Kingston Gazette, March 1, 1817, page 1

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[SATURDAY, March \, lol'/,] KING nn [VOLUME \ i.------No. 3.,.-] - ■-: 3 Kingston, Upper Canada-Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.-Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive or Postage. ! MOORE'S CO F FE E-II OU S E. Price of athcrtifing fa the Gazette. Six line* and under, 2/c5 firft infertion, and 1/3 every fubfequent. Ten line* and under, 3/4 firft infer- «!on, and i/]8 every fubfequent. Teiiliucj and upwards, 4J. per line | ^/f WE fnbfcnber having opened the firft infertion, and 2 J, per line every iuc- i JL Houfe lately erected by Mrs. Fin- cerdii^iafertion. ^ | kle, next dooi to jofaiu & Ftnkle**, ref. Advertifements unaccompanied with pedlfully informs the public, that he has written directions are inferted till forbid,. I taken great pains to fumifh it in every and charged accordingly. j j refpt&to merit the belt of enftom. C,u- *= j tlerren travelling may rely uoon having : good accommodations and attendance, i1 Their befu£ attached to the houfe aj 0?- His Mary's Service..tobe '»e-' P<H>d yard and llables, Tcamlteis can lirevrd on the o. ening of the Nair* • j have fallible accommodations. jgatfnn, at I'Jn^ftjn or point Hearv, 3? '• Soups every day from 12 10 I o'clock. Seven or eight genteel boarders can I be atienled to.. J. MOORE. Y~9 *HE fubferibers b.-g lca-.c to inform j JL thvir ftivn POETRY. From the Aberdeen Journal* F Wanted, 1 (pay be le^rn'rcd io.oSoFect of 1 inch Pine Boards. 6,605 do ?"r do do 10,447 da t do do 43 do Fine Timber 12MU 3 jo do do 12 M1 o 3«4 do do SX 3 2:9 do do .4X5 ■ \ id- and the ptnVtc that! :; they have cononeueei the btilinrfo of On seeing; in & list of new Mu¬ sic, 'The VVaterloo Waltz.1 BY A LADY. , A moment pans?) ye British Fair ! V\ hilepWsuf&,sphautom ye pursue; And saj, ii'daio*6 or sprightly air Suit with the name of Waterloo. Cloii'iis wiw tin* victory ! Chasieifd ibould the triumph be ! *MI<H ths laurels she has wc.n5 Biitaitt wei ps for manj a sou. V"eii'(l in cloud •> Uic morning ros«-; Suture feteim'd lo BMvjrn tht day Wtich eotcWfi't! bcfi-iv U&t'JOKg, Thousands lo their kindred e!;»--. I'ow I t t-ourfly bail, Or the ijSiiisJr festival, Was th" ri'n and charily view. 'Kre evening closed ou Wriifsloe 160 feet r,: 14 inch Onk P'ank. Tenders for the above will be re- <*"edat this Oflice until the ift of March. Commijfariat Office Kingston, 18 Feb s. 1817 j ltreet,adj ining Mi. Henry Cnffidy's ; Where they will be c'-n'iantly h-pplied with every article in *hvir !;ne of the Vwiy * j bell quality, and h pe, from the mod era* ! tionof tiieir price* and then attention to 2 -g j bufinefs, to merii a (hare of public id- ^ : l^n£ fubferiber propofe?, dating tliejj J- enfuingfprinz, t vour. BE..FOUR & FEllGUrfOX —m§ to deliver a eousfe]\ [{ln%stGii..F.v 22, 1817. • 3": « Lectures tarodatory to thrij___' m-----------------—------------ ftwdyuf Ghcmiitiy, Mineralogy,and Ge- [|w -t-iE (ubfcriStr having pnebftM the) W JBl Lot No. 201x1 the firft couccfiionj ThcLefturev will be accompanied.