Kingston Gazette, March 22, 1817, page 3

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-j,|tV pv"fnt<crt earllp1vt**y V^rT-d'-d i,». '". -ned for the jMnsvfc of an fgrtJictl town. h C iflil - o.' n fcoacj 01 Havre', ill >5 with Jfr<na <c*, and rlv.rjtd Wth pnvdci fulTicient to bu il the hand, :i«"d fcatter iis other contents The fuft of tl)N hciu.j H^tUfd, it wa? rolled clown ths Hope of the pi into the trencher, wherr ft exploded and threw rhe g.enades in cvt ry dirctti on. The invention is I i:d to be Colonel FnOcjr'l of the corps of Tappers and miners. IfctraB of a letter —iv We have let- ten from th* Dorothy tranfport, the fiiipi:» company with ihe Congo ; they had arrived at Bahia from the Congo liver. Our fliip. the Dorothy, had not Joft a iingle man by GckntxS in Africa — only one was drowned in the river ; Capt. Tuckey, of the Congo, the firtt lieutenant the botaniM, died at fea (after leaving the Congo river ; ) and the <BC« of tne Congo who died became ill and Ikk.-ned from fatigue ; ilvy had tiaveiicJ !■■ to tlie interior of Africa, up¬ wards of 2 io miles, whee no white had berfl before, and returned only b-'canfe their Aftck "f provJlioas, &c. was cxhauf- Icd. In other refpc&s the expedition wa«Vikriv 10 reaiiy.e the hopes and wifh es of lire projectors, and to afford the bell hxipwof fueeefs,'* Shve Skips.—The Tyne, 24 guns, Captain Current arrived on Saturday at Pnitsm.iMlii, from Tritncoma cc, which (lie left on the ill July* When to the fontliward of Sc. J ago, the Vynv Pel! in with the American fchr. FiankVfn, cvi- de.illy bound tu theeoafl of Africa, to vrafic in human flcfll ; indeed the ccw ilatcd there were nearly one hundred America:* vcflcls at Havana, fitting out foi the ftjvc trade, and that vefleiH were arriving there from the coalt of Guinea, hich was functioned by one called /<■;; terra. Jack pretended to have no idea that a piece of parchment had the magical power of Hopping his voyage to Portfmouth, and aftnally refilled to come down from aloft ; however, he was at lalt periuaded to be taken in tow uy the officer, and he reluctantly altered hifi curie, d—n—g the pilot of the coach for not getting under weigh before the enemy came along fide. 1 BOSTON, March 4. African Expedition.—We arc informed by a gentleman from the coalt of Africa, that while fit Sierra Leone about the 4th December he repeatedly faw captain Cambell the lecond in command under Maj Pcddie. He was engaged in preparations to proceedouthecxpedition. They were to be accompanied by an. armed force of a boot 200 men. Several j foldicrs blacks and whites, had volun¬ teered from the regiment forming the 1 garriion of thai place. Every man who returned* wSw to receive a bount) of: iJ8oo for his fer vices Opinions thetcj did not feem to be very fnrguine of their facet's. No intelligente had reached there of the death of capt. Tuckcy, and; the failuie ofhla expedition, which was! to havcadteJ in concert with that of Maj. Pcddie. Captain Cambell went from Sierra Leone, to the lfle de Los, and was to proceed thence to the Rio Nonas, winch v\as the place of rendezvous- The governor ».f Sierra Leone, who aided ::i the preparations for the undertaking, was to fet Out in a few days, for the place of randczvo'.'S, whence the expedition was: at an average of from 4 to 6 per month.! to take its departure in a few daya. -i hey .were chiefly (choonv.