Kingston Gazette, November 16, 1816, page 4

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1 Name of Pensioner. Rank, Regiment or Des¬ cription of Service to which belonged. Action or Place where wounded, &c. i rime when wounded. Period for which Pension is due. From To Amount of Pen¬ sion- Province Curr'\ Dollars at js. I. ft />. IV.r* Ct. Simons J. .1 VfcDojicll J» •*! \irfiregit P».«li|< I ropey Ti ":i:i.* Smiih Hf i \ I?»i ian V. $gf Ryr on J?' >»- :il"."i-"?Of 1)a '• I -n ')>.i:;al ©Midi < MrT>t-a mfa Ji:n Riir.Ti'ri-on Italic*1, fcirMard-an r:; ;;.tid EVuke V. ' im Efetl] ftftftittid lo'.iume T.f*>-«-i-» tf Ivi lioi-n It- ;•/ ■: V •'•"! A »&< -• "> ..cdy T:»-»i - is**" '■' J' I '. T •• u Jf. . . i B»*d Jo ixi Sr ly Si Uiam WaMtnoVff ■font) Cohnell 7»» ",»h Sntpard David Trs*anor - Sana*) Www Charge Campbell •Jo-*--, h Wheaioa J.n*'»li Stoydfl^ Cu;.r<*»- VuK; u.od F i qi !-ar McRean Aailwn. Rfthlc 3 -.' ':» MeKcnzic R*»l I' L-i |V I » »I«:DongaI Jn«vr- CrauiVtVd A " i: !;*> Kaniiara Fram^i !5u'j.«Hier B.'T »• rnucmcau Sv 1.. (» Curies Ja< - Marten .lai'!-. Graltam !*::uronrc- Etarrajf Tti».,:i- Mujor Caleb P»*<-11 Sam i?\ Norton F/h-no/er JVverj a;. . in'i' Marb: r Ar.rf «".* Ho«'.oi4 Jri n**& V M"lu't R i-a'd HjH Majoi 2d \ork, nov\ lsiOore Major 2d Lin. and In. Militia Cap'aia Incorporated do do do do do Kent Volunteers Lieutenant 1st Ktormonf do Late Second fork do Incorporated do 1st Norfolk do Kent \ olunteers do Incorporated Kn.-i»n Second Lincoln Lieutenant 1st Glengary Ma^*r"- Mate Provincial marine Kid uipmaa S( j tnt 1 <\o Norfolk do l-i Leeds Private Second Essex do l^t Norfolk do ft) Norfolk do 3d York Mate) do 1st Siormonl do 2:! Norfolk Bugler [scot porated Private do da do do do do 3d Vork Oat*) do w h\\\ Lwuoln <\o Secot.d do do 1st do do 1st do do Incorporated do 2d fllengary do !»i (ilen^ary do Secon! Lincoln do 1st Cileug in i do Ivefrt \ohmi!_'ers do do to .to dn Jd tae& p do \>l hn'cx ft) do de 2-1 \*«»rfc*ik do 3d Lincoln do do do do do « YorJs (late; do l*i \ofiolk do do do 2 a L**eds do 2'l Lincoln do 3d York (late) EeTjjeant Incorporated Private do 1 LundVs Laut Fort Kric & Luu- dy's Lane York LundyN Lane do Long Woods Ogdciisburzh LuiuIn Lane do Fort Eric River Thames Luudv's Lane Chlppaa.\a O^deii-bnrgh Oswego River Raisin Stony Creek, L. E. O^denyhurs^i River Raisin Fort Erie do Queens ton Ogdenttjsurgh Fori Eric Niagara Frontier LundyN Lane do . do York Q'lceiwtofl Ct.i 'puwa J ;. :;.«jie:r Lufid;, N. ;»• \ oruwall C-in>i>Awa A%m ideiit on Duty Lon^ \\ oods do Rivw Thames n.itjr.auoqm; Ai.'.r ;te<t Rivrt (wii in HalrotiaV MilU Black ftock do do Qoc.