Kingston Gazette, March 22, 1817, page 4

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Notice. I \ LL pt:rfon.- indebted Co the fubfcri- * - her arc refuelled to mnke iinnv:- iow u?yment All kin^- of prod tree wi'd be taken in pfcyrrtrnt, at the Market prices. 'rhe fubferiber has taken mto partner flvjp his brother, AWffl ft. MacDoncll. Tfvbufinefs in future will be carried on " uJcr lb-firm of ^/••,'V. >!4CDONRI,L?f Co Iii addition to their former (lock, they are now receiving a general afiortmentof a Notice. | THE fvibferiber bc^s leave to miu^ the public that he has commtiicjj mining the J DRY GOODS, 'LIQUORS, GROCERIES i HARBWABM. Earthen <$" Glass, fr o *> vr. vr. <vf. AKX'k WACDONELL, Kingston* if. $<M- \816. 34. M&t7 Slage, Fiom tin's town to the Lower Prcviti.^ for the enfamg feafon, TWICE A WEEK ; Toleavethis place regularly ev^-v MONDAY and THURSDAT M>rn'. Jp^s.—Perform wanting a paffage vvj;i pleafe call at the Tavern f'>rrr:ci)y hucy,-., hy the Si^n of the ftrittMiia Inn, where the- Stage Books will he kept Packa¬ ges, See &c, will alfo bedcpofile! at the above place. BARNABAS DfCKINSON. T 1 9 Just Arrived. 4^ i«i &ls dry CotJ Ki-sil, tiv^":vl^ Ling*, J>q. !; y Cltti iMr Sahnon 1 * ■ 1 1 • r r aLetis Lo: h i« me tJern;m\ Kingfton, J; :m. 11 «.* i tw 7 ^2tf ; 1 i ■* r :: ■ ;as tSUl i it. M.SO,—A few fc*t« befl 20 St) 10 Engli -.ii Hai eij i Larnessep, SaddicF a'.:d Bru'tes, jUarlmgrsles, Pads, VefieseSg, 20 !V>z. riiie Simes. The ».bovc ai lorCafh or nrcd,-ce. ■ LTa'k. MACDONFLL & Co. nicies 'vfll be fold cbeap||C0PP« & P*r '*>• MONTREAL ^f/r Furnace. Joseph tot an & Co. EG leavt to announce to the Pub¬ lic, that they have commenced •-he buCnefa of Founders, On their ur^pe-iy, fo>t of the Quebec] Suburbs* immediately ;:djoiu:ng the Ship Yafd of MeflVs, H;trr Lagan & Co. where they will fiirnlfh Mill Caflings r.l all defcriptt*vn^i agreeable to fitch orders a*they rnayrec* ive,—Alfo, lilackfrnithN work *>f every kind executed with neat ae& and .1'f^ateh. Montreal* Nov* ! 1, 1S16. N R. C;:fh grven for o^d Metal, deliv¬ ered st the Works—fey ar the rats of J'5 per ton, and f>>r o!d Urafs 4d, and ? 51 A;;^.r/5 sn, z-^'^ %jfl 5 ai«^ it Memorials, For f;de at '.his Office. For Sale, T^HEWent h.df tjfloi number nineteen in "he fcconrl eoneefllon of rKc >uwn- fliip nf Kinojft >n. Anpl^to the Printer. ht/igt on luh I 'o. 1 m ; 31 vf> / W/f/. >^f PART of a Lot ne*r the Mnr- (f/Jt li*-* r^acr, with n hoi»tc on it. Tor pa titulars apply to the Punter. Kingston* jj». 25, 1S17. 34 SUKRIFK'S SALB, Midland J)tstt V/. r/r : BY virtvoof a writ of Fieri '<'- ./V;v. Usued out of thr Court of Ki'1^* 'j'Mn'h, at (li- suit of James Elo&xn Ki OI tho town of Kin-ton. Ksquiix*. ap.v:i"( the hind - and tenamrnfs of Aiooti ^l,s- l*»y, r:( the touustiipof King-fern, '■ '"- 111511, io trie directed : i h.iv< si"JZ™ and tak**n in pxrewrien, as !>"!on-1,;) to tlie said Artie* A i>l .. tin iv^r-': !,a!; of IM number 15. h, Hip s«v'0lwl coiiv. s-'i.n <-f (be town-hip of Ki-4'^"" ton, copta'miL^ by admea&iruieul ° ll> huu^rcd acre*-, be lite moilvoT !«s-i; tt»iii'tln'i with a lop llOUM framed bum thereon created. and 1 <\o A Stage J~~* AS coTimenced running from KAiirt t 0> to > OtiK. Le;;vi.i:^ Kin. ft.-n every MONDAY rnornioT :•! ^IX oVlock. and York ev¬ ery TffURSJ) 4T morning, fame hour. P.; fon vrilhiag for a paffagt- \x\\\ cnll at At Daniel Brown's Inn, ICin^fton, v!ir-:c the Sta^e B-^ok^ will be kept.