#, and Uu-------------- wWi Cldi rapiditytlm our Suptwin have London, Dec. 6. but little chance of arttfa* up with them. Oar private letters fr. m Pan. m but little ( The Franklin was one of then of only 49 twuburthen, with 14 met^ to carry uav-3 actofi the Atlantic. Paris, D* tmkr 28. AccOidiiVg to the orti-»-il account* commuuica'.ed to 'he tw«* Cfratnbas, the pafcuu poptda'.ion of France, wfehout, wchidiajr C'.rfiva and the colonies, U Sunns .iyra.—Mr. J. L. Child** fu- petcarKr0 uf'the Lady Mary Pediam, ar¬ rived here on Saturday lair, informs, that in coufequence of the fears entertained °"£ blockading M,-u- Video. . *o ■ ** Avi. (• prop 'Hug to put That ,„ J tl folJcit aid from I't 1 Jueno. Ay-I ",« ffowomett h reTttii-vg tt.« attacks (|fvvh;itnl,ylly:cdlhcco:n.m;,1cM»cmy. ih Chtld"i hf.w.-vcr, cotitta'licts tlic rc- ' po','c, received by v.ay of Bolton, that L. jrcvenunent of Bneoos Ayrcs were to declare war agaiivft u.e Poiwgnefe, 1 the genera* optuton was that they The le'l1-*" received from Holland af¬ ford us tin* fati>«fa£tion of learning, that the law alh|W>»R a ^rce export of corn to England pafTed on the 24th ult. fa that a fupply from that quarter may be confidentlV expefted. The continued rains have been productive of jjreat mif- chicf in ihl Netherlands, large trails of land having been wholly inundated. It is understand. lhat the corn of domeltic growth in ihe Netherlands is prohibited from being exported ; and that it is on¬ ly the fortiori corn, ware-hoofed in Hol¬ land, to which the law before-mentioned extends. Of this foieign corn, howev¬ er, there is a large quantity, and the fnip- tnents are rtll expefted to be made for the Englilh m-u ket. The fupply of Fiance with corn l»y the land frontier is forbid¬ den. The Fir"ch Government, we under- (land, has given orders for the pur chafe <if 40,00c barrels of flour in America, for the fupply uf the city of Paris. London Corn Exchange', Dec 30.— Our market was well fupplicd with wheat this morning from ElTex, befidea a con- iiderable quantity from Holland, which cabled veiy heavy fules, at a reduction of full 3s. per quarter, a large quantity re¬ maining on hand at the clofe o( the mar¬ ket* BatWyis is. per quarter dearer, having a iln^rt fupply to day ; Peas, Oats a,id Brans fully fopport latt week's pri¬ ces. Wheat, Kent and Eflex, toos. a lies, pei quarter; Dant/.ic, 110s. a 132*.; Flour, 106s. a 115*. per fack. LivKRrooL, Dec, 28. No irfs than 8100 barrels of Flour have arrived herefrom America in the lalt two d^rys. husbauds, frequently treat fhemwitji fontPTnpt and sharpnf-s highly (lis- gracerul to both. A p'acid temper ih (|uite insipid, but a 300c! rlral of tho spirit of contradiction \\\\\ cause argu- inetitf and help to pass a \w\ day.— Althoogh a good figure is hutch to be wished for, being fat is a more weighty ^consideration. ;»•* it hidfcates a good disposition, and malcos old age lo«'k comfortable. A widow need not ap¬ ply, as women seldom lore their sec¬ ond husbands as well a* tuetr first, and are apt to make caniparisons. Letters addressed to Lothario Ceele- bos, Kingston, with the party's real signature, (post paid) will be duly at¬ tended to. HviJROGKAPllIC OtiPlCti, h /Ao's/ON. From 15th ta^lst Warm. 13. .—8-MO. a.m. North |fi-», p. tf. _____Midnight, elpndy 16th.—i) a. m. Kasferlv g^25, p. >:. MMni^Iit I CO.?1;? —.H56 I —,rf7i 30,033 —,*^.) _.OOH .1 IS 1 .