^' !0f :he townih-wof Pm-y, will proteose] J*r*s un apparatus for tlxpurpofecanhsob- according to faw any fdon f.mnd cwt-j totnedj by a number of ex;■eriT.mts, es toB!Uhiug crenera? principles, and Still _ genera', principl «*ttag the peculiar propenics of partic¬ ular bodies—Ltkewife, as great a vatic If of mineral l-e-imeu», *•« cart he .pru- cUr<^, m\\ be (hown; and pa.ticulav cave taken, to explain the nature^ and point out ihe ofen, of '.he vari nil mineral and , mctalic prodnftion* of Unper Canada; Ills native pipe ncou-tonTd-ouur —Slid mmi's infernal concei drov; 111;— Cannot sootli his lust adieu, Or «ake his sh* -p cu Waterloo. Crflfhthg o'er the Cuiras»ief^ S.e tkc foainiii^ rliarg'^r Hying ; Trampiiiijr, in his wild c^ri.r, Ah alike—tha dead and dvin?. Sic the hullctw, uJmuijh his side, Answer*d by fhe Kpooling tide ; ilelmt3^ I: -r*o, and rHter too, Uollon bloody Waterloo. ting timber or otherwifc Erefpafung ni?re*j ^ on tvilhouthifi pct<r^3inn. ^ V $3 JOHN M. BEtK Kingston, I'iliuary 22, «8l7. New Goods. JUST received, and for iale by the Fubfcriber, all sefiics H ke these the dunce tn>pir«*. Or^rnketh***nHveninguntt« of rairtls- jOji 1 shivwd U- the ircit au1 I) re That gave thv ba-c USna birth ! Oui*-r ■*( .*.tr\, i' -wt'i a wcie there. Other thtisf'i' rvut the -*ir, OtlivrtCi//K tin: •A.arrior Icn^w, When thpv donallai Wateiloa- come, bin find it hard work ri> tear eve¬ ry idol from their hearts. However, 1 have eftablifhed a clafs of about 20 per« fons, all of whom feem convinced thai they are finnet*, arc bewailing their fin fUlneu bef »re God, and are willing t*"* give up every fin. that they may obtain mercy. Two or three in a deal rnau ncr have already tafled that the Lord is gracious. There are totem young men from whom I expect jrreat things. They fpetk Fi^liib. Portuguefe and Cinra- lefe with jifeat flueney a<id ci.fe, and I hope they wili foon begin to ufc tltci* ta¬ lents by inftrUc5;ng the natives. One of tKem who wa«hro^ht up a^ an affiltant Surgeon to the Hofpital in iiu's place, has late'^-, in a very evident manner, ie ceived thr pard.-n of fin, and his be^un tna very lingular way to labour in he half of 'i-li^ion. Ou the Snnd..v ^fr-i tifton (whii'h ivihc tcilure ti^ne wTih 'h»' people) f.e rnkcj his Bib'e in his hand, and whe;rv< i he mens with an afTcinb1)* of p-ooie, he :-c^a leave to read a por j UOU of it to lucni ; .ottl then tranHstes it iito k.w Ptirti.gxicfc, and in the bed mannc; he is ab e cxpVJn- it u, ihem. Thft-b ■■■{ irreai ufc, .»h h infpiic* t!»en» With a difpofitian to he.i the gofpel. I am entreated o-t every Imt.d, tn learn low Potiu^iufc, in order to ptc-ch to them. ! bid I hope f»ontoacc 'Uipiifii, though it wi-1 he atlcrir'cd with coniV! rable dif- ficuby, a** i;»y labour at prcfcr.t in this place is great, and I have no brother to ?..Tift m-. licli le the ti <-e fpent 10 lea* .nia^j the Cingalefit, I bave to I ^r«arh thiee times in the week to the j fame !JOOpTe, and Had a clafs- Add to *.IM, I have ti; ii hool to aiteudi tfl i-l fourteen Ief 1 him, they were lacteaicd to fifty-feven, uiing every polfible method to prevail upon him to continue as h wa*. Bcfidea the priells, there were hiR f^\'.