Kingston Gazette, January 25, 1817, page 4

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POETRY. • • - * - * ■ * * Fmm rt* xfontrml thraliL Mr. tin ay—One of your subscribers ucold feel ranch obliged 63 yourglttog lh* eculo><d Verses a place in your next Herald. Montreal, 7th Jan. 1K17. rKttSESonihelossof the ItARP- OQNBR trmt*port9 respectfully inscribed I o Miss ArmStroSC*, the vnfy/person aft'hut'familysimedfrom the unfortunate wreck. The war wuc Int^.M, its c&3f<tfne toil wa*o*cr, I Au<! wujpiiffrf i'Op'd to vK'wiiic'e. uattverftore; Ilach hrwtr'ateft, -earnVo <ty patriot #*n!, fttowM for it. - N«vn*-. Jtfid fiw hi* country's weal! V>n' AUiifln fewutt—-".fui llberty**aHodc ! !!■ zh oVr.rV nVeri. ide floating tran^jonrode; fl lilt songacfjby* Iutanchors left their bed, And v. ;d**&Ii»:"i. Her swtfHfsp sails were spread *o cc-jri tnir bu r/e ;—;lie breeze fttisplrf- Ai'i'u, Quebec!^sclaim'd the joy WIS crew, A!.*i <> •; ihe ri«er\ itave*, ihc stately vessel TTalfc*? fteld of ff!ory soon was left behind, l.iedr ■ai-*-'. Oii!;»!i was cleared, and fair ihe wind ; J; it thick ami oiltf, £Coven*ber*a blast grew s,rrttlo» And*~mft tit? hark rwU'd gloomily 2lo"£; For rloij * lo.nU had wiid lh* 5ttfl of noon. Tic rup-it;»n_« dark, &fld saoJfi the wailing mean! V)iri:# •ipe\pe«,ii%d> with U'.iii'.c hock, T2i4 plttujciug *e«el btrucfc :Sie faial rock ! Ttr'u r»* u«gIdlloft'senlcrdcv*fj i>ore, ^vY'i *we-p» Ha*4ir,iLnd .rr nvi!oM< r«ii*.r ! While d^aftU'ig "n»'>, in dire confiwion ivnlM, Au^wft'i*"til*'«iU|Kbypre:S:iij^ uo'er* reel'd. Iti ■{'. hui'urr'ty&utod toprotcci hi* -rife ! F«aeh mnlhce nvtigglv& for her infttnrx life! Moonnon, hef poml'voie* plank*divide, JJ:ie shiks, ffig'Jlph'd, in ocean's whelming tide. "fid doiie ! 'ii pa*t! that ^vperhorean -.ho re. On-'- .h>k with brine, imu foams with human gore! fl»r£ ■•; •»iyfVMMid%hish prain'd for:-1! that's just: Fi*- nd.,i:meforov<T to their kindred dust! Scarce 'i.i: ihey pray'H scarce -l+y » awoke & Scarce i ; »vr a loolc to llcav'n, but sunk and divti! \\n$ Wiftiasi But rows, Tlioifias Bo*-|J He accordingly && \an<ilC brig l\ Idm. Janes Brad;haw^ WUKam BrnefcJ? the morning ,u')f\ proceeded toward4 Archibald Brace, Joseph Beck, David j [the shore ; hut tjic jcemaking so fn<f and the frdst h.>iUg intense, the bof.t became fixed, .in(] eiulravoringtoch-ii* her, broke all i}te\r oars butouo,which was reserved fflr T|,e |asl rc.source, (to MONTREAL, Dec. 28. ByfcvciaJintcre-ptcd Ictierj.piiblifhed in the Anicn'can pnpcis, it appears that the celebrated General Toledo, who had hcci) recruiting ft rccs in the tJnircd States for thepurpofe of emancipating Mexico, has become a ttftttor to the pat- riou'c caufc by feUtog his ferviccb t\> bib lawful King. If we rightly remember, ii* I h«\-»i?;itl> mi.iiriiM ihV tai.«. jit was II»ih Toledo who m!i:aiy . «v«»i'miw<s mioUa! r,.e r..u-l\» COmmilS^nstO lORlC YOUDg mefi who left Canada lad fuiiuiicn with a view of The deed »* done ! Cape, eaboVd ui.Ii Vfh :-. -j .-I so lav displayed bis imgic *ccne, \Va*«- Ui= :aH pl< m • WW fj «*am*m Ir'^yr. Aul »* .i-.t ;ji% lOL'k^ Shoot Ircaehornns • n mo se.j> Stand re.-kle >s of the giief, his siieKcs ha\c 5presd| Ti-a- mourn tin- living, dyin^, and lite deed ! C ;::\i\ Mnse of \Vrw'!i\iili ev*ry ralniiiij^ H »«l, Ift-fivmy mindf&r.d tnn"?adi plainer cord— Awt** nix t'jejne, in ewmfon Harr»el\ hr#'a*u To M\ her can-----rr-'»r#- in*r unuled revt : lir-'Vm > that Mnilc, which nc'i*r was seen but lo- d, Tn**.