Eieai n.unu- I during rinl; icts of Lancashire, Leires- ter, Motn'nirhamlhire and Derbyshire, I nothing fhpftofa rev>iiution i* the ob¬ ject expi Ctcd and avowed." The com¬ mit te ITiew t!ie inma*e connexion be- tw en the Clubs in London hh«I tlie Clubs in the country—they Uate that lifts0/fnch o1 tB^m^mherii as are able bodied are kept, and lill s alfo of all pro- fcription *ai.d the vi&im* f.*r vengeance. Already do th- v comempia e the certain fuccefb of their d'Tign upon the landed property, a-'d affume a crrrefponding roue and manner ::r- p':*T ff -rs of an equal (Ijare of land with every member of cr*m- j mt:nity. Arms are fli!' fulght fuvand the demand vv'. i^un(nihh.s for aH forts of fire-arms ii- bnparattdedi Both rc'pri rs agwe m Hating that treafenable d< ^."'14 4<,,;" e^ntinue to be profecuted with fanguine hopes of fuc- would be thereby 0CCaConed. to fet five f.. he town in vaif^,,, ,**accsand to tafcc t ofleffton of the btrracks, the tower, and the bnnk That to affill in the cxecu- teib- tion oftflu projei^ aformidable mach¬ ine vyns invented ,,'n\x which ihr filets could be cleared cjf a]| oppolinp; fores— This-plan was, I>-,Wever, relinquilhcd as| premafnr. ; and;. XVas rclolvcd that it! •v«uld be mote pfoper to ascertain the! Itien.-th of die p:(:,,,j;il party, by conve¬ ning rneetiofrs uu-fc, the pretext of taU-j rug into conliderv. Jon the legal mode of redrefliug fpitf&icM 9 ami a m«p of. London having bu.(1 examined, Spafields was klee>ed as tl-e pVu 0 whence an at-. , tack on the bankand the tower could! 1 made to force gates. Aw attache was with therrreateliracih'ty be made. That however mad" upon the ci'y magdlrates the firft meeting -,f S«,a-field, was acccr- aff-mblcd in the RoyaJ Exchange, a fhft dtDgly advertded ,".,1 the 1 fth of Nov and that written ann» printed piacard« were exhibited in s|] parts oi the town, of one of which i;>e following is a cooy ; 4C Bn'tonn t > a'ms ! the whole eottfl- try imiW waits tlv fip:,al fu>m London. Rteak open the gunftnrths*.— Arm Tour committee find, that tf ere 'stare, ly any very numerous louety in thep2rl| above referred to, ofwhofe pioccedinM they have obt lined an account, in whiVk fomcof the ieadin£r fpe.kers do not 00. only avow the moil ledirtnus 0[inicn/ and dn nert excite their heaters to be pre! pared for actual injiirreclion Topici for difcufficnare fe'tttcd with this view amongft others the qtelb'on, whether the j tcobiu or the loyaliB v\asthc befl friend to his country ? Even where the peti¬ tioning is recommended, it t'3 propofcdto dnce them tt open the gates ; but F«*m j | be conducted in iuch a manner, by a*" the failure of the number expe&ed to jmmenfc number of deleg- ^attending join tiie infurgents, no attempt was I in I ondon, at the fam? time in feveraj parties, attached to each pctitior-, a, might in luce an effort to obtain by force whatever they demanded. A general idea Teem* prevalent among thofe vho compofethefe focieties. that feme 'fixed I tending di:e^!y t* excite Infnrreftio^,] j.^eluded by an ..P^cdto iIk mukrtitde jaflembled, whth- r thev wcie prepaicd ; to redreft their own grievances. ^ A tn colored poeltadgyggjfrefl[exhibited, and thetri colored flajj was difp'ayed. and a number oi'pcrfons followed it out of the' field. Jf • The direction wh:ch they toM; wa--, toward* that part of the town previous¬ ly deiinguated ; gun-fmith'fi (hojw were broken open addreffeS and eff*W were made tn the fo'dier.s at the tovvtr to in- fi.ed, and.a tri-colored flag and cockade openly difplavtd and icized on the offen¬ der, • Such i= the deliberate ffatement of the Committee, wln'eli they declare 4i to bt a fair and not cxagcaied /tatement." And now. we lUppofe, we fiiail no longer be t'dd that ^^cr-.' was and is no plot, and that there was and n no dan¬ ger. The Commvns Commitree do not decide what meafurefl arc nere'fary X^ be adopted) but they conclude by ftat^ig, that the dangers which exill are of fijch I a nature,li that the ntmofl v-'jlanec- cA