Kingston Gazette, February 15, 1817, page 1

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ATJJKDAY, February \\ 1817.1 fc?l#"AV*^ *■- ** [VOLUME VI.------No.37.1 J G * »» ■m^m A E T T E. v^fGSTON, Upper Canada—Prints and Published by STEPHKN MILES—Price Four Dollars feu Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Pric. of advertiftr.% in the Gatette. Six lines and under, 2/5 firft inferrion, and 1/3 every fubfequent. Ten Hhes and under. 3/4. firft infer- iion, and :y"S every fubfequent. Ten lines and upwards 4^. Pcr line firft infer 1100 j and zd. per line every fuc- C.eedinc infertion. Advertifernente unaccompanied with written dire&iona are inferted till forbid, arid charged accordingly. .— .» ■^Efi _" >*■». a NEW GOODS. ' iilo day received at the Store of Martlet* zoo Cafks wrought and cur Nails* of aU fizes Window Glafs, Iron, Steele, Nail rods, S've^ Iron, GROWER r ^ GLASS WARE in Crates and Hogfheads', WJute Paint, IV^^ar.i i'i Kec;s, Hvf^*r &kii Tea, C • -^ Chocalate, Ma&ova&j Suiar, JiOlaiCA Spirits, Currier^ OU, and i-Vy Goods ; A\v\ ha-.« nn rhe '.v^nn f'-om Montreal. AG HE AT VAHlgrrOB To Mi I fur is-his. WANTED at the Path Settle me:it, a few good MILLWRIGHTS, And peiTonsto attend a Giill and Sifiy- ] 1—None • eed apply who cannot jjjue Caution. w HERKAS Mr. Richard Smith has adveitifed His property for fale. We think it our doty to give this I not ice e that nr> one may [lead ignorance. '.l %IV£] jWe have a Certificate from the Suiveyor fatnfVW-v r*^.' ' 1 r • ° -i i vvc nav^'a wen uraw from tne onivcyai taunactory references, and feconty » lfft. ».» , n;n -a ,, t M D/1 lequued.for comparing fuch coaluft C^S?^ Dlftn^ hat Mr' *** a« they may enter i,to." lL ctilnJer ^" " °" ^P1™1' Application to be made at the Go- [ f^jfJ MAWMAtf D^Pf VV veran,e«t Office 11*' £ HANNAH DARLfcS. Perth m * JW VV Aft. 1817 364! ;A^^^- s<> **l v sitf .___ . 1 ft 4do!phusicwn% Jmmary 28. 1^*7. 36] | Montreal \6i& Jon. 1817. ii— ate effect of Peace at this Crisis : sym¬ ptoms of distress have been manifest En many parts of the United Kingdom :— Such a result waslo be apprehended from the uu ex am pled Prosperity ol the Nation during more than TftC&tj Year* of V. ftr ! While opposed to all Europe, or supporting: ail Kurope, against thegi- <;autie e!lbit> of cue nation towards I!- niversal Monarchy, (he United King¬ dom became the Manufacturer^ fin Banker and the Merchant of the whole World : transmitting through even channel,;) Flood of wealth, which, iii it this day dUTolved by ir.tnnaS wnvi j 3 rapid circulation, returned, encreas- mgtothe source.—It is no( surprUiug that a sudtlu stagnation of this Hood of Prosperity, when iVaec restored to loach Nutious portion of < hi aMouopolv hould hare occabioned teinporan dis- j|?pHEfireinfWM. McLean & Co. I! .1. •1 s •ou4 9/ GDOVtS 9 almost every Defiriptio^j Winch \?i'l be fid very ch/rsi* by whole- fa] e only. February 1, 1817. 3Jtf ^" ft m ■* a NOTICE f i rft A! NY p-rfon having loft an AXEf M Will l'l iiv^'^i*^'** |M x*^^*fr % , ^*%*\ Kn t*j* New Q-oods. JUST1 r^ceiv-d, a-.d f*; fulc l>v the' fubicribcr, ' I bevniul am] Lhtrcl Cioths, Calicoes Cotton Catobiic*, S?wi"g Km and T-Mft, Sitfej f< r Ladies Gown;, A k fan 7 J»\fs Ha!ulkerchivf«| f:i'i?ed Ca^-j si..