"I.v3y« pray ton in to make thcra good people, that when they 'ied they might ■»<i -o iicwen '*—Afwr thU ceremony, I mv. ied Philip and Dhmtta who itemed a Tii'.i! afTc&iouate cu.pic. Should il.e Eftghih ke;p the Iflind, I hope many ©ore Mi Si marie* *vitl be lent nut. 1 think the re it cf my brethren With me in this, that line field for a&inn : a Triiflion../. may labour th this bland with- j c:t .my )-iwj of icitviiut from the civil, JV.wer; ci ihe cotitiary. he is allilled by it ; till- rulers bcillg decided friends to She fprcad of the Gofpel ; confequently he has only to labour with all hi" pow- *ra ..}"b >dv and foul. On my anival at Colu-nrjo I found brother hnuance in a; wi'l fullv agree ■ii'T- i-j h*ic a f It gitcp \?9 particular pirafure to learn from yout ExceUro^y'e a&ti-ll obferva ttf.n in your progiels through this Pro J "luce, lo conducive to the benefit of it* inhabitants, that the liberal appropria¬ tion -r.adeby the 1 alt Se'Hon for trie im¬ provement nf the Roads has been i.i ge¬ neral judiciotfly applied. The Water communication of the rr- v?rSt. J awrmce, below Prefcottj do- . Wfcm tk .nHc accents a* Ud br j j fca*. And ta ^*fj?gjg' JfJJS iL^J*?. ?*& foic i.im we i^3jj pay cvCfy attention to their mve(li.;at;0Ui We haye. r.cn wjflj mu£h &tfsfc6fion that the Uhy ia] ^raot* ft^r the improve¬ ment of the pU(||;c highways, though-! nut this IV-ovince have been judieioufly applied, wL;^ ;9 3convincing proof of the Btietttich Yrhkh your Excellency had paid to the ktaJHon of ptopef perform, J ames Craig ha! left. Canada m a lUe of was ready, long rcadyt t6 mcet 1,,3 * f-ritation little (hort of rebellion, " the, fcrs with fupcrabundant evidence. \y Ip.iuce Regent {■• the Secretary's letter have not a doubt but he Would W cxprtfi'edit) having had experience of been t.iumphantly acquitted, and fcnl th for civil and military back with a pceragv>— a well-earned Dee. Ill's talents, hot fttifttr" ordered him to affumc the ad-'- • age, to his government. Bet alae 4hc* that mod delicate and, jufticc and the reward were'1 rwJnJj (cnre«and fhill icctivcour mo ft feriousllto fiipertnte^ iheir difburfement. « * r II TIT* _. - >* * ! c »Pliderau'nn» " j vVe aie convinced of the importance We ruturn your Excellency our thanks j or the necelfUy 0f improving the water f i tranfmil ting our add re f* to His Key-1 c'mmunicaifon of the Sail i Lawrence, al Biuhnefs the Prince Regent o«» the a4» fan'lira turn of ■ditcult griverment. And certainly no m*n could be better qualified to reconcile (if that were pos- fur his ashes.17 His frame exbaufttd b? I molt faithful and laborious ferviccsiori ['Country ; by a journey through the wfl l di fuhjett i>f Revenue and lutercomlc wftli [,ower Canada and fhail be happy in due tin:e to be made acquainted with the re- hiV.hfvvit, attended mlh dcii-iurn; he 11 f«'t ; we are alio duly^ feniib'e of your Excellency's Attention in ofingthe mean? I in your power to correct the evil com* plained of by the mediation of commif- fioncr-.. fiionld ihe I.eoill^ture of Lower Canada revive the piovifions to that et fea- Ai there feerrn !o he doubt" of the fnf- ficiency of tSe <dtc c op- to fopply the wants of this Province, fhonld ihe export of rr.rl'i he continued, we will mull fe co% inued fo for n*ar a fortnigh*, and (k&i\ be^nfl torecover. When Ins ftrengto •%a-! inev'eafed, the Doftor and th.