- IociSc ofbHsfi, w'deh ev'rv Kearl approv'd ', <»'t.' Mi-k no .Vj.-'v (inij -»!.— O'.; T\\v. T'«M-iyrs or CHIEF, I -:nv JhlR** PJCS T^-'tl «^:;e;i iM.uh'tjvar, and 'i-'fl' d tbv e«,:<*?: s my fb\*drcac1i'<! trp^***. and allelic uitni, \Va»e. *hr;nk,;.nd*!wi.i;»,a.1iij; tl»« hittcrstorm! I b^ard 'bv pra-.'i. hjuI luark'd tbiiie anxious i "Iii)e6»ars! :»fdratlr tby panting ho-om «hook! t hAard '!i\ eoteenrowr.d the rockj sliore, f^^loim,aiu'td the blllou's ronr, *+ WIutc's 'n\ Faiittkr -where my tcnrt& Mother? my ^(STERa "\\i»rrr.n(a-,my IJaoTHEJt? A.Mareiho> gone,Oh Gc©! accept my brenth. And Ir*: m - Wm tliern in th>« ttE.v r-p Death ; Tori smle-je.a waud*riog orphan i«*>», iro<i:-'>*5 and bare, upon a frozen coast V But thoM. stvrt rnatd, wilt never fricfldle^ rov«, ) rcr'ho-etha'know but ftfljf thy truth zv.l( lev.., r Row pii- *:hy worth, and cVry look approve ■! J How ble sd ray friend, amid ll»e bowline W an^e rn;i'i!% arms, enclo- d tbv Ttitnom wais*. » • And projutly aarinjj. Spoild each yawning Tha' ioa»"d fiir prey in every surging: wave! His worn. c?ndetenfoid,bv liiscare tOihfiC, Imparrra buttn iha, oothes thy misery f Foium !hi- Irar* e;:n jyrapathixe with thine, A: t 'o both ran sympathize with minr. Ylieii c/*ase ^o mourn, sweet Harriet, dry thine eyes, for tli.i'i nr! -ave'd (O pi ov.» n rirhrr pfi7,e : Thou'li liveon earth,a charm toevVv Friend, Andci^ii'it an aif-el w Ik*'; that charm shall end H. •' iiullin^tmi, Win. Ctiimingliam, -Tanicsi Clark; John Clark, Richard Collier, John Clap, .lames Coleman, James Duncan, John Dane, Samuel Dole, Morris J)odd, Thomas Davis, David Davis, Andrew Klliot, Tliomas Ford, William Ford, Snmuel Fowler, Wil- Itari Friend. Fdward Fanning, Hugh Frazer, WilliamGrant,Robert (riant, II*nry Grant, William (Iravfs, John Gill, Robert Harris, Thomas Ham¬ mond, John Horfon, Robert Harding. |Jonathan Jones, David Johnston, William Johnson, Joshua Locke, John Lee, Jolrti Lamb, James M'-DonaUI, Jacob Miller, Thomas Merry, John Murry, John Moore, Thomas Moore, Kduajd Morrison. HttgB Maxwell, Thomas Menzie<, Alexander Monzies, Robert Munroe, \Vil!inm Munroe, Jo¬ seph Mountfort, John Mountfort,John Osborn, Noah l^orter, Benjamin Por¬ ter, William Phillips, John Phillips, James Putnam, Thomas l).:an Pierce, Benjamin Roberts, Thomas Roberto Joreph Roberts, Joseph UoberKon. James Roso, Joseph Randall, John Reed, David Stone. WilKam Smith, William Smith, Ootid Smith, Ivlward Smith, Francis Stevens, James Scott, Thdenas Scott, JohnSivtft, John Small, William Stephenson, •Tames Stephen¬ son, Robert Stevens, Robert Stewart, D-.vidS'annish, Jrmes Tliomas, Henry Thomas,ThomasTumer3 David Woos- (er, Eihvcrd Wilkin, James Walhice, Hugh Wallace Alexander Wallace, Robert Wallace, John Wiliinmsou, Rdnard WhifaU'-r, John White, Dan¬ iel White, John WiKoti, Thomas Wil- son. Alexander VN il.on. C5"*Information reipe&mg many oth¬ er* who ferved tbe Englilh Govcrrmcnt, fttevfans 'o the Revolution, and Itad ands granted^ Jurv&ed ^n*i patented) for then, moy be obtained by applying as above ; or any letters pottage paid, ad drcITed to J. C. to ihc care ot" Mr. Ste¬ phen Ftanets will i;e duly attended to. Boston y April %\ r 8 ro. New Goods. rTlHE SubfcTibers, having received by -*- the late arrivals, offer foi fak on the lowell terms for cafli at tlieir Stores in King lion, cither wholefale or retail. stear her.)