Kingston Gazette, August 31, 1816, page 2

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of fittc Lisbon &gar, 5 ponml- oftpttci nut-megs, 3 Iwidmi Soviet) buteraits, and lastly, n njs>- wf dry mou'tiiatii Malaga ihft* t!n*fonntatti v/as a lur^c r.u;»pv. built to keepe off the fain ; and there was built on purpose a little boat, Wherein was n boy bcWisfing lo the fleet. trt» rowed round I he fountain and gifed ihe cups of the corn- pans ;—and, ill all prohility, more then 6000 men -.drank thereof. London Paper. .,< A FOREIGN. * • • • • • • t • - ♦ - NEWSOLTH WALES.* - SiDNV.Y, Jul") 8. Government $ General Orders. run oi:r*nT>u:\'T. An tmxiouj desire to render the dh- eovrjio* in the latolj explored county fn thf! westward of the Blue Mountain as noaipl »te and important to flic moth¬ er country. and tHfc prftwtit colon) 5 R the mvao> within hi power would ena¬ ble ft*la, having induced bU excellfcitcj file o')V.T;icr. while at Balugrst, to in- str*iet Mr. Evaus5 to proceed from thonce, and pursue hU diseot?tu?s n* much farther westward a* hU means of carrying provisions, theuai *re of the* ro'-'-tn thronjrh vrhiai li^ should pass, and the iwforose^u occurrences tc vrluch aT a traveller in an unexplored country, hetni^ht b&'exp^sed, would permit : and Mr. F.vuns havingreturn¬ ed, with the poison* who attended him. a;! *-affif!ds Excellency desireto laj the following brief account, extracted from In- journal, and Report of he T'v'r, ]»\on the public^ ns a eoittmu- ftfcl ii »il bis former Teur. which appear- . cd in the SUfcfj -Gazette of the tttfb of j F Bruary, LSI 1. On *h • I :;th of Mny, Mr. Evans com- n«Mic*rI his Tout of discc-v^ry. and on the id of June, finding his provisions tVo-lld noten.nblc I;rv to proceed far- theryhc b \ran to retrace his steps back to tfethnr-tj Where ho arrived ou the Utii idt. having been atamit §hirty>rme days. In the course of this tour, Ait. J.-.-isi» has been so fortunate as to trav¬ el over a vast number of rich and fer¬ tile valik*, with succession of hills vrclifiovcrcd with good and useful tim¬ ber rhlcfty the stringy bark..and Pine, t-id !* p tvhote country abounding with o*nd aed gullies of tin* water ; lie al- Sotflj if *v-iiil'ir fosge rrrer. witova fte conceive, would become- narigablc For beats at the distance of a few days trav¬ elling along it* banks ; from its course He $«ntje(;tares th:t< it must join its wa¬ ters with Km.e of the Macquarig riv/r : aud liU'-C doubt eaubo entertained thai their joifil streams must form a naviga¬ ble iiv rof ven considerable size- A* a distance aboutsix-ty mites from Batii* urt. Mr. Kvaus discovered a number of lull the points of which ended in p rp'-nHarar heads, from thirty to ior- t\ f.* t hi^ii. of purfi lin?o tone, of a lhl*tv ^rey Color. At tiii. place, and nl-o tnrobghout *J'e g6"wral course of th( j torn y, kangaroos, cmac3, duck.s &.". were seen iii,grvat nu:n1)er*5 aud tile n.".> ri\er, t» whi :ft .dr. Evans stave tti? name of th* Lacnh \ abotiuds trith, ; at'thcogbj from tiecoldn ce\ oT f;i • <» t-on, iu' v^a-. not able to catoh ! atiyof them. In lh ■ course of this Tour .tir. KvaT;saiso discovered a v-*r) rnes ii! and evtrnoidinarv production. 4hc prep \ror sneu' name ofMhich ran-;e.t ni present bcas.,i^ued to it.