- breih- resl ad-.if- d me to take him to Oalle. I did fo, a;.d ou th^. 3ill of December, i%ut+ we arrived here. Since then hl3 ttre«£th has lucre.fed, and he i^ now OOmpleieSy lid of every fyovpcom af fever, iiit l am forry to f-y the medical gen tilcn^n a;e of opinion tfiat hN rmifun>p- tivecomplaint will cany him off The people are extremely Itffld, and pny him every attention* Sho-ihJ he leave us, <v::r lefs w-U lie hi, jfafj During my (hv iu Cilumbo the Governor req;icft-.d Wte to draw i»p an a/cotnit iff the ;»iie»t from our foil acqUdintauce. I did fo,| »ud he cau'edit to he publifl^d .. the JvcwN-jjapcr. TJltf irtr(?i«iaruii wa< VWiten r v the Governor h;:nie.'f. With 4 refr,e5lto the !angt.aj;c of tins country.. ■L CJ»n re:J it tokvaM/ well, fpeak it a little-and am l)C£titftmg .o catechife the chi!.^rtr:i in it. 1 have hud ^o.id heahhfor fume months pp(i : I I.aJ indeed, like all European*, tbs feafouinrr to pufc ihroii^h ; but 1 hope ail tln"u;4-. (vfthw kmd are over. By the joy which! daily experience from the ll»*>oc c jnfolatioti* of the Go;) tthi ;n I f» ?ve, I feel 1 have the fame It in d !5r?n;f taapproach that 1 everhtd. The joys of communion with him ?rc t!*e fame y, nave 10 long ftod iMI gfve that fubj.a our fcWous jj «i:Aappny divi^, that Province iiole)the two difcordant panics, who J | derncf» in the midft of winter, to mcCi with very unequal numbers, but eqoal I his accufera ; and by the ftill more rnffl, ani.noiity, have fo long divided, and llill jful delays ofjuftice, funk at lalt; and k ».*k^TCn«*Tv MviA** that Province. But w;nt to a tribunal where he will fi«j confuleiati^n. We aie thnnkfol to yapr Excellency for tmving tranfmitted our Addrefi to His lloyd Highnrfs the Prince Recent, on t!ie fohjed of Revenue and luter- a.mong tV jungles in tlie IflauJ of Cey¬ lon, as in the fplendid places of wotfhip in yonrhijjhly favoured 40untfy« And though Huh a fr.nce ii:iw fcpar.-ites n»c! ff.ru rny native land, yet 1 rejoice th-it I j can gi> a*i tpHefcly t.v take poffrffion of r..y n.a.tlion in'fhc fl<ics from hence, a» ft. m a :."-ir» rr.y friends iu England* Tl-V F i yrtrr iii'.\vcit!iy fan in the LjoI- *:el -.four Saviour. B- Cl-OVGH. rioufly coofidcr therKpedieiicy o* re-cn- afling tlie Statute heret- fore made on the exigence of fimi! sr dorbt^. In oi(r deliherarionj* on the 13ri'i:h Statute which fuhjcfh lan'lto be a(Tct«; f.-r t!w fatisfadion i,{ debts it thflU be our endeavor to reiiK ve all doubts ari- fincr tMi^N opcrii'ion. We a til alfa c- udder the pr >pn\ty of the revival ar cooiiiitKincr of foeh Laws j as nave expired or are about co expire; VVs beg leave to offer our warmeii acknovvlefi^rrents for the declaration your ExctUencv hstli condelcendcd V* [ make or co-or.eri;tinjT to carry into ef- fe't anv Law which wc m::y dcvifr ten- dinjftjthe ?mpT'»venitri't of the wealth happinefs an I morals of ific people a:id the general profperny of the Province. "To which Sh F xccllency was phafed to Hon. Gtniniihn of the 1 u-ghlativc C;,u^ci!t 1 thank yoii fi*r your .