Kingston Gazette, July 27, 1816, page 1

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V*f , T tfV f «.*^.tj* [SATURDAY, July 27, 1816.] W 5 %*'$.# [VOLUME VI. - i-No/S.] A » —■ J____ Kingston. Upper Canada—Printed and Published bV STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. Price of advcrfijtng in the Gazette.^ Six line? and under, 2/5 firtt inferno*. bad l/J e'.cry fubfcquent. TeVline* and under, 3/4 fir ft infer lion, and i/"8 eveiy fubfcquent. Ten line* and npwrdo, 4r/. per bur firft infertion, and id. per Kneevery fuc* ceedin^ infertion. Advertifements unaccompanied VFJ h •ivnVrn ditcftions are inferted till forbid* and rharged accordingly. ^^^- 4 LETfRfe'^ remaining in the Poftbltfc^at Kiigfion, 5th July, 18,6 .. f > B. Bcau-ard, Mr. fat* 7rff<?/9 Bar thiawne, John Ben/on, Elgph Bitten Bapte. Blotchy Elijah B-fr, Abraham Boyce. %/eph Brant* rfnm Brown* El rnor Buckley, Wiiftam Buri- Duncan h&mpMlt James Carney. Rt#dame Ci- dr'L Ellas Champion, James Claft-r, Rob ftt CfajZn, Jahez Clarke, Samuel Coch ran. Daniel Cole* Mary £Wx, Henrj CononleLu. Margaret Coot. Simeon Cor l\n Capt. Crowiber* Jtihn G*«mmt* Jnhu bevffoe, David Donald/on. Jdn Drum- wind, Jofyh Dufault, John Edmunds TrankUn Ell/worth* IVi/thm EnghmA James Finn, George Turner. DamW Gar j rat. Henry Garrctfa, Olmpd Gates, Jo fcph Goballe, James Grace, Jshn Grakim VeW>* Gurnrtte. Fanny Hale* 7homat Tfardie, John Harbtfs. EFtm'eih Harm, Farley fcw'***> yohn Bill* Ezra Huhen. Benjamin Hojd, yohn Houghton^ Samuel Bough) George Huffman* y&Sex ffu'L Mr ffvrnry john yero* Stephen fohnjon CJ Co Erpte. yoinvffle, Ephraim Keys% Mary Kimber Charles L an dry, George Z~ang 0*01, t-fcpl l.avoy. R- L&rvms, Pierre levai/kt. WiVicm Lewis. Madams Li wrl% Henry Linn, Bafti^c Loifau, B, rmh Loomist Mrs. Loncy, WWhm tec* tarty. Daniel McfJrhmOh W&& ^fa* Dona!d% Dor.aid MacKay. Henry Mac- JLaufhlin, /lexander Me Millan ja mes Maiiland, Thomas Mathrr. Stirs Way, Charhs Mac Lean Piene Ali'helhi. S*im Utl Monro, Moron fc/ MrNat/.y, t/rmn ta M.-jfcst Mofc Murr'-v. yM h-'a/h MaryNeiU Wawfiftf Qiriw* ('harks fj-j dfe, Dennis 0%ReVy. yohn 0/mant 7. B.\ Parents WbWf Palmer, yanus Patterf;n\ Martha Pattifon, yames T. Penny, fame* Perlizf, Daniel Pichrtt, P'- rre Phin TJ>'.m-2S IV Powers Oladhzh Price, 7?- frbh P.'o'i'o. yames Rtfecy, ;•>!;// Rijittn father Razrfn, &ltekfc, Thmuhft Robinfcn, Charles Roit joftpb Roi. rtacsb Rot/ten* Charles $S:nt Bemard% Lodo unci Salifi'try. /fain Saugtr* Elijah Shift- end fan, yacquc 'iimard, Getrgp P,t S:mf- ton* Foflcr Sinclair* Richard hifc* Alex anikf Smyth* Margaret Smyth, HFsncy Sm\fh. Pardon Smith, yihn Spoor* y.mrs Stethens. SH.js Stiles, John Sim/hers Ei ienne Tapin% Francis Tecplt-, Robert Tin del, Ephraim TifJak, Pierre Thibaudeau. yames Thcmas David Thf,m^fon. yanA Turner, yaroh P. Vanaleris .■ tier Fan a I j kn, yacoh Vanomam Richard Famrmi&A wanted for His MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bashels PEASE.. 500 Bushels Oats. 20 Tons IIAY. The to be deliveied into thv Comtr.fiT.'.iidc M^^a/.Int"* at Kingston, i*y the earliest unCt'cible p< nod. TctKfen loi die at>i>vt fupjjly uill be eccived at ihii < See. Commissariat Office$ 8 Kiwstan$ z.