Kingston Gazette, November 16, 1816, page 3

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Superb, Chsrlrs VlVms.--<2 oihYor^jj .; s ■aiii.',u, K2 marUhv, J rnck-t troop, kilted ; 6 officers, 62 sca.utn, I I ma* ritfSi 2 marine aftuipvy. v niwuh A. MiudciN William Patterson—5-ea- men, 2 marines, killed ; '2 ciiice.r-,, (-lii seamen, 9 nnniir^ wounded, Albion, John Cood?,—li r*lBc«»rs, 1 seamen killed ; 2 pfliccrSj !') bcflir.en, ;i marines wound-'*!. Leandcr, Edward Chatham, C. B.— IjolHccrs:II seamen, I mat me, kill-id. H oiiicers. 69 seamen, 25 marine*. 4 Inv*, 142 Mioornumeraries, wounded. Severn, Honorable T. W. A)ltn«*r<- £ seamen, I marine, killed ; <S oiiicer- c^5 seame»j S murines i bnv} Mound¬ ed. lihupow. nonorahle A.MaHUmd— 9 seamen. I nmrir.o,, killed : ."> ';Ilicers. 25 seamen, 3 marines, 1 boy, vvnumi- cd; ftraiitcus W. F. Wise —3 efP.cors. 9 vamcn, 1 marine 1 matin* amllers 1 bo\s, killed ; 5 of.icer;. 31 seam'n. 3 marines, 12 rochet troops, I boy, wotiuded. Umbras, Edward Pa'racr, C. B.—1 officer, 3 seamen, killed : I ofileer. 10 seamen., 1 marine, (2 rockat troop. I boy wounded. iloron,(rcor£ieT>er.tliai)»—NoUvVM* Jed or wound d. Mutinc. Janes Mould—None kil- led or wounded. Prometheus, W. B. Da;hwood.— None killed or wounded. Cordelia, \V. Sargent—None killed or wounded. Britomart, It. Riddoll—None kil¬ led of wounded, Bel/ebub, William Kempthrcnc— None killed or wounded. lufejr.aij Hon. (}. J. Pcrcival—1 of¬ ficer, 1 seaman, killed; 6 officers 8 seamen. I marine artillery, l2 boys, Wounded Hecla, \?. Popham—None Li'led >PT wounded. - Flotilla consisting of 4 fjmwh *.***■■ UJ mortar-boat-;, launches, 5 rocket- W&tsjflats, 3% ii'iu-boab, barges, and yawls—Total, 56. Tiie whole commanded by Capt. F. T.Mitchell, as-i<ted l>v lA«ut. John Pwiei, of the Queen Charlotte, anil &eat. Thomas Rerans, Flag Lieut, to Rear Admired M'.Use. ^viOi'Til. trUTGIl SQVJiJROK. Melampu., Vi.'C Admiral Baron Van C*|>ellan, Capt. Be Mair,—3 killed. la Wound'"! FivuVtica, Capt. Vander Shaken.— C wounded. DagMAadj C*pt. Polders—I woun¬ ded. Diana*Capt ZierVogel—fl killed. 32 wounded. Aimree, Capt. Vae.derllart—1 kil¬ led. 6" wounded. Ivndrarht, Capt WavdcnVrfrgh— None billed or wounded. Totftl. 13 killed 52 wounded. Utrana Lotau *w>. "Tots\ 15 BiTuPfli 8#wn*ca, 19 mn-jj Shies, 1 marine artilh -ry, l rock?! Tiie Dublin evening Post of TuasAn l:tstsA\s : " Since Saturday lost, there hasHcarrply be°n fiver n-menibered i.. the neighborhood of Dublin sueh an incessant sU-m of wind and rain. La-U •rt«fht i* blew a ton.ado. It aM'ukc t|»d alarmed most of the inhahititats ol :;»isCi(v/' » A remarkable proof of the scvrril. «ftho weaflu^r.—In tiie boginaiii^ *'• !as< week the Marqms of KalHnm pieked ttptttropft?»asaat3 ftoaefl to death in iiatfieldrarfs! On Mond«y pe'night were «o]d at Wskelield, holanging to two re-pee(a* ble farmers in the ini^hborhnod. twM Morses, with each a saddle and bridle, for the sum of ihw$ Guineas: wives mavG^obe considered a.