Kingston Gazette, March 15, 1817, page 3

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i mcs in which tiic nation mull inevitably be invoked, by an obftiuatc ami infatua- tcd adherence to the prefent fyllcm of corruption »'id extravagance. We tlfcwfore humbly pray your Roy¬ al Highnefs to aflcmble parliament aa rsrlvas polftble ; and you will be gta- cioufly pleafed to rccommend to their im¬ mediate confideration thefe important matters, and the adoption of meafureB for ■bolifhing all llMefs places, penfiona and (inccures ; for the reduflion of the t5S_> fent enormous military eltublifhment ; for making every practical rcdu&ion in lie public expenditures, and refltoring the people to their juft (hare and weight in the Legilhture. Signed by order of the Court. HENRY WOOD THORPE. To which his Royal Highnefs was pleafed to make the following reply : — ** It h with Itrong feeling* of furprife and regret, that 1 receive this Ad-heft and Petition of the Lovd Mayor, Alder¬ men, and Common? of the city of Lon¬ don in common council afTe*. hied. Deeply a* I deplore the prevailing dfltitfsand difficulties of the country, I derive coflfolation from the perfuauon*, tliat the great body of bis Majefty's fuh- jci-s, notwitlulanding the various at-1 tempts whith have been made to irritate j and miflead theta, well convinced that: the fevere trials which they luftain with' fuch unexemplary pitience and fortitude' are chiefly to be attributed to imavoida- Ke raiifes, and I contemplate with the mbfl cordial fatrsfa&ion the effort*of that | enlightened benevolence which it* fo ufe- fulTy and laudably exerting itfelfthro'- Wt the kingdom. [ I (hall refort, with the i_t:no(l Cunfi-j dence, to the tried w'ifdom of Parliament, j at the time, which, upon the futtfcfl ct>n-1 "deration I have thought the mod advi-l fcble under the prefent circumttances of! Ae country ; and I entertain a perfeft I CoftvJQion that a firm and temperate ad-j ■toriftrttiait of the government, affiftedi ^/upported by the eo*»d fenfr, public j Wit, and loyalty of the nation will ef¬ fectually counteract thofe proceedings V'mch from whatever motive they may 0ngmate, are calculated to render tern- polity difficulties the meansof producing petrnament and irrepa*able calamity." December. They m iVied wah ac- counts Of ihe trials in London of the ringleaders of the late riots. General Savary had been condemned to death —/tfiTociations were forming in Bordeaux for the relief of the dillrciftd poor. His Majeftyhad granted2ojooofrancs for the relief of the fufTcrera in the de¬ partment of Dordonge, The London Courier of ioth Dec. dates 'hat the king of Holland had granted permiffion to export grain from that country, and in confequence the pri¬ ces had lowered in England*. The " Times" cxprcfles a doubt of this fact. The Prnflianbrtg Minerva arrived in England 7th December, from Dantzic, reports that 30 fail of vefl'-lhwere loading grain for England when (he failed. Advices from Marfeilles date that raft quantities of grain had arrived in the Me¬ diterranean ports from Genoa and E- Prices at Bordeaux, Jan. 6.—Flour 60 a £5 fr. Rice 45 a 50. Letters of that date confider thofe the maxim pri¬ ces they will obtain. London, Dec. 13. Utrn Exchange—Our maiket wan well fupplied this morning with al! kinds of grain : Foreign, 6Ss. a 781* ; fine do. iiosa 1 16s ; Englifh wheat 7453785; fine do 86s. Another paper fame date, fays : y^lthdugh there have been no arrivals of any grain fince Monday, whit remain ed over from Wcdnefday's market, was dull fale this mbrniog, Eniylifh Wheat, per quarter, ?8 to 112 ; /fWrfcan Flour per bbl. of 196 lbs. 67 to 70s. * After the Court broke up Lord Vif- Cn,»m Caftlercagh c&me and had an audi-1 *?