[SATURDAY, February 1% 1S1T.] _*_ KING TON [VOLUME VI.------No. 38] GAZETTE. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Price of adwrtiftng in the Gazette. Six lines and under, zfG firft infertion, 4*d 1/3 every fuhfequent. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infer¬ tion, and 1/8 every fubfequent. Ten lines and upwards, &A* per line jfrft infertion, and 2.:'. perlSftce^r f:sc- ceeding infertion. Advertiferaents unaccompar.Jw^ w vriuen directions are inferted till vrb: and charged accordingly. Willi; THIS day received at the Store of S. BartleU 100 Calks wrought and cut Nails, of all fizes. Window Glafs, Iron, Steele, Nail rods, Sheet Iron, MOCKERT& GLASS WARE in Crates and Hogiheads, White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalatc, Mufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and J large addition to his Stock of Dry Goods ; yfnd has on ihe way up from Montreal. A GREAT VARIETTOF G O O IDS, Of almost every Defcription* Which will be f. Id very cheap by wbde- fale only. ^ ftlrttary > > • $»7 • ** To Millwrights. WANTED at the Perth Settle¬ ment, a few Rood MILLWRIGHTS, And perfoliate attend a Grift and Saw- Mill.—None need appiy who cannot gi*' fatisfacWy references, and fecuvity if 'required, for completing fuch contract S8 t!iey may enter into. A pplication to be made at the Go¬ vernment Office. ♦ Perth on the Tay, id Feb. 1817. 364 \ £< A STRAY. ROKE into tlie escto&re of the iV>fc-ibei fuo^:!me laft fnmmcr, a two y«rr old HElPli ~\ The owner is requ'-ilcd to prove p ojertyi pay char¬ ges, and take her 'a ;«av. NICHOLAS PETERSON, Cm AdolphnstOQ':^ %*£**? *^< 1M7* 3° ANY pcrfon having loft an AXE, is will prove their property, can have iiaRain by calling »t the houfe of the fubferiber! and PWS the expence of New Goods. JUST receive*!, and le. tile by the fubferiber, Second and third Cloths, Calicoes, Cotton Cauibiic.-, Sewing fi!ks and Twill, SUkd for Ladies Gowns, ii'k fancy drtfs Handkerchiefs, fringed Cas¬ sia.ere Shawls, Sec.—The above being a conHgnment, th*y will be fold by the piece only, god very low fe? Ca'h. SrlMUEL MERRILL Kingston* Ft Ar&ary S» «817. 3&f Afev) Barrets Excellent New Castle Sat- For fate by K. I. Flense; fon. Kingr/&n> Fflrttary 6$ 181 > 3^w3 Caution. W^HEREAS Mr. Richard Smith has advertifed hia property for Tale. We think it our duty to give this notice, that no one may plead ignorance. We ha<e a Certificate from the Suiveyor of the Midland Diftrift, that Mr. Rich¬ ard Smith has encroached on ourpiemi- fes considerable. . JOHN & HANNAH BARLEY. KfagsM* Jan. 31, 1817. 35tf mHEfirmofWM. McLean & Co. I UtbiB day diflblved by mutual con- cut All unfettled accounts will be ad- 1 a tied by Bridge £j? Pcnn, of Montreal. Sam'l. S. Bridge. Tlrton Penn. Wm McLean. Monb-tah 1 &h J*n- 1817. 35w4 Rags ! Rags ! Cash ind the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R a, G S AT THIS OFFICE. POETRY. » m * - « * this advertilemrnt. HAPFSl COT. Union Hotel. Kirn;lion, Jan. 31, 1817. 35 A STRAY HOG, T the fubferib^r's—The owner is requested to prove property, pay chiirgea, and lake it away. Elijah Eeach. Fehruaty 4, 1817. 3^. (Seceded,) WOMAN. 16 there a hart that never Icv'd, Nor pclt fuft Woman's Sigh f [Is then* a man can mark uncuov'd Dear Woman's tearful eye Oh ! b-.'sr him to {bmr diftant fhore J Or Lohtary pel!, Where noiif/ht but fav?age moiifter* roar, Where iovc ne'er dttVn'd to dwell. For there9! a charm l\n womaa'a eye, I A lan.ni^^e in her tear, A fpcil 10 every incrr«,i f?