oi-tTMtVd.. WitMn t day (V t-vo .HrVr-' ' wards, Mr. Charlrton Perused hintsftlf on tru* ground »>f pn-Rsiig bijfdn*">. \% Inrli called him imni^diatHv iti-to Worr^s- tenhire : add he and rapt. S •ymonr, putting these two injured, unprotected females into a lod^ins in Ifcyctotfr jJl.'MT. there abandoned fh-:u, majcjng them answerable t<> rhv woman of t\\n house, where (\n*v \\or; lit: rally Confi- •Ded for some irrnntiis, bchig unable t«» pay for the accommodation afforded. The learned conns.?! then read sour* of the correspondence of (he defendant, and made many remarks upon the con¬ tents ; and particularly on parts which r.»eomn"ndedn in coarse terms th:it Miss Gihberson should throw herself into the arms of some other man i The following, among other loiters, were] ffead : | u Friday morning,4 o'clock. ' MMv Dew tlxfinafa—Hon- di-ap- fointcd I \cas at} oar not coming to the play.&nchu bote too, beginning ■ Sir,'so cold! If you had bwn writing to your tradesman foi a pair ofxhees, it ct«bld Dot have been lot- affectionate. I wan sadly grieved not to see you yerfcrdftj or i.t-dac.when Charlotte came ; war this kind ? Indeed, indeed .von are r.;<> cruel. I would hate gone n thousand mile* to meet you. bat you could rtot Stir as many inches to gratify me. If you do not come lo-morrtn* I shall i>e half distracted^ and / shall, not n/hut ftihai I do ; I shall eomu to Quec.n- str^i-t, be the consequence v*hat it will. . Pray, pray come to-inorrov\. and wet Bie at four or lialf past f:.ur, w hove we feet on Tuesday : I sia^ in i.e..n but to see you. Von may aOppo<tf rhi-i-Sftul- den attachment of mine is scarcely to be depended upon, having s&t'n voa for so «■ ho it a. time ; but i knoi* no I Uqv> it is, but I am as much in love a: if I had known you ten times as long. If you are lend of poetry, read the fol¬ lowing Hues, which will perhaps ac¬ count for it. u The passion which by slow degrees, Is Hurst into a llame, Is hshit? friend-hip. what you plt-asf, But lovo is nr^t.its name* For love, tc be completely true, h\ death at sight should deal, S';eu!d he the Etrstono er«r knew ; In short, the one I feel. To write, fa r<v\ and to eonvor&e, By turns to pjay tin- fnO, 5^ to *r"A passion out to ftsrwN And put nne's heart to school." Theab»*rc was written ou iiie 1st oft January,before the seduction was ef- f.rted. On the 9th the unhappy Rid |*»r, a victim ; and the dTewdant, hav* ins; Left the towr-, his ion** >oon chang¬ ed, as the following letter will testify; tC Ma dearest Hannah—Again ' &W| Dr^r^ntcd coming to Louden, and ! il! now fairly state to you the reaso the 2r?0L The rerr.rtindea of the &qua- dron was daily exy> -ted. The Wash- tngton 74 reached Naples in 6 days lYritn Gibraltar. It was the prevailing "pinion at i\aplec, that our Miniser Mr. Pinckney, would eventually suc¬ ceed in the object of his misdion; so far at least, as to obtain ia promise < remuneration for the American pro¬ perty sequestered by Murat. Two' j: tin vessels sequestered by his govern- meflt arc now in the service df the