<* <*the Prince Regent. In a lhort time aftei the Prince partook of an early dinner, and left Calfaeu ttuuie 0.1 in- i< turn M Brighton, accompanied by count Munftcr, the Hanoverian Miniftcr. GRAIN FALLING. X)gc. I.__Wt date with nteafure that the corn market Is on the t'-C'ine, irat* ivithilaudmg the bounty on imported grain in France* and the .-ertaiuty of the diftillation not being Hopped. j Although we have had no f-rfh 3rri-: vttl of My g*ain fince Monday, the wheat | trade was heavy this morning at a decline 1 <,f 2S. per quarter. Barley folly main-' tains wcdun4ay*a prices, on ace unit of, the fcarcity at market Oats were hea-! v.y fa»e, but not cheaper. In peas, beans: iudother articles, there is no alteration. | r«* We had no tielh arrivals this morn¬ ing. Fine o-sts fold at Monday's prices.' Fine Md barley and be;»n«, had any ap¬ peared Would have fetched better prices, nit there wa3 very little bufiuefr doing as buyer* appear to be waiting for fup-! plies. In other kinds of grain there is no i alter'* ion."' * We fi'bjoin fome notices refpefting train from the foreign papers. ; Account:, from Nuretnuurg mention' I fell in the prices of grain in diiFerent. parts of Germany We been favored ttitli IhA fol¬ lowing Copy of a h-t{ r from the Secre¬ tary of the \V.\TF.nt.oo Fuynin Londoi, to the Committc of maDagomenf of thv Amateur Theatre ar llii^ plact>% thr contcutv of which rrtU-:t an .ulctiliional credit on. and place- in 0 ntoi*t n»t*riln- riousligiu, theevertiohs of the <l<'utl<- men composing the Society—rxcrticus which in their effect, bavi1 thus cotnbht* ed the accoiupU^hmcnt of a most laud¬ able object with the perfect gratifica¬ tion of tlteir rcpcted and crouded au- dienccb. IVaUnioo Subscription Office^ Gentllmkn, I have to acknowledge the receipt of y»tfr letter by Lieut. Wood, of the Hoyal Artillery, dated 'iSth AmoiM 1810, covering a Bill for one hundred 1'ounds Sterling, the proceeds of one night's pt rformance at the Anui*ecr Theatre, as an addition to the fund for thebmclit of the relations of those who fell at the(j!orions Battle of Wft* tevloo; and 1 am directed in wpl) ro return you the best thank* of the Com¬ mittee for ihe liberal and generous do¬ nation. I have the honor to be,, Your most ohd't. humble si*rvt. J. F. WBJ^FOitO, Secretary. Vo Ihe Committee of yj(?>mgcnti'rJ aftfot Theatrical A nalcuv S&cietjfy Kingston* Upper Canada. 'r* KlXC.STO.X G it/VTTl-y Fe/? rur. Naval Fete at ihe Grand River. w itli theperforrnance, to the Mefs Roohi and partook of rcfrefhrrrnts. An agreeable tummons was now re¬ ceived, that the Ball Koom was ready ; and on returning to the Mould Loft, all were furprifed to find the Theatre van- ifhed—the boxes, pit, Icenery and all had difappeared, and like fome pantomimic trick, the whole Was changed into a ball room, feventy feet in length, well illu¬ minated, and decorated with flags— Twenty-five and thirty couple at times occupied the floor till 5 in the morning, when the company again retired to Cap. tain Pring's quarters, where an elegant repait was prepared for them, and where miiih and good humor prevailed until daylight gave itsintrnfive warning. If the vifitors were wtll pleafed with the cordial reception they met with, both from Captain Pringj his amiable la¬ dy & all the officers, they no doubt mud have bten equally gratified in feeing fo numerous an aflembla^eof p!1 the refpec- table part of the country vifiting them— From York, from Lon£ Point, and from the Niagara frontier. Upwards of thir :y Ladies were prefect. The following morning the company fet out on the return home, pleafed with tl>e amnfemenrs and highly gratified with the affability and politcnefs with which they had been received and entertained by the officers at the Naval Eftablifh- ment. ^ . COMbWKICAVlOti. IF the following