^h, Tb tnao, to Virtue tiv««. Like aa a lifelefa lump of clay, A fenfelels earthly clod. Let this a folemn warning be, To all both far and rear, To fhun all wicked company, To meet your God prepare ! Ye blooming youth ye dying friends, Ye lively nymphs give tar ; Be careful how your time you fpeod, Which God ha& given you here. Let this iropreflion have its force, On every troubled mind, And let coovidion have its courfe, Till you falvati.m find. O, help us Lord thy will to do, And give us faving grace, Then when we leave this world below, We'll rife to Aug thy praife. ware — j, in a MelTage to the Lcgiflftare* dates the alarming deficiency of the crops in that (late, and urges them to pak a Refolutioti requefting Congrefs to pro* hibit the exportittii of flour and grain. There were (hipped from the port o£ Geneflee River (emptying into Lake Ontario) to Canada, between the 25th September and 13th December, 2580 bbis. Flour. MORALITY. MISCELLANEOUS. JITERJRV PUN. Dr. Wakot9 better known as Peter Pindar, ca)!od onddiy upon a hook seller I'iPat/nioMer R >w. the publish¬ er of hia Wi ik-, hv tlie w«ry of enqui¬ ring into thp literaryaqd other newsoi I thq day. After >ome chat? the Dootorj wa*a»ked tofcJte a glaw of wiur with the seller of 'j;s wii atod poeity* Our author consented to accept of a little negus, k^ mi ; -oc*nt roorafnj b-ver- a-.e, when inrtftttfy was presented to him a roccanut goblet, with the face o. a man carved *-n it—Eh ! Bhl says the Doctor, what have you here ?" u A man's skull/* replied the bookseller: W a Poet's for what I know,"—*' No¬ thing more likely," replied the faceti¬ ous Doctor, u for it is utxivemlh known, that all you booksellersdrluk VtfUr wine fiom our skulls." ' I will be opened, (in Mr. Edward Walker's houfe) a SCHOOL; where trill be taught the Elemeutary branches, of Education.—AlTo, tht keeping of Account^ in the moft approved fyflcm, Me-.l'uiation of Superficies and Solids, Heights r.nd Dillanccs, &c. Hours of attendance, from nine to twelve, forenoon } and from one to five, afternoon. Terms ofadrnitinr.ee may be known cither at the Pirating Ofticc, or at the School room. N. B. The School will be open from Six to Nine in the evening, for the at tendance of thole whole occupations pre¬ vent them from attending through the CHEAP 1 i f WHOLESALE & RETAIL And he who can iefift her fmilea, W'th brute* alone Hvnld live ; N01 taftcthat juy wlu'ich care b«gwU«f| That ioy htr vittuics give. I nflKF. fubfcrJbei begs leave to inform JL hi« friend* and ihe public, that bel ha: taken that etefcaut new Du.k Houic] in the main llrret, built by Mr, Wm. A Valuable free—A. Mr. Hinlddl of Bennington, (Vt.) cut down an Elm tree laft jfpring, which tupplied his ifamily with fuel during the •whole Cummer, and left him I 'twelve cords towards his winter ft'pply. The crce yielded 48 ox-team loads. United States and Atgiert. _ All accounts from our Mcdi- FoR 7'i.i A/A'.