Kingston Gazette, September 28, 1816, page 3

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LVV. i ye* ftttfUfp's Cbuax, June 1 1.—Sir Ivl 1 OwfeN, K. ft. &A vs. ——»., f r criminal eonwr&lroi «W« I--..iy O J).ima^slaUlairiO,(;OM i. rl«*|fr Tin defendant a *o<t of Mr. 1». mi apothe¬ cary at D:'al had «uff'if ft jwdyar^l I ^o bv default; and tin* JUir; w< rp t- enquire into, and a*n»s if*- d-wnftjci. Mr. Serpent B^t slat d *bo ciron-r- tfanccs \ f t;.^. .*s - Tin? cf m » was ef¬ fected whileSb R. waa :»!> *nt on the Likes in Canada, the tMbntbi'tl hav¬ ing been scat by !iis fahr r te ath'nJ o;. Lady O. in quality of an apothecary. Soon after (he return of aiUao' Commodore, her Ladyfhip finding Hwt* an investigation was to take, do¬ ped from her husband's houso vnfft h » paramour.—An old wv..,t s* M by '-mi E. had said bt (he seduvr, u >i-.-. you FRO & THE VOftKCAZETEB ■ Fort THE fit&a^TOX QaZLTTE. Mr. PkinTEAi Lor Si had better l* this hd. : •will soon be here.'?—•'* i dou't cvrefrr St Edward/' wm the r;:'y-u;f Ii" comes, I have pistols, and will Ami Jam/1 Admirals Slrfi. Vovie."... !♦..:■' Keith, Scott, Sir IV. Vfwnftli i.lSiv m 7./?e. Spoko iti deeided farm* of tho nfr f-c'Iru'Ate attachment tfW -i; rc"**n?d fe subsist (jctwsei S?r Edvrnrd .; id Lnd^ 0. Mr. Brougham, on (h-< o<h~< -ir! •. stated th • Lady rt be*"P~n 30 and !' year* of a.*o, and fh'! c! t>iu?.ir.t null a^J : and thfries inferred, thai thv s--j duetion, in point of fart, lav* been committed bv th'- r ir.;i * ra r I The.Fitry reared for CO nitffl*r?? 'x""]\ then returned With fcttnrdk.1 ofjgfl&UU damages for (he l;iainfiif. Owlet of the tixammnticn 'If the*-'. ([(' the llowH District* at J orlc, f/A Augusts 1816. PROLOGUE bv -Tohv Claus. Catechism. John Sfceldon,........Beggar's Petition. First English Reading Class, Srcoiid English Reading C!asa. fb'iiry M<HlfV.............M;ni OfftoSS. Genre.* Sk* blnn..........Sir B.ilarmi. Third English Reading Class. John n<>v!<>,-----Barber and Dean Swift. FYmvth En«*'isli Rewiitis; Class. 7V«! DEBJTB^-WliQ was ik* great- ert Harefactor'Ht'fge? ('hn !'*• tjrv.ard,........l'.\ "Virion. tfnmt* Mvcr-............Mr. Bqrfcff. ,/.,..n j< i(|f»'*i.............l,ort! \^lr.,». Rterto Bl*vrt...........70r. WiitvrftnsBe. Jii2m K*ten-rdilj.......Dnfc '«»f Wellington. John >!d-?i y,...........i)>-. Ji»!i;'T. _ English Grammar. >_S;:Uon OiwiiM.............T;»>- Koss. J^iut'S Sliecli-ni............*»iaria. Rudiments. If"- >i% TTewyr't...... My >»,J"",illVaL .4|t»n .MrDoafti......Tin Ro«4 CW14. Wii| -\ ^l!a:i........DM<oini.>"NMi«'o!,I :;c. Jt.'n. ivi'luni,........^V ;' ;:--■* G:«i^h.)p>»'T. Vi'iij(;a>n .:\.-t>,......On CI' ii:iliXlCS3- '"l'l*"- '?•**■" ;*vv Ijfl •VMian A. JjMu.> .. .-.f3fM) : i'.'