tfcutSftiKl pounds fo Jy» jKiiiJ fo I>|)|ior] I Cj;ii h !' .kvo-hi?. wliirii rrrsolutMn Va- ,i!-:i MrfWIm (in* nPinmuiv:- PHOVI THE U. STATES. jFrcw fjfo National Intelligencer^ February 13 According to the provifions of il-e Omttitution, the votes gi-"e \yy toe Elrftots for Pre- H. ■ ' and Vice Prefident were y*'ftevd«ycounted oir, in the pr ;fenceof the Senators and Re- pr fenaiives in Congrcft ; and ix v/:i officially pro. laired by the Prefident of the Senate 5 that TAME.-. MONROE is dec-1 t&<\ Prefident of 'he Unircdj States ; and that D ^NIEL D. Tompkins is elected vkd Prefident thereof for fou r years j fr:>m and after the 4th of March' next. Ps.o:.r t«ie Boston Palladium February 14. From Calcutta.—We have, been favoured with Calcutta j papers to the 27; h Sept. receiv-j ed hf ^e Ihips Union and friendship. , Mr. Sea^s, who came piifen-i geriii the 1'riendfhip, arrived at th - Vineyard, informs us,: they fpoke the Marmi «. ttb-ic Uitlfle of France Nov. ao. kept c;o* iwo days ; was in¬ formed by her commander, that there had been a gfeac fire at thar . ^Q'Z ; but it blowing very'; frcih ji. not learn any particu¬ lar-. The Magicienne frigate, bea- r'j 2; rhe fl»g of His Excellency Scir ■ dniiral Sir R. King, fC. C. B Commander in Chief of the Brittfh fquadron in the E*ift ] Indies, bad arrived at Madras, from England. The Bacchus floop of war had Arrived ix Calcutta, from En- gland, with 500.000 DulUi> in Specie on board. No war of importancecxilled ta Inciii at the laft dates. We underftand that a very. latvc quantity of Cotton was Chipping at Calcutta for En-j gland. Calcutta, Sept. 5. W1 have received letters fori Amboyna tothe 18th oc May/ They sive a very diftrefling ac count of the ijreat ftorni which! Bland on the '5th, of April. It iuddenly common- j ced about ten at night—andi foon blew with fuch tremendu-j ous violence thar not a Jingle; veiTel in the harbor cou'd keep to her anchors Confequcncly much onlufion enfued & con- fidevable damage was d me to the final! craft—a preat part of which drifted, and getting en¬ tangled, foon fiink and difap peared. j But the injury to the Clip¬ ping vtfas of little confequence, when compared with the devas¬ tation caufed by the hurricane amongil the fpice tree planta¬ tions. Not a grove of Nutmeg or clove trees efciped—and of the former it is faid that 1100 were throwji to the ground— while of the latter no fewer than 24,000 were utterly de- ftroyed. It being known thatj neither of thofe valuable flrriibs grow to fuch maturity as to b^ capable of producing fruit, with- in a fliorter period than feven or eight years. It is evident, that the deficiency in the quan¬ tity of cloves and nutmegs an¬ nually produced, nccefliirily re- fulting from the de!trucH<m of the old plants, will enhance the price of fpices in the European markets, tor fome years to Ct>me. . i .* •. , Calcutta, msffo 27. The weather has become cool and plea(ant within the lad few davs. The extreme heat that prevailed before occasioned ma¬ ny cafualties among the natives. Three have periflied, overcome bv the heat. Sicknefs continues amongthe troops at C-uvnpore. Above 200 men of the 87th regiment m are ftated to be in the holpital. Capt. J. lnnesand Lieut. Gunn, of the 66th have deceaied. A Prince of Wales Ifland Ga¬ zette, of July 27, ftates that a dorm ai Beerngcll ha; many houfe's into the lea, funk numerous prows, and killed above 200individuals. It is re ported a large mafs of rock a- bout 60 fathom^ long, has re¬ cently made its appearance near TaTibool, in the Madura lea. The vicinity of Fambool is fub jectto volcanic eruptions. In confequence of the fre qucnt occurrence of canine madnefs, the Government ttf the P. of W. HlanH iffued or¬ ders *or th'e dcilrwciion of all dogs going at large—and near¬ ly 800 had been ddlroyed. Bombay, Aug. 14. Letters from Anjar, In Catch July 18. mention