Facts are true, it is high time for the Inhabitants of the Town of Kingston, to be on their Guard. It has been stated yesterday, that Lieut. Sampson, Adjutant of the 70th detriment, expressed ifimsclf a*follows. vis :—;- 1 have given orders to the Of- s of the guard to search any house and at all hour> of *he night for his men, and if the m'0«r9 refuse him ad¬ mittance, to break * pen the doorc, in which the Magistrate of Kingston will lUppOJt me." No comment i? nefessary. KhgstoH, UM March, 1817. [Whatever expreo.ioii might havi- escaped the lip^ of ,\lr. Adj't. Samp¬ son, in an unguarded moment, we are inclined to think, tllot it must have IM through a zeal |0 keep his men under due sub)'- 'tion, and not any ill will that be might haTe ton ards the in¬ habitants of Kingston,—We are wil¬ ling Xb believe so.] Ed)tor. __> v_^_^_^_l __k_^_LF~* m Another slight shoclfc 0f an Earth- lua^e was f.-lt in this t.<lWn> abootnine o'clock on Tliutsday evening last.' t The Governor of Ohio has recommended totfcueLegiflature of that S'.a'.e to afford encou¬ ragement to the voMtcinpIatcd canal from Lake Erie 10 the iivcf Hudfon—an^ the Legis¬ lature have appointed a com¬ mittee on the fubjiect. C0RRESP0Nt)ENTS. Tin" coinniunicatiGii 0|, t|,«« gubject ..f Canals—'■ li. M. M." ou the birth or a Son.—aud" I^ofhiricoCcelcbes," will nn'jiear in our itcx(-. T\v correspondent wh<» signs him- solf"« Ctinm&mtnt Of ,l,c Turf," had 0Uth*Tl«r htudyiugMi uuAv's Knglish (jramhiar, than writijj* coiftmuuica- tioii" the Press. MARRIED, In South Carolina, on the id Janua¬ ry, Mr STEPHEN LYON, to Mif« REBECCA LAMB. The happy time at length's arrived, In Scripture daya foretold, When Lamb and Lyon both unite. Embrace and keep one fold. Hydrografhic Office, Kingston. From 8th to Nth March. DA TEy and Confse of the Wind, Ba- Tome* ter. C *-• s 0 s C g 1 §0 S4 .17 1 \il if Is __^ TA Kb %i 8th.-— 9 a. m. Easterly, Clear Weather, Miilniclit. chhidy, 9th.—P Ai m. South'erlvT | 12, South, 9 p. m. S. WcM^rlv, 29^50 1 455 545 "297?9U — 758 -J4t| [" SI Sfi 26 25 37 28 8*W 47* 570 IO1I1.—» a, u.R, N. E. Ni»ui. Midnight, R, W. •29,7 40 —,450 —,440 580 49* 750 11th.—R a.m. N. K. 1 p. m. clAr, S. \. K. S9,H0n —,850 19 I 29! 20 | 372 217 l?lh.—9 a. m. .n. i;. Noon, Mi<lni^ht, 30.050 29,900 —,879 14 29 20 2.V> 280 280 I3tfc.—9a>*. N. X. K. Noon, S. f.. and rlmtdv U;h.— y a.m. dotnlv. Noon, N. KauHy. 29,9*6 —,M50 V-^10 211.; :>o 11 35 2|0 83ft 951 M-b. ?TM 28 JO S25 KINGSTON AMATEUR THE.4TME. On THURSDAY Evening, . The 20th of March, Will he pciformed the Comedy of JOHN BULL; OR, The EagHJtmm'a Fhe-Sidc. To which will be added, the favorite Farce of TOM THUMB. Door* to be opened at SIX, perform¬ ance to commence at SEVEN o'clock. 03* TICKETS to be had at Mr. Macaulay's %* No Money to be taken at t he door, or Childicn admitted- N. B. It is requefted, that every per- lon gu-uig to the T\u»tiLs;ui'rtUit4Uc% \'u tJoto\he Box for which their Ticket. a\e numbered ; tlu>fe who aft contrary to this rule, will fubjeft themfclvsa to be removed. dancing academy . Mr. Johmm k Mr Tobias, RESPECTFULLY inform the ia. habitants of this Town, that they propofe opening a DANl ISO ACADEMY, At Mr«Thibodo's AfTembly Room; if fufficient encouragement (hould be given, — Young gentlemen officers, and other., forming themfclve. into clafTcs of c'ght or fixteen, may be taught at our room, or any other convenient room, and at any time mod convenient for themfelves* ytfll thofe who think proper to patronize us in our profeffion, or who are deufous of becoming proficients in this fa/hiona* ble and polite branch of education, arc requeued to call on Mr. John Kirbv, Merchant; with whom a Subfcription is left.