,Jto$»#«iMI f(% $* fttafft?-** nf Oe- "TV tCnglfAfflftn refilled in hi* demand, ^ve fmde, wv i i-oalina-/*v 10 >• met W wig , !;;3 ,dvc &ry that he would jrftb at i.»g"ns ft1" «,,,,nr d- wn r i ;hat mt h- /ii;;;J drfitutstin honor. mart, though iu i nailer bodies. The They forthwith feparatcd and four hours aftei wards the French officer received a note from the Engliflmian, i "* i -'5 iritortniug htm that at the .moment that -tliM^h wBeh it lay, h»B llroniriy : he fm.uld read tlm lata he (hoidd be poifuadcdhim ol me piaCiicjIvhty of a no n ore ; he made a thoular.d apologies body of J^uropeaott penetrating in that df-J ; for having employed four hours inltead tc&ton to the Niger with proper pre | jof.-neanda half, but healTu.ed him lhat camions, under the protaSiwi of the I . his affairs indifotnfably required it. HaonlTa merchants, <md ofeiif'tring their'l I A* fcxwi istheF.n;;bTn.Officer tad put fiifr iTinrn bv cevi iin arrnnuenKM.- to he * his alfiirs into order he h id hi' bed warm* ii mart, though ic nit of hi-* frequent commmiicaiio s vuV; them refpedinq the journey to t!- ir ova".] country, and the ncgr - fh?..je between ihe advto tun r«(eountconn- ced by theamh uity of the governors* «>f H^ouffa cdf w«*t into it, and afcwxnuai.es after¬ wards b'ew his brain? out ! The Frenchman were both of ihem the h'ighbotirlng forts,):heir conductors, and the fettled native tvj !ers' [men oU.»,nor hut it is affli&iug to huma- on the coa!l. The pn'iici, id ne>;ro: jnity to fee the barbarous cnilom of duel- 'nation on the journey are the Joon, a- Bug .vet prevail in an ageof knowledge powerful and not ill diiVoied peouk ; itttid phito&phy* Kingston, August 24, 1816. power ui auu ""i ut'utivuici |((u^iv * i and nearer the oall,(avoiding the I . vr-^^^^-rw^^w-ftjiirvrtM*^ Dahomey territories Vhe AtVa^nOJ and j the Mtahces ; the latter of whu-i) ere, itated to bean indubious people audi good plmicis. Cow:ie (thecircirt'iiiai tnediu necefary 'thr wo .le of the journey. But it is principally a refcranccto the! nature of the country winch lies between | 'the coafl and Haoiuia that gives ihe! proUsfcisky of the attempt f>ieceed»og. The traders defciibc their j nrney to the coafl a*occupying between thiecar.d f"HT • * In the courfe of the week, the 9.9th K&nm of the cnntiy) ilme ve >uld be I 1 R«;.tt»n*«-nt. (formerly the icoth) much ecefary For fulKnance or prefems during 1 dttonguiflwdfbr their gallantry at Fort Niagara, arrived in town. ' THE Licit. Govern »r, in Council, ibri^ heeo p'eafed to gfvr the New Town, ■ (fonnerhr cHst ingui fhed L} the name of j '*M$er/ Crerk/') at the River Moira, jth*iiame»f"lJSLLEVlLLE,"bythi- jponths, which was much time «* th y | ! 1 CQUt ft and petition of a g.eat number of require for the journey from Kaourfa co j jtnc »A^Httirt» of that u "tw .the Gambia; the d;(Hen!"ie, an!; j^wnftlfp of Thurlow. delays incidental to'he former journey 1 Trials came in. ahr! the Englifli flltJeAsl were put on board of her ____ * From the Richmond Patriot. V Ae4>efl llay : alfo, geQierinfr tlui gVe'e'n 'eaves i:fthe fb»e(r, end cu e thvfri with f^.lt the fi?mt a"*( the 1 -y a!x»ve fitted, o» with fn!t alone ifter parted dryitlg—Tiie Tatting —I take it, that when a man; leaves of ihe walnut, oak, elm. bull-wo^d. undertakes .lake what he has no juU | bircli popler, and many r^J-en *iU make wn, and the ^countcrhaiancing its fhortcr diilancc. > These difficulties areinwarmbly defenbed as refultiog fro.n the numerous, river.