[SATURDAY, March22, IH17.] K**~ QHp © rfi.^ 'J*.* «a lx A [VOLUME VI.------No. 42] T Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. t\\ - < ***■ /V/Vf of advertizing itfWt Gczzlle. Six lines and under, tfS firft mfertion, *nd 1/3 every fitbfeqiwut. Ten lines and uffder, 3/4. nrfi infer- iron, and 1./6 e*«?ery fubfeo'unit. TL*n lines and upwards, 4/A per line firft mferUHK and z.'A per■ l*r#e every fuc- Cttdinj; infert'^n. AdverliiV v■-.».■• unac- ••U'I:ur:»cJ with written dfrdSio * -i»e iittVruid till fortid, and chared aiconjiiigly. do. TO be fold bv PUBLIC AUC¬ TION, on the Firlt of APRIL, ,at io o'clock in the forenoon, at the Viftunling Office, Point Frederick, the I following Dati.a^ed Provisions, viz. Flour, %04 pounds. Sugar, 839 do. Butter, 172 do. Cheese, 194 do. liaising 124 Pork, f>; Wine, Ml).; gallons, Oatmeal, 17')2 gata^ C\\mxMi% 3t* ) pound-. The nbove Provifi-ms will be out up] in tats wli'.-h may b- viewtfl by ^fv!v-| fog at thi» Office, I'our day, p.evloce toj j*>e aiKO&d to- the fale. J. MARKS, 4&gfni FiSuJler. Naval V'tftvaHhi*: f$Sce% Point Fre&rici, -]ih y 40 March, 1817. Lieutenant Governor*$ 0fi:e9 Torh* 19/• Primary 1S17. fQJljHlS is hi give w*W char Tenders j| will be rccefvid at lliU Office from fi.rh rerfun or pevfoftfl aa may be defirous j QfCmttia£tffig to render the whole, or any part of the Water Communication bewten La Chine m& Kington,by the co«rfeoft^e Riv-r RJdean, unviable fur B«*ts drawing f.vo feet water and ten feet width—atfo, fm boats drawi*g three feet wat«*r a-^d twelve feci Ml wdth. The Tenders irctofpeeify tlie num¬ ber of Loefc and the phce* at which it is proofed to build them : a'fo the Mini pieces of 4-tb each. i: H *iO be fold by Public Acfifon at the 1 Naval H-fi.itnl. Point Frederick, MOORE'S COFFEE-HOUS E. THE fubferiber having opened the Koufe lately defied by Mrs. Tin¬ kle, next deoi to Jdins & Finkle's, ref- ;>c£tfoHy informs the public, that he h*s taken gieat pains to furnifh it in every refptfl t0 mer;t tne bell of euitom. Gen¬ tle Tien travelling Ki«y rely Upon having good accommodations and attendance. Their being attached to the houie a good vard and Rubles, Teamltcrs can ave fuitdbie accommodations. Soups every day from 12 to ? o'clock. Seven or eight gcoftftl Carders can J. MOORE. Kingston, Ftk i« rS-17. 35 feer of FloodGntesra each Locb-wrt F ^ K| „ dav p? ,;/>jm nc:.t, at »!u peViods for completing t'-J work by the Tifh Creek. Ttf^dew will aifo be vecnHi for open ' i"e :he Stan miinf cat for in &€ t'ireftinn of the RHeao Lake, a-.d the witters! rr.rr.inur.ii-nting fiom tberce to mud Lake and from thence to Kir-.-fion. Tfudf*, Hatit»gth« ftcBritta forpc'-i formi-ir ihf conu?.a wH* be received r, 11 Arjotfi ufjfinw nix: I^ui-Hw". aiid .ur- (feer {inrfretijlpra ^ay bo k-.M-vn by ■•»■>- plv?ns»to rtwRnrveyoi Of a, Ortlce at Y,'.vk_The Office of .be IVfW* Qw ! ler VTi.fl« Oeneral at Oj-' '"••-—or thei AfTl ":-„t Quarter Mailer General J u*gft.io. S6kS February 1817- 4* y icadhntfe&t ONE o'clock, a quantity of unl'cwieta- STORES Sc NFXE3SARIES, Ci>;-filling of WIN E, POKT££, BEDS, BED rtCKS, BLANKETS, RUGS, 8ATTSF PANS, PEW I'L.R P^NS, c;ov'• 'AsMRvr c:ost»act. WANTED, TITIORHifi Majpfty'a Service, to be IT delivered at KINGSTON, on or before the following periods : 1,000 Barrels of Fine Flour on orb^fttt'e 1st June, 1.500 do. 1st Ju'y 1.000 d«. 