— It p.j^e* m ich off he feweetaess and (Ia- Toref manna but is t-tally different in it.s appearance, bs^ngvery uhiie. and ffaviui'ft roMr.di-tf. irregular surface, not unlilv* tin; rou^h outside of eon- | fectfouer s eomtits, and ofthr> si/e of the largest hail stones. Mr. Evans doefl not eo:r ider it to be the pr »duc- tJoii of any insect, tree or vegetable of the coantry : and from heuee the most probable conjecture appears to be, that iti^a production of the same nature vi'h that which isfoUndin Arabia, and Harm called " Wild Honey," or «the! Almighty's Hugcr Pfumbs/1 and-there 9u;ipo^d to be a dew. Where this Scb&tance was found most plentiful, Mr. E\ans saw the kangaroo in im- mense lloeks, and wild fowl equally a- bundant. The natives appeared more numerous (havi nt Bnlhurst : but so very wild, and rtpnarwitly so much alarmed at tin* si*rht of white men, that he could not Indiue tliem to come near, or to hold »nj iotTconrce whatever with him. At the termination of the tour, Mr. Evans saw a good level country, of a most intercstingappearance, and a very »ich **»i1 ; and he conceives that there Is. furtl '\raro*, made ihe fofrt d&tanGfi 155 miles from Bathnrsl:—He -.nhl* at the ain(^ lime, that Icivtii? taken a in re direct line back to Bathtrrsl than tha< "iy which helflf) it, he made the dis¬ tance only 11 .i miles : and he ob-»er\C lh:Tt a g06d road may be made all thai length withoetanj ronsiilerable diiii- cdty, there not being more than three VXifa which may not be avoided. I1'rem the entire tenor of Mr. Kvans' narrative of this tour, it appears that tno eounfrvorer which he passed has rven exceeded the country leading to and surrounding Uathur.t, in richness, fertility, and all the other valuable ob¬ jects of the sustenance ol a uamerous population. Before closing the present account, ;he Governor desires to observe, that having accitentadly omitted some par¬ ticulars nfbis own tour, which he bad meant to remark on, he avails himeli of the present occasion lo notice them. WIhmi the Govt-rnovarrived at Kath- ur.-t on ihe *Jth ( f May, he found then' three native me:i and \s children* stan¬ ding witli the working party : they appeared n:uch alarmed, but particu¬ larly at the horses—but this soon c*ms- ed. and thej becametjuiteiawiliaj*,eat¬ ing whatever was oflVred io theni. and appearing \cry proud of some little^ ar- •?cles of dress which were given them. r'ici|ut iit!y during the Governor's stav at Bathtsivtj Riwall paitic* of men aim boyscnmoin, Knd h \ always got meat and M:ii!i art;. "?' oi lap clothing ?nd | oroaho \k?, v lii( h ia'ter seen < r! to bf hisblv Prized OV them, 'i'lu .-;: natives. I in appearance vctji like there of Sid- uey9 though rather belter looking and stronger made ; some ol them wen blind ef one e\ c. though net a!*.a_\s on the sa.r.c >ide. Their language be- iugaltogetJicr dissimilar lo that of the natives ofthis paH of the country, it was impossible to learn wiieth-*r their being tliaa blind: d. was the result of any established cu.tom nmonc them, or » — merely accid"o|;il • the prohabuity K h'WLver, thai !i is intentional, what¬ ever miicht be the caus'Ci A native who attended the Governor froai thiSkWp of the mountains, wr.s :v.uvU Mlarmed at the sight of tie tie *-;r^;v^i"i" native-.— But afterw ai'.K |>erceiviui< I hey did not Mte,npt to injure him, i»et eiu'--.*;v'.red to hold a conversation with them: their languages, however, appeared totally dillen-nt. H'itlier part> iiTiiiing to Uil* dcrstand a single word, spoken bj Lhe ether. Those men were covered with skin.s ofdillerenl anlmfiU. neatly sewed to- gciher, and irern the fur-Me inward on the outer oi skin sie.e. fury had ru» rions devices wrought. The Govern¬ or ! bserved on em* of tb-'^ce dresses or clonks as rest larlv frimed a S{. Gea.'fc ('ro-". as could be made, though he Could not'-'t that eireumstance with any oilier wl ich might lead to tie as-dgiiiugit to a reHgionsceremony- The manner of forming those fig^ires^ muM lie b) throwing up a ulighl part of the skin with a sharp instrument, round the outlines ef the %ar£. They a,i- peared-jud^itig from (lie neatness of the se tngandwork on th»*rr cloaks, to have made seme lilile advance tociv- ili/.ationand comfort, bevoud what thi * natives of Hiis part i'\' the country have done. In other