the Government unlet the cjfiltiuglaws ha* been found inadequate to prevent them." Report of <Itc Committee of So In reviewing the whole of the tranf- a&ium of the 2d of December, your committee are firmly perfuadtd, th?t, however improbable the fuccel- of fuch v. nrfelveS with -A\ {Jm of fnftrumeots h P,an m,v app«r, it yet wasdettberate- afrcr a ■i/rery. Thgtit appc^ri to your committee, mril attentive coufid ration of the documents fubmitted to them fpom various pn-ta of the country, thar atleni ot-s had recently been made to take' advantage of the diflieflcs of the laboring j and manufacturing cSaifcs ->f the nation, with a view not only to rfffi/f a parita- mentaryreform on the rrincf deofannnal parliaments and univerfaVfuflta^c, but to caufe the toral overthrow of ad otir inbtiiUtions, j id of every d-icriptiou of landed and funded propeity. That this iyfu\.i of general fp 'Kali >n chi. fly proceeded from the dodrinci maintain*;1 b^'a-umVcr of faciei fea die¬ ting u ifh<d by the title of ** Spenceau*" whofc ttntUfWeie principally drawn tr-'irt the woik« of a viiioua'y writer, (Mil liHltd dbovc t^" cllly ) cd\ ■ aj;u. Th;i(. rst a mecr?i •»• o\ fome nftiieie focieties it was urged, that Parliamentary reform m*:1} be luld cut as th- oftenHhic object of their effort^, and with a vit v to mi$- iead their enemies, but that it was 10 fact only a half mcafure ; an:! that the people OUght tO l*H;k to the priffcHon of the land and nothing fho t of* th it ; and that as to the cot i^ut'on, of which fo much had been fuid. this count y had no conftitutibn, foi it was not to be found in any Book, nor cou'd any man tell what it l\ other flwjietics foott" ded on the Spencean principles, it hsd Mo irifc in tlWprifl 0f bre^l.—No ive- pent —No Cajllcreaph Off with their heads ! No t^xe^. No BiCiops ; chcy are only nlclels ittmbef. N. R' 5000 w thfcfe bills are nr.llcd tip in the town, md in the principal parts of the nei' Iiiourh^od." I That rhe intruded infurreftionalTtim-' pd all thefyuboi! of the French revolu¬ tion That a Cttffvnitteeof puhlicfafe- ty was fntmed c«pfi:fllng of twenty-iour membra.— Phat fligs and cockad'.-s wereprepafed fo- the rctaiiun. But that on the 1 eta of November, when the firfl mretmg took place, tijrre was no violence, (altiough there was fome [ plunder in the evcrjog of the day] and i that the meeting idjoumed to the td of j Dfcernborr, by wwch time it \v;.s h'iped j mratia mi«jH| be found toaccellerate the acc^mpliflimcnt ot the projedied under¬ taking. Tliar your committee hud that not a moment was loft fe the interval benween the /iifl and ferond meeting, to take ad vantage of eveiy circinurtance whicli could further the attainment of the ob¬ ject in view. Additional publication? of an influmroatoiy nature were circula led everv whr*e. Endeavors were made to raife a general fubfeription for! »he fnpport of th 'fe who hadrchncjulfli ed their^rdinary pecup^tions, to evbfe them tO devr»te vl'einfctve-* to thofe pur- purpofes, whiah pcifons had hitherto chiefly been paid by a principal mem¬ ber of one of the fod'etic*. A plan vvaa formed lor the fcdnCOGf] of the foMtcr*. by rnifnig hope of promotion .':i the ev¬ ent of their joining in the Rttproarhiitg attempt, and exvuing difeotitent among; them by a (I jry of the la. dir>$ of s large foreign force in the country. It wan again ^recommended rhai the bar rack i Chould be the obj\clof particular uWcr- vation —Thoic quarters of the * >wn, where dillreil was mod prevalent were viiited by individuals appointed to fn flame the people. Tito, ware houles along the River, and Uhi e iiiopb in va- rioUS parts «<f the town where arm? were depofiied, werecarefnly noted. A plan been maintained, that the only remedy! wa?al!o formed for thefeduftton or the day, at n«- very great ditlance, is tn be appointed fur a general rifing. They have been in the habit of arljourping tb-rr own- afr^mh!ie3 fimuhar eoufly to the fame day : and h is a larnentahlt in- Ita/nce of the common