a dorm that had prevailed tor the four pre¬ ceding days The whole coun¬ try was 11 undated, and one village complete!) fuined, be¬ ing covered with a bed of fendl nearly a foot deep. Hundreds of houies have fallen down, and about 20 feet ®f the wal! of the town of Aiiiar. At Mandivie he damage has been very cx- rcDfivc : a considerable pan of the fuburbs have been wafbed away, ai.d the ihi »p|ng ofl"the, port have fuihiiiied coizfi .'crablcj lof-. about 200 fou la "have been thrown fiom their wi'ccks. No diubt the fuperiiirion of the na'.ive- will atiri ute thi^ caia- mrty as the confequence of their conncxi n with us. fches on a lev-e[. which afford- :cH for three^,rfour days very 1 fine neip-hinir ;_fctlie ground be¬ ing well prep.ired. from the ex¬ treme cold f(ir fevcrai <jays pre¬ vious, for ri,ceiving \u The thermometCF ftood on Wed- nefday morning as iow as g> fe. veral degrees tower than the ol deft inlubit.,nts recollect for many years j wnich tad very t i.^h clofed tjie fonn i to Mac- key's ferry, a diftance of 12 miles acrofs. Colder weather than tliis^ ha-5 never, perhaps, been felt in this country. The creek and a [Urt of the bay has i afforded very fine fkating. New.Or!ca»s. Jan. 2t. CLINTQN, (Geo.) Jan. 22. Perhaps the following may not be amis to infert in your ufcful paper, as a warning to perfons {hooting near houfes. YcPerday morning a truly affecting fcene took place about three miles from this town ;a young couple of the name of Henrry Pickard, and his wife, were, on their way to the weftern country, and {topped at a friend's houfe for the night The following morning, his wife went into the yard to make the neceffary preparations to flart, when a young man of the name of Cor bey who lived atan adjoining plantation, was {hooting with his rifle at birch, miffed his mark, andir.e- Unclioly to relate the ballftruck Mrs. Pickard in the fn ulder. entered and lodged in ihe op- p.)f:re fhou!d<»", which termin¬ ated hercxilkncein a few hours. What makes Ao unfortunate bufinefs mord affe^ing,ihewa about 15 or > 6 y&Jto of and was maif icd only five (ix weeks. IJo.tow Fib. 15. Drefidfut jjflffdpnt — A (cttpr re* (Miiupj datrd 7tU iwst. w>s :—"Oin took place hi the td-.Mi of Ji!fliM>«*ix, lasttu^hl tiiiil '.vus cv.r kirowq in iiii-^ dinlrrct. Thi* ilw Aim* U m^c of Air. William Wliitrhouse vvnsraniami d h\ fir'J- with it. wholeContt^i(>. rufjiiton * age or On Friday night, the ijlh\\]yiilit^- a»f' whnti* mo^t distressing inrt. Capt. water who has beeiuf****-^":c^' r//,<///'"r swttielrftdtrn lonp-k.tnvtn th# r4i«^ . c' \peri*h*din the Mates i! Sir*. Wfiik- M^h t0 UlL al,ZenS °( h^c had bom confined four day, in New-Orlean .. .is commander o! a tradir.g vcfl'cl on lake Pont- chartraiu, was together with his crew, frozen to death i n board his veilel wliHe on the lake. This cucuinitance wih excite the aftoinfliment of our northern fellow citizer.s, who gene? ally haxe very incorrect notions refpedir.g the climate of Louiiiana. Pi'iladeipbia. Feb. 17. ColdDav—ihe Thermom¬ eter, at 9 o'clock on Saturday mornii.g, in the Health-Office',, ftood at Zero— col¬ der than is on record in that ufeful eftablifhment. Baltimore, Feb. 15. Capt. Williams writes to his friand in .'Vlexandria, under date of the 7th January, at Cur- racoa, that Laguira was then in pofleflion of the royafifts* X. . Newark, fN. J. J Feb. :8. Cornelius S imbo, a colored man. confined in the jaii of the county of Eflcx, for theft, died in his cell on Sunday Lift. A coroner's inqueft was called, who reported thar he came to his death by infanity and the inclemency o^ the weather. Edenton, (N.C.) Feb. 11. Uriow.—On Tuefday evening 0 chi'd-bo<i. Hors.