Kingston Gazette, October 26, 1816, page 2

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Ch ry 7 \ I Tt If R, T.cil'or, as I have for a t'OOleU \! ' '• ' •' nffc cd for fale GOODS, ji v> w 1 i a THE r.:ii^nl.i*ra hare just received, I v ihc l*te anivalf from thcii Mini' ^ Houfe, in England, a ".aipe a nam it? cf &i>*^tt'lXE & SECOND Latlics' Peliee CLOTHS and consistimc of :— Blue, Biarkj Waterloo, Bot- *;c Green, &0W8 and Mixture & -Hi ClotUi ; ttrnwh, French Gray, Drab, £!id c<**«v*<I Pelisse Cloths ; liiack. Bine and Mixture Diutftfe M3?d Casshneres, Which rliey now •lTer for fate at the Sure cf Mews Thomson & DtTLOE., Tcr, i"W for can*. "JERRY WHITEHEAD Ik Co. long] ~ I j Vi ; line «>nc ec tor ta;c a valuable, KINGSTON, Ocf OftEK g& 1816- 'trad rf Land, and no one as yet* has] ,-,'ire forward to purchafe, I will now Hate it at half the real value, wcich 16 as follows: £ $ The Soo acre* in th'town-1 Ifcip of Loughborough, at > 400 I *o/"per acre J fl 00 o o fl * • • • * Fo n r:: 1: Ki s gsto ff t?j % x; 7* rr. 200 acres in Hungerford, 200 o oj The Mills and Land at 4500 o 0 51CQ o oj Sixty fOWN LOTS, in the village of Wellington, at £50 each Lot. AMOS ANSLEY. Kingston, Cn 25, 1R16 TOTHEMEMBKil^Ol'THRKftO- VlNaALi\V!lU ANIENT. The British Constituti. u, which is epitomised in that of this Province, per¬ mits a private subject (« propoue to the j j Legislature any mei-uno i.f Legislation ■which be fhmks conducive to the pub¬ lic eood, and to offer hi* reasons 111 support of hid proposition. This he may do by w*ay of Petition, or through i Jonas Abbot* T> F 'E'J rFULLY tender? Li- x\ ih i-ks to his customer for their! Ithtfa! fttpport in Mercantile tranfa&iors* fine; he came to this place* and iufatmi the^E tin*, he h?s now commenced bub- neU with >lr. Thomas S. W::i taklk.. under :he firm of JOXAS ABBOT & Co. And a:** row receivings very general afioft neat of Fancy $ Staple SHE fnhferiher begs leave to inform ^ the Public, that he keeps conftantr lv for falc, SI his P.:op, (fign of the Z?.-;^ 1 & Shor%) BcUvIlle, Upper Leather, So!ej Lerther ; and Boots and Slices, for ! which country produce, green hides, or cafil, wiil be received in payment. He will \\{q commence the Tanning Bufinels the begmning of Lviarch next, when he t will Tan onlliures, or as the parties may agree. ZtnP$p MACCAGY PURDY. BdhSb* (M^r's Creel) 08* 25, i8»6. Samuel Slim £71 i" ^jrV^J'DS, £U \V'-li adapted to tiii> Harkvt^whicl* have !;•» n lcU"CV«:d by one of the Partners frewtt th«: Jartft arrivals at (^ueb^c and Mon- Ueal, avid pnrcbafed f;»r ready money. T! ey fiattcr ihemf-J.v?v their pur- ha- frtf have: hec* fuctl as will enable them • o fell their Co)d« a-- lew as tli. fe who h,avi: ;^it>oricd dircfl Europe. Th- strt?lq=t Bttertlon will be paid to c»»!&io:.irr':J z::d {;oods (bid at a very mo- derate* Kinzstoni ?