Kingston Gazette, April 26, 1817, page 3

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afrer Am bapp*afid a very tarac (tone va, thrown at the other glafsi and then three or four other ftones with Rieat vio ]nce ; he fe*d WiMtittcd the firft glafs that was broken minutely ; there was no crowd near lWc carriage at th- thw ; buti?*a piitol had bee fi.t-J with gun- ptwder, the perfon firing it, he thinks, mud have been recognized ; he fuppofc, Si no report waa heard by hi-o, they mifcht come from an air gun. Thcie was no bullets found in the canine ; he fuppofed they were (hot from fomc one of the trees; the oppofitc glafs whs up, ic wa< not bioke at all ; he pot out of tie carriage [mediately after the Prince Repeat ; he did not Icarch the carriage, pordidlbe know whether any bullets were found at the bottom of it. The Matter of the horfe nrwifi the carriage ; fplinters of the Kla,s wcrc &,a0<1 ' tfJc Hone which fttuckthe opp.-fitc ghf« did n l cuter the carnage, the gbfc was very inn on me ietn or reh. Lfcneral 11 plait*? i* the cmwifiwice-al «"'»» anions, ano Bolivar wau attacked near Bare* ona by 11 not at the burl: of a rtmCHservltJg vecopbant.- vlie j t*yal General Moriio, with 4000 ; I Lei them lionc-tly declare* "bat appear* to be regulars from Carthageua, Sec. am fled I'theprrscwrinjsand cowardly tendency of hi by the whole Spanifh naval force on the i (communication. anr» h-i «h*irnVlermhiatio*i«f- tliick In anfwer to a qoeftletl from Lord Mfoofl/tk- witnefc faid, that His R.-yal Hi$Wfc Lt in die middle, between the ni».1« of the horfe H'ldthe wit'ief... Th< flone Tmafhed th* window and pounded the glafs, which was remarkable tt.i. k. T&ew was n footman and a Life Guards man by tlw fn'e of the carriage. Hi could not fay wheth« th Dtepofed bul- Jets ucrf.rand a ry part of t'te eMtijge Thewirncfi having withdrawn, Mr. Vanlitiart conceive:! thai "•> farther in Lrmat ii>n could be y, after fe tf.'limonv they hadjufl hord, to in«fo« riirfauffc v CPCur in the addrefs.— Hear.bear-1 H,- thcefore moved that tlic addrefs be re.iJ. The Ad>Wfii »-a- 'hen ie.J to'.hc fo!- lowing effect : ,; W« j'eff" R--val Hi >li fcefc's dutiful and l«yal folrj-d-.the Cm MMwHoirfe "f Pu.liam.nt, beg Ira* fcumfcty to exp'ef^ on/ abhorrence of the outrage ciT-red this ftey to th- perfon o: your Royal Htghnef*. an ! r-sgtet thai Aw flvni'd he found a nctf >n m Ihek ARmiiuMsca&»U."ofcommuing J" '»■ riu$ and fWitious an aft- 11 W the ear- ]|ct »M(h .»f votM faithful Commons, in which they <n»H hr>.....»1 hy *» tlvM I*- t|m)sofr.ithful 'qbhfti. thatyvnr Roy- ,i Hh»hn. U would be pleifed to .iiect JU.K .nr.fme* to he taken, as mould k*d ,ovhea.)r-eh-fion of the aulho.a a,.d TheaMtefa was then agreed to Hft l)y ihe whole Spanifh naval force on the coaft ;—and that the battle lalted the whole day with vaiuus rcfults ; — That on the 16th Bolivar intrenched hfmfclf in Barcelona, and was five tiniea furiously attacked by the royal ills but rucr-cded in gallantly repuliiJig ihem i vci y time :—and on the evening of the 16th peiceiving. the Spattilh fuuad'ou advancing, he fet fire to his fqua&lrou which was conlurncd and incorporated the maiincs (600 in number) with his troops. He then explained to his army! the necelTicy which compelled hi.n tol order the deili uclion of hia