—'J f,e ebbtide coming iu, they soon drovfl out ofreacb of assist¬ ance; they ha4 in the br>at about 20 blankets, and several seamen's ham¬ mocks and bedji,,^ with one keg of gin, and a few pounds of raisins. Ill this state they (trove through the Tra¬ verse, where tl^e tides run ahvayc wry strong ; at the east entiance of which, and on Ihe middle bank, the ice groun¬ ded, and the *ide caused the ice (o force up on each side of them so high; that th«-y cxp-Tted every moment it would fall and cru-h them fo pieces. Their situation was now horrible, when providentially *he \\ hole mas& cleared Ihe ground. an<l drove into deep water. This happened the first night. Now. sir, remark the drift of the boat: she pasred near thread end of C'ondre Isl¬ and., and all alune t!ie North sands, to the northward if I^nie island, W hite [stand, and Red Island, until to the eastward of Point Milie Vache, with n strong w.wteil^ wind, and an inten--" frost-. They employed themselves in walking on theice ill the daytime, and sleepin^all together at nighi : one man keeping walih.and relea-ed every half hour, to bail th< boat, which had began to make wat»*r. On the morning of the fourth day. the Captain having watch, remarked an < j-*,.:;n~ iu the iCrj : the}' at cleat '>y the ice breaking up: l*:ey made a ?J£& With 'wo b'anLrts, •ami ran before a. strong N. W. wind for the south sjore, and about fattl P- M. land* d bftm en (he east end of Bar- liaby island, a»d "'-4 part of F:i'h'*r point, and met with every assLstuiice and comfort fron Mr. Tv. eodelle, <>f Rimoukv parrb- Two of the sea men had given lhr)ie«.lves up (or lost, and laid down aeeo-idiu-ly. on tl.e second davj'.v which "h.^v won hoth much IVo/.» in their f«vt. The mnfo wba a little froze, froth h*1 Bird the captain landed without '<u'- n(. iVow, rr, (Ii* b.-.a! must hr.v;> dr^w aj least 60 I -;e!v"s—rhe\ were iii hfr four iVi£htSj&:?d Bwiijij^andof course nut :t [uivo all prlishcd, had th-> rc4 been fortunately w< 1' »upplidd wiih'co- verinrx- Tin !?•' «*«'u luiv.*. tnv rea-c'.' thi n fore to be liv.^kktl. Tli V hirve s.iiei* -en the -..rks t 1 the L:Md.and Cloths, Kerfeymeres, Flannels, Bombazetts^ Bombazenes, Men & Women*s Hofiery, Irifh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattina, Luteftrings, Blue and white di¬ agonal .S'aifnetSt Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Footing, Ginghams, Lace Veils* Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gloves, Wellington and Wan tecl. i FOR Hii Majefly'a Service, to hz delivered into the Commiflariat Magazines at Kipgflon, 5<A/ Barrels Fine Flour, on or before 20th February, 400 Do. do. on or before 20th March. 300 Do. do. 1st May. Total 1200. on or before Berlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Dri/ Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Mufcovado and Cogniac Br ndy, Holland Gin, Bcft Port, Spanuhj Sherry and Madeiia Wines, Pepperment, Shrub* Molaffes Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prunes, JRaifinSf AlmondSf Barley, Pcpuer, Allfpice, and Indigo* Walter McCvniffe cif Co. Kwgfton, loth Tuly, 1816. givfi V t njnmg Late Otm&siom* We beg leave to call the attention of oi?r readers to the following, as it is ve¬ ry proh-.K'c that there are fome peifous living ::; Uie CanaJas who may be enti¬ tled to important claims which would faife them from poverty to affi> enee. Montreal Herald. Old Soldier's Lands. NOTICE. If either <*f the nndernamed, who fer¬ ved the E*i£!ifli government, a3 Officers f-i h The Old French War," io the reduc¬ tion