Kingston Gazette, July 27, 1816, page 3

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dftdA* °* ^renti->fT, 40 w^sprf hound to fSbrfelJc, with a very valuable of « D u-Nli'lO ">&- inh-oumit*. were un lei inter. Tothefr afc i•«-be a<1deHf the E>bi gvillugca, 17 in number* with 40CO beoplc. Kingston, lui.v ay, 1 fl 16. ^Thurfd-iv. afternoon, Major Gem-nl Wilscn and folic* arrived H this place Yefterday mornin^'at 8 o'clock, hi»ar< livai waVannotmccd by a fa'ute of 17 guns from MifliiTaugoa B. ttery. This'irjormn?:, at 8 o'clock, ^1/for General IfcWaftevillcj- M thi* phce for the Lower Province; on which occs&ni the General was faluted by a discharge of Artillery trom the Mark-i Place. Rupture with Spain.—h U fnid in the ^■•fton Ccntiuel, (hat letter* from the Mediterranean, ftate, on the authority f Mr. Murray, the A.mer>c»n 8ceret?rv j f Legation in S;>a?n, that the Spanlfli j government h*ve a large difpo fable land force, and are determined to go to war with the United States, if Well Florida (hould not V TtfRored- The letters add, that the Spanifh government h<»pe to in- ; duce Oreat Britain to fyrnifh (hips a^d j money forthe enterprise, [nthu hope, We believe they wiTbefr-Uv'^Ta-Joointcd; *n;i v c have no fear that they will, fti their prefer, t lunation, v>d uuafiifted by England, he io rafh a^ to commence 3 | War wiih the United States ____-S {COMMUNICATTD FOR TK^ V\'.ILA DELPKlA RT GISTJ-K J , The following official fte^j receive' j by the Macedonian, prove* compleatoly the falflty of the accounts lately ptib- lil^d of General*MorilVo^defeJiis. Official account of the Capture of Santa Fee, the Capital of New Grenada 'tTrantlitcd fat the KetflHe'O Carthaglna, June 2, td'lii rl\s excellency the Governor and Captain Ge.-jtral of the J&«gd03*t Don FrshcifcodeMontal.o, hasj;'ft reedv d ™e following official dtlpctch from hi- Excellency, Don Pablo Marftta, Com maudet in Chief of the Expeditionary Army : A%P £W/mf Sir — The King'* troops un(jcr tne ordci> of Colonels 1). Wi$ud de la Ttrre and Don SebaUio ^'aCalz.ida* entered the CaDi'tnl of tbi- *,Cr Kingdom on the 6th of this roomh ; *nd the infur^enis with their pretended ImJfcVnrnent, ai»d ths injiarnj or* a; ,1 bands are flying 10 terror in every direr lion. Some of the ignorant people who have differed thcmfelves to be feduced, are now undeceived, defetr and return to their homea. . In a very (h tft time the whole of this country ivifl he entirely' pacified, which hi* fuffered fo much from the excelTes of a few wretches, headed by foreigners and ■by fame emigrants fiom Carraccas, who have never had any other object in view. but ttat of robbery and plunder, which they have prnftiled civet y where. 1 communicate the foreguiflg licence to your excellency, tor yom fatisfa&ioo and information, and for that of the faithful inhabitants of the tranquil provinces. Go,d preferve your Excellency many years. Headquarters at San Gil, l,tb May, 1816. (Signed) PABLO MORILLO. To his Excellency Don Francil':ode Montalvo. itgtYt wan lately cj(1 away on one of the Bahama Ifl nds. The veffel was totally 'on ; tlie crew anJ a fmail part of the Crirgo was faved. • 1 NEW.VOUK, July r8. The Editor of the Bolton Daily Ad- vtrtifer states that he ua9 fecit private let- 1 era from Etirope which mention, that it iv LUppoled to be the intention of Lord .'iyr.