Q divine- O QflitMitTtil legacy, our /n.tilrfu reputation ! Rich is the inheritance it leaves—pious the example it tHttficn—pure, precious and imper- i.'h.ihle, the hope wbichir Jiifjm'cs. Can y.,u conceive a Oice ?tn>cious injuiy than to £*ch from its poifrfiois thii riltwhle benefit—ro rob iociely of tt> chunr*, and folitude of its folacc : U*>1 ottly tj outlaw life, hut to attaint death converting the very jrrav?, the refuge oi ti»r- fntferer, into the gate oi infamy and of Hume ! I can coflCCivt: wy few Crimes beyond it. He who pluruLis my propcrty, takes from me that which cm be repaired by lime. But what peri d c;m repair a ruined reputation ? lie who maims my perlun, cSccU that which medicines may remedy. But what hvrh has fovfcreignty over the wounds of Dander ? He who ridicules my poverty, o. reproaches my profcflion, upbraids me wit!i that which iuduflry may retrieve, and integrity purify : bwt what rich?? ftili redeem the bankrupt fame ! wh-tt power flttttl blanch the fu.'IH ftiow of jchara&er ! Can there Le au injury more cruel ? It i.j without remedy—it I* without ant'dote—it is without evniiou The reptile calumny is ever on the 4-atcl) fion the fafcinatlon of iti *ve n; a'iiivitv c^u cfeapc—from the veuu.n of it* fan,j lit lanky car* recover : it ha* no enjoy rnent but crime, it has no pay but virtue. J; has no interval from the rc'flL-f-oeC* of its tnaliecfavs when bleated with its v'erjms, it grovel* to difgorge them at the withered fluine where envy id lizc? he own infirmities. Undei fuch a viiii itiou how dicadful would be the dcltmy of the virtuous and the good, if the providence of our conflitution had not given y >u the power, as I trull you will have the principle, to brnifc the bead of the ferpent and cruih and crumble the *ltar of its idolatry J made, the fish and some human flerh' 'tiavUgftne fotth of itria W»t* *rc wc^! was cooked. A new mutiny was at-* calculated to excite tnc filings of lempted this night : but the leader, a indignation ; here, wh ,c luC f»hjc£l Spaniard, wa« thrown into the ssa. and ' order restored. Oa the morning of tho 6th day, .it was found-thnr only 30 persons remai¬ ned. Those who survived were in a I •iK>si deplorable state. Their feet vere swelled, and tii&y were covered vith wounds aud bruises, which com- .rcl! d them at time.- to utter the most wi^htful cries- There only remained rvine lor 4 days aud hardly a do/.em ash. Two soldiers bored the wine ■a-k behind, and drank til! discovered. A law hod been made that, such ten- durf should be punish' d with death. -md they were immediately thrown o- verl; aid. Thus wc were but -S—of the-e only | to persons*appeared liki-ly to cxi:-.t a numb t of days. The other 13 war* cov>*r**d with wound", and had lo.st their reason, yet they consumed our vine and fih. A conoid was held, wd it was determined to throw them •nto the sea, which was done, aud m»- r.urrd to theMtrvivors 6 days of provis¬ ion^. On the. fourth day afterwards •hi-o 15 wfcW hav*:d i)> the French bii| Arg»tA Til-! .viodura was conveying to S-mi- °^al. th:- n*!W Ftench Governor. The boats of tin.; y.I.ip reached the shore, the Govvmor was on board on ft of chrm. They had on tilts raft no roeaiw oi jjiri s; ir progress. It went as the v»i:id:; aud waves cairi-d it. O •* PAltlS, S.pt. 13. 