Kingston Gazette, August 10, 1816, page 3

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1 * f • &\n> uWl CO fit-Tip n.'i'j■--• - •■ ]'* n- M nottin much hurt, because ffej Ml-V ••Lvrii r«:l ai •/ {'*■! ; h '-.: r;,lt |i tw> wi*>- ■-----•*** :i ^-•', darn the V-ilt man -■- U'"i't> Mi cheriwrs and tlrUiKiis* cr .^ ;\ n\ staio cxttrtij n old Ccnuc. Laical bc^t y»fl _-----want ro bc»U U'edensdu/; M*rr.m):g-~Fhir bro&. fast------iw>tliM)i uniifui'^ but a liiiU pumpkin pyctoiop otf wicli------«i;«,,%; oatlei'scxcftttenfvrn-oo why ti.»' if "\~ \ tlemen wore n?. n .iarknfr on M »ur:.'.v [ and close bottoHtftl on SatunUy------ cause thoir ruliics got dMv- Vc ' ! • in thp rivpr^ *r if Hry cv»-r frniWlJ any bigger buo-»------steam bt«a*------| smoke lik^'a coal pit DotM kn&3 vhetliPT VA betivr gcxtM-otty *mr of flu- *z.y.> /.'/; boiiUPfcfor not: «*nV-$ our folks -.voald make a ruinvts >f th**y -*hr>'i!il w1 fcfcr £'j: it on kith Ikt link comlyd t'otbor H..ny into GuphPs ##*&% wwl £rv;;; C(ft'dicr.\\ with Cvsscls and *Aai7 pelliisaaO?) t$ltk.n , . ..J?r-jm tin: Connecticut Courr/rt. * * » ■ F'st. oft t.o<T (iur.r\*:..v.n. Thv. is known to havr fc ■ '«i onto a Cmrrislung colony ; bnt for the ftptfes r itl/sl iwiri pfil til rjif olfdirer*!> •nd tn" mm! and ivl- '1 will seon <lry t- • v\ Kirh may have fJenchuted Into thi ro;k-. xbcsc1 cock*t have therefore a 2iva< advantage over the common, viiatl a: d Io»» one ; for if a rainy se:i- Hon ri>;n«*8 on ti;:-se last will he * 'hr.ror.;h!y vrctfcd tliat tlifi wind w\\' ijrit he able to pierce sujiiciehtly to thn ft I • a great pr^jidice to land tc mort it ioo oftciij o\c« pt it be land tba- s-cow tdnit) mei»dcdwithiratpr Hoouw asul flu'rcfure wlien von have no» tbal ronvi■nicM'-)", r-ncii in EhrcR jt^ars, o; • v^v other }*:;i7, s-^d your injuih u"!-if yon raunol gci manure cc;v tHHtly t:> Locp then in li^arfc : ro. !(«ct]«it< ie as HCCt'ftiJiTF'forliav ffTOiiud. a>' [stllowiug if for com ^ronud- A N. II. FAU.MHR. Sir—r\s a great many new dtfeovc- vies m-'kv tl.eir ap^caraiice now a-day*, £ defire ewe that I have made, may au :>rat onmiifftherefi ; vij. a plan to ki'i IU "B r * oi t&res crntor.r* past no tcs5s!L:p of tlui country bis bgen fAU»i<t, tli"' tv-xt ?"T.r^h few been mado f *r it. Ths .L'-.-idon Quarter!/ EUwt&w x-. t* t!io T>!- i»>>v?«*"^ remark ur»-»n it B-^-**Tho !o-> oj thiscoinny isonecf tho owl "injulaj events in Immafi hiN^cry : t!i"ir. io. s i; may bsiitcrally raSfed, fui*. f-> »^x ** t tile tit k:, on thi lheq>. I believe, in IgcacrnJj tivo (l^cp are loft in conic- cj'icnce of ticks* «vhtfetbefC t> one !oR by r.ny (iiTor-Jcr. No<ner?oi* expedients havt been propofed by different pcrfon to deftfoy »hl- difagrccaWc ia&flfc among ih? (l)v-^u. Cha cei-or *L;viVigllo-i prn- jjofes blowing ioh"<rco f«n«»kc into tbe wool by nvfans of a large pipe- 'I'hU opeiitiuii is («;:nc "what tedious, and to j iv- "'.! it I war- m<luced lo try a much au>rtf c'y vfmcJy, by ga^ting the wi*ol ryj lie intend J loamjn'ient in.