-n (who has left England for the "-all) to join Lady Hester Stanbopey in ■\rnbia. Some accounts of the adven tu*CH of this extraordinary Woman were puVUfaad in the Commercial Advertifcr of Toefjay. By the fchooner Commerce^ Captain Noyes arrived at Newburyjott in 26 days from P.-rt Royal, Martinique, w: learn that the Britith troops Hill occupi cd the garrifons, at Martinique and Gua dalouoe, owing to the «-elay oi the French \Jovernt»te"t in fending ->*it troops lo take p if. lion of thoie places; four • ia.m!pon-, which came for the purpoie f taking the Britiih t^ ^arbadoca, aftei lying t^A>.yt wcredilmifTei, tdkingon- iy part' of -the ordnance and cto»es. It was faid the troops would in all probabil¬ ity OiWtJnu:' at Loth place.- until the arri ^al of TVeuch troops » * 1: < ■ n Private Correrp^ndence. Parisy May 28.—The public opinion freight heavy oh three diitinguiftu-d per fnnage1* of the revolution, who are fui'- fefted of being the fecret contrivers and authois of the conspiracy which has late¬ ly marifefted itfelf in this devoted coun try. This feeling U gv net a!, and their exile from the metropolis deemed neceffa 'y, even by the moderate royaHfto. - The rumours to which I was alhrdin^. their Riyftcry and nature were 'if fo pow trfulan ii.fluence, that they incontedib'y tended to one common cd in this affair, flie djftnrdant intefeftsof Oileanitts, Rc- publicdus* jacobins, and patiiots. 11 M. Chateaubriand apprehenfior.s of «W mikhief which would refult from a ^newa^ofihe chamber by fifths, appear to be as lively a= ever. " The counter wwJuuon," fai'd he at M- LaborU,/1 h lw| at Grenoble, nor yet In the tnuun Jams of. Dauphinv, oot y. t at Nifines— H menaces us at Paris o- the I 8lh of Oc- *¥r 'f the renewal of the Cbambct "ln»ldnotbeintei>ral—if we Stottld noi ^ainourfeat» the five year* ana1 after,— «*C continued in the pTOpheuc tot)e of J^miali-^Woe to the orovotal Cruris ^Jthe fyftem oifpurat:on — \v<e CO ch- ^'grants whufe hands are already in «M«#I with the paternal threfhold, and *^to the noflurnal warriors of La Ven¬ ice. ExtraS of a letter doled Cadiz, j:/ne 6. Il is reported, and generally believed, hat the aigerines have declare] war ag- .11 :st England* owing to Lo^dExmouth having obtained the rrleafe "f 1200 cri:-- ;au Priloners. 1 h-»pe it is the cafe a* -lie Dutchmen feem to requite lome as- li t-jiice to /hove thstn on, as their fleet ha> Imherto been carrying »n the casting lr«debrcvv-en Giovnhar and Malaga. Ex Delation Hands on the tiptoe to re- Jyc the Infanta of P01 tuga',awl Qji'*en Elc-it of Spain. We are daily iniertain- -i .-! h fagi fuggestions, accounting for Uc\ t<if :v aopioach, which, it would a;j- vicar, i- iiidciiiMic;y postponed^' fnsurreclton of the N'vroes —We arc indebted to a highly esteemed fo i -c following very important iutelli- \u ive. \xeraQ of a letter fmm a gentleman in Ctimd n S C. to hi fund in PmladA- pfj/a* dated july 4, 1 fc' 16. " Our village and no, hbxrhnxl h^vc hveu £mgreat eoufufi'-n f»r fume pact, owing re the fetrofan infirrredJwn ot the blacky and nothi c but the in*er- n(".iiLi(»n ol that Being, t> wh*»m w- an" indebted for ail our mercies h^s laved u ** Tin's wai r he fatal night which wa* to have accomplished a plan, which they had in aquation fi-.uc last Ohn'.cniafl ; it was their intention to hmtv let fire to one >aitof the town, aM while ^hcattentioa of the pcoople was taken up with tha*, t:.ey meant to hav^ t;.k 11 poffeffion of the arfenal which i\ii:l-;<i with arnia a:;d am munition, and proceeded to murder thr men but the women th< y in tended to hive re'ervcdrVth~irownpMt*^ofc-,;tln\ rsthut ..,tvn confi ffion.