re-j>< cts ^\^y *$em to be perfectlj harmless and inoUee.ivc, and by no m.r,ns warlike or savage, few effhem hiving any weapons what¬ ever with fliem. but merely a stone axe which they nse (<>t cutting step' for tiiem^erv<^ to ellmb up trees by, in pur¬ suit of tiic liulc animals which the) !;r? open. Tii t-c natives neter brought any of their females with tlmn on their ri-it*- t^ BatntSt; and the Gorernor had ou- ■ U accident JIJ y% in the course of one ol his excursion* from there, an opportu¬ nity of se«uigone of them : *he was blind of the left eve, wanted all her teeth)and "as altogether one of the most wretched looking old creature* that could possibly be imagined, com¬ posed merely of skin and Innie. The Governor on his return over the king's Table Island, hail much ^i itili- catioii in beholding ;i Cataract of im- menseheight^ which fall^over a preci¬ pice little short of 1000 feel, dm u in¬ to (lie Prince Ftcgenfs Glen, forming| one oi the ftio<t stupnmluous aud grand •»it4<!i(-» that perhaps Hie wt>r!d can i f- ford. Tliis cataract havhig becui dis¬ covered by four men of the Gove rue rV party, his Kxceilency has b-eu pleased to give it ihe name of one of them, by calling it ;1 the Campbell Cataract." By command of his cvccllency the Governour. J. T. Campbell, Scry. THE CHRISTIE X TREATY. At the late Meeting 0f the Briti.-li we have nbunda^ rcasonf,r addition¬ al gratitude, in n|U> n,vum^anc-, it which it ha- diffj \v& from {\]0.c whici have preceded it j„ ^ former i^reat period of the iir-l ptemulgutton :'f the Gofpcl, and the | ;storation ofpure n - ligional the Ref»rmatton, the progress of truth \vis opp ,se(i |)v every effort of human policy aiijj power. Amidst tin savage war-, ami unrelenting peisecn- uioiH,r':'i^on ob(a;ni.(l her ]rainful tri- h iph. Uot n • now- be!u>ld her prog¬ ress unopposed, (except by the harm¬ less weapons of retaken controver-v.) and whenever pti(,|i<- authority bus in¬ terfered, it has rpti been to check] but to encourage nud support it. Tin- Kings o/thc t'firii} have imked stood ///;, and its lltth'r$ June taken aomisei together'sl>uiU fas not been against the Lord and a:-tinst his Jnointed— ithas not been to extinguish the H^ht of the Gospel iu Uiv. blood of its pro- fi*ssors*—but to acknowledge its author¬ ity, and extend i- influence. " Von will pi i , iv<\ m\ Lord, that I am particular!) alluding to averj re¬ markable trar. ..i"inn, which ha- d'r^- tmgtrished tiie past year : and which diHrred ^o wid .*, from diplomatic forms and from the principles of or- d» jarj policy, that »t i* not surprising that at first it should Ime excited Some degree «f jealon y and suspicion—I mean \ he Secret i rcaty, concluded and vvruedat Paris, by the Koiprrors of Austria and R:i*>-a. and kin^ of lJru-- »i». The confused and imperfect 116- tion^ofthispTOCwdiug, which at lirt crept out, natura'1) occasioned curiosi¬ ty, and even aiarn, rather than COIlfi- dence ; bn< lr> Ihexe, \\ sohad the n - port^iity^f being acquainted witls th* real and jenniuehistory of ihisarrauvre- niect, and cf ItrtOwing tho sincerity aud integrity of the principles, from which i* ori.rj^afed, it allorded t!' gratifying, and i.i herto unprececfeuted spectacle* ofaunh"1 fl»f Chri4au"&wi*« !'• i'rir-, d'ui'iiuii »o their resw'ctive modes of r'li^ioe^ por**ua5ton, but a- .:• e«::^ inn pub!i- restognltionof the l)i\iue authority :*f the Gospf*l, and binding thern-elv :- by a solemn com. picr.,to adopt its precepts as the rtllr* Of their policy and couduel. I feel i; mydutjt l<i uU\, tlW though legal and eouslstutionrJ dil'^'-dfiespr'venr-(i the S -v. Vei«;n of this i •■^>;tr\ from a,*.