-ir nnd infant sir;;! iii (Mi** bed in the sam<: room. Mr. \\. in another room with lw-o other cliiUl- n-n, 91-id the sister of >Ir. Whitehouxr slept in another apartment. From the information obtained fro:n thosurviv-j ingchildren and ivoninn. it seems Mr., drseoTcred the house to be on (ire, caught the t»«> children tint were-with him and thPe* thorn out it» the snow, and lk-iugalmo4 suffocated with the smoke, ran <»"* at tbi door In recover breath: then returned and caught his wife's sister and threw ft«*r out cf a window of tH& lower aparf* mrnt, vrho was in.-cn^hlo of her situa- jtion until awakened out doors. lie then attempted to rescue "«* wife and other children, but perished in the at- frnnpt. Alter th*' hou^ w3s consumed, fhore was nothing of t^ remains of thi fhrce children to W discovered, but part of the hones of Mr. and Mr». Whitehouse weiti sueVj alld fro,n («^ ;>f)sit:on thev were in, k Monl<1 appear she had gotten out <"f bed and Mas near the deer that led to *'"' entry.— He undoubtedly was ^mothered before he could reach tuenttW* where his wih and children were. H •* supposed In many, that the fire nt*^1 hyasbesbc- ing dcpo-ilcd in a w.O0d.n box ; m) opinion, how-ver, is, ihii{ ^iiere was a llirr left burning in the ^ck women's a- partmeiit, and that a '>>aud fell out on the iloor.—This oogjrf lo ser>(' as » so¬ lemn warning to all mot to take up a-h- es in woodf n vessels, *W to l*»*« &V& burning without some person to watch them." lafi: Montreal Herafd, gives a different, and we hope, a more correct view of the fuiject: tt Some week* ac;o. we noti¬ ced in the ct Quebec Gazette*" that about eighty families had [emigrated from thelettlemcnt. on the River Sr. Francois to the United States and Upper Canada. We have lince taken fome p.iins to inform ourfclves as to the fact dated, and find it not correct. A gentleman who lately vifited Drummondvil e5 and ftaid there fome day?, Ays, " that of late fome perfons discharged from the army, the moft o£. them from I)e Men- ron's rent, whofe habits ill ac- corded with the purfuiis of agriculture, became cJiiTati-Iled with tiieir fiiua ion, and have remi * 3<$to the Uniced States, but the whole d:) not amount 1 to 25, and it is coniidcrcd thai 'the fettlement i; happy in be* in? rid of t!em." We are further afiured that :he fist?le¬ nient prrtm:fi* foon to be n> a moft flourtOiing condition Such is the report we have from thofe who can have no ititercft in mifrprcfen:ing facts, nor in drawing too vivid a p idure of theprofpea." CMTLM OF St. LEWIS, Sjheber* tOlh February^ 1817. A REPORT Having reached J^\ HwiLXcdlcncytheGovhR. nor in Chijs*»tbat an Ariicr- ican Citizen named Thomas Vance pr'Vaijt, who was raken! Prifoncr in the Action at River Raifin, on the 22A Januaiy, 813* isdernmed in Captivity j by an Iiidiun in Quebec, or it* j Vicinity, and li is Exceiieucy having cauled cveivinquiry l() be made, ilvouch without ftu- ccfe, to difcover the faid Amer- lican Citizen* has directed Public N01 :ce to be hereby given that if the fiid Thmua^ Vance or \ m h iii any parr oi \ hc!e Provlj:ces ia Captivity j and vvii! make known his Situa¬ tion to His Excell^ney«Bifafum will be taken for \.\> immediate releafe and reft oration to his [Friends.—And any p/rfon pos- |fefling information refpectrng the detention or prcfent fitua tion of the laid Thomas Vancr or Vant, are rcquefted to com- municatc the lame to His Ex ceilency. By His Excellency's Command. 1 ANDREW Wm. COCHRAN,1 Secretary! ____ From the Sl'ECTJTOR. laft, we were vifited by one of the largeft falls of fnow we -rver recollect to have noticed in this part of the country. It fell to the depth of from 13 to 1 ~ in- *S From the Quebec (ir/^tte—Fet/j/. -27. * • • • We inferted # few weekb fince in this pape^r> '^n extract of a letter from a (Gentleman in lhree Rivers, announcing a very corfidoabJe^ emigration from the fettlctfpent* on the River St. Eranci^- The fol¬ lowing article, tal&m from the THE DREAM, Or Gen M'Clure turned devil. A confounded pretty little Story, founded on fail. It