\-h Jum% i3i6. J£~5 Reward. ^X^'HEREASonthemo; ' if the $V,\ inll.aman by nsmt OI RJ CHdHD E. BARKER, ran awayj from P'tjfciitt, tTpptri C.'ma'.Ja, *ith al>- cit 1000 dollars, t!»c property of tl**. i ibftliber. j\ry perf»f; or perfo i^ m\ Will a()pr;'Iirnd ami Itcurr tut 'vU\ Rtci ard E Barker, fu that he r^ny he bftO t 'a jullice. (hnll rccc-ivr the above reward bv aoplVfriST t;i the fubferiber atPrcfi oil Uppw Cainda He is a man about t«v«-'*-tv fix vca pfa^«, uv feci iix inch** kigK( focm <• liai^*. blue ey.-s. roxuw rif.^e, head a lit:".* bald—at the time he naJe Uh cfeape his cl >tHcj vv—i.- a black mzt a-'d prtiua'<».>iir., fl.ioed .vatflcoat, ^ •mjr b ou. lr » t'» btf hope^l that wr v rxvrcion *iil be mad-.' fur the fectifiifc 1 t inch a cl:.:ractcr AMAS 1 WOOD Prescott, U C. June \'ht !m New Goods. THE Snbfcvibc^ having received by the la!e arrival ofc" *«>r ^c on the lowed terms for cafh at their Store3 b Kino Hon, tither vvholefale or retail Blue and white di ^ClotiH; Kerfcymerei, Flinncls, Bonttia/etts, Hi-oiba/, Men ^ Women'? H fiery, I;iih'Liuci)8t Diapers. Towelingj Sattm-, Luteftriugs, agonal ^ifnclS, Levantiive Silks, Ribb-ins, Laces, Footing, Ginghams, Lace Vcfl.A< Si'ik Shawls/ Silk an J Leather O; ves Wellin -t :i» and Beilin Webs, Wkh a va'ieiy of other aiticles in the D/vy Goods Lint. ALSO, Jamaica %MU, Muicova-io a»d i\ 6 Cogoi^c Bnmdy, HoUdlld Gin, Beft Port, SpaniuY, ."-berry and Madeira vVinea, Peppert'ieUt, ?hroh, V3bhitTe<. Lo^f bugar, Teas, Pi uiics, Raifins, Bar'ey, Vept'cr, AiJfpicc and Strayed ;./R0M the the town of ICingfton, ah oat IIv weeks 8gw», a V. uny COW >f the f'Howing dclciJptton—Sir...1 ;s"d white Ipotn down her hack—f-'r* !-et white—fhort bores ; is no-- ■■villi-calf. Any pvrlbn that wi'l rerun Lwr.-ti.uhc Printer, or oivr i.ifor..«. •'. where fhc can be found fl; ;11 hrV.-.n ! n. •v if warded : and ai.v perfo fc*tnd kzea (•'■. het»fterthe date of tlitA ad-e.iifi- ircnt w:l) beprofecuted fiw io dofn^ Kingston, July 5, 1816 5 WALTER Mi Qui 1TPS. & Co. Kiugffan, 19th Ju^y. 1816 P«vtra«t aeii Mlaiat«ir« LIKENESSES P f red, a'i'l P'^fih a penciled or p*w- .ihyMr. WFA'TVVOKTH at Mr. j ^yV public Inilfe^ fi,n <*f the violin. Kinslfh n ^ Mr. lireht<w<,,,'th \\y\ ntTcr'? on P1'!- ■ate famiUefi fh mVd litey pre&r likr^- fT «- !/nintcd at their ow \ houfe*, or when pointing embracing a family sroupU-iO : jnied. Kingston. 18th J.ily, tOifl. ^«va Notice. POETRY. From the London Herald. The following line* are offered for infertion in your paper ; an humbl- thongh CncereeSWrt to weaken the fofly- ence of the fervid, but very qurfti >nahle fpirit which pervades the too popular ** Fare thlb well.*' NOW EACH TIE OF LOVE IS BROKEN'. IN ANSWER. TO t; FARE THEE WELL." Mow each tie of love h broken, Now is evefy feeling pafn'd ; M vv thy hiT; a litu io f:vken. Now my cup of woe is diain'r Fare thee well !^[ can repeat too, Fare 'lu-e well ! a^ kiVily fay. If tiicle Hues & uld chance to meet you, SjUin them not, like me, away. !iy thy wife inangurih written, Re-'i r!ien» o'er, and learn her grief; i.ef: by y u—ard furrow fmiitcn, \* 9 demonih.'ttd beyond controveify—;\^«# London Gazette.. . r Commihucated for the Albany Gazette^ The 'ikv relultshave been experieccrcl in this city duiing the laft wintrK in a number fif i'.ftarces. A womarn was taken ill, which .