-oki-grna-. j| travels nave fp !ccn of thefe vulgar ex hibHonft, aa more common here, th™ _________ ___________«^*^! 11 jsralo—tic keiW «, i^m for tktf cbnvcf KlNXST6N,.S^TEMUKu2S,l8l>>.;>n.c7fh^ ........./., ................... i Wlweh, when he could not fell for the I money at a price to fnit him, he bartered fur neccfTanes for his fanJly and tavern— I In rhi; wnv he amafTcd an eflate uf I Z g13 I- f« in your Ga,ettc | d4oo,c< o.-Such was his a'.achment to ,f Sept. .,|«p«a*er«f Police R«g«i- P^^! J'.S.'XS ""'" to or credit a nngle dollar to ar»y man. XTpon the bed rnorrgagc or other fecurity tliaL could be given lie would not lend a latinosfoi the H*wn of Kingflon, lately adopted by the Magiftnitc* ; and 1 hear¬ tily reccommen<l to nil my fcllow-towr.s- men, to ohferv, thofe fnlutary regula¬ tions, and to aid the commhTioners in carrying them iofco eflV&ua1 exeeiuion. Sc fir, certainly, the tvfagiltrates have deferved wtll. The tendency of thefe j their meafures will be to improve the town, and to remove and prevent com- r.'on nuances. There U, however, one other nnfanee, tfore difgr&cefnl and de- ir.oralizing than bad read?, (laughter- houfea, fw»ne n/uninp at large, or lim¬ ber and flone ljiog in the ft reels- 1 mean-the fnra* aid boxing matches, which fo frequently aflcmble a rabble in the flreets to fee a couple of qnarreling j htarkguards, orp*rhapa of ill-bred boys, GjrKring and breaking the peace, amidll the clamors, an<3 fo^etime<; the plaudits iofth? fvtctr.tor*. Travelln, w!v hnve vifited thwtow.s in the cOUrfe of their f I T tm l'.\n:<« VpT'ii /. | l"*** On the subject of t:.(^ f^net^'rkrl mode of education, att. Kipi&d u> b" :'-'i- trodaccd into France, tUt Wv*$tc%" 6?j the 4th contains the fell-ni-y :i vi ••. u By a letter of the 3d cf iv- brv* ^ : the Grand Almoner has acqial-nted the Prefect of the Ssiflfi, fl«»t tiftri-Rj raade known to the. K.'.ngthe alarms -.t th-jjj Citholies, on the plan of iie1: and l^n- !' ca'-ter, his Majosty ha*l \-h^-d iam t*\ ecr.:mnnLatetlu^"am'. fn :h- i^vf^t, audnt the same dmr *^ i-.forn hi;n, (lull without ^i*hii!5 tv i'e\'ide on the n>w method, his majc*il; »v«^ ctfexir^uo-j that it should be Inid down n.^ n nrir:-'-! ^.. iT.vvs^* Sal'! i{n . ..!'■■• ■•" I;; . Kenne'lt D<*K*»rii........Ti- l-Vmalf r.xiK John Knot........,:'•":•-,!! n;u. V j': i K \ - f i /* ju*l iwl'tl ii- . Ja.nei rji\.-•:;>,........S-.' \ nN F-t.-.op. Jlorara R1go*i<......,T:v ! Jr. mcfi othei places. The enquiry n 1 ren made bv »'*.