Kingston Gazette, November 2, 1816, page 2

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Chnm TVooleu GOODS. THE UiUfoiihcrs have just received, by 'he late arrival* from the!? 1 Hsmfiifiarmg Houfe, m England, a ferffc Quantity ©i SCJi^HlPiNE&SKCOHD Broad Cloths; Ladies' Peliec CLOTHS and CAHSI.\Jtfi*ES, cONsisriMQ of *•— Blue, Biaek, Waterloo, Bot¬ tle Green, Brown and Mi-vJure Bi'^aJ Cloths ; Brown. I'Ycnrli Groy, Drab, mul e«»loerd Pelisse Cloths ; M,«uk, Blue and Mixture D ijibJe Mill'd G«wimeres. Which they now offer for fale at the $lortoFMes«rs Thomson & Detlop., t^rv low Tor caul. JERRY WHITEHEAD 8£ Co. Jonas Abbot, RESPECTFULLY tenders III* thai Its to his cultomers for their liberal fupport in Mercantile Lranfaition* line-he c-'meto this place, and inform* them that iic has now commenced bull new with Mr. Thomas S. Whitakur. under the firm of JONAS ABBOT & Co. And are now receiving a very general efltiit-neni of Fancy <y Staple MR. Editor, a« I have for a long time offered for fale a valuable Tracl of Land, and no one "as yet. has come forward to purchafe, I will now .(late it at half the real value, weich is as folh-ws: The Soo acres in ihc town* fiup of Loughborough, at \* 4CO 10/per acre 200 a<-ree in Hungerford, The Mills and Land at 1'OHTRY. * • ■ * - o o 200 o o 4500 o o 5100 o o Sixty TOWN I.OTSJn the village of Wellington, at £$o each Lot. AMOS ANSLEY. Kingston* Oct, t c, T 8 I 6. 2 1 «'6 SilOEMAKljSU, &c. J-^HE fubferiber begs leave to inform m the Public, that he keeps conftant- ly for fale, ar his flioj.>, (fign of the Boot <3 Shoe,) Bellville, Upper Leather, Sole Leather ; and Boots and Shoes, for which country produce, green hides, or cafh, will be received in payment. He will alfo commence the Tannine Bulinefs the beginning of March next, when he will Tan on (hare*, or as the parties may agree. 21W3/ MACCAGY PURDY. Bellville, (Myer's Creek) OS. 25, 18 r 6. -----■■■Ah 1 ^1 ^^^^^^-^»i— —^hm^^^^^^^^v^^^^^B^B^B^B^B* Samuel Sftauu |T> EGS have to inform hi* Fiiends and £-* the Public in general* that he has •••.....••••• .»••••..... From the f)>-'.'rrv<hr iVdtchw'M* THE DlWlfc FISHING. «' All the world's a"------fish pood ! Shakespeare ennv^wu What luck, old Clovvnfoot* to-day ? Saiti L one foggj moruiuj. As he threw out his tine for prey, Poor mortal folks suborning. " Not much," quoth he, u but W&ftt I have, ♦ Beyond dispute, iw fair gftin : \Vit\\}Uttas(oshavc.Vyocaiishi'dk:yixcT A miser with a bargain* To catch a n*edy fa»»i I too); A dra^lo'taii'd surtont—* A woold-be belle found on iwj hook A tempting full-dress suit. f caught a Congressman, by dint Of double compensation '• A LsMyer* OH promotion bvnf, IJy timely nowhiatiutU arc informed no damage was fuftamed from it. XXJX \\ H nvipted tothn Market; which have b< en fclrcted bv one <»f the Partners from the Istcft arrivals ?i Quebec and Mon¬ treal, and porebnfed for ready money. They flittr thcmfclves their purcha- fes have hi'e»' fuch as will enable them to fell f heir Good*, a* !ow as th-»fe who ha^e imported direct, from Europe. The strictest'on will be paid to nil! tomr-rs and goods fold at a very mo dei^:- advance. • Kingston, 3:/ August y 1816. P. & J. Abbot being about to re- moye 10 Montreal, rcqucfls thofe who have demands against him, to exhibit them; and thofe who'are indebted to him, to make payments 0 MiJlauttDistrict,\ 5T|Y virtue of a ToWit: J OWRITofEX- KCU1 ION iffiied out of His Majesty's Court of King's bench, holding civil pi ear, in and for the Midland District a- fcrefcud n the fuit of ALEXANDER A U! DJO, of the towf.lhip of Marys- b-o gh, in the faid District, yeoman, a^aiiiot the lands and tenements of PHJMPSWITZER; of the town- ftif and District afor^faid, yeoman, to me diu.cled : I have fei/.ed and taken in cxccuMon, as belonging to the faid PHI* IP SWITZER, the South westt'K half of Lot number 1 on the fide of Southwest, or Put.