Kingston Gazette, February 22, 1817, page 3

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i^efi met on Yafifchy uil.—I One of the fifft iubjcc;. which occupied their attention was i',c pafling a biil to enable the I Counties of Ilolton and Went-j worth to return Reprefentv jivestothe Provincial l\irha-, which owing to fbnie| unfortunate omiflion in the act pilled during the lad feflion, thev have not yet been legally capable of doing. The cucum- funcc is the more to be regiet- led from the bufinefs of the Houie being nea-flarily a* a IhncI, until the new Members are duly returned, Weundrftand that Lieut. CH Coffin, A.G. M. is a can- vlidite for the county of Went- worth,—and Mr. H. 1. -Boul ion, for the County of Halton; kcq have n )t vet heard decid- ecfly who are the oppofing can¬ didal KiNtisvoN, Febmuahv 9.9., 1817. • • ♦ * - • C3. PRQl'MCUL PARLIAMENT Of Locctr Canada. * _____ HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. ■ Wednefday, Jan, 22. Tin? committee on the Peti¬ tion of divers Mechanic* of, Ouebec, praying to be incorpw- j ;ated, reponed their opinion in favour of the Petitioners. The Commi tee on the Peti¬ tion of Jean Marie Langloh, reported their opinion in favor >f the Petition, and le ive was "iven to brinrr in a Bill to au- tiiortas the ia;.d Jean Mr. Lang- Job to erect a toil bridge over the river Yama-ka, at the foo. r-t the Cii'cade. oppofile the vil- iige of St. Hyacnthe ; and th^ fame was received and read for •fie ifl'ti LfuW <*l,*-t »»itf***vii i>.» v read a Yccond time on Fri- £;:tra$ r.f a litter from a Member of PiuTioment to hit Friend in this Twujn^ dated Torkt Feb io, 1H17. ." The Houfe "f AfT-.-mbly ha< ad- j ciincd until ihe 20th of thit month, to give time for the Counties of Went Worth and Haltoa to ck& and retui.. ihrir Member." TbeHalifax JaanH nftte ll'h in- -Mt.t. announces the death at Barba¬ dos-, of HI* ! AiN'tU'iH'v, General Sir Jam£$ Leitii, (-4. C. b. We Irarn that a Fost Office lias been recently establi-hfd at <*pe Vineint, (e:»n»onenlv called Grav. ' y Point.) 1*2 :r.i!e-fr'im rf.N town, uherethe Mail is made up once a. Wf"4c3 vi/. on Friday* On Friday Jail, a fine child irboui four years of age, belong¬ ing to Mr. J. Kendrick- was dreadfully burnt by ?tS clothes cakit-j? Ike ;—it only farvived a fevv hours. This is the third accident of [the lame nature, occurring in his town within a iho:t peri¬ od, all of which have tirm:cur-j Vpon the mf>»'^OA* Ita IlWrarie Ar.i!,AN%{Ac;l.KA>^i>r'l,,veren(l GkO- 0 imli-Stuabt, tt^torol'St.dvcrgc's Church wa* rail, •'to the Chair. Th** Rev. Mr. Sruatt having taken the CJ.air, thus briefly slated the ob¬ ject ot the MeclilMS* " In forming r» Society, to bo cV- nominated 77/ Kingston Jitxuinrg BfbU and CommWi Prtfoer Book So- cicht* (o exist as an imlcuemhiil branch of a similar Society, established at York, and to jo-operate with the -amc, we g\xv a $&&££ that we are ac¬ tuated by similar fceling-S and \':o\vs— !