iqnadron, and Informed them they had no-altenutivc bul to conquer or die. His addicts was anfweved with three cheers : That on the 17th General Bolivar, was again attacked by land and fea ; but without efteel : And in the night the royali'W clvew up iiitreachments; which were attacked, fwordin hand by Boli- ver, at ihe head of his troops, and the! loyalills driven th^refiom with grrat ila'»v(hter :—Being at the (ante time joine,! by Gen. Maiino, Gen B. was enabled to put the royalill to flight ; ?nd That when the fluup taihd, (the S.h) two baitali >ns h'id joined Bo'ivar, and the revolutionary army was in high fpirits confident in the talents ot their undaunted Chief- From Bttettos Aym*—Captain Doug- fat*t of the Britilh brig Eli/.abcih, who .urived this morning in 63 days from BuettH Avres, bfbrmi ,,? tliat ll:C Poit:igtteftf'cXpeditioH had iwkeu Monte Vedio, with very little fighting- He dlo (iates, that the troops of BlKOM \\re% comuriliu^ nri arroy'»f6oo0 men, =iad n.archcd for the province of Chili co induce or con.pel the people of thai to ut.ite in the common caufe agafnU the P01 lUgiiffe. In eafe ot the union of the troops of Chili with thole] of Buenos Ayres, no doubt was enter- itt;,.*>1 -if ib-ii lurcefs. Four P«»rtu ^riirfc brigs laden with tallow and luues, had been fri/.eci by the government of Bacru« Ayrcs.—Com. Adv cbmmunlcatiOD, and M Ihcir^ermiuution af- ' fix uifon ih«* pnltiv K*','12 «b« >}. \::a-,',i' a" Lo¬ ver op Justice" itfloau ahandontMl propa^a- cort.r fa;s. bunil ur4 >lander, ftc a;>pc!hiti:-:i whieli really atlaeh"3 lo hfah 8mv I am, tliai iiifir deds.aii .\ill )** hodi instracivo aadjust. !twU! #-*ach .diiMbat malir*- d.'r-at- if- o.wi rufis, and that tlu* vorv means which he has cmplaccd *o s;rutif* M* d**bn »*<t «ml, have rc- roiled with double force upon himself; it wiii aUoiiiMiuethiin, iliaiiie \*as» much mistaken, when lie expected <> tod a community |mhsc»4- Pd of hearts a* f-^l "u1 and cormpteVi tv his o<rn,di^em1oatin|t Ids cruel allusions, with the ;ufri"al satisfaction which ho enjoyed at vent¬ ing ihrm ; anditvvtfeel "ill uot cease with the UCCaSibD uUieh pivduccd it. It will Maud a hcacon (o o;hcr>, (*i ot&ers can he round, so lo?( to honor and *hami%) to warn them that though like Amatou tin-it Iwantsmay he dead to the Siinj of u-mor-c. a»<l die rtpra;.clics of injured sen^ibiiUy, the ui«ver»tl execration of an in- |diriiacip«uliccun regcuer»itetUewi to a i.c--* tenseof their infamy* even beneath thr- <1*:rt, uiih which their vilenc3>cu*ei*5 thcai. M. Jjji-it L6M. J< ....... Last year vestelrf from Sacket's Ifnrbor irefr onion fhe Lake m*ara week, beforeIik / could enter Klug^loip Harbor, o.i uccounl of ice. Taisvear, ihe scene is reverse:!. Ki-nfs tOHVC- el^ have been out a wet I; ; but the ice at Sack- el's flarhor prevents them entering there. T! i liiiVreuve U proU-.hly occasioned b> Uie ilitier- cul direction Oftlie wuid^,and ihe -tale of the spring fit-Miets. A swell of water in Uiaek Ri¬ ser tends loloOiOnths iceanu iioat ii out ot Sackets liaibor. ES.—RcJicner JuUa, J Witlnfj r*a.:t-r, lioiii Soiluu Bay,with p*<rK, beei,iinur au-t lard. l2\.~ SchiRinrr Olii*- Branch, I*. John*na m.i^t'T, from Saekeuhaibor, rm^o oai:« . Hour. 2.V—Schooner Triumph, D. TU Id waller, fiom Sackctsharbor, cargo potash, bulter a;: \ c;Htle. —Sc tooner O. • er, S. 15nH;v;ay ma-ter FrOm (iene fie,cargo pola.oes, oars, buticr apples, e?