[SATURDAY, August 1 \, LH1S] TON [VOLUME VI.-^-No. 11.] T T E. T^T-----C" Kingston, Upff^r Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. :Price of advertifmg in the Gaxette^ Six lines and under, 2/6 fir ft infertion, bad i/3 cve,T fubfequent. Ten lines and under, 3/4 ftrffc inter- tion, and 1/8 every fnbfequtnt. Ten lines and upwards, 4*/. per line fir/l infertion, and 2./- per line every fuc. cccdinginferiion. Advertifements iinnccompa^jed wrh written directions .ste inierted till forbid, and charged accor I,>giy. Wanted for His MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, 00 Bushels Oats * .* j NEW GOODS. HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Mali- cheftcr, Birmingham and Glasgow, &c. an extenfive feflbument of every fp-ecies of Merchandize fuitable to the Upper Canada Market. ■ The Good-* have been fcle&ed with care and purehafed for Caflu and will be difpeftd of, either by Whoiefale or Retail, on the moft reafonable terms. Under 1 he different heads of Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Clothes, Flannels, Haberdash¬ ery, Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary, Crockery & GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, &c. &c. Tliey would enumerate the following article?, viz : POOTiiY. MISCELLANEOUS. I Very beft Port, !„ P. Madeira, So. Fine old !>ro\vn Sherry, ( iff y > WI 20 Tons IIA Y. The whole to be delivered into the Commiflariat Magazines at Kingston, by the earliest practicable period. Tenders for the above fupply will be received at this office. » Commissariat OJJice, 8 ' Kingston, Z\th June, Tr»t6. New Goods. TWT7 O'Lf *l 1' • » it '| bv the b x ; Scotch Oat meal, n t bnbfcribers, having received by D . .><■>*! tr * 1 & J Points and U.Is all jrted— NES. 1 ; Crown, Qznaburg, Shirting and Sheet t ing Linens ; I aces, Cambncks J Veftings, Sattina, Ribbons, bik- LPS L M. Teneriff, J .' Stk Handkerchiefs j Hibbert's bed Brown Stout by the I Navy Blue, Black Gray and fafhiorable Caflc or Dozen, I Superfine Broad Clothes and Cas- Bvandy, Gin, &e. &c. &c. : fmercs. Teas ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado ; \ Ladies' and Gentlemen's Glove* and Cufftt ; Sauces of every description, ; - Hofiety, Carp, ting of variou* pat Loch fine Herrings bv the Kejrj '. r^r>iS Pearl Barky ; Milliard Soap & Candles ; An affortmentof Scrrolb.oks and Sta- the late arrivals, offer for falc on the lowed terms for cafh at their Stores in Kifgfton, either whoiefale or retail Cloth* lverfeymeres, Flume's, Bomfcazctts, B'uphazenes, Men S Women's Ulft Will Linens, Di?pers, A^veliW, Patti un>. fcft*i ingv Blue apd \v'"ic 01- agonal Satinets, Levantine iiiiks, Ribbon?, Laces, Fooling, Ginghams-, Lace Veils Si'k Shawl*, Silk and Leather Gloves, WJIIhi-i M oml ti^rary— Giaf* ware and Crockery by the Crate ■ or cafk, and packed to fuit Coun- 1W,, „......„w. m........ m........_ , try Shops. Snipe-Shot NaiHScSptkcftof al!forts, ; Gentler.^\ prinf Beaver Hat*: Men's if Plate an-! Sheet Iron, . I JM*»UJ and 3>f* Cwrd ban- and pitted &Q Wep*i Willow Hats. !.a<1i:$*& OtrV Beaver trlm'd Ba»net«. Scrubbing, HorfeT Shoe, and Ta- : White, Red, Yellow and Blue FU.ncls, bio Brufhe* * and Green broad Baize. Koivnwtd Fnrke* atfvtted,—Penknives, lifrjjfr Point Blanket +—Counter panes, Sei&.rs, Spauit9 Rase ra,.SliawgCafcsj ; BedTick,&c &c. -.Lock ;, Hinjrcf, Sa;vs. Hr.mmers, ! Storage: and SRhvfogfi at the cuftom- F.'