-., 1 "m-'afTes, and large lake-, whiVnJnterfed the countries between Ha^uTi a:^d the '•oaft. Some of the lakes arecroffed by! the trzders on rafts of a la'c^e fize, capable of trafpojtiag many p/ilcngcr* and much merchandife at isne trip;aii-J thetraveilets arc often detained a en- Cdefable timr. ur.iil a fi.fieicii'.iy large freight of park noes arid good- happen to be col'tftcd. $Yi no wc^fiosi docs the genvleiT>au to whom thi; inform .:it n wa« by the HaoufTi marchai tn rcco'-i.ft that thev h^ve fpok°" «^*«« .-.-"«-/" en of any rung oi mtrMt*atm o j tbey had to cro»6 in coaling down fro p thur ,wn countiy, nor d«>c* h«' entert'iin any idea that fuch ronjje e&ifh i'i th-t direction, as t^C trader* invaii?.hly fpoke oniy of morajjes and Other iirip.diment> fcom water. Thefe ftatementfl appear to remove fomc of the 'difficulties' which have been okje&ci M At pvo%ng^tiaii of the Niger to the fouthward. ei'hfr to the kin^don of Congo or to the pu!ph of Goifira, in confequence of the (Vppol'ed bit tier of the Mountains tf£ the Moon. — Tiie details are, however, ta.her too vapie to fuppott any argument in favor ot cither of the particular fystrma alkiiTed toref. pectins the termination r.f tlu* Niger, which has hitherto cauf.-d various con- Jefturei, but are now in train of being T^ro ved by the exertions of the two expedition!* that have been undertaken.— h"U(hn Paper. From a London Papsr. THE DUEL—A PARISIAN STORY. Tall Saturday, a chiefPd Efcnd.-on fcfloriginjx to a regiment of ChafTetfrs, af'er quitting the levee of the War Mitiider, weitt to dine at the Falsi* Royal, at the Freres . Pmvin-aux where •he accidentally found liimfelf at the fame table with an En^lifh ofHoer. . The English officer had two hottls of vine placed before him, ivhi-'h he em¬ ptied all but a fiugleglaft, ivhie/b when full, he threw at t!;e French officer, who iodi^nantly rofe from his feat and took! luminary vengeance. The Enalifr.man flupified by the fudden attack of his ad- veriarv. demanded iati.-ia&ion, which he fnddenely agreed to, but the Englifn- man requefted a quarte; of an hour to get his arms! he accordingly went o*" and foon after retinae J with two pistols. The place was very convitnienfc for a due!, andbefides it was veiy late, they agreed to decide it in a private room The Englishman propofed that only a finale piftol mould be loaded, which (hnuld be drawn by chance, and thus each to run the hazard of blowing his own brains out—This propofiti"U w;ts accepted The piftoh were put into a hat, and each immmediately drew from one. The Chief'd Efcodron, impatient to put an end to the bufincfn phrced tl« piftol in his mouth and pulled the trig¬ ger, but he happened to felcft the one that was not loaded. The Eugtifhman, with the phlegm which he had hitherto manifeiled, dre;v the ramrod put it into his piftol, and finding that it was loaded, immediately obferved, M 1 begin to think I have the right one."—He then paufed, aflced the Frenchman if he ha<l any chil¬ dren and fald he wilhed to fettle hw af¬ fair? ; I rcqucft an hoar and a half / zoil! give you all your life replied the Fiench- man, and at ihe fame time ill fitted that The lovers of the Drama were highly gratified on Wednefday evening "aft, by the 1 eprefe'ntatbn of 1: The Heii ai iaw/' aod * The Sleep Walker." Where al! are good, ir may appear invid- iioiib to notice any in particular; hut the following charters have too joft a claim todifUn&ion, no; to receive their meed o* p*aiie. Somno led ihe vmi, difplay- \no a comicality of hnn.our which would fiavc drawn the pi edits of a London au- ■Ji-A-ce P 3. • Pang!of« was an n&taretj ;iud Dick D*<v.