zaRgsr&ss [oAiViiDAV, Si»7ft«Kai7, 1810.J 4SS* TVf #^ £j HP JO rrv. -■-. [VOLUME Vi,------No. 14 "I * J * A •*»«&» Kkcg.stov, tTi>pF.R Ganaaa—?HInt-eu and Published by STEPHEN MILES. Price Four Dollars per Annum. ■ T • J I 5ra£S££3ttMB 2WP GQQDS. HE Subscribers have imported riircpt from London, Man- iVjo? q[ advcr.llflj.v- ic tit, GdzelU ^lilyv.'S and Up e'er //f5 full in^r^e):, %nd 1/3 exery fubfvejur-t. r $ "1 Ten lines arjd under, 3/4 firft iafer- l!on. and i/'S ever? taljfeqti-i-r. , Tenths andupw t£ ¥L m U?€jTO?.?1 ^v^te^SW^ &c. an exunfive afTorttuent of every fpecies fcrft lufcrlfan., and *</. p§r 1&C every fjwj Seeding infertton. j Advertifcnents un4cco«*p3nfet| with frrjtteii din&ious.arc irtfgrtcd ti!-l fpr^'d, f-\a charged accordingly. r— c To he sold at Pah lie Auction, 4n WEDNESDAY the 10//. dan at' BeMewhe", In the Market eguare, at ECingwon, five valuable Ewttitf HORSES, the pe*ty of Officers vrh > have lately ft King/Ion Ai'Z* XI% __ ^ _______ * ____* . ^__________^__ WantedJor IIis MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, 500 Bushels Oats, 20 Tons JjL4 F. The whole to be delivered into the ComroifTariar. Magazines at Kingston, •Py tite carpet pre&icable ;>er'-.-d. Tenders for the iibovc fupply will be received at this office Commissariat Office, ^3 Kingston, t^th ji/nr* t 3 16. New Goo r? -5. #pyE Siibfcribcrs, having received .by tlie late jMTUtabj oiler for fale on TOeloweft ttrm* for cafh at their Stores ft Ki' ,;<Vonf either \*liolcfale or rfffil Cloths* Merchandize f-ijtnble to the Upper Canada Market- " The i.:oo^ have been fele&ed wiili care an4 purchafed for Cafh, arid will be difpofttj o*'. either by yVhokfak or Retail, on the molt redfc^able terms. Under the different heads nf Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Thy wrongs to them and me, Mary. liberati r-, and Utile ro>t!<rnaiuii>.rf the Then fare thee well! and reft thee j j great infatuation, of your weak iroagja- fiwcj rf(»tion, to ihew fueh veneration. '»n IVi Though thou haft cheated me, Mary ; #ight an occafion. I fiippofe your an- Fwr all thy fex, I'd ne'er endure. Half what I've done for thee, Mary. ■ V. V * - Clothes, Flannels, Ilaberdash- . • 7 i ........ ery, lloskry and Carpelmg, Stationary* Crockery & GLASSWARE, CORD- AGE, &c. Sec. They wou'4 enumerate the following articles, viz : Co ur.tmuiikdie-t jor the Gazxile* Wry?;.fft Pott, L. P. Madeira, ? WINES. ; Brown, Q^nabun?, Shirting and Sheet I ins* Linen*; Laces, Cambncks 5p.-rinc old brown 8herrj% ( WUN11C>- ; Veilings, Btttfcfj Ribbons, blk. I: P. & L. M. Teneuff, } : S\\k HMerdikA : Hihberl's befl Brown Slbat by the ; Navy Blur, Black Gray nui fafhionahle Cafic cr Doaen, • Superfine Sioad Cloihesand Cas- Brandy, Gin, &c. &c. &c. ; fimeres. Tea? ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado ; ; Ladies' and Gsnttenefl^a Glove? and Coff.e ; Sftnees of every dderijiton, ; Hofr.