-cte Sh>'-W:i c^c.—'!'•-. • above hen>ga| confignmcni, ihcy'wn! he ibid by ihe piece only, 'r..\ v*r* Sow fat Cafh. SJWUtL MERRILL Kingston* Heii uary &, 1017. 36^! A fcx Barrets Excellent New Cm fie Sal* i I<e: c? hope the rem >d;esflppVfcd bj j j -hv irndivid d attentiovi 0! the Imprr!- /CtZlTi Ft SIP'S ^ -'. i:-n::::u!i(. v.-li soon restore erery ^o *_ ** c5 * # v I part of the KmpiTeto ti».- full enjoy- mn.t 0! the UlchsinjH o» uuinterruptcd Trace. In thcrcntn tiniG, it i^ incum- benf up:m us, h?r Fostered Children, to nuivk our grateful >cu-ool pat sup¬ port and protection, by every allevia- ^,ash and the highest pi ice paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R *.G S AT THIS OFFICE. I fc_ POETRY. • " • * • * * - - ' awakened members, and U leavintr iheo* under the care of a truly awakened L-a-icx, who was brought to the knowledge of the troth in England ; and, though more than five years in Bombay, has always rctdincd his peace. I lately had a Liter from an unknown friend at Madras, who had been a member of our Society in England,and has been five years in India. He informs me that nc has formrd a clafs, and mod eaincfijy entreats one of us to vifit them. "My heart and my houfe," fays he/c arc oprn to you, and the Society will receive you wi;h open arms." Lieutenant Hunter, the port- adjotant of this place, (Jaffna) ban juft received a letter from a fen he has {in Madras, from which 1 infer he is one of the clafs, srd mry alive to God. Thi Rev. Mr T-------, of Madras, has written to the Re.. Mi. T- his friend c; ?non 1 \ For fale by tCingflffli February 6, l i"' 1 7. 30w STRAY HOG, i, apain by calling at the. houfe of the fubferiher, and raying the ex pence ol ibis advert ifement. HAFFELCOT. Union Hotel Kinoiton, Jan. 31, 1G17, 35 OWWn&Tfkfjfa Jd Febnuityi v.-ill be opened,, (in Mr. Edward Walker's hnafe) a SCHOOL; where will be lauiiht the Elementary branches of Education —Alfo, the keepipg of Accoynti in the mofl approved f)(lem, Menfutation of Superficies and Solids, Kei^hls and Diilance.s, &C Hours of attendance, f-om nine to twelvCi forenoon j and fiom one to five, afternoon. Term? of admittance mav he known i For the N. V. Evening Pod. SONNET: Written after reading the third Canto of Lord Byroad Childe-llarold\ pilgrimage. \y .11 i **iv tory wnl i^ poetry, Ai..' as I read ilu- bllTJliug linos I feci Jij heart uiiiuniu) thrublni.^ bo-o... red, Vnd :*a.; iew* bathe my cluck, and m> cy.. rSynin; thine '^vp inafinepbreoizy" rolls,. iVl *tl«ajanndie(deye, ami yellow seem All objects, to it--joy—withering beam, Yet has its magic power o'er luiuIu-J souls. I tion of hor Borden, v% Inch may be in Ourpowi r :—I hut ConJidcuith' thai no exertion will be wanting to fid is l a d'lfy so Siurcd ! Gentlemen of the of Ascmbfy, I shall direct lite proper OiTicer t> hi) before yon tin* usual accouut^ oi Ihc reeeiptantl e\p»iidiiure of the IVo- viuciai kuvenno. Ilont't-jhto Gentlemen of the Legi^ta* live Council^ and Gentlemen .;/ the House of Assf)iil/Uf ; i doi'ived mucii satisfaction from observme in my progress through tliu Province, (iiat liie !il>nal appropria¬ tion, made by (he last Session, tor tbt= improvement ol'the Boads4 has been, I T ihe fobferibc *<— I'he «wnrr U; (Mftj ihoucanVi ,...1 ,\\w% whUc sor? shal./l '" -' ,,; 1** jo«!