/i Augusts i?tf*». V. S. J. Abbot beinrr ahout tort- rr :vc to Montreal, t-cqucfti thole wt>o have demands against him, to exhibit than; and thofe who a.c indebted to thn, tu cnak<! payments 9 ______________ ^i I'uUuf:! DiUr'f.l OfY virtue 'f a ToiV,r: I OWRITofEX- EGU1 ION iflW.1 out «*f His T4aje,tyV Court of Ki *"'s betr-h. holding civil > o _ f^5 ECS leave to inform hi' Friends and -*-* the Public ifl general, that he has pit! received and now oners for fale, at Lis Store, an elegant nff Ktmeut of HARDWARE % CUTLER Y, Dirict from the Birmingham and Shef¬ field Manufactories which he will dif- oofe of Whalefalc or Retail, at reduced j prices ; among which arc thekillowing : ! Carpenter**" Bench antjMoulding Planes, !ChiiH-ls f Sorts ; j ftying Sciiiarca and T Beveb, H*nd, Tenon, Dovetail, Safll, Mil»,j Croil cut,and Key-bole Saws; Ch.ft, Cui.boaiJ, Drawer, Trunk Stock, Door, Mortice and Fad- Lock -1 ; Ship zud Po ket CompafTea, G.laz!ers Diamond?; Hinges of all f.-,r:s. Braf$?nd lion ; Saddlery and Haroeft trimmings ofalli defcriptions ; T&rid'.im, Gig aiid Riding Whips ; D, Tiso<ig> zi <\ LaOiei ; BtA Plated ar.d Brafs Candleilicka, Do. Crueta of 4 Sf 5 Glaffes, Brit tan uy Metal Teapots ; Watch-maker'5 and Jeweller** Plyers, Nippers, Files, Screw platen, &e. F' wlfUtf Pieces, Shot-bclU, Povvuer- Fir.flcs and Bullet moulds ; -11 the mi.dinn of a public Gazette 1 2IwG 1 shall make no apology Lr exerchiim j j this constitutional privilege iu ti»c lat¬ ter form. rJ*he laws of Knglandr. Rpcctingprn- pintynud civil rights g*iierally wcw adopted by an early Statute of the Pro- vinco. But some part*. 01 tin Kn^Ush lawsnro not, and mitftot, at present, be executed her--, frr^*aii*ol the pro¬ per organs f >r th'^ir c\,-utinn. Out Prcvincsal endo is. thi.Tuf^rc, dftfeclivc |n Bcvivral very iinpornint irsp-ers. A Court 01 Ohaiu'-cn . lor iMtatH^ is all cssteiUial branch of the srf?toTn of tin mother country. But noc'nanccrv it* vet i ialjlislnnl in thi5 ! 1 tincc, llcrc is a grc»at *h:Vct, Mortj^e^faliwitl)- \\itkc jnrisclictjou 0*. Ckaacs-rjr. At law a mortgage can. ini.u<diai-lv after t!ie execution of the imrua/c sustain I Ian ejeetmcnl for (!n- num i%ti\ premi^ vrs.i!ii!/:i prevented b\ ;» ro^trietive] clause in the deed : aid. upon th* breach of rh" CHldifU'U, 1>V t«? lion- payment of the rflonry, ofrthc <ion-p .t- | tormance of thuact coitdtvlonfu for. the estate becomes ftbsohitp iv the rooif^tt* gee. The ROi'tgager's r-J\t to redeem i- only an e ia;table rWui cojEaiss&»>le in Chnncioy. And ihe *^teciosnre of this equitable rtffai of red. m-pt^on is <;f- fected by a dwree in Chicory. ]m.i- want of a Court of ChaMCery, tlmrc- for<v, the duo administrnti^tt °f morN ^njecs is jvot provided for hi this Iro- vince. As there seems t- he no proba¬ bility of the Mrcdttfta si >fa Chaaee- r^ very soon anion^ns, 1 *a^i' ^'" 13#- ortj to reco:;:meinl to \ov> e« um.(]- r;*- lion, whether it i> not .^i»-'di'i't to-Uc Viip Court of Kind's i'--:v *» .JJiri-dieti U »f m-rl-:!-os, by auihori i|«* h ^ S»h- telna ppcciaJ action nf -;i'v«'twnt o« mortgage, and fo render jl ooiHB'tfon^1 j,vdgm'*fet, tltat tho n^rf.v' :^'pny the :(utu ascortaimd hv tlwCftiirJ to bo e- cfiiitalih d4fe*\vitlut!'ifch d-.v;,^'" m: oMi'T .limited finsr, and tlxaty in c' fauil tsf such pajment, the ! 'ai-uifr. •;•!