7-o.v.c Gf'tJte French Frigau Medusa* On tii- 2d cf .July the f tvueh fri- LONLON, AuguS 23. It is reported that there U little like- jlihood of war being avoided between Spain and the United States <f Ameri ca, upon £b* fubjeft of Florida. As fir ar> vvr have been al>*e to form an o- p in ion, jtr'rice feems to be on the fide of Spain ; hut we (hall reg<et to 6n«! her engaged in a war at the prefent moment. Much time muft yet cla;fe before fht can recover from the exbauftion produc- ry by Bonaparte. Her A me'lean col ontes havr taken advantajre uf ht diffi- cuhieS at liome. to life ag*iult her au¬ thority, and from them, we fear fhe could exp^t little or nofuppmt. Wc are extremely happy to find that trade is reviving very fad, and that more bo Griefs has been done at the Cuflom- houft,within ihelall we.k.than for a cor.fiJerable timt pall ; and we have ad- diti »nal fattsfadicn in dating, that the grfe IvLdu-a was wreck^v^r C*p m d, rhc ;lifafTlOU3 n.vafum ,f hrr territo Elancj on t*ie ccaii 01 Africa, 12 or Ij • - .... leagues from the land. M*ny <»f the officers and scan^-n embark-d in the boats,and the rvalue, 1 17, vi-^rr pla¬ ced Cji a raft, flirt ofriror* in th:- boa* promising to tott ir ro the s*h(*rYS O*: th«5th n|Jtt|y they Uft iheMr^ch. On the rait then? were .1 barrels of v.i• 1 c, 2 of water, a!\d 20 w t. of biscuit. Some ofthow pers^ntoo the raft were vo to tt\c\x middle ill wttf**f, Tnev ox- 1 * ©PCtedto gft 111 th-* ltt*td in less thnn M days. Hut lUimcaMLtely ttlNti* UiavitiU I thu *-hip the to.v cahk was e it. ar:d l\v boats abandnn-d lliif rait.—Th^ u't^lt following^ 20 p?r:^ns wore K.st iron. . the raft, or >vcve pro^rd (o de?.ti» bc- t»vor'iits divisions - 'i '*v -tvoud nialit P**ycral prisons wcrouahtd oil 1.0m tbec:;tr^i iti*^? of fhe rcft? ^ the «itrvi t^rs cr uvded to the eevitfp, overthrow¬ ing one another. At l&ii*h the »oU diurs sot at the win?, fctul uvioxlcated th»*m,";lvi,,::. In thi' Ptatc thoy ntani^ fe-ited a di^poiitin^ to destroy their o!'- ficers, and (0 bivak up fhe raft by r*rt- | tin^c thv ropes jlkkh b'»« ?:d it. (>•'•• 6f thorn, wh^b^gW to el:; wit!.a luueh- rt, w;«s killed by °.n officer. Thi* re* volters dree Gttit sab'o;, aud {hor*u who had none ftraed th^m -r'vo; \\ ",th kuiv -5. One of fhs*n mis •." i\$ sw rd njain^tftii otlicer, and waf i-ir.^il. itc- ly p :f to death. The scdlv'oiCs Ihtiij witi»drji«r to on^end c?f llto rift,—Oae| feigning to b? rcposing3 had alr:.\ cuts-me cf the ro;>r<. The ojl:0. ; underwood, all fob** and difinterclled [ people arc difpofed to /Kfeufi the point 1 aud hear both fides of *h« queftion. I mull confefs th^ more I inveftigate the matur the moic I fee! difpofed to cen- fure fomc of our own cili'zens. It ap- [pear., that all our publi,r ve(lclfi have for fometime paO, been ^^'vt"y employed in keeping up an ntfis&Mwft «wtii the infurgeuts of Mexico, V^o arc in pofic* (ion of feveral ports oil t^ coad,^ feme degrees weft nf the Miffifuppi '" thi diivcTtion ;—we cannoi have any trade nnkfs it be with the (^publicans, a* the municipal laws of Spafn havc flway excluded foreign veflelS ^m fading^ t any other port within t!