-ftrrwards pvoveil-t'be the fninll pox of the confluent IWrM, and of which (he rifrerwaids died." Tier child, about four yeais old. flept witli her from rhe time of her beincr t^ftcffU!^ un"il a few day? before her death : after bein^ ex ofed to the fnfcAi »n f •- :,ve or fix days, it was vaccir.ated.' 'No trrrt- ptoms of the fmall pox aonerrei. Vn& the vaccine iofcdlir5n went through it* regular couife. The child wis afier- wards expofed in a houCe wiieic i*-.. or feven p-itiems with the natural'fmall jv-x, were confined, and of tht m<A\ invet- ct'-ite khrd, with.>ut thelcalt fymptom of Wii.-re—fn.m whom, to find relief? r^ith'cfi !-otd ! inconftani lover ! Of my hcrur but to < feenre ; 6clft*ve Mt—rhnsti^hc paff'*! '»v.r, Wo-nen's wcakncls caii'i endure. Hud t follies without number, 'Twa- t.o much to hid ihy wife On that bofi>>r. ce-:f 'o llu'*nber, Where flic hop'd to rclt for life. HE Co-nart'^-^'P exifltng 1>.- 1 t-vc- r r de £> Warkhwv, v/mi j Vep the love which fr !t i:ifpir"l you Fnwn thv b fom ir*n!l h-^/c fled ; M'retiir.:i —n.lnef' rftwfk have lir'd you. Thvi* t>* Qt owibiid^l bed. Sti1! I clafp the balje I hore thee, She my folace—yon mj fl)a*?w ; j Sh^l' I teach he; (■: adore thee ? Shal' 1 hid her lilp your name ? 1 \U— iuy duty i^ to teach her Whence rpy fee«vt forrow< rt tw \ No. my task k to brftech her In y mi UN Iciu't ne'er to go. • She—a falherS f-nd car. (Trior, Orphan like, can nevrr know ; I If <h& need a father's b'effi ;», Who wi!l now ha' boon be^w ? ! « i Aug. n< >.i , io the fum a-e re Garret Vandenhurgh, Orh vr lin amm /■* ./'x.-r. Aaron V/illard Adam JV'ifor., Srn/:el JFichlaen. Rev. L W'tMame, •:,-. V/h:tc% yames JFri^ht* G. Tale, Mils Yaks* JOHN M-ACAUL-AY. P M« PUBLIC NOTICE The Mails dtfpatched ffmn this rf fee will in future be clofcJ at ziit fol- Jewing hours— For Lo-yer C-nr.d?., Monday at fight oVlwft a. m. Thurfday at 10 o'clock; _\ m. For York. Sandwich, &:c. Monday at ten o'ele-k, a m. Post Office, 7 Kingston, July ! 2, ! S16. J" 6 m 2 k3i. f ■ Cy For P\ 'he H^vforiherSj 40 boxes fintp; Yellow Soap, CHEAP for Gajb. Thomson & Dltlor. Kingston, July I, 1816 Ctf T© be Sold, II .-r:i rn»*u ui, the ti*11 c-h) (^ au }l \~» 6 hu-eltcd ^ ;' rjtteftcjd m &nkk iu*mcifiaw payment. Fkancis Carlisle, v p Markham. hlfij.K&t, j>.!y l':i »^io Notice. j When nri &dr!afJ fh rc^ you wander, Or in dea*- AlSanin ro-.n, There, nuwioVd you'll fo»netirne^ ponder On youv wife, and child, home : ! From t!v- mi id 'li-fe tho'tfi can'tpcrlfh, Fr- *i ntn^elvs we cann-x flv ; \nd f »r her\ you vou-'d to cherifli. Still voo'll ferch the deep drawn fi?h \ ! that difeafe occurnng. • l A 800 acre* cf land in the towutTiip oi ue.hhoroueh. 2co iicres in the towtiftiip of Hun ie^foid. A Saw Mill and Grill-Mill with two dwelling houfes, out botife*, itahles, Sic. with 400 acres of land, a < o^vn leafe, in the townfliip of Pittsburgh- ALSO, A number of valuable Town Lots l! j >"J-c village of Welliigcon. For temif. jii^j'Iy to AMOS /1NSLET. Kingston, July 5,1816. 5 1 FANCY GOODS. 1 ^HE fubferiber informs the Lad lev! of Kingfton and it? vicinity, thai : Public Notice- *HE fnb,r'-iiber naa commenced run ni .g a Stage Waggon F'orn Kifl£-Si>TI, t'» Erneft Tw-wn village, i hehasjuft received and has for fuU the! [daily; to kavs B. Oicott's tavern, a^ moft extenfive afiortment of iKfi-gllon, cvciy morning, at iix o'clock. Figured, TwiiM & plain SILKS and r^tarn the fame evening. To com and RIBBONS, h™ »* M^, the firft day rfWy. -,, , 0 TT ,. ,. c ' I !.»c rv :u .o'nmodat:on will be aitorCeO Shawls & Tianckcrc'iiefs- — r.i-er offered for fule fu this pHtT, ^holcialeor retail rn moderate tenns, SAMUEL AYKROVF/. Deer, i, jSr e. z6U TnKE firrn that J«ba Ltwk Sato? con- -• cemi'-.