?e*, Ginibrets, &c. 5,c &C 1 a«7 prices and Commiffioti BuiincU exe- >J Shi.es__ " cutcd at the ur»al r-»te Crawley and BUftcred Steel. Swedes I- ron affnied. Duck. Pigeon and Snipe R T Frvincr p'tns. Spades and Shovels. Hoilww Ware—! lair, C!"th. whitwnfh, Po ts a Berlin Web?, 'tT'rh a varirty of other iartlcif" in the ])ry Goods Iane.\ ALSO, ^maiea Sprrits Mnfcovado and PCoprM*e Brandy, Holland Gi'n, -Btft ?°Tt> Sparifh, g.tcwv and Madeira Wines, Pepperment, Shntb, UofofTes, Walter MtCvNii*FB&Co. Ktngfton, 19th July, 1816 iice<nf, < ordui-oySi St^r-ea- Cptton?, Ch»(ks l'on'.l;.!y.cUs, M'iijir.3, \ Cord' Shawls, Dimities, Fapts, Bohhin JOHN KtRBV. AinpsUn, July z(u, lb I 6. THE PRMSMNT AGE. Of all ihp ;i«;e!; ever known The present i* tl:o oddest, A.- all Uin Mm arc honc^r grows And all ihr IVonutt »icd< st. No I.mcuers now arp fond OffeeS* Nor'CYeifevof ili«*Ir daw, JF*ewjpenpitrai die plav on** «ocs, Al Church ktiut ci uu'ihti P*-ws. * Ourji'iT.tVy, uha' avirtwo'is rare ! Dp/pi>iug ejarthly treasures $ Fond of true honor'ti^lorious chase, s4ndqtttir. Uvcrse topJe^sUres. The Uid'wsdres*so ptnin, indeed You'd Uiiuk them (taaftereaH, Witness the Turhtni■011 their lio^ila, So comely aud m> small! Our frugal la-o* the Platr serures, \\ lectin* ih- n cm woe begin ? Fo ■ huxiiry's turned out ofdoor?, 1'Vitgality------i«ok in. Nil pleasure Chaises fiHthestreets O. .-rewti the roads on Sunrt'n/ : so ho» itv l.ii/ria^ through the week. Obtain a respite onr day. ]I;;|>|ty '.hi* nation thus fhriowrn - St> void ul ;\ant^ nm\ rrijup-; All :<ealous for thrir neigbbor^j^ood, Oh ! thtst me ■?'" I'm* thurs f SHE WALliS IN BEAUTY. ^\l\Z wall, in lu-autv, like ihc night J Of cloud lens c!imr> and s(ar: \ * ld<?R, \ik1 all tJi:i!/> htst of dark iMuihr'uht ieot in h'T a:.|H-ct and h-r pj*cs. L'hus Qi«II.iw*d to thai tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies* Hue shade tha roorc3 one ray the less, llrul half impqird the namek^ grac<- '/'hi.!: wslTCS in CVftry ravm tn'ss:3 Or soft]* hijrlitou< oVr her face ; \\~\wvc thoughts serenely sweet express Ro.11 pure, how dear (!u-ir dwelling place. Remedy in case of sztulfaviing piriSy Jish or other sharp bones. Administer four grains of tartar emetic in warm water, and lei the patient drink the white from six eg^s ; which coagulating upon the Ftomach hefore the tarter operates, envelopes the pin or bone and It is brought up. A person who swallowed several pin-j v as made to Throw up the whole by the above method. ... • • • It surely is a matter of no hi! concern to secure the good opinion of the virtuous and vdse—for, then in some rm asure one must resemble them. Women are cvrtainlt) not at all iiu f<rr'orto men in resolution^ and per*- haps much less in courage than is gsn* eral[y imagined The reason the it appear so3i$ because zcoo/en affect to be more a/raid than then really are* find men pretend to be less so. True feofibitfty 12 a feniiment full of modeAy, to which concealemcni is more ncccfTarv than even tc love iifclf. A Pleasant •School-Boole* A YOUNG gentleman ftcpt bte a Bookftorc, and fnid he wanted to*get 9 11 r<mng Man's Companion '■' « Well fir," (aid the bookfcllcr, " LrSs n;y laughter. OS SATURDAY, AND ABSURD CLF.ANUNE-rS. 8 Loaf Sugar, Tra*:, Prun*^, Railius A ]m mdtff Barley, Pepper, Allfpice- and Indigo. Midland Districts ?