-Iof» with his t u 11 ic fiicnd were choice fperimens of Thelpian abil j :'y. Lord and lady Dnherly were very e.el!. but Cicely, v\e im iglne, could not have br- .1 "MicU better I'uppi rted even by o'e of i.ei foppofed feSi Htniy Moo- land wa.. tein.rk.ible foi grace of gellure,! -nd iviuiick was a faithful p'edure of Hibernian cceentricifrf > t\d fidelity. We I ire happy to leaui that another tteat 16 in j couteniplatum for next week, where we! hope t.« f1 c Oirk D -«)c»a, »2i,«*uk «v WS| jnwa^ DMfc •^rer to hear, will foon (hy hU departure f*r Europe) deprive hi** acquniutance of in aj.'reetble empauion, an;! his corps* Dranvtiquc, of a valuable mcnvhcr. The I h cut re was, a> is id'ual, no ntrouflv at tendei1, pftrticularly by the gentlemen of tiie i\.i.Md, anujiii;!! whom we recognised our oi(! friendst)ie u Heioes of right In taie he ou^ht to be tdken 11 pi For iuftancc, if a moii talcs up .it a ft*)rc, (bccatifethc merchant takes up with hi< olftr of a high price) that for which he never means to pay ; as he takes up ki>avifh principles, if it fliouid not take up too much time, and fait too much tionblc, he cernaiuly ought to be made to take up his abode in priion. But if he mould take it into his head to take him* felf off, unlefs he i* greately in debt for what he has taken* it would be taking too much trouble to take after him. It would be taking upon one's felf to take after the man, who undertook to throw good moncv after Lad ; or to fuc a beg- :^ai and tale up wfeh a loufe ; which we take upon us to lay, would be taking puins to take up vvirh nothing, if you take away the conlideration of taking away the leufe. By expofiog hirn, his charac¬ ter might betaken down ; but for that he would not care rnore than for taking down a glaf* of wfaflkey, A man need not U:ke an oath ; But he OUf-ht to take care how he tikes Q upon trull, that peo¬ ple will always pay for what they take upon truft. A merchant might be in a j fad taking, if the t„ke fa were for half hia eftatt. If.as before obferved, tiie fum be fmall. and the maa be taken off, it would be a I wafte of paper to even take off from the | day b ;ok, the iter^s theic taken down of what v\ as taken fro-n the ihelf, or take out a writ for what Wfc taken out of ihe ftoi e. Yet after fuch a f<>ke-w lias taken place, if you take a furve-jr 0f mankind, you will 1 be fcnfible that mfny wi!l take part with ihe rogue who tas taken pait of the goods ; and as examples, like difeafes, are taking they ro^ take after him. If, however, you have loft two thirds of your property, it would be foolifn to take on, or take to drrnkj cCi account of what U taken from you. |f y0u would be taken for a wise man, you ll)Uft take to induilry, which will take a^ay grief; whereas, ifj yon take to indole.,cc> y011 wj|i take no picture till you are ta^n ,,ff by fagfe t and then, if you tufa uot to repentance, you may be (takin^ ;t m a ijtcrui fcnlc j J taken down by the old one. wholefome food foi cattle a<id fivcp* I am of ooiuio'i that great qnantin'es of forage n.ay be procured in thi* way—a multitude of flirubs, afeieis fnplings, and furplus bta ehes of tries cr.ty be ctit by man, and ihe fmall bough* and leaves be gathered b) children Thi* would not injure the f -eft, nor let it be f:tid that thia is to > much labour, and trouble ; extraordinary cafes require adequate exertions—we know not to what lengih the drought may extnuL All the (igfif of rain have vaniihed Bt this date, and terminated in a profpedt of drought ftill more fevere. This refource for animal food ought uot to be neg'e&rd, (although from a field yet unexplored) by farmers that are deficient in one half or more of their ufnal lupoly of forage. Lands .which are proper for turnip-, ought immediately 10 be put in the bed order poflible by manure and tillage. s-Jt this time it would appear proper to proceed to the utmoll lengths in the cul¬ ture of this valuable root. Afho are the bcil top diefli.ig for this crop. jfuly lid, l8l6, CJNC1NNATUS. \\ \V.AJXt781 U D l>yi > . iVSfO * AiD.1808 b tagi rniLr-i c ltP ■ »n I H nry to m\: Owen DaV - ■ * 1 :Jayriatl a:;d Mui Dmv:— . ,. # ,0 ! rs( are deceived . tht ty <> la • v.