— f:orii 20 to zx lbs. baggage wiM be a)- Lwed to each irilcnger, over tin's they rnuil be charged for. -^11 baggage lent I v the Rta e will be forwarded with care ftmj d'-h*v*:i(*d with pnnc^nality, a:;d all ft;voar3 Eckao*-kdged by the public's humble fervaut. SAMUEL PURDY. I Kinjtfmt fan. 23, 1817. 34tf I N. B* Stage fare 18 Dollars. hereby .rive iiotic:. that the aitovr n11"'" Kkmcd lot onaud, villi Uic;>>«51f,Ini^ and RjMHiittttiimcas (iton'UiiCo U- ton-- ing, will bck soul and adjndg -d to /in- •«i^iirst biddor, at ui> 'diiev in the 'own of Kinp>(oru OH Tuo^dav tjic tliiid d.iy of March ii^xt. at the houv if ton o*- eloe.k in th'1 fMnnuoouH—<>t which lime] and place tin* condition- of sale *ii! be rjiiidr kliiv.i 11. C'ItARLKSST(IART9-.%er^l Now this Im»mm' and b:irn and sixty • acres of lot No. 15 was not sola. ISic Sheriff caine i:»to Court as a uit!\cs= ;»- gainst Jorino Jackroii, and d«c!aiv(l upon Oath 10 hvetvo Jurors, thai h did not sell Che House k ba-ru aiwJ -ix- tv acres of thai lot, oerceable to t«e original survey; wh* iviort-, thai house and barn and m\Iv acres of land, i*> lire lawfai right, the laboar and prop. ( rty of Amos An-hvyn and will be r '- covered as soon a.-Justice can take place. Therefore, those or to forbid all nor- sous fiom mahiiifiao.y na'te of timbnr, ^toiic or clay for brick, or hi any man¬ ner Injuring the hnnse, barn or orch- aliaid, feoces3 otit-housftfi and build- ! hl^s on Faid lot .Vo. IS in the second concession in the to v. nship c?f Khigs- ton3 now the viila^i o:" Wellington. A.\iOS ANSLliY. March 3d, 1^17. NEW GOODS. HE Subscribers have im¬ ported direct from Lon¬ don, Manchefter, Birmingham and Glas gow, &d an extenlive mbrtmentof fcv- erj- fpecica r>f Merchandize fuitable to the UpperOiradn Market. The .1 ■;. Js have been felefted with cure pnd purchafed foi Cafli, and will be dilpefed of, either by Wholcfale or Retail, on the moll reafonablc terms. Under ihe different heads of &<fvw8i Gr&ceriett Hardwares^ Cli fhss Flannels, Haher- daskerz/, Noslm/ and CARPETING Utalionaiy9 Crockery and Glass Ware; Cordage^ &c. &c. They would enumerate the fol- lowing articles, viz : Very be ft Port, L. P. Madei.a, , WINES, on. rine old brown bherry, I L P. &L M. Teneriff, 3 Hibbeit's bed Brown Slout by the Calk or Dozen,;dy, Gin, &e. &c. &c. Teni ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado ; Coffee ; Sauced of every dcfcription. Loch fine Hcuings by the Keg; j Pejrl Barley ; Mnflard Soap 6c Candles by the box ; Scotch Oat meal, ts and Oils aflurtrd — Crawley and BhUercd Steel. Swedes I- 1011 affwrted. Duck, Pigeon and Snipe Shot. NailtSr Spikes of all forts, Tin Plate and Sheet Iron, Prying pans, Spades and Shovels, Hollow Waie—Hair, Cloth,whitewafh, Scrubbing, Horfe, Shoe, a^d Ta¬ ble Brnfln Knives and Forkes afTorted,-*—Penknlvc«, Sciffora, Spoons, Raz>rs, Shaving Cafe*; -Locks, Hinges, Sr.w^, liatriraers, Ftleffj GirnWrts, 3:c. &c. &c. Boots and ShoC8— Nankeen?, Corduroyti Stripes, Cottcnf, Chel kft, Bomhazetts, Muilins, Shawls, Dhnttics, Tapeft, Bobbin ; Brown, Qznaborg, Shirting and Sheet ing Linens ; Laces, Cambncks, Veilings Sattin«, KibboQS, blk. S'Ak Handkc 1 etiirft : Navv B'lie, Black Gray and fafltionable Supernne Broad Clothes and Cits-1 fimem. Ladies' ^nd Gentlemen's Gloves and Hofl-'iy, C'.'p^tnigof vdrii*iirt p.'l tenia y/naffirtmentof S^noc!b->oks and Sta¬ tionary.