present government. Capt. Smit h also slates that Mr. Cibb^ the American consul at Palermo, in consequence of embarrassed circum- stances, committi d the atrocious and awful crime of suicide gm the 17th of July. It was reported that he had [U ailed for half a millicm Sterling. Late&ijrom Gibraltar* Yesterda\ arrived at this port the brig IJoxetj Capt. Mix, in the remarka¬ ble aihoit passage of 2G days from (Jih- raitar. The British squadron under Lord Bxmouth, arrived at Gibraltar on thcyth ef August; and on the 14th sailed for Algiers. This expedition consisisoftwo three:dickers, three 74\ a number of frigates^ bomb vessels, gun I) .ats. \-c. amounting in al! to IS sail. They were immediately followed In the Dutch Btjuffdvo" which Ind been some tiino at (■ibrattar. l;nforaiati«n had boon received froui Airier-, that tiie !>ey had adu'i tted a number oJ for public DviUiitgs, Hia Excettsacy wSsjj pleafcd iv reccornmewd one as being well calculated for the fcftt oi a place of general worftlip. Upwards of fourteen hundred perfons have already eflabliflied [themfclvcs within thr townfriips, com- prifed in this new fctticment, and though fcarccly twelve months have elapfed riace the firil fcttlers came there, many have already cleared and fovvn from fix to ten acres of wheat, which will afF>rd (Item next feafou, the means of fobfift- anCC and render them independent of the aid afforded by the mother country. Happy under the fodering protection of the Britifh government, and grateful for i'.s liberal lupport,iln"s flourifbing lVt- tlcmeut will, (if called upon at fomc fu¬ ture period) cheerfully evince its grati¬ tude by (treadling forth its powerful aid in the general defence of tut* Piovince." " CINCINATUS." CoMUbW JCJTIONS. th French Engineers into bis Venice : that he had repaired and gtrcniithane*' hisl fcrtilieations, and determined on a! ri_i rousaud obstinate defence. **Thc British frigate with the Ai.(;"r.nc Amb;is<ador to the Sublbne 5'oTt, remoined at the is!, of T* uwlo», hie Grand Seignior refiii'b^ to ail*>u her to pass the I)ai<bs n4J^fv Tbp Ambassador wished to 1: • landed oil the i i.siaud, luif the catiiinar.d*e«' oi t!i.' ui^ate (\er.lKred he would cairy linn bad; tc \l :i:rs, un! *ss he was allowed I to ia-.d him at Cowstaatir-opie. • ■ M - =rs. <iv. \i\ and LaUeasastd j j;-,f JSatr). hail been sciiiO time <*t Smyrna; th- || roi'tner -iili iviiiained im re- and ua> preparing a -VTll. PRFNTr.R, As oiu' pro >f of (he adrancin^ state of the country, I was gratified by an article in your paper, mentioning that the village at Myer's Creekb prpctod into a town by rue name of ll.lhi'L. and lis- a Post Oifiec established in it. Ernest Tina is entitled to a similav ••hiHr>!i«hment. That beautiful village was depressed by the occurrences of iiie late war : but app.aib to be emer- grn* from its depress!n . an»l rising a- g^in in business and prospects. lt% lo- cnl situation in relation to the lake and the eountry aromul U, U adapud t" the circutnstnn<*i*H of the times. The iuerca-iu^searciiy of cadi, and ths con- si rfuiHit neeessit} of reeuriiii;( to tin barteiiui line of trad'*, in which coun¬ try produce is receiv-d in exchati^c for ■>nod*:,iuus( ou-erate *m favor ol l^nust- Towu. For I he couveuieiux" of its im¬ mediate inhabitant.