«e Edward's D3y, in the faid town. /bin o; Maiyfourgh, which faid Lot of hind is butted and bounded, or mny be otherv. ife kuoon as follows, that is to fay, commencing in front on the faid Bay, in th. :i i-it between Lots number 1 and 3, and at the westerly angle of the faid L' t ; then > outh 46 degices East, 105 chains 27 links, more oi lefs, to tht lands granted to Capt John Allan ; then North 44 degrees East, 9 chains 50 links, nj»>re or lefs, to the centre of the fai.i Lot ; then North 46degrees West, JOf chains, 27 links, more ot IciV, to South Wert, or Prince Edwards Bay; Kile 1 >5'>uthcrly a'ong the waters edge of th-. B*iy, to the place uf beginning, being partly cultivated, with all the dings thereon erected, contaijii»g by adnsraftiren>ent roo acres, be the lame more or lefs.— Now I do hereby give Notice, that the aforefaid Lot and pr. miles will be fold and adjudge to the Lighest bidder, at my office in the town cf Kingston, on WEDNESDAY, the ifctSd.y of DECEMBER next, at 10 of the clock in the forenoon, at which time «ind p'acc the conditions of fale will bs made known CHARLES STUART, Shcrif. And every pcrfon or perfons having clmms on the above defcrioed Lot of land and pretnifes, by mortgage «-r other n\.hi • rincumbrance,are hereby adver- tifcd to grrv^ notice to the faid Sheriff, at hi^ Office, in 'he town of Kingston, piivfous io the fale thereof. Sheriff s Office, Uctober 12,1816. 19 Hags ! Rags ! Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN R G MX THIS OITTCE. . jufl received and now offers tor lale, at liis Store, an elegit affortment of HARDWARE % L'iJTLEHY, Dirift from the Birmingham and Shef¬ field Manufactories, which he will dif- oofe of Wh lefalc or Retail, at reduced prices ; among which are the following : Carpenrer's Bench andMoulding Planes, ChiiTels iif Sorts ; Ttyii>g S(jtiares and T Bevels, Hand Tenon, Dov- tail. S»fl», Mill, CrofTcut, Key-hole Saws; Chcft, Cuoboardj Drawer, Trunk, Stock, Door, Mortice and Pad Locks ; Ship and Po- ket Qompaflei, Glazierp Pia^onds; Hinge* of all forts. Bra&«nd Iron ; Saddlery and Harntf* tiimmings of all descriptions ; Tandum, Gig and R;ding Whips ; Do. Thongs and Lafhies ; Bed Plated and Brafs Candlellicks, Do. Cruets of 4 & 5 Glaffesj CrJKanny Metal Teapots j Wutch-makcr's and Jeweller's Plycrs Nipper?, Fi'c?, Screw plates, &C* ruwlnig Pieces, Shot-bJts, Powder- FlaflcRand Bullet moulds; Locks f t Fowling pieces ; Ilhck tin Sauce-pans and Tea-kettles ; Handles & 'pouts to do do. Tinman's Rivets & wire of Sorts ; G»lc! kales of various fizes ; Giid Irons- and Fryitig Pans, Table and Delert Knives & Forks; Do Carvers with Foiks ; Wood Screws afforted ; Bureau Trimming?, Portable Deflc do. Bed Cap^, Screws and Keys ; 4d, 6;i. 8d, lod,'14^, i6d, i8d, 2od, 28d and jod Nails ; White and Black Lead, Pruffiafl Blue. Spanifh Brown, Red and Yell of P«iilf-v ;— Boiled Engliili Oil, &c. Sec. &c Which :.. addition to his firmer