— G!af* ware and Cro^erv by the Crate or caflc, and pivkei to fait Couo- t* y Shops. Gentlemen's proof Reaver Hat?: Men's y.i'ithi'and E y's Cancel hair and plated do. M..n'o Willow Hats. f-?dics* & Girls' Bwvrrtnm'd Bonnets, New Goods. THE Sobfcribcrs, having received by the late arrivals, offer for fale on the lowefi terms for cafh at their Stores in King don 1 either wbolefalc or retail Cloths, Kerfey meres, Flannels, Bornbazett89 Bombazenes, Men Si Women's Hofiery, Irifh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattinb, Luteitrings, Bine and white di¬ agonal Saifnets, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, pooling, Ginghams, Lace Veih, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Ghwes, Wellington and lferlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spi'its Mufcovado and Cogniac Br ndy, Holland Gin, Beit Port, Spanifh, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Pippennent, Shrub, Mohiffes, Loaf Sugar, Teas, Pi ones, R'-iilns, Aim >nds* Barley, Pepper, Allfpice, and Walter McGuniffe & Co. Krngfton, 19th July, lbi6. Jiv6 Pain ADVERTISEMENT, THE Concern heretofore carried on by the fubferibers, under the firm of Roderick Mac Kay & Co. was diffolv- ed on the 9th infi hy mutual confent. AW demands agiiiuft the firm will be li¬ quidated by R. Mac Kay, and thof. iu- cebted to it are rcqueiled to pay their accounts, ROD*. MacKAl\ JOHN K/Rtir. Kingston^ 11 th "Jan. 1817. 32 li. B. Fhe buii;:ti"s will be continued by R 3c A. kffteKay, GGOBKUfcrfH BEEF ! THE fuhfefiber iufo^na his friends and the puhlic, that he keeps con- llantly on hand, at his Cellar, under the (Hive id D. Wafhbtrrn, Efq good Beef, at a vi»y low price, «t any hour in the day, by the hundred weight or fmuller quantity. ALSO, Vegtcahle** of almoll every defcripi ion, together with Ejfg«(, Fowls ;«nd Butter, all ufwhi'b will belnklfM C^ JOHN SfO'UNG. Ktngjlimi December 5, 1 S r 6. 3 r r f |%"j O I'lL't is hereby given, that the |_L^! Paitnerfhiu hithcto fubfilling be- rwe< n the undciu^ned, in L« wcr Cana¬ da under the firm of GKORGE ft WILLIAM HAMILTOM. and in [Uppei Canada, conducted byencjipart- j ncr occaih-ua!ly in ids o.\n name, wijl White, Red, Yellovand Blur Flannels, ['beand is hereby diffolved t.y mutual con- and Green bicad Baize. atojf Point B!a;»k't>—Counterpanes, Bed Tick, &C&C. Storage and Wharfoije at the cnitom- ary prices and ComailTion Bufmets exe-! cutcd at the nfual r«e, JOHN KIRBY & Co. Kingston* July 2 J, 1S1 6 «iv6 Advertisement. A few Barrels CBMPmO ^t herring AND Prims Pork, JilR ieccived,and for {?.ie by & B \RTL£T. Kingston, Jan 2 y, : S17. 3m f NOTICE. A LI perfonsbaving any demand- j\ againft tlu Eftate oi tfce late Er IPHALET ADAMS, o\ M»*ys- buigh, deceaicd, art hereby rcqt»elied, . - .--........ ......T .. -v *••• to pro !uce thei' claims duiy aothentica !| r»ur claim • "-v; -<ii -■ to thos t^*,—.".Toalt pcif-ns indebted to the faid Eilau are hereby nquelled to make immediate payment to SIMEON WAfiHBURN. H-jllowell, !2t! A8tng Exec not r» » Nov. 1 $16. 