-. would unite with the Mo.Ucwdeans in nft the Brazil government. ft*- r"1 left Monte Vi- thc war agai -\t the time Mr. L. dco, D^c. 22, every artJck of the pro- AMt of the country *wwry Ulgl»; There had been foms flcirtniUmg >n the Jnwrior, between the twopn »; A'tc^as and the Portngucfe. Th- rdMt m* the Utter had which Our private letters fr^m Pari-; men uV»n, that the king is much ind'fpolcd The gout, we, has returned, and his nvij (ly was not L-hle to hold a !cvee lalt Monday But no dangerous fvinptoms have mnnifefled tlietnfclves. RIOT IN DUNDEE. We learn with fmcere regret, that the town of Dundee was, lall Wednefday, the fceue of leveral atrocious cxcelfcs. The Perth Courier fays : VVed.icfday night, about 8 o'clock, i*.i coufequenceof coufiderable fhipmentbi of grain and a fudden rile hi the pi ice of, r*-j*\}f ** pvr^h f^ the number of about 2000 pL-rionc, adembfed in the llreeta of, Dundee, and proceeded in a riotous man¬ ner to attack every houfe which contain¬ ed articles of food. Having plundered upwards of one hundred (hops of various l defcriptions, they proceeded to the [rnufc of Mr. Lindfay, ati extenfive coin deal-j cr, and after (tripping it of every thing' valuable, fct it on fire. It appears, lu«w- ever, that this daring and outrageous aft, was not committed without foine degree of remorfe, as the houfe was twice let on | fire and as often extinguiflied by their j own bands. For a coufiderable time the] (Ireets prefented nothing but a lawlels and uiforderly niob of people, running in all directions, with cheefc, fugar, hams j 5ic. of courfe the grocers n'.uft have fuf- fercd confiderably. New-York, March i. Important —We have been favoured with the lij.'ht of a letter from New Or¬ leans, dated Feb. I j trom which we copy ihe f.;l!('wi»g. " I have jud learned there is an expe¬ dition now on the eve of failing from here to a& againft Penfacola. It has been a longtime in agitation ; but when full fet on foot it was given out, and eveiy body believed, thai it was going to Mex¬ ico. The expedihN.-n. I& Qffilift UA ©I F%* trioln. Ko douLLt the place will be ta¬ ken." Slave Trade-----Two veflels arrived at Havanna in the mnonth of February, from the coalt of Africca, with 72S fl^ves. Accounts fronm South .•America Hate that the Bueuos-yWyres Government wa*> to declare war ag?ainlt the Portuguefe on the 6th Deccrtiberr laft. N'ou:. Kingston, iViIaiuh 22, 1817. won the kisvgstox gazette. they Jjowevcr unimpo^a 't : poffeffion of MuldoGuda, made their head <P*&? r. Latest from the IJL uf Front*—Opt. Delano, of the bitg Cunnon, armed at Sis port velierdav Com tlw IKcof France dates, that the tire at port Louis, in September, dcttroyed i482honfes; and Jch other property. The total loft wascltimated at more than ten, mihion of dollars. Molt of the men of proper- tvwere reduced to indigence by tin* ca- Umity. U u-a* the ! of the gov¬ ernment to rebuild the place and leafe the tet.amcnts to the merchants on brar- ablccondiMoAS; and to afford them ev eay facilitv to recommence Iftthtusb to the heft advantage, The port was to remain open for eighteen montns.nac. rimd h^ the eovc-rument nl Lnglana. A". T Mcr From our London Papers to the \st ofja nuary> by the brig Samofct* London, D?c, 30. The fudden arrival and fpeedy depar tureof the Duke of Wellington appear! to have excited uuiverfal fpeculation on the probable caufe of fuch unexpected: occurrences: but we do not find tliat| any of our cotemporaries have added, mucli to the information which we l-*id' before the public on this fubjedt laft Sa¬ turday. His grace left town, as we Ha¬ ted he would, on Saturday