Kingston Gazette, August 10, 1816, page 1

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%» .V -f ■-■ 1*1 ■T3 [SATUUDAV, buenvt I®, ISM] , t[VOLUME VI.-,-----No. 10 ] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILLS.—Fkice Four Dollars per Annum. * Price of advcrtifinrr in the GazsiU^ Sixlfne'fi and under, 2/6 fir (1 infertion, fcrf t/$ every fubfeqnent. Ten line and under, 3/4 firft iufer- ticn, and 1/8 every hbfeqneot •msjf goods. T I HE Subscribers hnve imported direct from London, Man- j° ' .. ; chetter, Birmingham and Glasgow, Sec. an extentive affoitment of every fpecie* Tenlines and upwards 4A Pcf *m\ Gf Mwrhan^Kwfci'ubktfrthe UpperiSwedaMaikefc ftvft infertion, and 2r/. per line every fuo j eeeding infeTtiVn. Advcrtifemer.ts unaccompanied mitt writ-en dfreSfam a^e inferred till forbid, and charged accordingly. Wanted for His MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels 500 Bushels Oafr, 20 Tons /Jyi F. The whole to be delivered into the * Commiffanat M?gasines ?.t Kinptcn- by the earliest practicable period. Tenders for the above fop ply will be received at this office, Conwiissariat Qjjicct ? Khgstoriy l^.th Jvtif 1*16- The Good-* Ikivc been I elected \vmIi care and pnrchalVd for Cafh, and will be t'ifo fed of, cither by Wliolcfaie or Retail, on the n»o(l reafonabie teriti». Under the different heads of Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Clothes, Flannels, Haberdash¬ ery* Hosiery and Carpeting % Stationary* Crockery k GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, &c. &c. They would enumerate the following; article?, viz : Verv heft P'-"t, ") '. Brown, Qansbtirg, Sbtrtlrtg and Sheet L. >. Mndo-a, f WiNE& : Sp. Fine old brown Sherry, ( J. Covert, L P. 8c L M TVnetiff. ing Linen* ; Laces, .Cambnckf, Veiling** Sattius, Ribbons, b=k. 5i'k Handk< rebkfs : New Goods. mm 8t.Wcriher* hawng tece.'vcd by p^/'^j q;Js /fT .„,<]_ Hibbert's bed Brown Siont by the ; Navy Blue, Black Gray and fafhionahle Calk or Dozrn, Rra-dy, Gi", &G. &C. &C. Te^s ; Sogars, Loaf an:1 VJufcovado ; C'.fT^c ; Nanec* of eve<y defcription, Lncfa Btw Herrings by the K t;; 1 Pearl Barley 5 fcfnftatd Soap & Candles I by th« b x ; Seotch Oat meal, _ —..— , — . 0 , -**- the la-c arrivals, offer for fale on j the Weft terms for tV.fh at their Stores j m Kingflon, either wholesale or retail Cloths, KcrfevmereR, Crawley unci ftlitlefvd St*d, 8* "d'-s I- iqii aiT »*»ed. Duck ?:.'--n and Superfine Broad Clothe? and Cag fi'ceres ■ ; Ladies' and Gentlemen** Gloved end • Hi(!fiyr Carpeting of various pat term ; An a(T rr-nentof Schoolb ckc aild Sta- ; ti.>:'nrj'.— ; Glafs ware and Crockery by the Crate ; or csflc, and packed to fuit Caun- ti v Shops. ngoeal ifti fr«rtp, Levantine Silks, Rife'jKHif, Laces, Font ing, Gingha*m« La-i Vcil-> Si-k Sh?wls Silk and Leather GWe*, We lli»gl •» ^"d Berlin -W«*w, WV> a vanetr of ctlur anielt* in the JPry Gooffc Line ALSO, Tamatca Sj)fnt% Mu«c^v?do and Flannels, Homfazettsr, BWbazen^9 Men Sf WftttO^f H' fiery; gift Linens, Diaper*, TowclfnB il SnipcShot- Nii!