—y/& we have Letters of recom* mendation from Gentlemen of refpecia* bility, who are well known to many Gen¬ tlemen of the firft readability in this place, we flatter onrfelvcs we (hall be able to procure a fchool that will highly meet our approbation. All thofe who think proper to place themfelvcs under our tuition may be afl'u- red that no exertion (hall be wanting on our part to give them a graceful move¬ ment, and tafe and elegance in their man* ners. Kingston, March 14, 1817. 41 j TO LET, \ ND poflcfiion given the firft day of <**" May next, that Store and Houfeat piefent occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. Apply to TORRANCE & McLEOD. Kingston March 13, 1817. 4« fllHE fubferibers beg leave to inform JL their friends and the public that they have commenced the bufineh of Grocers Sf Spirit Dealers, At their new Brick Store in the main Ureet, adjoining Mi. Henry Caffidy's ; where they will be conftantly fuppHcd with every article in their line of the very belt quality, and hope, from the modera don of their prices and then attention to bufirttf., to merit a (hare of public fa¬ vour. BE1 FOUR & FERGUSON WE the under fubferibers do intend to fell the fchooner WEL* LINQT t % now lying at Mr. Bartlet'a Wharf, at public auAion, to the higheft bidder, on THURSD \Y the TWEN¬ TIETH day of March infant, at twelve o'Clock, unlcfs previously fold. Anthony McGitin, Hewry Cass ad y. Duncan M'Donald. Kingston, March 12, 1817. 44 tO LET, A TWO S'ory Houfe, in Stuart Ville, jiir outfideof the T«-wn. on the road leading to the Bay of Quintc. There Is.a Burr's Oven, in the hnver part of it, and an cxcclitT.. i-wUcutn. - -1 further partic»dar<» apply to the fnbfov her. JOSEPH CLEMENT. Kmgston* March 11,1817. 4l 1 For Sale at this Office. March 13. Mr. Mu,k% The folWinj; account of an Enter¬ tainment, riven by the Ofiicers of the * ^_j ^ A letter iufcTted in the Journal of Up-1, Naval Eliablilhmcnt at the Grand Riv- per Garonne of the 19th of M--vc Tiber, tr« on the 171b February laft, is at your Innounccs'*Government hasb^ugUt corn Kingston, Feb. 22, 1817 38 from other countries vVhich will a:rive at lie different ports of the kingdom M Tumultuous afiVmblajies r»n account ofthe high price of erai", are iiyted in V\e letters to have taken place at Beau- toirand Languere. The Journal ^t Grenoble, of the 19th, publiihcs the following aiticle : — v/nT. row Vu that Ihould be MMitary hi aulwered this Prince with his own lund, thanking him, and accepting his offer. This faft has been communica¬ te to us by a pc« fon in /his city, worthy of faith and well informed." Df.c z.-^JVhcat experienced a decline in price this morning of from three to l>ur fhiiiings a quarter. The Banks of England and Ireland are making arrangements for paying then" notes in specie. tervice, (hould you bd.plcakd to give it £ place in your piper. A* B. ** A very numerous arTcmhlzge of ^. frtors had reached the N.'val Depot by I Four o'Clock, P M. and were received by the Commandant, Captain Pring, and his Lady, in the moli affable and hofpitablc manner.—A funvKtuous Din¬ ner was prcpnred in the Officers* Mefs A few Barrels of SALMON, For fale by MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. Kingston, 13//; March, l8fj. 4* A small quantity of ONION SEED For fale at the Druggift Score of F. CARLISLE. Ki^ston, March 12, 1817. %ltf Pojl. Feb- From the New Tori Evening ruary 26. POSTSCRIPT. Lattjlfrom Europe.—By the brig pfrior, 44 day* from Bordeaux, we havv ^c.ivcd Paris papers to the 2d January, c^uaioing London dat^s to iu« 28th • ■ •u- which thofe good humored lad-^, the Sai¬ lors, infilled on drawing ihcmtclvee, a diflance of a quarter of a mile. The Mould Loft had been fitted up for the occafion.