«ioo% Applied. -Th- -cjL rcquettctl to prove ir-pcuy, p:»v I " !■%<• ; j \\ all r Cotuinuuicatlon of thnltivcrSt charges- and take it awn v ' ! iTlicflower mast wither, jand tin' mim »n;»J ?et, Law irnce, b*low 1 reseolt. is ul-o dt - 0 * I'll.....................^ .. . «_.. . .* . . * February /J., iR 1 7. Lliiah Beach. 36 CHEAP ! ! ! ■ WHOLESALE & RETAIL 11 But mad hiitet teaman, Iranian man forges; iNoreana feeling iira.t«»»n earth survive, • i-.*iv uiuii or uomun cau CivfOaC lfa\ lav-, ,Tue &o*>tlJir.g UreuUlof^mpatli^ ivm\';.i;;i?e. HAKUtiX Sj ^X/' R E. I PROVhNClAI, 1 AULIA.MKNT I'PPLIU a:s.uu. SPEECH* 1 F jjlHE ful.fciib.r bcjjh !e«sve to i:.f .rm, jL_ his friend- and the oublic. th-t he! 'f\v 1 • , ..«.. , , . . 1 ui ills L.\c^'.:i, -v me Lwit. I ha- taken th#t elegant new !5>i k I 1 in the main H-ect, b'.ii': bv Mr. W-n. j M'Clnrt, ;!(!j< i»;i :i( Mcfir l>elfour a:»d | Fetffufon, where he offers foi I'^le, at low at opening 0 v. 1 Lc^isinture. (.. vent teem from attending through the | \y00[\Cu G;k>Us, oi all .ytftlscripttm^ uay Kingston* FtA. 1,1817. dc- Kingston V b i;oflfe€ -louse. i T//£ fubferiher having rc-nted the Houfe lately erected by Mrs. Firt- (tle, H'.xt doOl to John- & Fi-'kie's, ref- pcftfuiTy inform* the public, that he has taken great pains to furnifli it in every , refpefl to merit the bed of cuftom. Gen-11 tlemen travelling may rely tlpoo having go .d accommodations and attendance. Their bein^ attached to the houie a good vard and liable?, Teamliers can have fuitable accommodations. 5oups eveiy day from 1 2 to I o'clock. Sevtn or eight gentec! hoarders can be attended to. J. MOORE. Kingston, Feb. 1, 1817. N. 15- Perfons Wlflnng for private sooms can be accommodated. 35t i_ili 'ilut e Callicoes ■«THEREASan^A'£&aC/r'if/A7 ? ? were taken from or near M'Don- cU'fc Marih, about 4 o'clock yefterday af¬ ternoon, a geneous rewaid will be given J to any perfon \vh^ will return them to the- fubferiher. All perfons are cautioned againtt purchafing them, as they will be profecuted to the utmeft ri^or of the law. Wm. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, Jan. 25, 1817. g4*f - > LwiiCties, Rica Silk Sti-an'lsj Ba7.^ v overs lor Tabics, Large Coaiilerpaaes, Xs\*&\ LiucnSi Furaifur and T;mmtngs, C'catleiiteu's Dressitig Cases, Ladies' Work Boxes, BiegeuntTca Caclics, Gcutleaaen's Hessian and Wellington Boolsf Do. Strong and Dress Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, &c. &c. Musical instruments and Per¬ fume ry. Those who i.*.h to favour him with their custom shall have good Bargain*- Coinii-nj Merchants, and o- thcrs mill do well to call bejhn \they atari for Muni real. ' T. THORNER, Commonly called I' aulucmasler. Kineften, Feb 7, 1S17. $6ti A quantity of ftafoned Boards & Plank tlernnu L-4tor of th« Utack Rotl v>a s:vA (W*uto the* Ii^vn*e of iisxc-mUh toc*--rr...iaiul their 9tUundauc^ btiwtv lit- K^viim^y: aut'i me tVlen.b'Ht. *)e- ing lome up, tlie UoaorabJe S4n^kcr ol the f-.'gisiativc Cv>aiicil M^niucd i\\< i'Accileucy's pieasr.