*m. i« a perthirnt one ;— f.ciinld ne*t then>r*<rtflmea and pe-»ee of"! £ u r * ,; „_• ,r u:r,(, Mfeofthou&andHANQEp HIMSELF! • neer<i bv ^ fp*-| ed '*xertion or t^eir a>i-i cent—He never inverted one dollar in any of the public ; neither would he keep the notes of any bank. Ion er than till he could get them changed. He depofited his fpeeie in a large iron chert until it would hold no more—He then provided a ftrong iron hooped bar ret, which he alio filled. After his death his ftrong boxes *' from whofe bourne no traveller had e'er returned," yielded 23c,ceo dollars in pold and filver, The caufe of his death was as remark¬ able as the courfe of his life—A gentle man from Vetgiuia offeredbim I 2 d dhrs per bufhel for loc bulhels of clover iced ; but he would njt fell it for lefs than 13 doliars, and they did not ngree. The feed was afterwards fent to Philadelphia where it was Pdd for 7 dollars per hufl* el. aid brought tn the while, 550 dollars lelV tlian the Virginian otFer.d for it. On receivi ;g an account of ihe fale, hr walked through his f.^rm, went to his diilillery, and gave various diu-6)*ons to I h people. He then went to b's w;tg- nsjAm^J rite &<M ur" i ^ and i« lilppofed to be withon! a 1 % |.»«f in anydge or country .—Loudon pjfar* Cure for Corns. Take a wild t rnip, and cut it into (lice*, and boil it in fweetmilk and make a poultice. Ap-ly the ponli'ce for three or fuur fneceffive cveninga, and it will eradicate the corn bv the roots. Government Sale TfTILL be fold by public auction, r ▼ at the CornmiiTariat Stares ac ; Vj H 0'. J> William Lanca-r. j -,., Nc,, C:vi! iii^to--.' - ;:•■. I■*........F :<..-;• "n P|tl -hi. Ok a gilt J r prevetfiitf 31 r- chants // 1 wLvht f th.: izttgua of £>. ttwvn it* "'""'* •:/ '^,r- f"-'id fli.nh'/ /.;/'",',.,2r th- > to n- p!-. both for cst,:b!i^mo>!t; air ;;■!, \\s" r?1>,r •'^".....f' ..a . ;i.:. ;^-«er. f ta&drv. and faturc one* 1. TkSLt Uu Oatholld Ap-:.v.>IIe. and B-.M tan r.di-1 0 Joirn Hurra ay. kioiu.-dirii b" taught bi th" !*"■'. -ehroMj v,-- 'n\,. ;• , K^\\ \) Jan>w irfCuM S;ra- totbfi eufdualM (1 crvry ether.— '2. Si. K:i;(,r.\Valll,K; \ oe (»*"•" i*. .•. ebooU.—3. T'r'l c;^- rarcfuHv LhlMi- t««S thft r-nth'liefn'^h. Pliall i\ d fv<an tlu^e sc uMion* for(h<-:-vh ■'•" ^Im»-I!WjU»hv« v.;> in conr^tl wttli Hu- <li "■• >nn -«uHioi^ in.—4. Thar (ho rW'*<« :'■>,, i;- an- fiiori^d 1" visit the v*i:o.:!.^vt:t,K-'i>ii' d in theirparlslics, and tafwa rare th-tf 1!: • Ualbolic rcttk****1 '^ li"lv ("; taught-—5. h\ tor^ that (tor-es i»ifiits offhe new schaois snail in no 1 ie-p 'ct trench upon those of tnv bro-. tlrr. of lheehnstia:i schools : Rttd thaJ . in rh" phu.-s or parishes where the bi¬ ter vhal! have Ivcn altt-idy «5*tnb!i#ii- cd in'ut number, new *schook« shall not ho &dfliitt< d to ec:n^ into eom- j petition with (hem. u Thesen>*i»^les were *:nnefi:>:v:d by his Mujest)*\- Nigua-:are, at'd, iircon^- queneo of iluir coi'.ni.tuUeatKm, thnfie cf thO ClfiffiV of i'nris whn >e-*re mem- bersofthe (^omraitto cf t'rii«;.»ry in¬ struction have no lou^r refused to act. Mr, T ;3on,___...... (b'l'rv V- lh»3, S.r--.» il.nwifi fid 7 ::,* |(f,li,l s .» * 1, ) Mr. Mi r<-;^iM-f!i-... .'r'v: ("rw. "Mi d.....VV::......! flats. ^Vaij.u^.. ..On- lil «i»'iwt Mm !