- »d- in^ in form to lids ' ceaty. y, t this Gov¬ ernment was c"U!!',l,I',,1"y acMiiaiuied ;\ ith c-Very '•ta^e r;» ft* preeeediwjr, and linally coieoir.d " tl* pnnciph - and spirit, It w is IioV'-uT. rill the iviun. oft'.e rorof Russia |-o St. IVlerbnr^h r flPl) M Wll I elucida:';,:,!. W hei, W{ ,cn|.n rrr.n ,;,.. report we hove beard, the zwil, whh which that great wn ,- iCT ..,.|lTvi in¬ to the concerns of th' Siibh-S.*ei-tv. :t j becomes impossible ],^ir.:r lo beHftafe !:iv totho real^utimgnts ao'l intention of his heait. in the transaction wehnv^ been c i&^dunng. 1., ^iue Wu: Bible to every nation of Iin V; -i d 'Mui-ms, in \U own languag* - he (n\ & ihe real and most appropriate ratification to tht \'i . M Christian Treaty. TtmimjE utes. The fidiowing ft+m we extract from a valuable lit.f!e w*rk entitled the w liistnnf qf tincim Israelites^ writ¬ ten h\ the abbe Flewy arid traiwtated by Dr. Clarke. [ flft.enceof ab^oldto uew>. y.e h-p-thesr- articles will be rend with some itifewst. j ^ Speaking of the bi'iu-trious habiis of (be Israelites, the autfinr says, " iu hue, it must te owned, thai a< long as the nobility, and ri«!i men ■. the country. w«a new above this rnosi anc.t'int of all professions, (husbandry.) i their lives were more Of the dross of flicT^actHe*. the sub- j .? proceed^, M The fashions never changed : and ;iuco clothe*- are nntihTto cover ihe bo- dj. and men's bodies are alHtfl in all a- ^e>, there is p.o eecosion for the pre.M- | ejioos vnricty-bf dresses, and such IV* - cpjent changes as wo are used io. N«n are they then thewisi at people who i::- veut new lashions ; they are genera!); young people, with (he assistance of -hop keepers and (nylon, who have no other view but thr\T omii interest." The idea which the author gifes ■ f greotavss istruiy simple, and perhaps us definitive as any illustration thai could be given of the fame artribate in the prest ut day : ;* Greatness consisted in changing drevs often, and wearing only such clothes as were throughly clean and whole," O.' the passions of the ancient Israel¬ ites— u In general both the Israelites and I all the ami *nts followed nature more than we. and were under less restraint iu renting their pa?-Hons< They sam* aud danced when they were plczised ; and wept and cri-d aloud when (I^m vit re grieved : when tin v were afraid. I th^yswuodif f.-inklv ; and in their OliffOTtS* v abused one another hearti- ly—Philosophy and cliaistianiry, have nr.w corr»'ef'd the outward behaviour In thosetha! are wuli bred and have had a ffnod cdttcation. Thev are 'UUjrht to -peal; like heroes and saints, though mo*t are not at all betteratthe bottom ami are content- d to disguise their pas¬ sions without cou.pieriug, or even strj- ringagainst them." After remarking on the law which cave parent-■ pew-r ovi»r the lives oi* tin it children, at.d the s;lK.tai v effect of this privilege (he author speaks of the authoiih ofoid men— I u Th 'V ever> wher**. in the b^gin- niny chose judges for private affairs mu\ eeen ellors for tie* public, out of Hit «»bl,^t nvn. .\ot*,;n.*; :"< morcc nfonn- j able to nature, \oithis onlv /it 0>c t motion and action—'dt! a-? is <[oali:ied Ito insti'.et. advise and command. It h not likelA Hiotcither itndv or coot' uiiifs ;liould make up For w nut of ex pe- irieuie i,i a VOUIl^ man : but an old nuiH, proi ided he lia ^.o.-d natural sv um-. \> \\\*v M experietiee aioB;." In r-Muarkin-r on the Wf-altli of the I:- [rai'iite-*. the anther conchules witli tlit-| b'ilowi,.^ p; rtihet observation on Solo- mon'> r'n If-i. ;- Let u^ "itand sfill y lirtlo to cot-iil- jtT thuprospi cit) ofKobman, foj it U iwnn-toreud »'l history through, we ^hoe'd m t lind mi** «*vample of .i h aj y-vin t ji: -etion of r.'.l the gnod ,J;..:,.-| t!(«tare t<*. be enjoyed hi ll*U word :] A innng prince in the llowerol liih ;,;■ , ■ f n leimbnme per en. of great p-iroi learning and accomplishini*nts, . j ur's trepura'tion for w^dum,4* that all th. I ki:»i> of the earth sou^hi toknotv him/' • ••fi ;: tpi.