*, and the aecom- modati«>nof the puhlfi atlarg: liou^hi now to be made a J'.i^-To^ i. and pori At Portlamb y\a ne,oa r.i----day th& ■hc'ilih S.-jif.t \Jy (ho Iti'v. Mr. Nir/i.ii , EteVriGcuftOfl Oiirtii SriMirr,nf thi- to.vn.Rrr- LOrofSi; (ieorgeS I Iii;k ii .unl Bishop Official for DpiiOT Canada, to Miss Aw Llucb IIob- im>n, formerly r»t'ilii> (»lare» At Pultun Villc, N. V. on lies 28dtllh Mr. I) \MMi Hi;M)i;i;. DoAk^Uerand S.atinn- "i\of(liwnoMi.ni Miss MARIANNE FAIK- BANKS,(huijxiucroi Uie Jtov. Ii. 1 'aikbavks, filial place; DiMD, \tBeltvill-%trpperCanada.noTuesday Oc- oher UtyHARRIOT KOX/NNA. aunghter nfTnoMAs CotEHA^ !->■]- igfii One year and Se\cn da\ . Maifo 4* S/^#, (PER ' J Van ted. npO he dclivcrrd at ^i;E/iiJJ\ \y il- the end of July next, according to the following fi£« and lei: ths. M A ST^ Distance from the Butt 5-18 of th6 IMPARTIALIS: P' I rame down tn hopeK of Kiting n!) tents paid, >vhich my steward v. rote to Mty Wv/eTcry delicie.nt. I an, sorry t«> «av, I hareheiMi very unsuccessful, and caunotget any money, and I shall not fcr able to come till i do; tuoroloiv jou H.IInottakft it nnktndiy what 1 an. coin* to sny ; the truth h you must tri- iliujh blanv* yourself for not evmdtig downhere»hen von were asked. CJlad 1 am of it now. as I could not have sup¬ ported you : hut thconh; zcajj Iran /v- cowendtoitoiu h '» f.P and U~' vtfk some gcntbmm &u) ymhvc iu>m*h>m tcrfl its ,ne. Pretty and oe^uiilnl a:. you are, no doubt you have had plent) of oft, rs. 1 caanot afford to keep you at present: 1 love you, houevei, -^ lj Order uf the Bath. much as ever, a.id the instant I caujj---------.—~~~~r_ come to towu *Mch 1 hope wp' be «oon, I will call and se- you, and Hit1 keep you. Still, towver, 1 l»op? you Will go Lome. Do not direct hero i.»r & day ortwoj a? iam going iuto \ork- cc Your affectionate IS. I*- NAir.iA::;;. of flic bite i;wntr. lie states, tbsjt NupoltHjn \\-<i> rrc^-^'d \,\ *,:i;>',.in .VSn!ila>idou coudi* .ion thai ie should iv nuiin in E i-i.md, (i. »e ral f^lleiuaud badUft Suiyrna it was supposed lor Eng^rtwt. " Th.' l\i; i tut r«H»a= V |fh c"» *«p *vtfion a crnw* *■*. tins A^clupelp;■»," •^ The Lr.:t- o Sttatarf.**' 4oo|i of war Peacock, captain Itoeers. axrifod at (!*braltar on the lo'h u!t. :aud the Hornet, Lieut* Claxton « days from Malaga" A. vessel from.Sicih met the American Squadron in fuU.