—Otir pri¬ vate letters of die 5th Fr.»m Pari., lay 4 The maintenance of tbis formidablt Tii'.tiary f- ce it entirely owing to the conncilfl o" Eugene Beaubafnoia and P'ince WfHe. IJj^aria ieans more to ♦.he fideof//ullria lhan to that of r.hc Northern P WCW.M The Pan's news confi'is cbiefly of accounts of religious ceremonies, and particulars refpeAIng h« marriage of the Duke ot Berri, wheh will take place on tl'C 1 7th. Paris, June 5. They are prepanng a magnificent tent • n the foreft of Fontaiubleau, where the li-rfl interview with the Duchebof Bcni will take place. We reckoned the day before yefler- drtynrai 5000 EngHfliat Veruillcs, who! had aflemblcd to lire the playing of the Waters. The number of Engliffc who arrive in France, is very coitf Jtrable* F.KANKi-OKT, May 30. The States cede' to the Grand Duke of Hc^Te on the Rhinpi w:'l l>c taken p^f- feffion of on the tjth of June. They fpe.:k of territorial acquilitions, which est to aggrandize the Duchy of Saxe-Cobourg ; hut we do not fee fror!^ whence they can b«' taken. Vienna, May 1$- We team that Denmark, after having refufed ;:!1 the offers of Hanover relative to the pTincipalitv cf Lauenboura, de- mends'perempttjrily, that the Trea'.yof Kiel fhouhl be ex-.cuted in every poKit Boron de R.ofe"nkrantz has add 1 •.(fed utco* Thelatcft letters In.en I.on-i.Mi con j fiim the new tint Salary *nd Gt .er.i Lallemaud hive obtained permillion ro leave Malta, and have embarked fr the i United States. The Emperor nf/f<t(lrta hy. conferred tbeCrof««Fa Knight of the Ordei f Leopold itunn the celebration fcolptots Canov;, Ma (j.iis of If. hia (v\ to si! the cabinets who guaranteed i lie Ia:-t autheuric acrouiii cf tbt-ir ttxi-tence are towards the dose ol th:. fcurtccnth century. The pefdione** which. unVter tli^tiatne ot BW*k i>t»it!i deravtatcd Europe in the ;ridd:^ at thai r-^ntary, is supposed to have r<^- cli^d Miis remotest-region of f\w \\otVi\ in Iceland two thirds of tho p**pii*a'.t«n , V'-rc cut off by it ; it is th,-r f^r- ; svarcMy "to bti 'imajfinHl thai fhi'tr 1 thre. days- This opefsrbn englit ta be | j Ifinja(I rri,,^ tiic Uivan hHsnot yct ajJwy repeated ten ...r twelve d?ys to k.ii off. to the prefent Conftitotusn, and always ithi'nrxr cop which will hatch out.