fntercft which they feel, if not of the connection which is formed with thofe mofl imph'cbted"h\ die outrages co-nmitt^d in the metp'pdij, that about Man'-heHer an<! other places, the greatcft exultation was manifef^ed previous to the rneetif/g in Snafieids'in the 2d December, and the tj'uig-rtfoae Cower, and the ruin of the bank were publicly and confi Gently predicted. The ne*vs of the refult was iiMp.nviently e^i- pefled. The roads were crowded dur¬ ing the night with a number of pcrf-ns^ many of them delegates from the differ¬ ent focieties in the country, waiting for the arrival of the mail coach, and the dif. appointment was not concealed, when it was afcertained that the not had been quelled without much ferious or exten* five mifchief. . It apnea™, that the confidence of*he iSeBi&xd h fiich, that they reprefent the numbers enrolled as amounting to f^veral hundred thotrfand, and that their "ocieties ere daily htCreafiri^ ; that in "letr lift* they diflfingmfh by pa^icnlar arks thofe amonjx their fubferibers who are able bodied men, and rvady t. art when required ; and they alio krfp a 1 a,1 f. thei; m; for the grievances of the peop-e waii, to hunt c.>w 1 the land-owners, and to de-i prive thofe fttll greater wretches the) fu«d holders of'their pretended rights. It appears aifo, that thefe dtheffocie- tieA of a Gmilar charaAer, had beet, gliil- tailors, by offering them additional pay Under tile new G< .vemment wutch waa obout to be elJahlifhcd. Th;t before the Meet- fng of tiie 2d Oct ember, many perlons connected with thofe proceedings pro ty of fhe mof} blafphemous an ' im-7'nu-!! ctire^ arm^ of vatfoos defcriptions. It proceedings; and that while they affin:- j ^'aH thouffht that luffi'-icfit means ha-. rhus been obtained *o carry on the in- ed 10 bf of a convivial nature, their po¬ litical difctrffions were followed by longs >f the moft inflammatory and feditious tlefcription, znA by the recitation of pro- j[ lv premeditated by defperate men, who calculated without reafonable ground upon def'Ction in tfeeir oppolers, ad upon aA've fupr.^rt from thofe muiti- tudeawhofe diftreflfes they had tcd, and wham they h^d vainly milita¬ ted to revolt. That confequently it wac not merely the fudden ebullition of the rnpment, or rhe unauthorifed attempt of my unconnected individual. P \ our commir iee are farther convin¬ ced that notwithstanding the failure -.)f the 2d of December, l!»c fame defigrja 'rill continue to be profecutcd, wkh fail- j 5'iinc hopes of f»:ccen». y«>ur committee having thus ftated the general refult of evidence which has been bid before them, refpecti::g the II *-te of the metropolis, have now the no lef.- painful duty of calling the attention of the fame period in different parts of th- country, a rubjret of equally momen- IUOU8 confideration. The ii:fl thing which hat. hen? forced ftfclf upon their obfervation, is the widely diffufed ran i- fication "»f a fyftem of clubat aflociated pruftffedly for the purpolc of parliamen¬ tary reform, upon the moll extended trinciple of univerfal tufTrage and annu- 1 parliaments.— Theft clubs in general defignate thcrn- felve? by the fame name of Hampden clubs, On iheprofePed object of th-ir inilicntion, they appear to be in com- 1 mnnica»ion and coniKcb'on with the club of rhatuame in London Tt appears to be a part of the fyftem of thefc club*, to pu>ni.»i. an exfeiiiioti of club* cfthc fame name and nature, fo widely, as if p. ffihic to Foe udc every to he liflcd, and r villap • ii the kingdom. The Icadi-*^ member* are active in the circulation ol pnblicationfllikely to promote their 00- ecl. Petition^ ready prepared, have teen fent down from th? metropolis to fall focieties in the country difpofed to re¬ ceive them, the communication ber w^en theft clubs takes place by the miflii *n of delegate.