—Oi:r jiil is fi'led with negroes.Thev arc st etchedonthcirbacks on the bare flovir, and fcarceiy move their seadd, hui have a strong guird placed over tltem ; theit trials tove been ffoin« on to-day, and fix of the ling-leaders arc ro be executed to morrow. * " This isrtal'y adteanfnl fituaii->n to be in. I thi k it is time for us to tyivc a Country where we cannot go to bed in fafety. u Their thirst for revenge must have been great—it was the wifli of tome to Lparcfome of the whites, and they men¬ tioned an old geurleman who is a preach¬ er—he never owned \ fiave, and has de¬ voted much of his time 10 preach to them on the pianr-itions, but even him they would not ipare. 41 I much fear that the execution of thole who'ate now in cuftody, will exaf- perate the others to do a great deal of mifchief. We are indebted to a il-ive for ;lu difcovery of this plan, but we fhall :»ever know who he is, as he requefted his mailer when he told him, never to tell his name--he faid he did not wifh to leave his country, and he knew the ne- £iOe< would not let him live here. ** The negroes will never know who bcirayedthem, for they tried to engage for a great distance round." object, fo far a« [hkf C^„|J be afee* taincd from the quefli-nj* and conduct of the boarding officer, which fumifh no jufttfication for a Brh4h officer forcibly entering a veffel of the Unircd States 1 He manner in which this l'ervicc has bee-, performed has had no tendency in dimit.ifh the effect which the cha-ader of inch trat,factions is calculated to produce. Theconduaof the boarding offi;< 1 has been arrogant and imperious. In an aggreffion like this, the gover nentofihe United States can al »nc Jetcimine what courfc the honor and in- rriellofthc nation requires fliould be taken. But until their decifioji (hall be marU upon the fubjeft, it becomes my duty to remonttratc =.gainlt a praclice for which 'II-4 !aW3 of nations afford no pretence ; which is inc^nfiflent with the relation.*! exifling between the refpedlive govern- ucuis ; and the confinoancc of which mult be attended with lcrious and im¬ portant c<'iifcqiience,». Ve>y refpecifully fir, I have the hon- iX to be, your obcdict.t fervar.t. Signed) LEWIS CASS. Thv Officer, &c. It is wilhed th^t th* anfwertothi^ note »tsd accompanied it -f a* it probably would have (hewn I feat the fc fcareriing* are very common on the frontiers of na¬ tions, and grffr out ol the z- al of officer. ro apprehend deierter* ; are not intend-. .1 t> violate ntutial "^hts, and a.c wholly unknown and unauthorized by the governments of the offenders. Quebec-July 18, 1816. His Excellency S?r Joun Sherbrok'- G. C. B. Lady Sb<ffbrake, and thei rei'pe^tive fuit , aniv^j ;n thL- harbout on Friday morning 1^ ;„ thc fleam bo:t Maiftaffi from on blinc\ H. M. S. Mi oer. off Riser Quelle. His Excellency Unded at the King's Wharf at nine oV!Vk. On his Itep ri«gon(hore, he \v1s received by the officers of the Stuffy Fi.;d officers o tl.e.irmy, and refpe%n|iy greeted will ; bree cheers f j;n the numerous age of the inhabitant wbo had t •1 L'i Oil the wharf t o v. itnefo hi- afutno collet Exet'lcu -y*- arrival. A fa|iijc fi.,.,| at tin' ia:r:c time from the (>aud batt y.