MfvnftaH ■«*' i"W*K *&**«* It - *• ij -m fhaM fneak luv word* in the great ^ }j*|| by an a>;IihhiI Naw4Tali«t, \v J |j round1 houfe toward* thtr fating fun, SM-r/trd a diai-.tMit. iinil, a- it :»,.-!. »4 %--)«. bury i Ivc tomahawki Ovtf- tlv!rsu ni6«t*itrttirftt! mneio I trut' J r;as rr>ijt he children of peace- tiiffit. Since that period iv pt».*tfi tiasbren ttptil : its fcnflfh at p. J «u< U above fhroo frvt, and tfAfy daj nipkcs a visible difference in its size. it is thought that 11 will rtow to iu $;■/<■ of'20 foot. ',iiul still remain tame It f eds up^n HeWttgH, oy tors, 01 generally on any kind of I! -*li, and • • kepi either in the *;m%r, or in a sort oi box, witha glass top, nrsar flia tr.w—- It is remarkablo fox its sagacity, and V through the night it rotate u after, it will leave its c nich and make U^way to tin* keeper** 1) .d, when \< will moan, and if bythU means thr ke.-;p;:r is not awakened, it will >trik. • hioi with its tail until be attaud toil* uants. In like manner \\h u ilgraw - old from the iire going »**Ul, it itiukc* it^ way to tiHS keeper's binl, Bthd put- ti i£ aside the b *d clothe litM rfowu b aide him, in order to pi, , ure hi*at- • J | p?nfi<in« earned fcjjr ttieir wounds in bat- | Tkftagjh la feme nt»c& potatoes and peace Chi'd-en ! S'"ne have frtH, your ilvirfs fijjnedpapers of white men that (Od o«T' KreHi Your chiefs figned no ; papers ; f oner Would ihcy lei the torn- ! ahawk lay them low. Wc kn w one of | our men wa* hired by while men to tcil : onr men tlii , and will now t<Jl yon f-, (himfelf.) PaoCrfl are wicked ihh'g*; 'ake care, fir_rn nr ne of them but fucfi a our minffterrtadn to us. He U ftrsighi. j Yoti now tee biii tears running like ours. [ Father—you are our miniiler—dry up yrnw rtw*, Wr know if your arm ! co'j'd it would help 115, We know wi-k'd mrn fpeak ill of you for our ':tk^\ You fuflVr with U3. But y >v. n~t |rfus* feivant, and he will not love you Irf-. for lovjng Indiana, Ciii'dreu—-Our two mcfTcn^ers will run and carry our tb>roW3 t-1 the great council firc, towards the fetting fun.-- Tr>>M THR COM APVtR riSKR. ifefrs. Lewis y HaS9 Pleafe to rnfett th* f flowing iu ( your paper,-f^r the GfiauTij-tfion oi tiiuit who are Uiterelied hi the ttirnH>i v oi tin' jkbrared chriftian Chief, whole death wn lately ni ticed by fevevil editor*.— ls is fent you by the pcrm.Cwu of Mr. J"i»kins, mifliouay of the Oneida, whd t A down the Spe-\has it noas dtUvwd, P^SECHOFJOHN'sCAN ^NDO, -Hmd Chief >f the Ouidan, on t!»t di* covery that ihrit land and Improver Qtentfi at the Caflle w^re fo.d IO %w Slate, by the intrigue, (ai he^ffL':!^) tl ar.d ha- iu ihii rrfped 'nade no diH'iifl.on between the royaliih of La Vendee an th >fe who had ferved under Bonaparte prior tto ihe firll reitnrntion. June \o.