— 1 I Tbis operation preformed an the latnbs af/er t!ic o'.i (Iteep are fhoru fi-ec-s, will deftroy the vermin from the J 11 1. A good /.:- \hfitlfcr destroying r* ^ •- t 0 r 1 finds pretexts t«* prevent explanation- The Divan ha* not yet acknowledged the Royal Dignity of the H'oufe cf Or ange. ....... From the London Gazelle. Si niTEii vi.1.. May li;>. Wliercas it has been humbly repref^n- j ted t > his Royal Highnefkthe Pvincc ile- Fiom a London Paper. An article in the Moni'eu , under tlie head of Dreftiin, llaies, that :he people of Saxony anticipate many advanra^pc to their nation from 1 he marriage of the Preemptive Beircfs to tlie liritifli throne with a Prince of the Houfe c-" baxe. When the Owen O'endower, C.ipt. B. Hodglon, recently arived, Icfi St Helena, on the 26th of March, General j Gorgan was very ill of a dyientcryi zn ! ftasnot exper"iedt.> furvtvc th< attack. Caut. Hod/i'ou and CoL Pi$ot,(tht latter came from India, a paffenger in the Owen GIent:owe» );vere introduced to Bonaparte* He appeared ii jerteift health. The interview did not exceed two minutes, although ihe meeting was by hfe own invitation made on the previous day through General Deritajio —they waned three quarter. «f a:.- h.our, when they weie introduced to him by that ofiLv-r. He ?.fked with much ra¬ pidity, a few umrteantng queflions, (fucb as to the length of time the (hip had been Ion the vnysje, Iimw i*>n^ h would take j to reach England, Sec.) and then bow ed, which Btrnified thev were to with- draw. Mis countenance did not mani (Al at.y of tboie prcpoTTcfiing fmiles which others have discovered at filch c^riffrence1*, bur rather ihofe of a COntta- iy eharn&er. It was well ko >wn that he had exc»:ff d himfeif ditpleafed Wfth Sir O. CuckhUtn'fi arrangements. WANJ^'t) for tfi, tinwytm oi the phb ic,af.-w m 1 r>fthi kM ,;n. u chSnieteis called OossJp*) t f:c I'Mually tfewl)".in£ fn.-:'- ifo oh.-;* •vrry onc'abH \n£$ nr<*pl thctroMd' \ r r ndv. a' al! thnW *«d o'a -r-J Ith n ;t- ek • f in.pud. |,f f;i s,-V,;>-xb atid tales of pHty scandal : ma!, ./ natriiiv:iip.! 1 ^a^cmentfl b *••-•■•., yobag gentlemen and ladies, witlumt their laiowlbge »r consent.; anddis- -.u.tiui; ev< rv member 1 rd*ent sr»cie- (3 with dmir u prow insinuation?* and nnwarnhitab;*? su-piri. ns, thai some me either fy or will he in hnre. I'cr. Mirror. * • - • » The (.orrier Stone of a Fresby^rinn ivi::i tic Church, was laidtftgrock- rtlle n <"n.v r Csirndd.^m the 29rh of Anril In-t. Tc* M>^ Wai-d -<w Pn<j bretbeten bf Himm Lod^r (^f I>ce Mason* perforo r-d-tfic eu^tcmary tierc* moMeKnadsolcmnidcs: afte* which aa ableand well ad.^.ied JMUUftd wai j fIcltY«red to them aud a mimcfon a-- ^•mbhi^vc of people, by the iler. %'xi ^M.-UtT. £7tf»- Courajtt, "Alimn^. J.a\y t. Married,—v/ it>oi&erf Iujo dauchtrrif and one sfin all the fame evening, ly the fume Rev Gjvtleman- On the 24-th nh. by the R.w. Vm D.»ren, Mr* John Janfcn,jun to Mrs. Catharine Honfeljndcr ; Mr. Jsires Caru$, to MIf* Sulan HLoufoand^r -, Mr JJamedTerwilli^cr, to Mill ^ia'. ■ Houfe- lander; Mr. Ni. ho!an HoutVi. r, h:r, *o Miu Polly Norn's, all of Burlno-h-urn. ^T=X9£C *-" v».