[SATURDAY, November 1<>, 1810.1 STON [VOLUME VI.------No. 24] Gr AZ TT Kingston, Ui>i>er Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES—Price Four Dollars per Annum. t - J___* -±_ ; * „ J GOODS. J HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man- chefter, Birmingham and Glasgow, &c an cxtenlive aflortment of every fpecies af Merclnndize fuitab'e to the Upper Canada Maiket. The Hoods have been fe:eiled with care and purchafed for Cafh, and will be eifpofed of. either by Wholefale or Retail, on the m»ll reufouable terms. Under tlie dtl&reot hcada *>f Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Clolhes, Ffannels, Haberdash¬ ery < Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary* Crockery k GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, &£» &c. They would enumerate the £»liowisg articles, viz : Very befl Port, I.. P. Madeira, op. F-neold brown Sherry, { LP &L. M TeneiifF. 3 iHibbeit's befl Brown Stout by the Cafk or Dozen, Brandy, Gin, Sic. *c. &c. Tea? ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado ; Coffee ; Sauce? of every defmptiou, Lech fine Henmgs bv the K?z • Pearl EUley ; Muflard Soap & O.ndles by th>; box ; Scotch Oat meJ, Paints and Oik alerted— Crawley and Blmered Stod, Swedes I- ron affirmed. Duck, Pigeon and ] try Shops. Snioe Shot. N-:ilsSc Spikes of all forts, I Gentlemen's proof Beaver Hats: Men's Tin Plate ami Sheet Iron. ! youths* and L.-y's Camel hair and 1 WINES. ; Brown, f)"'-n*burg, Shtrtlftgaivd Sheet ! injr Linens ; Laces, Can.bnck.s; ; Veilings, Sattins, Ribbons, b!k- ? S:ik Handkerchiefs: | ; Navy B!u»'t Black Gray and fafhior.ablr ; Superfine Broad Clothes and Cas- J fimercs. ; Lad lea' and Gentlemen's Gloves and ; Hofiery, Carpeting of various pat* j : terns ; An aflortment of Schoolbooks and Sta- ] tionary.— ; Glafa ware and Crockery by the Crate 1 or calk, and packed to fttit Cotin- ! t * 7ln? pans, Spades and Shovels, plate;! do Nfcn'fi Willow Hats. Hollow Ware—Hair, C» »tM hitewafh, ; Ladies' & Girls' Beaver trim'd Bonnets, Scrubbing, Hcrfe, Shoe, and Ta- I White, Red, Yellow and Blue Flannels, ble Brvmea ! 2nd Green broad Baize. Kniyp? an(j pnrjjes allotted*—Penknivcsj ! 2 to 3'- Point Blankets—Counter panes, : * Bed Tick. &c. &o. I Storage and Wharfage at the cn'tom- ; ary pricci and CommifTion Butinefs exc- cuCvd at the ulnar rue. ; JOHN KIRBY & Co. ; Kingston, July 26, 181 6. 8 ocifiars, Sooons, Razor?, Shaving Cafes; -Locks Hinges, Saws, Hammers, File', G:nbleU, &c. $tc &c. Bo'its and Sh >cs— Nankeen^, Corduroys, Stripes, Cotton*, 4 Checks, Bomhazet's, Mnflim, Shawls, Dimities, Tiipts, Bob!:in ; Price of aJvertt/trtg in the Gamdtfr Six lines and under. 2 'A Srft in'Vnion, and f/3 every fuhfequem. Ten 'lines and under, 3/4 firfl, infer lion. and i/b* every fnSfajuent. Ten lines and upward*, JtJ. per line fir'*? ii-'crinr. and iJ. per line every fuc- cec-dirr infer-tf.flfc Ad^TtT^rnents unaccompanied with »lit:er. &"• 3&W a-e i'i&i .cd till forbid, and chained aceonKngiy* 2Vew Wholesale STORE, THI fubferiber having commenced Commiflion bufinefs. in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Patrick Smyth, front Screet—Informs his friends and the puhSc, that he has received a num¬ ber of tonfignments, coniifting of Su- peifine aid common Cloths, Caffi meres, Coating*, Flannels, Pelice cloths, Bom- bazette- if all colors ; a great variety of Cotton Goods, a very elegant aflortment of Silks, Sattins, . Ribbons and Cotton ».aces, Uk hat ealcs, braces, cotton and worceirui boliery, Nails, Sheet Iron, Windov G^afs Iron, Steel, Skwt, and a very good affortment of HARD WARE, a Few Liquors and Grocettc?