1st An 1817. gas*, The above fupply will be paid for in r>:":!« oi Exchange, on London, at cue current r;te, or in Drafts ^n Lower Can¬ ada, at the option t | the Coinnnfarial. No Tender will be noticed unless ur.- r/teptionabk fee-nity is offered* at the ;:air»t. time, for the due pen >rmancf of; ivcnnnt lota—whicSmay he fem by ::]T- j cmm& the pwtttt m«f wilb to en-' [plying at this Office few days ptcvimis1 [to the fale. jr. tWAKJKS; ^«t« AndanuiiiU -f «%er «rt?de» m <ror»- - GcntV^a;- from r.„s.l,ml, and of acWowUd^^rei-.tntionrmdaml- y EDUCATION he i,!t,-nds nocowasw ACAD15&*T< For the Tuition of voo-v M JetJ ^ I M;ire,mtheva.K.n.1br,:Kn-V'ftb.sm-! Mr. Hcry Baker', Red B-iflfc, fl,He ;..1?r:..by afii luity arvd auction, lo;ier;flm1Kof;.oblic11.1Vr,nare.- I T«ra» <rf* tsiKUW, &e. or -c oCta:-cd . _. iV,? Aca"cn.\-. j iCiogftoB, 7th ivlaveb, 1817 40 I Prop'.faU** addrcRed to this Ofliee, will be rrcej jveii unlit i'he ill ikfrfll- Comml/iffartal Office* \fflnstim>bmMarch% i«i7- 4° I DANCING ACADEINIY. Mr. Johnson Sf Afr. Tobias, RESPECTFULLY inform the in¬ habitants of litis Town, that they propofe oocning a DANCtSG ACADEMY, At Mr. Thibodo*s AiTembly Room, if fomcient encourageme.it fhould be given. —Yoong gentlemen offieers, and others, forming i\emfelve< into claflea of eight or fixicen, may be i.aight at our room or any other convenient room, and at any time nioft convenient for themfclves, AW thofe who *1 ink proper to patro-nV- u* :n our profefR )n, or who are defitoir of becoming proficients in this faflu'ona ble and polite branch of education, are requctlcd Co call on Mr. John Kirby. Merchant; writh whom a Sobferiptioti is left —*jfs we liavc [.tilers of rceoni- mendati >x\ from Cventlemea of refpeda- hilitv» whn ;u** veil known to many Gcn- tlenun -f t!ie ftrft lefpe&ability in ilu\ plr.ee, wi flatter onrfr-ivrs \v flijill be able to procure a (chop] that will highly meet our approbation. \ All thofe win- think proper to place themfclves under onr tuition may be aflh,. red that no exertion (ball be wanting on onr part to give them a graceful move¬ ment, and eate and elegance in their man¬ ners. KingdW) Mar. h 14, IS 17. 41-3 TO LE T, 4 ND pofleffion given the firlt day of * \ May next, that Store and Hotife >t prefent occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. Apply to TORRANCE & McLEOD. Kingston March 13,1817. 41 fan HE fubferiber:* beg leave to inform rear ryvny rAPEii HANGINGS. r-pHE fobfenberhafl lately received I a fmtH affortment of PAPER HANGINGS, for Tale on rcafonable terms tfappUtd for f-:on. AI- SO, A Few Boxes Mould aid Dipped CATSD3oES& SOAP, ; And a new fupply of Drv Goods & Hardware. S. BARTLET. with evevv 10 300 VOUI . 40 nacrimd (AwlHiw m«y be i.coo of on ■ ■Defying at tins ■ ra c Afl«, thet,V.c, I>«d,at'd p ^-nf , £[UU acre, of 1-^-Wc the; II ADVBltti8^IENT. ' HEW riiocison & Be ilor iMave t">»«" Sale, ACOi\WGWffi??TOF Cheap Goods : Aunong which are : — i>0 Pioevb bupcitiuc and Se- Do. do. Peiissc, do. l>o. Cassiiaere, Do. Calico, (atSt'Lcosi.) e?0 BOXES PIKE Yet low Soap. fiupftoo, March ?, 1817. 