*«a/3 lo-d uc.and th'iris reason U$ utuibMii the? loss of F.a-^t Greenland to* nior * pprmaiitot evil. During tltc v.:olt cf IMS.thc whole of tho coast oi' L.lnid vas/Vo/on, ?o that a horwiuan hii(ht }i;»vo ridtltMi from C&$8 to c-ifi'j room! (hit island. Saeha eiiruffl^mci1 n»-v. r or .nnv\I bftforo since lha cnuniry wm -dix-ovvrid : and it se^nis pn>babh: (ii.i in this win tor the p.ccumniafi^i ni" ic^- bd^ao, nrfifeft ft"* blocked up the coast of ft<;st Greenland" SiUiUL ECONOM \. i*V'0/w ///e A«U8 Hampshire I-. ON MAKING HAY, The fnrrner mflT Pasi'Iy jcAc^1 t,w* prop t thr.o for mfiwlnij g*a>'s by '"r quality of It.' When the c pop b» v- r> i;nat it should bo cut as &fl**ft as tn- bottom of the ^ra$s b^lus to piw y?!!ow. for if i* stunds Ir^igrir-, i»f«rn m i'^* be loct"bv (he rjna-\i\iv of l^s'vc^ rotrcd af th^ bottom, and the ill nmr tlirouff-i cac'i :-!iv\v tltCQi a!r;vi your iiv^Js, •»V'.J if. *>\><i threatening lettera nnd incendiary hand¬ bill?, held nfghtly taeerinafs, and fet linr tofevcra! dw-'Kmic-huu£j .uaraa, outbiiJ - syuwmasumt time, ndyou ut |fWoj,s and ,lacks ef command have de lt':0 Crow's mr!fj'H)ds note*, to- f ftroyedcattle,,«»«»> threfhi«j» machinca, Phcy swallow the g/airiK; bat I'w ha»* Itchta: loua*, one c*iu re- Q...1 Ktt.oi inflrvoTweny of hufhaudry. Hi- ll'»val Idi--hnefi feeing tlie mif chievooaconfequeaccswluch muO inevit- Front r7v fbrnwHt lii-puolica.ih A cow, belonjHng to Jofeph IL;uf:in, ofPomiret, in Wind- Cor County, on the 22d o!- laft Aprilj brought % calf which was fattened and killed when four weeks old. On tho 22d of June following;, Hie bro ight ano TFniR cai.t. rather LmaU m nze, butkaleand artiveuscomiuon.— Patu&etJ\iae24cli 1810. Samuel Skdw n . ? . [ably *nuic, a* uvl to the pesec of the ...a.i>t.( .in. tin '.1^ m ■.*.,.-!.. ktngdo'nas tothc lives and n-opeity «F \>!iicll CaUKGS KlVcll a tiilUklsOn I hH Maj^fty^ &iiy ft:, fueh vLgui tUnt (as our Lnfitrututit s*v*5 |*n^'tarfg«^WF^-^,iP«^fl01 ^H"e' they MC-FatcA OiU tfmr #7^s! ill) (iay^ hei.^Hnnly ,,n,Ived 0';.ri.myi\ nommk upof Lhcex^Uuil to extricate «. En-the Puai(hm,nt uC A.Sr a3 o!T.,.d a*. ?«»-«*• cf^^ F'rnm thr jllbnxy Daily sldvcrty'if. It ap;?e?.r3 hy advritif»menta in the papcrN* tint 26 fi'.ldlers havfi iutcly dea- eitedftO'n the Cantonment %X Green- bull; ■—tlwt f>tthi* number : I are lrifli*, fwur EnglilhmePi -mil one' a Welch* man jthc oiigfn ofTevcral of the remain- inr tern U Hot mcntion-d. We ho;; aa great a : /an. papn\ ainfl them, i.^ hereby o1eafedtin the narre and on thebe!;-'*f - this M.*jeHy,to pro . , jitniftf a-^d derla^e, t' any perfon or per- KlN :ST<>\\ Air.Hi.T IU, lOla. (j r0.lsW;l0 ftaH difeover nd appnhfnd.or jcaute to l»c difc.»vtred zni apprchendo!, . . * . i • * • ■ .v 77, • vn/ tfilierhi* fipprttmnix trf the a»tto«. arbettfcrs, or p-rprtraWrs of ;/.'