Stock will form the moll complete affortment ever offered for fale in this place. Kingston^August to, 1816. iotf Ttae lawvrrsaro, thousjh <^ft you wish (Xothanksfor't) Satan had 'om, Thr most unprofitable list Of all the sons of Adam. 1 caught j Surgeon flitfi a Kgfc- fcdsribject for dissection * AnOIBce-hutitcr'witha Men Well seasoned for olcctivn.'1 « What fish bite sharpest, P*^1 sajs I "Why, as to that," quoih he, ;;I find net nam vry sh» m Of high or ion drgreV ^ Your top^r bites well at % cork, (When thrp-'saboMh* U if) Your Jew will even bite at pprKj if he imcil money through »f- Your old manllkos a parch^r.nt* wh »« I$> 3iort.;a^.. Soxr.C one's Wttefi : * i 1 ■ Votir younjjst< r likes a//'c-:»'" ^»--^ Where yet there's nothtag wntkai . Some shy one* phiyahojf the lino, Till pieoVrxe wi\es fem&t And those at aivcfti r. waej Who onlv nieaut to aibi U • There'* fen ind;>ed. of sr>ntl or groat, (Or I am much mUtakt*«»)i But may, bj sonn? peculi«i l?*it, 13c tempted, and then taken* 8es* fcbttW? ie tan** ,%r «m rfw • vt, Who mof.l < mplr>ys my c^ok-— riloIDLRH pleflsi- me th ij.^f, //ehit^ the NAKKi) IIDOK !" * N-whin* can afford a Monger in- stance of the fy ramij of Fashion, thftn an extra yard of bro»delo(rt da ailing atthehe(5.i uo'\-a-<lay<—titj* rail ne- vcr be beriming in the vcJivr, the ve- From the Phlhu G**> 0$. I J. Spanifh Afitn<—mC\* account of the outrage committed on the u- S. velic of war Firebrand, by two Spanifh gov ernment veflel*, from a correfpondriu, and fubjoioed, appears to be mere cir cumltantial than any othfer heretofore re¬ ceived ; and may be confidered morec.»r reft, ?3 the writer fcems to have derived his authority immediately from Captain Cunningham. Extraafroma correfpondent, dated Shield/ borough Bay,* St. Louis Sept. 8 1S16 **A circumltance has occurred, which. inthedifcharge of the duty I have im- poied on myfelf, of keeping yon ac¬ quainted with the occurrences in th;s quarter, renders this coniii.udication ne- ceff.ny. 4t Yefterday morning we were fnrpvir- edat the appealance ia the rffiugof 3 U. S. ^ef^eIs, vi/ : fchooner Firebrand, ketch Surprifc, and gen vcflel Fox, the two latter had nly failed on Sunday laft on a two month's cruize and the former w<is not expefled for foii-e Wttks* On land- ing the officers, we were informed, that the Firebrand^ Captain Cunningham, whillt crtnfing U\ the Gulph, in the nei</libou:h*H)d of Ve-a Cruz, was mcJl wantonly attacked by two Spanifh vef- fels of war, the ore a heavy (hip, a v* thv other a brig, wh.', notwithftandiog 'he American rlac was dii'played, and thai Capt.^C . did all in hia power to convince them of his being an American vefTcl, did not ceafe an I ceflant fire, until they In J i jnred her very mateiully. and dan- ge'oi.Hy wiunled one man. When tlicy required Captain C. under a threat o! finking his vrflTcl if he did not comply, rofend hiV boat on board An officer was accordingly difpatched to the c^in- il»andtt, and on his getting o\) board, hr wa« immediately confined, and tta men Mimed ih rhc coal-pit An officer, with a file of maiines, was then feut from the Spaniards on board the Firebrand, who to.:k peffeffion rf .he veflel, cagt* Cun ningharn having cm fed his colours io b< lowered, and hibiignah to be thrown o vcrhe-ard. He I hen repaired himf.lf on board the Spanifli cnmtnantltrt and ten¬ dered his iVotd, which wa- not, however, accepted ; and upon enquiring' the caulc of the treatment he hid received, rntrien.t Iivi jjivcti ou'er^ 0. its cni;r- rs; to permit no foreign flng to fail in the Gnlph. " Ca« tain Cunningham was detained {)•< or eighthouro, duriflft wftfeh time he w<i> CrcaJcd in ih" m-U abominable man¬ lier, and hi; cntV f.vce-y beaten and in- fuJtcd, The '-'panifli ro nmander told «%n;«tain Cuniiiuyha'*'. thit ir he was n ai'y an Amtricati) the vice roy <f Mexi¬ co would pay tiu damages done We h- p", however, f,.ti.