of the Canadas, &c. from the vear 3 754 tv ' 763, and who bad land*-, grant* f ! thctn for then fervices—or the heirs - /, i her of them, will apply at Francie's * intelligence Office, Dcvonftire-ftrcct, near the old Sutr Hocfe, Bofton, they vvill be dircd'-cl where they may receive infor- maiiongreatly to the'r fidvanjagc. I".:,ea Atherton, John Armstrona;, Thonia) Adams, William Alien, John Allen, Tliomas Allen. William Barron, Erne I Bnrron, Andrew Barron, Wm. Broira? Wm. Brown9 James Brown, Henry BrOTVH, Jscm*S Barker, Joseph JJarn-'s U«j{h iV-rnes, John Black. the fpAOifh RiAohitionili* iu IVfctsico or Sonth A merira. 11 i** proba¬ ble they mnv be put u> fomc trouble it) conlcquence o' Toledo h viug abandoned tliccaufein which he had embarked. From South A-nerfea» we Je^rn that the l^tcft events of war were favourable for the Independents* a body of 5000 Portugucfc troops had advanced from Rio Grande upon Montevideo; the'r advanced partis were attacked by the Sparifh Patriots, fuffered coi.ftderable lof- and fell back on Rio Grande. There appears to have been no Royal Spanifh Army on the ilio dc la Plata, and it is not p'obabie that the Portuguefc will be formidable in that quarter, if we are fo jndrre from the check they (offered them- felves to receive. The reafon why the troops at Brazil made theiate movements on Montevideo is iuppofed to have be-.-n in coisfequence of rhc late treaty of mar¬ riage between the King of Spain 2nd a Princef- of Portugal. It is laid that for the Portoguefe province of Qlivenza, Spain was to cede to Brazil th.j city of Montevideo, with its territory, by which Brazil would be extended to the La Pla¬ ta and up the left bank of that river 50 leagues to Rio Negro The termina¬ tion of the war in that quartet will lead to important refults ; Braz;I will either conquer the ceded Territory or (he wifl I not. if her troops be driven back (he will be invaded in her turn with the contagi¬ on of revolutionary principles which will he more fatal than the numbers of the Republican Armies. (VDVERTiSEMENT. THE Concern heretofore carried on by the fubferibers, under the firm of Roderick Mac Kay 8c Co. was diflblv- edontheytn i:i(l by mutual confent. -s'll demands a^aiuft the firm will be li* quio'ated by K Mac Kay, ar;dtho;c in¬ debted to it are requclted to pay their accounts. RODk. MacKAY, JOHN K1RBT. Kingston, 1 i fl Jan. 1817 32 Tenders will be received at this Of¬ fice for the whole, or any one part of ihe abovementioned quantities, until the i^.ih January next. Commtjfartat Office* King/Ion, %%th Decembery 1816. 31 ^__________________________________u Auctioneering. THEfubfcribcrmoft refpcflfully iu- forms hii friends and the public. in general, that he will have an Au&ion EVERY EVENING, At SIX o'Clock, at his new houfe, firft door above Mr. Richard Smith's Store, Main Street. JOHNDARI.EY, Auctioneer. Kingston, Jan. 8, 1817. For Sale, By the Subferibers, A few Barrels ev<v*\\\ VIB MM, THOMSON & DETLOR. Kingston* Dec. 14* f S16. 2y Not: jOTlHE ftrbferiber having chct^j JI fupply the Garrifon at thi 3*red tV i Po»i N B. The hufineft will be continued ! with Peaft: 0ars & Straw for ihi, feafoi* by R & A. Mac Kay- his wor.uer* i:i ti¬ de, p- Froth a i,.., - i>a/..