*\\\\\ l . urt ol Until : i J. OjeraudTtr- ininer i\i i Prills and (.Yuen. (r,ja! hnid'-n it! in" L'our iwn f k"n-st: n. in the For wiy, BY the fn.hfrri'crs, 4o BOXES FINK • Yellow Soap, CHEJPfcr C.ifi. Thomson & Detlor. I Kingston, Ju?y I, U16. 5lf- ~To be Sold," .8co acres of land In the townfhip of Loughhorongh, 200 atres in ihc townfhip of Hun gerford. A Saw Mill and Gritf-MItl whh two dwelling honfes, out houfe*, ihthles, 8;o with 40Q acres of land, a ciown Ieafe, j id the townfhip of Pitt fhmgh. * ALSO, A number of valuable Town Lot* in the village of Wellington. For terms, apply to JMOS ANSLET. Kingston, July 5,1816. 5 Spruce JBeer, OF moll any quantity, can he hid at the CELLAR under the Auction Room of Mr. Charles Shir*. JOHN YOUNG. R S. All persons who are in¬ debted to him, Pitt reqiiffled t*'* call with¬ out delay, and fettle their accounts. " Kingston, July 5, 1816. $ i>.;:iv..-n. vvi.l b« H«Uvf! i'i till* Ti s:'ul district, on 'I i i.sd\y tiie'iOtli d;i\ »f At'ttC-fr, at Hie hour of few *f the A 'ckiu thi'f.)tinr-cn. ! <I- thaivlVrr (n lx!l^ give notice to all tjiosc who \\U\ jirosiTUtr ;i:*niust ap\ pris'.n.'i in the C'nmin-in o.-al f^r tiie said Dir-trlct, that fhr_\ bo then thvw pr smrt t( pros- i-tuiU1 ;iii;iiii-t th.-ni as shall be ju4. And i doal-o grfPMnticetoai! Justices rftiu* lv:ic<% CoiMiwrs. Bui lifts, Cnn- >tnbhv;, and »tlu*r Peace Oiliccrs. in and lor the RHiricl af(*n'said. that thry I)S tlu'n ami therein thflr uwn pivprr p rsnii^. with their It.ills, Records, and othsM' R.'Tncrrjbiancvs, to tlA th^se tiling, uliich tt_. tiu'ir several O.iiccs in thai brhalf appertain {■■ he d'-.ur. CILVRLKS STUAJH\ Sheriff. SheriiT Otlco. 3d Ausmt, L810-. 0 Jonas Abbot, F> ESPECTFUILLY undcis his JT\ thnnka to his euftometfi for their liberal fupport in Mtercantile tr^n(a6iibn> finct- he came to this- place, and ipf-rm^ them that he hasn*»*w commenced bufi- nef? with Mr. Tuo-v.as S. Whita;;er. under ihc firm of JOS IS ABBOT* €3* ^nd are now receiving a very general afloitT.eu'i of Fane?/ S; Staple Vnd 011 tlmf dices, and o'er (hat brov. *so sttft. so culm, v-'t elniptrnt, 'Via \sxA\n Hi.ri sviu.rhi- tints that glrnv, fjllt it\\ .-fihiyN ill JTOOdlKRS -pr-»t5 A mind at prmr ' with al! botow, A luart whose Iot* t> inn o cm I ! IJchrczv Metadies. OS AS UGLl FELLOW. P'"^.iuv ir.\ friend, of <hrj hit brook, Or fontttnin. WA that hideuns h ok, Tin u.-M'. thou chaucf to >f>^ : Xitnissus1 tare would then bcthino, Al:d. S. If d;f • (; d. HlOU WOUUkt pilU As st !f enani-'urd he. 1 . -- Dancing Softool. .... - MR. jMfJRIT, r> ESPECTFQLLY info.msthe La- dies and Gentlemen of Kingfton, thit fie in*A-r;!s commencing a DAN¬ CING SCHOOL a: Mr. MeGts't« n Tuefday next, at 4 o'clock, P. M.