?<• H'tf/.'i r.f„r!hcx.-Jc: r </.-v;>.•.-.■•/. any uf tltc Morass oroHtTagt-8abov*;»cn- ; si ir? h'lpffl fit b-ur. h Ph'ty to ./• tMWfd, foUwrt thev. or any nf them may Slav ir v. ■>* !.?v-',y f/^/ rtpprfhewfon fH t.> a ^arc'li ; fiiff.diam, Mkw^h U't/f is like- j .',, ;, 1 // ..„//(>:.V.7/ .vA.//'/' w/7/m' •.'v.yc// !/;;*'. /;"/ arrmrUs from *tU.v::'!s nfthe 1 * ' * k • \vo"f}trii f^f\':y in stmt .'«r, /;.<// i^fUUI 31 IU'- I/\»'.t.*.- I*. C.1IW til'- ill I.'-. •! •• . , , ,» \ • I I .*_ ... . .. , ., -—.tt« I f l.'>/"•? "('•*"'""J 0f ftlit'Wf I'Vi-rn .7 '.v- tiicsewill ctvotoibe i?--t tU/n v.;a;):Mr '-. x -, •' > t , •.. ,, 1 rwp'fon* nits «'■ £■«*<?« toMi •:./ ot^c ■ and iri'Mcn by its ffroivf 11. '.' 7 • •* »* n - , When oth-r arevir;v-*prt'^« iriTitlit ;',v . ,. , ,, /•I ?, c7V /; the choice of hm£, it suoaui b.l vvw«|j , ' , - ■ . > the erasi n ;n tall blconu hitf.' (h<•■;,.,,. # ,, ; . ., . stolfcs bi xin tohant**i\. nw\ r un.M'iuir'.v. j ;.. ■'. . ■' . , ., i i .. ■ i 1 "v.v// /Ui satttirsii'(* ant.»<7 fe t<n>ln'tnf:- tht'lllah*. because the raoro sail rMiutiiH V. the sooner the the irrass, and matte it rcclme its head, tie mowt'i*r.ill employ his tisin tnorv useful!y in making the hay ahvady ont* If'niai Trttntactions" ;; fining &>&* (n is lik?ly to rain, let it remain in sv.ari.h. In the otcning makeH into grass cocks, and the next day, as pooh pro-GonsuvtifYfl «/f/rf ///<vv.— ?J/rf »ff/«W k1*' conceive to jfe ///." w/ov/ i>dcrcsHn<r of alt, i>\ tin hits fheji give of as twdrw .soft the ground, Kpmidil | ■' ^ f/ ^ , ^ ^/riwf ,„ tlw otij.-r :>i<Jo : tlieii hcviiulj it and ii M yon fmd if-dry, mak.^ \i up Into iar*ft* corks. If th^.M' athor rrov? favorable durio r tbrt second d.»y. tlia £&*** will, by luat tirtCa b.' Sf; r?y a^ to hi-nr hjinxk^pt in thatC C'\'.: ItH 6ho day oivwhich it is |o bo c;*vct%li *'"' '*> it shr.uld !>o sp:v::d over a^VU in thy raomh*2,to ii.viitv a f;irth'r tl»ying. F, ?ro/u ////c liomhn Papers. London, June 8. Two day's Paris Journals, being to the 6th have an ived tin's morning. The meeting of the Diet at Prai4fc£in U poll- nov.t.U difiieidtics in the adjuftment of the affairs of Germany being vtfible. The cocks shoohl bo C-'.'^ a; tn I ] jTJie Emperors of //allria, Ruffia, and and H[)-r as po-isiijlo, b Mu-otii-jj the King of Piuffiatneetat^Toplitt on Wind*, h.v pa^iMX through tltfttl Will the 15th of July. The Kii< of Bava- dry Ihftii'v/m^.l/rarclv aiw! »*rjMuUy 5 r;a has ujr&si the advice of his Minis- audt.:-iJL.h v/..-t bhou'diAlUi-.-i »,,t3, tcrat»rciuea hisaria| j on the eontta- be duly cnvijr.'d »h?reof, (hall be enri- , tied to the &im of I rto! far pach and i*ve- ry ;>er!