^o-ion MaU'oLn*4 Milts Fori Kric Acridenl on l?u.y do York •i"" Roads Fori T.rie 2 0ric [»I2ar.d 2.5 Jo-lj WW 27 \pril WKS 25 July 1814 do do 4 Mareli I-S14 22 Feb. is::* 25 Juh W14 do 28 No\. l^ll2 9 July 1814 25 July 1-*U 5JuU"i^ll 22 Feb. 1^13 6 May 1«»* 22Jauuarv I8IS 12 Nov. 1313 22 Feb. 1»18 do .lanuaiv 18L< 27 Nov. 1*12 9tf Nov. UUS ISOctobH WW 22 Keb. l'#U 2S Nov. 1 -1 -2 8 0ciab.\* ISM 2;>July WU do. do. 27 \ori| 1J»S lAOot. L'1- 5 Ji«Iy |*W 2? Ma) |rf* 22 J«h l**U 25 July P«4 10 Nov. !":i:< 22 1 «;:,. 1 13 b July 1 M 2"-(>e.. I "I* 4 Marrli |K14 **, I*0' SJSjIy *. n.iuff, •'*' SSJan. IpH t vov, '. -.1 * 30 i; r. U ,5 dot ;;». l:::i u H(2 C Nov. (HI J 2-i \„ -. IXJS WJa-'nai '^:? ^ >"j*'. d. ^7 \nril t January \&\'o 2 Dec. lyie 31 Deer. 1 ft i •> do¬ do. d». 1 January 1S13 do. do. • 1 January lSHi do. do. 25 July —14 di. do. • 1 January —1G 1 do do. do. do. do. IS Nov. —15 do. do. 1 January — 10 do. do. do. ' do. do. 9 July — 14 do. do. '.'3 do i. do. do. 5 do ^ do. do. 22 Februai > -»•* do. do. C May -!4 do. do. 22 January — !^ do. do. 2.°. Fe.iv. — 16 do. do. 9 May —15 do. (if). ;2 Jm!v do. do. do. ' Ja.r'arj —16 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. —15 do. do. do. ■ — lo do. do. do. do. do. IJtllV * —n do. do. —18 i\o. dot 1 J..i;( —15 do. do. I^» Fein. —id do. d>. 1 Jan :arv — 1! do. do: !o. — In" do. do. CT Mav — \S do. do. 22 July — 14 do. do. 1 January — Hi do. do. do.' do. do. t-2 Poby. do. do. do. b.iuU — li do. do. 5f« i >e(. —13 . do. do. 4 -Un:li — 14 do. do. do. i do. do. 1 do. do. fk». 21 Sent. -12 ! do. do. 'J August Jo. t\o. do. 2i.' Jai;ua.H - 13 do. do. o Vov. —14 do. do. JO Dtc. —13 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 17 W. —u ! do. do. 6 do. i '»o. do. "•^ Nov. ** t —W do. do. •<** uuiuary — ..j do. do. Svoi. d-v do. fit) 'f (;<#, do. do. :>e. do. do. dr. 1 At?. —11 do. ■ do. 20 81 40 20 4rt 20 20 -22 20 20 49 43 m j / 5:i 78 17 32 2a 20 20 •0 40 20 20 30 20 'JO 17 GO 20 h 20 20 17 10 96 56 49 85 HI 7S 4;* 60 60 60 42 13 HI 78 66 73 t I 12 I0A i-> i2 15 r} i .> i7 IS Si 3| 4 '"2 New Gootis. rllHE Subfcrlbcrs. having received by *■ the laic arrivals, f.ffcr for k\c oa the lowed termfl for canh at their Store* in King (Ion, either wholcfale or retail Cloths. Kerfeymcrcs, Flannels, Bomha/.ctts, Bomba/.cneB, Men k Women's Hufiery, Irifh LfnenSi Diapers, Toweling, Sattins, Ltiteftrings, 1 7' — i 5 18 I i7 ii 12 i2 vl II iS i7 X 2 9 i i7 \l *> \% 13 15 SI •4 3 o 104 i0| 4* o 2 2 3 4* S 74 i0i »-{ 7 Bine and white &\ agonal o'arfnets, Levantine Silksj Ribbons, Laces, Fooling, Ginghams, Lace Veils, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leathef Gloves, Wellington and Berlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Mufcovado and Cognfac Brandyi Holland Gin, Bed Port, Spani/h, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Pcppermcnt, Shrub, Molaffei, I^oaf Sugar| Teas, Prunes, Railins, Alm^nrla, Bar'ey, Penier, Aflfi-'ce. and Indigo. jrin«*e v .