^". it 1 tion, Kc.&c S tir.luD. 'M>iil?l.—Schr. Ge;u*a. L>. May, V.aster, foi —Schr. hrnrietta, W.Kcnt, Master,for Os- w e»o. 2S.—Schr, Dolphin, Willard, Master, R»i Pre -'if 1, uitli Flour. —Schi. L'erseveiaace, J. O. Parker, Mas¬ ter, for Sackei'« Harbor. 84.—Schr. Commodore Owen, J. Sinclair. MuMt'i,for \ork. with Mcicliauuizcs. —Sehf, Peri. T. xnuusou. Master, for tie Hal of the Lake. —H. y\. Schr. Nc.lev, Captain Brace, for the Ilea.1 of the take. «:>.—Schr. Triumph, D. Reid, Master, for Sa<!v *t*< Harbor. —Sdir. Olive Branch, f*. Johnson. Ma'ster, for iork, with a number of emigrants. pr9*\Ve can not correctly state the arrival and depiii lures of the tm\ernm*,nl VesSCU?nOI b«*fiig acquainted with ih*'ir» nam^s. coonaan- ilei%&c.—The Collector of the Cuitomsforthh Port, politely furnehc- us with ihe arrival, r^&of Merchant Vessels. Hydkographic Office, From 19th to25ih Npi.l. DA TE, and Course of fhe IVind, a* The late fro t , U is said, have apparently in¬ jured the Wheat011 man) iiehlsoi 016152 la^>o. in tin- viiuiiiv, b\ heaving up ikegrouu^ *a« to expose the roots. U is hojied that favorable weather ma) jet prevcm tin- injury from being zo severe aisomc Ua« e apprehended. 19 W ^?0;n a.m. plcast. Sly, Noon, l*i fihn mid- aht.___ 10 a.m. S. »A.eloud> Voon, Midniffh' WiV. 01 (Noon HMv. \\.b.\S ( Mjoi<<e>it 90 S50 83,ft?6 ny (:i:«» -ii, a. m. "" ?!o,^0m.wiiidS.____ VS 1'it winiNaiid tine, ('• \ m mn I br'-i 1..SK 2>1 -.Soon. «i»ii rain, ^ \;.i!nij:*.:;. II. \\ ml-. 29^00 5:iMi 0 To Joiners. '* II «0 be fin.'flicd by Contraf^a Frame JJ HOUSE, near Point F.tdcjick, already covered. Any perfon dH}*cs$ j to enter into a Contract f»r completing the building, are tequtlled todeii -r lea- ledpropofala into dtiu ofli-.e ("ti.rea plan may be fecn, ar.d other pirrt:ct)lari made kn-iwn,) on or before the 15th of May nc-t. N. B. No Tender will be received af¬ ter 12 o'clock on that day. J MARKS, Agent FiSwtkr. VlduaUwg Office^ 47 Point Frc: e icit 23^ A/>r'*/t 13 17. IO BE BUILT BY CONTRACT, A Smail Dwelling Houie, at the JrA, Naval Hofpital, Point Frederick. Any perfon or perfona mlling to enter into a contiact to build tiie laid h*>tifet are requeued to deliver fealed Tenders into thia Officej no 01 before the 15th of May next. No Tenders will be received a*ter 12 o'clock on that day : a plan maybe .cen and other particulars n ade known at this Office. J. MARKS JgmL VlUuallmg Office.* 47 Point Frederick* z$J April, 1817. Masons iVork. })ERSONS willing to coiitiaft to e- reft a wall around a certain part of the Nava! Yard, agreeab'e to a drawing, which may be i^en DO application, will fend in tealed Tenders on or before the 15th of next month, expreffiflg the rate per toife. Th- woik mufl be fi..ifhcd by the 15th Oftobcrnext. Naval Storekeeper's Office^ tzd ApriU 1817. 47 4:i as o-. \ta.\i It. w* X cloudy ).\oouii, ____________ vn,.