«uil I r M..icr:;. Ii <eemes that the United States wish to reduce the. Barbarians to submission hefen; the arrival of Lord FAinonth.ii and tliai the nev; World i-i about to a*ll renge tha wrongs ol tlie Old on the Hi rates. Ainon^ otheriiTipro?emente about to b»Miitrcdcretf into thes town of King- fen, i- b -uhmiiu <| to the Cftnsidera- tion of llni-cv. uliOHu right and dot) it i ■ to dii i't, vih ther S| more definite and appropriate detiominafi^u of the stre.t- nor.M n.f lubi m<u!e and pvibtlsh^d. A* preen' tn. re -v. au luuvrtabtv. » hi-h occm&<m* mftundcrstandjngs and mbta-kes >vitii re^r(| t0 the names of MV. ral of the ■pWitnopNl s-Hi i.is- Poj in tiuiee, that* which runs alon^ the bunk, parallel with UigTowo Harbor. ,?t caih*d by >"n^'. /'V^/W^'reel, ;nid li\ ot Acontraft for the conveyance of Hh Majtfty'j MAILS twice a week from Kingflon to York, commen¬ ting in January next i^ny pcrfon, de- firous of obtaining ;t, ts rcquclicd to fend liia prcpofaU without delay to thi^ ot- fieCj addn-fTcd to the Pofi Matter Gene¬ ral at Montreal, Rating hi.** lowcft teims, and the ftcnriiy which can be given ior the due performance of his engagements. POST OFFICE. 7 Kingston I Oth Oft 18 I 6~ j ip'f Notice. THE Board for examining into the claims of perfirrjb entitled to Mi¬ litia Pfiufinns, will afRmhle at the Cent h*.fcile in Kingtiou. on ihc fecoud Monday in November ne^^attcu o'clock ia the forenoon, and CfUitinue to aflcin- b!e at the f:me ph cc on the feconl Mon¬ day in every month, whilft uecclfary, of which a'l perlbofi coiicerued arc re que (led to take notice, JOHN FERGUSON, Co!. H. M. Senior Militia Ojjictr in the Midland District. Kingstcnt OSober x o, 1816. 19 Midland District *\ "^Y virtue of a To !iriT : $ JJWRITof EX¬ ECUTION iffued out of His Majeyty** Court of Ki'ijr's bench, holding civil plea&s in and for the Midland Distrifl a- fbif&U, at the fuit of RULOFF CLARK, of tiie towi.-flu'p of Marys- i burjrh, In the faid District, yeoman nT?inst the land* and tenement* or miLiPSWITZER, of the town- | (hip and Distr;f\ afortfaid, jeo'nan, to me directed : I have feized and taken in exccn'i»n. ap belonging to the laid PHILIP SWITZEK, the Snath- wc.surl) hd'fof Lot numhei 1 011 the Southeasterly fide of Southwc t, or Prme* Edward's Bay, to the f;i;d tovvu- (hip of Maryfliurgh, which laid Lot of t Length. 11 Is 117 0-----37^ .. 112 0 3h{ •• 115 0 ____36 .. 10s 0 10'2 0 ....2ffl .. 92 0 :zc>L .. 88 0 ....27 .. &u 0 2H .. 92 G ____'2\£ .. 85 r> 2«| .. 81 0 a«2-i 7& 0 21§ -• 72 0 ....IS* .. C'2 6 l2'{ .. 101 4 ....<l>i .. be 8 «i ' • «>!J 8 '»'>,! ■•••--% •■ S3 6 20* .. 8."! ro...'.t§f .. 7* 3 17| .. 71 4 -----18^ .. 75 7 »*1 •• 77 9 ....17 .. 71 3 ie! .. (if> 0 ....13$ .. fit 0 Ml .. (!t) fi ____13 .. 52 6 344 .. 102 0 ....33i .. 100 a 33 .. 102 0 ....31^ .. i5 8 2»| .. S9 7 ..,,264 .. 83 2 TAX .. 78 0 .»..«» .. 79 8, 24 .. M 0 ....2l| .. 75 0 20| .. 71 8 ....l!4 .. FJ\ 0 I»§ .. 63 I0....1»i| .. .5o 0 Hi i^tiii 125 BOWSPRIT, lied from the Butt 3-8*. ....Sfif .. 70 16 m 73 • * ____U6 ____(:k! . . . . .Vg * ■ • * * V • * ■ * HO 4 52 0 57 0 £0 5 43 1 6 fi8 6 56 I hi 6 5$ S 45 10....£1£ 37 6 .... Any perfiui wultng to deliver n nra^ portion of the Spnrs of each ii/e at C^ue* lice, are requelled to deliver in fta-ed Tendeieto the Naval- Storekeepei at his Office, on or before the fiifl day of next month ; mentioning; fully th- fizea and [length**arid the price again!: each fiz-il and length, and alfo the rcfidmce oi the perfon who tenders. Mfo% further Tenders will be received for tafttog rrafrt and timber from thra place t*^ Quebec, the Tenders to mea- tion rirhtr by the CuMc f iot or Spar. Nn-ml Turd. Kingston^ 1 7th 03okrt 1816. J ^9 TICE. \Mu* r-». /»./;./• 't.