NEW GOODS. OF alcir'W cvffrv^.cicnnti ■•» [fffl recCJ vcd md nBWtfd Rk falcon term- tfw ooofl ae-commoibrmff, bv PETER WETSKL. jfmmnn which arc a very c^tenfivca>- ftirtment of Dry Goods; Tc-crher with a choice aflortrncnt of Silks & Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys 4TS. PrMk Te-is, Loaf a-'d Mufc-vado Su- g.u, PLig. Lad«<' Twill and Riper To* Dscvoi Scotch, Raopo, and Macoboy Old [ar.aica Spirits Cogwlac Bran- dy. Ho'da-.d Oi.>, Bntub, Pcppermaa, Pom i 1 French Wine, CoTee, Chocolate, Ginger, /fllfp:cc, Gtomd Pepper. Milliard, Nutnaegs, Coves, Cmcianaj&Pi Cufraxits, Ratlin*, Ifig*, PoUul Starch, Fig Blutf. Ponder 3i'.d -Shot. Corn and EJaw Sroamsi Window Glcifs and Putty- ,*&?* (crew rf«gUF9j SteriysrtUi Sho- jrtli* Frytag Pansi Iron and Steel ; 4d 5»d tod eni Mai!* j 8d ai.d jod Wrought *j!Qg<f hr.r willi a general agbrtittea* of Hard and Hollow WARE. AL iOf J doz. Coverlets 136 i- /. Wovrted H fe» 1 2 COS Oii'd filk H t Covers, 3 d z. LiQf^ing G-afTts, of various fc:-, and of a quality. 30 BbkMefc Purk, 200 Ibfc H'^**- L:*.rd, 300 Gallons ray and fcoii'd Linfeed OH". 2DO Prs Men's Bnatf of difTcreat qua- r~oo $0 go 5fcie$, ' 100 do Lai'c-.' BooJ*, tOO do do Shoes, ; ;oo do Children's Boot; & Shoe*. CHif.ikina, Upper feather, Harnefs jLtaiher, aoJ Sole Lrather. 4LSQf 9* Buflids Corn, 30 Bbls, S'roog Beer, 0 *ts srnd Flower- Khjstet, Mint J5, i«P& #•** Advertisement. J' ME fubferibsr offers for falc the 1 following £o& 0/* Lands. Lots No. 14, 15, I7? *8, 25 and a6 in the Qthconceffion of the fcovr.ftiip of Tliurlow. No. 4, in the 8th conctfiion of Kun- thirrdou. No- 9, in the lodiconcefTion of Row den. No. Ui Eaft half. 2d conceffion of ■J Sidney. 200acres in trie 4th aid ?oo in the 61 h conceffion <f the Gore be;ween 'Er- ncft Town and Fivderiekfbofgk No 18 and 19 in the 8th conocfiion of Murriy- N-s 34 a^d 3; i. tb«*4tfe conceffion of the tovvijfhip ot Vaugbao. ALSO, Three Town Lois in the town of E-ingbtorr, of one: fifth of an acre each- Wm. crawfckd. FredenVksh-roh, z6ih f'.uie, 1816__4 CHEAP SALES, AT t'.'- Store of Mcflra. H. W. WILKINSONS Co. a large Quantity of Sweet-fee n ted Virginia, Common Plug, Ladie- Twift, and Twill Tobacco; Spajiilh and American Segatfs, in quarter Boxes. Large or fmaH gumtUtics, tojvlt Pur i chafers j Tbc whdk of which v.Hl bf fold at *20 pn cent, cheaper than can he- procn r?rf hw fr>m anv Mnikrt ,-f the [Id ted States-NOT EXCEPTING ISMUGGT^ERS KiesBos, zzJ March, 1S16. 42 I NEW GOODS. !