~ HNExcelVncy orot<eded in a coach, accompanied by MjJ(jr General Wdum ihmugh a lane f rroy by the Troops b ^anilbn, to the Catitej where HU Ma jeily's Executive C^,,^ f „ ,he P.ov tuce was alfembled t , rcccive htm. Hi Excellency's Commiif|l>n asCapt< Gene rid and GoVcmoi in Chic'" was Then rea»' •»* J the 'j^fua1 oaths bein^ adniit.ilteiecl, the event of His Fxrejlency's ^(Tnining 1 mi government, was announced by a fa lute from the grand battery. 1 ady :^hjrbrook lauded a (hort tiii»< ofter HJy Ejccellency, before the troop1 w-:ie witludiHwn, and was efcorted to thi Caltle by feveral officer- of the Staff. The f "(lowing officer* came in H." Excc!ien<-y'» fuit from Halifax, \\z : Lieut. Colonel AJdlfons Military Sec¬ retary, n K ^ * ' > Aids de Camp. Capt. O.iies* 3 £X r On Tucfday there was a Lcvce at c* e castle at one o'clock, and at two Lady Sh^rbrook held a drawing room ; both of which were numcroufly attended Montreal, July 6. r NEfr a oom. d f<n- CtCrt, and will be mablc terms. HE Subscriber.- hwc imported oirect from LotvW WftA .-, Birmingham and Glasgow, &c an eitienfive iflbrtrnfnt c*f evcy fnc.ietf of Merchandize fuitab'e to the Upper Canada Mai kct H The C'oods have been feleded with care and ptrrchaCfd iifppfed of, either by Wholefale or Retail, on the riloft re.f< Under the different heads of Liquors, Groceries*, IIarrhrare3f Clothes* Flannels, Haberdash¬ ery. Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary, Crockery & GLASSWARE, CORD. AGE, &c. &c. " They would enumerate the following articles, viz Very bed Port, } L. P. Madeira, f Sp. Fine old brown fJhejry, ' WINES. ^p. rineoici orown Mirrry L P. & L. Rl Tencrifi; Hibbert's beft Brown Stout by the Calk or Doien, Brandy, Gin, &c. &c. &c. Teas ; Snpars, Loaf and Mnfrovado ; Coffee ; Sauces of every deii.nptibn, l.c>ch F»nfi Herrings bv toe Keg \ l^eari b,ney 5 Mnilard Soap & Candles by the br>x ; Scotch Oat meal, Paiht* and Oils afltirtrd — Crawley and Bliiler«-d Steel.. Swedes I- tou affoTted. Duck. Pigeon and Snioc Shot. Nails Sr Spikes of all fort3, Tifi Plate and Sheet lion, Frying pans, Spades and Shovels, Hollow Ware—Hair, Cl<tth,whitrwaffc, Scrubbing, H01L', Shoe, and Ta¬ ble Brufhes ^nd Forkes aflbrted.—Penknives, Sciffors. Spoons. Razorsr|flhaving Cafes; -Locks Hingcfl* Saws. H.immevs, Files, Gimbrpts, &c. &c. &c. !^o :ts and Shoes— N7ai k^ens. Corduroys. Srrtnes, 0*t*on*t Checks, Bombaaetts, Muflins, Shawls, Dimities, Tapes, Bobbin ; rown, 0™«burg, Shining and Sheets ing Linens ; Laces, Cambncks^ Veilintrs, SattiiiP, Kibbous, blk. 5i*k Handkerchiefs : Navy Biuf, Black Gra*«nd fafrtionable Superfine Broad Cloth., and Cas- fimeres. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gloves and Hoficry, Carpeting of various pat- terns An afTortmentof ScHoolbr.oks and Sta- tiouary---- Glaf? rvare and Crockery by the Crate r or caflc, and packed to furr Coun- try Shops. Gentlemen's proof Beaver Hats: Men's youths' and Boy's Ca^el hair and plated do Men'? Wiho-.v Hats. Ladies' & Girls' BeaVertHrrt'd BoMnetB. Vvnite, Red, Yellow and Blu- flannels* and Green broad Baice. a to 3 t point Blankets—Counter panes. Bed Tick. &c. &c; Storage and Wharf^e st the cnilom- ary prices and Com million Bufnu fa exe¬ cuted at the i»fual rare. Kingston JOHN. KIR BY & Co. , July i6t 18I6. 8 iC To< Britilh (bip Atlas,' from Jamaic; A letter From Governttr Casj to th commanding officer of the Britifli vcifel j ecumstbi dated Detroit, June 6 1816. Sir —It has been officially reprefented to ».e, that in feveral inllances, within a tVw dp.ys veirds bound from ports of the United States upon Lake Erie, to this pl-ice, have been boarded by parties o\ meu from an armed veiTel of his 3* M :yiue oil AmherllbuTgh. Thefc parties have entered the veffeln whie paffing thro' the ufual channel of communication between Lakes Eric and Huron, in one inftanee with the avowed object of taking therefrom two nen, under pretence of their being Britifli debuert, and in all in fiances wfch | The operation of Lirho'.omy by the ft:ill and ingenuity of Dr. Nelfon, was, iali week, performed with the gtearefl iuccels, upon George Itaftchel, a bo) J aged about 10 vc:irs. Hi h-'id fr m hi infancy, been afflicted with calcules, and hi fuTCCringSj gradually inc-e«(ire with hifiage, had induced tnany to fnppofc, that. ** no relief thU fide of the Atlantic" could be afforded* He was, boweveii fubmittedto the care of Dr. N.and, we are hnppy to date, is noWOil a fptedy re¬ covery. This is the third npcrarion of the kind | performed by Dr. Nelfon within the nine months part, in all of which his fuccefs hns equalled the mull fauguine expeda- rfon. With what a(loni(hment (hould wc witnef- the extraordinary fuccels of thi-| young fuigeon, when v?? are informed, that, in ihe operation of Lithotomy, per¬ plexity and dikomfilure frequently ovcr- takethe moll experienced i'ur^cons of Europe ? NOTICE. /| BOARD of Officers is direfled -' -*- to aflemble *t FORT GEORGE on Wedne£hiyt the 21ft Anjjuft next, forrbc purpofe cf collecting and report¬ ing on the Certificates and Claims for the tranfpoi't • f tioo,><! haguape or other ftr- vice \y?.y, b'e on the Certificate of the Quarter Made.- General's Department, and which may still remain due ro any f the rnbnbit^ntq in t*hnt l>art r^ rhe country ; ALL PERSONS having ..■lain* of the above defcriptions are re- qnelled to produce the fame to the Board, duly authenticated ; 'as none of a date previous to this notice will after¬ wards be received Military Secretary s Office* Kingston, July 18, l8l6. 0WJ For Sale, AVERY valuable Houfe, Stortf Houfcand Lot, fituated within the Town Plot ico-wly famed on the bank of the Rivet Moita, in the fiont of the townfliip of Thurbnv. The above property i" eligibly fituated either for a public houfe or Store. For terrn^ apply to the fubferiber, poSeffing the oreciles. ROBt. SMITH. Thurlow, July 24, 1816. 8 CARD. A Mi timer i Who has Iarely arriveJ from Ene* lad, rcfptffifully informs the La-lies i Kin^llon and in vicinity, thai Ihe has now ready foi fa!e, a very elegant a*- fort:::cnt of Millinry Dreffcs, PeirC t and Spencers of cve-y defcripti >n ; a great numbrr of rtfpiration Co*d.|i, ba- 'u; 'i-n.cus.^^M^ ami toai.