\/ connexions, fome weeping;, feme feold- in^f and others thteatening to put a-.0end Many head-men o? thedifirifi came to him with large ptt- fent3, obferving, •« If you foriake the pricflliood, it will ruin our religion to tbui count.y.M However, he broke through them all, and made hi* escape at the ha¬ zard of W* life. He got from hia tem¬ ple in the country to the boufe of an Ea-» ropean in the fort of Gnlle, where be met a letter from me« defiring him t» g%i to Colombo without dc'ay. O.i tfua occa- Hon trie Right Hon..rab'.e Lord VifconnS Molcfworth, Commandant of the Fort, behaved not only like a f.iend, but like a Chriltian, who had the work of God at heart. He took him into his own hoiife, and when he off to Colom¬ bo gsve him money fuflicient to bear hia ownexpenfes, and thole of the mm who went with him as goardfi* It would be ungrateful and anjuftwerel not to men¬ tion Lis Lordfhip^ onremitting kiudaefd ai d attention to me while I have been labouring in this place. N.<' ceftteif with a general countenance, he conrk- fcended to offrr to aSiik and co-operate with me a? f.:r as lay in his powci in any rhing, when I thought it neceffary. Hence in all my intentions of public plans, &c. I ha».- hud his fupr'ior wif- doin to c nfulty 1 have always found him wiHlfTg and ple^feil to io any thing fur the fortheraccoefshe workof God, and partientarly as relating to the natives. fromwhich, wcretj^y fuffieientlykuown,; # ^Wf,uI mi] (iMr:iCioths, CaMcocs, Cott-.n EJamhiicn, Sewing fPksi and their value duly appreciated, .* pn j culture and many of the ufeful art& of; BotumfVN r and men have a bright ex- engf,;irev itinch of «vy time. 1 l>e..c.-; ron'.lcJn the charoftrrof his ! vclhio. U1I3 «hH uttimateiy be attended with j J Me newr abfents himfelf fom chun'n g.od. as it aifoiiS an oopounu't^ ol in j, acepc m a care of abfolnte neceffity, and llijlin.i into the inindi of the c!..;.jicn the j] his even attended my ie^Uieifl H private Lhoufe In the Fori on week-day eveningi, I may fay, he has been to me a F*aLhcr, principles of the Chr'iUan r».h >on : ^n^ 1 have even new t!u pie uju^ tuti>t*iciioi: to ice iome of the young a&en veiy fcii fancy dufs Handkerchief*, frioged Cas ! ninierc Sh.iwls, &r.—The 5tbov« being a life imYht derive great advantage : and ■ ihu« prove a permanent !"oureev of wealth j wtheIuhaiMtants. j, cuu[> lh m ^ m by lhc The courfc w.U confi I of at lenft 26 . ^ ^ y > ^ hy &ft-;— Lhre- of fchich w.U be de- r S4A1U£L MKKKILL F-irbmr! till fime, with Iniient hand. K.'s h'.