- ; delegate, from thefe ciub" hi rh* country, have afle:r.bled in London, and are expe£ied to ^flenble again early in Match- Whatever may be the real 4>bjefl of thefe clubfl in general, jrom committee have no hcfitation in UaMng, from* v.!i»ch rhey place full icl'ance, thai in ha thegreater nun'ber of them, and particularly thofe which arc ellablffhed in the threat manufacturing didridl- 0, I/ancafhrre, Leiceflcrfiiire, Nottingham- fhiw ?.-id Derbyfhire, and which are compoled of the lower order of urticans, nothing (hoTtofa revolution is the ob¬ ject cxp.-cicd and avowed. Win- committee find, from crptall) ' l 1 I l id of thofe who refufe to join them m witat they call a « Black Bonk," and Threaten vengeance againft thofe per(oni when the general tnfovredion fha!l taKC place, tn fome parts of one pinions county, where neajy every ^*Uag* n«« already its Hampden club, the member* make it no fecret that they co^fidei \M& felvesasof no other pfe than as bnrig ready to aft whenever they ar* caH* Upon ; on their admf:Tior» they are faij m.....eceivc a fecret card with tiie words—« De Ready, I* blcadv. ^'he habits and manners of thefe perfone feem entirely changed ;. they at ready calculate upon the fhate of lanj which each ii> to poffcf^, and point out the de^Tuclion of the churches., as the neceffary confequence of their fuccefs__. It appears that preparation ate in rjro. grefs, In feveral places, foi providing arms ; the demand upon t'un-fmith*, for every fptcies of fire arm--, has been be. yond wll former example ; the intentioa is profefled, of having rccmirfc for a fli|| larger fupply ro th' fe towns where arms are mr.mifadtu'vd, and where they are to be obtained at a very low rate, from the genera! cheapnefs of 'a- j bor at this time ; or in cafe of neaflity ■ they are to be feized by forccu The fa- Iciifty of converting imp^rnent^of hue*. [bnndry into offenfive weapons, has brra Ifrgge'Ied ; and perfons have been fent; to obfeive rhe (hte of particnlar olaees where depots of arms (at the public fcr- i yfee were fuppofed to have b^.-n form- pj tn;; niuu iiinummatory anu teaitious; uywnierizime it «•" fnyoivi cnu'i^n | ivw c"»wwiny*ce hhu, nu.ii -.-jiirtuy 110 vyi^rvc u*c u^lc 01 parncui* tlefcription, and by the recitation of pro-j( w ;uld be got from the gim-Imiiha' a:;d j nr*dou.>ted ."nfcrmation, that the riocl- J where depots of atrns f-»r the p feneperodtes of the li'ttrgy, and of va-'«other depots to ar'm a confirlrrahl*1 num- [rmesol Spence&n ^loba have been wide j vice were fizppofed to have bp rions parts of rhe Holy Scriptures. j ber ot individuals. The mannk&uftr of jjly diffuAd through the country, either j«l- Th^t in oider t.i extend the punci- JI tricolor ribbon w?; encouraged* with a -by rhe c::t<-nnon of Caular focieties, or i Your committee fin<l,that a pies of 1 heft* focieties over the whole j view of rendering il familiar to the cyesjjmote frequently by the intervention ofufecret afTociation has been cxt kingdom, the moll aiJfve efforts were made by their various members : an! in eonf' quence thofe principle- were difTem- inatcd in fpeeches at public meetings to the difcharyed foldiera and foilofs, and to the dtftrtfTcd labourers and manufac¬ turers of the country; and that in aid 01 this objeft, incredible aAfvfty been nfrd t<^ dffoerie cheap, and in ma- nv inftanrcs grntuitons publications, \\n- fulding the dn&rmeaof ihe focieties. That it luid been proved to the entire fatisfaftion of your committee, that a t umber of the members of theu various focieties, acti «g in a body as Ideates, cohecived anddtecIcrcd, that in theiro- pinion the ob>ds which they had i;i view might be, and ought to be, in lured by the phyfical ttrength of the people to overpower the cortltitutional authorities. That they conlider the lirft ftep which flvuild betaken by them for thi* pur- pofc»waaby their individual exertions to di.cover and foment the difcontentsof the metropolis and its vicinity; and that return* of their proceedings vvere made by the individual delegates to the gene¬ ral body. that it appears to your committee that a pi m was formed, bv a fudden ris¬ ing rune dead of the Bight, to iurorife of