NEW GOODS. OF iioinR every if efcriptioo juft ;ccc ved and offered for falc on term. the mort actMmTtoddtin^, by PETER WETSEL. y/Ti.^iig which arc a vcrv cxtenfivt af- fcrtment of Dry Goods ; Together with 3 choice aflortmer.t of Silks '& Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; GcntUmens & Boys' t HATS. Frefh Pens, Loaf and Mufcvado Su¬ gar, Plnjr, Ladies'Twill and Paper To- bacco ; Scotch, Rappe, and Mao .'boy S'MliFs. 01<! Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Bran¬ ny, rL>:m;d Gin, S!»rub, Peppermint, Fart and French Winer. i Pig?, CoSbe, Chocolate, Ginger, v^llfpice G oond Pepper, Multard, BFtltmeg*, Cloven Cin'tsmcn, Currants, Raiiins, Polaad Stirch, Fig Blue. J'owder and Shot. Cum and Hair BlOOT)XZ* Window Glafa and Putty. 4&<v vvew jfugur*, Steelyards Sho- Frymg Pans, lion and Steel ; 4/J an^ iod cut Nails > 8d and lod Wrought Together with a general alTor(n:cnL of Hard and Hollow i Advertisement. "^■HE fubferiber offers for f.ik the following Lots of Lands. Lots No. 14, \$, 17, 18, 25 and 26 lo the gth conceflion of the towu/hfp of riuniow*. No, 4, in the 8th conceffion of Hun¬ tingdon. No. q, in the toth conceflion of Row- Jon. No. 31, Eaft half, 2d conceflion of Sidney, 200 acres in the 4th and ?oo In the 6lh conceffion of the Gove between Er- nefl Town and Frederickfhuigh. No. 16' and i<j in the 8th conceflion of Murray. { No. 54 and 35 hi the 4th conceflion of 1 he town/hip of Vaughan. ALSO, Three Tcv.-n Lots in the town of Kingston, -f one fifth of an acre each. \V:.u CRAWFORD. ; Fredericksb-Mrgh, zfvh Jnne, 181,6. 4 jCHEAP "SALES; \Tthe Store of MuTrs. H. W. WrLKlNSON& Co. a large Quantity of Sweet-fcented wl 9 R jlso9 cj rloz* Coverlets, ;;6clz. Worfted H >fe, 12 doz. OilMfnk Hat Covers, 3 d >z. Lo-kincr Glaffts, ot various Arcs, and .;f* fur>en »r quality. CO I5b!s. Mefs Pork, 200 lbs. Hog's Lard, 500 Gallons raw boiTd Linfted Oil 2co Prs. Men's Z?oote of different qua- 1/tie*. ;co do do Sines, : sq do Ladies' Boots, r^o do do Shoes, 1000 do C hihiren's Boots & Shoes. Ca f okfnfl, U -r^er Leather, H*n.ef. JseaiJicr, and pule L-atorr. ALSO, 9S Bufhds Corn, Bbls, Srroffg Beer, Oats and Flower. Kingston* March 15, 181^. 42tf Common Plujr, c Ladies Twift8 and Tv/iO Tobacco 3 Spaniih and Americas Segars, in quar jt Boxes. Large or fmuH ^nntUks^ tu-juii Pur* chafers* The whole of which will be f<»ld at - t 20 j&,-r c?»r, cheaper &wn can be procn- j red here- from anv Mark »t of the til i [ted States—NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. iCmgJion, 2 2^/ March, 1316 42 3° '/ SMITH & BUTTERWORTH, TJ ESPECTFULLY acquaint their J\ Friends and the Public in genera* that they have re-coittmenced bufincfe in th? "ew houfe neT Walker's Hotel Where they have on hand an c-xte;iiive af fort meat of Ladies 6t Children's be'l B^'.'cr R M.ncts, Gentlemen** bed Bea- vc, Call rr, Roram and Kn«ipt Hafc: ; Mcn*«f Youths and Boy's Wool Hats. Juiki wife, Ladies and Children's Lou- d.,-1 Fiflionable Bonnet1?, Feathers and xiimmmijs of the' following colours ; B!ick W'Mte, B'ue, Brown, Purple and Drnb ; which they offer, Wholesale and Kc' n! f>r Cafh 3>cheap as th--y can be purahafed at Montreal. N B Ca.fli paid &r Beaver, ttfuflcrat ari Racoon SkrW Kliigfton, 3cthQft. i° >. 