—Fianm the Pctciftur^h Gazette the Frenich pa;>er« have cojird thr Treaty between RuiTia and Pruffia. relative to Poland. Mod of i he an ange- ment^ wercknowm before. To Aultria. | Ruflia cedes certain di>tricls in Eaiteru Galktcia. Cracow is declared free and independent—and the Duchy of Wuifaw is united to i he Roffijn Empire, thefe p»rtRexce;»ted which are ceded to Prulfia. The Emperor of Ruflia takes the title of Czai King of Poland. R: i'S mv c hild re n, an d tell our wo;«'e Gu.j ht^lt.h to all ihe chiefs aflemblc-' •ontrd the fire. And may Jcius, the ^re^t Saviour, bring you back late. [Two ir.eri then fet cfT immediate!) f ;i Buffalo 1 P. c. * Me was blind, and neni a hundred y* a;"9 old when he delivered thin fryrch. + Th*- Tndiats are now driven to their unimproved lands. The old chief him- frlf, an hundred and lix year*old when I vil'Tcd the place, Kved in tie wuods, 3 mil's diftant from the meeting honfe, which torret'e' with the miffiwnary honfe were in pofltffijn of the (tate. Men were then laying out the ext< i.hve im- prov■■ ments in the village lots, and few I of the nihecomparatively, kindled thefe ofcetfin White Men. [: he tear. hfr^ within the whoL' refcrvaiion, and tpioufly fr.»mhis eye , and of ail ;hc nnHianary Ration theic wa foon to Halifax, July 12. A gentleman alfurcs us, that he faw at Itaft twenty fail of Americans fifliing on our (hore, within CapcSable. When they perceive any thing like a Britifh crnizer, ihey get under way and proceed 10 fea, and run in again at nipht. Unlefs our men of war do fomething mrre then endorfc their pipers, when they chance to fall in with them, all our buftle about exciufive rights to the tifh erics on this couit, will be but an idle tale. other vege'anie.s art onprOnnifingi we gp told that generally, the croo^ may be expected to e-me in bountifullv; Fiuit of all kinds are highly prninif ing; and entirely free from vctmtn.— The latter circumftance, which hisbe*-n caufed by the prdtrafiion of cold -eath er, !- worthy ()f notice, fince it Ihcw-, that in every difpenfation of Providence, good and evil are meafured to us with an equal hand. my children J — ran copio that heard him in council] My warriers and Hear I—-It \> cruel—it i\> veiy cruri !^ ^ le^ivy Kurden ?W on mv hear: ;—M i^ very fidt. This it 2 dark day. The e oudeare black a:vJ heavy >vcrtht Onei da nation ; and a rtron^ arrn is heavy u"oniis,at:d our hearts pro*n Under it Our fire-: are put out, and our bed? are RTTioved from 11 ■ 'er us. '^he e-'jves «.-f O.i fathers are de^royed, ar.d thcrrohd- dren are driven away. The Almighty h ■••)irvw:'h ms ; f* r wc h :vc beeri vcrv wicked : therefore hi» arm d >e- nor krm Q«. ^Miercare ihe Cl»K-fs of tlu rift g ■Son ? White Chiefs now ki =d!e titeh Indent fires ! There no Indian flce(» but thofe who are flccp.'ti'.r; in their g'ayM.. Mfy W& w-'iVi Cmn-Hc \ik' th *r* ; fcwi +vt-\\ a white chief here Itbdle this ft/c Your Scanandii will foon !>e n<> more. tnd all his village no more a vilia^c 'if Indians \ The news tint came lalt night by oui men from Mbany made this a fukday j «: Ootid*. AH our chdJuVs heart. are fick, and our eyes rain like the Ma k chuul that roara on the too^.f the tree-. rf the wrderncr?. Luujt did tile fining J voice of Scanahdo cry. children, take erne, oe wife, be ftraic;ht. Hi* fctt was then like the deet's, and his arm i*ke the bear's-^-He can now only mourn out a few words attd then be ill ent ; nnd his voice will f Ktti be heard no more in Oneida. But cc-tainly he will •fee Ion? in the minds of hii chddren—in j the white men's Scaaaudo'* ftatfte R45 pone far, and will not die. He \m fpoke