%nd moreover, b\ tills act, we avow the obligations oi>r|'^iitnde we are un¬ der to the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in 'foreign parts, which, in the infancy of this town and settle¬ ment, extended Jot** the benefits of ihvir Institution. a»d enriched this Province with th« inestimable trea*. irnss of the Ule-sr*! Gospel. As that Society, therefore, hashed* insfrumen- tal to our bappiiw***? fiowe feel ardent¬ ly desirous of coinmunicatiug the same to all tile familic* and individuals of tk>k district: and thus to co- Jj)erate hi so noble a work, with the liihle and Common prayer Ihok Kocict.) of I \»-\ per Gonads, established at Vork.-Aiu! we hope thi^ lib-ralitv of t* gener' u> pejjjle will enable US to d'ofribuie tb< liibh- every vvhen' flirou^iiont th» Oi — trict.and to add Oio Pmygr B^ok. ^orr.-it^e at fifty t\h)c bfateU «,c j|r|^HE rub/cr^Crs heg leave Id inform (tuaiterly meetings, should any three || X thcit friend* and the pub-ic tua they have commenced the bufintff of Grocers fy Spirit ed faiaUy. Parents cann >t be! "• l"'r,,v-,r. re%i«usiim^es».ioii do-. i i_ 1 no* iiitrrtrfe : and wtrli this view, wt too cautious how r.ey leave rn„ ft|| |V|m!, Christiai.s, of eve- children by vhenyelves wuere r, denomination to contribute tMt therets an Of/CH fil'C^place- li:s-j|a-^tance. and In an uni'Mi of Charity Bieoiately upon arvswirinof the to exhibit an union oCFiith." 1 ■ 1 *u kM »v, n»s' iu«*i . ' Mr. Stuart having Awn I ■« the chair. kind,thechiloihoui.I bethrownr on the floor, when the ftamesi will be much e-iiier e\ringutih- eci, and the body perhaps ei- cape lerious injury- Um C GazMc. CINCLN.N Vi'L Dec. \:\. Arrived at Louhsulle *-ti tin'.'iil inst. the bar^e Musouri, Lv.ptMi-i iVlorri<, !: »e from 2ficfr-0*l«Aith, bound tathisplacA ;.ilvo J)r) Uoods, shipped bt A/.V/-J /W for Cim innati- s\'•' thn<= baw a I practical evidence ot what rtuij be rioitej t« riio spivitaad enterpri/.s oj oui vVcs- r. fu Merchants, in breaking the qp**\& the Meeting then re-olvi d it^eli into a C immitl ■ for the time being, and tra¬ in 'd and «ei ininiou^ly Rjpre d upon tie following 11.iles and ll^gulations' :— ls(. Tluf Soeioly be formed to br raHedTuK ton Aixiliauv Bi- ui.i: & Common PuAVKU DoiJK Socm.- r v, to e\i-t & an independent brauc;-. ofi siiuilarSociety established at York* and to co-operaf.* w ith I le* t-auie. Tha 1 the object of the Society be the di- tnhetiou of the LJible and Comno.n I ru\er ISook, scpMHtel>' in* together ji.nhe poorer elates oi the Midland U:*rteU 1- laembers request the same. 30th. That annual subscriptions and donations be now entered and received by fHe Treasurer. llth. That the Secretary* in the name of the Society 5 request the Min¬ isters of the various Protectant God- iCrcf^ations, half \early, to preach a Sermon in aid of the funds of I he Soci¬ ety. 12th* That one hundred co|»»es of these resolutions be printed iminediatc- \}\ and be ot the disposal of the Com¬ mittee : one to be transmitted lo th*» Society for the propagation of the (los- peln one lo the IJible nnd Common Prayer Book Society of J'nper Canada, and to all such societiesaod persons as they may deem lit : and that an account of these procoedings be. inserted forth¬ with in the Kings?on(Ia7,ette,and con¬ tinue for four weeks. These rule^bein^a^rerd upon, it was unanimously r-ohrd. that Major (Je- ne.ial Wilson he respectfully reijuest- *d to become the President of the bo- ciety. That the Honorable A. Mvcli:an% \u<\ Thomas Mmikhmj F-q. be ap¬ pointed Vice President?