*e Gulf of \1exico. but to come to the r>°int and caufe of the prefent unpleafant affa>r : About fix weeks ago fome raemllf,rs °f the bar and orhcrs. purchafed a fthooncr called the Gen. Jackfoo, loaded her with arms, jammunition, S;c. deftiVedforthe Patriots; this veflcl filled from the tnouih of the MifliiSppi early in A4gU&< The Fire- brand failed in compaftY or ,n a fewday? afterwards, for tht fft«» port, on the co 1II of Mexico, for the purpofe (as it i.- faid) of bringing b;ck tuc proceeds < t fhto valuable cargo, but before it wa« landcl or delivered to the Republicans, the Spanish fquadronfeU w with the Gen. [ackfon, the Pirebran«i"» company ; the Firebrand made dirr^yfortheTqnadron, and mauaged to divcri the Spaniards h\ fuchawaya' to euah'c- the Jackfon t.» make her cfeape. 0?ie of the owners ot the General J-ckfon and cargo, an eminent lawyer of this city, was on board | of this fchouner, and «M in her in capa¬ city of fupereargn,&c.Sec. &c ; he. how¬ ever, thought proper t>> Buft his quartera and get on hoard the Firebrand. He has arrived hcie, hut left hi* ieliooncr to tun the gauntlet—She will, Da doubt, be tak?'\ and every one on board hung. This diftppointment -nd uoexpefted lofs has enraged ail the 0WIWC8 of the Gen. Jackf m to madnefs ; they mull have war with Spain, whether or ua ; ha\ing cal hd a meeting and adupted refoluti'-nv, which you will of courfe fee. The pi i nc movers of this meeting were Mr. Duncan and Mi. Grymes ; the former was for the fehooner Gen. Jackfon what merchants call fllip's hufband, a"d the atter want out as fuprrcargo, but as I *jve already Hated took care to £0 on' : BESANCON, August 17. During the Duke D'Angouieme** pailage through this city, an ;»fFecting feene took place. General Debelle, IJ condemned to death for beating aims ayaitill the aimy commanded by this Piin.e, in March, »8 1 5, and whofe pnn- ilhment w33 commute! to ten years irri piilonment, call himfclf at his feet, and bathed him with trara, implored, as the only favour ftom heaven, permiffioi to die f-r hi? fervice. The deftenddnt of Henry IV. raifed hi•" up who tvnder- nef?, and g ive orders to mitigate hi.' cao- tiv.iy, and foon after iti»t hint 900 francs. General Dehellei* wi-'hout fortune, and ah cad v the Duke D'Augouleme hp.s af- Ggfied tolrfm an annuity of 1,300 francs out of his own pocket. ^rtracfo/aid'/<■/* from a twvte of the Jirst respectability in Nct9*¥bff: t one in (his- pltirc^ under duic of$rp- trwhrr 28. uIf you art in wr.nt rf rorn, we may nov,-, hcrhaps be fcblc to cive you a small supply from a n<w senrce : » cargo of a thousand bushels haying ar¬ med Imre yesterday, of a sypurior qun- Eity, frcjn J*ort au P.-inr<\ with bilii •f lading for another car^n of three huusftmlbushels, the s[r wfh of thr »*latid, purchased thera at 5". 