* I '»»! .".»'" • rav. M". JJ tJ .'i-i..........!;vi- reigns, PROLOG* ?& T'ir iM''mvuiucIi pa! ir &fi?0'ivfofE, III l.l.i-i .ilV- ".I'-P Ml '.*|' ill I-'".' r-"... ^ !l." .v-n"ro"= i'n'itl .li":r'.av'u*' -ri :. .•,*|»pi»<« . V'.j> i'*t*re n'>."ii Eocnbii»»' i-'imii.^ -'.].-- : t,^ : in th*'F.rr . v.l'.rro r>r;ii« .■;r'-.riii! \ >«. r*t Vrt«l Vleeca'-J t.u.A nl'h ttiic"^*itinw 4arkiv,*-fi \V1:> e i» ntilt c-i torn elAthM in t wot ■\'v\ *-i!:M* >!iiiini n»r:«*- l»:(ti>i'| 'KJik \V .'.- i1 luipC i:-i'ir.n ' --Miff- •. rt..... •', \iit '!;i lard rh*m M -htvi -Ii r 1- - ■•* r-H, ( irr.i* Album v.-ii- ', oli Ii-;i:M .•,.,..».. -•]$*> To rheac ui-- So*il freisi -t :»;!..-»c O-i ,,, -k;-.. fliT iiiJihl\ \ i"r-ri.v'- [Hlbtf :: • -<-n -v; iw^\ or .1! ;i:'. :■ i:': in ",itt in pnil-.vray, . ii: \-j :i-.! -.• :....- lo--. r.n-'-'ri :i'tli-ir rail i» .i ". ,..,' 4-«vi t; s'ea*. -, !il;-rt\ audj ;i." I nut Itn ir»Mi T.;;ii n:;ii4Mi k'«»v\ I *'l^:v:ir*.»* :i(i. rl'viHamahu :.?.i»!» $i?}HW*Ti'tviivlJ.....'■*•■-.m' tft-p vri't, Ma'.: hw Shrink-bh*1 'htvwn *'••■ ha'e-l tiK'i!. N'oroYi the Iva .* ahw *l<>'" »; ■••:iin miil*% SlTrsnvu^aS^r.thni »a;in. •»- Wc-trro-oil, I'ij: S-.'i'-'liC • rishlif :;■ ill.' £hiti*it\ 'A.Hid« l>r'li-ii» ili.-viNa. • \\i,- l04l'iii]£ i-iotKis Alul iHHUV j):'i»:lf!',T, .11 1|»*; ».-.\.r»« gl'ivy ■\- tjiMi< v.- lirj»u*n« 1.', 3*Wf,ff to>lu»w. T-ittsn *oii i:ml m*r r,' ;«.*> it?oiiri.i*!»rfiTin, "^ fl inm'ii 1 'MicUr.< !*•• -on" a%^irlt*g -on. \*.'!;«:m li!;*iiii *«e * f •trr ih;:t r*»**jr» r Town t "•e"?, bv h Ir1*! j thotHy, "ha e and prevent tbef a< weH ( [e30th*r n*ffan *'• ? By doing fa, l.tsvj ( w mid efT. nti Six fid ferve the i'-vereft of ■ the town '•" ' indeed of the wh.'dc coun- ■ j try. They bftvf pov/ei m^ttjjl; t . effi fl . tit. Tiv laws on the fubjecA are fuS-j iciest, if duly enforced ; a«d well dii-; I r» -vt\ inh dutrnf will ?id and f'jpp'>rt f:«*!j wmsjifirv**, in carrying t!r.*f: law: j for the prefervttion • f the peace Into cx- i'ecu-i^fti A dto;,-fc.e of vtgilanc»*j and pi »b:-pfr even of rin r. in I his fefpeft, ;.wo 1:1 be pecnriayjy feafonable, at the p.H"-nt tim-, wbrn effotti are made t-» j| :n*»od'«ee new icgu:ation--of Police.. f>t |iheeon>forf cpnet ard itnprove*Rent 0 !hi totv-n. Whenever fneh an effrav, the:, t: kc; p':i. e lunafur. let «.ny per- !! f »n who inv,'ptr'.* t > he prcf*. n' n ske a (I regylai cojr»j>^nt to futee Maiill.