40tf.1l FR£BMJ$Qm TAKE NOTICE 1 Si//Swh /-«.-'/.-,., MaMoncour.ty. {N. T.}\\\f tftat cf heir friends and the public that j Grocers % Spirit Dealers, At their new BtJcfe Stove in tlv- main ftrect, adjobtng Mr. Henry Caflidys; where ihey will he conftantly fnp^ued •v artii 1c it their line of the very POETRY. 1'or Tin: Kin<;stov Gazette. ON THE BIRTH OF A SON. WELCOME, little stranger ! welcome To your parent's fond f uibrace, Welcome, gift of bounteous Heaven, Added 10 the hmnsin race ' If 10 Ier»th of day^, thy Maker - SIhkiM thy th-pfacl of life ex-end, Pain pei!»aps as well as jika-yic, Mi^ UpOD thy course attend. But ifvirtuebethy portion, ' Tuoiithy little oarts may's! salk Thron^h 1U19 worlds tempestuous ocean, iearing neither tide uorgale. H^-ar ! O hear! Divine Cresitor! Bk's'd Redeemer, lend aii earl UolySjMiii! best director! Hear a parent's fervent pra) er. May this gift with vrhidi I'm honour' d, Honour thee, Ihe Doner still! Mav IU.< talents, thoughts ami actions, Be devoted to iby will. Whether castle, camp or cottage. Health or wan:, snonld be alsfifteX, Re his character ami conduct Siil! ii:,' honor to his -He. May he ro his Kin» bt loyal. To nU country's weal, a friend. Brave in danger, bold, but gentle^ liver faithful to hU friend. If a ^ceneof want'* aRticttoJI He, ina'T'iit-nce. should spy, Mav the lovely tear of pity Brighten in his manly eye. May h/erer scorn oppression, Modest meiii still befriend j Be the ailvoratc of justice, Injured iaaoceuee defend. die modera- beft quality, and h-pe, »nt\ ti,»n of ti.eif price- and their attention to bufinefs, to merit a (hare cf pubaG t;i- tSli BE I FOUR & FERGUSON Kingston, Feb. 2 2, 1817• J iS. WRD. ASDEHSQK F>%« His :■ Utjesty's Dock-1 ard Pnrixnwnfh, INFORMS the public that he ie car- tyhg on the b.-linefs of PAW T- ING, in ail its branches, moft particular- IllQ i Signed I f ?U r IS fi, ou-ti., » they I ,an^y of each cmtld U S ^dl ^ S ^! lot tha i ^v lay, 1.....-r, be uB, ^ f* W "havein..,o(ruli,n.,,df.n-fuch Um.ytl»ey(h.nbe confiur«d to pay jsirl!,„fsourhnnlhn<-~ortWn,k\ in the county of D*«** «"* j s-ale o/NewTork, 7»ly >3- l8c2- Gc'cr^ o'.'/'-V, /hraham HouShn-:hiS, Samuel Whitney, Silas Gn-.rJlr.U, John Hougbtdt^, James Young, John Ransier, Jost Siradtr, . • sJdam Van T'oH'mburge, LTnom Huives. Freih-x{ Krfgtt Georgt Kreffh Jcfel'h Grintawa* on »- ht baii auil r:a;,v others to fuffer by hi= O'rheS 4' TO LET, ■ nonk, in Smart Maiden Beans, . 9 ^iiw^aifet F»me Peas, 3 La.'ge Imperial Dwartdo. 4 Knight'BncwWanwtetoi 5 Mlu Giant brocoii, G Lar«e deep Ovan^e Carrot 7 ^Imcn's early Taring 8 Curwcn's ue-.v Cabbage, 9 Giaui Coss Lettuce.. 10 Lai-ge Curled Papky, '.] ruieSearietEadish, U New mixed Murfari and ,C^iorS. BartletKingaon/J. per packet. Ihcre their Blends ts fuffcr as bail, as well as by ct n si racans. To be c tx WS J )»wrs Ville, fai o-.ur.dc of the T«wn*or. j | Kb^oa> ^«sh 7, ^^7- TWO Story .he mad leading to the Iky of <jwme •rbcrcUaBakeet, Oven ... the W« part of it, and an excellent I«b« JJ aer ^ JOSEPH CLEMEN I- 40*3 [Blank Summonses For the Ifctffct C<^rts^ for Itiseamefty rcqticfted that all editors .or prmters of,tew9paperi. who are friend- !lv to Mafnnrv, and who are willing to '^scoofe four toprincVa:d fellows, will puulifh this llWJcc. Signed, lY order of the Lodge, STEpHEN LEE, Sec'ry. Beted 08.pt A* L. 5S16. ^f the Sifre of the subferiber, rork, B-ef, Flour, Peafe, Oats, Seed Cc:^t And a Generalaffortment of SHAKER GAR.