-r-.t. Kvi'ii th^t w \i' I ]an-1 i, butted and bounded, or may be iir« on th^t -* f et differ iii th i?und/r- ! oth^nvife k^onn an followB, that is to Punce CARLTON HOUSE, July t$. His Royal Highrcfs the Rcfffinli in the na'ne and on the behalf] of His M»jelly» was ihfc d;y p^eafed ro confer the honor of k ijjhthood upon UobertHall. Efqr. Polt CaptHin in'the I Royal Navy, and Commod »re on the Lakts of Cjnadi, alfo Knight Com-J mapder<.fthe Royal Sicilian Order of I St. Vcrduvdiid and of Mcrir, »ml a Com- j J panion of the Mott Honorable Military I shndiipi .f tt* propiT name : and U is said then- is i, * authentic rocord to d •- cide. 1 ho stme obserratton i.-" appli- eublo toot her stivot$. Haclinnocrlaiu- ly should not bi* siiffcwd to r«nui*n. The RjiiMs uuj;!.t to be ti\;»d ind kttotvn. not <»iilv for rovfintcu conv?« t';"i»c»', li'it »vHm>cinlh in auuil .ni - takc^cfd ?cr;;»t;ou in <\c>'.iU of -air and Ivasva *•!' lot, avid part of lou of tar.it, bouuCed by the streets CA3IDKX. ••- !"W7J|T"HEREA8 lots ntimber 19, 20 I v^ 21. 22, 23 3c 24. in the four h Icotif cfHon of the Town (hip of Bid'iejfj iaie adveitifed by Charles Stuart, Efq. [SherifF, to be f\>ld nn the i6ih of Ofio* bei, inRant, OH a Writ of Execution a- g'iir.tl William Atlciafou decca'Vd, which 2, and at the westerly angle of the faidjll^1* of land belong to me, and rlierfi wa» Lot ; then South 46 degtcca East, ic; 11 p«fft»d e(ratcof faid decta(---d, lufficient fav, commencing in front on the faid Biy, in the Hnot between !-oi= number 1 and Kingston, OcrouBA 12, 1S1^-^ » • • * We have much plcafure in laying be¬ fore our readers the follow lftg ExtraS or II a letter, Juft received from i comfpond- ilent, dated, Perth fettUment, on the riv- \\c ofc«orv.; thut MnTrcasun r- U<- p. rt.i'ti:.:L yal and ^rintic S*cU- chains 27 hnk), more 01 lcifc, to thv lands granted to Capr John Allan ; then North 44 degree* Ea.t, 9 chains 50 ] liik<. more or lef*, to the centre of the | faid i.ot ; then North 4(> degrees West, I TO? chain*, 27 links* more o: lefs, to I S u:h We^t, or Prince Edwards Bay; then Soullurly ?\>ng the waters edge of the fai i li.'\* to the place t>j be^innin?, bei»»g partly*caltivatedj with all th-- buii- ! din;rs thereon erected, eontaintHg by [to fauufy his dnbts ; I,therefirc, hereby if.irbid faid falc. m THOMAS ATKINSON. OSobcr 8, 18:6. ti t\\ a 'in^ic word about the domvibwi r*n. iv.d from iho tnfittftitimty oi Kht#- t< n3 when it is >\,dl knownfhat a laf^ *umofmon/y vyiu cnuMbntTniby thtnh, for t!;::^ laudtiblo a*»tl patriotic pur- pnse 6-r which th^Socirt) wth iiwiittt- tftfh—1< not fbcirdouaUon worth men- Koning ? sJ she. said, that she had no reason to fcfi- licvjrfhat flic K>V, ia Chando^strctt, fame lime fo flattering a proof of His ty.p'.d>i»MU'd in our la t. do?J5 n-t m ;n-jjadr.TeafuTcment ico acres, be the fame n.ore or lefs.