% much de- • pressed in vatiits fe\ tire prt^Furft of tli^ times, a labourer having sold his wiiV ( n Wcdoesdiy hust5 in Wakefield to a w?.terman7 for the «rr.r.!l ram of m pence. ■----------■ PARIS, Sept. ft ci I lose not a moment in eommunU ruling to yen a mo t important piece of i i"f dliirenee :—O.i Wednesday ni^ht^ al 11 o'clock3 Ids mjj Hy^iguad an or* dinance. d?<sc!ving thtrhamb^rof do* pities. Thts unexpected measure it» fivnr of the miiiisters, hai been bro't nby thejubUatlotis of their poliiical TOtogonistt. The speculation*^ andde- rails of my last letters were esa.t. TttC k»ng declared repeatedly, *iiat he would net deviate frr»m his nryina! intention of COnrolcing the chamber en the 1 t of October. Thft*e word-, were thr death-blow of tiie | arty. To d?- privc then! even of air hope for the fu¬ ture, the Ducde Eliclwlwu hiin^etfyse* pa rating ins interests from their-, was Sistc in^ to tcrais of aecoramorlat'iuiu But Ai. |)eea/e retreated in ftrdcr to draw his nnwarj adversaries into the snare. L^tter^were interrupted to\a- rious prefects, in which (for it cannot be dissimulated) obnoxious principles vere di -played tending to shake the so- tal edi'iee, or alarm the piuvka-ers of t!ic national domains. An arbitrary li^t of mini^cers seemed almOft hnpo* Had on the kpi?, in which were l!k* name-' of D«S Buuville,, ice. Laineaml Decade insisted on the filial t'onejuencesrif the nomination officii fatesmen. The result was. the ordi« uaneel ha?* announced. This ordi- nnnce, whieh I hcor^ will appear hi t-4-morr >w*» IMonitenr, conv >kes the "'.•••toral C U.-u.«; f.->- thc^tth ofSv - t i:nber, a-ul thorn* tin^olthe C'nam- l-cr f.,r fchtf tth of X iw nbcr. It dtf- •»rives the Prefects of «dj"inin2 the ten '•\tra voters to these Colleges ai.d vj- duees the nrmber of t!.-: deputies to j Hial limited bs the c;.arler..;>W.iuM -ad of present compo iti-Mi. These are t'v principal feature*, of this in.por- tant document." inio^aot'uer room, in whichthry foundj Mrs. .f. B. "SfattfSj and demanded her money. The door-bell \\ii9 now heard to rili^j and tiie villinns appeared to be ^•Misihly alarmed.—rl*his \.as caused by Mr. J. A. Vates returuintj from Livcr- oind, who, unapprchelisiteofanj dan¬ ger, approached his house, and was .-topped b> the I wo men who were left without, who d< manded his »toner.— He had suilieierit presence of mind to throw hi* tvatcb among the grass : and, unaware that there were ulliailS with¬ in, he&pzan{* towards the door-hell3 and rung it violently. The fellows told him heneednol trouble himself with ringing, as the house was as well secu¬ red within as withoct. \\ hilstthisv.ns passing, the four robbers in the hou*c. afraid of being detected, descended the. stairs, and pointing their pistols to¬ ward*: the door, commanded the fool- man to open ttj determined we suppose to discharge thci* pistols at wluever should oppose their llight. The foot- .viau obeyed, and himself darted across the Jields to alarm the neighbours, Tiie villains then decamped with their booty,eonsictin{; of about twelve pound* In money, and Mime ofhcrtaluablefc.— u That ig well my boy, 1 tilcc you for) that} for 1 fee you cho">fc the right w y I where there i*. danger."