-ace ; ,[ and 'ct the iMtiSfor b* Iv imd over to the proper c utt »m1 f< ffcr fuefl punifhmCiit ?.t &-}'] bt fot»nd uiffictent ti. fnpprefs the wicked, vulvar practice. GAMDEN.J Ml -\ -Vo-'uc. ^"p'. ]R. Fo-vr itmj& Uii.-y <'r.,,}l ttr:uh*n*— !'\ j'f'-A-t: t'SWiiUwultar*- r'.:;iv d !«•>«- [d n pap* r* to i;,.* 1 :>rh .-f Au^u-f, ami I In"* (iwmlHhij*pJ%*g t •/ (Jawtnert'f'd Ltel lo »i"% .^ '•::!'•!,; ;r-\. Tii'* l* tide,,; (!a/.-:j • imt»o«ucr*! t'« aivpojit^eal of I/n nf-"';n,i' (\ v r*1 :,*ari . f r>w.HM-r ('- (" B. a'- [«'>;:- t»*nai\t ('-ivcri-.oi' t/f the }r ^inceor X'- IS a /'rom the By!on CcnihicL RurnL-—An ^/'ieu'turiil in Peterbo- ro, N. H. mention? that he 1i:.h th> Of-fon raifed llx:y-nine buihtds and i peek of ba:!ey» oi' one acre. It is what i commonly called the Bx row'd barley > &■ weighs 52} poiH'.dsto the boJhd. The •T'ovnd wa^ nor urrt'cularly prepared, sud it {""civ in a lot where corn had bceu raifed the la'^ f - f'»u, and which received but two ploughing* this faring, and no manure fpread. l^hree bufheU oi feed were foivn on r.n acre. In all pa-l" ot' v.\r. country the ©opt of ryCy barley, oars, &c. have been un ub:i.!ly found, heavy and : v 1ndr.1t. In mtnj places, we obierve, that the appleand peartree* nrc (bored, to p e-j vent ibelimbs breaking under ihe weight ■if their froii« » A carrot \v?s rr.tfed this fcafon, in -.clwU. which weighs forty-four ounces, cxcluuve 11I tie top. v Kingston, 011 TtJESDJ%theM Oct. 1S1G* Large quantities ot' Blankets, Clothings and Field Equipment j And amongst which the following are more particularly defcribed. Soldiers Great CoatSj Do. Trowscrs, Blankets,, Haversack^ Camp Kettles, Tents, different deseriptioBg,- Pistols, ^ 3iii iiooks, Axes, Sho\ -Is, Spudc»j Oil Cioths, Sheeting, Knapsacks, Canadian Mpcastiuh Tlie fale to begin at 11 oVoci %! each day, and to continue ur.:il the whole will be difpofed of. Payment to be made on the delivery of the arricles from ihe King's Stores. Kin^ifon, zoth Szbt. 1816s x6 i(>0 S f&W r»rlS.-pewhr \ I.— Y^erday.a u- Ciitlfh Cimfo) was A)^\ to tiiivc &«m hn door in town, 10 his country feat, - revenue "ftWi (lecit up to \<U yigj; and ordered him to Hop : to open th? !•<»:, and produce a eertatu batr lhat had | jufl been put p:i* licly into it ; for he j Bj/ Auction. acre» of Land, in oq? v\tk, in the cownftup or" Lands* down, in the 6th concefiion, N«^ 6 & 7. To be fold at 3 o'clock. P. M. on Monday nest, the 30th iaft. at Mr. D. B.own'a Inn, Ma<kct place, JnHn Dar£,ey, /fu&onetr* Mrs. Lambie, T> ESPECTFULLYbegs Ica-e to \. irtf:jr;n the Ladies and Gentle* 'i'Mfp.-e/.. rt it contained'finrsrtiU'd fiucul. j j men of. Kh.gflon and its v'tin;ty, that f * • 1 ' London, Yo'y !2. An important caution.