-iy, Carpetiog of various ^pat Loch fiM-JHterrhig-i by the Ivg; ; tern«» Pearl B ,riry ; Milliard Soap & Candles ; An afc>rtmcntof Swhnoibnoks and Sta- by tht box ; Scotch Oat meal, ; tinnary.-^ Paints and Oils aff.rted— \G\d(* ware and Crockery by the Crawley ar.d Bliilered Steel, Swedes I- ; or ciflc, and packed to fuic Coun- IVJTERLOO WELLINGTON. nail (lie ho;o:-=of W.i'crioo. Martyrs-ofGihrj r'oieu'.t^u rcjMi^f in ui>!;\.ou*s col«J grave, Mi, no. tiu/ with utu.irnlng old KriO i* hoary, . or hat^budll av.Ake.v oicn mtrturry to >*ve; *;. TaraiVold rtafta^tUJ-'lianl'Ib^Ufjecttf* she brtfUght.hun itie iinvn-t!uit liad lon^ been ; Uf*gl< cird, • Strike m> »on ^i«»etclaimrd, Icttlie (hemehe W^mienf, WelliiagSou, Erin sbBraeh. •H'aret» jiad Mir r.rtH» itrvakmrdiu n»rnber$ \iul timed in oV-Ht^iH'*? -o ICrtD^s co'rtftoithd^ i'ni lire spirit flfO-r.ifi '^o-- froani iibtl •rriB^r«. ] Hid s»f:ii;t«j;:r4 ra'Ji ;u".-!*'.rrl l.wn sJippfi in Hie '"h? auihe-i ma- !..•»*•. ';,.;*- r~.i*od f>v tHrSi-p, c 'Miiiitrels inlnfieifcbcd v.t dbttnM A'hil-* tiiCc*'5imin5 Wi fuLl chorus to Qcaveo \Viii.erii«>) tVrlUugjioa, EHaps Bragh. # * itui besun ot Llcirt, tj^a ptar oftite or»-a:», J !iy rj/le:...or ti?i!iOs l>ri£;ht bll h;1. eonerAid ■j ' -J K -....... j s-uore, A -uvioMf Oi i jtij;^ fr Crate f'-OTi war - id PHBirStiOft, ..••.'i\ei: ai>tJ lnv "imiin -h'Mtfv.:.? tffl rivore ;fSuaraf<H*ki ft.e.-u-, %v.c. wrvu'iite delt uftfic aurnu £ illation, was the fruit of reCrrathn, ^r had Ct>run^ frcm bfrentaiion, to -iifolay your education, by no odd tmiTfrstibfl or rather imrti Tication, of words of the fame terwfnnion ; tho'cf great «■»- riation, in Well refcec'tj\e figmfieatiofi* I have a ftrong ii'e:inatinrt?to think thac ydor laborious a;*p1icaticn, to fo tedious an ffcdupatirlflj deiVrves the comi^cnda- ti'in of a*wTlnlt rati o. AiM rblnktag JTiiration a f;;fS<:ienfe grafificati^n, i am without helttJit*>nt or the !e til mortification, four's, to ex<s1tatii»n, Mary Modkrattok. _azm Frmn the Be:nocr'.tfic F/V.v.v. Prognostic signs of the: weathefr. The intellect of man i? nUvavs s.^ar- ch!nj;into thefurana ofnfi.ture. Not!iv ingelud^- his oh nation. Tina ha;*- py condition of the human mWA. i* corriinnnMy iucnM?ing thefcUcify a:id • social ovu^r of:th.?\voi!tI. AlrcStlj has ' its saiirfffry effects been dtperWiucefcl. Th€"iritcfes{s, the pletlsures, and toe v/stnts of hrman nature ar" frSwght virhin ourijra p, and vc may anticipate the time (if our virtues increase wfth our knowledge) whrn n':thin<r vrAl df- lVc( us'lrit ^viiat has been ordain.rd By fho enerrii;^!aws of the Saprcaie Bo- jurfeymeK*, :Flannel«t J^ombazetts, B^mSazenes, Jv^en Sc Woman's >H-fiery. $ri{h Lincn8> ^Diapers, ToWelfngi $attin>, tLutefir-ings, Blue and white di- a^rnal Satinet4, l^vantlne 8iiks, Ribbons^ Laces, •Footinfi iQiiigliamsi Lace ■ Vci!:, Silk Shawls Si!