—He is a great favorite with the Emper:^ as well a- with evtrv bodv elfe, for he n a very fine boy." * Yon may pafs now, aunt, without danger, I will hold him. Singular Snicklc —One of the mod lingular filicides we hnve evrr hca**d of occurred lately at a bearding fchool near Birmingham* A young lady. :t appears, had been fet a talk, and felt io- d;;',02i:t rt being obliged loiearn it out ofan old book, while fome of the other fcholarswete indulged with new ones. She went next day to an old woman in the neighbourhood, and told her. tl that file had had a lingular dream, viz. that (he wan dead) and had been carried to her grave by fuch and fuch young ladtes, naming fonje of her ccnpauio'is and young IVicruh." and aflced the old woman what fhe thought wf it ? who re¬ plied, M that (he put ito faith in dreams " A few days after, when going a walk with the other fchohrs, who loitered behind, and making her efcipe from the party, drowned herfelf in a pool near the fehool. She left her ha? (or bonne;) on Oftoher.) Vhtcfe confurhc^ foii-ftfi- houfe^and flo.-c . princfpaMy in Second and Wattfr.ftrerts. The ddma^e was eftimated at ,£J8o,ooo (lerlin.». It vria.iJ laid the fiie mipinated in the (lore »f » Mr Xkngk&?-Jt. r. HaalL Ui.„ r The jeporthat the»e dcsperadi>es wen I i the edge of the pool, wherein we; pinned (titan, we are sorry to say, U withoull Jakttcr forher pTrcnt-.-, cntrcatcag thei foundation. We arc informed, that, previous in vac oiglit oil which the alx-ve burglarj I ua. perpetrated,v try minute inquiries 'had b -en made in lite neighbourhood. b\ sin old woman, as to Sir. Ye.teS fa.utlv : whether he had any men ser- rants, or dc'gs, and SO forth. She, n;, was connected frith the bandit¬ ti $ and (hi** fad should operate as a w anting to person, Jo be careful how theynnva er to such qucytiuus. I Since this daring robVepj, (he ie.ha- tb'diNils of the i'ark have o>me to a res- (o!ut*KU to ferm themselves into an a<- .Ovi.ition for the purpose of mutual!) i co-operating to preserve thrtr respec- j tire property, and the lives ef th" n.- j-elves and families from attack. Of one of thrirre-ol'it-ons we partieulaily ap¬ prove. It is, i hat each individual shut; hnre a large brll at!ached to his Ilotlsp1 Vkhicli, in case of attack, v.iil y;ive the alarm to the whale neiglibourhoodi ■ .Thi* is viryjirVici *us ; and if n'^oeia-j tions similar to the above s-hduld be- comt general throughout rheneigkbnr- hood of Liverpool, and wluch \vr car- ne*flyrecommend, \ve think it weuld bevvi-e to adopt a like instrument o' alarm. FOR TIIE KtN'C-T0\ (JazETTE. A&nnJ?SS) internl^d (o have Ace;/ tpoli* tn hi the Amttteuf Thectre9 ./. J, /*- <iajj cvsnfrlg /'/Vf, on the fntrodiw* Hon of some new performers. As soi:*.- wvacrrw, w!u» makes-ttl unknowa v.ith pmr!i»ni«antion vkntnre loirs »e.;.nl, Vor !*•• ! a" 'M-f*iir til t!.»•;, areiis*iired Thefavo' of the srrang*^ i- secured; A royal ordinance, datod September L contains the fello\viiij:di:vftioe-— troop, i boys, killed ; SSollVeSfs, 1%'J seamen, 100 roari'je*. 