xn?.ny *oiAttAmake hi> child eivftrai^ht. Long has he faid. drink not itrOtag wa¬ ter ; for it makec you mice for mihf men, who are cats. Many a meal have they eaten of you. Their mouth i* a fnare and their way like the fox. Their lips are fweet but their hcattis wicked. : Yet there are good Whites and go/id j Indians—I love all good men ; and jo¬ ins whom I lovef feej all His great day is coming; he will make draught ; he will fay to ch.ett *g Whites arid drinking Indians, begone ye—go, go, j jjo—Certainly, my children, he will j drive them away. In th-u my Iwillj -fcjoice. But oh ! great fonow is iY. j my heart that many of my children j mourn. The great Jcfus has lo ked 0:1 1 all the while the whites were Vh -ating us ; and it will remain in his mi::d—he wi'1 make all ftraight a^ain. Long have 4 believed his (rood wo: ds ; and as long as I lrve I wiU pray to him. He U my good Sav'our—my blind eves he wi'l | open.* 1 Ihall fee him.—Childicn, hi- wav is a eood wav. Harhcn, my children ! wu-n tltti •ntws founds m the council Howie tow¬ ards t\\€ fetting fun, and the chiefs or the Six Nations hearken, and ttiey fend to the counci! by the great iake, near the fetting fi;n, and they c:y, make bows and arrows, fharpen the ionv„i.av>< —put the chain of frieudihip Willi the V/hitts into the ground—warrior, kdl ! kill ! The great chief at ii'e feiny fn« Wont kill any uf the fix QltiOOS t'.M gn into hialand, becaufe they I*avq a cii.?i-; <if fiirnilfhip with the W}«uei ; iai •*< fays the whites have made iiswukcri like thftnfeU'c.1, and that we Lave tote the .1 our land. Wc have not fold it ; 1*c bave been cLcaud ; find -v.v t ■f»"'.i- 17 be broken up, £«r.w.«S, ■R«: Kingston, August 17, 1SI6. « • « * * I t 4 I • * " jii£xnu U received and fcail appear Li oUi' i.(.*>!. From th'i Minting Post of Mini )££. The Caaticeiior of the E\- elicsj •! brought forward last ui«at the Butl^vi of the yvav Vim supplies of the year VSUh amount to ^25,140,186, the ways unci meaus estimated at WXtQj&n. TUcvWmvp icff- itlatLons tu'ecxp^cfod lo (>todvic(- 22(K) 000, the taxes already kit*' ni) liulteraud rtie?* fiiOO^JO. On the first year of the peace, a year always signalized by a >uvv ban, he aiinoitneetl that I here would be a reduction oi' nearly X'«i,0!JaO(»0. The Hamburg Correfpondent contains the following tragical story, which it al¬ leges to h;*vc lately taken place in a coun¬ try town of Hanover;—A mother of three little children threatened one ot them, in the prefence of the other, iu a j king manner, to cut off Itfl n<>fc, for fome naughty trick of which it had got a hhbu. Soon after (he \va> bufy down staicsin bathing the youngest child, who was il,bnt hastens up stairs on hearing a dreadful cry in the upper part of the houfr and meets <. > the utaim the eldest child, who teils her he has excuted the thiea tened punishnrnt up0n the other child, who had again been guilty of the fame trick. In her anger (he pufhes thechiid fo, that he falis down the stairs—finds the maimed child fwi.nming in iti blood in the ngories o\ death—ruftes staiis again—finds the other child life lefs at the foot of t\xe st .fra—totters in- to theba:hiuo nH>rn, f,nrls thc yottnge>t child r.iloeatrd