31V6 Sprayed or Stolen. OnJ the mVht of the Md February, alight Ch/fnnt HORSE, with a v<. ;c (Iripe in his f irluad. and o'^e white hind f)ot, a^oui ten years old. If Ito- len, whoever will detect the thief, fo as to rec wtt the horfe, fhil1 receive Ten D ^lar-.hy a? >1ying to Wm. B. Whit- BEY r-'ni'tl^n or tO RoLPH H. RO¬ GERS. Kfngfton Mills. March (. ^__^ %C) ~ FERGUSON'S Improved Tab'e of the value of Grains of G«;ld Cohif over or under weight( I or iale at thifr Oflicc. Sftnsibh**of th'* '.lrcdicamrnf in which wo, stand, and conscious thai wo have dowe our duly a> subjects^ ire should be vautitig to oarsolvej and to those* tender connection*, \. ho from nccessi* n :;hv ■ be**n '• ■•<■ milmfijiy companions • of our mis-fortnitc5. if we did not make e who ar<x tuthorbed 10 pant \\ ; aijd therefore v■■-. do appeal fo the fundamental laws o! the soci' ty of which wo are mem¬ bers— to- be protected in the original Land.narks and Boundaries by witicii we have reduced n bowling wilderness to a popolousProvince. 40 AMOS ANSLEY. InrillE fuhfciibei'Fhave jull rcc-ived [ Jl. at their Store, neai a frefh afionment of the Market, GOODS Noli e. ANY Per fun having a neat one horfe WAGGON' to difj>of« off will find a purchifer by applying at [hid Ollice. March 1. 3o>f. Garden Seeds. TlHE Subfciibcr has juft received from Montieal a Oledion of GARDEN SEEDS, for fale at his Store, nearly oppofitc the Maiket. ALEX. McLEOD. Feb. 21,1817. ' 3*-8 1 From Montreal ; wiich th-y will d!f" ) pofc of at very reduced prices for cafh, j produce or on credit. Among which are j India Cottons, do- Silks, Swansdowu Veiling, Brown Hc.llai.d. Cotton Shitting, ' Women's bed H«-t*e—Men's do. Men's Lambs' wool do. Red and White Flannels. Fine and Superfine broad Cloths, • Pocket Haivjkerfs. Bomba/ettes of various colors, Men and Women's fawn lined GLvcs, Men's common do. Striped Cotton?, Ca'icoesand other articles too nume¬ rous to mention. They have alfo received on commis- (lon, One Bz\\ of FLANNELS,— which they will sell very low at whole- fale only—and Ihortly especta an affurt- ment of GROCER !K^ Which will likewise be difpofed of ad- vantageou/ly for pur^hafers. CHARLES SHORT & Co. Kingston, I$th Fsb. u 817. 37 JUST received and! for fale ?.t tin.. Of fict, price iy'Ht Poems on bis Do- viestie Circumstances\ !by Lord Byron.— With iht Star of the Legion of Honour> and other Poeriib ; to> which is prefixed. The Life of the Nd'lc Author. A Gentleman wifhes to procure a Nurie, to alt end a fi-sk Lady. An elderly wonan would b: preferred J I to whom lihera' wafje* will he given. Apply to the Pi into.-. Kingllon, roth Jan. 1817. 32 Nov. z$. 26 New Goods. I "ft UST received, and for fale by the ;0j fnbfcriher, Second and third Cloths, Calicoes, Cotton Cambrics, Sewing fiTks and Twill, Silks for Lathes Gowns, Irk fancy drefs Handkerchiefs, fringed Cas- simere Shawls, &c.—The above being a confignment, they will be fold by the piece only, and wry low for Cam. S/iMULL MERRILL. Kingston* Ftbwary ti, 1817. *?,6// Rags ! Rags! Cash and the highest pi u;e paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN RAG S AT TICS- OFFICE. Warded, A COOPER. Libaal wag«» w])] be given f.n a'good workman by applying to JAMES ROBISUN. Aitigttcn, ret. 22 181 7. ^8t<f NTEW GOOBS, THIS day received at the Store of S. Bartlet, 100 Cafks wrought and cut Nails, of all fizes, Window Glafs, Iron, Steele, Nail rods, Sheet Iron, CKOCKERTiff GLASS WARE in Crates and