6 nir.rineaiti.i"- j ry, 11 tappers and miners, 4 r--. V*t IrooPj \'i «ep rnunvTaries. vvound'*d. f-vil killed and bounded,riB kil-j ted, 690, wounded.. nord Kxrcouth. after the redtu-ti.n: of^A'giers, was to prbe^ed to Tutiis and Tripoli : hut both [>*at'^ are o\j peciad to capitulate without rfsi-tpnee. The gallant Admiral vary pre;—rly ordained a public thank^lvituf* r the 5i;:ia! interposition of Dbuie PiOYi- dence* Loxi;ox, Sept. io. Singular vccurrti+a,—A celehr^tcd f>% fcpimd the proie^ v of R. Cowen, hunts- , to rheCarliilu barriers, has reared I ihr. e cub foxe*, t;.j:cn w>icn three days oid, They were brouaht up in the ke itvel of Henry Qjipbani, efq afBvmd- Geld honftf ; a-id fi,, prifing to relate, ac- I Company the hoURds ;n the chafe, and [are as fierce aa-;.(|t tilc;r own f^cies a^ [ their morr canine affociatesi ! Grwfi shooting i-Extrafl of a Jetlrr forgiven f* fot Inch a rftfh a£): the therein reqnefted to Iiave for beaters the very youi-tr ladies who flic had Li!Pacdreamed carried ho*. i» her gi -we, and eeclo- (i:i fume lock- of hei hair as mementos of her fii.nduYp. SI'.c sras only about eleven years of »gti and th** daughter of very refp;3ab!e prir'.::t-> in the neighbor- hoc), vv! o zrc iaco.n'olahl- tor the lofs of their child* Government, i: i faid, mean to takf an er.rlv Opportunity of hnfldin" feme larjy- fh:p* "f war, calculated particularly for the Atne-ican coall ; du-y are pfe- paii "R abundance of materials for t^< occallon. The Dolphin, Itorc ih?p is jufl arrived at Por»fmouth,fromDEniZ!*-, having on board upwards of 70 i* -c mafti, and more than zoo oak [flank* forftrpag fhip-huilding. The Dromedary end; Torioife, (tore fliij)0, were abb left] loading with f::ni!ar dorrs when the Dolphin failed from Dintzic. Septtmhei t^. Cu Sunday l"rt the foll-oviny Bulletin wa? fh'rvvu at Si. James's palace ; — ' Wmdfor Cuuk> $.pt 7, 1S16 j| "His Majrfty ha^ e"j«>yed goo<S J j bodily he.dth, ?w& has been generally tranquil during the laft month ; bat his Majefty'fi dlforder has undergone no fceange. "JFf.HALFORD, «* M. BAtLl-IE, « Vvr. HEBERDEN, * ROB'i; Wit.LIS." Lf»l : <n your r»»- blight Oieir tint ?-say, N »r ra-t l!»»- hv.iU n[ | i'»ni-v faj" RHav. Ttio«o taleittv v.hirti hi hvtWy Kereoor 6oa^t, Oo^lA* ! f'l.iial'C.. 1—iu -i ttn**\v<*i\ho$li !?i»«nts,or wlt.caihe lu-^u - 1 tly feel, May*yH rr fi: ;lirn" inrfii^trv and/cul. Anotlier.^r»wi ontheieboardi naj trrad— Another D'tbrrty v-t r-n» h"V>ht*a«f; firrinl l»Mt the Mime iud«ljj*nw oafce ai'nin Toili.wvtlio'lestrivf yoMT IfifHuriohri .int \, tl in j!i.- mir»r-i v <jf • orr t' • trrtng .-.\ fr'icrbh tHeir roerUs ann tfcerrteA • ^ z \.\ T#eflall tlirareffbru hallcombinctfl ..;«■ Thfxrlir*t ^r-a'. <*• li <■ t 1 'a , - vnrr DWB> In this town, 01. Sunday -.reninf i ft, after a (turn hot di!ti?fli-g ijloefs Mt&. Mart J^/r-w.v, wife of Capti-in Thc- OphflOB Sarrp'on, a;*ed 46. :;?Tj!e Fire Compantea *>£ the F,iftar,d We'l Vvrards . f K.* .(t 1, »i.l meet on MONDJlT next at the Engine Sodfe Market place, precii'e y at 2 o'clock, t M To. the pnrpofe of ex¬ creting thelinein- —nov. )? 