-i .-:Kei,__ White and Black Lace, and Weviu^.. ,Q Gauze for Drcffe*; col red B-»mba- Very e'ecjant figured Saitin%. zeenes Notice. 'jP'HF. fubferibers to the Upper Cana- JL ^a Book and Tract Society are requefted to meet at the Church in Kino. [ton, on Monday next, at r 2 o'clock, to take out their proportion of Books for ihelalt Jvar, (which have lately arrived) and take roealures for importing more bi)oks for the ETifufng year i\y Order of the Piefidcnt. Kingmih July 27, :8i6. rilEKD£.RS Will be received at r-Mc -*- Hofpital on or before the ?itt inft. 'or Vidiu:i*l;n;.r the tJ3'ieri:3 and Peifor.'J .fihe E'bb!iihn-ent between "lie ift Au- gu*i and 30th Septeciibrr nentj whe.A a leak of the I>iet* may be ken. Naval Hospital} Pthti Frederick tyh July, t*i6. 8 July 2+tk !-8l6. ■ Nonce, STR-\YED or fl-u*n fnmi tl:e fub- fcti'o-r, about the fifteenth inftant, a middle fixed Sorrel Horse* With n white llnpe in his Forehead, one Y^nT^t Evep-ioiiV, and is abot't Qx venrs old, o V" trots and paces, Whoever will^c in- mm»Ba^ Striped Sarfnets, Waterloo rfarfnet Def- fes—Kid Gloves, all -Gold a^td Silver trimrnhgs, Fans, Baff y-, Fef'b- ers, Flowers, M -flins ; a 1ar#e affort- ment of the On-al and attin 5trav/ Hats and Bonnets, &c. &c Call at Mr Browns tm9 next door to tiejiorc lately occupi¬ ed hy Patrick Smyth. Kingston, July 27, 13 16._______8tf Notice. A L'i perfot.s wha are indebted to •** the fubferiber, either by Note or Book account are hereby forbid making payment to any other pfcffon than hin- feif, as no perfon i» authorifed to receive the fame. JOHN" NIXON: Kingston, July 7, tS\C 8^3 Notice* rpENDERS will be recei/ed at the Agent Viftualier's Office, Point Frederic]:, on or bcf<*r« rbe 3 I ft inltant for the fopply of Ve^e'.at-es to the ctcw of His MujeuVs S'nips and Veffels oa Lake Ontario, The the con- traa, wkh other paiticulaVs, may be known at the Office. V3 s m cr W» Paper Of a L -\RGli and FvCfllfW Ojialuy,! for Sa^e at tHia Office. I formation t-> the fubferiber (iiall b.- 1 am.- fomely rewaidra. JOSHUA CI1RVSDELL. Murray, 17 th July, 18 j 6. t *3 p ~Fablic Notice. ALL lerfonBindcbtid to the fubferi¬ ber arc requefted to nutke immedi¬ ate payment to him,.and not to any oth¬ er peruu, as no perfou has auihoniy from him to receive bis debts. CHARLES MERRILL. KmIV >C.Li<.lLO. rHE fohfcrlhe*»» having commenccJ Lufineffl in the Grocery Line, either whob Tile or retail in this pfecc, where they will do their utmost to fttppiy the public on ihe most rrafonable terms. TOERANCE & MCLEOD. Kingston! 3S&May, i9i6. ja LOST, KSTERDAY afternoon, a prt.ited HARGE, 6fCharL-sSom- and Corporal Cana> dian Reg.menr,ct Ch*r!es La Hie, Fifer C-nadiuii Regiment —Whoever will re¬ turn the fT»e io this o5e.-, will icceive 3. reward of live hiliin^». 1 Kfo&tm July, 27, 18 r 6. #p„ > Spruce Hee)\ OF mod r.nv quantity, can be had at the cMLLAR under the All&iott Room of Mr. Charh $h>-rt. JOHN YOUNG. P. S, All pepons who are in- debted to him. are re^ icfled to call with* oot dtlay> and fettle their accounts. Kin$stont July ff 18 16. y For Sale, •"p HE West half of lo* number nineteen in -he fecund conceflion of the own- fliip of Ki gfton. Apply to the ?4i»»e^ Kingston) July !€>, l8l|- 5*8

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