morning, and waited on thePiiuce Regent at Brigh-j ton the fame evening. The gradual and ' continued depieffion of the French funds u a tolerable Itrong confirmation of what we have itated relative to the inability of the French Government long to conti¬ nue the payment of the contributions at the rate itipulated by the tieaty. Hi¬ therto, we believe, they have been very Tegulaily paid up ; but the new budget, in providing far their future payment, relied upon a loan ; and we know that that reliance has entirely failed, as far as refpeftP the Englilh capitalilts. Our mo- nied men veiy prudently refufed to lend to tire French Government without the guarantee of our own miniftry, and mi- niilcrs, \vi;h equal prudence refufed to ______ uive that guarantee. The cabinet coun- Yefterday, a cn.ijn^ !'^ ne occurred a: jcii, at which t!*e Duke of Wellington the Spread Eagle» Oracecho-rclvftrtset* \vtifr piefent, on Friday, was alfo attend* " - - -J-1^ 'filed by the Eatis of Liverpool and Ba- 1 -1 ■ -* Lords Caftlereagh. Sidmouth, Mr. Korron,. 1 AM an 'Olhcer in 11 is MftjOS- ty's service, who [lately hating percei¬ ved the happiness^ of the married state, am induced) thrcougfa the mrdium ol ycur pap-r, to crnallelige any Lady tti encounter me in "Matrimony5 who rnnv be reconciled to Ulie following dc^crio- tion. I tfust the tremty may be carried on with 1 h$strictest sincerity and hcnor5 (secrecy need note bo observed) as tln« surest basts, for ^uard'uu against that shameful specie^ of'warfare which fre- quentlv coutiivue-' through life without an artnLtice. 1 am, sir. aboun five feet six inches high, made in irolcrable proportion. plain headed,goo*d constitution, about 11 \ years ofa^e: more accustomed to roughs and hard&itiips than th(* luxuries Mr. Editor, I want you mould write a letter to John Bull, and tell him that the Amer- ican Government are actually raifmg money to cut a Canal through the high land between Lake Erie and the waters that fall into the atlanric, which can be eafily done Lake Erie being fo much higher than Lake Ontario. This alarms me very much—a fmall ditch cut thro*! would fonn wear down to the bottom of' the channel atrwe Fort Erie, and turn all the waters of the upper Lakes into the atlantie ocean, by the Sufquehannah, Delaware or Hudlon's Rivers, and leave us all diy This would be (tarving us for the want of water ! Pray look at the confeqbencesj and eonfider what Jona¬ than is about—they could not- fight us, now they mean to llarve us for the want of water. NeceffiTy U the mother of invention. — Mow 1 will tell you what you mull write to John bull : tell him that for one half the fum that the Americans cal¬ culate it will cod to take the waters of the upper Lakes into the Hudfon, 1 will bring the waters of Lake Huron in¬ to -Luke Ontario. That would put Jonathan's pipe out altogether, for in- llead of his dvy»n8 Lake Ontario, I will dry Lake Erie, which would make a Jargc meadow* And this is the way that I wo lid do it : 1 would dig a ca¬ nal from Holland River into the River Don, or Hu.nber ; then I would dam up the 'unlet, and ihat would foon wear down to the bed of Lake Ontario, and leave Lake Sarncoe dry. Here I would catch fifli enough to fupply all my men with provifions. Then 1 would cut a canal fiom Nottawafaga into weft bay La^e Simeoe ; the land being fandy and clay, it would wear down to the bed of L"ak Ontario hi a (hort time. Then I would dilhand my men, and give each one of them a cleared up farm on the beds of Lake Simcoe, Lake Erie and Lake St Clair. Thefe lands having no timber, the gentlemen at Yoik would find a fine market for lh('ir wood lots round all Ithofe Lakes, ar.d Jonathan would never 'trv to pick a quarrel with us any mare. But before 1 do this, you mull tell John Bull to make the Magillrates do their duty, and let monuments of (tone, or diher'durable materials, round the Hold line through Lake Erie and the Narrows on Detroit, L?