1 »*>. -fc • To Let, ]J7>R0\Tth« iflof Dee kt ntxf; ■_ that latere Stone Hon" bel ns- itig :o Henry CaCady, Kfq. of Kingftepg ticuate-3 near the Market-place, and wefl ciTulated fur a houfe of Entertai. ,ne * For further paitlcolars enquire of W ' l- tkr McCtlNlFFR, who occupies pari of ihc above mentioned picmiVs. Kir^ttcn, \Gth Nov. 1815 1 1 to NOTICE. \ Li, perfon*having any deoian U arrainft thr Edate of the he* \ uThe Kin^s, ourpred.'e"-sors; from j fr>m Dalchunie :—_« The party \vh*i-f\ a wt4i to • and euecnrairo a pr.*?.- . 'the lall nlaceflnv refhie)AVt!l havek*;lcd fusion *:o zsnportant as that of a. prin-'( a icco brace by ^aiutday night'— »f a Letters were received yesterday from t \ ivt.Ja^o, stating the arrival there ef the Con^o sloop of war. Sontr trilllrfg defects wev*» to be remedied \*\ t\\< ve*~ s^l, audit wa<= expected that in a few days ^iie wo dd sail, to commence the crduoiis task of exploring the river Za«r, or Congo on thir Afriea.n en<iS*. Captain Tuckcy, hi? officers and rr^n. tor. hare *i aU times ^ranti J the title of" liMprin.eur du iloi" to che pei'sor.^ of that profession most di ti':<a^hed bv conduct aud the perfection ol their art : this Vavour Impi'SCS on I ho e who obtain it the &cver*wt duties and the hij;ln"t respect for the !a-v*. 64 We are however informed- that several work«, contiftry {••> Uie chapter ■ and to the prineiple' ofotir^oretnip^tt have issu d from the presses of the ■ii^ur Midiaudj one of our printers. I One of these Worlds U at present b -fo>-e ; the tribunals : another lias just been sappreSoeii by tltespnteueeof a correc¬ tional tubuual. dated )° torday. i4 Tor the^o r.a.o:;-, the brevet 0 [mprlmeurdu tloijVVideh hadheru con¬ fer red on the Sieur Miehaudj is revo¬ ked." ay nigni— n a particalai party {hf ci|iee we believe)j ' each gentleman t-ii 1 eci from 50 to 77* [\br3ceper day * Ti,e writer fear^ the an- |nihi!?.ri)n of the pri;i.fe : the ftorrn h jfaid to [javedrtven them fror;i the hills, | and there b. !•." therefore nothing to pre- fcrve fij;Kilter on thc lower lands is the more ?r:tai. ! There was a fa.I ,.f faow at Brighton :on Sunday -, and s i..tter from Bangor J dated the 2d, f*yS_« We have now! jfnow lying on hltr rnouutains-'—nt I Brentford, on Tu*fjay mornings there Was ice an inch in rhiefcnefs. IIPH/1LET ADAMo\ or n-y«. j|'-"i.oi.# deccaled, ar* hc«vby r-q '.■'• i!, *'o produce thcii claims du;y authentica¬ ted,—alfoall perf-ns indebted <o the laid ivltate are hereby ncjuefied xo moke immediate! payntent 10 SIMEON WASHBURN, j Wing Executor* HaIIowcII, 12th Nov. i)?r6 2+tf SlRATEDj I^ROM the pflure adjwmn^ Beach (near Kincr'on.)a bright 4 p v^r. rCAl U5S, \u«. 21 The»r' ww* aboi'.t UQ American ve*- puI* decoyed lo Naplp«j whtU1 "rid- r Wurttt, seised, confiscated a:*d sold,] and the (tfovract^ 3 or I.^O.OOO nf d»ea( -, employed in a preaf'tlegwe hi the prpedltkin KgnuitM Sieily, wheri ilitf i*;- -1 at M^ef-i m of Xaplcs tin 11 rrigtitfdj It is rtinarkahlo. tluri tiie .;over::;noet of (It* United Stages n»v- er e!rii.»e(i iu'ViiMutj . at [rnsi net o-- tansihly, for this property. «Hilc Mu¬ ral occupied Slit! throne «d Xrtples. pa?J oy C. MERRH.L. /w.vjjx/c-t, Nov 9. 