6d. pi bnshcL We shall send you a sample of i f by the lir.it opportimit\." Etwiil be sr-en under the moHno head, that there has been another arri- \al at flo. ton of a vessel from the same place, similarly freighted. $?V}-Yark Herald. ■ fVe an: informed that a Ihttteau mas L>st last Tuesd'j/ #> coming up tht ftapi<Lt9 and three writ deoxened. l\ c have not learnt the particulars* ■ Fortitude, Through all conditions we fhall ever find. Confer.us integrity gives flrcugth ofl mind ; True Fortitude thusfoundcdnevei bends, To mean expedients for ignoble ends. Where jtalonfy holds the fcale, a drop of dctiaclion wSl turn the beam. DIED, A( his own House, in Man-burgh. i>;t the l2tth ol October lust, lun-iu- j ii72 Ao.\>i>, ait honest] worthy man. and u Mvefu!ia2mher*of Society, belov- .'dhvhv family andfrleud*. and res*! pectcd b;. a numuK>u> circle of arquain- ■Ance. ii.: has h ft a Widow and Five Children to deplore his sirddo1* d ?»th. Op the 301b n't. at Hew-Y -k. in the 63d Vv-ar of hta cge, honour sib 1c RbVKRLY Robissom, or.e of he Mem¬ ber -f His Maj«(ly*s Council, in New BrunlwLk The deceafed wa* eldell brother of the Commiffary G metal. \ T a meeting of tfte inhafeitAilfl erf ?hc Town irf RflWlie, on rhurf- day the 17thdaycfOdoi.fr, 18'ifl r the puiprjfc of elrfiing Truflees -n^ a Secretary to the puMic fchool of the fail town—The following perfcuis were nom¬ inated,^ : 1 It. licfolvcd—That Mr. j h Hut** ! bard be ain'oiuted Secretary to the fiii fchool, 2d. Rcfolvd—That Simon TvVNabb, T.<>\ Mr John Reynold;, Mr. John Taylor, be appointed Tmdees. 3d Refolved—That Mr. Henry H. Ar.flcy, be teacher M the (aid School. JNo. HUB«\RD, Secre¬ tary to thr BAvtUe School BclhUIe, Nov. 4. 1816. ?3wcf New IVhole-sale ST© ME, 1 I \eih fubleribcr having c^mmenccJ -S, Commifli u bufinefs i-» the Store formcily occupier.' by Mr Patrick Smytht tront §t»eet—Informs his friend* and the public, that he has ree- ived a num¬ ber of conBgiimmtn, conliffmg .i Sa- petHne and common Cloths, Cdlfmicrca, Coatings, Flannels, Pclk-ecl th% Rom- baztttes «-f all colors ; a great variety of Ci rt-ui Go; ds, a very elegant affo'tment of Silks, Sartin^ Ribbons and C tton Laces, frik hat cates* braces, cottoji and worccfied hofiery, *jiihf 9hctt henf Window Giaf-. Iron, Stec!, Shot, -nd a very go d r(T rtmCut of HARD WARE, a f.-w Liquor and Grocer:"e-:, and has .on the way from Montreal aud Quebec, whiVh will bf lure in a very few day So PACKAGES OF GO )0,. [confiding of Trunks »f London made fupcrfiue Ct>^is. Pantaloons, Fi::e>hoevt plated harnris—avar^tv of Cotton a> -1 jWecl.cn GOODS. FiAt»j and a rev/ |cra;esaud rl<«fhead« a^'irtcd Crockery and Gl-ifs W.re, all wh:J, will be fold low, at wholcf&leonly ALEO4—f r fnie a F.^rrr, containitiff lOO acre.', within two mrlrs of Kinif rKjn, and a to-vn lot three Unilx of an acre in 4 <rood Gtuatiou. Libera' advance" made on any kind of prnperty ctcpofred f r fa!e. I Having co* vt *e t Ihmc S'oie^on the .Dock, he will be happy to receive ;:nd 1 f.,-w:tidproperty upt'.c Lake or d.-wo ! tlie R ivtr. or to am ;r: of the Ftwt^4» b-.-ard the Fi^ebrnnd in due time to favc his r.eck. The above fo&v, 7 u m*y ^le pciui, die fubdantNUiV correct." ^ PLJTISBURGHOB. 