>.<- SJ!;e« uf all iuris, ; 6wt3fmcft*» p^oFReaver Han: Me»% BltW Slid wSi-e dt- Th p|attf4imj Shret lr-n, . JMHtViUid B y's Ca.-el hair and eryin/ pans SpaHe? spA Shovjrlfi, ; n1 ited Jo Me.,% WiHmv Hat?. IJoluVWare—!T:.i:. C i- «**»W*ft» : Indus' o< GkI»* Btavertn'mM Bo-.-nets, SeruK!vn», Hc.fe, Shor, a*rd Td IWhree, Rrd, Yellowa«d Bkn Flanneh, ble Bmlh«j rTASJHfl received, DirecAfiom Lon - ■* dvn, and offers for file the fol- lEWMJLMW'i Gold Seals and Keyes, Coloured and plain Ear rind Finger Rings, fnoh as Amethylr, Em- rald, Topaz, Garnet and Ruby, Red and White Carnelian, Coral, ci'id Imitation Dimondp, Penal and Ic.Jtatlon Garnet—Steel Parffis, Gi't Cliains, Seals y:id K-'ye«. Also — Pbf fa'e, one Gold Fat tent leaver Watch, made by Haskell, Liver¬ pool. Kingston* Anguji 3, i8io\ 0^4 NOTICE. A EO.^RD of is dirtficd ^ toaTe-nbleat !-ORT GEORGE on Wcdnefdny. the 2ift Aligvft SSXt, for the p«np'»fe of c> lleftir^ nnd rcp«rt- inp on the Certificates and CUitnsf^r the cranfport uftroops baggage or ether for- vioepayih-e on the Certificate of the Q^.-arter Mailer General's Depart ncn*> and w'»ic!i may >ti;l remain dat to anv of the nrhabitantB in that j»art of (he ■ oaniry ; /ILL PERSONS hiding e'*ai'Tjs or the above deien'puons aie rc- leuefted to produce the fame to tin Hoard, riuiy aathentfeftted ; as none of a ■ iate previ -us to- this notice wiil aftcr- !wards be received POETiiY. titOM A I.OVPO> t'APIR. THft onPFUX. LORD UXsxr flOGLSEK Pity, my Lord. thr*. wretch?d plight ^Ofa loue Orphan, faint ajul wcaiy; No house by day, no bed by ni$\\t LApos:d 10 teropesta wiiu & ui-JarV, ! hate no friend, 1 haVenofcod, A'a-! 1 know no: where to vender J Bu( ! was to d yoa foiksafg -^ J Who roil in wealth dud shine in graft deur! « young Gyp-^jr, iftr.vjr tab-be true- guy where four patents' life da'par^ e«! !" My Father fell d» vVaferloo, tajrAIofter died quite br^en hesrV •he sought my sire arnonit^hr- dead, Atod Fell upon his Li<«som pory—£ " 0.i ! if (hey died til &cnot*S bed, :Viv child they're—covcrd o'er uitjl Ciorr!" P wa Aiui Ml»;«t is c ?loH-:' my r;nr>d Lrrd, Will ir mill Kr tue 0>p;uuV lumber? A -!i'-it» r. el<-rnev. ncd-fuofl afford ? Oh ! iay—or I cantIhe s» »att:n: fcuteftringSj at i Jr-ci hroa^l B:i:/e. Knives and Partur««ffiiriedr—& "W^ • 2 lu 34 'Io,r^ ^!ai'^"-—Counter panes, ikiffi r'a. Stjt.ou», Rv/ *r>» $b.av>«^ C^e-; : h«.-d iV.k. 3cp ^c. l.o-f Sugar, Teas, Prnti-i, u»' CoC'hlflC Br tndy> Ho'hnd Gin, D^ft Port, Spa<i<h. Sherry »nd Madcna Wines, Peopcrment, Shmb, Mol-fTes, Waltez McCu iFFJi h> Cc. K-ngfton, 19th Jrfft l*lA Aln» nda, TWey, Ptnrer, fiidf^c. 7 -Lock-'. Kiuttei Saw^ K u^nier* Files,*, &e. fte. &c I^o. ts and Shf e&— Kiii.lo.iu, Ci.idtunya. Ht*iiH'< '" '*onni Checks, Po?nha7.eU-s Wyfl-tni Khawlfl, Oimitic, !';\(- hs 3oW>ui ; T) ESrEC'i lrl'i.!A' t p er: hi- *L\. thi-'k& to his ciiftofPei • fot their liberal fupp >ri in ^'- n 'mile tranfadiions I finer he CHm'ctr thj« place, and i.ifnn? j them tir&i he hrs n-w eo'nmcneed b :li- r.eiV 'Aitlt '• r. Thomas S. WhitakgRs urtdfir \\v; firm of JOSMs X\l$QfT& Co. And are now receiving a very general 1 afTo't - cflt of Fancy S: Staple \ Sma.t vd \V".Tfa|-e dt the euttoav- ;ary p'ieea 3;.v? Ct.