—The entrance was through an avenue of Evergreens, illuminated with lamp*. The Scenery and decorations of the Theatre, painted by the joint ef¬ fort, ofthe Officers, were executed in a very fuperior ftyle—An appropriate Prologue was fpoken in a malterly man¬ ner, and the celebrated Comedy " She stoop? to conqucr,"was performed by the Naval Amateurs, in a ftyle far above me¬ diocrity. Between the ;.6tsa comic fong was given with much humour and Stage tffeft, which wasenccredby the audi- encc,__»*h« Comedy over at 10 P.M. the company returned, much delighted 1 Lieutenant GGv?,-nor^ Qftce, Fork, igtb Bfbrutiryt 1817. rriHlS Is to give not{ce tiiat Tenders J_ will be received at this OfSce from fuch perfon orperfonsa^ may ^e defirous of Contracting to rcnd-r fa whole, 0* any part of the Water Communication between La Chine and Kingston, by the courfcof the River Rid-au> n_v?.r3*>le tit Boats drawing two feel Water and ten feet width—alfo, for boats <iraw;n>? ihreefcct water aud twelve feet 14 wi(jtiw The Tenders arc to f^ecify Ae num¬ ber #f Locks and ine pjaces at whJch it is propofed to build the^ . a\f0 the num¬ ber of Flood Gates in cach Lock—alhd the periods for completing ^e work by the Itift Creek. Tenders will alfo be tf ce;vej for open^ ing the Communication ;n tjie dircftion of the Rideau Lake, ailcj thc waters communicating from tnence to mud Lake, and from thence ^ i^;ngfton. Tender., ftating the fecgrjtitf8 for per. forming the contract w|j be rfCCivcd till the 30th of June next iSclufive, and fur- ther particulars may l^ ^nown by ap¬ plying to the Surveyor Gefn Qffictf at York—The Office of \\ pf;puty Quar. 1 ter Mailer General at hnebcc~or the Affiftant Q«iarter Ma,ler General at Kingfton. 20th February tfl7» 41 Juft received aiTqnfbTIalc 'at this Oilice, II Reams Writing l,oftNo- ^ 9 ditto duvouncufc Received July 13, 1802, of Amon //uflcy, the title, Deeds and poffvflion of jj nine thoufand acres of land—We the fubferibers do promife and agree to pay to --Jmos -^ni!y, twenty (hillings per acre for fuch part and fuch quantify 01" \ the above tend*, as we have in poffcflion»|j 4 and may wift to retain as our property, | the money to be paid in ten years from the firft day of January, 1803, with iutcrefi until paid, and the fubferibers fliill meafureoff fuch quantity as they wife to pnrchafe out of each lot th*' thev may have in poffefiion, and ft>r fuc-. quantiy thvy ftiall be conndercd to pay inlerefMnd no more. As Wiinefs our hands at Cortwright, in the county of Delaware, ami state of New-Fork, July 1 <, 102. Academical .EDUCATION.. * « « Signed George Siple, Abraham Hou« hiding, Samuel Whitney, Silas Green/late, John Houghtehngx ' James Toung, John Ransicr, Jost StraScr, Adam Van Volkinhurgh* Elkana Holmes\ Frederick Krop% George Kreffi, Jofeph Grimmon* Gentleman from England, and of ____acknowledged reputation and abil¬ ities, refpeftfully informs the public that he intends opening an ACADEMY, For the Tuition of young Mailers and Mifles in the vat ions branches of this in- ftirution, on Monday the! Mr. Henry Baker's Red Houie, rear ftreet. He hopes, by affiduity and attentior, to merit a Stare of public patron-jre.^ Terms of tuition, &c. can be obtained at the Academy. C5JUn»iucftionab!e teftimonials ofcha- _ iter and abilitiee may be heard of on applying at this office. Kington, March 8,1817. ra£ 4«£ ■41 • Timothy Seed, OF an excellent quality, for i'ale at the Store of Samusl A Ytciovo- by the fobferiber. JAS. FRD. ANDERSON, From His Majesty's Dock-Yard Portsmouth, INFORMS the public, that hr '« ca'« ryin^ on the bufineHi of P4INT* ING, in all tta brrnchee, moft p«ticnl*r- lv that of Figure Painting. It rill he dene with the utmoft HlKff" it and expedition, IAMES STOUGHTON. tf. &. jf* apprentice wanted. HtfUK-ingftop, Match is, 1817- Kin?itant March 10,1817, 4itf.

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