-: and Leatlier GhiveR, Wellington.and Berlin Webs 7\Vitlua vawety of other articles in the J0rj/ Goods Lhie. ALSO, iica Soirifrt Miifeovado and K-ivrs a*id ForJcesaffotled,— Penknives, Sciflbrs^ bpotme, Kaz »•-> Shaving Cafe^; -LocM, Rhjget, Saws, Hammers, Fi!e«, Ginib'etb, &C. &c &C Ports and— Naiikerns, Cordmoyb, Btrfpc-6| Cotton9| Checks, l!, MuOins, Slu'.wlij nimi'.ie.i, '{'HpeSj Bobbin ; ; 2 to 3 V Pvm* ftwk.';.-- -v^- v-*— n : ttsd :"i-k. &e ftc< ; Storage ami VVIuir-.;;e at the cufto.-n- ; ary prices and Cbmffiiffinn Buflnefi exe- • cutcd at the ufuul r^te. ;' JOHN KIRBY & Ce. 'uiy 2/5, iblfi- * 8 .41. i\^,;s' . i!'. i ... ."mi ^o bra*.». Azuiii&i eke*tiring. • h-it to delay and wJiea to h?ot- n his • work. To the mffrfHcr it is.4 b iaenn H-aru- ing him of t\U peril. By a !ir' -r.t' n- t!on1ie mn\ avoid fh.^' rla.ii-r* of r:i Kingston*, jf- JGiim AbfjoU | T) ESPECTFULLV tarfen his t\. thtinkfi to his cuA«/ii;fli for tlieir liberal ftipport in M;-rcnnilc tmnfa^ioni* Cocehe c^nieto thifl plu*e, and foforma tlifni thai he.h^snov? conaiticoe^d Jwili- | i.eiv uiJ: Mr. Tb< mas S. Wkitaklr, under the firm cf Ji^AS ABBOT & Co, Andarerou* receiving a very general afTortncni of Siiruc? me.er9 I It etieves m, much to hear the 5/rf p "'"'".....( .' " ", V" "" J* b o I t!Oinie maj avoid th.rt dn.ig. r> of rie !!„"., Su!'n'm£ o- -p;>r:'arhin.xMonnortC!.,urst. and I Ul Ru-'e v RPPrfl"d to on each tuinno-i 'S ... .. r ivi.wc.) :i ^ 0 to Mri»p witn security. I n r r 'v-' • ♦ I r j - H dir-Cfv the //V/'W/tTto Bet* f'T j Ceafcf.o^tlu. v.c^tobe protane del- j.^ ^t^^d to clothe Him elf M _ P'-\ ... .. 1 for hi- journey ; and lastly, ♦hou^h not 'Jam nit •x!c^ntac Brandy, i-Holland'Gin, 'Seft Port, Soa-ulh, ^Sherry anJ '-Madeira Wines, Tepperment, ■Shrub, "■IfolafTcs Lonf Sugar, "Teas,, Pmn-s, Raifin", Aim >nds, •Bar'ey, Pcoi'Cr, Allfpice, and ' Indigo. d 0 y uur oie-un ! P. S. All persons who ?,re in-. j j ifeted to Ifdm, are requeuedio tali wlili- \ Bow fltouidjou ih« n,that condemualton ut dvlav, and £cUJe*E;ve:V aecdiiuts, | dread. Fancj/ Sf Staple tiinjstr,;-,, Jjy 5, lSl6 POlVrKY. *■ :1 w * • • * • • • * • m * • # • H" WlUcM o!t you've call'd upon j-ou ^uihyhcad. ' i! Ar^:;ficn wifh'd p:i friends and foes to l'i t'-,li> !tO! eha:'ffC y->»r "\y.i&, and r.ow Lr WALrER-McQuyirFL& 'Co. ■•Kingfton, 19th July, 1816______ ? For Sale, ■ BY -the fubfrribers, -40 BOXES FINE Yellow Soap, ■CHEAPfor Cafi. Thomson .& Detlor. ..King:ton, July It 18J6._________jjftf To &£ Sold, 800 acies cf land ia the townfnip of "Loughborough. .200 acres in the townfhip of Iiun gerford. A Saw-Mill and Grflt-Mill with two dwelling lioufes, out hoiife*, (tables, &c. with 400 acres of land, a cown Jcaic*, I in the townihip of Pit:ibu:gL ALSO, , A number of valuul.'t Tov-n Lota i" •the village .of \V*eUinjJ^->n« for tcima, apply to ,4M0S M/$L£r. ^kl^ston, Ji/yjj 18.16. . - 5 packe r. THE Schooner Per/everence> J O- Parklr, Maliet, will continue tu run as a Packet from. .fcaxk eta Harbor. 2«t|« ____, Weil adapted tu this Maik<t$ « L.cli h:*ve ht-qi fclcfted by one of the rartr.erc from Iihelateft arrivals at Qocb^c and Mon- r.real, a*id_ purcbr.fcd for reidy motwy They flatt r therrifejvi 3 tin ir pureha- (i*9 have been fueh as will enable them ijU fell their Go »di ?.