* and hes ■ onthev^y from Montreal and Qftiebees which \»;ii be here in a very few dm 5 80 PACKAGES OF GOODS, conliliu^of Trunks of Loudon mad: fuperfii.. CoatS, Pantaloons, Fine Shoes, plated Uri-fs—a variety of Cotton and Woolly GOODS, Fiirrsj and ?. few erateeavd :-J-gilvadr affoncd Crockery and Giiis SVare, a1! which will bp fold ^ow,at wh defaleonly. alsc\—1 ir fale a Farm, cortaintn« 100 acus, within tw? miles of Kiug't-*»n; and a tv,vn ]0t three tenths of an acre in u good fituatloi. Lib* al advances made nil any ki;*d of property deuof! cd f• r fa!e. liavup co:iv<f' it:it (lone Slores on the ^joc&, j,e W;;| be »12ppy to receive and Forwaiq property up U e Lake or down the Ri>tr, or to uny part of the States- Boat to forWard any quantity of Pn.- ducewiH be fu'TTiflied on'fhort wotic^ and all orders fiift-y attended to. ' m S YflTH B.1RTLET. K^g^on.nw 9. »8_i6_ jMtf Lands for Sale, *"- --Wwi CtLWLEH 8HQRT % Co. EG 1 cave to inform their friend, and the public, that they have juft received and now offer for fale, at their Store fronting the Market, an alibrtment hwt GOODS, Groceries, Crorhcrj/, *c- %c. AMONG WiilCH AUK Superline and low prie'd Broad Cloths, white, yellow and red Flannels, green Baize, fancy Veilings, iiik and woolen do. white Quilting, Bombazetts aborted colon), Calicoes, Ginghams, white and black Cambtick, Dimity, Cotton Shir¬ ting, Irifli Linen, Geutlemeii's white cotton and black worfted Hofe, Ladies !o. do. Ladies Kid and Morocco Shoes, Wens Lamb's Wool Stockings, filk and cotton biace&, Barc-.!ona tinndkerchiefs, :*iik ShHwl-i, India Danlannocs, Ladies Kid and i:ik G'oves, Gcntlemcns Bei- r'o. Satin £lk Turbans, vcr and Qlk 1 * ■ Auctioneering;. THE fufafersher retoms hi> finrcve ar.d hi arty thn.iks lo his friends lodthe public m jreaeral, for the many favoiw he ha« received from tL ^ for thefe fixiecn yeor^ pa.u ; and .nlo.n.s tlic1^, that he has recommenced bniinefs again for Utm&l£ Any gentleman xifli- ing to difpofc of a-.y or. petty, wi.l be waited upon ?t their own quarters, or at Mr. D. Brown** Tavern, fronting the Market Place; and he allures thole gentlerren who dial 1 pltafeto favor him wilh their custom, that they lhau h.ive nooccafion to call twice for their Mo:> V. B. TUESDAY* THURSDAY f g XHE fubfeubers rcfpeflfnlly inform -fi. tlitir friends and t'»c pn1 lir in ge¬ neral tliat they have received an addition to their uftial fupply, confiding of a ge¬ neral rflortment of DRY GOODS, AND IIARB JFARE: Dojbi..- and (ingle Stoves, Iron Bars', St.el and Wheel Boxes, Ladies und Men'. Shoes, A complete afibrtm :;'t of new fafh- ioned I-adies and Oeot^-men^ Fnr Cap? ana Tiinrnin^ for Great CoaU ; Two elegant ' Dining Seits\ With a variety of other article? too lengthy to enumerate, which will be fold cheap for cafh. • MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. Kingston* $d 08. 1S16. 18 To Let, T^jnHE upper part of that Honfe fit- jo^cr-rrnn *** f i a il tiated in front of the Market, for andSATURDAT,are h,s regular Auc- \ g ^j, -^ ^^ . ^ &Mhg for tion Days. JOHN PARLEY, AuShtutr, Kingston. 4th sept, i S »6. 14 For Saie, A VALUABLE Farm, srita br.ild- ** ings also large improvements there¬ on, favorably fituated within 28 mike of Kingston. Perfons defirous of Kur- chafing to inquire of the Printer. Kingston, July I o, \ 81 c. 5 tf Blank Deeds and Memorials i For fale at this Oflice. ahorfe. For particulars apply to the fubferiber. J. DUNCAN Who has on hand from 1000 to 1500 Pairs of "Worsted Stocking** Fit for the army, which will be fold cheap for cafh on'y. J- D- K.rigsusi, 71b Sept. 1316. H Stray ed, For Sale, 1 ~^RO^ a Tasture one mile and a 'PHEWcst halfcflot number nineteen in the feeond concefittMl of the town- fln'p of Kingiton. Apply to the Printer- Kingston^ %J:i!