~\ddiel-. nm am gratified to fi'td that the Le^Ifl lire] Council, fo cordiuliy adopts my fenii- mc.its on niCrtlure.* of public uti'ity. • cotirfe with Lower Canada, and have a well founded confidence, that during the prefent feiiion of ihe Imperial Pailia- meat, thole fubjeda w:il be cuiilidertd, and means adopted t.> aff.»rd irt relief. We, at the lame n'me arc grateful for the intention exprefledby your Excelleu- cy» to eude.?Vi»r to correS t*^- evil coi i- ptafned of, by trie medi-tion of Commni- Soners, Ihwuld the Legislature of Low r Canada revive the proviiions to that c:"- fcd. We ftal! tak-' ?'<to eonflderation •! - expediency of prohibitit ^ the exportation <:f Grain fro'ii I!ifs Piowih-e Thr Rniifh St.it.it. n fi.i.ji-dio^ InmU to be aflrta for the faii^f.Cliou of drUt, j as well a< t!ie propriety of the coniinu- r*mce or revial of fwch litWii a; have cj prred, or art «biut fo expire, lhall ail' receive our eonlideruiion. Oihcr hibj- £ts requiting Leg^flnti^tf n^vffionjanlfucli laws as*may tend fc» the improvement and ^etteral prbfperilj of the Province, fhail be flriAly attetwl- ed to, enco iraofj I by liie aiTurance r»f your EKcd'ency!i» cordial ro«operation. I To which bfs Excellency made tiic fellow infr rvply : — 1 th :it!: yf,l! for this Addrt-6, find rc- 8 fiiiCe even his good temper, impartiality and addfefa could tffetfl nothing like cor¬ dial union, he took thecourfe which his duty plainly requited—to be of mitner party : to employ men who had talents an! influence, without any oiftin&ion and U wtnt to a tiibunal where he will find Jufticc. So Fell a great and good man • without any thing to cheer him, but the reftitude of his heart, and a Confciem;. void of offence to God "and man. <fo are allured from good authoiity, that ! when his death was known at Quebec,ft whether they were of French or Enrr'ifh: drew tears from the eyes of ihofe vC[y • * 1 ,1 -1 I. ** ■ \____ ._ t_______lI J«-h^> h fft r\ t* a ,*\\ *u ' s "^ fA J-hvB«-«fml .1,1 tftl A A : ^wu___?(l I origin, ot whether they hfcl been obnox¬ ious or otherwtfe to his predeccifors. Thia equal holding of the balance was di'pleafinw to the Englilh party but it faved the country. It yarned Sir Ot-orge the entire confidence and affec¬ tion1' of ihe Canadians. They 1 ibmiited to be iev.-rly trained to arms ; they to* k hiii sirroy hills a<; Cafli ; an>i when th.ej eoetr.y invaded the country, encomajjed bv (he ftaupnfcd difaffcclion of the iuhab- ifsnts, (leu. Wtlkfnfon trftifie-S that they met nothing but the moil deter¬ mined hotlilityol riiewhoic male popu¬ lation. And another G-ncral(Hjm- ptonj eottld tePcify that he and his army were difromfited by th<f gJiHani De iSal.i- fctry, a Canadiiin Gentleman at the head or" on* oi two companies of Cana¬ dian Mi :Va. fn brief, whenth?3 war broke out Sir George was informed that .England could neither fend him mm nor money* | But confident on the affections of the i people he govern**if, and in the refe.nrcca of his ■•wo mind he met the enemv 3t ^very .point where he m ticked, ajong a frontier of ifco mile.