«* !o;v ai t! who have imported direct from Europe Thr strictest attention ^illbe paid to customm. and goods lold at a vciy mo¬ del ate a/lvcncc. A \oi»',Trp erentlcnan in Ireland, on tin point < 1 "nrarrymg r. yoj,*g l*oy. to whoai he-i^d Ik en for f>i»e tine u;of* tend'.T-y avt3cjierJi hat>osncd t-) recciro a vihf from VNe f*»»Vof one of his father's n'oft rrtiu%te fiiends The vifitsw W^s rccf-ivtd wfjh all imag»rv»bic n«a-k$ of j kindntfp, a^d in order to pay him the nigheft coM*pltmentt,the int.end-d btlde was piven to biffl^ by her mifpeii ns liver, f«.ra paitnei" at a ball, that early luccreded |,;3* arrival TIkv danced together tht. vvWeeVeninrr, anithe nest livti.ui cf the laws of hos- a\;lrcv Call/' An additional llanza has been addeJ !ito the D'.iifn Nali nai 'Song on neatly j j every tni^.>rnn;on evt:nt. The following j I waa acidv J oti the rate*marriai»e : ■ " Father of Meicies !'blerb ; Pro'fpcr v.-iih ha Dpi ne fa, r The kpA Pair ; VicVd with admiring gare; Cheer'd by a Nation^ praifc ; 'Crown them with length oi tldys ; Great briuin'fi rrayer. "_ pitalky, oft the one part, and ev.ry morning. \\y X\ Kingston, %d August X§±6. • . ,,-,,,,■ P. S. J. Abbot heinpijbe^ttore- t «»««<* the other, took tbeiftteta* niove to Montreal, .cquelts -thofe who ; off »«f1* io Scotland, where they -err .^r. l*he<o are the baro?nr*t-:r, fji r. ntomclbr^hV^Tomete^ and elSttf me¬ ter. My oi)j:-rt is'only to point out the n at unit means of disVovering th^-e hanr^s. They cost ftbthbtg, coflse- j I'vnMv it if ht'thS potter rtf fircrj inn, (0 bi'comc acquttintvd with this paH ;»f natural philosophy— ■■■-■•■- 1. Prognostics by thr le^rh vvormi 1 laco a leech m aconim^n il^ltt ounre vbl. tlirc'c fourths B11p3 wifti tt*afcr» hul cover id n Mio n.o>;fh hy a Jin* n ra/» Tn wrtnn W'-afh- r flic wat*r should bu cJwn^ed cvpvy week, oml in »v:nt~i lrx» ffj fortnight. This weather g&ge will •fthf many years. If trie weather continues sefnne and 0. aulifiil, the l.veh Iie< mofiohlerf at rht> bottom of the glass in a spiral farm. if it raids cither before or after noon, *.t i-. fou..d crept up to Hte top of its 1 have demands against him* to exhibit tnem ; and thole who aie indebted to him, to make payment, - O The your;- gcntU&uft f..:h I £ >t.'f... i f ./■ lodging, wllcre it remains till the wca- rStnei Is settled. ;• ueef A plant, a leaf^a bh^om, but contains A v [nme. Wt •» y readi and :tad, I And read a^?jn, end ftill find fomething .-. r^.. Notice. • rHE fubferibers being anoot to clofe their bufinef*, requeit thofe to wh^m they are indebted, to fend in their accounts for payment, and th fe in¬ debted to thern arc <hfved to make inv mediate payment, or thtir accounts will i,e/*iven iivo the hand3*)f an attorney for CwllcAion. ..Wm.