-nn,,^,, R.;fin"t*s exe¬ cuted a' ir«: biV^ r*r^ JOHN k:^.v. I Kl»?sion< July afi, ife^6» 8 MiUtiJty Secretary s 0JJret ningrrgrT July \ P, I S I 6. GJtOCftfeS. r*HF. firMcribersi having commenced | bnfinefs in (he Gr iccry Line, eitker] wh>hf.:leor retail in this place; wbere ihty wil! do ihe'*'- niro.i to fm-ply the public on the m.;t reafonal'le tennis. ToXHANCF ^ M'.'.EOfl. Kin;^t"n. cc.llMnv, l8l'6. <?- crJ " fbj rwiiic^ cthUd, *ffl ^e- jrou t>d, fct 1 oHt-rifV dill hvirn rour*trt?V y *■ \ hut pairntsnled i- Honors b»*dj " And l ht \ ire cotefd »'«f ^ith .ilcu- ... .*" IV * »? sairf*—and with a hastv par?# Erora the !-t>c Orphan' whistling parted : TV tears bediw'd hfr pallid few, And dcv.vii she sunk, half brokej F« rt V,Y the fubfmt.effl* 4« BOXES FINE Yellow fi-oap, - t&EJPfir Cap, Thowhon & Detlor. Kr^/«*, ?«•!(• 1. iei5 ______5tf To be Sold, $00 acres of fetid in the towufhip of jK6u£hbo»ou;z;h. 200 acres, b the t/wuihip of Hiin Retford. A Saw Mrll.-anc1 Cnl? ^'i1! uhh twol dwelling bonfes, or" hnure-:9 ih-Me-;. SiC. j with 400 ocre? t! land, ?. crt>'.v;v leafef ktthe tbvvnfliip of PlttfKtH'gh ALSO. A mimber ^f vn-i!?.hieTe\vn I 91 tflj the villager oi WcBin|«b)h i7or wra**! ^pply ta ICixgvt>m-i Jfihs* IS:& ________ _5 Spruce Beer* OF moft an)- tfiKm£?i?< crn be ferfl a: the CELLAR mitt ^ Au&iwi W(,i e ! pt«d tothw Va-^k't; which have b-cn fel- **ed hv erne of the Partners from the latcfl arrivals -t. Qjtrbve and ^lon- *.real, and jmrchafed f r re .riy money. Tiiey flatter tlicmfc»ees their purrfva- fes have been fueh as w?H en?l>!e them 10 fell their Gond^UH !ow as th- fe who have imported direct from Europe. The strict;M attcv-tion wili be paid to customers, and goods fold at a very 'rrfo- dcrat-e advance* Kingston, §d August i \°\d. P. S. J. Abbot being about to re¬ move to Montfea1! lequefts thole who tiave derh?ild-< r«ganst him, to exhibit r-- *,,K'v ^*" indebted to 9 miliar >■ . Tvi qiicI iT"tir»-ni 0 in ijr'ix tj\ Mrfli iv- ;-;><! n attJ« t < • rt Jl* »».• 'j- tlw T. v.n : Mn-st -u. 'r; I *,.; sni': l>«.^iK-t3 '•»! i ciwp.y* v.. -it.'f! n -. o| Au«v*Tj '>' t .<• hi Ur < f * •< ■ i" t..^ eb e» :n t!» f u n--. n. 1 ri v nu ;. :V •,. hvrri;; u>^ »• f"%e (rail tin bf Sft'lio v, . pjrSi euTv '-^Mrt auj p;Jj ». ( hi * „ CoillW b Mi:.!: ffif f.|Sf -ii:'.; Dl-tii. ; thn- 'h\» be tarn Hut* pr-r^otii t.-prr- .... eruti' agailiM tlcm as ^lail !».* jV-•.. And Id«Nii*«6lrr!i4.t;n«fn«HJlji4it .. Offiii lWl», Cw li'i.s, J.jiifiji.. tu\v- st'i!;i.'-. asid :t.Vr i.-uv Ofitcor*, jM nnd fot tin* D^W-'taR r.->«:;i;l, tir.;i tf, v be tftcn JH*d hrt*^ in f(i, i; <,»n i>r. p .", p^r«*uis- '^iMi their K:uU9 K 4e-r:^ and i fi»' r i<«iti'*niLMaui—;, j • <(., tftt x^ fhrnit-5 *r8tell to fnr»-p sv^M-a] Oi^ccA U Notice. -TJ--HF. ittMenber* tu the IL C. Bnnk] 4^ !