- -ni\ G.lZhTTB. [Bv John SjsBHCsa.] (Inserted h.. Request.) Gmtfkd on tht Dectfl/tmo ,oung v>o \ \ tcrranean tuuadron confirm the hub wrc <b-r,w„ej m tin i\'ij>\ jftatement, that the Oey or Al'^erswill not recognize the crcaty which has been ratified Kingston, Frf.l,l8i7- ssrf Kingston LETTERS From the Methodist Missiona¬ ries in the Island of Ceylon? in the East Indies. On September 14, the Rev. Mr. B. %urf>fr to the two Brethren as follow : Dear Sirs, I received your very welcome letter yefterday, and will not lofe another poll before I thank you for it. It gives m£ gieat pleafure to hear tl at you are arri¬ ved fafe and in good h-alth, and alio that you have had fuch attention (bowed you on your way, and upon your arri¬ val at Jaffna. I aaialfo jjrtetly pleas* . ed to fee in your letter a ftrain of con- I ;ent.and a difpehtion to take things & they arc, without giving w;»s to uncaG- nefs, and repuiing at what cannot be men* ded. I (hewed your letter f the Govw ernor, who felt nta:ly in the fame man¬ ner on the lubjeft as myfelf; we botb augur well of your fucceis. Your ac¬ count of Mr, M'b. reception of you it vcty gratifying, and I have tio doubt bu^ he will continue your friend. By a let* tcr from you to Mr. T. which he hai jutl fent me, I find Mr. Squance's Ixfi'tli iv improved, which gives me much fat- isfaAlOO* My own leemff to br <^uite rtf-rflahlifhcd. You w:ll# nodnubt, find in ChrilUan David a moit vcuerdble friend afid affiftant. P.ay remember rac kindly 10 bin., and aflurc him of my regard. 1 am alfo murh wterefted about Dar.isl ThcophllUBi (a convert from Mahomedatiifm.) Ihopehe will com- mtinicate frrely hit wi(he» upon any fub- je^^when he is in want of favour or affiiUnce. I expect every day an arrival of Tanud New Tcflarncnts ; pray let mo know your wants in that language, or in any oilier matter whvrc I can be of uf<*. Be airurcd that my will and conftant defire is to do eveiy thing in my power either to forward the benevoleut and j pious defigns of your miffion, or 10 con. I tribute to your convenience and eald The Governor and Mr* Brownrijr^. thank you for your rembrance of thca\t and defire theirs to be fcnt you in return. I Rembcr roeto Mr. M. and the other I gentlemen of Jaffna, and bi-lieve mc# Your^i, faithfully, G. B. From the Rev. Mr. T- ., to Messrs. 5 I script ions, Callicoes. Rich Siik Sbawls, Merino Do. Coffee House. riTWE fubferiber having rented the I JL Bmk latay Cte&td by Mrs. I in- k^htttdooi LoJ.hns&Fi..kle'8,ref. pcaffllh «vf«"«» the pobhc, that hehaa ken £m fib* to furmOi it in every Kfaeato merit the beA of cuftom. Gen- tlen.en travelling may rely upor. hav.ng «>ud accommodations and attendance. # The^r being attached to ihe Jioule * rv\ 1 ? Bu'/.e Covers lot iaoi Urge C-* Komeli.eiy youths or. New-yeara ! ft<Fe"*tbftng were fo, fport, \crofs the ice they Re^d their way, Uut did not make int noxt : good yard and Habieft, Teamllere can have fuitable accommodations. Soups eveiy day from l 2 to I o'clock. Seven or eight genteel boarders can be attended to. J, MOORE. Kingston* Feb. I, T&17. N. B. Pcrfons wifliing for private rooms can be accommodated. 35t WHEREASan AXEkzCHJW were taken from or near M'Don- cU's Marfli, about 4 o'clock yefterday af¬ ternoon, a geneous rewaid will be given to any pevfoo who will return them to the fubferiber. All perfons are cautioned againft purchafing them, as they will be profecutcd to the utmeft rigor of the law. Wm. B.WHITNEY. Kingston, Jan. 25, IH 17- 34tf BL^"lT^BATLrBbND&, ana SHERIFFS SALES, For sale at this Office. Counterpanes. Irish umens, Elegant I'uniitam Citilicoc^ 'and rrnnimings, Clentjenien's Dressing Cases^ Ladies' Woik Boxe*, fciejreaiit Tea Cadies, I Ueuliemesi^ Hessian an4 Do. Strong and Dress Shoes Ladies' Shoes, &c. &cs Musical Instruments and Per¬ fumery. Those who wi&h to fuvouv , him with their eustoui shall have± \good Bargains. CounLrj/ Merchants, and o- tlurs will do well to eall be fort titey start for Montreal. T. THORNER, Commonly called Venduemastir. Khigltou» Feb 7,1817. 