*. That the K* v. J. \Vii>ov, Chaplin io fin Naval Department, be appoiated V-cretary. And that ItoBERT Rich taosoN, Esq, bf appointed TreawrsF* Hrsvtrsd) Tl*U:it t!i.- thank* of (lib Ueitinu !x* -iveu to the Kev. GEORGE i>Mr.i. Sri \itv,fi rnuexsrtionsinpro- ::iotiu^thc lustltuttOi^ and t»- 'ii^ llo- n;>rahte A. M vc i.i:,v\3 fc»r his able =.u()- p«rl of the Fame, Dealers. At their new Brick Store in the mairt (rreet, adjoining Mi. Henry Caffidy'fi ; where they will be conftautly lupp'i-d with ever)- aiticle in iheirlineof the very bed quality, and hope, from the modera¬ tion of tlieir prices and their attention to bufinefs, to merit a (hare of public fa. vour. BELFOUR & FERGUSON. Kingston, Feb. 22, 1817. 38 ri")HE fubferiber having purchafed the 1 The meeting a as dissolved. ./ List of Donutfoiu anil AiituudSub- tsCi'ipiioitS) already rrrrivrt!. \ Don's. 1. s it. Maj. (Ton. ^Yu>.\,»; j Mr*. W it -oil,................y 0 0 Vlfljor^-g^ v. i). r.........2 0 0 »lr-. Cm:-.^iiiiru...............I 3 1 : apt. I.oi|.mt, K. N..........*i ti b L.eui. t'ol. Kvans 10»h Itegl...^ ft 8 1.1. Col. I"0.'UT, l)'v. \t\j\. OV11..-------- ■ i*'<»*'er,........ Sub'A, A. ..». ( «• VI 4 » I 3 i I S 1 1 3 I •It which wt"have s«> tun^ lahcart.'d. This is thf second arrival ol ^ooilitat liii< ■' J;«V next. A bill to continue the AcV yetfuUuiig Bakers, was taA al iccov.d t'-.une and referred to a t'oc sal Committee. ' A mcffa:jc from His Excel¬ lency riie Governor in Chief, informing the Houfe that Hs Roy.ii IJigfinefs the Prince Re- o-cnt has been ple.ifcd to aflent S» the Bill Rranting a felary to, the speaker, ot the Houfe of AiTembly during >he 8th Pro- viucial Parliament, >vas deliver¬ ed by Mr. Secretary Cochran. The Houfe then rci'olved it felfiutoa grant? committee on commerce and agriculture,pas- fed feverai reioiutions, which \x\ny reported to the Houle, thoifi for regulating the trade 1>etween this Province and the United States were agreed to, with fome am?ndme:us, & that for the encouiaj;emcut cf ag rlcultnre was negatived. TheHoufe ;eiolved itfelf in-| ro a conimitre. on that r,ar'" °*' His Excellency tixe Gove: no- 's speech relating to internal com¬ munications, made Ibme j»cg- refs, and obtained le.ive to iit .gain on TuciUay next. \\^Zh The committee on the Pet*- Viifiv41 ()».:i- , direct from Jjivitiioo ill mis I .... , «..vv........---------;-....., WMHIltj »»<> iiimUlis past, v\ hie fa, it coutinui d. I with tiiv present prices for Hour, park, &C« will soon \V\-.(trn pi|>cr i*) its real viiluf, aiul give a ^[n*in^ to internal improvements. Extraft of a letter 10 a commercial hunfe in Baltimore, received by au arrival at New York, listed *• Bordeaux, Nov. 2^, I ^ 16. 11 There has been a great change tier-! I of late in favor of libtir.l policy. The i frurmis -,f the eonftitud^n have gained. 2d. That His^welioncv the \a (."iiant (IrivtTUuv be respectfully r - <!•'« •t."*! to becom-: ih- lMatro:» oV t!n Snci(»ty. M. That evry j>i^orn. l»v a sub- ^dnption ofone(iuii!eav,1bi eumc n mem- ber tor the tiro*1 brin^., or b) a dona¬ tion Ol tiMI (Jhin*a-. i |ji|wtual incm- bi r of the Society.— iPnc payment t-.* be raadi' at the tinsv ot subscription. Uh. That a sum not; excfi dinjf on- fourth of thi! iu<m*) acutually laid nut in Book59 be ftppliud irrt the purchase of Prayer IViok>, and that «\. vy sub¬ scriber be pi-naiiled foi limit .'hn >ub- m riptioi) t > thv purchHKe of Bibles and Te^La»nont> otdy, aud H\u\i »uch limit*- jlious ap;> .r an fbe Tr*.