in, ^ l)alh. nnj hari„s herfdf fhuvliy af;^ ,'u the extremity of dcipair. Khitish IssTrfOTioN. le setitiiftcntg disclosed in TSie opposition in England were recently particulate dis- c on tented because provisions wqcq cheap, iind hanging was postponed. We presume they are in bet- Jerspirtts, since bread has rUen. and the " new drop iias fatten. Tt Since our laft, the Paris prpers of Tlunfdny have arrived ; and tbi; morning we received thofe <»f f'idav. Aiv'.h'r French Gt-nern^ (Grayer) has been ien fenced to be fh»>t for toe rebellion of March, I S i j, and the ri^icr.loun farce of trying Gouohyi who is abiesit, is going on. C-juricr F.rha*rdir.rtr\ of this Morning Several individuals have been canted brfoie the Trihuii^l-. accufed of havitlfT Rolen about a trio ifaiui weight of >>un- i:Ov."!ci fiOTi one oi the government Mago/i ies, an i frdd it to Ruggieri, thc fire -worker. The carriage which con- vayidlt having b.-en Hopped at Mont- mat re on the ajd alt. tfave rife to a threat number ?*f (upp-llcions and com¬ ment irifs. The quantity <»f powder was \ greatly magnified, and the whole wa- fu:d to havebeencontrived bycuu'oiraturs a^alnfl the State. Paris Journals to the tft inil. and 3 F'andcrs n>ail, having arrived this mor¬ ning. The afTeition in the previous Parts Papers, which we did not notice, knowing it to be untrue, that our Am¬ bassador Sir Charles Stewart, was to be replaced is now contradicted from au¬ thority. The valuable fervices of lhat Gentleman cannot be difpenfed with. The Duke of Wellington i. expetied at Paris, wherditis fuppofedhe will remain till September, his Grace haveng made all the necxiTaiy arrmi^ements on thc frontiers. A co:;fiJerable change is .perating in the temper, the vigilance, and the vigorof I he French Government, fince tlie exy'ofioi at Grenoble and /fewheie. This we find proved nore by our Pii\;r.c Letters then by the public jourriais. There is o:>e important paiagrayh m i!-efe ^spe;*, under the head oi Vienna. which cflsutoence* with the report tliai iht Rufiia t arujy la 10 be L--*;?t upon tiu war foo£iTi2. (he following a|.,i,.ie is lu.(.oll, m«- pftpuiai" *v«nnmtMf* «!.•,.,«- vtuls. At a ja|C meeting h. LOivcloii(»fLhc British Institmion for (liiVusiuo- kuov^letlffe, Mr. dams, oui' iministvr, neiug" (•;'.•!- k-dupou for ju toast ob.servVd:— "Tual ediM-nition [s knowtetlfti and leads to wiiluc. This in;... be knew, he said, would eonu' to ev.-rv British bosoni. in Aiht'iicH. "lie added, then* was a zeal four the edueation ot the poor; n,Hi ]1C rej«irded it as ft * 'do uurA "'soriotta oi the blessings dorived from ibetr British ancrsiors. Rav« as a toast, MR. MARSHALL, Member of Ihe College of Sur¬ geons, London, AND MCF.NCKD BY HIS hXCIXLENCY the ouvi;n,\on rs cuief TO PRACTICE PHYSIC, SURGERY *xz> MIDW1FBRY, TAKES the liberty to inform the Public lhat he lias moved from Mr. Patrick Smyth's houfe to McfTrs. Johns & Finklfs, where all call* in his line will be immediately attended to. N. B. FamiKes and other* may be fupplied with fmall quantities of genuine DRUGS and Patent MEDICINES. KingsU-n, l$tbAuguJli 1816. n JAMES G. HANNa] Watch Maker and JnsfUer, RESPECTFULLY foforax his friends and the rnblic in ^nera!. that he has ju;l received a very elegant aflurt»r»ert *f Gold and Silver V. atche?, (Patent Leav» j cr ;ni plane)—-Mufieai Inlrrqfnents of all McrTptiona, fueh as Douhu Fingcl- a.» '-. i iionetn, Fates, &c. Ladies woik Boxes, Plated CrevvvtH, do. Candlefticka do. Snuffers and Truys, do. SaH Cellars and Toad tta<ks, Ivwry Bundled Knivp and Forked fettswiffa Carvers, Patent Coik Screws; Silver, Gilt and Steel iVfes, Silver am! Plated Fift Knives do. Butter Knivea, do. Spoon*, Silver, Viiit- and other Snuff B« xe , Scifluft, Pen Knives, Cocks Filhing Tackle, Bajr^animfn Hoards, ChefTmen, Dice, .yilver, Tortoife Shell and Steel SjxvktaeleB, and a number of other ar- t!C*e* too uu.r.eroub to inemiuii, which he iviil fell cheap fdfcafh, N. B. /\it*»—lon-e excellent SVY UFF, Wilolefate and Relail. Watches 31 d Clocks repaired nnd clea¬ ned iii the heft manner, a;-d warranted. Kiri^stans slug. 17, 1S16- l *{f Hv Aact-on4 ON •■vi?.!NV;,2^l Jrw-tifil1 inffiantj and fol^^in^ days *I1 Ithewholfcia dHp'ofed of, u th tubfcrf- biSre' Store**, the remainder f their Stock in Trad.? will be fold without refcrve to cloG thc concern, COOfitVing n( fuperfine, fin?- and COarfe Cloth', and C:«lT)metes, while and c ored Flannel , 2CO Flannel Shirts, Dimity, Chintzes a».d Colicors a caff of rrifli Linen. Bnmbazcttes GinghamB, Shirtings Scotch Sheetings Brown H.dlonds white Cottons 64 Checks and Srrip'.'p, t eno^, Muflfns and Cam- brie*, ln(h Poplins Si^k and Cor toil ShavrU, men's cc women's Cotton Hole* Si'k ar.d Cotton Glove?. KacK Lace Veils, a quantity of ricfi fi'k Tfi«Wf>mgJ, mrns and women's fine Shoes & Boottt a few mei^f, and women's Fur Caps of a superior kind, table Knives & Forks, with an cflorTment of Stetipn&rpj Hatdisare and Crockery, &c. ALSO, Jamaica Spirrts, Cor^niac Biar-dy, V7\r^% Peppermint and Shr-h, Tea, Raifina* Currants. Pepper, Allfpice. Soap, 3cc. Sul^ tn commence at 4 o'clock P. M. each day. Wm. M'Lenn & Co. 11 He then Ills P-.),:ii Uigfmess the Dtike of Ke.u, iJivsidcnt of Pie Institution.-' Tiiti [loyal O.ilu-iii reply, said, • 1 ii*t»! "-iiitiftod that tSitJ* moUoii shuttlij vir-ic iV.):ii the Mtnwtef j of (he United States. 1 lived! hmg m t'ie United States (in CnuadaVnil U wjis ever a inief Take Noll ^/TOl.EN or strnyrd, on Si.uday the O i :th iusr. a fi'.eyounti Liver 2nd Wl he P« tiitc** 1)00. about live months old, th* properly oFMnjor C^ltgg. Sh'i rid herein ihe poiTclfion of any perfon iu the neighborhood or Ki :g> ton, the advettifei rccjuebts lie m.iy be I immediately returned to hie relidcncc ai Vlra,' , Kingston. Any perrwf» detaining him after ibis notice will bs profecuttd. Kingston t i yb August^ 1816. 11 Cheap Woo I €7i GOODS. THE fubferibers have just received, by the late arn'yals fforn their Maflufaduring Houfe, in England, a large quantity of SUl'ErtMNE & SECOND "BroaJ Cloths; Eadies' Pelice CL0TBS and CASSIMEBES, rONS S ] iG OF — . Blue, Black, Waterloo, Bot- ile Gceeti, Brown and Mixture Broad Cloths j Brown, French Gray, Dmb, ftlfd coloi-'d Pelisse Cloths ; Black, Bine and Mixture Douhle .Mill'd CasnneresT Which they now offer for fa!e at thc Store of Messrs Thomson Sl Detlor, very lo\V lor caft. j,iririi,ywvii,nn?,Bvvir& c&. Kingston, \~th August, (Sif3. II Notice, \*r. CIIARLKS WHITLOW, PROPOSES to deliver in t£l8 place, a courfe of Leftures on BQTANT. 