36tf [Becaufe the ice gave v-ay beneath, \\\A they funk iu the deep, And two young imni \!S fooix loft their breath, W In death they Fell a/cep. A quantity of fcafoned Boards cS" Plunk, F01 iale by GEORGE SCOUGAL. Kingston, M.it&*'l' 35 Beneath the ice their todjcs flo;,t Till morning did «»ppear With grappling hook* ihey got them out With trouble and wi,^ carc_ Behold their frienda arSun(j them Weep In bitter groans and crjc. My friends are gone in ^eath'thcv flee And hear their bodi^B ]|e8i Their father and their rn0ther dear Do weep lament and groan, To fee their tender orTrrjV;ngS<Jcar Lik-e wither'd graf6 :ut jovvn. Their brothers dear thei,. i0rs 'iarnent, Their fitters round tl ,.m ftundSj Li fl.odi of tears their brief to vent Raging they ring dlCfc h-nds. The widower lamented r)rc> His bofom friend is g jRe t He tang'd the held?, he ^jjj^J thc floor, In bitter liuh* a'ld K' oaus. The New-York Advocate ftates, that farm? can be ob- jtainedin England gratis for three years by any who will give fecurity to work them I— and beet cattle has fallen 90 per I cent in price in the laft two 'years! There are ie* other countries that offer thele ad¬ vantages to the poor. To extirtguijh Jires in tbimnies. . We have recently ^ teen two methods recomtnena.d, either of which we doubt not is ef¬ ficacious. One is to throw • water gently with the hand from a pail on the fire, in the fireplace, but not fo as to exun- euifhit. The other is to call a I few ounces of brimftono into the fire. In the firlt cafe, the vapor, and in the Utter the falphurk acid, extmgmfhss the five in the chimney. 1! Now in the filent tomb \ht.y ]ay And iVep beneath lb . fwJj Argus. SCARCITY OP MAIN. Tht Govt^rov o- *« Swie ™ Dcla LrxcRand Squance. C'/luml'jy Sept. i6t lSI-i My dtar Fcicnde, Yourcxpeeled letter has arrived, and & gave me great pleafure, particulaily as it contained a favourable report ci brother Squanee's health. I can, willi- «uit difficulty, fympathi/.e in your feel¬ ings reipceiing your friends and connex¬ ions in Europe, and a profped of a long abfence fjom them .• but after a time you will feel Ceylon to be your home, which I truft will be made a pleafant one, by the acceCSoD of friends, and the exper:- icnce^of fruitful labour*. Remember me j very kindly to Mr. M. and tell him hi* reward is iu heaven.- I have heard nothing of Mcdr*. Clougti and Etikine. Mr. Ault wrote to Mr. Armour, arid mentioned a few of his wants in the (ta- tionaiy line, and the #reat difficuliy of getting a houfe. I ihewed the letter ta the Governor, who hai written to the jCollettoi at Batlioaioe, to f'apply him 1 with materials and workmen to eteft a bungalowe (or houfe.), My wife and children thank you for your k'nd remem¬ brance : they arc your unccve wcll-wi1he9, and are very anxious about your comfort and fucccfa. i believe Mr. B. wrote to you a few days ago. I hive received the Rtpoit of the Bible Society of Eng¬ land f'»r ihe jear 1^13, and find ttic receipt* of the laft year »o be ^40,000. I wi|h Chtifthm David to tranflate into Tamul, Biihop Porteus's book, in order that we may have it printed. If yoi have any wants, let me know, for I wiV do u * lifl t> iclicve thrm. 5*"-i-{