^VLcan&Cc, Kingsion, i$*& &*&$% 18*6- 11 " '■■LOST,' FROM thePaftureof Mr. Jethro Vjckfon, a COW, a R■ ddifa *:rindle"coU>ur, whit*; Q>ofa on Iter f.»re- Uead,.ted & white belly, one buck horn, part of one ear off. She is newmilk ml three year* old. Whoever will re¬ turn the fame to the fub: ;hev. ,eive the reward 6fFOU& Dollars. JOHN SCOTT. under the double weight uf ingratitudri and ill r^p,;^ jove ; y:,d, having v.ric- J nev, ten the following in an hour of inelan-'u'n^ to pleafe, and r -methirg to choly, the >rcn roluy of which is ahi * ir | iulirua. unexampie.] .he died in a deep decline. TIiOU a.j o0ne aiva^thou'rt gone awa, Phou i*t ^on£ axva> from me, Maty ; Nut frietjj8y nor I, could make thee Iby, Thou'fl cheated them and rr?y Mary, Until th;s jimir> 1 PCver thought, That ftigjn cotdd alter thee, Maty : For thv)ij>rc t|,e miGrefa of my h^art. Think v.:.hat thou wilt of mc,Mary. • t a a II i Whaie'cr ],e fy^,0t nM',lit prtt-.d, Whq ftofg tf,a, ?,eart citiSact Mo-7 ; m :l!rr true love v :*s not his cud/ Net fuel a ]1>ve as mine, Mary, I fpoke ^rrcrt-t nos f>attc.*d rough, .inv/0't1ey view M:\ryt For iron rt^'or nothurg Utch, i\o—* 'S/u only you, Mai-y. Thoogfe ;|1#11'ft p,o-/d f.ilfe, yst w^ils 1 live, ' ' r!1 fl,!' Vvift well 10 Mary; *m i^„u> forget, Hlj, I'll forgive IS i MI^CEilaNEOUS, I Curious Love Leiit r& f-fadanit Moft tvortby of ejuimatton* after long confideration, and moch* m:dit«\tion, c£ •ihehigf* repnutioo' you pofTels in the i Nation, I ha«'* a fttohg f-;eliuatiou, to fbecoTic y«t;r rehuio;---on your appro¬ bation of the declaration, i fhall make ! % preparation to remove myTitu-tioiu to j r. owe convenient Ration, to poffi f> your aduiirfttzdu. And if fiich obbtion be Iwort'by o"f obfervation, and can obtain. t |commiffe:at«»n. it will he to sne a gr-ii- ficsjun bvyond all calculation. I am your's to exaltation/ SAKS DtSSIMOLATiei*. S:r, Answer. 1 11 IperuWyowt Omdony with iuldc resiS till if he*wis tj blow hard If a remarkable storai of tlender and rain is to succeed j Jorso'nr; thaya before, it lodges almost'eootintnflfy Mtfhout the war^", at>d disc-vors creAt dncasinesa iii violeo.t throes and coovbfsrre like m'Ttons. Io fro:fa«:n clear -uninivr wmther, if lies comtintiy at the b"-r- ?om, ;>nd En snow, a< in rainy weather* ;r phhehe-i its dwelling upon the nioutli of the phi-t. 2. FT&giiostirshy birds, licasts tn« sects, rr'otile.s, planls and wood. It is well known thnt birds rvlain in the ^ujl! part oi ('iieir leathers, a qvart^y of oil, which when any unusual degree of mo.sturci* in *h«' n'mosfplurr. they -quee.'.e ortt bj their WH< nod par* it oVer ilieir f^>, in onI"i to preserve theni froih tH'eefleiets'offen qppn*arhiiig iiower. '1* is i.Mno.-t neirmal in ong tUe leathered frihp : ronseriueu/'v It is one of th;- h«-i .»uj ni^sl r«rrer{ r»*ural m^ans of ri-irt'i&Li.iiitf th*- fall efraJa. In wJt ^c^tl'- <•. >waMo\\c h^p neat t! e ••hrtu in '••*'•.<•>;»* of Hi**« and pfltci win«c^ on thev pv*>j J'l.d m dry BiiiAr, fn in u ciji!th»» LaiiH| UiC> ajt ■»t ^nueh ki^fcci'