^ that ttti-yshotiid nturi: lo the nSttal j^lace ol tneii sit¬ ing, and their choosy a lit person to be their Speaker, and present him foriliS Excellency's approbhtioii. 'ihe AicTTihers o! the House of As¬ sembly havhijj retired, Allan Air Loan ivqnirt\ Member i.j;- tiMj Count) ol l-Vonlcnai^ua- prcpi., dior the Speak¬ er and elected unauihiously. The Members thts\| returned to the Upper House* irhen Jits Excellency wa> pleaded to dtth\<$* tiie lolioWlu^ SrEtcit. s'.*iviu?5 of your serious consideration. Yiur Address i*» Hia lloyal Uii*h* nr-s ihe 1 rinc- \\ -g^ntj on the fcUbjeel of 11-venue andLutvrconrse whh Low* er Canada, has been transmitted ; hut no Session of the linpeilal l^arliamcnt having intfipoMtl. i not be uiau- uvquainted with i^' »:*nlt,— 1 shall therefore use the means in my poivea correct theeril complained of, bj tin mediatii n of cotpn*ih.Mdacr?, shouWthe l^egislaiure of Lower Canada rent*: tin.* provi-ion^ to that effect. T.'it.ic fivcta* to be fluu5>l*. of the suf- iiciei ?\ oi'tho lato crop- in supply the v.T.tsof the Province, should Llicex- jpojt ot urniu l>, uontinwed .—it may. tin »■■ \ov^ ho'-xp di<Mit to re-enaet iii ■ siii'/.U1 li'ifU-tnionnrte, on the e\i>l- ence of similar doubts. The !>ritisliStatute subjecting Land? to be Assets for satisfaction *^i Debt, ha-, in its operation, produced ques- timis of «tteh importance as to appear worth) ol ivgis.lativc inlivrferettLv« I mti»t call your atteytitm to such laws as have expired, < rare about to expire,audio cquaidcr the prapriet) of tlieir revival 01 e i.iiu.ance. There may be many other subjects requiring Legislative liovision : I can assure yon ol my eordid eo-opuratio^ to carry into titect auj Is^s wtun you may ch vise, tending to thi-in»prov- nient of the wealth, LLapp'mess and Morals of tiic People, a.^d ihe general prospfitj of the l'rcri;,ce. ll'ppcrCari. L*az. Extra] Columbo, rcquefting that if any more Miffionariisfrorn our Society, be fent to Ceylon, one may be fent to Madras. In Ceylon there is v.- k ;yea theic is the utmofl ntieffity for three times the (n)m- ber of MiCfionaries that are in it. and I do tiull that God will feud them. Suicly fuch of my young brethren, in Ireland, as have faith and fortitude to come over and help nsf will eveu in time receive double at the hand of the Lord. I am (lib decidedly of opinion that bro¬ ther G Ouslsy, fhonM have be^n vith us ;rna experience and zeal would have been a great advantage] now that God has been pieafed to take fiotn iu our vendible father and friend Dr. Coks- I alio wilh that my dear fr'ends, Mr. anil Mrs. F. were with us. Pious filters in this country can be of fat greater ufe amoilg the native women than fbtfe huflwiida.a* the latter can Irkvc lixtTe of no accefs to then. The late Mrs P. wusof more efTcntiil ufc to th* {buis of both Natives and Euiopear ivorneii than ail the MUuonarie* on the b-n/eg, although there were ftveial cf them. I have met with feveral woftuw wh*> were brought to G*d by her. Honorable Genllenu,n of the Legisla¬ tive Council^ and faciittemen oj ike House oj As-ith.bli,,^ I CANNOT congratulate you on an) iavorablechani^. m the ii^ailh of Our K<-ver"d >0Ycn-:gl| ! Uiidur the n;gct|vy of tlHilwrap- p.uoot, the United Kingdom baa at- taiftt fl the summit of .