#] mortgagee^ bo «ntitU"d to his Vl,.:# ,M ■••i'/nri' or pofcse;>^ ion. a thft niorttfa^a tnaj happen f<« h» of a fee orofa ••f war-: ,h) virtue of v hich \xf\\ thv She riff shall put him intopo^vyiHni^f the mortgaged premises : still h\servui4 fn i\\c niorti'njer a rigW t«> jvleem and recover both thepreinhcs by \H\. uiffthe before a*tingln (hat capacii^ <n bo- come hounri, with sufficient rarefies, at (he discretion of tin* Surmsjatos, for Hie faithful exreutton ofthelr(ru»t,and for accounting with their wards at tin vjriration of their terms of gnnrdmu^ ship? Thejadgcsofthe exSKling Sur- wgpt*C-ourtoq having cofftuzanee a! r.'ady ol'the Probate of Wilts, and tl\c adniiui-tration ofintestate c-sUar^ seem to be ihe mo-J proper organs of govern* mcut to ho churned witii the appoint¬ ment of guardians. Their powersrand flu ties, when <o appnbitcdj on^bt to be deliued in the Statute ; but the BUpsr- it)tondance of their conduct, and the settlement of (heir accounts should be left to the Surrogate Judges. These hints are respectfully submit¬ ted to the candor of these, to whom they arc addressed. CAMDEN. Mi:. KniTOUj Noticing a remark i^. yowr pnper of the lfcith iiist. under tho lAliiorial head. #t\ tlie -Jafrni'-ut p'd>li lied of their t'ondSj b\ the Loyal and PatrMicSo- deli) of upper Canmla* iu reply I bog to ro(;uc>t that the subjoined ab¬ stract af my nceeur-t0, 8ud For the more ncrl. et elucidation of the sam;-, the id and 5th S{*?soIutlon?, agreed upon ;it the first formation of this laudable Soeii'ty, }\i'-*\ also b^ laid before the pui.iic for the satbfactitn of all eon* ce/ucd. I am. &c9 V/m.MITCHKU., Tremurw hi the MtiHand District* Kingston. 33d Oct l«lti. Diil)urfinent9, in Books to he kept fo» that purpofe, in order th^t the fame he occ^fionally Pub'iflied and fu;,-fr.itted to the infpeftion of the Subfcribcre. And to facilitate the objefts of the Society, the faid Board fhall appoint tees of their own Members rcfiding in the different Diftn&s who may apply to' the relief of cafes of diftrd$ arifing therein, the whole amount of :?;* 8«b- fcriptienS obtained Ztf txtch Diibids, except three per cent on the laid amount, to he appropriated by the Dhefton towards effefting the third objeft of the Society ; and that the faid Committee (hall frt>m time to time tianfmit to th.* Secretary of the General Board at York, an account of their proceedings and ex- prnditores, that unity may be preferred in the Society throughout the Province, and a full ftatement of its trat>s::cli;)n9 may be prepared for the fat *fr&ion of all the Subfcriberb and the Public at 1 urge. *M Tlte JjnY.1L 5f P.JTfilOTTC S'}- r//•;ty or I VPEii C-J VAD49 in account zcilh Vi'w. Mrr- mrLi9 Treasurer in the Mid¬ land District. O.-t* 33dfl £ s. <L • amount r#f pen-ions and J)oitafionJpaida- On Sfoitdaj last Maj-OenrTai V\*ir> JON minntelv inspected tho ?Oth ReRt. Gom ma tided bv Lieut. ColoiVi! Evuns^ on the common near the fonn. From tlic lon^ residence ofihiH corps in Kingston, and the friendly intimacy which iris subsisted betwi*pen the civf* Jlaus an<\officers belcnginijiait. added to the orderly and raspH%'abln d porf^ mrnt cf the non-corrmissiened oitice.ia and priTOtos- occasioned us to foe! Hie highest gratification on r,b-*'i <\u^ the strongimprefsion which their soldier*. like appearance and ma t'.rly rr.cve* ments, made on the num.ron^ sperfu- tors. and U'hich we hare tto doubt Iih» been evpn-ssed in si manner n:oroi:»ati«' fying to thorn as soldiers, by the >upcr;», or officer^ of th; ir own protc;..-tou t ereeablc tothc ortl t . &:;; and Di*ttiQ aforefaid, yeoman, to iuc dire£ied : I have feized and taken I ;**' 'Xecii'i'n a.