2« tf. HANN \ 8r TOTTERS, TOBACCONISTS P ESPECTFtTLLY info.m rhnr] 1 S fik-nd> and the public in gepcral' that thev hnvc opened a SNUFF MANUFACTORY, Next to Mr. Robins* Brewery.\ Where diey have for fslfi Mackiiboy, "J l.ifh lM^gard, f SNIFFS, n •■! crtlt'cr j Winch they offer for falc cheao for Oi/Ji Kingston, io//' ifipr, r»r€, 49 j J Charcoal Wanted. 9 0 fjflrt r#lTSHELS, to be Je-i 4u,uuuRwKd¥ore (he c])i.j nf the ijBvigatioa of 1816. at Gated peri-1 flds, or Seven Hundred Bufhela io Sc delivered.weekly until the end of March, 1817. Any perfon witTifng to um'ertske the delivery of the fame areredneftcd to fend!1 NEW GOODS. rHE fubferiber has just received an' xunv offers foi fale/an extenfire anc well chofen affortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen Aflbrtment of MEDICINE. The while of which will be fold a: the lowest prices for cafh or country pro dace. F.wd. J. Henderson. Kingston,2tfJanuary \Si6> 34 /^f?/ Carding. THE fublcribcr has crefir.-n a Card. ing Machine lulf a rralr north of Mr. M'Gnln's Mill or. Cafffifr Greek, in the townfiiip of Kingston, and few it now in tonipK'te order for Carding Woo], All pevfor-s v> ho will favor him j with their cutfott may be afTurcd of !iav- | ing their work done wdl. Price, 6d. per lb. P.J FITCH. Kingston, Jtmt 8/^, 181& nT — ■ - — ■ —-* ^ ■— _ Notice. *T^O be fold or rented, as may be a^ced noon, that v/ell known valH?.b!c farm, lot No 11 and t!u WrQ hi]f c-f I Lot Mo. 10 in the firit coBcaffion of j Additional Fjcdeflrfcshuryh, te-pcther j witti a good FrAme Houre and Barn, j good Me«.dov/3. 3nd t;v Ordhards there- 00, and about one hundred and forty -acres of ijitpnited .'and. The premifee are well fu*iatcd foi a farmer, merchant, ; or Innkeeper For further particulars : apply t-• il-c fwUniber, or to D. Wafh- bum, J£'f*j in King-fton. ^KHAEL COYLE. Kl'.Hjfln *»: f h iPT< <\>r o FOR S/iLE, M r<??>fbnaMe tprma, l \ AvS .eceived by the Spring am al^ •- ■ from London, Manchester, *i*c; Glafgow, a choice afTortmenl of Icafonr.- Dry Goods, Particularly fuJtnb'e to this rrwk«J which he i? now opening, and di!p Pn ■S v very i sdiiced prices for culh or fcort credit, VIZ i Cotton and Woolen Hofer) of all fizes, Grey & Striped Narkeens, Beaver, Kidd, and Buck Ikin Gloves, Thread & Cotton Laces, Black Lace Veils, Fancy Muflins, Black & coior'd B mbazetts, Garment and Furniture Calicoes, Imitation & Printed Shawls, Madrafs Handkerchiefs, Striped & Checker Cottons, Turkey Stripes, India Cotton, Fine and common Cloths, Corduroys and Velveteens, Black and coior'd Veivet, Black Silk Hdk'fs. Black Crape, Danby Foundation Muflin, Wellington & HelEan B >ot*. Am', an ejegaot atTortmeni of Englifh Silks, Iiihboxs, Orders fron? tli^ country will be p--- jticularK- attended to, and all kinds I produce will betaken in paytneati WfTsn SrPFkT, Kingston, 2 id 'June, \ 816. 