—- Any gentlerran wifhing totntrufi pupils with Mr. Mtf.it, to be inflru&ed m dim polite art, can be futi>fied of his: ac¬ quirements by applying at Mr. McCcc:s, and alJo the terms or * Tufii n. N. ti. Mr. Merit, with the ofliilance of his friends will be particularly can* t:ous that none rray be permitted *o join | ^chco1, but thofe that arc lef; ..la- . \— He will trive leiTons in private ram- 's if requesttd KiT$si>yn, August 3, 1815- 9tf Well adapted tothiss IvJarket; which have I b'en felefted by one of the Partners from the latett arrivals *c Quebec and Mon¬ treal, and purchr.fed! for ready money Thev flatter ihemifelves their purcha- fes have been fuch ots will" enable tin m 10 fell their Goods ais low as th*»fe who have imported direcS from Europe. The strictest attention will be paid to customer*, and goo<&3 fold at a very mo¬ derate advance. Kingston* yl August* \ 8 16. P. S. j. Abbot being about to re¬ move to Montreal, icqvicds thofe who hr-c demnnd!; ngaJ.ist him, to exJnbit liieit)$ and thofe who are indebted to him, to make payment. 9 The Ncics'/ft/pcr. To von, j** I rrMiIrr- turn, and Mi^v ran loulc IMr;i-';! 'i,j:; pftjier \\ hu aohnr n linoh : V'tu '■ w ••»u"""i 1 i--- n J-ernioi! to n-rr r. Would flunk \i K.inl n> lie cit-nj ii ibeir news; K5hija|s aii.l'.lire*. I'm* xi-r<i w\tU fur w;»ak. ' i«np ir»!- ?"■ la^te?, and mtr aiAnsenirui sc<-k : i".»i-. \\nv :'••» j>i:!j|*h usi:, ..|(i\i:U'- fi treat, VVbere^di pnunl c;«o«i* 5 ;. 1 -.;:-0.».w: Incal; \u! i;-*!t !*■;.:;m utul fo7d,asAvr*rtta» rxdl, SutaeUiini! nmW jn«>n, ;in<t i^someuieiiall. . . . his u\ For Sale, *pHE Wcr.t half of lot enmfecr nineteen 10 the feennd conceffi..n of the town %.of Kingfton. Apdy to the Panter 'Kingston, Juts \0j 1^15. ^ tj. I Charcoal Wanted. nVi nnn BaSH£LS,tnI;cdc. ^v^UUUlivertd before the clofc ol" tK rav'gation of l3l6, at Hated peri- »hJ , or .Seven Hund'cd i>uflich to be li'live-cJ weekly until the end ol March, 11> 1 7. Any pe'fon wiTnin^ to undertake Icl.'.vry of the fame arc rcqevlled to fend \'*\\*l\ tender: ro the Naval Ftniefeerpetf's ^)iii e Poiu Frederick on the 31;} inft. Y.ival Tard, KingstoPi ,\if \:<b AIajft 1816. PUBLIC NOTICE, The Mail* difpatched from this of ficcw.il in future be clofed at the fol¬ low, tig hours— For Lower Canada, Monday at eight o'clock, a. m. Thurfday at 10 o'clock, a. m. For Yt>rk, Sandwich, Sec. Monday at ten o'clock, a m. Post Office, 1 Kingstonf July 12, 1816. j 6012 For Sale, AVERY valuable Hoofe, Store Ki>ufeand Lot, fituated within the^Town Plot recvnily formed on the , bunk of the Rivet M.u'ra, in the fiont of 1 the townfhip of Ih *rh>W, J T\\e above prnp^rty is eligibly fitoated either for a public houfe or Store. For terns apply 10 the tubferiber, pufieffing the prcmiles. ROBt. smith. Thirbv.% J'.ly >.u .c.fi g From Dr. )Vati^ Remnants of Times. \for let fbft /lumbers clofc your eyes Till you have recolleAed thrice The tr;nn of afiions through the day. What ha*e 1 done ? Where have I been ? From all I've heard, from all I've fcen, What know 1 more that's worth the knowing: What have 1 done that's worth the do- ing ? What duty have I left undone ? Or into what new follies run ? Thefefelf.iuquirics are the Toad That leads to virtue, and to God. Ap'ieukura! Aphorisms ; O/-. Kemarhs not vrri/ vLl fashioned HAND to the Plough, Wife t;> the Cow, Boy to t he Mow, Maid to the Sow, Will pay the rent now. But—Man with hia Ta-ly-ho, Wife's fqualling PIan-0, Gii'i with her