> belonging to the faid PHILIP SWITZliR, the South- Westerly half of Lot number 1 on the Southeasterly fide of Southwest, or JVi.,cc Edward's Bay, in the faid town- fbi;> o' M-*ivfliurgh, which faid Lot of 'un-? i.s butttrd and bounded, or may he nthcrwifr Icunon a? follows, that ia to fay, commencing in front on the faid Bay, iu the ii r>it between Lots number I and 2. 2»:n nf the westerly argle.of the Mil hut ; then South 46 d«gieC3 East* ;oj chains 27 Hok^a more or lcfs. to iIk lands granted to C'pt John Allan ; then Nor h 44 d^grr-es East, 9 cWrw 50 ]•■ l:s, rnsre or lefs, to thv* centre <if tht faid '_.ot; then North At) degree^ Wcbt. Ibjch-WrtP, 27 links more 01 lefs, to S";'!i W&t» dr Prince Edwards Cay; t'len Sotnbcriy along the waters edge of th*1 fold 2"\\ t» the pbee of beginning, feeing parily cultivated, with al! the bui!- dhi" thereon erefted, cntafniag by admr .fn;ement iGOlacr-?s, he the lam^ rriorr or lefs. — Now I do hereby give Not:V?. thar the aforefaid Lot and prtm:;e: will be fold and adjudge to the highe-it StddcCf at my office in t!ie town of K:-r ton, on WEDNE3DAV, the *Rth l*y of DECEMBER next, at 10 c? ^he c!oek in the forenoon, at which time and p*ace the conditions of fale will be '; - Ic k jov.'ii. CH A R LES STUART, &*jfi Anc. every perfon or pcrfons having claims on the above delcrijed I^ot of 3;"dand 7reT.ifes, by mortgage "^r other right *ye raewmbranne, ire hereby adver- tifed to tfive noliec to the USA Sheriff, at hi* CiH:*-, in the town of Kingston, p? ivi ;]&;., the fale th-reof, Sheriff s Office, Q8'Anr 12, 18 \ 6 19 Table and Defert Knives & Forks ; Do Carvers with Forks ; Wood Screws allotted ; Bureau Trimming.-, Portable De/k do. Bed Caps, Screws and Keys ; 4d, 6d4 8d, iod, I4d, i6d, iSd, sod, 28d and apd Nails ; VVhiteand Black Lead, Prnfllan Blue, Spauifil Brown, Red and Yellow P^int4 ;— Boiled Englith Oil, Sec. ft* '&c. Which in addition to his f rmer Stock wiil form the mwft complete affcrtment ever offered for fale in this puce. Kingston, AugtiSt IO, I 8l 0. IOtf a ! Hags I f JAAJKj? G. BANNA, JVa'ch Maker mid Jeweller, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has jilft received a very elegant ifibrtment nf MWELKT, Gold and Silver Vv arched, ( Patent Leav¬ er and plane)—Mufical inftruments of all defcriptiont, fueh as Double Flagel- et-., Clarionets, Fhitcs, Sec. Ladies woik Boxes. P;ated Crewets, do. Candlclh'cks do* Snuffers and Trays, do. Salt (Jeliars and Toaft Racks. Ivory handled Knives and Forks in felts with Carvers, Pdteni Cork Screws ; Silver, Gilt and Steel J Purfes, Silver and Plated Fifh Knives, do. Butter Knives, do. Spoons, Silver, Gilt. «#nd other Snuff Boxe0j Razors. ScHTors, Pen Knives, Clocks, Filhing Tackle, Baggammon Boards, ChelTinei*, Diet, Silver, Tortoife Shell and Steel Speektacles, and a number «f ether ar¬ ticles too numerous to mention, which he will fell cheap forcalh. N. B. ftlfo—feme excellent SNUFW, Wholesale and Retail- Watches and Clocks repaired and clea- war>. 