« U .-member making th.ir rr.arKs. )r is, perhaps, n UtM rcmarfcahlc, iliat fit. A an tiiti ival of exacts Wei 11 the difl'ereat merks. Bine y.ars be- MAmtED. On Tuefd.y the zch Inft. by -he Rev. • OffLialStiur, Mr.WALTiR Rossj tt) "tlfs ELIZABFTH P.(13£LLY, both oi* th • : tVli *.ii.»iU.-«3: ¥ • • ! A Pun —It ga« wittily feid ofa^young gentleman, who ^aa backward in paying his debts, that he was a vcry promifi/tg Francis the ///, of Fiance, was the firlt monarch whw> introduced hdies at hi--coin t. He feud, in a llyle of true jallautry,,(that .;i drawing room without the From the N. York Gni. of J::?. 7. Thi io!lowioti-(al'iiitu( was picked Up soic.r J;iue -ineo on tliv S .uih Ba>1 •id ol II. M-a-a, and Lauded to us bv Captain itnllh^ f«l Publication. The original is in Frcnch3 and U ia our pos- ■.e^ion. -0\ BnaTd the French ship Ata- (anta, Captain Uogrt. of Xa-.t/, at S 1 Voil A. M. Mi of J.tue, IBKk "■ TliH Vessel has boon rapt"red bva frigate of i 1 gmi^ und. r tndiz^TW coU ours. The olUc.era uf (his friijat^, who arc now 'ii boanU Jofo«*m u^ f!,^t tiny pi •antnrhrn us ioto Port UU 1 rine^- and as-urr us that our persons n -d ei- t'eets rt.ll be rosp . trd. We l.now n.'t whether this Wlil lw» the case nitii fii • voss<d. Our Captnin has been carried \ 1 >»■ nu board the frigate, with his tw( iuat"s. fc- \Vp ennnot at thla moment, toll ihclrvu:tts, orxvhat rour^c ihe\ will pUIMIi Niagi adies was like trf,e Vcar without [fpriug ; or rather,, Ukc the fpring with¬ out floWCI'i." ia. POKTKV. For the Gazette. Dailcnef* lu*:d her dire d main, O'c- the r-.^i 'ti uf hei biain, ^ And tor'rriog wiii. tie kteneft p*+m, S^pprcffed the tear.— Her p'.dfes beat wiiu fvver high ; Her b-dom hca\'d it? *lcepcd ligh ; Bui, liill witliin iur ;'?.,kbiuw cvr. Ren, j;iig tue tear. I The moon arofr wi'h lUotchiefs grace, And tum'd as if flu wilhM to trace The beauties of the farreft face, Wherellipt the tear. The pnffions row their flcill mud try, Sofi pity, love and '.ympathy, And each with other fcem'd to vie To Hart the tear. Whe.n bright a-from an eaflern mine, Retreating ftom it-c lovely fltrine, And down the cheek of Adeline Tiow'd the mild tear. ALEXIS. From the GiotsneSicut JumaL Fcragt —Our profped on the fnhjc£i of ftirnge is n«dy dilticffin^ The long dmation of cold amd drouyiu and Hn■ thereTore iin »rau1 o\ our iiicurr fatfj which determines us ro write fii is. 4fc Wn have <>n beard, f«rtv-three passengers, and a crea of ia. including oilieers. We request those into whose l Mit1. 1I1W wi'01104 may come, to mth '.!«* i\i\<\ our ia.nilies hy pubUsliiiig it in our eo'iutrv. 6* It i< to the government of Pefion tlint w- aie prisoners ; and believe wi op.;n( l'i eon-raluhire our^elve^ 011 a. (iod will protect the unfortunate. 0 uve l mote The Ih'itish Vifk-'t (iu\i». from I Fnlmovfhand llaliiav. arrived at thi> [*0rl ye.Urd:iv a'* rvnoon. .V. York city Pap. * 1* I'liO folb.Aiuir PXtmct from th From the New Tori Gazette. The editor;* of the Gazette are indebted to a gentleman of this city, for the fd- lowing extraft of a letter from an of¬ ficer on board the U. Si fiigare Mace¬ donian, capt. Wariington, dated " Of Annupoh, July, 6. " We arrived at St. Martha after a paffage of 26 days, where we found the Eu^rlim had been before us, and had taken the ijreatefl pnrt of the prifoucrs away, making no diftir.clion between Enolifh and A sr.eiicans, but offering an afyhim and protection, sans cercmonie> to thole who could effed their efcape. A few were left whom they refilled to give up to ii?