-^ ; and at every | point he rtptiifed them with lots and C ;e i — _ _ _ . _--------m _ _ a v _ I ceJ*e with p*ti*frctwu the ;.iri;:cn-e thnt I i'Tgfrace ; until the whole fitci on Lake ! you will coup^ra-ein ;h. ncceffary n;ea '" !" k-;"" .-...*i..-^! _-....« ,-,.,♦...wl fores jccon"nci:ceJ tor the advantage of thi.i Proving* fKOVi.VCiAL rA!lLiAAii;M\ Or UPPER CAS ADA. #? V • * • * 4 * ■ • • # # From (hv U; p.-r-Can,•;:.'./ O'-zrc/Zc. LcGlstrATiv-ti Council. Feb. 7. This day the Houoiable the Le^flj. ti*c Council, went up to the Govero- CPen; Hiujfe, and prtfented the following Add'ef-'i in aufwer to His Exuellency's Speech, at the opening or the prelent Sefilou. To ills Excellency Fnjxcts O we. &$mtiwt LdFitiemint Cfovtmor (yftJie Province of Upper Canada, $$c. §0 $x\ V/ii, Kit- Vfajedy's moil dutiful and loyal S»hjc£tsthe Lcgiflative Council of Uoper Canada, iii Provincial Parliament j aiTv.ibled, beg leave moll rcfpectfuHy to retain our thanks to y^ur Excellency j for your Speech at the opening of this Sw'ffion of the LegiHature. It :. with regret that we learn from yo-r Excellency, thai no favorable i chs.ig-. has taken place in the health i'f our beJoved Sovereign ; deeply fenfible of that Public Calaitrity, we arcfupport- cd'inly by this conlolation, thai under the ReifCnvy of the Heir \ppaient, the U- itited Kingdom i;a. aitaiutd the Dimmit of national profperity s 11 WcJ.u'fJay* FlI. $ —Mr Nichol pwe notice, ilmt oa T'lJiy he would nuivs fbi leave to bring in a bill (o amend the Penlin. *$ Mr Jones gave n tier, (hat he would cw Monday uesL movefos leave tob.in in a bill f.u the tc ief of \hc poor. Tt:vrfdfi\. Fib. 6. — Mi. joues gave notice, that he would on Saturday next, J move foi leave to bfln^ in a hi I to fecurej the titles i>f Biitiili fuhjeflsto land^ m1 their aftual pofTcIIion, derived from or through any alien. Friday, Feb. ;.— The addrcD in an- fwer to His Excellency** Speech, was read a third time and paifed- At the hour appointed, the Speaker and Member* of the Roufe proceeded u* the Covernmcr houfe, where the Spea¬ ker read the following Addrcls to Hi.* Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, i anlwer t«» Hi- Fy.ofrHency's Speech ai the opening of the Scffion, To Bis ExceKency PR.VNCI&! GORI4 Ks(|'iiiV, UeuteiuiUi Governor 0J7 the Pmviace <>! Upper Canada, &c <kc. &c- ft*ay itpkafiyour £xceffertcf9 Wfi, His MujelK's (iutifil and loyal fiihjecta, the Commons of Upper Canada, in Provincial Parlfamcat afftmbled, beg leave 'o '^ffer to your ExcelJc.ey our hnmbletbanks for your moll rriaefous Ue.ch,at the opening of the prefeotSef fio-i. The continuance of the indifpofifon of our revered Snveieijjn, is truly aOicl. tng m every loyal bread While h.-,v- ever we feel and deplore this national ca¬ lamity, we derive fome confi fation from the s-iergy and ability with which the ad- O-K brintj capttfed — .itul ca;t;!"rd beyotid alltrootraveriy, for want of 10c feamen wh-lft we had too nSips of war* ii.*j»-; the Itation—tiic l-'fl; (ofttpt/rt) of uppermo(l Canada inevitably followed. *\uoUur nv(h more iiotK"C(H*nl*blc j r'ilafttT upou the iv%tcr—the defeat of an X riiihflcet by (hat of tit* e »emy on Litke Chi'.mpij'V—renueivd it altogerh x Saturday 'K*"J—^^r Ju,;e% purfuant to hi-, uoti:-' nvwrd fo* nt)<\ nhriined Uave to briPS ,a a K:l to fecurc cue ti r'r. of land k »ft»4 ytftJfJM ol ftAifc j'uf-j.