-jisur; i*> booi^. S'.h. that cacll i^»mil»* i be Di-rmi!- r i V il the vfeendancy, and pevfecution has been , | toil to purchavlrorn «ii • society. Ijsteks (otiie amount of it:^ - uh.-ciiptio'i. ai die rate of throe fourths of tin? o»*nwi co-f. prt.^ithd i! be foft* (he pui|»»>-e o! diaLuUtnto div^ibtilion-, @i.1ia Thutthc prtwtMt be ca:v.lder d thr first^nera! SI. cth.^ofth^SMeie*^. and that hi future (Ii-.-re shall hua n • such s^acrai in.'linx on ihe seeciu! \V'<U!.m!;o of Jau'-arv. -MU-inlh. Al put down. The Ultra roy:dilts haveb-f u ; .vbtigcil to change their tone, and with I but lew exceptions cry ff'^w "» fuvor of; the king and the cOitttiiUlioa, The, change has been fuddeU and complete, and i\ much to be n joiccd at. m You will have icecivea ere this tlw i French budget fox 1817 : the deficits! of 1814, is!5 and 1816, amount to Szoci'ico francs. The budget fill 2 in ha! riteIjiiisiitfc*^* f the*spveiicratna 11 * — Uimt. .l-ip1). It. !.iiiciui-.r>.....I :i i Cap:. Brace, it. N.'...........1 :i 4 r,.omaa .UrtiKiand, h-q, \ . \>...%2 OH \ $ •* l.«:.. MacLcmi, V. IJ___*i tt H I 3 * .fev. <u-o.yy Okill Saia.t,.....I! 0 is i fcj 0 >> ])'. U'. T. n.O.wn, K.X.,.«S « 8 l.t.Mn. II. \V. BayfioW,R.N... I i 4 Ur.John Morn», II. \.......I ;i 4 Unit C. T. K. V nlt-1, U. N.....L :; t i -' t.» fiim*h< I* . . ? 8 1i .Ir. La.iiN'ntco UerobiuiT,.....1 t» * 1 I •» Rrv. il.C.Ciu-tisCbp. tt» itlc- KS 0 0 ' ' ° s.ire. .in-. Mai!aulay, 1). !. H'Ul :; l '. . V. Il.i^criiii.n. lisq.........------- Mr. Win. UuiiiUlon,..........I U 4 ■Ax. wr-». Miu-u-n............** 0 » .1.. Uavid T. SiniUi,..........1 * 1 Win. (*t;iw fur.l, l'.>q..........I 3 [);iiticl iVu'hburn. E.ij........I •» ^ iJ.';. Mr. Catlcrlck............t 'j II jokh I'uiniAliig, r,s<\..........- o rt John Kirl>). I'-.q.............*i 0 S Mr. Roderick MaeKa;.........*2 0 0 Mr, M. Marktiind......I .1 4 Mr. !*. C. T. 0 i»i>u...........I '* I Mi. .Jrrry Witi-i-iir.-i'l.........\ S I Mr. WiUSam StoujcU;o.i........-I;* 0 —Mwaai kobifon...........I :t I -^:.i.u Dartpt...............1 » 1 -a-tiro.-sri' OilM-r............. 13 t> —ttt&tVf K.i\i:ii.:M.n/:j.a>ur.T------- — loiiii tVaitelatf.............------ \;s.(l)^iii»Thy Mr. Whitrlau,.------- Mi. Jehu Vlaeanlav...........------- Mr. Samuel Merrill,..........------- ,»<*bn MacLran, Esqui^s......------- »ir. Itoin-ri Vi'alker,..........------- —Thomii s i*ai U'T,..........------- —Thomas Smi j ............------- Mi>. Ann Smu................1 S 4 Lot No. 2G in the firft concefTion of the town (hip of Percy, will profeeote according to law any perfon found cut¬ ting timber or otherwife trcfpafln.g there¬ on without his perniiflion. JOHN M. BELFOUR. Kingston, February 2 2, 1 Hi 7. 38 THE fubferiber propofes, duiing the enfuingfprint{, to deliver a comfe of LECTURES mtrodudoty to ihc ftuciyof Chcmiltry, Mineralogytand Ge¬ ology. 