— of courfe, we had to proceed to Carihagena, where we were received po- lirely, and immediately obtained (far* leafe of all the pufouer*both at St. Mar¬ tha and Carthagena. We teturned to St. Martha, and not only received ou; own, but Engliih and French prifoners, witheui anv iliftitiAiOO* Two days at • Ju u 19, ill l/U. 47. '25. liioy, I I. ft.dl in ivitli Lord I;*\moutirs squadron fiO.nl dif Medit iran'HP, 4 sail of f?|»* Inn . \i iVi^atrs. and 42 brig1'—w?- b^at- c\< d hy xvi ollif.'r, who said fJiat tSten i u.:- 11 1 trii'h in the report of the Aljre- riues U&ving violated the Treaty entc*r* ed into with them b\ Lord Kvtnoutu/ I \Vo und-*r. ?md rh»f Joseph Bor.a- pirte. fei-'ier'v Kb -r 'd'Sp-riii. i,\ r-ir- ehnefl the seal of Sr**ph< n Shjt»», V\<\\. cv'tid ]Jaint Br;-"."\ ue:u ii-nwuren. cud about 11G milci txtm Philadelphia ; a.ul ti.ath" iutcutds rnakiugit his J'a- turo rcsid- ;icc.—Jurora. the vegetable Ikingdom, paiticularly {idrace'v Lo^-Hoi k eomptotch contra* </raf% which i be'ijeve is deficient, beyond : diets Tie- rcporl it. the L'Midrm Paper my example fu.ee. the ft* tile mem ofth. ' «.frhe f-ommeiu ■.•incut ftf hostilities hi couiftry.—The 'inil crop i>. mueh cut ||the .VI Mine nsaiuM Great lintair. fhorr, and on proitped as yet of a feeond. A: a period like tch;s, i; becomes the duty '.fall, to extrciife their ii.genui'iy to I jdevife all poffiblc means to Tave thelites (of out animal*: sfnd no hint that may be u-cfui «.ughi to Li<: withheld. In the ordinary, :no.ie of curing hay, about three fourthis of the weight of the grM* is exhaud.d! in drying ; an J in ;hiu way too n ueh of the noutflliment is waded. I have itdvvavs Wilhed t!ii*. rich vegetable food Ov,uld in fome way be J returned and f-tve^ for winter ufe ; audi for this end I hayfc thus proceeded ;—I had a mifcellduoon3 pi!e compofed of of fome caurse<d.;l hay, the draw of oats rye peas, bean?, c?ha(f, die. to the amount of one load—wit!h thia 1 ufed two loads new gral's abouFt half dried f.ir hay j placing thin layerrsof one and the other alternately, two |^art$ crcen an(j ( ne jry> and in the whole,, I ufed one bnmel fine fait t.f about -70 weight. Ey tin's meafuie, I have rvafon to believe I (hall have more then t\vo loads forage, where¬ as in the ufual VV,|ry, not more then one load could be ev^fted ; and I believe the quality to be equaly, as good,—Th- fait (liould be fin^ ;mj vtf^y tq,ia'ly dif- fufed through the. whole mate— a, flight fermentation will not injure it, even if the colour is changed; ; the fait prefcrves it, and although it lfia3 a dark complexion, animals will tat i:r jn prefCrcnce to hay made dry in the SggJ^ Old fait hay, (rnavv of any grain, pulse, chaff, &c. nay bfe converted into good J Vanted, FOR ti{K US£ oi HIS MAJESTY'S FOKCES AT 'Vrlis P<,ST. 50,000 Weight Go d Merchantable BISCUIT, . Delivered in bigs to contain 112 pounds each. The parties will be required to gttaf* amy rhw fupply keeping in good order tit the f, ace of twelve months frtim the date of delivery. Tenders will he received at this ofQce until ihe 2 i'i\ September1 nest ; but no pTOpofal will be noticed which does not otfer the moft far [factory lecuiiiy for the performance cf fuch (Hpufotioito as may b* entered into. Commissariat Office* Kingston:^ r l*___________ 22d August, 1816. For Sale, Or fo