HogQicad$, White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalate, Mufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and A large addition to bis Stock if Dry Goods; And has on the way up from Montreal, J GREAT VARIETY OF g a O JDS, Of almost every Dtfcription^ Which will be fold very cheap by whole* fale' only. February 1, 181 7. jjrf 1 * - * . - ■ 1 ... -^ Notice. THE fubferiber having engaged to fnpply the Garrifon at thi* Poll with Peafe Oats & Straw for this feafon, he therefore informs the Public that he will commence leceiveing the ab^ve ar¬ ticles from this date, at his Stove, ad¬ joining the White 3car Tavern, EDWARD BARNETT. Kingfton,6th Dec- 1816. 31 tent from the \ 1 ft December. All neilou* havui* claims againft the faid concert) ae requeued to prcfent them for payment u> Gi^ri»e Hamlllon, and ?iil j,ctl«>ns indebted to laid Co-part- nerfnip to make immedi-te pay-T.i.t of thctr refpcc'iva accounts (•> him, with the excepti-n of the amounts dne to and from the concern at K;u-<(lon, which will be teceived and liquidated by Wil¬ liam Hamilton. GEORGE HAMILTON, Mont reed, D. cemher x6t r ^ 16. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Kingston^ Q&. 28, r8i6. 32W12 And the highest price paid for B**RLJB Y, 1KB, MOPS, Al.iheold Bre^vpryof Ja^. RflUMM- (Ji/h'spir |f Piiirtejf Kingston, 26th December, 1816. 32 For Sale* A Va'luahle DoriHie Lor, fituaccil;fn jt* a {Aeafant part of il»t Town rt'ti'h Two good dwelling HoufcU, Bgjj. Hruife, Stables, Sec- the" refidcnce of rhc fubferiber, which will be difpofed of on good icrms.— If tlie property i»noi f0;j by the In ft of May next, -t will be tent¬ ed for any nnnrh(y of years. For fur. ther particulars aj ply 10 the fufefcr&er on the premifts. LOUIS TAPIN. Kingston yFtb. 15, 1817. «-j For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with build. * * ragap aLu large improvements there- on, fa.orably fitunted within 2S miles of Ki.ig-ton. Perfons dJirous of pur. chafing to inquire of the Printer. fiingston* July 10, iSMc. ^Ivg PKOAJt>dALS, FOR PRINTING, BY MWCRT?T?0S( BY IVniiSTLltS Oj' A'K/.V:Y£7.'|. ALBANY, N. Y. SJcglcIm of Upper Canada, WITH \ MAP OF THE PROVIVC2, And a Topographical and iiiMnrical Ui^apJ ii»n oi' In* Battles f*nighl during thrla.e Vi a:* «i«'ihi ;ind near iis limits. CONDITIONS: L T!vir. Work will in> comprised in an Ocfavo volunv*. of about 300 p^, printed on a i;ood (ypc ar^d line paper, l2. Tbfi prior* (o £lib*Cltt)tt» Will he One Dollar and S^vcMrty-f'ivc Cents in boards, or Two Dollars and 1'iff* Onis neatly bound atKlletfered, The Books v.ill b'-- delivered in Khi-ston at the Albany price of Two Do! h: sand Fii*- () Cents, with the mtditiouof lire 11. • post duty, oin'v. Ti. To those uho^uh.'cribc for Ten ('••pir^s, or procure TeiiSui)M:rilH,r*. a* K'.eveuih Copy will be given cnr'isen delivery and payment oi the Copit* Hubstnib^d for. \^V' Subscript ions for the above Work tertt be received at this Ojjiec. BLAIR'S Sermon:;, Porreu*' EW- dmcefl, the Canadian Vifitar, bouvd at finjvle, together with a grcrr variety of ufeful J3ooks and Tra& ycung people, for Sale at this Oflice ;— where arcefs may bv had to 3 fnwllcrt* cul;'[in>> I.ihraiy, throe limes a week, od moderate terms. ausufl 1 % ? 8 f 6. 9 JJLANFC BAIL BONDS, m . SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale at this Ofeft

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