Wiut ibmeforficnem were fcriMilv fw*l ployed on ti:. IJfcppSNftaf Prance, thst thev were a'. w..rk upon it. atvl that the\ wra'd derive great joy from their facetf* It is true, however, that they are iji UcfU ofaflillauce, and that we (hall tak good caie to give them none. How, then, were they to mske '.is lr.ppy n fpite of oorftlves ? How, Gentlemen I Why, as was done in 17*^3- The c0' rfcfpandenta did rot know any better means apparently* becaufe there are lis other. Thus an appeal was fc$ b^ mad- to thefriendi of libdty, who were t put themfelves in motion ; there weie to be movements in the provinces; and, ah ove a!i% a o0i*d meant of agitation would be the peifemtion of the Ptoteu&tttffi rca' or pretended ! Oh 3 esecl'ent! T/jis it an idea whh h caches Mi iv'ddprcy which //treads isie contagion among thc people Inge nerm (and ma.k thi$) which engenders a fph;i ofmortal hatred andcontempt for the fifiu dyncs'y. It is clear thati if the people were fo totally milled, tfe: revolution would bv complete; and it is for *his very reafoi that revolution is irnprflil/e. Ed ward V/ilfon. at London, judged better of the ilate of Fiance than fire brother did at Paris. He began to dfftruS hk pPtfdtc ti- |i*| and writ for fa£b« Hv rem <rk-, that if the French nation generally were ftronglv difinclin-d to the B-unhon*, broofa af this would be daily manifclb-d. And he adds this oofervation :—It t happens that there is no military force in j the pr >vidCfS| and yet the provinces art | tranquil. On this fahjvd he beeome»| inflamed, and fay* that if it is wifhed t- Overturn the txittingwder oft! " -^s, the fire rauft He constantly kept, and con* Oar.tly vifibV, like h beacon of alarm in France, and in foreign countries. May God avert this from us, and from a1l foreign countries alfo ! We have al1 * -s feen the Omfter Planet, | orten fious of llo»mb : the florm [.» pafled, and r.e.- 'Vn*announce to us that the earth is pacified* Yes, we are at peace among OUtfelves, ard \vc will be !b with others. The ration* are at peace, with the Gflgle exception of fome turbulent men, to wb'im psaCC is war, as our old Mon- !a:gne ha obfervfd. Vrry well, let them remain in war, its thcitre frnil no: be extended; Liu let them not imagine In •heir foolifh thoughts that they will agi¬ tata France : if their beacon oj alarm w perceived, ivc fhall only haftcn to extin- gm'fh it, a* we run to put out a lire. Attend to llufc words :—There id no military force in the provinces, and the provinces are tranquil. Yes they are fo th< ugh they differ ; but they arm them- fclu'bwith fortitude ngaJofl their mi.Tor- tur.es and ruin their eyes towards thai legitimate King whffll Provi 'eiice ha* teflorcd rous ; fur lie has brought with hhr both the paternM virtues which make K'njs chenfhed, and the ancient prirxi p1e$on which at all time* the welfare of Fnnce hai rep> fed. He is coma to g;v« ftibili'y to thai country v/hieh rcV0« lotion tmfbaken—to untie, to repair, to ahfoib. by his ioexhauftihle goodnvfs, tl ' ft fratricidal hatred; which party-(pi¬ rn h?^ excited among Frenchmen He his con.e ! and already hop- has pccnpf ed the place of reality—we already by anticipatM nVmevge from our ca'tmities, a-d the means «.f profperit.y which belong t^ Frsnce ire ineontetiably f5x"d She va. wesik for a moment* becaufe (h? was ir.'f? J and divided* Wifdo.r. and union wH1 reilor? to her (lren;;th, and the il- luft-iojs rank \vhich fhecan never loofe arr.= 'f^ tht the nations. This is a point dem <iflrated to all jufi-thinklrig men, but it i* one alfo which can never be ap- precialjrd, which cannot be comprehend¬ ed bv iht Braces and Wilfons of Ens- land. ^'h; Jearni d Council entered into a va¬ riety of further argument^ whfch want of to m prevents us from inferring, and co-'c'uded as follows :— " I truii thr.t I hn*-efufn"?e'-Tiy developed the facts, and I fhal! c include by calling your atTentii " to the tircumfiancea which ar^rav.itc thtm. I fpeak not of the intention, al ihn^hthe intention conflitutes the cf- femv of the offence, and though i;: this cafe ttoe intention war truly perverfe and dcteftablc ; 1 fpeak not to you of the material circnmllance of the offence gen eTa^y ; the fafiaof the rfcape and con¬ cealment a»c in themfclvefl timid aft^— they are eiTeAed by prudence and ftiata- gca. ; he who flies, or who conceals hitn- f* If- has no with to brave any one ; but here the final efcapc was conducted with arms and both he who fkd, and thofe who accompanied him, were determined to ere ploy force, if necefTary. I pafa o- ver the circumft?nces of the led horfes, in order that the flight might be more ra¬ pid, in cafe of obdaclea—this was in the nature of the tranfaction, in the nrcedi- ty of fHgj fiiuaiion—but thtir poflcfliun nfprm^! ?nd againft whom were they |0 beufed?