^ ce:y, are informed tbat Mt#] Vanttfel Mcr,';'l ha t:-»k-n the Bt» ks and Ti Cl brl.mjfJa^ I; the Society. a..d | ibofewho wjft ro tak- -1 he:-> uivi-Je-f! of j ho>vk$ I 'i thelait vearand fubferibe t<*- \v;.rd- iuifo" i"^ m6re books for another, are rewtcftedta eal! w'thont delay at Mr, Mil ni's S ftr-c for that purpofe. By Qr&r of the Prtfrdetih Ehigfton, ALugiiA i 1816. 9 • that li- !.n!f :if>p:>raii! to Ire d uj. S..ciirr,0.;.ci-, Jd Ai*..i^(, is-.S. n Tl LATH'S Sermon;, Partcus' Evi- lJ d<-neC8f * he Ca <tdian Viluor, bo md O" fin-/lev t^ffcther wnh a great variety of ukful Ci»- k« and Tn£K. fat y ^!ng people, for.ydt at this Office ; — w'.ere .ivcef- may be had to a fmu'll ch- iiulatiu,* I .il'ia- y, thiec timed a week, on moderate terms. 9 Thfto (^ h^r sid ft. KoUtieT i:t>vr^ Whi- h;»do\. rh«".ird hft .ut'osstory\ lie lenttw h'r -ire af Wfctertoofj Aiid saw birti—-6*' covered c'€r v.itlr «lory !n •' CnmiA O- jdi;n*. t6irtyarrn<.;: hf cricd> "And I \ri:l screen thee from the wonrlw'r ; u Ctoim to tt>) --idr- thypaTf mK d!cd, Ci A111I for their sake ffee'll lodge to^cthi!r. •: I have n tension:, dnd a rot, " When- tbo-a Sttktt live till I £*£ ha arv K Here, wrap thee i& thi.; old v/a*. I> r<vrrf attguft i, 18116. ^ Ci "Tk varrherthaTi his Lord;hip** t; glCTVi" ■tH fiem ; and thofe who a:e him, t<> make p lyment. PUBLIC NOTICE. Dancing School* M?S. MERIT, D r.SPECTTULLV n.forms the .L„. ** dies and Grntlcmen of Ki'^/ftm; that he inCrncs commencing a D.V^. CIN'G SCHOOL at Mr. McGzii\ on Tuefday next, at 4 o'clock- ?. M.-^ Any gentie::an u'lfhing toin.trult pnp*u vith Mr., to be "nftruckd in thw polite ?rt, can be fatlffied of his at. WHEREAS I'-aocois, rr.y wife hi lef my bed and beard, without any jull c»ufe o» icnfon ; Thto is therefore to forbid rl! p-.'rlons harhouiiogor trailing her on my account as I wiii not pay any debts Ui4i ihe may contrad after tlvii date. his JAMES X CARDINAL, fna rk. Kingston, Juh 27, l $:6. <-jle TheVaii.. tfifetchd fromtlliVof ; q"<™^ Iry applying at Mr. McGe.'V fiee will inftftnc be cbfed at tlic fol- sndalfo ibeterms of futt/on. __^ •owing hour?— For Lo-A'er c anana. Monday aCeight o'clock, a. m. ThurliNy at 10 o'clock. A- M. Tor York. Sandwich, &c. Mcrd-.v at ten o'clock, s* ;•**. ,1 r-\ fcom of ift: -Oxrrlrs Mert, JOHN YGTJN P. 9. ATrpercorrs who are :;»- dtbted to, zr? rvqnrdeu tocsU ivit^ - wit delav, amfltlfle their 1 ! Po^* Office, 7 Klngttrn* Jvfy i2> 1816 3 N. B. Mr. Merit, with ;h? aftftaacfe of his friend^ will be particularly can. tions that none may be permitted t«» jot-- his .School, but thofe that are iefnecta,_ b'e.—lie will give lefTons in private iaii._ ily's if requested. Kingston* August $1 1S16. gic 9w3 A V^L-UASI^E Farm, with build. •^ * ing? rdaO large irrjxovfments there-r on, favor ibly fitu3ted wkhin 28 miles [«f Kington. Perfons dtfiruus cf pui chafing to fnoulie of the Punter. Kingston% July IO, h^ic. r tf it 6m2 Foi E5« A VERY valuable Roufe, Store 1 '\ H^nfeand Lt:t, iitiiated within I'the Tow:. Tiot receii'.ly l"»rmed on the - h.UM «f il^ Ritf« M. i:a, in the front of For Sale, of 1 he River M» na, 1 ihr: triwufhip of. hivh.w. The al.ove property rseligibly Htuared I *tlse- f-r a pub!'