-r debtfi 1 totally deny ; and, Rnthrr think- if J l-»;,k c:m pay hi: own J Debts it i\.ail that will be icuuirtJ of There again, no )-afl!on enrbinjf, ! Lov-.s renew, belt plcaf/ng iliere, j NeVr may I. in dreams perturbing, M.k • you ftart, or think me near. him. James Cunningham. EngfloHi J:ify »«» »8i6. 1*3 PACKET. \ t" p:.3" Hgers au3 ba^-;jr>ije. SdMUEL PURDT. Klttgitoa, yv'y 1^,1816. 5 THE Schooner Fpfii'irence, }■ C Pakker, Maflct, wil' coiitirnie to' run a. a Pncket fr. m Kinaftca ty Sacfc ws Haibor. May i$, i8»6 » I Rag* I Rags! Cxnl) and lire higUcrt puce pait! vor CJU2AN COTION AND LINEN R A G s, AT llul OFFICE. FOR SALE, nr\ <^r^r\ ****** L4TH&. aU»°°° Apply at mk Office Kingfton, tytli Vlay, 1816. 50 & Stray Horses. f~*i A NTE into th*' meadows of the fub¬ feriber, a bay Gelding and a Brown on*-—the owners are drfired to J come forward, pn «c property pay the 1 * T- them away. I. Q. Short. England's Farm, J'My co, i8i6. 7 txpencea and take To be Sold very Cheap, \ Handfome Mare, 14I hands high, XJl y'l'ng, fcjud, and free from vice— »an in a Ci-.iiole laft winter, and e.\cc!:ent as an an amimal for the Saddle. Enquire at Eugland'* Farm, near _______.My 2<> 7itf FOR SALE, Galls, linseed OIL. Kingston. 200 Left a mark Tor mocker'? finger, I withdraw from gazing eye $ Like the rufe. in fli2 ie to linger, Bloom ui.fcen, droop, wither, die. j Kfliv thy flrnng anpeal too hue i*, Vain thy w^rj -, the die \s calt ; All I'm now all -w'd by B*ls*i is To forgive and mourn the pall. Never yet could I difierr.hle, Call mc proud but not Untrue, Would y itir heart might mine refemr.le If ic were but bar*d to view. j For thy faults let other? chide yon, All thy madnels I deplore ; I Still m* v every jrood betide you, Though on earth we meet no tuore Vows, entreaties, now prevail not, Yet n;- l.etcs my boofbin fwcll, Sighs and iear<, ala= ! avail nnt. Oh ! for ever—Fare Thee Well ] May II, 1816. ANON. MISCELLANEOUS. Another«*i W35 taken with the f/yrail po\. the famity confitfing, brfidej iierf.lf, of her hulhrnr! and five chiidren, were vaccinated—after bei ;g expo fed f »r level ul days; four of th rfe .uccinated fucceeded, '-*nd r#o fym|.toTia bf the I-r.ail pox occurred, but the kinc pox went through it*; nfui! courfe—two did not nke the vaccine mfrclion, and took thfi 'mail pox ; thbfi peru'.ns were a'.fo ex; oH-d in a hi ufe wlieie feveral ptiinnf* with the fmall pox were confined, with the like" rciult. Another woman was taken wi-h the co. fluent fmall pox—her child'had ben exp<;led feveial days and was uurud all the time the difeafe continued ; i; wab vaccinated, and two or three d;.ys utter che vaccination, the child bruke out with .1 f.v puihiks of the fmall j-ox, of a ve*y n-ild ki- d, and without any violent lympiooi — Mo doubt, Ind ihio child heert vacci' a?cd a few days before^ the fyltem would have been completely guarded again ft tlie attack fthe fmall pox. Many more inUancei could be pro- Itlced, but the above evidently