<«iu't I oersrani Incorporated < ro.. rio.uls i B Oc». 0£'- : >('. do. i »t, h,. '. * l'- B "^oti.ll ________j______J>rivar^ I do_____________j for. ,".;> ^Ai^^U »-rA^ -H | jj JJ i JJ j g f L1\T of WMom and Orphan Children admitted m Militia Pensioners previous to tin* Ad putted in 1 HI 6 ; *&<«&; ///,• slow «///r /o mc7i «// advance t > t\ !"iwi __________________________________________o;' lh-rei,ibn\ IHlfi, tf.y./or ,7.v //»' ;\V/*;#f.v /:tf,r fe-r* / '_^nu_1L______ ' L olA' ,.1(ill(,fW. ..... I Name of JLati* flu-Waul or „ , , „ ,. «>-po"-n» to j I ;iVnodior niirrh IViimoii i.. tiiT^IT^ UioioTT " •-------------------------------------1__________ _'J______________Moiiyd,_ j_______:^<-.. J___________ ' j ro n | Tt, ' n . f ,,rO- «,-^ Mauelinr Bblitfy......... »renie Koiia.v........... , Cap«am TiTTTT^-------NTaTTon'SldgT^J ;) v!"> ^ f~^ F^—TjTT)^,—TsTs----W^A R:,--.r \r:.!x-r................ 1 dwnrd talker........... do Fort Krta $ &% -•• J .-'an. -frt I do do ! 20 ' c Marram Bookii................ Joshua Booth.............. do Addin-ion C^uaJty 27 Oci. —tS do i3 do do 40 • Nnnc»Cmri)................. John CormD.............. do Oxford Ca^-naUy 81 Art — iJ tlo rti do do 20 o " ' Lrii?.\ ',;............ rr^ • 'L7«*"T,....... do Soro,ld Linco1' aippatra 5 4ah -do do t\o do do 20 s" awiah McDimcl* *...........j Christopher MrDoiifU...... Lieutenant do do mo do do do tU • on • ■ • * * • * * * .. ... ■ «.. ... . . * Jfl '<■ Madeline Rondy H;,-.r W.lK-r.............. Wn^;i>"' Booiii. ^ 'iorv C'orroll........... Ai 'v- T «rncv Su ai ;.ah VrOmioll :.. Jerj lia n<*'lor....... Aar*- Badrcfton..... fvp»o* Readme..... Frances Murray • - ■ • FH/.ilw*th Cophell. -. Eliz-iV ': Wnght ... Sara - Ta\lor..... Mavv;«'^' Ija^.ido . J\Tar> AdantN..................-----........... Lvdca ^rer................... Stephen Peer ............. Mar> Hlanchetle.............. I.^vis Blanchette.......... tlAimah Forsyth...............j Jamra Forsyth............ Kanct Wilker*oa..............: Jacob Wllkcrson........... Nancy Cleiidennen.............j Adam rieodennrn.......... Mvrannc S-niih................ ("hancv Smith............. Catharine Wolfrnio.............I Philip Wolf rum........... Children of....................j Mathias Sanaders.......... Child of......................I John VIeGrath ChiMof.....,........... C8H4r«&of..............: r htiilrr". of....................j Timothy Skinner........... ChiMren of....................I Thomas Smith Cu. '-'Miof................... Jblm tfendersholt F^uirenw Bondy I'tlward Walker Joshua Booth......... John Corroll (ieor^e Tuniey Chri-iopher MrT)on»il . Johti Dctlor............... Pierre BadlchoD Pascal Ri autae . Daniel Murray .. Cirorge ("o^hell .. Charles Wright............ Rober Taylor......... .To eph Ba^tldo............. Samuel Adams............. William Cameron Martin MeClcllan.......... Captain • * * * • * . ii* * ■ * ■ I list Es />x lneorpo"ated Adding (on Oxford Second UflCOll do Third Vork Second Essex Firal Bssea Third \ork First Lincoln do Second LiDCOli di» do do do do do Pirst Norfolk Pirn Oxford [ocorporared Fir l Vork Fncoroprated First LIbcoIq do Second do Third \ ork Fifh Lhicoli Nea: Fori ftleig- Fort I • ic Ca-'ialry Casualty Caipp.vaa do York River U.i-in do York liiindv's Lane i'oi't Ci.'or^c Cbippawa do do do 1,° do do Port Erie -\ecid *nt do. at Kingston 'i ork Fori Erie Fdrt George do f'hippawa' Qi'ceastbu Qucennon Mzft^ •J Xttcy n. hi v\',> _ | . 27 OCI. — \'t .*• -'til v -do * oo *7 April — ?3 *2i Jaa. do do S5.hi|y -rj S7 May ~\H i4 do do do :>juiv do do do do do do 28 Nov. 5 No-. 9i Aug 91 \pril S4Stpt 27 May do 5J -ly 13 Oct t^ Sepf, do d<» do '—1° - i4 —a do —t! —i:; de —ri —t:1 2^i Jan, —iG dn do do do do do do do do do do do do do do —10 do do do i Jan. do do do do do do t\o do do do do i Jury i Jaunan do i Jul) "O i Jan. do do do tU* do do do do tlo t\o do tlo do do do do rio do do do do -lo do Jo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do i\0 do do do do dn rlo •si 30 10 20 £0 90 10 53 18 20 20 20 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 20 20 30 SO 20 90 i5 i Walter McCuniffb M Co. Kingfton, 19th July, 1S16. 7 STOU3N ORSTR VYED, OUT of tke Pailure of Samuel Pu^ dy, about two months igO| a dark bay HORSE, fifteen hands high, fevea o\ eight years old, black mane and tail, with a large white (tar in his forthead. If ft rayed the fubferiber will pay all rea- fonable charges, to any perfon who will return him, or if ftolen any perfon that will difcover the thief or thieves, and will give fuch information as fliall lead to their conviction, (hall receive a reward of FOR* Wr DOLLARS. JAMES ROBINSON. Kingfton, OA. z6t 1816. at New Stage. f TlHE fubferiber propofes to run « 1 STAGE between Kingfton and Yoik tlie enfuing winter ; to commence ih.* firft Monday after the fl.;ighing will Dofllbly sdmit—co lvrave Kingflon every Monday morning, and York every Thurf- day morning. The fubferiber liopeii by his urn emitted exertions for the ac¬ commodation of travellers, and the fafety of ih'ii baggage, to merit the patronage; of the Public SAMUEL PUS Dr. iotf »9tf GROCERIES- ^ HE fnhfciibers, having commenced bulmefsin the Grocery Line, cither wholtfaleor .etail i„ this place, where they will do their utmost to fupply the public on the most rt-afonable terme. TOPPA-NCE bf M'lEGD. < Kingston, 30th May, 1816. T * 52 Midland District, To IV ir : }B mfom u,ui Orpkam Udmttted m m/iiu l\„sr..:g--, „n /(•;■ the I',;.?.;,. <xl Statute passeda, ti^T^FTiixr,, „»/,„■ gT //.. ,,.■ \/t,;::S hmv f,,vn returned. r- in.;* o pfam« & Hank •..I I Joc.