3 Qhnia.Glafs Ss* Earthenware, I H£ Cabfcriber daily ex'pt<ft> to havt 1 a very ex ten five uiTortmrnt of Chin, Ghk and Krt hen ware. o» ifing every article in (hat line— 1 ■ « 1 ^HTi:o--bicribrr'.iU-:hiw^p0rlun. ly or aeqoamtiftg h£a fr.e-.d. anrJ he j ublic that he hz: fct up a SI ORE 1.1 the townfhip of <_ra;rahe, near '\&* Prefqoe Iile Bay, where i,- pvopofcsrt IcecpconU ntlyon hand, a general af. .ortm^ni of Dry Goods ! AKO Groceries, Iron and Steel; With a General nfTorjn^ent of HARD WARE, Glass § Crockery WARE. All of which he wii! fell, vholefaleanj retail on tne mod leafonablc terms. lU has alfo butit a Wharf, and a large Store for receiving and Forwarding Gooda to aoy part of the DiftnYt of New-Ca(llc, and to receive and forward any kiYd of Produce t r> any part of Lake Qutzrh*** Tl.ofc who may [ leafe to fend Goods or Produce 10 ht-t care may depend on the greateft ca»e r.nd attention being paid to them, and en t!ie moil reaforable Urms, All kinds of produce will be Eakfflw [payment, either f-r G» ods or Stora^fc. iC^fli will not beicfuicd, but no credit gtveth of 1 >: .; T~"'"™'e W«* MiMipi ftng every wtttlfl in thai line— Lo/ /Vfl. 22,19^ c//j Genceum., atoOM5 «*»«*»« : ^jra , "'•s; °J.::!:i wa,e of al1 fcfcriptbn, L« '.rp. .20, in the 1 i/A Concession, The whole heinp in th« Townfliic «f ". town, in thedistricl of Jolmnov^n j ' »).* |/r.r.fclur< rnQMir'i al 'ho ofEce ' i i . ? ^ ■' .^Ar MGLR4 N. f/y */r- (ton, August 18, 1 81 c,. 1 "hurlow MiiX&r For Sale. /\ very valuable Griil-Mi!l for Sale, tvliich has jtift undergone a thoro1 ™a'fr upon the improvement of Bevel tCC4*. Such a dclIraUe ptoputy is Pel- do,n to be met with ; h will he difpofedl r-.i j.j « / .....i i i ■-. IG cenici wan j v w?ii he itiifiol^l ^ ;^rrie,,ckoath°3l(ltm1' Ca1^e imwi-nit rntienhn Mavairani, Kingston* 4// and to treat forth, fkinc, ayply to Two- lyhMay, is-.o._______________ m« C« L f. M an, Efq. the pr^tictoi- : he /").•■>•»■ ' ira r f ol'cr8 &: tnle lov-.-il town wat. 1 j "JAa Cmi.eman, Elq. the pr'ipwetnr : he! ~° offers f«: lale town wntci lots?. upon the bank of tlir river Km. * man who wt|I underllandt con. i r nff Carding Maclii.ies, and can THP! fub^rriberrefpeafully inform?. hi. ix\t -dt siid tht public lhat !>e»3 about opeuiog a Store in front of the new mg !c"t ;« >afc, where he will do BUSINESS on COMMISSION Will buy and &U, . Store & Forward ■ GOODS Up cr doiun the River? Will taVe in any oriers of aiy d^fcripti ojj in - t Hne "f b'.ifin fg. N- b Pcrfons defir<»us of COOTttHUinj? cot Ti? irrc-nt- "> his charge, may kn.-w th. ratca of ftorage a."3 1 ummifllon by c-'l'i"g at theflewcoitt'otfffiori ftore. JOHN DUNCAN. K"ngfton1 Dec 3c,, i8if. 7 Jiii received and for fale at this Office, 30 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER. A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, 11 P.;a<u8 Writing P'»i' N'o. i, 9 drt'/j diilt ur/,u:. if//' May, 18j6, i \}T? HEREAS on the morauig ■ fthe 5th i:ift..