&N SEEDS, p. WETSEL. Kingston, flear:h 1, 1817- 39 Storcof Samuel Aykroyd.. er. ON. 4.tf .... — fete at this Ofliee, , t Reams Writing Poft No. 2 9 ditto ditto uncufe A few Barrels of ALMON, For fale by MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. Cmvsrjtty 13/i March, t S i 7. 4 t A small quantity of ONI ON SE ED For tale at lite Dmggift Stop- of £ CARLISLE. Kingston, March 12, i S17. 411 Cram, my ^o^one more petition, That in dtttj a-. I'm b»upH, In the can- i»f ibts v\\\ bltv->itt^, WoTlhy of the choree I'm found. U. M. tt Kin^'on, l&h .Varch, !8I7. PROVINCIAL 1!ARLI AA1ENT UPPER CANADA. From the Upper-Canada Gazette* HOUSE OP ASSEMBLY, Fkb.M. COMMITTEE OF PRIVILEGE. Mr. Nichol moved that the house be a comn.itiet* of the whole, to take into c.'Uaifleration a publication in tlieSpec- 1 tator, of the 1 Hit inst. purporting to be ;in Addre&S from .lames Dcrand, Esq. to ihe Ind"|>*Mulcnt I'llectors of the county of Wentworth, which Mr. NTi- ■ !iol pronounced to be a gross? f«i1se and malicious libel, on the late House of Assembly, and on several Indiridu* aU,whoaivno^ Membrrsof this house, UU (Mr. N">'.) intention was to endea¬ vor, to put a >top to a system of caltfm- loyand mi'representation, which had I lately been roived in this Proviucc? aud w hich tended to bring the Govern* iuent and I/-gislature into disesteera, and to expose th^ra to the ridicule, contempt Mid hatred of the country,— tie had another object in view, which m% to vindicate the characters of those Members cf the present Parliament who at in the last, from the false, malicious ■Ino he would say, infamous aspersions which had been cast upon them in the publication alluded to. He was aware thrU the publisher might be prosecuted in the Courts'of Law, and if convict^ bepunfched far the offence ; but the supposed author of the libel, being a Mcmb'-r of that House, and 'i'tin^ among those very perst us he had libel- more summary procesr. was ne« •'^sarv : not only to defend them ,iiint future attacks, butby thl irvia- dicfttiou, to place them in a situaiioulu dischar^d with alacrity the important trust< delegated to them, or by bringing the* chaise hon.'-to them,to drive them with disgrace from a situation they wereequnworthy to .111. The publica¬ tion in question, which he had no hes¬ itation in c&llffigaiBOStatiocJouslitel, niwLwhich had been by a Mr. Wilson, one of ihcpavtks libelled, very quabrtr ly and not unqrtly, styled a Ik-bNl^ had had a very extensive circulation, and the supposed author had taken ey- »rj oppiuiunity to di»«.ininate it as wide ly as puuiihle, charted all the mera- h&e* of the la:.t rarliamtutjhiniselfaiid [lis edllcftfttie excepted, ^ith having been actuated by cirrupt motives, to agree to the liill fo: ^usprndi^in cc-i^- I .A \ For Sale at this O^-ue. March 1 ?• t«i!i ca-.-s, il the iIa'o«*a^ Corpus Act }- »S thpy *ere inJiupnced, bj thi bow „flill.tiiipuUu^iH^o«Uoutract».aila l.j CLx i«ar of koSiu& 1" residcm.ai la^or. r i