Let, For one or more years, a very valuable Grist and Saw MILL, In good repair, Gtuated at Thulovr & immediately by the town of Btljevi :c. For p rticu.ara, and to treat foi the fame apply to Thomas Coleman, Efq. the pio- piietor4 Several Totvn Water L^ts upon the bai k^ of the River Moira, fo- fa!"e. A j£Ood Miller a^d Sawyer wanted. Bcllmhle,slugust, 23, 1816* liy Auction, ON WEim££®AlCmmeb6*to inllai.t, and following d;iy«, till the whole ia difpofed of, at the hibtcri- bers1 otores, the remainder of their Stock in Trade will be fold without referve to clofe the concern* confining of luperftne, fin- and coarfe ClotliN and CaflirnereSj white and colored Flannela, 200 Flannel S! :rt^, Dimity, Chint/.eBa;>d Colicoes, a c?fe of liidi Linen, Domba/ette-, Gingh: n«9 Shirt ingS| Scotch Sheetings, PooA*n Hi llondn, white Cottons, <*> 4 Che i:» and Stripes, l.e-iosj Mufliaa and C-m- brics, lnfh Pepliin;, Sik and Cotton Shawl&i men's & women's Cotton Hole, Silk and Cotton Gloves, blactt I ace Veflfl, a quantity of rich (ilk Trimmings mens and women's fiut Sh es & Boots, a few tneo's and women's Fur Cap*, of a superior k'nd, table Knives Sc Forks, with ati a0ottment of Stationary 1 Hardware and Crockery, $c. ALSO, Jamaica Spit its, Cogniac Biandy^WJue, Peppermint and Shr .b, Tea, Raifmsi Currant^; Pepper* Allfpice, Soap, &Ci Sale 11 com::ie;.ce at 4. o'clock P, M. each day. Wra. 3VILean& Co. Kingston, 1 Gib AuguS9 IS \ 6. II ■ i'Ve7,* f/tr Boston lyul!/tdf'/nn, Aug;. 1. Vi*i*M Gibrullur.—\h Liu* brig Two Uiotlh •■ , from (Jibraltitr, wo received a paper of July i."#. !r costinius par¬ ticulars pf Hie nhortivt* ftttoropt at a Povolution at Tunis. cir!> iuMn_\,n' lately moaHoupd in the A'tiorican pa¬ pers. 1 lie in-ur^eiits ranuv\;jy v.bh b vessels. One of tlii i . . man, and at the fame time infifted that wnopw any ..!«.•.«.«... *"v—7;......is ^LTTTS wwo earner men com- «n tfld |Wd be p.jt (fl the fcuinefs. »f our receivuig them H. $. M. floop mon, wh.ch m^es tbtf ftraw ^119! to L.rage, whan hacked with half made vrrass and folted a8 ai,ove. if no dry f .rage is 10 be ob:,afnc.<] to m;x wftj, g,een, rhe filt muft be t}j,cnafcd, and the grafs a little more dried. ■ I aTo take the. liberty to fujrgcft to my farming brethren^ ^ propriety of cot- ting the oat.hcld] mvch tzx\\tT ti,en com. pjrt into Mou- iloil. and ua> sei/ed. another n.'d l;n.ti¬ ed about one Ipwulieu of he** crew who wore di>eonreuieiK but hn! 200left.— These two vessels had murdered th* crew %fan Buglish ntorchanl brig; and sunkthc vessel. A British and ji ilun- sian ve«s(d,laden with Wheat,ba>been jscenwithont any person on board.— • The fugitive Tuiiisinn vessels wcrr sup- j Dosed tto be bound :t> Levant. Bat for the appearance of the British frig¬ ate Euphrates offTutiift) it was sup¬ posed the revolvers Mould have des¬ troyed the Bey*sll^ei and arsenal3 and the (Jolcta. Buidgutows, Ji'lir (2i. An OldFcllom.—A land tortistma* aicly found by Mr. Harvey Shepherd, »n lilS Far.*: in Hope well township, in Twelve Dollars Reward. LOST, in the town of Kingston, Oa the 2lfl inll. a Gold Seal, Marked with the letters A. M. D. in capital Liencrta with Three GOLD KEYS, in a ring Vvhocvei will brmg the faid Seal ard Keys to the fubferiber, w,'U receive the above reward. A.MACDONELL. Kingston, Zld Augvst, 1816* 12 8 Dollars Reward. LOST, on tk? \y\\ inft, between the widow Burnett's and John- Burnett's, a NO FL, igalnrt Burd.Scjm-. horn, of twenty pounds, with a ftfiall in- dprfetnem on the bank. Auy peifon that will rctnre ihrt faid note to Samuel M'Crea, Hull receive the above rewaid. CLORGE CL^HE- • Kingston, !4<.v A'tgust, fiiO.