-kefc St. Clair and Huron, as fettled in 1783, otherwife Jonathan might claim the new line of St. Lawrence, and take all the Peach Or¬ chards in Upper Canada; for you know Jonathan is full tricks, therefore it be¬ hooves John Bull to look out in time. March 5, 1817. ^J\ S. S. ?*.—Z:i\ ISU».—S A. H. & W.mod. 12, miid A cloudv, 11, p. X. S.W. — sic —.7 IS —,646 34 i ;i0 "S! j io8 !fi I 3-1P 4S I 4 ;n 775 3s *W i.-> 1 nf»7 19th.—f> a. vk.$.TSa Noon 12 20.—9 a..h. N. E 2 p.m. Fresh brer/os, midnight, ' lg!rd>, 2l^^A.m."S. We-.e*iJ7 Koou, u:oderuie »CI,04H 30,000 30,000 'J KM® S?,0iS 0 VSi 17 j .SS* 1 i I fe#) 451 ;?0 251 To Applicants for IA ND. 4 GENTLEMAN who his heen _LA- for fome time err ployed in the Land Offices in this Province, and is well acquainted with the nccc.Tary forms in making applfcatioiiR for Laud, .Sec. will prepare Petitions, and ixanfadt Land hu»- iiacf? generally, for applicants. Enquire at the Printing-Office. Kingston, Ahircb 22, 18 17. 42 ALL Perfons are hereby cautioned .xjL againft employing any Soldier, or Soldiers, of the 70th Raiment, at any time, or for any purpofe whatever, with¬ out the proper authority for fo doing. This advertifement has for us object, equally the protection of the p*rfnn?3:id property of the Inhabitants of the town of Kinglton, as the good government of tlie Corps, Kingston^ zcth March, 1817. oi ill*'. tioned by the gov '6 Jldv. LONDON Dec. zor The Prince Regent h,, very humanely ordered ten fine oxento be purchafed and ditlvibuted among the «-liftn«i f*r\ t&the pariifa or St. >£*•« w«h » JJJ* poniouate quantity un*-^; ?" ;" istohec-xlcndcdtotU,.^^'^?^ of Brighton. thurili A fai\or, who had eq«WOcdta Ccji £ilt with a wappiQR uafcty- rs ,°r 5,e point of making foil to> *«*»*" on tbe t"P of the coach, when a ne;cm> hove in Huht, namely, a S'atr.ff . OiWr. lackwavofeourfc la niaouci to oru.„ too, and Hrike to ihe clour of the law. Tte parelv^nt and red wax was'«°« kg-v ^"d" Melville. a«d MeflV, Caning and vLitart It continued H. dd.beratjon IrXle after two rill half^ fcj. and as fcon cs it broke up d.foatches , have hut U * tie of that suavi-y of manners which, men acquire by the society of the fal^sex; cntertr.inir.g a high seiiie of hc.or, acfcowKng to the I .MUitary ngaifiiaftloa, aeithcr posses¬ sing brilliant abilities, of remarkably stupid, but moi'cly having common sense, about nudVorrity. Under these j clrcumstaucop 1 vubmit my claims for a wife, from 27 to .55, as the most prcf- eiable a:^e ; if *he Lady lias lived much in the fa^teonable world, it may rive rise to scriciv- reflections, d<»wyay girlish tthimj auvl if affection is then formed, it is nv-rt- likely to continue•; but much youu;r:i \\illbe iirefeTrrd, in proportion to th«e steadiness and do- mesdeared habifs of the Lady; not to be handsome, ashtf-aofj istoo frequent¬ ly accompaut( d by vanity, extra^a. and love ol r.dmiratiou, all ten¬ ding to lessen the real value of a wife : uotco be very pk^myf and afireeahte, asaffabilit) mi-hi t00 