-et;. SfC. (ty Ml y\'*-w iv vl. A iVfefiage wa» received fiom Hii Ex cellency the Lirulnniit Governor, re- jh^ had be^n rnltruaed, into the fotetwi conimendiW an att^nrimttui of the! of the United Stares. Which bring tn% ci'V, and li'uie c-m deny it, he tho» he could rcr T.'iw.-r toe bio:*d Ifitab'v Ci-.i" byaffiuir^nrj ihj woifea at PiaiiUJuro-h, whrch Uc aiTnrcdly muH i/mooffibiefoi Xtr i*eor*pj to pcoctratcas K hiinie tot tw.Kcd; \■>, to give time for! lite repivfet.ii.h* of the Cuiitlttes u* II:ii-il lor. and Go'c in Pohanie-t. The Houfd rcfolved ille fiito^ Con miii'v, to conlidci Hi* Kxce!!eiicy% Mtflajre, and rep -rteii a rr:"durroM, that it was tjie opinion of the Commit uc that the Houfe ill mid art! itlfti for rwlve days agreeably to Hu Excellency^ recoto- mendation. Mr. Speaker h;ivin^ i^ktn ihe Chair, the Houfe on motion of Mr. Nichol ad¬ journed for twelve days. 'ft! unpro j perfons, who had oppofed his adminiftra- tion, as too Indulgent to the French Canadians. We have only to add. that his Ladv, who reminds us c.f theSpartanand Roman Matrons, after a few days of the fiift bitter grief had paffed,prefentedafpiriud Memorial to the Minifter ; demanding that the propofed Court-Minial Ihould proceed not withflanding the cfedeafeof her hufband ; aa (he was ready to meet ;t and to vindicate the fame. /:fter refer¬ ence to the Judge Advocate General, it was anfwered that fuch a rcqncil could not be complied with ; bi:t that du Majcfly's Mineflersnevei had any inten¬ tion to throw a (hade on the name of Sir George PrcVoft ; but on the contrary would fhow their high efteem of his fervices by Conferring honours on hu family ; and a pcotleman was fent fr«m the fecretary's office, to fettle with HI Ladyfhip at Bolmont how this rr.ight W done mod agreeably to her fi-eifnga. The ifTue was wh3t we h;ive given froo the Gazette; and nothing could be thought of morej dieiojs. The Sup* porteis, the proper badges of nobin'fi gave the honour of the ptctegei without the rank, to which the fortune Itil by S:r j George was not equal, though hi* '"^ were. The wo»ds difplayed up*™ bnuner.-; w-i be a p;;>petoal memorijloi r!ie peat important (uvice* which oft George in his tihtfmt rendrcd to hi5 country. And when his only f«>". "^ but a boy. Ux*U§ hewtftiF iijji;n„ jJJ arms, wctrnj if will raKeui bisyontMu) bofom a (Itong dciirc to becom like hi* Father. The fafls which ivfi hrive flared uj this article we have from highly refpeGahlfl correspondents, on whom we can fulh rely : and we conceived they would l^ intercftiiio to our readers* I in Jefs tliau a FOREIG N. •ilnndon, it he fnccecrded9 month Hut here wik a fine OppcntKTu>y foi wicked psfliona to woik * * # * # » a 0 * 9 * H. knew ve well what irfifi hi? ere rpies vvott*3 make of hh retreat from Plsttfburifh^ Be nu'uh: -:.*e alfaoltedj land ca rift' ^aubiiici He mi;'!it have alf.ulted an;: earvfed toe place,(for t « • - * i,we 1'*itik. it would have ralieu ;) after i| buryinjrone or mv.