-.fudliou will bt rtbtained in lome uthei way ; aa mott die BOSTON, 06*. tt. Hi^lil.) LiGportant News. LjtVtST FROM Af.GtF.RS. . (Via France.) YellcrJay arrived at this port, the Brij Bordeaux Packet* 32 days frora Havre hy this arrival, we have been politely furnilhed by a friend with Paris papento S<p f 14, from which we are enabled to make the following tranflations ; OFFICIAL ARTICLE. Paris, Sept. 13, 1S16—The Prc. fidt t->fthe Ami Barbarian inftitution had yc'terday a private audience ofbii Majcily, who, before he pr.fleJ into hi« cabinet, publicly complimented the Prcfident upon the acc(?mplifhme:it of tiic ^rcat objeft of their wilhe« and labour**, by the brilliant fuccefs of the combined expedition again ft Algiers; the news of which had been received bv hit ma.eiiy in a dif^.-a'ch f om the French Couful, refiJmg in that regency ;—The immediare r^fult of this great fuccefs. fo ably condueled by Lord Exmouth, has been, helijes the deftru&ion of the piratical cruizers, the liberation of all fh- Europeae»i.i (l.tvery, and the aboli¬ tion ot the capture of th?m in future. The details of the operation of this fignal *iCl :»f vengeance againlt the neft (foyei )of t!'.c piratical fjftem, we (hall lio delay officially to publifh. In the mean tinvc the following particulars are aut hentic. [ Mouheur. FURTHER PARTICULARS. News had been received from A*gier3i. to the 3. ft of Auguft. The Englifh fleet came in uVIe of that place the ztft at une o'clock in the afternoon, to the number of 32 fail, of which fix were Dutch. Aftei an unavailing attempt at nego- ciation, Lord Exmouth moored his vefTels of the line within half cannoiiftot from the port and road ; placing his own (hip, the Quern Charlotte at the entrance ■ >f the port, and fo npsr the warves W \\u yards touched thi- houfes ; and all hii guns, taking the interior d the port in reverie, overthrew: all the AlgerW artillery men, who were entirely "oco- vered and expbfed. Thr Alg^rinei fuflained the fire of the Eng'if1! for ujnvardsof fix hours, aiuJ then fury appeared to encieafe, wW* two Engliili ofHccrs dcm?ndcd leave to embark, and to attack" a ch'cmisfc swjftf \v- Vc ,w UNITED STA'fES. ry sight of which is mcfAIbi tdble to p«iraatljr fcrot.r gover«mem th.y the beholder. haw 00 ttn* feajon, three veue.*, the Saranacj iioxer and Toai R-^vline, ei- thcr of which, we tlurk, would be able to give thrfe two vcflVU a drubbing.— In returning v> port, the Firebia/td fell in with the other two vefle-s bco.e men¬ tioned, and 1 hey came in twgedier for ur-1 ders. It is u..fortujiatc, however, t^i^i- the commodoie is n',E r,ow here, having gone to the ba'fzc an public buSneiV*— ' \ JAMKS G. HANNA, Watch Metier and Jeweller, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has jufl received a very elegar* affortment of JEWELRY, Gold and Sdver Watches, (Patent Leav¬ er and plane) — Mufical Inftruments of all defcriptions, fuch as Double