>r. U\< Majesty _o«;i w od oKI ft,in. ' ooODiMo^Si-i BEEP! rjffHHE f-:bf liber informs his friends Jm. and rhc public, tliat hciceeps c»n- ttai.tly on haiid, at hi:. Cellar, under the office of P. Wafhbum, Efu. good B^cf, rtt a vc.y low price* at any hour in the day, by the huudied w^jh; or fa.allcr quantity. Aim, VrgetibJes ofalmofl every d« (crlption, he therefore informs the Public that h;- will commence recti vet ttg the above ar- tides from this date, at his Storcj ad joining the White Bear Tavern. EDWARD BARNETT. Kinjrrton, 6th Dec. 1816. p together with E giji L'OW 13 and Butt er, c!! of which will he;ohlf;i CafllOJily, JOHN SrQUNG- Kincfi^n, December 5, 1^16 gitf has br*»n so loiu- u;;;lv! ,-lV:- from tin vi. -\ oi his aflt'ci ouao iu«I to) il --ub*. jecK thf pubStt ,;v,s,.;, .t-w('i tujif- Hee IrlS MajoWv l(l ifc, atct> -f ui< ro>alfamily.—Tflefolto»u»g ~i:\t.'.v< ro-prcting him i v,- b-ni ct-mnsauha- tedfouvopcrp ^od aiilhority.—li '-< upwards of two was : Iimt Midland 1 OstriSi \ r ¥"«K V, Cue re (, ( ro ioir ; J ,1. Genera: Qiiai- ter heinous of the ftaiCtf fyr thw Diituct, Vt'M be holder1 at ilie Court Houfe rn| 1 tfir towuibipof Adoipbuuown, on Tttet I I day, rl^ ^hth day of January. ir.It. at |t'!" itoir often o'ch*cJ>i;i the forenoon . of tKow;rq <i\\c his maj:-iy j j Therefore, all JuttJce«ofthc Peace- Co- "d. Hii i) ard ir n^M \ v Ironers, Con (tables, and all other Fcaccj long, His usnal dre«.- is 3 st!J« iltj^itf [Officers, as well as thofc that have any gOMn, In which, from hi^atfe and phvK- Ibnfiflc&ta tranfpcl at fa id Court, are 1IHB Co.Partex.fhip hitherto c0 ing between Geoige Ham,aadtf»* proprietori of the Farmer'* Store, cxy * red bv mupuaj^onfon on rfi*1 1 i/h tail •v'l tf-ofe who havcclairrif on laid fitn., will pleafe prefent them to Ilcijiy Lift - er & Co, for payment, and ail perffmi indebted to faid copai.tneilhi;-! arc r-. qoeflfd to pay their accounts to hi j who :*j aothorifed lo give receipts foi ;;> fame. GEORGT HAM. DANIEL PERR7, In behalf of the Proprietory Ernest Town, 14A6 No v 1 R16. 3 2 vv ^ i 1 I t latter- jV iliprag* -*-xi ical infirnufie^, :.e rmtduds J he *p; eta- i rof the person mid appearance of King Lear. II r Maj^fj tiyit^ hirn once a week 3 b*t the Princesses hnve not M'eit him fod n eousidi rahlc lim-. During the profiles of Ihe war the new* ol (lie da\ w*x «»arl lo him- hut latter- \\ \h want of ^iriil ha« been fur jgniratcd h> tot?! dr?fnr«?. Tli* stock of intellectual«iijoyn^r.t has been thu> ■^•'■atlv rodueed. hn ho can no longer h-\"ii any news, n- ramuse himself wait (!)'■ y)inno-i"orte.of which ht* was tqf) fond, and on which lie ptayed very well, tis might be uaforall) «ivpeelrd, ihe r. - covery of Jhino»er gave him ptHMlliar pleasure. &(\ rtln- battle of Albnfc- ra,nnd l;efore l»nccrs were introduced i::to our army, ho repeatedly rerorti- I hereby required to tuke notice, and give their attendance accordingly. HliNRY THORP, Deputy Sheriff'. January 6, 1817. 32 ' OTICE U hereby piven, thru Ac Fmnt the Quebec Mercury of Dec. 31. Sir—If vou thhtk the follouinu ac- count of the providential escape of the captain ;tnd lour men belonging to the bria Nerina, north your notice, or Ar public's, you will please to give it an insertion in your paper. About the '27th r^f November last, the brig Ncrlna left Quebec, and near the Traverse became fast in the ice, and ul¬ timately grounded on Goose l-Iand. The passengers, three ladies and one gentlemen, with the crew, got all safe on shore with much dillicultv.—The day after, Captain Jeffreys determined to return to the brig,and save as much as* possible. He did so ; and sent one boat of baggage, fre/en shore, and pro¬ posed to vwi) on board all 1h.1t Highl¬ and rerun 011 snore in the morning. J^^ PartncrO'ir hitherto fobfifltng be¬ tween the underhgncd. in \.