— Now I do hereby give Notice, that 1 he aforefaid LoL and J prtrnilcs will be fold and adjudge to the highest-biddcrs at my office tn the town of Kitr^ston, o»i WKDNKSDAYj the iRtfa «! y ofDLCEMliER next, nt 10 of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and p^ace the conditions of fale will w be made kn >wn- CHA R LES STUA RT, Sfo&L And every perfon or perfons having cl'iirn^ ou the ;»bo\'e defcriued Let of land ?i.d pr^mifci, by mortgage or other j right or incumbrance, are he« by adver¬ tised to give notice to the f«id Sheriff, ;=t bin Otru;c, in the town of Kingston, privious to the falc thereof. Sk-rrf's GJicc, October 12, l8i6. 19 rv.au there, and no b th^y were shown into a sitting roo and she thought that the brotlicl WW a family hotel ] Mr. Toppins Bddrpsml the ..ury ou belmlfof tlw defendant, peeving ail the topics in his favour allowed him by the ease, and particuiarly the facility •vith which he had gained the favor oi fne lady. After a short charge from Lord El- lenbcroufth, thft Jury found a vfirvlct for the plaintiff—Damages £500. ™, j I that our thriving profperity was confider- I ed deferving of the attention of Govern- I rr.cnt. On entering the pillage of Perth, tl'ie viiitors were received by the princi- , pal inhabitants, confiding chiefly of Of- j licera lately belonging to :he reduced 1 Provincial corps, and they were enter¬ tained by them at their Mefi Table, wbieh did great credit to their refources The following day was appropriated* I Northern hfindarj.^^lt is reported, as |a fact indiiectly derived from the top-- jr-aphical enghi,-, r who N now emi.loytd in furveyincr th„ boundary between 'he United Slates and Canada, that the f rty utih degree of north latitude is found to be fixteen mi|c5 norrh of the prefent boundary ; ant] that it will throw into the U- States, between the highlands of N. Hamplbire an(] tl,e Hi. Lawrence, fixteen towofhips which have hitherto been confidere.] as being within the pro- j vinceof Lowef Canada, and alfo the im¬ portant military pofitionuf Iflr-au-Noix. If this fa& flsould be confirmed, it will add to New-Y^t and Vermont a valu¬ able traft of ttfrr^ory, and contribute t our fecurity u^oa that frontier.—Albany Argus. MONTREAL, Octorkr 5. On Tucfd;ty forenoon, the Steam ;>uat owitfioiearr{ved#having paffangers. LETTERS, Remaining in (lie Post Office at KingK ion on t/'ir 10/// Gvtultcr, lSlfi. Ji-'RLM1 Ml A!>n, RoVrt \tkii.>on,Janc Ikinv^f. Pirrre Bariere, Ann Jkirups, ' Yr.t^'xA Harry, tlanii.t.a- Breultaw'] Wdli^ni ('arrc-II.Iiaiuui Ca-»Tne. Ti^.o'hy rimpmau, Jo^epb K. Che mac. .lamr* < latij^ .1. (I. t'In.i*,('harlesC\>tI)iirf..i\tare:arri Cnx49| Alexander Dallas, Jolin De«u3« Joiin Dcd- ricki i-nae l>cnik%Tbouuv Da^and; Mr, i .si-tmaii, oo<fpli Imiutm>i;, David Lrtg< Joseph Far,nin.