1 he courfe will conlift of fifteen Leo lures. Twelve of tiicfe will he delivered iu the day tine, and thiee in the eve- hiiuj. Tlie principles of the S^i.-ncc will be illndrated by Pointings, executed according to the directions, and in *'er the fuptriuttndente of thc celebrated t)oilor Thornton. Term* of admittance, £l : 5 : o for the courie, and fbi a miglc Ledtme $s- Kingston, Aagu8 16, t S16. 11 //" . --* Jo me Lhat ihe two eamstriee A m^rfo"??&*t0- ?^e should be at vann.rce. Tlietr 0 i I w'/r laiignage aiitl JRterfst are the] bC/lOOl JLiOUS^ same, and t!.0ir iVicidsiiip liould be iu\ iokble." Boston, July ,.._Gn Ueiiu-fdny,' i we art toM, thepe #as j»n aS-n-t^nt fail I of tain iu the N.-utivveltern pan ai thet ik.ites of New Uampiiure, Vc-i-rr.o-u. ?<\ Maine. All the imJ\ rr\-Uu in tin i~i May le.- thc plan end IcSCll the pavticu hi: a by abfilv'tijF r-o ' JOHM KTOl'GKTON, Secy. M> D. S. S. Ki--'1 .•». 1 -■' /lii'iofi, ir.,;,. 11 I7ROM th« Paltursd Mr. jth'. j-i..!-:'on. a COW, a R.ddrfll Fot Sale, ONS ELEGANT SIDEBOARD, > Barrels BUTTER, and 2D do: CIDER & VINEGAR- Enquire at the Store formerly occu¬ pied bj 3. BARTLET Kingston* Aagujl \ 1, \ 816. tf~$ Notice, '"yHE fuhfcnheir. being abwt to JL clo^- their Lufirtfs tequeft thcie to wfroffi t!;ey are indthted, to fend in I cheiv accouria for payment, cud th- fe in- dented to them art: drilled to make im ■ media e jaynerlr, or ii.tir accounts WH be gi^'in into the hands of an attorney for ColU<lti..M. Wri. MfLefin ^ Co. fCmgsiont Z$thAnm% 1S1& u part promiie a hCavy bai -£ft. partieular. ly the ryo ami barlev. On Sarurdnv , • » . iv 1 . t 4,.-------------------------------------------- - iT" (h ntld the earth be freq^L'fltl) (hovVerb, the I'M,*.*- wet with .i.i abundance. er mowing uiay yield Indian corn UVCXy backu':rd tferOUgK- | mt the Hex? ^n^Uni 'Uttes s«d the on crops mull eon q««V'%tly be v.ry (hort« SeiioMS ilcwnv..1cncc!J NV;;j ar|re fwn Ibh ci'cundL. . 1IU .Jfl ,1,, middle and touthe.n h«: c pTor,iifrd pu u.iu'ujI FOR SAl.ii, On Ret,/' nasle TermSf ICT No r 7, f:r *he tn^ttlhlp <": u Siaryfl>urg]i, be'ng a *'>} va!ua bic and plcalantly Rttiated ;ab;uil So acre* inula g(KK> iiv.i.ri'ueme-'l, j ■ I > npv S?V liebta t'uat UC may c-outraA sfter thii date—Wlioewer v.::il return i.iJ'ji.v f tr»? r»bf.-iatfi, Ml *<**"* vhc abii'vcjwwnrii Wciw clwages paU. tHMCOE WRIGHT. t"-:_.'o::, .i.ytjl rata l8,<5- lMH3 war pxxmg. ^ ivmuv-.u »«ca c-€ prommC :« i u.iu Uj) i ;acom so acre* mulct gtWG :iT-.i.:i<ueinou, Tfatf Kiwg of France hasvery properly pTcuiitudc of^Hear, our formers > ianu a-cI! fenced. F*w '.-rw, i.pp!y iv ^i:l::h.utcd tlie forfeiteJ propctv »f dv: \ noc defoair , f: .^ n ,r c„m,.j„;B [1„HIIJ the fubfcribet us the prerttilvs, xocllwus family of Bonaparte a.-n-n^;the they b-.^H.^c' ^ cj| wbke laflca'Jtf. AARON CONNER. 1 Wkrsa- I .!Ti; -3 wk« KiJ ].'.'. ^ieiiIjbrewaleai«, j Mnrxfcarg&t Augyl 7, iii6. ici Mrrdi/nib: or T\«Jmmcn, ] T AVING their Ylo.ik^ ttl arnar,an,i '. "j wiftiag to get thciu " acic uj), wi I of a ncrfon i--3th <o complete ihcr* * ft ■ ** ilt'Jt it