.-. Uoufc or Store. For THEWe?thnlf..f1oini'mVi noirtrnijjK *• -^-lytothc fubferiber, pofieiTing in the letn.nd conce!T' n of .I'-C tiSi* ? j I t'.tc prctnil«.6. lip of Ki gfrn. ^?I iy l(. :;„. iMntfr.)] ROBt. SMITH- i! Notice. SPRAYED crflulen from the fub,. fcriHer, about the fifteenth iufVanf, a middle GzeJ Sorrel Horse, With a white ftripe in hi; F.>rthead> on-e Eye®oSy, and is ahot.t fix ya»s old,. trots and paces. Whoever will give in' foTnatie i t" the fuhJoriU.-,- fliull be hand|_ Comely rewarded". JOSHUA CKIIYSDELI.. Murray, 11th July, 1810. fcwj A LL perfotts who are indebted to /*\. the fuWcriber, eidn r by Note or Bookac^onnT are her .-by foi bid malitng payment to any other pevtm than him fell, as no perfon is authorifed to receive die fame. JOHN NIXON. Kingston, Jidy 27, if? I 6. &*3 PtiMic Notice. A Lti perfons indebted to the Eobfisft Jl\. her ai« rcqudled to nuke imtnedi ate payment to him, aftd not! to any t/'h- er perfon, as no perfon has authority from him to riceive his debt*. CHARGES MEKR1LL. ■ Kingston, i8thju!y, iSl6. 8:f! FISHING EXTRAORDINARY. J}'jj?'/tL July ;-—Asa gentleman wai BTWclfrrg *^(V Thuifday in tlte Mill Dam; WelUhdler, ht atcidentally threw \M line aerofe a ftroog white D::ck. which fuddenly turning round, twirled the tfrfj about her ovce. neck, and fixed t!ie hoo^ of the dropper liy ii> her own breath Thus entangled and hooked, (lie foon brr'ke off the ^ut above the dropper, and failed down the ft ream, with the end fly tracing behind tier. She h&I not pro¬ ceeded far befofe a trout, apr^r'ntly about r 1 -2 lb. weight, took rhe fi/ efTectually. Then corr.mfcceed a Ifrug- gie the mod extmordinary *hat ever \\di wrtnefftd—a (hrck at the dropper, and $ krrre iTout at th<* end iiy ! Wherever rh^ trout exerted ufclv. ?be terr^r& of the Dock were very ecmrpicrtous:—itftutt'er- ed iti ivin^.rand dragged At 6fil. In cr.i^i of no voi'ent ftm^gle on th»* part of the trout, the Duck tvivir'.'iy ^ave Way, and Inhered heifelf at h:!t to be drawn under forr.e bufhc«y where the iT.ortnefs of thf out did n'^t allow rhe trottt to !he!te> ' h ftSfllf in hi?* retreat, afld »!"•'cluck tfl [remkiaon flte-furfecsat rne lame -.r^c—- Tl« duck's he»6 trnfl drawn i*pestedly ende- nater.—liy riiance, ho'rc-tr, the gUt f-J. ac:ofH a* branch, uhieh hung dnwmvafds*in flirwarterj and the duck taking afivaritfag<f of rhe purchafe ^vhi.'h thh ^ave her dia^ged he» 'ippnreut from hV^ hole, and compelled him t«» fhe'\v hi3 head aboVC water. Then it hecame a crmtef} of life or death — the troit was in the hdl aftonfe^i ai<d iKe duck cvhJcfttty in a very weak li'Tte, when the gul g^ve way,a^I fulftrv^thcni tu part, each h?> 0WH way. 1

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