>"a?h. R. FiriJ; Mar\ Garth ou, Francois Greater, Jovrnb Giftlll ; Aiiul.ii Ann Half, John S. lo-rman?, Peter Ht'iul'-i'-oii, Oriis j). HoICOKCb, .Tohr. HrmMm, 1 Lac Her, George Imiin^, Lemuel llubhard, ttrorjri* IttHChin-on ; Dame) •lokiirois, ftlargaret .;oI»n$oi:; KnrduK King;' A\illinm Llhv, DeDI» Lai.ry. fnor^r F^ncTrf (ion, Mr. Lt fevre, \S illiaui t. Lee, Luiac Lew is G NtV-YoUK, ScPTtMBKU 16. Latent from Nttples* Captain Smith, of the ship William and If envy, in 31 Aijw from Naples, informs that the United States ships Washington, Erie, and Java, arrived at ttiat port about the. middle of July, 5jird ^re rekwed (torn quarantine on to h m inute examination i :to the interior j v..upt. rnnp, [foyal Navey, and Lady ; fydem of economy adopted by the Quar¬ ter-Matter Generals Department of this jnew fttlleiacnti with which Hi, Es'cy. \va, plcaied to exprefs his entire fetis- faCioa The party afterwards vilited the neighbouriog Scotch fettlemeut, -.vhofe i habitants lately arrived from i he Highlands of Scotland, and appear¬ ed much pleaftd with thcii pron.iW ' profuects. Oa vilitmg the low refcrved I Capt, Campbell, Royal Marines,-^= Bennincral. Efy. Naval Store Keeper, D>s. Pollock, robin, and Oreig R. N. and eight or lo, MJdfio'pmen for the Lake ferviee. VVhile in town, they lodged in the ^faffon Houfe Hotel. A Mr. Bairy jul>n gt am-B;.-at which plk» datly between St. Petcfrsbargh and Cou>tadt; ^^^ New Stage, i ITTtHE fubferiber propofea to run a \_ STAGE between Kirigftorj and York the enfuiug winter ; to commence the firft Monday after the Qcighing will poflibly admit—to Lave Kingfton every! Monday morning, and York every Thurf- day moruing. The fubferiber hopeb, by his unremitted exertions for the ac¬ commodation of traveller, and the fafety of their 1 a^jgagc, to merit tiie patronage of the Public SAMUEL PURDT. Kingston Oct q, t*i6 lor^f Caution. LI. perfons are cautioned Alex, MnrDonrlLa Sprpeanl of G. L. I. F. I!e11r> MfcLran, JaiicM'acLfaii, .Mr. MarNol- ky, Jaine*Mac5v<rytR. Uacpher-on, William Sohhi, Samuel Mooci,svApoHt» Moon%W dliam Moore, Tliomas Munta^ivc, Micaael Moraii| \ Mo^C: Murphy; Mbrk Nolife, Robcri Ogden : Jcrtin ;Vikin-on. .iiilum Pit t, Eatisfe P<nq^ invUiP; Jaue Qt'iffl^v) William 1'ila, N;.iiey Robinson, Thnmas RotCerrOU, Mr. Ross j ^ouifiu^r, Sirr."iar> of i!ie Grand I-r><»^pt itiie\_SCTeott. I dward Sliihoru John >u ub» | Jacob Smyth, Richard Spencer, Jolifl Brno* cUft, Jpliii Steel; James Thorn, Alr>. Tiiom, .loUn llirma*. fkm rbaltick. Preemoa TratMry, .John iv^do'i.-, John Tiu',!ii\: J.Bate. V"C!on, Marie VoHeti^James Vrnv man ; James Well?, RmVri Wriu. .i.ihn Wh.^. in 2, Mr-. Wheat, Tahli K. \VlljTui{r. Sruuml Mi-kltam, I hnu Wiihnr. Wiilimn Wilk'r. . Lndier Williaiite, Jcremlaa nood-Jotoi V>*:oii- I again d ,/Jl purchasing a Note of hand of j6| dollars, againft the fubfciiber, a? the laid note ban beei once paid. It was given to r\ncil Mrchel. Henry Bra^s. Kingston9 Styt. z-5,1815* i 7w£ \\Y\ . JOHN' MACAUL1T.F. V, NOTICE, TTPlAIvEN up by rhc fubferiber OQ II the oiorrjingofthe i r:h Camber, B Dun coloured Cult, whh a white lace. By caliing at this Office me ow- nei may have the fame by proving prop¬ erty and j-ayinp el ir^es Kingfton, i*th od. 181<S- *g~