<74 $*> Kingston, KwiULVfi, Wt7- e t ■ • I* Jirr. Vnnfittnrt cr.ive notice, that lu- Jh >uld tu-ini»rrovv move for a vote of thank*, to Lord Mi ira, for his cui»docl in f'idi' ; »ndt>n tyinAny w 1 i»rd V1 f- .Count Rxtnotlth, for hi* p^aliant conduct it Alp'",c-— ^>diourned. HOUSE OF LORDS. wi d^e«t>ay, Jan. 29. At two '.Vlock tiie Houfe met. and a great number *if Peers attended to carry \ipL.» add ten voted lail night, during the exclulioti of ftran^ers, congratulating the Prince Recent on hi* uvoviden'ial efcaoe from the atrocious atTault* of fome disaf- fefted individuals in St. James' Park, on his refuro from the Houfe of Lords yes-] terd.iy. The Lord ChanccMor adjourned the! Htttfe liV. five o\do:k, a ;d then their Ln'd(h*ps proceeded to Carlcton Houfe with the addrefs. At half j>aft live o'clock the Houfe] Tcfnmed. The Lovd Chancellor {[.\l^<]% that the Rotttfe had wattiHOf 1 the Prince Reoeut wi;h the addreffiof con^ratutation voted) yclTewd^y, to wh'chhts Royal Rlfrlvoefa had been pleaf d to return the following inoi! 'i»i:icious anfwer. 41 "rhii addition?.! proof of your loy-; >lt; a»d attachment afford a me the ht£h* ell loisfiifti.-n. Relying on the affec- tion«of the eteatell part of hh M;tje(\y's fuSjcftR, 1 huvc nothin<rvto regret hut a, breach of the laws. I have ordered that | tlv- petfot^ r nef»vn--d in '.hat daring out- j rap;t fh^uld be brought before the pioper. tribunals.1' ■ | "A Letter fo"-m Bordeaux, this I 1 Wednesday, tliv- v.iu m-i. being St. George' Day, it ivasolwivi-d, in obedience to a lateor- «b 1 \oihaii-flt'*-(.;;i.||ii-'KiirllrUa>-ii' Mu'»*«KIW1 I',£cc\t,b; adKchargeof taniioo from the d.lfeuiitba'.tcjies,^ &c. in KfugitOU. LAt-NCH.—Saameda> tti« hun«bed,from Point l'redcnck,% lhr bountiful vmverumeut scmjoncr li»to*.ic, „i about WO tows burthen. Ou v\liiet\"ecasiO',„>avUhUe was bred from the Shipping. Dixtrming ^l"«ir:m^«n«t.—About half pa^i 12 O'clock o..;. %or„ij,g, the u.;(abuun^ ol KibgaUJO «eieaiuinut.d \ty (|lt. vty 0f iuv, and tn- rhigii.gof neUfo |t proved »o be the liukc Uoureof ^* 'ISKbunwu, oi\ Poial Frederick. «a* ctM.-mmc(tj logethet with Uvo &mcll —And vvbat is still more dMresslng, ^youag lad of the name of '.Atks,about 10 vear&ot age> WaS burnt to deatii in the Bake House ! To the EunoH OflheKtSCitvN Hazzite. lift, V* HE^ a defence of public proceedings i ■nad'* themed;um of private dauder, and aviu- licatioii of one person is touvern d in 10 a. mosi i?ruel cidumnj of an 01 her, I think no ap-ilo^y ,n j needed for resisting the iusidlow" fort,and»-.. posing the unprincipled calumniator w Utejunt mdignation ofaUuborespeeithe feehng. oi') | Chaaty'j adjoiai,,^^^ •wounde" sensibda>. Delta lion ha evexhecn -he objec' of aUiorrenee aud contempt- Mid '• Am\tor Jfarttt a.41 whit^he ma> exult ai iiavW'g aimed hU envenooied shafts at wounds infjictedby party rage, and scarcely yet cica- t rtxed, cat. aho rejoice in the certain assurance, ihai to e\?r\ o»te possessed of honor of human*- .ry he will appear a> a reptile too despicable CO Wcrushed, bat too malignant to be tolera- eti. l*e; him Uot imagine that to him 1 make nr.s appeal s I am-ensibl. tbp.t a -oul a« de¬ praved a his-can neither vibrate to the pviga A MiUerin^se^Mbility.nor^hnuLfnunthecon- -rmphU'on ol'h:» own detestable churaeter.— lam naprophet, nor can I work miracles. 1 cai'ioi coi.('i>..nd in*; effrontery, or eouvert in- animate brass into lle^h and blood, capable of oa^ins th'* crimson tribute in violated aiode** tv ; vel.ifaiaient Spark of hunuiu'uy, shame. TurnvoMUTKR. C^Fever Rem, II*—Btaod Heat, 9S— Summer Heat, 70— Temperate, 55—Fieefcing In we mulfl of Life <ute are hi Death. DIED—At Erneft Town, on the rnornfng of the toth tnft, agid zb* yeirs, Mrs. Dorothy Carscallan, wife of! n4r. Anlnhald Car^caVan* !