the public. " i {mIflionaric&ox delegates whofe buiinefs Your committed have further received j jit is topropa^atethofedodrine- through- undoubted iu?jrm*t^i'»thaLu large num. j tout every frciety to which thev have ac- bcr of pike heads u<-1 been Ordered of jcefs It is the univerfal practice of thefe I one individual, arr-d 250 actually made j J focieties, to require from the members a text, of parliamentary reform oihIk il>y him, and delivered and paid tor. it final] weekly fubfeription? which pro- ] broaclcfl bail* your committee ar* rjrmh wasaifo undoubtedly intended to iibe- v-desafund for the expence** of thele > perfuaded. from the information whief I rate the uriloncrr..- h" ihe hope of their I concurrence and ^llitUncc in the intcfld- ed infunedion. A-ioreiTes were intro¬ duced into i'orne^'f T^c Pr,f°n*t and re¬ commended to be commnnicated tooth¬ ers, in which the perfons confined were invited, Jo the P-:ime «^f the CrkoWed Commtttc, to iahv ,,>un(i the tricirfored Itandard, which ^ould he erected on Monday, Decern!^1" the fecund, and to wear tri colored d*ockades themfelVeSi— j It was promifed '.:',al tnC pnfoners fhouid 1 be liberated by foJ,ce» and arm?i were (fa- tad to be provided for them, and th ) were directed tol"eready to ^ffil1 them in overpowering tl-ie 'uvnkeys. A wag lion wan hired for1'lne hufiin fs of the day in which the flags at^ banner, or ftar*d- ard, which lutd L.-'en previoufly prepared, together with U 'mc ammunition, were [fecrctly conveyed^ to trj'- pl^Cfi of meet¬ ing. From this - w*Kgon, before the Oft- teidible hufincfii c^fthe l1ay commenced, inihcothei part ofthclieid, the moll miflionanVs, and alio fur purchasing feJi- trous trafts which are commented on at their meeting. Sume of thefe tradtt now bef.-re your committee, incul¬ cate in the moll artful manner, the lie- ceffiry of overturnine what they call fyflem nf :ended to .the roami fact tiring popula'ion of 0!nf- IgOW, and C-me other populous townB of 1 Scotland ; and although thefe focieties have availed themfelves of the fnrre pre- '......" '■ " .he w h I has been laid brfne them, that their ul¬ timate object is the Oftrthfrw by ft:rce, the cxilliiv: form of Government. That the time fur attempting this enterprife was to depend on the fimultaneonsrifing ! of the difntTected in En-land ; with 11 the privileged clai"s,'; as diftin^uidied j emmifT.ries from whhm occafional inter- T from the people, who are defcribed as confiuirg of labourers, artizans tradv men and every other piotVlfinn ufeful to fociny. // new order is declared to he j the will nf the people : rebellion ia jus- tftied by alferti«n thai a nati m cannot be a rebel ; and all religion is d» la vowed, as well as loyalty, by the afRntiou, 1*1. anfwer to the queftion, " Would you live without gods or kings ?" We abjure I tyrranny of every kind/* It feeuis, indeed, ro be a part of the fyftem adopted by thefe focieties, to pre- pate the- minds of the people for the des¬ truction of the frame of fociety, by un¬ dermining not only their habits of de¬ cent and regular fuboidination, but all 1 toihe MenupuUij wc iecoud to the th« fojdias, md w tiie term wtahj I inflammatory f^«cba wm dS^tdJ the plactylu at aeiality *iid rcligioa. ♦ | courfe appears to have taken place, pnd that fome provilron of weapons hasbetti maJx. by thisafTbciation. Y< ur committee nave now fnbrri.*tcd to the hotlfe what chi y conceive to be a fair and not exaggerated (latement of the rcfnlt of their inveftigation. They hive thought themfclvei precluded From in- ferting in an appendix, the information from which it is drawn, by ihe confide- ration, that uiuefs it were extieme-y par¬ tial and incomplete,the) conWnot mska it public Without prejudicing the admin* ittt'ition or public jullice- On a review of the whoh-, it :s a tren- eral latisfactiun to yr.nt COmntittee t.' ob- feivc, that, notwithlkjndt'Hj the alirm- I ing progivJi which haa btc;: made ia the

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