—Ltdies v. ho are accullomed to wear theirdrefiisMtretx !y ! low in the back and hofom, or «ff the j Ihoulders, are partieuinriy reqinded to beware of a pcrfon who has for fome time pall frequented all places of public amufement, and many private panics.! He \i an cldeny gentlemr.n, of venerable appearance and correct manners; his tonAant pra<ft:ee, when be obferves aj lady drefTed in tlie manner abov defcn-J bed, is, with an alrnoll imoerccptible m& 1 -, » 1- c 1 \ .1.' I i i»>"' i-*tMinr» mo »»:jr*' t'\\* •[ irrvv i •,•-,* apparently accidental prdKire o/\^e| „.......,,n ,,;„,•.,.„.,J,;.,,.,-,, ,„ ,,;v vi,.„. mltrument which he carries in his hand, j Rul\01Kflflttfn?an<1- pvm>Mi h^rhornyrou-l to imprint the following words up^n her back or fhuulde*-;—Ka&ed, but not ■ afhamed. The ftain i.-< like that produced by lunar cauttic; wafting will not r.-move it, aud it becomes more vifible by ex- pofure to the air, fo that nothing but a covering can conceal it. It is faid thar fcveral ladies were marked lad fummer at Virinu? places of fafhifnable refort, and that they cannot, even now drip for Companv, without difplayingthis indelible badge of difgi ace. v Isie! sm'i .* tb. \\ 1 !••• !■•«. :i '.i.-mr rrrtwn, « *,r,.., x"r;r. -UT'irtai * in 1 ,i«-- • «ilii- :.•» t-«-ar \V .*".i iVry :ir: r:id eh^icn nan ;ii»»» O :!!j'|» r-ore! tilt? i)f(. a;* <fi-line urn woo T •> oulckaecepuutee, baek'tl '-\ rv'rv Mi.-h. T-iu •** ^IiPp? mum* !m-m j.i». r •! fu»wv k •.-.\ W :;iv'!l l'*a '- U) jii.irio.i-* Srii*'»i-i*-' nvivt ;ii»n'l" O thin1 '.vitalhounr p.u-<'?h,iiUih,>&.th> riuisir' Bi'VOiul !"»• lieeUi«|fcvu5ceorvuJgar Hnne, \A ion KinjC' ar«d Uan*lit>' Victor- cc;i.«' torai^* 'f'leseerei in'irznurortUeveaal praise, IVrhftju*iiia» name,nhen Mttrojje"*^lorie.-lal-- Sicill iiflen charm i hi- Academic shade, ■\M(i 'ion!- exrlahnon rnrph Onian:i'*-hnr? We found a \V£lt*e? and Joxes in Gyre. LON'OOfSf. Au?. 6. Letters from Mahon, d:t;d June 5', »ale that the Dutch Jiave cannonaded thr town of Algiers f>r feveia! da\>*.— ' ne Americans have had no eOffaffeitient tiere, th »M^h fuch a report wa-: circulat¬ ed. The damage obferved t»x h^Vw been loftaiued l>v an American friyate. which amved difmnfted in Sicily, wascaufed by 8 violent gale of wind. Vhe tiucc be- *V*eo the Dnitcd States and the Barba- Jy powers has expired, a».d nc.ti'-e ha^ been given to marirers that it may ni>t ^rabaMvfcc renewtth Liente: **• Governor** Ojjlce^i }~urk% 1st August, Iftlff. His RxeellenCV thv Lieutenant Go¬ vernor ha* bevn pirated t > appoint the undermentioned Gentlemen to hf Members of the Board of Kd neat ion for the Midland l)i**ri:t, under th" Act parsed the last sesfion o! Vac Le- gMature for the cstab'ishment of Com¬ mon Schools. Rev. George O'KUl Staai% Allan Mac Lean, Peter Smith, Alexander Fisher* and James MeNabb. Hi/ onln\ Ei)'VY A iiD M*c M A110 .V, ActJagSwwetury. va v. '•/,.t. Ciiu-'Pton rxuvtxK ;■*-npp-:,#. .I'uli;-* ftii^ vrie Adiu'-'aWv t- MW* i Y.