- HE fuhfci;bcr has just received and now offer* kf feje, an otteofi^^'w woll chofen aflcsrtmeitt of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. .Y/,50, A well chotcn Aflorf ment of MEDICINE. The whole of wh'ch w,ll be fold at the lowest prices forcufh orctfuntty prp- jduce. EWD. f. Hl-NDnRSON. Kingston, 26 I jiiuarv 1 8 »6- lO HFW Carding. THE fubfei'-er has ereifkd a Card- m;r Nfflclunf h.'lf a mile rvotfh cf Mr. M'Guin's Mill on CoHiu*B Cr«fc,l in the tnwi'fh'p of King f in, and iti now in compUii: crcKr f r Carding' Wool. All pcrfona who wii! favor fci;w wi:h their cw?toni may hcafTured of hiv¬ ing their woik done welL Pu'f e, 6J. per lb. f j P ] FITCH. , O Ail -cceived by the %mg ar.i.^a li fiwn I.o>.don, Manch«t?r, and Gla'girvv, 2 choice affortiueni of ieafoua- bl« Dry Good^j PartfciLrly fuitablc to tin's n.arkoti which few now oppmgj and d.'y '<fint* ef at very reduced prices for cadi or Ihutt credit, VIZ : Cotton and Woolen Hoilny ofall iizes, Gre> & Srriped Nirk-ens, Beaver, Kidd,and Buck ikin Glover., Thread 5c Cotton Laces, Black Lace Veils, Fancy Mufl'ms, Black U. coiofd B 'mba^etls, Garment and Furcitare Calicoes, » r *^/ Ji i Nil 1 pipHE Sublcriber r>ke-. this ^»p/>,-.linj. j ■* ty of ac^uafhting his frwiida ^ the public th t ht l»asfec up a STOftg in the lownfii";) of Cramaae« nc^r \C - P.efqnc Ifle Bajpj where he probofrsb Iccp conftmtiy on hand, a general t(, . foruneiu of Dry Goods ^ 4ND Groceries, IroH an d Steel; W'th a General aflbrtrnfnt of HARD WAREL * r Glass $r Crockery WARE. AH of which he will fell, wholefaleanj tetail on the tnoft reafonab'e termfi. He lmit.ition h Printed Shawls,' lias aifr bliilf a Wharf, and a large S.irc Madnfi H adk.-rchvcts, j^or receiving and ^warding Gooda i, c 4 n] ,-! J /Vtfrtnc | any paft of the I^:itritt of New-Caltc. S»ipcd& Cfeeeked Cottons, J^J^|^>e^ftfWard kInd J I atf U -I npO be fold or TcruerJ, a9 m?y bt agreed * upon, i.h3t well k;io*n vaivabie farm, W No tt ami fh<- Weft ha^f Lot No. io in the fiill conctfli n of Additior al Fe-icu' kA i»r^h, toge'her • with a good frtm« Hoefe awd Barn, 'good Mc::dc>ws. a»d Wp 0 .h rrl, thcrt- ! HANN4 cV RITfEkS, TOBJCCONIiT*. ESPECTTITLCY inform tirnVt and thf public in general I RESPEJ fri,„d- Turkey Suipes, India Coiion, Fine aHdeoojflfton Cloths^ Cordurnvs \rd Vzh etcens, R"^c!: ar.<i coJor'd Veive;r Black Silk lidk'fs. Blxck Crape-. Danby F'.uv.latton Muflin, Wellipo-toD & Median Boots*] AhJ an elegant aflortrrsent <»f Enjjhfli Silks, Ribbons, &c. £:c. I Prodnce to any part of Ontario.-* j Thofe who may pleafc to lend Goods of 1 Produce to hi* curt may depend on the 'grcatcft rate and attention being paid fa i thvrn, and on the moJl »eafot:abIe lams, j All kinds of pioduce will be taken fat payment, either for Gpoch or Storage, i Cifh will not be'refuted, but no credit given. \ J/imes RictiARDsoN) Sen. Prefquelfle. 18th JuJfe 1816. 7*5 on, and about o^K- huiiorcd a::d forty _ . - r • j :...j ti . •" - I vlraers rmm the country wilJ he t»ar- acrescf irrpnvea fa»'d. T'lr py«nanes ] ... , / ,. . . .f 'I it r. ...jf.,., fn«.