\> JO, iSi-J. ctf. x Blank Summonfes, Subnoe nas and ExcrutioDs, foi tf,e Court of Requefts,for Sale' at this OiHcer. haJf from Kingflofi, [Mr- Beach'? TavcruJ about the lad of Auguft, a Bay Horse, Tour years old, dark mane and tail, one white'hind hoof and a fmall white f,:ot in his forehead. Whoever will return faid hoif', ov n'we information where he- may be f-und, (hall be well rewarded, & all ueeefL. v :hi.rt-es paid by ' SILAS MAY. Kingston, Oct. 4, i8*&> 1-8 "KL'ONGINC rOTHt f STATE OF ike }ihu llworablc Mr, Chicj Jujliee At. /.COCK. ' Lot i>J.j. 8 in the 1 (l conceili »n, town- fhip/if Vurk and home DiilrnS, con- la'ning ico acres. Lot. No. 19 in the 1II c->ncefllon,town- fhi" of \ ork and home dilhict, contain¬ ing ico acres. Lo' NJo. 3 i£»lt fide Voting (Ireet, townflu,N of Yrrk home dillri£t contain iag 19c acres. 1 it \To rf>, 2! conccflion, townfhip .»f Y.-rk, h t'T' diltrickcout'g 200 here*. Lot No. 24. 3 * eoyc■:ffi.»u feuwnlhijp of Yrrk, i-.cir.e diftti^ co..*'g 200 acre*. Lot No 35 rf.con) limn(1- 0 ---H02? .2 2.24?ddo-4 . j- ° xl . 5 T3 ♦ home dis. —No IV, 1 y 7th do N L -ts NTt>. 12 1514 '6 1718 and the Eaftern m«.(l pa'-t -*t lot No, 19, in the townfhip of Scott and home dill»»A rott- tai ing 1200 ac^es. Lots No. It tl 12 13 north fide of Simcoe place, and Mo. 18 & 19 fouli) tide of KofW fquare, in the t.iwn of York, containing i acre each is 3 acies. Lots Ho. 2 in the 2d c< neeffion i-Jo. 1 in the jd conceflion No. 6 &' 7 W the 4th conceflion, townfhip of Binbrook, dittrift of Niagara eontaining 24:0 acres. Lot or block No. 1 in the 2d cowcef- fion of tlfc townfhip of Binbrook, Dilc- rift of Niagara containing icoc acres. Broken lots No 24 & 25 ii the 3d couccQion of North Crofoy, diftiitt of Johu(lovyn containing 300 acres. Lots No. 18 & 19 in the 9th concef- Gon, br<;ken lots No. 18 & 19* 8th con- c.fTion South Crofoy didrift of Johnfton, contain!. ^ 6:.o acres. Btofcfa lots No. 25 26 -Sc 27—41!: No. 24 ^ 25 and broken lots No. 26 3c 27—5th conceflion, North Crnfoy dif- trift of fobnfrown containing 900 acres. For wiiicii good and fofficient Title3 are now ready to be given by the fub¬ feriber. ALSO, Lots vj0# 16 17 & 18 in the 4th con¬ ceflion efPefivam, containing 334 acres. WILLIAM ALLAN. York, Nov. 2, t8'6. 23—3ino Jr.-e-id Footing, Tliread and Cotton nee, lewing !i!k and Twill, filk Velveti Hibbona, iiik ShawlSj black filk Floten- tifte, figured Sarcenets, &c. &c. &c ALSO, Hyfon and Oreon Tea, Spirits. Port and Tcneriffe Wine, Mufcovado and Loaf mgatt Ratfins, Pep. er, Muilcrd, Coffee, Su. &c. which they will fell cheap For \Ja(b, :.-t flr rt a^jrt-rved credit. Kingston% S?pt. 13, ? 81-6. 15 Chair Shop. - L"*HE fubL-p'Se-s having removed to their new (h&>p, wnuld inform the public that they will endeavor in future to keep on hand nil kind&of CHAIRS, SETrEES, &C. in theii line. Ornamental Painting, Gilding a.id Varntftjing lone with ocatne& Glals cut to any fhape wquired. Also—boiled Linfeed oil for 61c by the BanrI or fnallei quantity—Paints 1 taily pi'1 ( atixl f+\ uK., a.nJ *il t)i»toli'jiio for uliug theiB Gratis. C. HATCH, & Co. Sept. 6 l^f For Sale, Or to Lei, For one or more years, a veiy valuable Grist and Saw MILL, In good repair, fituatcJ at Thwlow •i immediately by the town of Belleville. Foi prttcu.ars, and ro treat foi the fame apply u> Thomas Coleman, Efq. the pro- pn.:tor. ^ Several Town Water Lots upon the banks of the River Motra, for fale. A good Miller and Sawyer wanted. Dr.tL'ViHe. AugusU 23, 1X16. 