-a-eil ll«s|iwa,ft.c. .Name o: oiianiiati ci K— n: m.i towh-rli fuaeof ....." --------------- !Wm Widow, &c. ! Children. | d."c«-a,ed Mo.-.g-i iW,-. J StleOn I5i!?ler Cotharinp Haincr Dorothy May 1 Uxabt^h Dennis Bn'iaraTcal Catharine Teal "srh^ra Brown Ca'tairine Roct Biur\ loon Mary Clark Alary Vanderbaneck Marv Ora-> Elsc'j Wolfe Blener Boyer F^iiuali Clendinnen Sooliia Hainer Harict Hahier Kfi ahi-th Weaver Vih v.- W*an;er CaCL&^iiie Nrwkirk Ar»;ia Joaojtoa CiMir.nu1 Limburnrr Piftflif A.iair T.i*r*;. ftalm ChHdteaof rirUJrraof Ciiildim of C;wMi n of 4?h: idrfin of Children of ChZlOmi of Cbildrrn of Children of Children of Chilriifn of ChiidT-i of...... Lutrclia Stewart Maria Ruhb^•«• Sa'j'-' L**'iridge Fnrtiara Kmg £SUabeth Hull • Ibfamiret Vansickl« CH:|drenof...... AVi-low MilW Manha Ueb^rf "lYido.. »r Ciiildcenof .. •» • ■ * • • . > 21*12 [ Urrors Excepted.] Name. Johiu-on Butler George plainer John May Jofepfi DWknis Lauraiice Teal Zachadab Teal I^-aac Brown Jonn Rock John Coon Jo|:n Clark Cons, Vanderbaneck Michiiel Grass Co.nod \\<dfe Mar:in Boyer Abnrr (.'1-r.ilinn'n Zachariali Hainer David Hainer Francb Weaver Michael Warner Kenjauiin New kirk John Johnsfon AKxander Kimburner John .^dair Jacob i?«i1ip Casper ShuMfl John Shafcleton Jidui (inllipot Gashain Conger William Dennis John Snrih Jonathan Griffin Cbarle s Stevenson Isaac Walker Lewis Boujrhncr Abraham Acre Samuel Nunn Knocb Smart John B. Rubbee John l,<>: ,-!'!i;o George King Kiah Mill M.-r, nl \ .u.-irkli- Jolm Hoarr Solomon Mills Br- \cy *J» b'Tt I'i'Tic^Uaiiawcrc * Hank. ■ h: ed. Li. Col. Li ou 1. Lientenani Private ( Seijeam Private Serjeant Private J' ji Benncr Senr. Joj.n Warren Peter Tin mble Lawrence Jennings Sarah DorkNteder George Adams Smith Griffin Anna Foungs William Walker Helcnor Chambers Rob.-rt NeJles Cbarlotte Acre Captain LieiUi'nant Private Serjeant Private Sarah Banghart rounil Lincoln Pi TJl do do Tjiird Lincoln do do Srtond York Third Linei/lu Second do do do First do ia do do d* do do do do Fourth do do do Second Lincoln j Third do • do Second do do ' do First do Fourth do do do do do do M'litia Artillery Ar;illerv Drivei Fifth Lincoln Second York Incorporn ed Mil. Fifth Lincoln do Second York Fifili Lincoln Incorjiorated j»2 Nov ?4 ft |Gr«V Hi 'a"- o ./an. ii -1" TO Otc By what IW--M! Vho; tm the Widow S»eJ------------- jreeoinmciataLl ]roin 1 I I i»fc i8T4i - HI i2 1.) IS do rfi do i-3 r2 :<'1 Pension *- dne. Amount, -----------------------Pmv. < urr1.. I T.i - ; D»»au> at & r; J>T 1^ !f» do do V,7 -A mil i3 23 Oct. 1^ 0 ieb'y. ri i5 Nov- ri 1 do do iS *» i2 , p)*'*'*. do ,K Pee. i2 2 ^° 8 y.v"- r» do 3 <*'-' IS trfo 25 A,,g- »■* ^O.Oct. t2 8 ^ov. I do 14 <}0 1 lV«>r- ,9 March i3 20 do do 29 ^ov, t2 ai |p« do SO ,f,H,lf '3 .li (Dec. i2 ;j() 'sN'ov do ggjiVb VV\o\ .