> tlt.uifat'd brave men I in the ditch, returned wiih the appiaulc of the miili'tudci bottlwifh the tear- of iVidows and orphans, and vvithcMit a;-y one advantage to ht^troimtry He f'i- lowed t!it dictate* of his coofcieuce, and trufled to ihe iie:i!-.. rale v..ice <■{* hia country for hid fame. It has not d&ap to the cataflm: he. Sin GtiQUGE PRRfQHT. Hilifa^:. Nov 5. We hnvc copied from the London Gazette, the p>'lhnrnous honours be- ftowed upou Sir George Prevoft, witii ai lively plcafurein wh-eh We are fury rhe|jp(lfg cd him- yieat m«ifs of-Mir r.'ii'lers wiii pariieipat'-.'j JJlJr We haften Some few indeed th**i art (a: d we fay it j gjr Qaffp Prevail went home { -it'h ai with paiu) wh.m. we ren.emhe^ prefiing j c;Iperue^ ;.nd by a n>ut that exlnu/'e. Inea-'ell to his pcrfon, and bowing nmfLj n^rlv all \he frfrutfih L* har] |../i W, profoundly at hi h we- here, who altered their tone pradfgtefi'Oy wh*/n tiie grc<*tj an:! ^nd man WZi thowjlu to be fain*i-ij. j Where this pn*ocK*'» as we belie-e h! moftlv did. fom a M "flin^ levity of rai'«?*i I (» nearly all the ftfeugth he had lef<) t anP-ver every clwgv hi enen?:s mighi bring; ar»l when he ar ived be c*>uh.1 fcarcely hid who was his accKler ; o. j whether he had any. [Ie ; ' Wefti^ati »n. however, befi ■dfi reiKO i<>4 an vecrin-. like a (Pk'-n vane, with evrryj fibuiwl ; where he wmdtitcn'ir,,!y be an '-bjVarorour pity.j [character from the fovTcilvmMB* which >r« a proper micii: vir-dkate hfji LONDON, N-v. 2?i Several Englifh gemkmenofdiftinfeiotj were prefent <:t the liritifli An-bafTaduig at Pan's, when M. de Talleyratttl made his vehement fotUe againil the French Mmiiler^—Mr, Car.ning:, the enrl of Mansfield, Mr Tierucy -and others. Our correfpondent Hated that M. de- Tallcyraiid corr.phiincd cf the iiicoi.fi. ficcy of the king** conduft. The next morning M. de Talleyrand received a letter from tic l>i ke de la Chartre !)>,*' ifyfng to him the king's pleafmc tj him, that he ;hoidd not appear at Court "gain, Lri* MA that he will alfo be deprived of his pod uf Chftmbeii;:in. "the Due de la t : a'tre, jtrst fiadkmm nj the Chamber addr>j}*d yalerutzy JJsjf. uingttj? fifojwwglcUtsi to M de Talfeyr.md. t: Sir— Iu cor fecjutnee of tlie public ronvrrfatior, whith you held with the l'ivl:.-'ent of r.'ie chanrhcr of Deputies in the houfe of 1 he &n baffador of a Foreign pctver, I uiform yu'- :!iat \\is MajeRyh^j . ordered me ro notify ;o you that you need not again prefent yooifeif at Crurr. J-o^r»os, Nov. j. The Lord Misyor has purclied, 10 |[8mith(ild majket, a bu'Wk, to have it humhlcj, and to the honour of our coun-. rank among the nations of the world. try th^ abolition of flavery fn thefe The employment of the natiwal arms Stt.,, bai been made by her an article in the raufe of fuffuJng humanity, foful- in \':; tx™? "f Pr?CC- ! '>'cvinc<d ir- t!ie '^ operation an&ft Wartu Enmpc ha« ow cenfed, and; ih<: Piratical Siutes of Barhary, and in we regret thai fo JefiraWean event, has, compelling them to aholifhCh.iili,,. (h- DOt beiu the haibmger of immediatei plenty,—and that fyniptoms of diltref3 bavrbceo manif^fed in many parts of :hr United Kingdom. We trull however ami hope the re'itedien applied by ihe i urxhvkJcd attrniiou of the Imperial Pat- liaruc.ti wili-foon