Satin oh ! Boy with his Latin o!i ! Is fplafli, chifh, and mull end in ru'in-oh ! I AN IRISH MIT. An Irifhmj.n feeing a tall, fjiare manj palling the Urcet, pretty f on after the battle i.f UlndeiifLnrcr, icquired who hei was—"That, fir," replied his frieud,] '•feGen. Aromflronjf/1 » [«t^Ciiih>H laid he," and by Sl Patrick, but 1 think it fliould have been Lcgstrong* for there is'nt fuch a racer in all the COM!y oi Tyrone/1—Pl.il. True Axi-r. My ivifcYofmannersgentlr pure and kind, ^V11 honest heart—nmo»t ingeniioiismindj lWa iiiou- and^ay, d0mf9li'c*fflthottl vic\ And l>:U one f i,-11—indeed Mie's o\cr nif>, Mop",p-il- ami bru>ne>,dnier-, n:alt- iS soap An- e«'j;in< ui\\»iiinnil—Iter j<>> her hope. . l.arit da) we scrub and ScoortlOU&e. vard -u»i And on a Saturday, yt inaid> ! we sw im. Wtftjgft KttrTfl^fftwfti! llu' lioad'of j S-J< rntt s with ;i----------, and hr had temper to Rear it. with this easy re¬ mark. u that afterfhnuder rain ^r-n^- r. l!y follows ;" yet, if we had the old fellow among us now, I bclFeve iye should fry his philosophical patience on a Saturday. The rage of scouring and eloouain^ \<, not pecultftto o«r house, for I find all my friends co.r- pliiiu of the universal deluge en ilu. Sututthiv. In :'hort, it is the voice of ourladtr^,nnd what thev call boingon¬ ly clean, i.> a ^cn^ral inconvenience to bu4nr>efl aiu: h< alth. If I was to givr the journal of ont of cur Saturdays, i believe it m\rrir ^u\i half the homes in town. The day of cleaning begins, like the SabluMt of the Jews on Hie Friday ntghta wicn w late <»ichrcd ha4il\ and early 10 bed, thai the dining rooiti mij be scrubbi 4 out—or else vu* aro crammed into a tit- tle parlour, and smothered *»v way of being cleanly. To accoinpUsh tliiSj the stairs being just scrubbed down. ^rearcttll commanded to go np bare¬ footed • though at the risk of a certain ague or a soie ihront. Early iu the rconting the servants arc rung up. cud for the oppcration of the morning dres¬ sed accordingly; although smart c- nough on other occasions, yet to sc» fh.-m In their Saturday^ garb, for tin mop and broom peUCOittiU r. \ou wouht swear Ibd-V Wore svbiN, or ;\'orv.*.;ed - • fortune-tellers. One of Jiie jrlrh, v.ho is little and handsom^-to accommodate herself to tha tasik, Is obiigvnl to low. or ln-r head dress Imlf a foot., and pu: on a close lint mop, as well as to de¬ scend from her stilts, which are u>ual- I) worn instead of shoes : but when on.1 of them, she looks like Titonta* who had been mi-sled bv that merrr wag and night wanderer, master Tuck To gel at tin breakfast room, S ?n* under the necessity of waging over ; he shoes : and if 1 am not vr:v :av,u- * ■ rate in my steerage, I am sure r? fina¬ ble c»ver u pail- or brake thy shins a- cross the mob. The weather hath uo^ thing to do wiih this atjuatick operu- lioit : frost or snow, dry or n*ct3 th^ hou?e must be cleaned on that dav :— and while we are at breakfast, ever*. door and window is opened to give quick runvrtt to the air thai '!:• room! mn\ be drird soon. Bv HAs ;n. ::w. un¬ less clothed in fur, 1 am perished to deatli, and sure '-» lak« s *;t. A\±\ mt'Otsavail nothins,< WUtri ;:J:-er- vanisave eombiin-U in t t&atPl plot-; and swim or drawn - l!v- l^ jt . 14-