1 he Lectures will be accompanied,(as far as an apparatus for the purbofi conbe ob¬ tained,) by a number of experiments, es- tabi.fliing general principles, and illus¬ trating the peculiar properties of partic¬ ular bodies —Likcwife, as great a varie¬ ty of mineral fpecinens. as can be pro¬ cured, will be Ihownj and particular care taken, to explain the nature, and point out the uftb, of the various mineral and metalic productions of Upper Canada j from which, were they infficiently kuuwn, and their value duly appreciated, Agri- ' ukuteand many of the ofefnl arts of life, might derive great advantage ; and thus piovc a pcinia. ent iouree, of wealth to the Inhabitants. The courie will confifl of at leaft 36 Lectures;—Three of which will be de¬ livered every week, viz. on Monday* Wednefday, and Friday ; commencing at S o'el ock in the evening. 1 J 1 1 3 A \ 3 4 1 3 I I :t 4 Tl.oL' who may be dilpofed to attend, wiil be pleafrd, as early as convemenr, co fignify the fame, by entering then* names with Mr. Mncaulay at the Poft- Oiriee, win wiil fnrotfl) thrm with Tick¬ ets of ad.nrdlou, at three guineas each for the courie. The liril Lecture will be delivered on Mondpv the t7th of next m<>i th -t vi- deii, tlic number of 1 ickct3 dilj^iied cff (hall amount to thiny ; otherwife. the prefeUt ptopofal will be rrlinquilhcd, 2nd •he money advanced by individual- re¬ funded. JOHN WHITELAW. Kingston, Feb. 22, 1817. ______ 38 I A 1 •> Wan led. \ :i 4 : ; 51 1 3 1 \ ■ > ! j 1817 caUafor 1008.294.9y7- l tiC rc' [venue of 1817, ioeltitttng th. new t:;:ce?, is eo , putcti al 774,00^,00^ fra.^s. D 1 ihhry mi t in thcti haude to bea«moatcd£*i »> l»iC» j budgec of t ri 16. I ♦•'To aggravate ihe above £*, the J crops of wheat have been ia;nt. Bread | is fcaree and high—6 fous per lb. The j f merchants are obliged to fuhfcrtbe mo.e ! than a million of francs tor the purchafe \ a 1 1 x 4 13 4 111 1 3 I iiigs hall be to a:?po/in1 a PiYtfMctt- !\vo V:*v-rn<k\--nN, :*, ^ --nMai v n;..l Ti\ a »;!rr. to in-p« et Mw aeconal • f ) Beit V4 274.957 *»•* H«icka/.Hsrstojimw^ *o meet which'he niiAct* demw4 ■ jw-w Ittwv. and to dMttpm sucu >ul>^ct- _______............. ions of*4 Kei.trs0 to heptaerd;; U« may iv';itj to the ^ .^v,A w If fit ol _ nacawlay..................I -' * the^odelv. I -UtS. Ila Cummins.....,'".l |J » — Vrc'.rd Grant,.............I •'* — Harris....................I 3 I —E. Walker,...............« H) —Patrick...................—15 —»lary Kohison,.............I 3 * Miss Marparei Smith..........I * —Jfimei Smith...............I laetMinan.................I •* ^ of wheat for Bcrdeav.x. '1 his '.carcity avebecn futefeeoend provided ner by the ovr.iller of interior, | opinion, vid leave v.M5 given co bring in a bill rcr the relief -i the &idP. Panet; and the fame was received and read a fecond time on Friday next. ; Then it wa*. refolved that on the twenty fitnth day o Jin. inft. the Houfe will confi >er in acommittee ot ti^e whole the! cables of fees c^abWhed in the} Provincial court" of Appeals k 1 of the Courts of King's Ben h: ' oo rra«ca pei f.> ex-, .nation. Fomth proof Irtnag- i nr brendy would celt 800 to.810 Rano on board. " Wheat, per J50 lb«. French, is W vth 35 frsi Fl.ur per barrel 62 f«. T*w governmeut now gi«va a premium of a* fr*W» per too lb* of wheat, md ' oried under »ny fta^. R.ce 13 hi- nij)« n ! j ie :ing at 50 and 55 franco per cwt. ,> Kingston SuxUiarif HUtv and (Jmnmon Pnyer Hook HOCtSTY- A V A MKKTJNO.hol^niti St. TL Grows'* Church, fti thf tov.u «,f 7wi. That for cMu^UfctiBg the bosi- imm of the SorSetjr, &^9mmitte« Bbtti be fotmfdI of the Alilii.