i>n v| that the feme pox can be Labflitutcd fu£ * he fmall pox. wilhout the leall dafi^tf of being fnfceptible a^ain to th?t loaih- (omc d* feafe. The numcr >us indancel hat have occurred, where pcrfons whrt levcra! years before have been v;-.ccinated and recently exoofed to the fm.dl pox are I -ffi ient to fatufy the minds *»f the i-oft. inocdnlous—Much, however, depends on the proper time for taking t'»e infcellion. Many pcrfbm, no dbuht. have taken the fmall pox after haiinaj had the vaccine defeafe. as they tho 'ght; but upon enquiry ir will be found l 1 s.e of t!ic fpuiious kind, and which requires rome experience to diftinrruifll. J'o prevent accident- of this kind, it becomes the dory of parents to apply to thofc who have cxpeiieuce in the difeafe, and rot expofc the lives of their children and others under their care to be trifled with by the ignorant pretender, or to thofe who do not pretend 10 the leaii knowledge of the comphiar. JOHNS % FINKLE. Ttn^slQTh 7uly '-». >Si6. 6:f For Sale, A V^/LUABlLE Farm, with build- '"K" :i'-° ':m>>'c improvements there- jn, favorably litigated within 28 miles King ton. Pfrfons dtfirous of J>ur- ■hafmg to inquire of the Pi inter. ftingt!on9 July AC, iSlJ. 5 * From the Boston Palladium* KINE POCK. We uoderlland that it has been afecr- tained by experiments, that the kinc pock can be fubilitutcd for ihe fmall pox two or three t&SJb after prelumcd infefiion the natural way, by minting the vac¬ cine virus in feveral parts ; and if a lingle [inoculation is nude for each dilorucr, the 1 vaccine Will prevail Would not ihw laft mode he p,rK&1y laiiff.iCtor) U thoft who are incredulous to the vir tucs of the kine pox, it any fuch leinain, that they were rendered forever after wards infnfccpiible of the fmall pox. The experiments have been fairly made iu this place, and the above fad> From the Baltimore Federal Republican. COMASUNICATION* We find from a P.:ri3 paper, the Jour¬ nal de< debates, of the 21ft of Mareh, lliat the remains ol li*e duice d'Enghein have been examined and removed with appropriate ceremonies, to thefpot chofen for the eredtior. of a monument, to the memory of thle lite defcenciaut of the il- lullnons iioufe of Conde. i':;.' v.-iioic narrative bein^ too long for infertion, we have extracted a biorr. raphica] flcetch of the prince, and an ac¬ count of his arrrftatioTi and murder. Tiie cruel and untimely fate of this unfortu¬ nate victim of the molt unbounded and ■noil erimmal ambition, having excited the (lron«;ell intercll iu every feeing bread, it h luppofed, rhat the following particulars will not prove uninteretling to the generality of readers. Louis-Antoine-Henri de Bnnrhon, fon of Loui^-Hcnry-Jofeph de Bourbon and of Lotr*-Theiefe-Matilde d'Orteans, was born alChantilly on the lil of Au- ffuft, 1772. It was on (he 16th of Ji.<- iy, 17^9, that this Prince at the a?e of 17, Uft Paris, thither to return on the 2 Ml of March 1804. under the cfc* rt of gendannes,to be delivered up to a blood- y tribunal. lie loved undu the com¬ mand of his father Juring the campsi^o of 1 792 ; but the corps commanded by the duke de Bourbon having heen dis- bandrd, he joined that of ihc Pi hue de Condr, then in Dritaigno. He did not leave this army uutil 1801, at whkb per

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