1K16. ?4^T3 biy Hcrfe, marked as fol ow3 ; a wh'tti fpot in the E>nrhead, one : ind f 'ot white about five inrhtS above the foot* lock, ?"d a few marks of a faddle. Any perfon orpejfort* who will give fi»firm- where faitl horfe rn'iv be found 1 peri" .1 Royal i)/W<v- -_T'Utf reported inten¬ tion to dffiblve by qi:c Jtfgal forms certain matrimonial ties w^{c], |l9,ve ]or.^ |>-cn l.OS XL \ j Trt the many br.rrla.ries and robl>e- ifi'?* whirl* ha to occurred in this town ara represented as b?v\$ in good health I! and n«t^hb«ntrhf-u>4 witl'in the la-( ludspirits, and r*ry anxious to pro- fortnight, we lament to add a burglar) cc-d on their voyage. which wr.< perpetrated ra tiie night of Nothing had been heard at TT*r„. Friday se'ni-hi, in To\kth-pnrh. Ab- ;^rsh from Mrs. Rieinrds, the odven- j out half pa st nine o'cloel;, >i\ nun, *mus Has fi'd !■►»(( t\iut tI»P Ultrli uiiiiU « i»a-\. \ ] 1 I'C TO«j O. t. '11. AtwfnerfymkofJVur !—A Itttei rnn Portland of the 17th inst. to ih- Sim«rintendanl clthe RxchangeCeffee___ Liousc BoolWvStves a hmsaecount nf f^ROM the common near kmgfloa, an afftay botwn*n thc P'-r-!" of t!" I about * mw!r ™ 3 lar^c hie of Grand Mewan, and >«ac Ame- [ted COW, wish a whte ftnpc on her rtcm fiHoermon. Two attempts were bach, ten or eleven years old, ha* on the made*- drive the fishermen en, b-v r.Kbt Bdeof her bag a lamp stent ihc Idcemedbardcnfo^ba;^; We time jfhrj proving the tfrMUM, bifcwrH &erf« he..'- en-, and ., a !.„tr well ibeen oecnpying m^fc „f the pnblic iu Jthe people into thevvood^wlnnvu Air- tenfann eow, Whoever w.llretiun her. ij B ° P ni., n sued, and several v- re killed j ui -ive int-r;r.aii.-n fo that (he may be .tention; and a p&<B£h]et hasjuft appeared upon the (ubjeft, *. titled, 4 Th Atterrpt\ \to Divorde tfrt PrhCas of Wakr% imfar* luilh considered-* The author thus conv mcKces his worfc nn both sides. BOSTON, Cd. 30. Nnval —TJ|C United States fhip Ctnurrefstt ^^ eunsi Cauiaiu Mnrm, i }- und fl^all be well rewtrded- P. I. D* La MOT rTr. iC*ngsten9 nor. 13, 1S16. 5+ 6.. iKMIIiUINillMIMU^llir .1 u \ «-.: - jj 'HI 11^ U ^-. •* • ■' "- ......•*«! " ".*7 is Eror.aur, her ascent. It flaome of then* mu^-u anu armed mth (teiwsd that the hfeh wind* which pistols, suTronnded the house of Mr. * There ianow no -ftumer of doubt, that! lundti faSiag order, in tiua port, and will an attempt will be toade nest feffion pf||depMt GiDrtly.ata fatd, for the B,y »t parliament to d ff0]ve the marriage ■ I prevailed at the time had blown hrf t some distance, and tUut hcr^rr-n! voy. a^ may have been attended with con¬ siderable danger. The harvest around Pari? are «ah1 to present an unfavorable aspect. The f. A. Vates ; four entered throuuh the back door, and two were left without to give the slgnalin case of surprise. Of the four who entered the hou?e, one was placed to guard the servant maid in the kitchen, and thc ether three but *in continue ponrin? in the depart I j command^ th • servant man u, conduct Wfinte of the north, nor is there any |] 'hem through the hou-e. ine v«'..ains Vpspect of its imrnediatdv ceasing. The same quantity of bread which was Mcly sold for (2G sols has risen in price to 3^,ond was former! v io be had for iGor 17. Nofmit of any kind is to be met with. A Jew, oflhfi name of Gordon, wp.s Wfoed on Wednesday la-t, in Siiirtt ^nes Church Bath. Thi< mmM ^ ■f ( i'Ti-rinn religion is bjfcwc-'.i ^0 1 1° \--ais oia^cn nt updieM'iirs, and were met on (he first Isndhtg by Mr. .T- B. Vates. Aim. withhii lady3 was on a visit to hiibrciher. this 4 pieman enquired their bu .