-f',i came in p! ivon f:o:n a i^ di ta. '■• to cCHWr*e vvilll nun. lb vn- ina-t't of a in:-." krngdMU, eu- •j Med peace rnhubit' d liie fme.*t COUU- jtry in the werld, had the mor-t ina^uU 'ieent ealmvsaud ninnevousattendaiU.s: was leaded with richc, swimming in pleasures, denying himself nothing* as 'lie owns. emplo\iu^ nil I i* vast gcuht: to satisfy his di ir**s. Thl< we slnatld rill a happy man !;f€ording to our na- jtural id. «s. Vel it i- Certain he wa» mot noj because Js*? \^a:« not contents 41fhimsclf*avs.that he found pleasure aud joy were only iiluMon, and that, ;6iail his labours was but vauiiv and negation of spirit/1—Who under the sun can pretend iobe happy ii'S dumon was not ? W no can doubt that whater- It is prncrairy believed that Maifhal S.nlt.who had prevwufly taken up |t|- rtfidencc In this cityat the White T »'„« Linembarkcd from hence in the Wl ii iaaj l1P»ev. for 15>ftc n. in America, an the iSTn intt.—-Brifhl Juarnal. Paris papers of tlvc 22d (Saturday) havejuft arrived. A French fquadron,confifthag; of t(t» Mednfa frigate, the Echo Corvette, the Loire and the Angus brigs, Ifle d'Ail f »r tkc Senegal, to take pofTcflion of ihe French eAacHihment on the coaft of Af¬ rica. 'June 29.—A Hamburg mail arrived liiis morning, with papers to the 2zdin- itaot. Prince Blucher has arrived at Cb'ulsbad. He appears to be in a vert hod Bale of health. Accounts received by v/ny of Triclte from Egypt (late, that the plague has broken out with great vi¬ olence at Alexandria and Cairo. We received frcn* New-York, papen to the firft inftant. Jure zj.—The Hoofe of Commona adjourned lafc- night until Monday ; and as the remaining bufineft in the Lords will be prcb?bly difj^ofed of in thr inter- vail, it isexp6*fred that Parliament will be prarouged on Tucfday ov Wednefday. Laft ni^hJC, in the Houft of Common^ Mr. Ponfonby inquired of the Chancel¬ lor of the^Exchequer, whether he appre* heeded any necel^M*, in a financial point of view, of fumrnoning Parliament before Chiiflmaa ; In anlwer, Mr. Van(it:ar( Rated that as the meeting of Parliament depended on a variety of contingenews which could eot eafily be anticipated, it was impartible to mform the Houft ad to the precile period when it mi^ht he DCceJTary to require their attendance^ but as f«ir as the linanccs of the country were concerned, he felt no difficulty io avowing that the Ways and Means alrea¬ dy voted would be adequate to meet the public expenditure until after Chrillmafc Emigration fiom Switzerland rncreat cs. It is artn'biited to want of employ mti.t amonp the poor, in conf.-qe.cnce »t the intiod!u;tion of ILnglifh machin-ry in' to the reanufatf->ries. The Kuig of Spain has ifTued a deciee r^-'plainiog that the naval favice fi.fiera in cunfequvnee *'f the Spanifli fai- h>rs lcaviny tl,vir veffdfiwhefl in roiCfgQ lei vice, s*nd theitfore direding that cvf ryCnptainof a Spanlft vefliel fli-*!l( oDi bis return to Spain, account Lr the whole; cu.'vV with which he failed fr< m h-uie. A ttmng hoar pervaded tl. c< un- t:cs of Dcxofl and Coinwall lart Mo* day morning. Wc have not heard thil ihe apple trees were much affe£redhy w — *' I I :(. v "> rf.i'ftpV* » exi#$-. ■ ;. iiut cidei in (h-wn below ros a Slid (fiinc what more than hjlf thc" laB winter. P^ce ox rhcir lives were mow happy, bccouseLhsasirot ? Whovm tWibt that whater- more Cduformahlo to jitam1. Thn ii- n^r happens in thN world is vamtv. af- rod longer and in brtrr health, their [[ter he has conte^cd it: Docs nit (his sjid barrier to prevent the traTelUng H and Foreign Bible Soci^tv, the Qiwi- urthcriwe tward to almost any extent ccllorbfthe Exchequer thus spoke of that "ould be dcsir»d. He states that this Treaty :— the