5. Uncommon t trough t?i. No rain o< any confeqtience has fallen m thift place for 8 or 10 weeks. Th: * t KINGSTON AMATEUR THE A TRE. On Monday Ev.t ing, rhe I rih ^ov- will he reprefented U»e Camrdy of W M 0 W -\ N TS A G11 i M ■ ^ ? To which w-iii be ad !cii tht Fr.rce of the | ( V>ov-< ro fo v.;f ' ;.n,- q««/>ti v f Jr.i BOARDING IKHhE Dot t^ to be open-d aT SIX perform¬ ance to commerce at SEVLN- Ticket^ to Ik had at Mr." Macan'my**. N«> Money l-> be taken at the cfoor, or Children admitted N. B. It i icquefted, that every ner- fongoinp to the Amateur Theatre, will tro to lilt Cox foi win. h their Ti ket- tree* flrcams and wells are ^encally dried up, 1 are numbered : iknfe V?h p act ccJnt-aiy and many of mir furnupra have for a bag j to this rule, will fubjci t themfelvcs to be tune been compelled ts& come to the Jake J removed. to water ilnir cattle, &c Th* -r" —•: ' e rivers in hazy and Champlain «re fo low that the ■ SiVlicc fo l)tzch(tV£r*{ Sntdv/VS Vii'dscunnot grind faftident to anfwer j | TTpl cenfeqw'ence of ihc great Inconvc- the deu;.'.nds of the country—and f r.'Ji Itl'. -nee as wel! a-» attempted Inv-oh- fome weeks, the excellent Mill of MrfiVs. Smith aid L, Piatt, Oi» the never filing Sarauae in this village, ban been thron¬ ged with wheat from a, fur nurth as L'Cadie, a dillance oi fifty miles. r::.hd npon him. A.?olflier as« vvev rF9 •1 LONDON, Aug. 31. A* &T3P o'clock y* -t'M'div mornin-r, a grna1 oii'tutity of snow EkrKl in (he en- vii'ou- ol London. liOvncx", September G. roi Us ti. r nee. Tney w«ra tab Uirowa 1 „r , * .osron, acpwmoci .. into fhe "*. The combat became god ,. *v" b»« !?*w^ fWBB* RCT' ?.m o^ral. Thewtrtirolw.mA iu rhU!actlN^1**- A11 ^-y^\"^^f fT A.uu?£<ca*t* Invr* d.'mrnd'd an isle in TRte «tr.ig-lePthifi maiiiiv *»OD^red sup- l(i:- ,0 dfllm fer *&&*&>** h? MttWt, pres*rd. but it broke ovt tgpiii in en hour-ind v-;rv soo*) ti:e rttft was strew- ed with their bodi,,t;. There were not toorethan 1*2 or !.*j chirfs and pa5>en- gcrvtn re5i«ta!I their fury. At last daylfffht cam^, to c n ,** ■ *r tcr:\e r,f horror. A grelt number of tiK-y o&gkt to address themselves to tliC AU ed powers. >sTK\V.YORK, Q&ohnzCu i8ir>. The foUowiog corrected (latement rcfoeflina fhe lace Bttack on the Fire- lion arilin^ from Soldiers daily clwm- [ing Griiius of Land at the felt cnient-* in Urper and Lower Canada, although they have in many tnftancts b*en di? 1 charged frnm the &rvice upwards ».f a Th* earth has beco.r.c fo dry that the. |year ; H« Excellency the Governor fn fo.i has in mauyinitai ceh been burjt utf • CliicI" nnd Commander of 'he Forces is to the hard-pan. \YC have heard of ; pleated to pvc this Public Notice to all feveral meadows in thj% county of from|Jconcerned, Th-.t no Difchaiged Scddicr ten to 30 acres, which have bem burnt jj I v.ill be rec-iv'd as a Oettler' who does entirely over, fo as to leave fevera! inches: J not come forward on or before the Fir/i \ of afhes on the fur face. Swamps, which [I dt!