^ies. Without returning an answer- ..Orof the robbers aimed a fi- olent blow at his head, bat which for¬ tunately iuilicted only a hUrTiI wound .mi Wis lip. After pr«sentins a pi*tel to hi-h-ad, th?\ der.nndtd bi»--monc< - and having revived it, t.iey entere 11 between ine pr;,ce rcgfr;t m& the princeui >u order t() ^ayc ith rovali h.-hncdTo marry aRai;n .dUt\ to a{ford turn the coaucc of ^ving a m%U heir to lie: crown/ OneoftheCer:,an v??l,r9 gjvc3 the Foflowinjj anccdot. FCiat;vctQ the yOnna Bonaparte, nnoer t!ie darfi of Vienna^ Augnit lO-*«A nior; tjIRe f,rcc the Emperor went u. • (;hocm,mn with Km two daughters, anc thc jj^ Kin;, of Rome,toicethey;ungl;on w|)ic|; t;,e Pnrcds o| Wal^Jias]ntely pr(rfcoted 10 h»3 N^jcfty ; Ihc l?dfli u.inK vcry iU is nuried by two gUfi. on thc appTt)ach of the Atehduchc*reson€ of lJw ^g came forward men ,cJ wfth ^ h;rns< feeing which, little B ra |0 lh , took hold of her l^ nnd mV£ quialy to his a,nl_u y^ ^, (lia faiUw% n»l)yta a, per, je la „*_Thc Empcroi. was extreme!)' p^rc<j r : ^ jj^ Mexico. The Chippewa (loop is fitting to carry defpatcheuto -Spain. We have been fayored with a filr of Calcutta paper* to the bit o:' May. The Britilh vrar raifed forcei had heen I (diJbanded ;—all t' ■• opuonti n made by I the nati'-e power- .«r .eared to be efo-c tuallv reduced ; and tranquility univcr- faHyVeilotcd. The paperseont--u'n numcrou^rpnomt. • meats made f>>r the permanent govern- ' men: of Patavia. The/^ <,!v'!'1 ;n of the bOtrtV obtained when this Dutch c-dony was captured, rnd been declared. Admiral StopCnd'a (hare am rimed to upv/ards of 163,000 dollars : cod he had but two thirdu of one eighth ! ■ CAUTION. t'l^KF ftihleriherherehy gives public .$L n,tn-e, ihat he wdl net pay any debt* that uiay Br cbfttra&ed in hi^ n?nict by any 0»{W«er of perfon or j w^atfofVi-r ; and hrr hereby forbtdi all perfon* giving-credit *' an? "tiflividoal or individuaU wJiatMie*-^ on b«- account* as he will nor pay any debt* ioce.nt.'.ft* ed after this d i»e. JOSE^H VAL1ER. Kingston^ Nev. 6. 1S16 2m( I I Fire at 7/fl///ir. — !Yy Captain Rav. ot : Britiih Jchf. Oiicot, who mita) ,ere till* forenoon, we learn, that a didtcfiingfirc broke out at Hilifax, a few days prcviou* to his faUiagt {zoth CJL'ilUW. 12 T having been repndenred to th* f.'a- JL jor General co;iiniandii>g» thai mi* on* perfona have bteiv r*jf. Ti i ber on thc Knifes I?.) d, on P"int Hei.ry and arc ttill in the habit ol H-aV;* Ki : Public n lice i- htreby jyiven. that any pcifc/n or perron?. f«» ef end. i^ fn^ J h * furnre, wit) l>r ^rofeeutcd to ihe ut» moir riffour of the law. Jld gr$, A/«, v/, \ zuhOa. t»l6. i X

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