*a.tvd tup pa ng ot r«ww/><^rr<>^ d Twiit, Silkfl lt>r Ladies Gownn, fi k. [And L t th« blttn^ dmUtiit Maid, i 1 *T^ v:,c f.' » > Oft'#U!IL Kingston^ February S, t ? ' 7 .; Garden heeds. haa j'lll received livered every week, viz. on Monday, WcJnefday, an.l Friday ; commencing at 8 o'clock in the evening. Thofe who may be di!p>ftd to attend, j wilibe Heaf-d, an early a? convenient, f *f.. *t - r to name CIS [or the c«>urfe. . The firft Le&ure will be delivced on j Mondav the 17th of next month, provi- j dd, the number of Tickets tifpofed cf, • (hall amotnit to thirty \ ofherwife, thej prefent piopotal will ye relsnqni(hed, and | j ^^ lhc money advanced by individuals re-1 j J\^ u ^ funded. I j u <l>rt with a fmall Stable and ^ood.ynr J0HMWH1TELAW. !|LlxherWifc v.ry c«..vcni.M &■ U Kindlon. Feb 22.1817____ ..?£ H ....... MWG " ; hue oil \i<ar;-,to :)ono« \\ h-u our race h.;t.. pa^'d awaj . Ua'rd^ u:ih*.rn mnxy waki? t;ie lay And aW»* ftfjftj wlm?the vi,-w. Of Kntain\< fa«ue—at Waterloo- ctssy—■ a Chridisu, a Fu*e-d, and a Guide. coiul'Cts both from Vrithio ^nJ without. He received fcvcJ letters fa ?ery u> vere kind. 1 WUfta) . oft icaily to won¬ der how h^ m >into"Mel hi* relWhiiion. la lliis cafe we might lay of a tru hj N& 1 unto us, 0 l&rd* but unto thy name be tf>r pniife ! A d^y or two before hi- ba. tifoi 1 called up-.n him, and Found h:m un¬ commonly rhcofnl and hap| y, M I dreamt." fai«l he. •< lalt night, that my robes* wne covered with ail kinds .; i ?.:()HALt'rY. * • • ■ 4 . ALEX, McLOAD. Feb. 21, 10M7. To Let, ticnl ILnre, with zroomfl and ?i on '.he at Ft ore of THIS day receded at th Martlet. 100 Cafes wrought and cut M-.uls, of ail fi/.es Window GlafSjItOfl, Steele, Nail rods, Stoee? Iron, CROCKERTist GLASS WARE in Crates and HogiKeads, White Paint, Mustard >n Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalatc, Mufcovaclii Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and ■4 forge addition to his Stock Dry Good M has on lit* way up from Moutr.-al. A GREAT VARI&T1 Oi' G O 0 DSi, Of almost every Defcfiptiw* Which will be fold very &*sp by whoU fale only. firft Floor Lvardi e Metchantoi frvily, (iiuatcd in {1 out of Mr- Kirby's St;*te For par. ticulars apply to Waiter M'CunitT. Kimrstm Feb 18, 1817. 38"2 chaniCi Caution. -w-^r-rHEREAR Mr. Richard Smith \y y has advettlfed his property for fale We think it cm duty to give this notice, that no one may plead ignorance. We have a Certificate from the Smveyor of the Midland Diftu&i that Mr. Rich ard Smith has encroached on ourpfem- fes coniuhrable. From iht- \ltihfAi%il Ml^htlu' 77V:; in Ike Idtkiid of Ccj/LOiiy in the K-ttf ItnH $. fCo-.-inn i ■] s Cr-py of a Letter from Mr C^uph to\ 3hjjj {fa Rw.yAwi i>zxb$\%aadtkt wifflon ary CommittY, ' Punt it: Gt.-'!e. 1st ml ff Cvjhti, , j an. $, 1S15. Rev. and D«'. Sir, I do not k..ow that I can ^ive )o*' any thing m^re acceptable than an ;-.': eoont of tny ksbours, m d how the wosd of the Lord is g* \"£ folmH in this p.irt of ih«' woihl, where PfovidcHCC has call my lot. There is, in tfe« place, a fcry cxieufivr field cf labcniFj particularly a- mong tlie c(»nntiy-bom people, Dutch and Portuj uefe, and hujf cufl people, cx- clufive of the native ^ i:.gaiclc. A»i I was unable to