Flagel-| et-, Clarionets, Flutes, &c. Ladies work Boxes, Plated Crewets, do. Candiefiicks do. Snuffers and Trays, do* Salt Cellars and Teall Racks, Ivory handled Knives and Forks in fetts with Carvers, Patent Cork Screws ; Silver, Gilt and Steel Purfes, Silver and Plated Fifh Knives, do. Butter Knives, do. Spoons, Silver, Gilt, and other Snuff Bor.cs, Razors. SciflbrSj Pen Knives, Clocks, Fifliing Tackle, .Baggammnn Boards, CheiTmcn, Dice. Silver,.Tortoife Shell and Steel Specktacles, and a number of other ar- tides too nu.nerous to mention, which he will fell cheap for caflu N. B. Alfo—tome excellent SNUFF. Wholcfaleand Retail. Watches and Clocks repaired and clea¬ ned in the bell manner, a:»d warranted. Kingston. Aug. 17, 1816. 11*/ BI^ANiTbaTl" BONDS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, for >alc at this OiHcc. From the Norfolk Hferd&t 03 14. To thepolitcnefs of paffcngeis in t!ic ln'p Achillea vve are indebted for a file of Antigua papers, lateft dat< rp'.h Sept. —from thele and the infonnnion of the p^flengers tt.emfelves, we leunthat the yellow fever had been ragirf with gteat violence at /intigua for fevtra] weekr, and caufed d>eadfiii moituity among thofe of the Habitants wh- were nut thoroughly ftafot-ed to tne climate ; a- mong the natives, howevc:. snd ih^fe who were inured to the climate, the ef- fcAeoflhe difeafe was but (%btly cxpe- ncuced. The contagion w<fl brought to Antigua in a veffel from Guadalo*'pe, where it is faid to have fwarf off nesi ly one third of the inhabitant*. The c»m- edi;<ns from this place, who have been for forre time p;.ft peiforcing in the Weft Indies, were at Antigua when the fever cojnmnjcticed its ravages ; Mr. Beaumont, the manager, ai?*i Mrs. Van Zandt, one of the aclnffes, fVon caught the infection and died. Th.^ reft of the company, however, under rhf aufpicesof another manager, of the na;ue of All- port, continued playing, n tw;thlbnd- mg the awful mortality whkh furrcund- ed them. ST. JOHNS, f Augusta) Sept. 19. We f.el lincerc regret at being again obliged to .record in our n-ortuary liir for thepalt week the names of thofe, who in that fliort fpace of time, have fallen viclim* to the fever that has now too long prevailed here. The llorm of Mon¬ day laft dilpofed us to hope {bat its vio¬ lence would have been abated in confe- quencc of the change in tlic v eather ; in this, however, we have bee;* painfully disappointed, as each fucceeriingday has added one or more name* to the melan¬ choly lifl. With fome few exceptions, the fever has b,en confined to perfona wlio have i\f)ded here but a /hort cinie. A fevere Ihock of an earrhtjuakc was felt at Dominica 00 the 1 5th- Bit but we He is expected back in s f w day", wh'ii no dcubt, meafure-'* will betuken to bring the huighiiy and imperious Dons to a fenfe of refpect to our tars- Ill f.*cl we hVotild n« t be futpiifed if the Boxer fllould fdil w with thefe fel'ows, and f.t- tje the buiinefs for then before ihc cm receive a.iy further orders, as (he failed on a cruiie in thai direction. In thepre- ftnt very uufcttled date of affairs between [the two nations, 1 fhoirld be led to fear tli3t if our government Were inclined for a rupture, they might make this circum- (lance a h-rious caule of mi&unde.'ltand- mg : at any rate, 1 think the fpirit prev¬ alent in the navy is likely to prov ^ke it. ' TliUplocc Uubout 60 link-; liom Xen-Oi- '«'a*i>. Fxtracl of a letter dated 7 Liverpool