12 NEW GOODS. I ' HE fubferiber has just received and A now offers, for fale, an extenfivc and well cholen aflortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, r and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen Aflortment of MEDICINE The whole of which will be fold aC the lowest prices for cafh or country pro¬ duce. Ewd. J. Hemdprson. Kingston, 2 6 January 1816. ro ** — ' ■■ ■ ■ ■ —— m hi p w For Sale, BY the fubferibers, 40 BOXES FINE Yellow Soap, CHEAP for Cafi. Thomson & Detlor. Ringsum, J*fy I, IMG. 5»" No tic »4» ' I 'HE Board for examining into th; _L claims of perfons entitled to Mi¬ litia Penfii.na, will alftmblc at the Court H >u\i: in Kingfton, oy the fe:orui Monday in November nc^at ten o'clock :» the forenoon, and continue to afTetn- ble at ;!ic fame place on the feeond Mod* day in evey nion'h, whilfl neccifary> of which ail pe'fons concerned are requeilcd to ta!;e notice. JOHN FERGUSON, Cnl H. RL Semar Militia Officer in the Mid/and Duirin. Kintrtor.. OSokr 10, i 816. m BLAIR'S Sermons Porteo*' Evi- denecs, the Canadian Vilitor, hon^d fi« finale, t gether wiih <* great vaiiety <»t nfeful Books and Tfftsjfo* y;:un^ people, for Half at this 'JfTicc ; — where accef" may be had to a fmill cii- 1 idiiu'nv; L'brary, three tiancfi a week, on. moderate terms. auguft 1, 1S16. 9 LOST. £&5 He ward. "\\7 HE RE AS on the morning of the ^ ▼ 5?h inll. a man by natne of AV CHARD E. DARKER, rm away from Piefc;tt, Upper Canada, with ab¬ out IOOO dollars, the pi ©petty of the fubferiber. Any perlon or pcifous who will apprehend and fecure the faid Ric&i nrd E Darkert io that he may be bro*t to juftice, (hall rcceivf the above reward by applying to the fubicriber at Prefcott, Upper Canada. He is a man about twenty fix years of age, live feet fix inches high; fiefli complexion, light hair, blue eyes, round vifege, head a Iktie bald—at the time he made his efcape his clothes vveie a bb<ck coat and pantaloons, ftviped wat'Rcoat, & long* boot:.. It is to be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will be made for the fecuriug of fuch a character. j A MAS A WOOD. Prescott, U. C. June R/A, I £16. 5 r^ROM thePaflureof Mr. Jethro L Jackion, a COW, a R-ddifh hrindle colour, white fpon on her fore- bead 1 red & white laelly, one buck horn, p.in of one car ofi. She is*mw milk and tbres years old. Whoever will re¬ turn the feme to the fubferiber, (hall tfif cei*« the reward of FOUR Dollars. JOHN SCOTT. Kingfton Aog. 16 1816. xt Sj truce Beer, w p^% F moll any quantity, can be had a: I ) the CELLAR under the Auftior. RoOHl of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG. P. S. All persons who are in- jdebted lo him, are requeilcd to call with* out dilay, and fettle their accounts. Kingston, July 5, 1816. 5 PACKET.' - THE Schooner Perfcvcrcnce. J. G. Parkfr, Mallet, will continue t) run a* a Packet from Kino Hon to Sack* eta Harbor. r CURRIER'S OIL, r Barrels. Si *WrefeCurricr'a Oil juft received and ior i^|e ^y JONAS ABBOT tf Co _ Kfagtthn* 08. 31, iS 16._______22W3 ^ANk;liAiL BONDS, anc S'lERIFFs BALES, For sale at this Office. IT^HE lubferibers inform the lidub- JL itanrs of Kingftor.and it3 vicinity, that they will pay for good HOUSE ASHES, Nine Pence per Bufhel, and provide means to lake ;hem from their refpe&ive Eiou&S once eveiy two weeks. Charles Short & Co. September £3, i8;6. . 15 Blank Summonses ■ i«or the District Courts, for Sale At this OiEeo. May j 5, 1816 5° ITufl received and for fale at: J this Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, 1 i Reams Writing Poll No. 2, 0 ditto diito uucut. • ALL perfons bavin? claims again £ the lillate «.f John Farrier, latf of KingHon, uccfaffd, are rcquefted to prcfent them to ihe DlbfcribiT duly an theniicated, fir payment ; and all whr. ate indebted to faid eilate, are defined tc iiiakc payment immediately. 1' J FITCH; Aeltni> Executor, Khgflor., Qth 28, 1S16. $tw$*