«»-i w'.o fi.a*i he cunvifteo of any of the af:Mvf:«!! felonies. r\nd hl6 Royal Hi^h-.-efs is fmi.lier pleafed, in the na.c? and'on the behalf of his Ma^rfcy, to pfonAife his moll fim c:\jiin pa:do:i to auy pc»*f»n cr perfons concerned in the vJolellt il'eg;»! otoceed- iftgs in q'jclUon, exeepr a*iy perfon who [, (hall have hr£i principal in the c remis¬ sion of any or:.he felonious offences a-j bovemetitioned. j The fa d reward of iool to be r>aid hy. the Lords commtfSoners of his MajrflyVj Trenfnry. - Sfdm^uth. [This GaftetW a'fo conialos an ac¬ count of the ceremonial of the invclttfrc of the Pr-nce Leopold of Saxe-Cdbourg j i and .Sir J. Ahercrornhy vvhh theinfi^ma! of Knights Grand CiofTes of the Bath, on TbnrlHay. It alio nodriep., that the Prince Recent has appointed the Duke of Gloucester and Prince Leopold Field Marshals, and the Larl of Clancarty am- hafTador t » Holland ; and that h? ha^ permitted Lieutenant Cohmele Michael M*Cr<r»^ha«d William Worrc, to accept 1 the Portuguefc Otjer of the Tower and Sword, and C^ptaiU3 Qm M. Carrol and E. T. Poe the Spanifh Order of Charles 111] 'I he P«.ris paprh of Monday arrived this norni'ng. The following arc ex¬ tract i ; — Pans, May z:---U \s faid that the King will go. on tr>e !2th of June, to FontamhUaa, whc--r. her Royal High- nefs the DuchcTs a^Qerfy will arrive o*> the 15th,awl that^he-oiatiiage will h. -elehratcd on the 1 ^ ;n tbe fHCtropoli an church of Pari:. A German J;^Tr.a; (latM, thit M- pFouche, Duke oi ()lrMi;0s C(jnl>;)U?q to occupy hifflftii wit^ ^\^g \m polkical memoru-s. lie pre ,0,<s t0 (n,[.j;;:, thtm in the forniii f Lett- * Mifh Sqg*rm Tl;e V.oard of Altiffora i;f the uavu <>f Piattubnrgh h:'vc taken a» eUfrrme of theqnanT:;^ offogar made 1»8 ffrafou. hy em-\\ indivioual alftiTrd — wh'Ch wives ;im aT2re<rntO of Sfxtv^FoNr rb'-ifti id p mnJs Much *>T tli i^ iu^ar iiU'iaqnalhy noiinfrrio/ to Mufcovado— which i> tcSfinjt at 25 cents per pound j /Jinn a\eraj»c of lixt^en cents, the fugar j i.!"de i'i t'\vn would a.noi;:it to fon^e- hthulg aiorc then ten th.,u!"aui dollars. r ALU r-'v fJidy% |">EGS i.ave to inform his Friend* and *-* the Public in general, tha- h- haa ' juf: rvceiwtd ai»d riuw offers E>r fale, at his Store, an e'e-ant alTortnieu: of 'f HARDWARE :< ( ' 3 Lilti* I Dirici from the Birmingham and Sh'--f- rl-.dd Maniif-irtont^, which hf will dif- l?o& of Wholefale or Re:ail» at reduced prices ; among which are the £ull"wtn.r : Carpenter's Beuch, and Moulding Phncs,. ChmV.s. f Sorts j Ttyiog Squercs nnd T Pevr!.