$ 0/ Jauucry 1817, and bring with in year, pad have bern conftantly W*tt!;lura iatiifaciory rcafon?, foppvrted by have become fo dry thc piefent feafon as proofs, why he did not at an earlier pen. tobutiiovei. by the accidental commcni-j'od avail himlclf of the bounty of Gov-' cation of fire to ihcm^the &f$ taking [envmcut, in clainung his gwit ofl-aud up green tree? by the i-,,cts. j j in due time, under the exilim^ regtt« Efforts to Rap thc |rogn fs of the fire I; lationg. Jfri IJh Kreelli iivt/'s C'n:nt;andy duce wil; be fuMiilhcd o' fhort w and all orders iticVv rten.bd ro SMITH BARTLET. Kingfton dow 9. 1B16. 2vf La ads for Sa e, rnL'»vC]se, TOTHF KST'.Tfi 3p the fail Honorable Air. Chief Jnil'tu SiLLCOCK Lot Nc 8 i the i!l COUCefliciri, town- ! (hip i>f York and home DiitricA, con- j raining «co pcr^o. I Lo». Ho. 19 it. ^h" iftconcefli >n,rown. t (ttipofYork ar.d home diihict. contain¬ ing 100 acre's. Lot No. 3 Eafl fide Y >un$r ftrect» towufliipof York home diilrie.1 contain- ing 100 acres* in the meadowRf ha* many rnfiances brand poiFrfTca uncommon intcreiL theseditioushadthrowntl^m^el^so. j efficient tvppear« to induceevcry manof v^rboard. 60 or Go men had perished * 9*akn to ronii.ier the affair, w a very dtiritlS fa htght. A fourth pnrt of ^:tt"- ?ut ^ ,from1T *«* ™S trhomha3 arown«dthcmselros in te*-\ B*-?»»« by tM5 cflonf« *'g*V? pair. Onour-Pidc wc had lost but Mmduafe at ihefoutil, wfro wonid wrlii two. The rebels Ind thrown 2 bnrr.d- for noihmS fo much as to invo.ve Uuir Ofwlae into the #»9 and alitor water, country ia a war, ta «h^hoMC that fhe There now remained onlv one ca:k of *»M prove fuceeisful whetherright or wine, and there were y*i 67 men. We wrong. A Icntiment, which, however, vareoblieed to re'-T.rl to extreme nmM |n m°;'t hY pt>l^irian», be allowed to the •omaintaiii exisromv. Those whom hddicr in aft-i-il ieivice, cannot ^ luf proved unavnilincr.—\Ve have underllcod : that fome hav and pta:n baa been burnt. The atmofphere has iiecn f0 gJJ^ with j If moke, a.ifinir from ti,e firecin every di-| reiStsn, that even in tHtaTilla^ for'3 or! 4.days the firftof the prefent week, iti would be difficult in the morning, todis-j tinptifii a man at the d;ftaocc of 50 rod? I —The Steam Boats |iave experienced; confidcrable difficulty ;n navigating thei Lake, and fmall boat, have loll their way in many inlbnces, ;n eroding it in] the narrow parts, in tllt- jay time. (Signed) C. F.RS, 11 Effvds of the lUrtr&tifff SftptiM*- Embar/ro, tom-ietrCi.^r^ &c- ^c# n(:*| only injurt^ us at ll\. t'mv thr> wav.1 in exist; isfic, but they tauplit the Ca*ia-! diana and Wrst lndiaas fn,> important!J0ue Dollar and S vo-nty-Five Cvnt* in Col llf D. ^ Mr. Gcr.L Onartfr M/'jhr Genera! s Office, 7 <%mbei% $ xft 08wer, 1816. j 231: PHOPOSALS," roi: piuvfiNc;. uy sprmvp.»tion, By Wt■.vsvK.ns £< &tti.x:;i >;s*7 ALBANY, -\. Y. Sketches of I typer Canada^ WiTH A MAP OF f'HfR PRO\ tM'fi, A*..1 a Tn:'02"T'»'orai aud lli'^onco! JJfiCnp- tiUrtol'ihe ftattlrt r\>ygrtid>r< £. tlietate CONIiiTlONS: I, This Work will be comprised hi an Octarci volume, of about 300 p'1-;^s, [Kintetl o'i a good typt aud 'Inc. paper. price to sob-criber-; will be Tu death had -pared \n the disastrous o\ghi throw themselves jirecdily on the bo¬ dies which covered the raftj and cut pieces from them, which some devour- ftd immediately. The fourth morning a**;r Icavlag the wreck) showed 10 • ; VI more persons dead on the rafr These were committed to the deep, on¬ ly one was rtsemul for ftod. *ardR c-vcft:.i.u flio «nrv:rofifl caught *t«kof J00i:y:a-'!i:h. A firj To- ficiently reprobated as tno1* pronigate and immoral in any individual or any I'.ivrrn'1 cut. Extras of a Utter to the Printer* of the Lexington* (Ken ) Reporter, dated Nc W ORLEANS, Scot. 21. 