preach ty anv other Ian goagethan Englifli wlf u \\t[\ it..tioned h'-re. my labours have, chiefly con fined to thole of the iutabttants who un- derlland it- Though ^ y prefent fuua- tion is tiea;M.y the fame 39 when I wrote to Ur. Claike, yet it he»{ll8tolo k morel may p'.eafc God, and f;o to nraven Thef'- will. I tvuil, infte.vd of hjh'4 car lied sway by the idolatry and fun. rfliliou of their country, become powerful advo¬ cates for the religion of Je'u^. DuriflS my ih »rt relv.lcnce in tb« j I have Keen doing what good I could, throui'li the ir.e-ium of inrcrpre'etft, a moug the Cingalefe. I Lndc«vx»Ted to get ttecimtnied .virh their [uitiU, ^■.t;i ?'.■-•:•■• Traill iv.c !': the Wiy O' oue oi llhff moil e:lebratcd in thr If&utd, k'-r.»W j botli in the Ca-^'i-.n ....0 EhitiSi Dtm inl 1 Bfchy reptiles* I w?.s fo dif^utlcd at the ion-. Re reii'tal ft* tthc time with the!! llAbt, that I thought I went ;o a river I king "f Candia. »n^5 is ew/y whete eS- it and eft them in. never to touch them j tidied for Lwcstenilve kuowiedge both IJa^ir.. When t awoke thl« morning! I ofthev<rIij,i,a*w;d literature nf the ioVd, (1 H>Q;idmyfclf nakrd.f and ail my rnbes I 15 well «■. of the (31 ie- tStl langu^^ .A£ j j f-dded up and thrown on »hc far ti *e or" ie«- »l.out tw..> aei;.:-.u.Jt.-..v Vfitfi \ he 'room. Ko.v,,thought I, Cod h :i litiii. I.e. fiotw li't' deervetl tvmviction oi j|f:iu this dream to iLmviiic the bad llacc .ninJ, txpefled2 Rn ct-defire to thr*nv h 1 am in, a:r:l to confirm me in all m-. ufidc U> priedly garments and Attrition t| former refolutions, and I am only ferry mid eml r c- Chriftiwitty. But he ^nUthat i ooi forced to put them on again.*' 3ware tlialby thU fteu he would HC5 on-'j He h;;rtUy ever let us reft-aftertUfa, un- ly lofe cverv'ihing he li;.'1. ind ul? mean* jl *il fomellun^ cov.M Iv: provided to dre»- lnffu:>f;ort l*\r, -{Ui: Ci «alete people, j1 '• »■•>« A fur his baptifm, his EkccI- - ' aTobe in-dnn-rer of l.iaig hia life I j h .n_y the Governor, fent hit» two fuiw As I knew b:^ Ex-CtO UCV ilic Govcrmn- |! «.t ne* clothes. He is to have a faLr f fjvotired lelu.i.n, and w.»3 a decided from Government -3 a tvanilaior ; aiu- i^ now going to traufkte the Bible intd the two languages of thia iiianJ, th. Cingalsfe and Paariah or Magada, which it ipoken in tlie i:ta?i$r« He :s to ft«- Jy the Scnpiurea under the care of tit-; Rev. Mr. rVrrubur, (who now rcBdesiu • Colombo,) until he is oualificdto prea»;h. I (latter myfelf that, humanly fccakifijr, this t*an will be capable pf doing a« much c»or-o noting thCBattves as litty Europe- Many of the Frteitsave friend to the ^ropa^atii.u or the gufpeJ among the natives 1 iwide bold to repv«- fent the cafe to him,and received an i.n- mediate anfwer which yl-'e ua entire fa tisfact.ou ; viz. lint he would not e.ily defend him froai all uiTao'ts but, in cu!e hefmfook hi' piu-ftly emolutneiw-i, he would allow hi n fomethiutT t * R.hfiS on. We then mad; yrrangtme^tsfor hii! tip- tiim, which was to be peiformed in thejUorHiw Chtmh at C .lu.ubo- At -Jo-tiniel re-j Un RMJ lonawes. JOHN & HANNAH DARLEY ingston, Jan. 31, 1817. 