di*tan<* travelled by him ou this " If then, as I trust, mo have the cecal ion was 142 measured miles out f.nppiues to witness one of the "rcat ^ijiclijvvitbdi^-tssious tv (he south- 1 rasofthccstabUshmeatofUirhtanif; a bodies wore iit(»r f. - i\w fatigue of war and travelling, and their mmdi I mom serious and c-tup'-M-d. Hein<> IlcS'idiethey werenrt so tlrd ofth m- selves, nor so solicitor in r« lining Ihojr plcasurcK, Labour gare a relish to tha ■sroatlost ditersious. riuytiave funei evil dcAig^is in their heads, and le.s temptation to put thrm in execution. Their plant and frugal wayofHiingdid no; udmh of oxfravavince, or occasion thcr running mtodrbi. There were of conseqm nee. fewer law suite, sclljuff oil of goods, and families mined ; few- er Frauds, oiitiages, and such other crimes, as real ami imaginary povvrfy make men commit, when they arc not able or willing to work. The u<»rst \•., thai the example af the rich and nohi^, inlliience.» every bodj aUc ; tthoerer thrives 00 as tn be never so IjHlc above the dregs of ihe people fa ashamed to work, e-ipeciallv al husbandry. He ace comes so many .shifts by ono'n wits. so man) new contrivanci & a* are invented every da) (o dnw m»»i^> Out of one. purse into anoth.r. (tod knows best how innocent all (In icunnatural ivays of living are,, /rin*y &re at U±-t most of (hem very picearioj't: whereas the earth will always m^«atain tltove that cultivate it. If other p ' plfl do not take from them the produvs ofl44'| example show us plainly thai woi!dl\ good* are not onlv vain but (hm-rerous: —Not oul) incapable of satisfy :,iet rhe Iheart nfman, butlikel) i: .:i : j VVh;p presumption would it be to think j I 'his journey was on account of ill health; Late and htitrening Foreign Ktmn^m The fhip Tekgrnph arrived at Boilon on Fnday laft fvoch Ltverpo vl, with Loafe pfipcrs to ;ia 5th of July, and Paris to the 2d. Lord Wellington very unex. pectedly arrived at London on the tn of Jnly The caufc of bis Indden 1etu.11 1. wn yet dilclolld. By the followJw ; London paragiaphs, which ue eopTfrom |the Bofton Dafly Advcrtiferoffi,^ it appeals- that, before his LordihlpU Pans an attem-t was mads to blew L>p the hotffc in which he refided, durias « I fp'endid entertainmPttt he had given m which the Bourbon Princes vme preL, Latest from England. LaA evening arrived the (hip T<lc. raph, Captajii Coffin, 32 day3 from Li. verpool. Mr. William Ward, a paftWer, hai politely favoured the editor with Lond, n papery to the evening of the 5th July, containing Paris dates to the-2d. • ■ We have room only for the following fummaiv. Lord Wellington aarrived in England July 1, which produced eonfidcralde fen. fatioo. It wasfnppofed by fome that a our.selre? more capable of resisting pleasures than the wise Solomon." j but as be travelled remarkably fall, it m generally believed his vifit vvaa politic- We regret to find, from the following al. It is dated that Lord Exmonth h tn I extinct from a BrittoJ paper, that feiious iProcced aga'" inimediately to the Med- jdi;Uirbances have broken out in W&.J rtterraW««j toehaftffe the Algerineand j Tnnilian pirates. He h to Uoi'i his flig Ihire ; — Brntol Mirror Qfutf Saturday mornhg, 2 0 cock* .on board the Queen Charlotte. Lord Exmonth was in London. An attempt was made at Paris June St^frrVf ?^V' S"**1 ^^ *™ ^0 cellar, .which *i S3S*l3iswtilS "it Sri %"«**?a *,,,,e ,ra? and* half. • ,i,ilJ "o alarm was civen to the comftf- ano a half tv?0 eompaiuea were on thcii nv march f„r Trowbridtre. TUn - ■ c r . , • Tht ClMncellor of Exchequer ha5 1D \\vltl ^l' *?* ^«fon cont.n^d ^ pointed Thurfday next to receive ffff [l£T2 ^^ f ™P°*{™J1 J din. of the gcntlLan who intend coa" fS" ^^ tl ^^ 'n * ' j iry iulpadiou of tfceir trial*.

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