> t?cr Cana¬ da under the fum of GF.ORGE or WILLIAM HAMILTON, and in Upp'-r Canada, conducted by each part¬ ner occafionaily in tiifi own name, Kill be difTolvcd by mutualcdnfciit on the 3 1 ft December. All perfon* having claims againfl the faid concern are requeflcd t<> prefent them for payment to George Hamilton, (and nil pfcrf..nv indebted to laid Co-part- mendod them, and staled, that in ihut Jnerfhip to make immediate payment, of improvement, tfc British army would? j their refpectivi' accounts to him, with the exception of the amounts due lo and from the concern at Kingllon, which will be received and liquidated by Wil¬ liam Hamilton. GEORGE HAMILTON. Montreal, Dcermber 26, 1816. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Kingston, 03. 28, 1816. 31**8 Take Notice. rind the hf$!ws{ p i ' ;*airl for ■ YE B^RLii. ■\ % ?; At the old fJrew-'rvcf Ja«. liohinrcn. Gillespie Sf Burin/. Kingston, 20th December, t8t6. v; be complete. !m* majesty3 memory continues itnimi*aii^d. Caution. 1 WHEREAS I have lefr fome val¬ uable papers fome time back in \ truft with Mr. joftph Vallier, of Kings¬ ton, and that ho 'be faid Mr. Jofeph j Vallier, is not no*'willing to return thettvj to me : Theref'r^» 1 forbid a!! manner* of perfoas takind cither Icafe, Mortgage, To Let, fi. N excellent two Story Dwel-frvr ^ * Houfe, containing feven ronff together wirh a Stable, Yard, &c. For further particular? apply to HENRY BAKER. Kingston) January 8, 1817. ./ ^jT^HE fubtcriber iorbid? any perfon A "or perfons bnrchafing from I Conveyance or L'ved 01 my nouic and tpi a f- r r 1 wuiiccoi^ / d.iui j i|„ma6 AcKinfon, any part of that trtffl lot, rvjo. 2co, in tvmgtton, as either wil •! .r i„j .j »r j 1 ir c ( 1 • , • k? I 11 1 !ji °' land advci tiled by mm tor fate in ihe Take Notice. A LL perfons indebted to the fuM't.'- **** ber, either by Note or Book count, are requested ro come and payment, or they will be ft ed imn v .«'- atcly. Wm MtLAUG&LEN. Kingstor, Jan -7, 10:7. be confidered m1" and void by me. ISABEI »;A HUMPHREYS. Kingston, (jH J*** I 81 7. 3 2 W3 -. . . f . 0 ... Wilv :V / -u(n the Iwg-boat loaded with stores, by fourth conccflion of the townOiip <if Sid ney, zi he has not been empowered to lell or grant a Deed. MARYSTiCKI.F.S, Executrix. Kingston, £fi6 Jan. iRl7. 32 Kotice. 1.XOUND bv ln« fubfen'ber, on the fourth in|- - betwera Amherfl ifl , srjROKE into tlie eBclofnfe of the and, and tl.e m.-r'" '"d, a CABLE and ' | J. J fubferiher. Three CO W.S, and one ANCHOR. The owner u icjueded jfroelj Bay HORSE. The owner or to come forward Provc property, pay j owners may have them again by proving charts and L-V - ^at(a away. j I property and poyfnp charces. HEN ^ GALLOWAY. { Vm. B. WHITNEY. Mrmt T&Gtft 3.<h $m 1817. ^t«|p Ki^m, Jm, 11318«7. jjw Take Notice. LAST (ALL. y^fLL perfons indebted to the firm nf &Jjl. Hall fie Simpfon are requested to call and fettle the fame immediately,aid rave cost. r. G. HALL & Co. Kbjgston, 17th Jan, iS^7- 23 Improved Table ..f the value of Grata of Gold Coin, aver or under weight, For Saler.t this Olfrcc. I i f J For Sale, A VALUABLE Tarm, with bitlfif- * * lags aNo large improvements tl- **• on, favorably CtUflted withili aS tr:Vi of i\i"K ton* Pel Ions dtfilOUfl .-f - ■-' chafing to inquire of the ?•»'•'<;. fiingiioT!, Jtflj io» i 8f £« .

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