1 r (*2sh and the highest price paid Ined ir. the be/I manner, and warranted. for CJ.EAN COTTON AND LINEN K A G . AT TiliS OITICE. Kingston, /ftw. 17, 1816. lit/ BLANK BAIL BONDS, arui SHERIFF'S SALES, For s4e ^t tlaa OtIIcc. (]> br v, iriiin one, two or tiln aai) oilier suitable torm of Hn.ftatiou • and enacting, that the actual posse i- ••n of the mortgaged pr#*mi<es for tiut trnn. i if her under a judgmtftf of the Cottrtj orhj. valuntarj surrewderof fhr nvortjagfir, shall pprratt* as n bu to lit* right of redemption, and i. safis/ar- liou of the d"bt. If deemed mnrv c- qnitablCj the Court might be authori¬ sed, at the requost otiither pnrtv, tol order that the rnort^agrd pr;*i«kr"s be! sold at pub Ik auction, and that if the proceeds r.f the sale «hmil I failshoitof the debt, they should be a s;:fi faction for So much only a* their amoutii ; and if they should exceed the debt, the sur¬ plus should be [mid over to the rowf- gttgear. It is submitted to-jyour candid consideration, tvhether this, or same similar provWvn^ might not b<; a sa& and sinipdc substitute for ihe jurisdic¬ tion of a Court of Chancery. -0 far a< relates to the sabjqqt of mortgages; Thrtg::ardia-i>hip of minors is in some measure under the direction of the Court ot' Chancery. While a (uihvv lives, he is the uatttral guardian of hi* children. By a British Statute, in j force in this Province, be may in his will appoint agaardiao for them after his death, during minority. But a person under the age of twenty one years, without either father or testa¬ mentary guardian, in this country is destitute of such Ivgpi protection, a** ui> age and state; seem to require. In¬ capable ol forming contracts, except] fur necessaries, he is disqualified byj law for tlte management of his own es¬ tate and concerns. And he i* not pro¬ vided with any certain, r npansihlc guardian, to act in his behalf. As a reined} for this evil, to which a valua- bl^portionofthe inhabitantscif thoPro- viiK-o arc subject, uhy mi^hl not the Judges of the Surro^'e C"Ur(«, in till ir respective Districts, b.- authori- acd tyappoiutjjuardiausfor i* fonts uu- der the age of fourteen year>, and to allow guardians elected by miners of fourteen years, giving tliom wh^n thus Lppointed or elected and allowed, the ::ue of tin prisons, contract and es- ates of their H2rd.s;ni?/J refjuirir^them of tiic members of th° ConunlHo since ihe tOJh May, \h\ I. J To th • s-:r( '!i hand at^] the dnpo a!, and nib- j'c' to tlte ord-r of ti*e b.ivct.r,agreea¬ ble U, the 5th r—el'i- lion, to fulfil and carry iitlo eflfpct the .',.\ ohj-'t 1 of ihe Soci- 1 -i\\ J! per cent on rr'■;.'•'1 o '7. To m'-vu-«-n hand at^ fjr; 'V.^t '-n! of !hef i '.iivirel* •tiiii!.,-.M'.d-^ land DHri.!, > 136 7 U > 10 10 7 I s The paragraph published in our last woek> Gazette, under fha head of ju Massacre in Iretdvdy* U contradict- ed in a late New-York paper: and th^re is every reason to suppose, that no such mas>ncree ever took place. His- BxcoIIonC) Lieutcnat Covcrno* PRAKrra Goke, arrived in town thii 'lay at half past one o'clock, from Ml tour to the Lov.or Province. IS 4 10 LITERARY NO ' 1 tCAi. J, ]S1 !. May 10th, Bv ainoftnt of stibscrip-l tioes and dnnafionsi rt*c< iu-tl pri^r to thi>l flat-. ' J L»Hs.amountofdisbnr^-"i nieots ih;»relrom. as per accennts o\'m:i:m- ed and approved [\»U dttV by tlie \ntr, lion. K. On^iMn^hf, tlte Kev.G.O. Smart and A. M;vl/:an. K-ij. uf J ivhich a cpy wa« ther'"aflerti'at;suiitt"d to che DilCCtoi'S at Sforkj 7 13 II I5y Cash, a Donation- through the hands of J. Kirby, Ks |. from the King-ton Dili As¬ sociation, being into- )> 10O 0 rest that had accrued on small Bills r-M:ed li^ them fertile pu')!;C accominodalioii. rsie. Get. 23d, By amount of subscrip¬ tions collected yinee the date of last acc't. 0 I J 66 15 0 174 S M .. >Vm. RirrCJIELL, rearer in the Midland District. Extract from the Refdutlons. 