-u-si S.-or.a. iuthr■ j- rspn oi' thr /io; A. CrrU', n- jgMi 'I. Th- R< v. (he \iWiv p *'!' .v»*.a-v-i.f >-: w-» • *o 1 -nf I^v:d-.'< ;i!> ut 'in iij;! ii • f A-»gK--i. in th.* !-iii;> .Jane, fr.r Hali¬ fax. Accordh^;t«&e InfiVf adrlc**1 from mv.'V:ui.thf Kliti^; rci3tih:cd d;u.;»emi...- ■' 1 IV hi.'MK IjONAiwr.Tr. has recited firn !»!■ Knit? -rrlnw th: tviiiu < fWar* (> ::d) fL'.Ui!' StlC Ol hj.'.n;?,Lntflorf; and .'. • iv.i.p.-ver of Austria ha^ con- ■ ^ntcd,that h'- ."vr,d !i]- xKe thtil] rr- •ide, in futuix* at i:> 2d imTia. .V?r.3 vi k SpC'Mtt^r. Xru-Vi/KK- Snpt. '20. .Ve?e*,//">>// .V. I'-wi'ii'S'..— By th(? arrival ihes mArnius "( Cie KcIr)oun 1*..;:. a!f ir fivmit1 have b-cn C(-uducti'd ! bv the wi H peeu li-.r and un: re- ] he hn- imported from I,nmh.n, and is now felling ? 1 Mr. Bar:eMs Sturc* ad- redent^ delicacy, If*ny otl^r iudi-j joining the Wtme Bear tavem.a varittjs -."dira! had been fuf^eeZtcd uf fmufffilinc ! of Fancy Goods fuit-.ble for ihe f afoo, which will be fold on the melt reafonr* hie ternn. Y.r teflon, aCth Sept. 1816. 2 7tf fi' iln I in a ir n^r manner, I prefume, the ar'Hrat}' Hep would have been to have waited trpr.11 hirn,inhi» office, or counting ! houfe, tuld him of the furpiciooa enter- ita;ncd,and, if circomflances demanded a ii'earch, to have made it before leaving the room. Bill here waa at; oppoatuuity t'. be lort ; a chance todetc& the accredited agent of his Britannic mttjeRyt a diflionorablt aft, attempting [tucheal :hc u venue, and it c uid not be lco■ f.!ibih>« It w.s reioivrd, therefore to detect him in the open fttTeti ?""d in of uumciou \v!V!-ffes. The Coniul obeyed, openrd the laag, and permitted the officer to fearch it, when, to his great dffappomt- ment and mortifi^atio!'*, he dtfeovered neither mote nor Je& than a fine firloin of beef. tffimvlur.i.— Wc under»ta;i<l Caution. ALL perfonfl are cautioned again ft fc purchaHng a Note of hand of j6£ d'dlar?, ajvainfl the fubferiber, as the faid note h«« been once paid. It was given toAncil Micchel. Henry Brans. Kingston, Srpt 26, 1816. *7tvJ i DittoiS/h.rjpHM Conn of ! ■MTiViM ii:!- ni-rnru- -t tie *cb .our; ,i hmt\t\U\*» *\ffi*** m (Sn day* Tiwn Ji^-i, -(t. Donvia^o, wi iiicattciTStiieiiH Bctt mis; been. l/ani that hsUi'iii's h.ul re^.rnfi)i>.