*,„ -.A„ • tiClilanyattended to. and ail kinds ori are we'J ms.ated rcr a t^rm*r. rs cv^auit,] | ,„. , James Q. Ilanna^ or Ini:k"—*^t F< r fbrth*t particulate fapplf r- the Orhfnihrr, or to D. Wuih 'burn, Elij. :>" TvinT'r^n. Michael Coyih. Kir.crft* n -0 :8f prodtiw M'il! betaken in p-iyment. Bjti*sifm. 2 id '/tutc, 1816. T'^li SALE, jthnt th.'ylnve opened a ! SNUfF MANUFACTORY, jllfen to Mr. Rohhs' Breu-ery.\\(j^ Te.M,v tl.rn,8< Wh'/*e they have for feb Mackoboy, T R»r»nec Irifli Bl^p<rard, and other J Jv SNUFFS, Lot Nr. 22. in th: tth Concession. No 23, in /'V 6th Concession^ AND i Lot No. 20, /V/ //r i i/A Cmtission- Notice. TKE fuhferiber refpeflfully inf»rm$ hi- friend- and the public ibat he is about o*etiinra Store in front of ih" new MNarket houfe, whsre he will do BUSINESS on COMMISSION "Will buy and ieU, Store & Forward GOODS Up or d&zm the Rhcr, Will tafee i;i any oric:s of any defcripti- on in ihat li-'ic »f buiiurfs. N i3 Perfoiw defiroua S comrmtt^ng conilgrirncnt* in h/s cb1^*^, may k:- w tkt ftites of ftorage ai>d c^nimiflion by calling at the newcommiffi ••• ftore- JOHN-DUNCAN. ICngfton, Dec 30, i Sj 5- 7 Ju.ft receivei an-ti for fate at tlds Oilice, JO &£JMS WRAPPING PAPER. A QUANTITY OF ■ IVnting Paptr, Of .QraRg No. 2, J.t K'nms Writing Polt N7o. 2, Which ihey offer for falc cheap foi j! The wrbote bwnjj ?»• rb< Tnwnfti« <»f Lai*-down, in th • disr- i;ct . f J/ihnft >wp. For paiti. Iim ewcjwfre &i ,jiC qI];,-^ of Caffi Kmgsfim* tot!) Aftty, f?i6. 49: Cluircoal Wanted* o n ftfl A BUSHELS, to be dc 4U?UUJlivcrc()bcW 'he clofe of the navigation of jdtfi, at llattd .v i ' odP| or Seven Kundc*' Buihcls to bej delivered Weekly until ihe end of Marcft.j 1817. Any perf n vyi/hmg to undertake tbcj delivery of th far.ic arertqucfivd to feodl [fealed tender-- ro the Naval Stoitkecper'sj Office Puiftt Frederick on the 311! inil. Naval Yard) Kingston^ tyf 1 j//= /I//?- 18:6. AL! AN MCLEAN Brq \i Kingston* August 2^, tb,r> rHUKLOW'qrVls, For Sale. Cb'.x-!* Glafs &f Earthenware* J "HE fuhU'iiber d-.iiy expedft to have ? v^-y ex ten five aflTovtmeot «?f China. G! fs and Ert hen ware. C-inp'ifirrr every article fn that liiic— niru>: g whieh ure : 12c> Ci'a*.es wcil; (Torted Erthenware, Hhds. Gl^f« vv.uc i»f --»11'! :-i: 1)- iible I-'lsnt i*.-*J connr. n do. 1 BatoKM Gold lines and ptein China, BKakMaftdTea&r^ Do EJefrtt Settfi, Plaii-««prinrvd Lib1*-and defert (trvic«»f F.-MVit lin.s. bloesnd gwen edged,&C. ESPECTFULLY inarms his friends and the public iu general that he has jufl ieceived forae elegant Clocks, FiflrrgTacke, Chcffmen^ Baggammon Boards Game B33S, Pocket Compafes,. Dice, Fans, i»fver Tei Spoons^ Sugar 'l*org<;r Flfli Kn'vc* - , \ ii; ing t-aids, J<fwelry, &c- &c. Kin|.r^/fn, July x8, r8;6. v. 1 The nS'.vc ccUrftjmi r.f Hood (cnivpnTr.r of lllO bc9 ?.rortmcilts -evr. itneorted meo tliwPravinoe.