3d. To reward merit, excite, 'emulation and commemorate glorious exploits, by bellowing Medals or other h-morary marks of public approbation, and diitinc- tion for extraordinary inltances of per fonal courage or iiJclity w defence of the Province, by Individuals, either of His^ Majclly's Regular or Militia Force s or Seamen 5th. The General Board of Directors (hall, by the Secretary and Treafurer* n:akc regular entries of their E>rOce(din&^ nd ftatement* «f tfceit Ktc^'ts, aud WEBSTEKS AND SKINNERS, of Albany, are about iffuiftg propolis for printing by fubferfption, a mw woikg entitled tileeiekes of Upper Canada, with a Map of the Province ; and a topographical a;id hisftorical de* fcriptiun of the butties foupjiu during the late war, within and near i'n ij'mits. This work Wiil contain about 300 pages Oe- tavo; and will be handfomely printed, bound and lettered. Price to fubtcri- bcT*5 two dollars and fifty cents. Theft Sketches were prepared for the prcfi in iSif j but the publication being delayed until the commencement of hos- tiliiic*i between Great Britain and the United Stated, was fufpended during the war. Since the r-turn of peace, thry have been reviled, and brought down to theprcfent n'me- Ths following extract of a letter, from a genth-man of learnintr and refpec- lability, who han perufedthe wnrlc, will give 1 he reader a very correct cut line of its contents. <f I have attentively tftrufed the maa- ufcript. ftconfifis of 33 flcctches or chapters. The firft contain-* a biftory of the province ; which is neith< 1 fo p'oiiit . I zs to be tedious, nor fo compendious a* to I be obfcilre ; but takes a comprchenfivc view of the mo(t important revolutiftna and public occurrences, from the fettle- of Canada, down to the adminifb-a- tion of the prefect lieut. governor. The- battles and military operations of the late war, are concifely and impart idly rela¬ ted, not in the order of thcr time, but in connection with the vau'on^ plates witfc in and near the limits of the province, where thfyrefpe&ively occurred. This fopographtcal manner of rep-efenfrtinn has f>me advantages aver a chronologi¬ cal ratration, efpecially in a work cr;f«- prizlng other objects than mere hiftory. The thud poiutaont >he naturaldivifioala The fourth deferibes the lakes, river0,ca¬ taracts bays and harbora. The* tion of the river and falls of Niagara* *ad the bat tics of Lake Eric, Fu't Erie* Chip* pewa, Lundy's Lane, Qiieeniton, Fort George, Niagara, &c. is hie'dy fntereft* in%. The fifrh (ketch contAun the civfl divffions of the province into dillricH Counties, towns and towndiios. coerefii- onsnndlots. In the ilxth, the aelil'd fcttlements are defcribed The fevrath contains an cfifmate of the population* Theeieth is on the climate, winds, Ac. The ninthfliows the Kate of t'.e water. The tenth treats of the foil, (ione-, n»in- erali, &c. The eleventh rtatc* the PT*m duflious, natural and cuitivaied. The twelfth give* a lift and de(mpti»fi ef ihe animal- of the foretl The i^tluof the domcilfc animals. The »4»h, (!•• hird**- Thc x;t!;, the fift« oftkzhkti, deferi-

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