3Stf King si ! of % Rap! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON' AMD LINEN R G \ COOPER. Libera' \«BgM will I J%. be given fo« a guod workman by apj/Vyiiig to Kingstoi JAMES ROBJSON. hearing feeens e ,, /4«i8i7. 3^tf ,rc dedrou* to like the work ul twfpin. We have » vtiy large gani on 01 > ,,op.s t.-> whom I peach every Sun4aj |;l the DiKch church, wliic'n is a vrry o mrmuliou* building. Wm it not p,,r the de.idi'ul of dtUnUrtM«>V Jfcc wliich art i>irtcl!fcd araonj; thcr. u_ al, amaaiufi dc- tree, reuichfiooa uugntf,ctlone. Druu- kei.ncoi i>^ 1 vhuik, au gmofi infarmouii t.hlc bar.ier here to th, fpreaj „f jjofpcl rciurion ; f'»« a Enj-opc^ f^ldicr can pur chafe a=> mi. h fp*4tf f'J *d or 3.1 a^ will comolitely intricate \UTl. <?hv£< arc InUrminjrreflcftionsj y^ they are ghi tngt*&* In aaditK.. l() my Sun<Jay ahoui in the eh-jrch, i pv-g^ iw;cc . n .he weekdays in the fo ,( a||{j n (v\v[t 0f hearing fecnu(Uongly t prevai| Wa..y d a letter from Colombo, fwuiug | \ lb f.idken by thia condnft of thch lender, that they alfo arc wifhlul to -•.*.•<:<? CluiHianity ; but there i* thJa difficultv ic the way. When they c. h ff* n*!y-s?v:ey lofe all, even their Freehold ciicUci* if they have: anyt as not pri« ft ha*i toaoonrtltfiabie arnounc. But we hope loon t*» tee the people coming ove« Ike- wife, and then a way will be opt-icd. This rooming, after 1 roncuuled fcrvfee .n the church. I U3ptifcd ei^ht perfona- native Cin#alcfe, \\* of Wfom w'e a- cc-i-c thai hiothei Squancehad left [affna on account of his health, being felled with fever which they espcd^l w-nid car- y him off fpecdily. He having :;j L10 ther ibett, 1 was rcqorilcil to go to him without delay. When I left the nieft I oidercd him to remain quiet until he re- ceivtd forth'r dircfitfotVi fiom me I had not been abfcnt a week before the matter was blazed abroad through the diitii&f an.! came to the knowledge of \ ilk Htgh-PVieft, who w^ l'« abmttd b>l. .cu^—Their Gom-flion, which they theMfieeote, that henfiVn.lhd fm»r- jn .- at the font, *« .«tol.ovvs- »• Ua; icei of thehcH-lpr5e.1^anjrei-t them to jlhe> ka«! forfofc^n a.l kui.K ot idolatry : ...uvail upon him, if poffible* by fo»«-| I --i^-ed u no Cod but the gjvat G-: In.ansorotheMouba.don the ldt« . Uto m&s rfl tM I 1 h;.t Jcfos Lh,.- flee fr VX) ac wraiii to eiwitactpg CfafttMtty i fcwwgi that 11 auri'ttof hi. rank and ufpeft^b.'ity 111 thereHyion of Budha, fosfoub Uat., i. ■ v ^» i iat..c- would not <>nly difijraechi ter.butinjuTe thecftufe in.u... a., iww L'VCf f he co ninued iuiH o.^"*e* aud t.) mtfci inicadfo rwbtjk that cttorc riie .,u. J -. Son nf Gi4, was prefent m the ■•hnrchi and knew ?hey were going to be ii <ii. a .n.d .ale.i Cn.oLio. -t ua they runted o» h'U- Jcfji Ct.ult tr.u-w ; WOult I in i»- i i.l **o.i :lo* a. .... n»g »«> uiu , i Tacv jierpiu tfceii uader fiatiaeitfe* a 11

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