~was j^;te'/)k^|nY vtrfit r.f Ttfbte a»d Detot Service*. ! ECUTION fflited out of H;* W^fly^ st! I Court of King's bench, hoTdiu^ Clv;t [pleas, m and for the Midland Diftnft w j furefaid. ar ihe fuit r>f John K/rhy 1 fik. =^ir j lie ward. jand t-n-eat for rh- fertl«-t ijmivt^Twa- HAsCotsatAN, Efq- the j^o^Jetor : he I alio offers for fele Arvrtv [lotfl Ki:^n-n. J*ily8 18:6, I ecutors and Executrix, of thefaid tlill. late Atkinfon deceafed, ta me dire^td CJ t X / HJ£-R£A s on th morning of the I J^h CHARD £. 5"Ii hut. i ran bv cou 3 ame of /J/-!;icee BdRi>'lCR: r*tij awayj jfrom P'efc tt, L'ppcr Canada, ffilb ^b-j oi:t toco dclh.r.% the pro Jettv of t?ieii7 ! tubferibef- Any pcrfon or perlo' 3 who'! 9 ditio mrto uncut o| JQSSPH Btym, o was executed 3t Ki:.,.ton !)n j|( (day, ihe 4th _d*y of Schcui|,er4 ,s,5? V Bevir, his iWh i5al>Iic Notice. n^HE fobUribcr h^, commenctd run- " ufn^a Stage TJraggo?i Upper Can-ida- He ;s a tnan abotit twenty fix years cf age. five fet fix inches high, fiefli compkxtofi, hghr hafr, bine eyes, rnundjjfor the murder'of vifge, head a little bv.ld—at the time he! | dnnehter. made hii efcape his cl :l;es were a black coat and pantaoons- ftiiped waiftcoat, & j long b- ots. It is to be hoped that eve-; f rycxeition will be made for |he fecuring of fuch a character. AMJlYd WOOD. Prescott, U C. June $tt9 IS 16. e ?'fn K r><»tton. t" Ernfffl Tuwti villaget dftjiy ; to leave B. Ocoti's ta^ern# at jfiiigjton, every morning, at fix o'clock, and rctfr-; die lame evening. To com- tnc re i n A 'V>\?y the firft day of July. Xvcry accomtnOc&tJOfi wiil be afforded nto paflfiugCi :•:'» bdgpiM* SAMUEL PURDr. I Kbrgstmf 'h:!y 13, 1816. 5 0Viijipuig xxapc-r\ Of- vkGIi and Exctl c^ (X'dity, I r Ssit « :'* i- Offlce -Ai L BO • US, aarf ior gok ai thia Oiiice. 1 Strayed, C" ROM the the town of Kmgflon, ab- A out (ix weeks ago, a Yoirng COW, of the fdlowiDg dcfci iption.—Small fiz^—color* ddik red, with a whiu face, and white fpoy down her bnek—fore¬ feet while—fhort horns ; and is now with calf. Any per fen thai will return her to the Printer, or give information where Die can be found he handfome- iy rewarded ; and any p-riou found keep¬ ing her after the date i>f ihiri advertife- meni will be proIecutj*d for fo doing. Kingston, "July 5, 1,616. 5 TacketT' \ HE Schooner Pcrfci-crcncc, ]. G. Pu'.icek, MsjU-f, will continue to run a- u Packet frvm Kiu^flun to Sack ets Hnrhor. JWW/ie,t8i6j . Mft SrOLIiNORSI^ Yl-0 WO Marcs one of ,hkh f? a K black tlH-ee years old. willl a fc' :n her.';ft h,',d W?* the Mbet Ua bay, w;th a wH,tr :, Kcr f, ^^ two vhOC htnd feet. w«th,fl8r htr left th-gh, 9 rears Of* W|lc^ w.f , jgive I.