4< Befws this letter gets to hand, you will have heard of the rencontre that !.a^ lately taken place between the U. States !ehr. Fii--brand, lictn Cunnmgham, and a Spaniih 4uadron— The ftatcmeots that Icr.-ou, that they had j( \u their power to do much more &# themselves than they iiPH^Hred. 1" r.v.r attempts to1 tRrvethfu),xM»foreo(i fhemto cultivate] theirc\\n h:;;ds and thcy now blt'ES Hie day when the u terrapin syftem"] wftiadoptod. After a\| our expendi-j twrriS, we made 3 p-ac. without obtaiii- ing any thing m;*ntioscc{ ;n the eKposi-! ton ol the cause* of tf,c waFj iost ccr-! * v -infwh.^ I ot Ho. r6, 2d conceffiouj towpftttn nf York, home diArirt cont'g 20c acres. Lot No. 24, 3d concefSnn t-wnfhip of Yolk, home diitritt c-oni'g 200 acre^. Lot No. « lit con. k a* j — Na 34 35 2d do. ? n- 1 —no 22.z;.24 ?ddoi . ,.«" .- o 1 j *; liome d:s. — No 1?, !9 7th do ( Lots No. 12 13 14 16 17 18 and 'he ] E a ft em mod part of lot No. 19^ in the towniliip of Scott and home ditlrich fcc g tuii in-j 1200 acre9. Lo's No. ion 12 13 north fine o Rimcoc p-ace, and No. 18 & 19 foutli fide of Rulle) fquare, in thettwn of ! York, containing 4 acre each is 3 acres.' I I oi- No. 2 fa the ad conceflion No. I r in the 31! conceflion No. 6 & 7 in the 4th conceflion, townfliip of Binbro k» . dillrirft oi Niagara containing 2^00 acre?. Lf»t or block No. I in the 2d coiuef- flori < f the townfnip ox Binbrook. Diit- tict oi Niagara cortcinfng tcco acre-:. Brrkcn Iota No 24 & 25 in the 3d conceflion Of North Cmfl)y, diil:!cl of Jolti.down containing tco acres. j Lots No. ifl & 19 in the 9th*conccf- I fion* broken lots No. |K & 19. ?Ifh ron4 j ctiuon South Crofty di:iriftof Jo! nfton, containing 6co acre*. j ! r ken lots Mn. 2*9 2*6 % 27—4'h j No 24 S 25 and broken lotfl No. 26 ,<c 27—cth cmiCrfSwn. No;:h Cn fbv dif-^ tTirit rf lohnlrown c i"Ta*nin?gOO i>rre<# Fot Which good r.r.d fffficicnt Title* rare now icadytobe given by the iub- , Icriber. ALSO, T.ot< N^ TrS 17 & i ? in the 4th con- cef&oti of Pelhan, conrafnwg 7^4 wreai WILLIAM ALLAN. York, Nf;-\ 2, 18*6 2;—?rr.o iru- 1 tain pnT.;,vsin,il,n ng, :^ id now port 1 ornfrom ths li :s! /w/^ as the following letter t(i>U-0i> , boards wTwo Dollars and Fift) Cuts neatly bound andlett^rcd. The Hooks will bi» delivered in fLincttrjn at th:*' Alhany price of Two Doihusnnd Kii- tv C«'i*tS, with t!:<; addition of tin: im¬ port duty, niilv. 3. To these «vho nibscribo for T-m» Copies, orpuuuroTcuSi i ..ciib.r.. an j I AN JPPkENTlC£^ Blevcuth (. "p. will bo g:^^ arHii*-. on I! HS"^7 ANTED to the Grocery bv&- Jclivs-ry aud payment ci the Copies j J ▼? n i'9.—a Lad of £cod hi1!.* sub-Hvib'"*! for. 11 will ireet with cncoumgen.ent. 'tppfy (}j' ^'inscription*forth: above l\ < > V • ro the J\ Inter \mtt be reuivedut tkh Ujiee. j I King lion, Nov. 6# t8i6. 1 iw-\4