^, ManJ. Tenoa,, flafb, M:i!, CroflT-cut* and Key-bolt. Saww ; Chefl, Cn[.hoard, Drawer, Tmnk, Stock, Dofir, Mortice and Pad- Locks j 1 Rinpi of all &K«i I5rafsand linn ; Saddlery and Harntfs tiipaminrr*; of all deleriptions ; Tandnm, (il-j and Ridio^ Whip* j Do. Thcipfrs m»d L:«fl»e-- ; /Ml Platetl and Brat CandluVda, - I hi Cructa of 4 .V c Glaflrt, Eiittanny Met^l Tear*ots; \Vatch-m.;ker's and Jeweller's P'vers, N'j'te^, I'iicc, Screw plates, &c. Fowling Piece*', Shot-bclw, Puwdep- I talk^aud Bullet mojfldij f gck< f 'T Fowling piecoi ; Plvk tin Sdnee-pants ar.d Tea-k-ttlesj Handles & (pouts t:» do do, Tinvna«rs Ri-'cts & wire of Sorts ; Gold feates of various fize-i ; G. Li Irc«<i end Frying Pans; ' * Table and Defer! Kiiive*-& Forks; Do Carvers with Folks; [Wood Screws affottcd ; j Bureau Trimming*! Portable Defic do^ / t/M /.: J 1':; From srTrral \r\rt* oi' th^ ccunfrj v U'.wn thai th**v itn%c l»u*rn v'witjdl 1 J Bed Cape, Screws and Iv'ys j 4I, ^J, 8d, iod, r.f.1, t6d, 18J, 2od9 ;Sd and jod Naila ; with Ire! it: 1;."- :.!<•.: month rt j WhiV and Black Lfead, Prnflljn Bio^, Wvi A rtYriuwtaiiw so ttn^imm>jn| Spanifli ^rcv/n, Red and Yellow ::•'.{ r 'matkablO, a- fro * in JUI>\ WC ., j airKS ;^ Boiled F.nglifti Oil, 5cc. &c 2:c. Which in addition to Us f « St^ck will form the mofl complete aUbrmcoc everofTeredforfale in ihis place. Kingiiw. August 10, i8:£. lotf M his removal to Europe, r.iT^rs for 1* that valuable ar.d n:oit exCcl*- 01 bollovcj i' \u-\i r boh»iv h.»col!wte(l. Gr'Mt frstR nr*pii'frrtainivi that thv tilt!ion poni will bo i-i».tir rv cut eff: and t\\p \% inirriiiul 5nnnn«*r urain a;ul ^r*s:-,ii*iv imnnos parttf of oor ccuntiy. ;t r«ost iui;atorablti appcaraucc. Sandwich,- *fuitt 2 ?.. A duel was fought on ti;c *f (f p r. i6th 1;!:. on tire American j|icn't ftandi the {bore, by Captain John Wilfofi \ While Bear Tavern* the ground at fix o'clock in (he morning—-Lieutenant Loppla- not was feverely wounded in the right fide. e t Qj;F!irc, Jnne ro. StFAM 0OATS. R;wai Liblc Bquxfjy in Stilting. hrmj v/ill exhibit therr s&conc?tfl pre>'iodf* I to that date ; and thofe indebted to him* ate rcrj teRed to atrange that accouni*; without delay, Kin&f «-, ^/;- dutotBi rc;^. »c//" FOR SALE, 0/2 Rcaforioijlt Terms, OT No 17, i'i the townlh;? of 1 he ttea n boats Meid\'tn and (.^r r; 5 ^1 .1 . ■ 1 ,,. n . ,. " ». 1 y >.-* Mcrythn:/-*. beii-g a ve y valua- Gonw.rcr ariiictlliere at it o ujck on. , , . Jc , , . ' r , . , bic dud pie..'....:'.. n -.a: d fnnday njjrbt. , , ^ v :> -1 7 The ?^'. •"tiidm came ahead of lh*» Car _*1 * _i .j'Xl /J « The W tuann came ahead of thf Cai »bout the fitne dtftance fhf darted fro*n Montreal, the two boats having rail t*o mi'es in ^1 botira, wirhout e»th.r ultim¬ ately gaining of loafing half a eaUle'a | about 80 s»C<M uncle ji fH ""; • viirJ"U end well f.....*\ F.-r t-rai^ tfpv'y io« the Iiibfciitxi • :i thepremiCc*. .'APON CONNER. Mtrzfiwia, du^x-jt 7, 18:6. IStf

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