^ormaiion Conccr,;^ t!,eni r j that rhtr owner rm:y get aKm ^j ^ I t.n Dollars KewarcJ. FnderulJbuigH June 17«J. , 8, 6# ^^ *^f / Rags/' Casli and the highct mice paid for CLE<N COTTON AN], LINEN R A G Sv AT THIS Qpx& FOR SMi ~ Gulfs, linseed o I jL a- , •frl.i0ln¥-* ?n«fAiL NOTICE. T^HS fin>feribers refpeclfu'Iy inform A the Merchant*, Traders and the pt-bh'c in geneva!, th?,t they have entered into co-pm'tnet(liir, and have opened an rtUc?«:on room fn font o* the New Mar¬ ket, in :he back part ci the houfe be- locgng to J^hn Duncan, where they wil! hav? regi.lar auctions twfeea week ; and bctag that the f*nfir fu! f.-nber hath been the only one in that line of birfinefs inKhjt&onsfoi a namber of years, they eacp«S by thei strift attention aftd cor- 'ect;»tl<;, th tther will have the cbtO'n e place in future to encourage the! Stan* JOHJV DAMXYy John D{/*ca*% Auctioneers. Kingston, zoth April, 1816. N. I'. The days of an Aioiiu arc fixed on Tucfdaj- aj:d Friday. j j of th new ( 200 LOST—On Thatfifey Eiemng raft, IbiDcwhere abootthe Goal, two Leafc*, r.mninjT fr,-.m Government m htephj n Fan -field, and rehafel from the f-'H Fan field to me; a!f.,, -., Contra^ between Dan^l Phelps and tbc fubfcrl ccr, co.c rning a Saw MiiJ. XVbreve. will! return faid paper8 to ;|,e fnbfc.ibcr. IfclH Rjnm 3rfV.ard of Four DwRjJWj Thomas Parks. Etegsm, y,y,i 16, ifiid 46 conces. fion of the tovvn/liipof Sidney, ciMitaiB.'i.g- by adnieafurcmt nt r 200 acres be the fame- more or lefs. Now i do hereby give uqj jtite that the L\'\6 lots or paresis of land: I will be fold an<l adjudged to the iiiglieiS ' bidilcrf at my office in the town of Xing. Hon, on WEDNESDAY-the SIX¬ TEENTH dt-yof OCTOBER next,- ai: TEN of the c.'oek in the forcnotm, at which time and place the conditions of ia!e will be made known; Chari^sStt.'art, Sberifi And every perfon or peifoiis balin*' claims on the above defen'bed lots of' land and prenifes. by moitjra<re or olligr riglit or incumbrance, are hereby adver¬ tised to give notice to th- kid She.iff, at his office fn th; town of Kingfton, previ. MM to the fale tliereof: Sheriff ojfue, AT«y 6, 1810. 4 BLANK DEEDS anw MEMO-' RIALS, for fale at this Office, For Sale, Blank Sum mouse For the District Courts, Sale at this Oiiice. S for A quantity of 0»k fixitahle fin Staves and fijiiare Timber within a rca- r""ahle distance of the water leadir!,tt into ihe Bay of Qninty. For parfieiilarsany perfon or peifurrs wifhing to purelinfc Mffll plenfe to call at t£ii Office or at Mr. Jofepfa Vallier's Honfe. Kingfton, Pec. 9, 1 Sic, 27^ ,\ NY Gentleman having a firm to fa or fell, within five or ten miles f»fc Kingilon may meet with a tcnirit or pur- chafer, by applying at this Office. j Kin£ilou, Match 1 cf 1816. 41