-. nan byname of A'/ CHARD E. B.IRKER, r.,n away from P.efeott, T'pf... Canada, with ab¬ out 1 o< o dollars, the property of the fubferiber. Any p«-fon or perfons wka .. .. ___ ______ will apprehend and ham the uid Rhh lf%»A * nn j j r r , ard E Bar!.:,-, io that he may be bio'tl ^^ T"oUjhed, andforfait at thh "■■"- * " - " njfice. Price 1/3 lhcI.!FE_ndDYJNGSP£ECB or JOSEPH BKVIR ■ keep- account* wdlmret with good en coiit -kf-menf on application as above. A if t i.f new Cards wanted as above Tbrn-bw, Mafd-*3 .816. 45// tojnflicp. (hull receive the a't-vc reward I by applying to the fubferiber at Preilott, Upper Canada. He is a man about tiver.ty fix years of age, five fvet fis inches high, fteft complexion, ligh: hair, blue wt3, round "ifage, head a little bald—it the time he made hiv efcape his el. thes wn« a bjacfe coai a:id pantaloons, ftriped waiftcoait, & ■ong boota. It j8 to be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will be made for' the fecurin.r offueha character. AM ASA WOOD Prescott. U C. -June Xth, 181C. r Strayed, C'ROM the the town of Kn.gRon, ab- out fix week* ago, a Young COW, of the following defeription___SmaH Uzc—color, dark red, with a white fbee, '> d \vhite IpoU down her back—for. Kct white— fliort horus ; and is now *i<h calf. Any perfon that will return her to the Printer, or give inforraatioft where fin-tar. be found fhall he handfomc- ly rewarded ; and any perfon found keep. wg her after the date of tins advertifc- Bsenl will be profecuted for io doinjj. Kingstcn, July 5, 1816. r Dnulvl< Fh'at and comm n do. Burmfhcd Gold Hn«8u*d plain Chfna, Bf.?k» 0 and Tm r-t ] I Jo VcU t Frttt, PIji^.tMinud tidbit and defrrt fervfees, Ft own Inu.s bliicand preen edgcJ,e\'C TaWr -nd Dclert Se- vicen. T}.. abcVv« col^e^foii of Goods, romprairig one of the bed affoftmetit* ever fmported tiita this ProvincCi—was ptirriiafed for Caflj, and «'i!i be fold Rt »he Montrea1 Prices vj'Ij the addition \ of 40s, per Ciate (e-i trdtifport ti> tli« • p.act:. All orders wiJl be pin ftttally at¬ tended to and Crates repacked 00 the fliort ell notice. PATRICK SMITH. Ku*gH< n. July 9 iS'»6. 6 .-4 LONG k« ASE, on mode¬ rate term*, may be had of <:n extenfive bujldtnglat, near), an acre, in the vicin¬ ity of Kinglion ;—also fcvti-al Lots of n-ie, »wo or three fifths of an acre each, may behadoneafy terms, either on' lent? leafed or fale.— Apply to Mr. SOtes.—apri! 20. 461" James R/c.taudsck, Sen. Prefcjue 1 fie. 18th July, 1 S16. 7*6 James G. Ilanna, O ESPECTFULLV ;nfi>rms W j V friends and the l ublic in gcnenl lhat h«- has jnft received ibme elepant Clocks, Fifhlrg Tacke, Cheflmen, Biggammon Boards Game Bags, Pocket Compaflcs, Dice, Fans, Silver Tea Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Fifh Knives, Viliiing Cards, Jewelry, &c. &c. #• Midland Dhtncl, B t C Plea*, m and for the Midland Bifida «-refaid,a-thefnitofJohn Kifby oftU town of Kmgflon, ;n the (aid niQrift -crcl1ant.agni,atheland,andte,iBn1c,rt; uhuh wwro* William Axkmha, of ,!,' fame place lanner, the ti Who was txecpted at Kingston on Mon day 'he 4th day of September, 1S15 r the murder of Mary Bevir, hi? r n. -chter stolen orsi rayed, T WO Mures otic of which U a jet black, three yearsoid, with a fearnp. r« her left hind fetlock, the other i ? bay. wnh a white ftripe in her f.rehead twa .vhKchind feet, with afcar upon her leftdngh, 9 years Old. V/hoeverwil give Information Concernii t them, foj that the owner may get them (hall havt ' ten Dollars Reward. e. l- ia , im N-Woodcock. Fredruijittrgh 'June \Vh 1816. 