^rv and Atintl rorr.:via:»iiiu^ olV.ivr** **hv*"l-!r>tci OiKcftr* of ll.S\. FunwHod < 1 the Militia, anl (h.« ('apiains of tilt N,v\, fli« k-RcJs of the several Miiiian a,"uj X:miI I)<- partments, Hu»Sh("«iff»M<j MayiHtrat^s oftliO Di-hictJIi- IJ.c,..:.;,;.. A.TWac* l/nn -rid llioinas .^^l:,!vl:M:^,., iwj. th<* It T.tho Rector of St. Gctsvge's. tl'u ;:ha|>iattisof the Arw\ ;lllfi xuv^ ai| regular Minister- of life Protestatit re- li^rm. of tt'hatsoTcr fl-'.n.>mination, the members of the IW^ 0f liaucatior^ Bud tins District Srhoo)| Master. Awr thai any si» of fha aboyc Wjjj, t^c j>rc. *U\cnt5 or, in Li^ absc;n.(^ on0 0f t|,r Vk-e Prebidcnt^ the Secretary and rivasur^r, sbatl ibraj, a (>l:0n;:n.— I r»v!ij«l!i»-A.»TeiHhal ai| such penon: he mrmb**rs of theSoi.^.,..^ Rlli. Thai theCW)-:lilt(;rnH.ot fol,r lim^innie year. *»A._oa the ffat \r^dii->i]aY of Jaue:iIr}S ,\pnl5 .M;t\ am\ O.tobor, to cousuift „n tnc prop0l d;vi^:a! ofsuchowUs MfhcyiM) have on liauJ, tr. give diii rfion^ through tSu-ir Se.retarv, forlh- pttrchase of oth- c:'.- ami t<> remit laont j for th,. san)e and t«> perform all uihe r acts ronner^(j —Cailiut-iiie CwmmUii;,-..-----I 3 1 Krv. Jolin WUkui, CJiaplaln to iiieNa\al DpparaniM. Scr"y...l S 4 FOR His Majetty's Service, t--;be it* lircrcd DP the opening of the \av- ji^atton, at Kie^ilun or point Hemy, aa nay be icquired. 20.0S0 lrect of 1 inch Pine Boards, 6.605 do *| do do 10,447 do 2 do do 43 Jo Pine Timber 12X12 3 00 do do 12X10 384 do do 8X 8 2-9 do do 4 X5 18 Piece* do 22 feet lc.rrg 6X 4 20 do Hickory 8 feet long each 10 do do s 6 do 12 inch diann. 12 do White Oak 1 fi do 12 inch diam. 160 fert of i| inch Oak Plank. Tenders for ihe above will be re¬ ceived at this Office until the ift of March* Commiffanat Office ' 1 Kingston, l8 Feb. I 3 I 7. j 2-38 j 3 I =(J|(K) is 4 j £30 IB 3 Subscriptions to be Continued*___ Hyorographic Office KibGsro*:. DATE, and Course cftht Wind Ke. / * Ha- romr- ttr. 1 ? r* ' -t ^* for, &rraf**t Garden Serds. THE Subfc»ibcr has jufl rtccivcJ from Montreal a feleclion of GARDEN SEEDS, for fale at lite Store, nearly Oppofite the Market. ALEX. McLOAD. Feb. 21,1817. 3S'R c 1 3 a I5th—3 a. w.dea;. 1-2 p^»!. N'ly____ .J0.4JO S0.-WI0 sC§oG S0,S-T0 oq eon iGin—? A.31.N. «- K% H.rnvd^NTiy) jgjag [Tnr-?-.. m. \. k. [ss^re &p,m.N. WMtcrly ' IVe.^-_________ |8ttV-rf A. M. I P. M. a p. w n. k lTT7li — i *•"• n \ M. V KM- I 4 ! :>n" 505 (1 *I0 I 50" 1 • v 1.. 1 ■•; 9*» .1 I jfiO N. t.. film—& *-vr- S.W< Evince. .':; tis sVr»;/tf •-;•- ^^SffiSs^as ^t^ %ocst. ' ■ ",w/< i" ff^r book btwy- ||* il n v m. V*-,:'0 • SO ia 10!» '(Hi " s;. 0' r To Letj A convenient Houle, With 2 rooms ./ \ on the fir ft Floor -md 3 on ihe •:'p«*T»with a fmall Stableaodgood yard —ethctwi'e very crnvtrnicnt tor a Me- char»c. Merchant or family, fituated io front of Mi- K!rby*fi Store. For pnr« ticolara apjdj to Walter M*Guni:T. Kingston* Feb 18,1817, 38-1 Wanted^ A COOPER. Liberal Wag« will be given foi a go«Kl workinan by applying to y|*>-9 a.m. r. i> Nm>n. - . ts^w i 1 ii * Tab .lUir^nr/ie.-JttK.- Z«-rw, »»»•! * Ibis Si^uit^r bclOWf li Vtr.TES RGBISCN. ' KKi UUSOiN'SJ ym.r v..; ".1. c f hr—l •«•.*■_ G.aTw Of Gold Coin, OVCr or 111. !cC W«^, For Sale a', ihij Office.

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