\o;ioua! ii^sp r- itv :—Its last Act liity bt;cn to CompeJ tn-j Abolition ol vhrihtiau Slavtrs iu the Piratical Stats* 0f i;;ttL«iv ; to Uft|f>&e tjraiui) the (hiH Nations of liuioiV- had submit!,.^ jor ^cs \ l'He return o; uuivt,r;,a| ] iaci-. af- MOKAUTV. • * LETTKRS From the MettwdiH ffimvma- vies in the island of Cej/iori, ill Ihe Mast 1/tdins. From Mr. LrKCB to Mr. A* Hami*- ton, Jun Ceylon, ?\ov. 24, lot+- Mv drar Sir, 1 fend you ene'efed a letter for my brother Hugh, at Gartmaniin, as I d*ubt not but VftU and our dear friends iu Dublin will rtjoiCC to hear of our profperiiy. If yi«0 judge tb it anv tl-inr rr \\\ the enclolnre is worthy of From Mr. Lynch to his Brother* My dear Brother, In my lall of September :j« I fca\«. yon such i- formation at fiiat time, ai i [thought uecrflary. Si"ce then very li'tle of impo:tnnce has taken place We have opened a fchool, and have aSout 40 leholatfli fevcral of them a'e he^thrns, but evidence a d lire ?nd a capacity for. inltniiflion, and do not appear to be behind any children iu Iteland in sptrtefa lo learn. Vcy tew, even of grown men^ wc-ii any clothing higher thun ther V in?; loiliat the moft of our pupils are naked from the waili up, and fevcral of them are young men .* but we hope in fome time to prevail on them to cover all their bodies: foi notiiing mull be attempted on a fudden with the natives. Two of the Bramminical pr;e[ls have caiied to eonverfe with u-. We could converfe v*ry imperfeftly with them, as we had but a very bad interpreter. Thev do not appear to be alarmed at our c mi^g among them ; hut told us, that all the country knew that good man were come to live amongft, a«d to ioftroft them. The converted MoOr-man(whom I mea* tioned in my ta(l letter) Vns f»om five to } forty Mahomedanswith him every day» to whom he reads fuch parts of the Koran a*- mention Jefus Ch'ilr, and fhews the fame to them in the Malabar Tes¬ tament ; and what is moft aftotiifhing. he lives in peace and ialety in :he rr.idll of ihern, and they hear him patiently, and with apparent fatUfa&ion Wc now live in his houfe, which is one of tlie fined in Jaffna ; and he and his brnthtr-tu -taw, ft'fao has alfo embraced Chriltiainty, live in a comfoi table little houle in the garden ; fo that we have every •pyor- tunity of being nk-ful to them It 13 ganerally believed that God is about to -lo a great woik among the Mahomrdana; and we humbly truft that our coming among them at this favonrab'e time i* ot God f Ad we have reafon to believe^ t!iat tl»ey have already received a tav.* ur- bble opini.n of us. We have met with a [few t'Hiy piou> people ; one, a lady who abu. t qight years a^o was truly happy in God, but retained her peace onh a few months She wa< greatly aftoniihed tr> learn, that thovhnds in great Britain. have fc« many years er.joyH the fam. iv extra h, ai;di|bhirMg. (evenfrlong *• forty yeaifj BLANK BAIL BONDS and SHERIFF'S SALES., Vor sale ?t tliis Ol&ce. |j Kingston^ Feb. \, 1817 For fale by GEORGE SCOXIGAL.

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