>he futfercd with a bog and painful illnefsfor three yeats, which (he bore with Chriitian fortitude, and rcfigncd hertcif calmly to her God. She was. be¬ loved by a numerous connedticn, and elteemed by a large circle of acquain¬ tance. Commtmtca "J. RO A OS IN THE NAVAL 1ARD. \ NY perfons defirooa of makinv-. the ^ \- Roads of this place, agreeably to a plan which can be f-^n by application, wui fend in fealed Tenders on or before the 15th of next month, dating the pi ice and time of completion. Naval Storekeepers Office, 11J April* 1817. 47 Cedar Canoes. yv°Sr)lmAVs^9M!fm P>int Frederick, on the ijth of next month at twelve o'clock. They are mad- for rowing with oats 01 paddling. Naval Storekeepers Office, 22(1 April. 1H17. ________47 f fl IHE Widows See. rec -rrmended by Jl_ the board in the Midland Dis¬ trict, can eecetve thti- . .-■ ! ,ir ALB^NY, April Vf. Wc cannot but Cl)ngralu[ate the I public, that the Canai Bffl has ai length 1 became a law. It paffod tlic coUncil of ■ revihon on Tuc[yav evening< The Com. I n»«i«>'»e« »" H meet at Rome, early in May, and we %deiftand will commence their operations immediately. Nsa> York, April i-j. ZaUxtfrom £«,lltttd%_lhl. Briku.„ Packel f •'«»«'<»• /r:;;':"^ ta,n. CiiLiiingiiam, wi.ii tbo l-eu-.ii: ry Mi.!, a,rjVl.clat ,ill;, .„„., )a,t eV4._ ,ni M dk«*fv>m lainouil., f V.x>z.) and *' |-.lax.r...wilii- l>l.llldot B.rmu.:a. lis ft].- i I MwfwentrnHMNJ wiU| l,,,..,,,,, .)a,,,.rs l0 tlir "* * -*!•** 1 , - 1 t v 1 p A Young man wlo can write a good hand and keep accounts. None need apply who cannot produce a good ! recommendation from iome refpeftabl merchant in this town Apply at thia Office. April 26. 47 by applying at the Office uf Uas iel Washuup.s, EUpin Kir^tnn. April 25, 1817- -^-7 &3pP NOTICE. FOR SALE, A HOUSE anrl r.OT, in the village of Stuartw'Uc For particulars enquire of JOHN DARLET. Kingston, A pril 26,1817. 47 '• * *■' * ' ^ ^jj linger ill '»= 00 """ " 1 j lai» fc'ebrwarj^q (|avs |a;cr UHUl uCW belort timteffe light op aflameto ^^^H feitiSh troops from Franc. • wprt|h* eoruxa Urns I he vile and area . a|rtywl iu ti^flmi |l0a &# glth of i'euruarv : .^vmcUhelu. cho-rn—a burning lire, ' r vani (VI, while memory sap- «h.ul. «uiivv«t ««'••«• I, ,,„,........,!„,., .honeser.-ten,,..-dor a,- TZl comfort .Uicn Hi -^— * .10rm, and hurrica^s of ^^r'l^ .hi,-!, hi,.......edec-,.—!.. „-ft«e .mn 1.....censing seance. Biu.K «.B he «A Letter |wm«B o«««v— •---. hh lincoas»n- ve..s«-»-. - tnft«tt received, rta" a» account °f • * ,,•„,"• Aenct, »Mdi debased ^ below Hie inltant rcccivcu, j« .»V„W n|acc 111 \ ' ■ -• ••'^ -n.iili.-i -example, feditbn which ha.l |utl take.. |>WC< ^lya^a*. km -a whic'. ---ten ^V ............- fetal conf-q—e, J^P^rXi to oppof, the emh,rk^on <>t he co.,1, ceUiued for other AgS^^ .nc da\ on wioeii fjjc u;uu,ei -a.ied. Our pa.pei% eotii |BJ (j,,. lumor lliat Las Caj- as, t. Bona,;::!: c »t _cua j^ companion | tog^th* ,.r with his son, ha^ [,..».,, s,.|.t frmn S.. Helena, andba(larn\ed ai ,|M/ fapeofGood Hope. ■ LONDON, Feb. 13. \ reduction of (|kree Lieutenants in each fins ship* aotttwflfo eachotlter bite of battle Hinip»^*totaV.e|ii;i e imniediaMdy. Each ;h- vibHinoftiie ../>al .