-:•»*! &ti;f^lCfi2cd lo HOttfy tll€ DC)' of! vtwe.n ihe (.wi rival Chiefs &f ttei{1\!sncrs, that Ire nmni ackuowr 1% island. (VM- phc had attacked audi destroyed a town oppo>ite Tori au ! riiK"<;,iuul both armi■*> v*ere pii paring for a ..'Mi.rr.l 1 n^uv^nnnt. V. vas.the onvni'ln^ opinion nt J^eme!, that tin* army ol'l'etiou woirid prove victorious.! \',/ t}ru* A MISER. Account of Michael Bmrcl Mr. Baird wa? of German ex traction— His father lefi him a valuable form of 500 acres in the vicinity of York (Pa) with iome fanning and huufchold articles. Be kept a tavern for a number of years, carried a wife, and raifed Four children. He accumulated an iounenfe eftate which he preferved (o tenioioufly that he afforded not a dollar fortifae education of his f.jmily. He was never known t» I iy out one dollar in cyfh ror any article he might be in want of ; he would do without it, or find fon»^> pcrfon who ?t?dge Lhe treaty, cTr expert an immediate war. I lis w fusa!. we are infor::u d, -..;;! aniouui to a dedaiatton of hostilities. would baattr with him for fotrething he could not fell for enfh. I-]e farmed aryely. and kept a l%rgC diftillery, which he &sutied entirely with his own MONTREAL, S^iembf.r 21. The partners of the North Weft Company, which wa« nienii ned in thisj paper of the 7th irti. a^ having been ar¬ retted at Fort William by Lord Selkirk, arrived in town I. :■■ Saturday. They came as priloiiers, and a»e now onder bail fortbrir appearance at Court when eahed upon. Midlam torv't: 3 1 General Quar¬ ter Scffi >nsof the Pt-aee for tli^. Dwtnftj will be nolden at tlie Court Hoofc it. the town r-t Kingston, on Tuefday th- PtU day of October, at *he boor often o'c'ock 'm rive.forenoon : Thcrtrfore. a1! Juftices »;f the P'-ace, Coroners, Con(la^'e«. and all 01 her Peace oFT;o*r3, as well a« th fe that have any hufinefn to tranfad at f. id Court, are herebv required to take notice and .-i-ethtir attendance accordingly CH \RT,ES STUART, S&irjfi Sberifs Cficc, Sept. 20, i 8 1 6 16 I Extra ordinary Ch cumstance. A y.'ung WOt>an who keeps the. turn; ike near H-nlty upon Thames,! OxfordfiuVe, and who has been nfarried 4! year?, hay now nine children, who are all living and well. At her firft lying-in flie had three children ; at her fecond three ; at her third two ; and a* her fourth and laft, one. The eixcurjsltaiicc Strayed, TOROM near Kingflon, on the 9th i infl a d^rk bay Mare, about four¬ teen hr.nds high, a w a'te ilripe down her forehead^ qiire nanow en bc«"nofe, h'dr upi»ei liji abnoft all white, fome white fpots n her off fide jufl behw the fadd'e, vvery fqnare built and well fet. WhoeY- ei will bring he? (0 Mr. JVf nhias Ba«!g- ly, (hall he we'l paid for their trouble. Kin^don, Sept. 27, 1816- '7W3 CAME into the incWttreof the lub- fcriber, fometinie fince, a MafC colt, two year? old. The owner can have her by proving pror.erlv a«id pay- incrrhr^.s. THOMAS GRAHAM* kinglion, flept. z$t 1S16 —rj Blank Summonfes Subpa¬ rts and Exccuri >ns, foi tuc Court o( Requciii>, lor i5AXc 2t this O&ca.

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