^i Jan. 9 ,iau. ">i Dec. 181 u" 1 i2 i.j 13 do IS do I i. Via^ara District IS I1' do i3 i2 do do d« do do do do do ^District of Gore i7 do 10 Dec. 1 rio 2 Jan. i Dec. 18 March |3 10 do do 20 April tH 85 Oct. 2 Feb. f> Oct. i5 Nov. 1 do IS Nov. 1 Dec. 13 An, IS I)..<-. 2 do 6 Jan. 14 Dec. 18 9 do do 3 do do 15 do do S3Aupa 14 20 Oct. 12 8 ^ov. do 4 do I 1 do 30 do I Ore. do H March 13 20 dn 29 Vov. 12 si Dec do Wjime 13 31 Oee. |2 -SO Vov. do 5 .inly I I 30 Nov. U S8F«h. 15 12 iS i3 ii rio l3 do "2 du IS do do do do do do do do do do do do do .lo ilo do do .In do .lo do do do do do do do do do do do do dn do do do do do do do do do do do *y N. B. CabKierc Died in Captivity as a Priwnerof War in [(fa ^ni'edsiatcs ™'All,) H«ltt4*0II> fe,.,„(^„(/,.,. pmii„gMma Pa:!(jmri 10 ■J Wrtne of z J -^WRiTrfFx ECUTION ifTued out ofBfs Maj;>ty»8 Court of King's bench, holding civil pleas, in and for the Midland District a. Jorefoid at the fuit of ALEXANDER AULDJO, of the wmfflp of Marys- bnrg;h, in the faid Distridt, yeoman, against the lands and tenements of PHILIP SWITZER, of the cow* jfhpand Dfstrffl afore&id, yeoman, to 'rot direfled : I have fefzed and taktn in execution, as belonging to tlie laid PHILIP SWITZER, the South. westerly half of Lot number 1 on the Southeasterly iide of Southwest* or Prince Edvt'ard*8 Bay, in the faid tou;«- fliip of MaryuY.irgh, which faid Lot ot land is butted and bounded, or may be I'therwife konon as follows, that is to fay, commencing in front on the faid Bay, w the limit between Lots number 1 and 2, and at the westerly angle of the faid L"t ; then bouth 46 degrees East, ioj chains 27 links, more or lefs, to the :ands granted to Capt. John Allan ; then Nonh 44 degrees East, 9 chains 50 links, more or lefs, to the centre of the faid Lot; then North 46degrees West, 105chains, 27 links, more or lefs, to South West,.or Prince Edwards Bay; then Southerly along the waters edge of fhe faid Bay, to the place of begnviing, being partly cultivated, with all the buil¬ dings thereon erected, containing by admeafurement 100 acres, be the lame more or lefs.—Now I do hereby give Notice, that the aforefaid Lot and premifes will be fold and adjudge to the highest bidder, at my office in the towu 1 f Kingston, on WEDNESDAY, ihc 1 8th day of DECEMBER n«xt, at l© of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and plage the conditions of fale wi4 be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheri/f. And every perfon of perfonb ha vim [claims on the above defcriued Lot \ Hand and premifes, by mortgage or othc rfght or incumbrance, arc hereby adver- tiled to give notice to the faid .Sheriffi. at hi» Office, in the town of Kmguo* piiviijus to the file thereof. Shrift Office, Qavbcr 124 i8j6. 19

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