|n,ii.e»i> lonnderso a.otb- er*tl.eiai;oi:, wlti^^ it is said, wi-U occasion in be vw.e'.e about ^t\ieUiciiaiKa to be placed uren hall pay* >^is oppofition was fo ^ military were ca •i- mXtmA in -^tid were obiireQ ^.^ajn, and added.Morherexnmple, ,ll(,,imIir,U,e«o1ld.Uat where honjr^i ise.,sib,li.ya-,eexnnct)U^a,.lolol,,fo.J"- , uceor truth. ... . I ,.,, l0anob^rvin!:ar,U.nn,rhalpl.Ul.,.1 a,^:iln-e.uu,ld>uU1c1,,:i;dc,1cc« TO IET, THE welt half of Mr. >/^« 5^;»V Houfe- For particulars enquire of the owner, at S. Merrill's. Kingston, 24/A April, 1817. 47 Wants asituatioR) IN fome Writing Office in this place, as a Clcik. Merchants or Auction¬ eers who moy be i" wtnt of affiftance in that branch, will do well by calling «?"» the Printer for fanher information, as the pirfon who withes to engage will be in rearfhefs to attend to the lame on Monday, next, the 2«th in ft. 47 Kingston, April 22, 1817. "'""• > w", , tt" \ ..oufiJwable . i«W»""...... ■ ^attempted to weavea f OK I ^r KINGSTON. \uril 21.—Heb. I^Mn, Witlavd master.from Og'leuvbv S'— .il!.i>t. —-Seiiponer <i(,,,1.\a, I). May master, from TrnnpvUlpi wVti liouv and ^otk. \V. Kent master, —Schooner »' jro'tia, ll' with Hour. V rt,,,..rnl,":^onnterin!ueh-..- Uedar-«-oto,.cnl, _____ lyettcrdayhadjinyt^toi^)^ ,j fromTrotrpn a_____ — lV'-c;..iaiice, J. tt. Parker ma* le, retmi.ed, (lot j^. au]e togel mi* Sac^ei-'^r,n:,'Vom the iie. oo^tl. M. Srtivnnor Nr:h, Capt. Brace, from Vr.rk, w (h ^ companies Ot theUTtU R'^iueiH. — M."M. Ship t" irrte||. Cant. Oily, from Niagara, wiw a dctachuunt of die 9cJitv RcguuenW THIS is to forbid all and every pet-! Ion or, whomfocver. med , diing with, or in any wife interfering with the to- in Johnfonvillc, pure-haled from John Wgnfon, Eiq. by .he fublcuber, Richard Smith ; and alio with the Lot. bought from Jean Baptiftc -to ****\ Maifon, called Reau, by the faiu Richard| Smith, and Cyrus hi, Ion ; for Bcn,a- .min Walker Smith and M»na *»«•». I without leav; firll had andobtamed irom cvaus SMITH- ; Kingston, -#■*«■• «•»!• «w6 THE fubferiberwifhe^toi^prers on the minds of thole who are indebt¬ ed to him, that he intendb to leave this place for England in Aogtlfl next, and reqneftfl that ramedJate payment be n^adc, particularly fome Auction bills which ought to have been paid en demand, itt- ftcad of which fix months has etapfed fince the goods were delivered, and not paid for. If not fettled in fceti days trom this date, he has determined to gpc the account to an attorney for colleAi- on : afo, as he intend* to clot: his con- cernshy the lame lime, he retjueft- thofe that may be indebted to him by Store accounts, to fettle them as li'Otl as pot- sib'le. ... The GOODS he ba6 on had, viz. Cloths, Flannels, C< Linterpancs, Elegant Furnit.ireCalicoe.-, Large Silk Shawls, Boots, Shoes 1 » Green Table Covers, Boxes Perfumes of rnofl fuperior quality and \»a:1i ailorted. The whole of which he is determined to fell low for cam- J THORNER, New Briek Houfe. Store strtei. Kingfton, ApiiU6. tSt7- +7 Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Oilicc. i L Wanted, A COOPER. Liberal wnpes will be given for a good woikmau by *t p ; kg to JAMES ROBINSON Kingston, Feb. Z.Z 1817. jt^tf

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