happened. " fome how or another*' that General M Clure of burning memory, a fhoit time ago, in company with 5 or 6 other officers of diftinciiom put up, for the night, at an Inn fome where in the county of Steuben. They foon fat them- felvesdown to their wine, and after feeling the effects of a few bottles, unanimouily agreed that the perfon who would not either fing a fongor tell a fto- ry fljould forfeit a bottle of wine—fo to work they went, I and each in his turn performed 'either one part of the agreement or another—It happened, how ever,that anterior to the Gener¬ al's arrival, a young genteel loo- king little Yankee had pollefli- on of the room, and was then fitting in the chimney corner— The General was deurous that the young man fliould follow the rules laid down by the com- J APClure, Voung man y«$ |mufi fing a Long. Yankee* I guef* I can't, f0w Dad's foiks r.cvc 1 lang. M'Clttre. Then you niufttdl a ftory. Yankee. I can't do that [ M'-Clurc. You muft then,in this cafe, call for your bottle of wine. lankce. {scratching his head\ I calculate I wont do that eith. er, I guefs I've got no money, M'Cture, Then yj& fyj leave the room. lanhe. I ptefs 1 came in firft and it would be nation foolifh to be turned out you know, hut if the gentlemen pleafc,! •can t^el! a dream Igwfu' MxClare. Go on 'lien. Yankee. May be the gentle¬ men worit like it, and pi tarnal mad. M*Clure. No, no, I promife vou fecure on that fcorc. Tankee. Well, 1 dreamt, the other night, that I was in Hell, and that it was a nation bufy day with the Old liny, he fat at a long table, it was a very ong table and had three amazing Mac's Clerks on each fide of him, and ob ! what a to motion fight of papers was among 1 hem. It was not long before a loud thundering knock was given at the door. Devil. Walk in '—Who comes there ? Major Maiiory. I am Major Mallory, may itplcafe your In- fern «1 M?j* fty. Devil. What!—Major Mal¬ lory the notorious traitor of Upper Canada ! take a /eat in that corner. ( Aro:her great knock was gt- VlH ,H the door. ) Devil. Walk \ comes there f Major Mat Me. Ma:k!e. Devil. What : ! anrf/]er Itnritorto his country! tak» a feat along iklc of Maiiory. About this time there »„ heai d at the door a pkguay gin. [gling of {words ard tramplinJ of hoi ies, and a duccd knock ° Devil. Waikin—Well Sir! pray who iteyott ? M-CI ure. I an M4C:lure. Devil. What ! ! ! General V'Clure, the fellow that (■urn. ed out heip;els women and children, and burnt the town of Newark! ! ! M1Clure. Yes Sir. Devil. (Rifihg) Here! take my feat—my office and all my pape: s? for by the Lord Kany, I'll be no longer Devil. (The Devil ran away.) in Who I am Mai ijnr 1 1 ,m 1 I General pany, in confequence of which, » = lowing dialogue mfued: From the N. Tork Covsifg. Price Cam nt for J:,n. 1S17, frMfr —Very fca-ce-A o;e3i demand in tlie&iialc world. The y pn«s„m-,ed-fu.h as beai,,f% Efcmt, Virtue, ^t.r^m fn fcwe ittfcm QMnmce FrW l;.r^nu however, are ma<!r lately, owf„fi t. :h;...,t,xM/ and vnetrttunty oi !;t<. bg 0»ft dt'jrrw and costly afUcUs h\ a ilate ofirtSI pnfervatim. OldBatchetort —An nbfo'ute drag* rhe ma.ktt. T|lt pe.airmen and l^ia of colour, hy «.ry of tofcm»w!i%cm* for kindwffes lately profFerd dm, contemplate a meethig to recommend a cnlomzatfon of all old hscMora in "Madift.n't I la, /,» or r<»me Mifi IftL Bmliruptciei— Daily Mierailinj; in qufflitity—uiuvipfaUy allowed to be oc- c:.tion.-;j |,y ihp kte «• honorable pe<:ci" a»'d not by the late "glorious tear." The.dealtrt .tie now generally aj«rcc', iltai if we ever have a war Bgsfb,^ •'•"ft never I ave u pi-ccc ; becau.'t ility are convinced, that it is the reacf» and nor the war. wfeieh m fuch cafe doca the mifchief. In th.', they arc heartily luppoifd hy (hedrwiiards, "bo ijlflftmg ihat intoxici'ii :. h 0 fhtfm mean a!fo to wain all dtttreH ".e.'|»lr._ never to t!«iik of gctticjj fubcr again, »*