3m3 Rugs! Rags ! Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN RAG S, AT THIS OFFICE. 1 • S NOTICE. "THE fuhfciikrs rrfpeafully inform the Merchant*, Traders and the pnbhc in general, that they have entered into eo.pari nevfliip, and have opened an ati&ion loom in front of the New Mar- ket, in the back part of the houfe be¬ longing to John Duncan, where they will have regular awcttnpj twice a week ; and being that the fenbr fubferiber hail I been the onlv oneinthat line of bofinefi 'inKin^flon.foi a number of years, they expeahy tlui-miI6t attention and cor- refiners, thft they wili have the custom of the place Jn future to eneourage the new fu in. John Barley, John Duxca.y, .,. Auctioneers, Kuigjttw, loth April, 1816. N. h. The days of auctions are fixed >n liuiday and Friday. uMvuHiii uiuitiaiu Will. iarn ntkinfon dccea('edf to me directed, I fvavefeized and taken fn execution, u bdong/ng to the laid WILLIAM AT¬ KINSON, dcceafed,at the time ofhii death m the hands an'i enftody of Rich¬ ard Cartwright, John Fergufott, Niclio* las Stickles, and M^ry Stickles, Execu¬ tors and Executris of the faid William 1 Atklnfyn, decoafe'd, lots ni'mber ir)t 20f 2 J, 22, 23 and 24, in the fourth couces* /ion of the townf/iipof Sidney, containing by a'dmcaforement 1200 acres be the fame' more or lefs. Now I do hereby give no¬ tice that the fa id lots or parcels of land svfll be fold and adjudged 10 the Iw'gheft \ PACKET. hE S-.hooner Perfeverence, ] ,G. Park**, M/.ltc.. will continue to nm « a Jacket from KinftftOT to Sack 1 :t, Harbor. !2()0 Gall Maj 1;, lSii_. 50 I FOR SALE, s. linseed O I L. Amnion, July lD; i8i0. g.r I °fST-0" Thmfday Evening U ■JUfomt where about the Goal , lw, conc™,il„ a SZ M;., ,. LJ01c" «-«„c a j „f Fonr ^ -b;r, WW « tin. oilice. ^i ■ . . , --......- "-..'noon, at » uch time and place th: conditions of lale will be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. And every perfon o. perfons having cTarnw on the above deicribed lots r/f land and premifes, by mortgage 0r other right or incumbrance, are hereby adrer- tiled to notice to the fa.d Sheriff, at hwoffieein the town ofKingflon, previ- ons to the falc thereof. Sherd's cjlce, May 6, 1816. 4 BLANK DEEDS akj> MEMti RIALS, for fhle at this Office, For Sale, A quantity of Oak fiiitabfc for ' Siaveu and Ajuarc Timber within a rea- lonuble distance of the wate. leading into the Bay of Qninty. For particulars any peifon or ptlll)ns wahj u Ue win p'eafe to call at this OiEcc or at Mr. Jofcph Vallier's Houfe. Kingfton, Dec. 9, 181 C. 27tf. ^NY Gentleman having«farm (0 frf or fell, within five prten miles of i\.MH'(ton mm m^o. ..:.l. _ .... .. ___- l£iiigfton may meet with a tenant or pur chafer, bf applying at this Oflice. Kragftoo, March 15, 18^6. 41