fusqmxtijcroud fnmll !od^i"fc;s «Wh lomtff rs, & there¬ by i itevrapt ^'^ tic happiness ; not totewWb tlPtos*Q} call.d cl ver Mr. Editor, In anfwer to a Communication in your laft week's Gazette, dating, '* If the following fact* arc true," &c. I have to obferve, that any Gentleman, in the Town of KingLlon, to whom 1 have the honoi to be known, will, 1 hope, acquit me of ever having made ufc of the words, or been guilty of the conduct there im¬ puted to me. Wall my best viflies for the happi- -ref* and fccurity of the people of the town of Kinglton, I remain, Mr. Editor, Your oh't. fcrv't. J. SAMSON,Lt.& 44?** 1&& &*g& To BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCllON, ON Friday the 28th [nilant, at the Battcau yMid:, Kihgt)fcin| lor che iirft part of the falc, the ferorcj p^rt will be fold at the Engineer Yard on the fame day — A great quantity of Cnndemn-4 Stores of the following defcription, viz : Pick, Broad and Ftdti g Axes, Spades, Shovck, Planes of difFer^nt dcfcrtptioTi8, Augurs, a Plough, Adzea and all f«its of Carpenters* and Mafons' HaT.mers, Pincers, &c. &c. Saw Files of different defci iptions, Paint and Wliitcwafh Bruflitb,. Sawyers' Blocks, Miners' Sledges, Blackfmiths' Vjccs, anvili & Bellows, Wheel-barrow*,, Locks of different forte, also,— 23CO Sand Ba^s, 3I Ton» foap lion as well as a number of rtthct articles. The above Stores to be fold foi Cam. Sale to commence at 1 t o'clock. JOHN BARLEY, /iu.iiijiuer* [ Kingstons izflfi March, i'317 1 handfer Sale. T OT No. 38, in tic third CaitCCS* I j fion of the townfijio of Pittihurg. For particulars a4>ply to tlie fubferiber, ac bin botifc or Store, in this town. JJMES RICHARDSON, Sen. Kiugfton, March 20, 1817. 42W6 5CJBST1TUTR FOR MILK Oil CREAM. Where cream or milk cannot be got, it is an excellent fublUtutc to beat up the whole of a frcfli egg in a brfm, atid then gradually pour boiling tea ov-er it to prevent its curding, it is difficult, from the tallc,"to dillinguilh ihe compo- Gtion in tea from rich cream. This might be of great ufc ac fea, as eggs may beprcfcivcdfreih \\\ various ways, Tenton F:d. F<m SALE, A Billiard Tabic, \wc\ Licence for the fame foi j^iy. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, Morel 20,1817? 4**3 TOLE T.. ~ (K ND poflefKon given firil M«y, the ZA- Simp and Celiac, now occupied by Meffis. Taylor & Parker. Enquire of ' PATRICK SMYTH. March 2 2. 42 wJ ■ ■ ■ * # l J as icon <-» " "•"-" '_ . ., vlead ■ol).-»lli" « S'"'!"'1* t-cMica w tw !were font .»ff both to the MB n •» I . seBSifcle, as Wnn,.:» who think,, qaartcrsat Mont-«Ie-Mavfa«», and 10. W L^, b,tt.. :flfolTticd than their! Charl,-5 Stwsrt at Par:?. »«« - »M '» rfpHE ruWcriber, fc*ing a^ain under |1 the nocelTity of adverttfing for a fettlcment of his accounts, has now to inform thofe who are indebted to him, tiat, as bit former recjuelts u> that pur- uoil has not met wiih due atlcmio* o u • ft t,. the Re- ii'nviii.itanding the Wngtli 01 time thofc On Toefday the . 8th toft, by i.e Kt ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ u |? ^ deter, vcrend Official Wt, Mr., jos-l>• ^^ ^ .^ ^^ ag may r£. W.LLIAMS, tO m* RACHELbtLLS, O) ^ ^^ |)y ^ j^J, J^ llCXl i,lt0 Licence. . w | |tbe4wadfl of an' A tomey for coiledion. On TluivfJay the aotb '"I Mi..Wit- -- --------..... MARRIED, LIAM L.TTLEFAGE, tO M.iS ChAK- lotte'Annai-k, by Licence, JLEX'K. MACD0HELL. Kingfton, 20lh March, 1817. 42*3

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