Aug 24. J 11 Import Regulations—1 he detention of two American viffels, beeaufe their crew; wete not made up of three fourths American fubjcfb, leads us to rem-iik upon it—That by the act 12. Charles 11. chap. 11. ail foreign vi-flels a.e re¬ quired to be navigated wi'h three-fourth* <>t the crewfubjefts of the couirry to which fuch foreign veffeln belong*. In the above recited cafe, relief was ob¬ tained upon application to government, but it iti well for ftip -fHvOerfl to under¬ hand the extent of their reiponlibility— which i>, 1 hat by (loppage of the dnede- livery of the cargoes through any irren-- ulanty of the (hip owners or mailer., the proprietor* of goods fo detained, have r■■' lh: p.l.iCip,.1!;^.1 which bhdeed up the entrance of'fj harbour, a id let her on fjre. 1\ enterprise was crowned with compC fPccefe, The wind from the wen1 bdnj ttiong the nan-e, were iinmediatrlv com. niuiucased to the whole fooadron. a„^ FIVE FK J GATES, four Slo .p, pf War and 30 Gori-Boata became a pre,- to the Confl -gration. The city fullered lefs, Dotwith(landing the bomb* <M conliderablc damage. The Engliflj fuftained a very heavy jois. It is efttmated that a 1000 wnc Jell on each fide. One of the Atgerfcc iMgates, in flamee, was driven by the ikU upon Lord Lxmouth's fhip, whfcj, vc:npclled.him to cut her cables, aDJ retire forborne time, from the combat It is iaid, H:c has loft 200 of her crrw] His Lonllhip was wounded, and a Captaiii of , ne of the ft igates was killed The bey did not ceafe during the whole action, to ;afs from poll to poll, an;. mating his f.ddiers. On the 2$:h, the Englifli foiiadmq anchored in the great harbour, hu! out of cannon ih ot from I he to wn. On the 25th an armillice was concluded, upon ihe bail?, which Lord Exaiouth iwd peviouflv propo ed The following arc the prin¬ cipal conditions : ill. The Algerine Regency confents to ahohfh the flavery of Europcam in Algiers, ind fa confequencc, to fet^t iibeity, immediately, all Europeans in captivity. 2d. As a reparation for the wjnoa done at Bona anil Oran, the regency (lull remit to England the 370,000 dollarj, whicii have been fentby the Neapolitans to AI giers. afaftfmb, all damage, arifing out offtU in ma.kcts, injury of credit and the liU . fo fcarful ^^ . • refnAnfihiKt.. .u... .1 1 - - rrfjwnfibiltty, that the value oFtU el might hardly compcnfacc for the h?(JucOCC8.,# vei- con- 1 i 3d. Coufularprcfents (hall bcabolilhfd; but as it i« the ufage of the Eaft, they may be admitted as perfoual prefents,^ the arrival of a new Conful, and given in his own name, but (hall never exceed 5oopounds tlerling. ' 4th. The kingdom of the Netherlands in confluence of the co-operation of tfce Dutch fipiadron in the expe^itioo 'hail enjoy th; fame privileges as England. 5th. A new treaty (hall be formed between England and Algiers, in which the kingdom of the Netherlands /lull b: included. Other articles of the armiftice ftipntotf that the regency (hall preferve the riglrf of making war upon certain European powers ; but that thofe of their fubjefi* who may fall into theil hands, (hall n«cr be made flaves, but tieatcd a« prifonei* eI war- On the 8th inft. the Duke of Wel¬ lington heft this city for Cambray, top3" inrcvicw a part of the atmyof occupattfJ"- Skpt. 14—The decaiitf which ** have given of the atrack W ^R'**' were brought to Mai fcallc* by a Freft*1

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