rcdore every part of the r.rrpire 10 the full enjoyment of the b.efll ^ of uninterrupted peace. V/c oz-.t leave to mark our grateful fe* ft ■>: tl;;- paft fuppnt and p«oiee"ti^n of our Wither Country, by every alicvi- vcry, to which the chief nations of Lu- rope had fo long fubmitied is a smblc mo- pumem of the benevolence & diJi.tereil- ednck which are the lead »ngcharaftcrill ic- of His Royal Highitefa's adminillratiir . The fevere pfeffurc at this m.uncnt felt by our ft How ftlbjeda in Great Britain is deeply to be lamented.—Thia conle- cjuence wa. however to have been anti¬ cipated, from the ftwldcn 11 aniltion from a (late of war to that of Peace. It is hoped however, that it will be but len.. For ourfelves ^s we profef; not to- Batter the livings & we with to do joftiee t^» the dead- We never fed hutj w« opinion of £}{■ OvOT^ P^evpll, which we have formed ufon tw knowledge of his character arn^ wlmh we "ever aw VV e weie pleafed an., o. her bu.Veu wioch may be in our porary, and t\m the remedies apphVd by power a, d we trull that your £xc lien ,.; the uudivided attemiou of the Imperial by n be eve that :r, xenons will be Parliament will fern reilo.e every p.-.«t wmttin^ oa our part to fulfil a duty to ' rralon to ch lU^e.' with the evenly cl; e'fuh efs of his tem¬ per, with his fi^p'e uoafftumngj manners, and ln,:* ctwidcfoeflfioiw to. people of eveiy raV**- ^c admire hiv| vigorous, active, | £&* tratioxniind. But JVC peculiarly re^P^d him for hi. robicy, |ji% i.ulcpe-^dcncc, his juflicc ; iu lort iu principles (Of.fliOMll* wdrdljfftMl, fiirh in webavcbtHc 'artly mt:/ Sit George Pie-vo{l» w" brieve, nev\r had ruy pjtron htit hi3 Cervices and eharaeLr. Rec^nillrcrk,1ird hlf i1kIc' alone, he wai fele^^'d to defend u< at a .e<-p'c of the United The ff^vernment feemed to wiih that no invrfljgrftSbti ftoufd tnke place. L»d<ed ihe feelifigs of the two p&t branches of the public fe'vices fei-ned t A lertec f-o-p -j -•=-uh"pan who refides ;n Dcvi.u'-.iic, ll.tcs ihat his f;./;:iiy 's fupplicu wiih 'hcb:w: fM*tc?*Cr,fl men at I >d per p..ur: J. :.»»d lie Uw the righr ot ih of the Empire v ihe full enjoyment of the blcffings wf nr.inteiTUDScdpcavC. time when the States had full .^""dc-ice th3t they wojld fpecdilvbc l* pwffciSoU oi" HaJ- Whiltt that of ihe Navj plainly rna'krd by the Coait Mania] 00 Captain Pftiio, who tbrontjhl piv;>;-r not onlvto try their own cfliccr , but t.; declare rheii Ccufurcalfo of the Cover- nor General oi Canada. Mcreuj) u Sir George reiterated hi, demand Cf a fpcedy trial ; and a day was) »t lail iijeed, and Sh Jamea Yco obliVcdl to give in his formal efiar^ei. It i* plain that the whale mull h.u-e turntj upon this—M VVa» the fl. et l.'ift, or wa, »tiiot#by max of ^operation of &« under the w,s DUt tool ,i,tfl ■«•■•!" «>'««! KWWTJP, P'cicnscircumhance?i o: the counnv,tu ("tpend t!**e diliii'aii 11 of fj-frir^ liom Kn»i»i and the rrar,iif^i:rc of (larch fr.-m v heat ; and that the n»t^tfi^iinAiiiiirotiflr rel'o ved to tMinfmM a "V.ttftttil t<» ibc'r Lordlhfps on the fubj^.t, and whieh wal traidn irted aCCiudingly by tbia d.iy'o poft —Edinburgh fuihcr* Sift» NfcW York J.m. ?'). War hi V/. having.— i'hc fchu'-nfr