—again ft the public agents of French authority—againlt tbofe who aj:e char-red with its orders —agoinll all tho'e indifainr.inately to whom the fuper- intcrd;.ncc and defence#of public order have bu$ cntruflcd —Here, then the tack on the rtate; and in this point of • ;ew. which it is imp fiilve tt> dijwiu, it Acqorrea all the gravity of which ti is per :eptible. It ha«, then, called for the w>rmeft reprobation, the (Irongcft re predion, and I he ulmoft extent of th; 'MinifliTieut which the law provides for 0 ilar offence?. i After he had ended the feveral Advo¬ cates for the French Prifoners, Ebeile, 3 uoir, &c &. made their refpectivt rprtcbes in fupp^rt each of his feparate client ; and after thefe wereheaid, the Court adjourned till Weduefdjiy, on which day M. Dupin, in behalf of the £ngli{hj opens the proceedings. M. Dupin after ably vindicating the character, &c or the accufed, and pour* trayinjf the military retfpWtt "t Sir Rob¬ ert, faid : li Hc.y. manners change with :he times! Among the Athenians, a people prover¬ bial for levity, but whole Areopagus was renowned for its jeflice, a young m»n ^vas feptenced tu death, becaufe he killed a dove which, when purfi cd by a hawk l-.r.d fought refrge between his legs, be c.tu.e it was inferred that a perf->n delli- t'Ue of pitv could not he a oooH Citizen- -. nd among us in the iyth century, (hail vefce men eo denned fiir having faver* fhe life of a fcllotv creature, who placed 1 i^. fate in their hands ? lias then our na 'ion, once fo vaunted for mi'dnefs anrJ j ooHtenefs, diverted itftlf of every feeling f humanity ?—[He went on in thi llraiu :<t fome length,and clofed a^ fol lQXt$ ; j—* Should it even require a fma-' degree of favor to acquit them, fiilh I a«n confident, you will acquit them in or¬ der to verify this expreflion of one of our rofl illulltious Chancellors. • Foreign eis are privileged peifona in France when ihey implore the jullfce of the Eing*' Sir Robert followed—coufefled the f.ifts as to the efepe of Li valet te, and rcfs that I am the ^q K0]Ity of men. and the Attorney ,Qc,u.raj \9 right ; but if, on the co-.trar) ^ tj]Cfc arC the princi pies that have procured us proted'ting latvs, thatfecure o\UT ^t}{omt our prop^ erty and our religu )IU tj,at have made people not highly frav0urcd by nature ih molt hr.ppy, the bv.|t governed and the molt flourifhing in Europe, I an jollifi¬ ed in concluding, t!}Iiit the accufation was only a revolting ca]umn)-. Such are the horrid principle^0f that Wilfon and that Bruce of wh«>,m t\ic Attorney Ge¬ neral has fpoken ijj, fuch a dero»atoiy manner. 1 inherit^ t|lcm from my an ceflors, and they wijjj accompany me to the grave. " As to the affaj;r 0fJvf. de Lavalelte, politics had no (hai.e jn ;t . J wa5 fnriu- euced folely by fee! ^ 0f humanity ; you have feen from my interrogatory that, 1 fcarcelykucw hirn. jf [g tn:Cf that the excellence of his* cWiiQcr, his amiable difpofition, and p, -c. ofTefling manners, j had excited in me d, d^pcr in'.erdt than we generally feel f ,r .pcrfons of whom we have feen fo li;ie< [ XICver vilited liim, nor heme, anJ ft waB (,eie where I now appear as an r.,cUf0d peifan, that 1 had the honor rou., f0l t]lc firf| t;mCi that viituous aitdhuerc|!;nR woman, to whom I beg leave lo ufler the homage . f my r.'fpecl and admiration I*Mrs. L was pre fen t.~] " It has been pr^cd that there was no concert between us aTl(j farther accoJ fed. 1 have refpe/ied fa chains and circums ;tancch have come to light, thougl it indicated hi> principles and conduct i a bold ;»nd imprefGve manner. [His fpcech tt» wel] a?* th.u nf M Du in was applauded by the fpcelatora— ind the Preiident had to check tl Jem. 1 After R. W. had concluded, Mr. Huti-hinfon was called Upon, but having no*hingfurther to fay— Mr. Bruce then fpokess follows :— " Gentlemen I appear before this tribu¬ nal accufed cf having favour, d the efcapc of I-avalette. if it be a critr c t.» havt la¬ ved the lifeof a man, I admit that 1 am guilty. I will make no boall of what 1 have done. Au appeal was made let my humanity, and my honour compelled me to aufwer it. •• If the charge Were confined to the alT;;ir of Lava let te, 1 fhouid have but a few words to fay to yon; but 1 have been accufed of having confpired a^ainlt the political fyilera of Europe, of having excited the oeople to take up arms r.g- 3 in fl the authority rfthe Kiig. It is true that this ablurd, ridiculous and to¬ tally undfounded charge, which has ex¬ cited fo ftrong an indignation through' rttlt a!! Europe, his been reje^ed by the wifdom of the French mn^iilrates ; but yet the motives upon which it was groun¬ ded (lili fubiifl. The Attorney Cener- al has prefumed to fay, in the preamble to the aft of accuffttion— [ Pr^iident—'Accufed, you fpeak French very fluently : in fpeakin? of a Magi 11 rate, and of fo wo* thy a iWagis- trate- be more guarded in your cxpres- Gons.] Mr. Bruce re fumed. 'The Attorney L General ha0 faid, that I was one of thofe jpcrfbns who havetmbibed antifocial doc¬ trines ; that I was an enemy, from prin¬ ciple, to every thing h'ke order and good government, an enemy from piinciple, to kings, to juftice, and humanity, and ja friend to thefaQ'ous of every country. Thefe, it mull be allowed, are very heavy charges, but the (hurt explanation which I wiil give you of my princi]>les K'ill be a viitori-jus aufwer to tkefe calumnious accufations, ' I (hall not enter into metaphyucal abft»a6tiont on the law of nations, nor j into digrefliona on polities, but I (nail | confine mylelf to an examination of the principles by which 1 have been always guided. ' I am by birth an Euglifhman. I am enthofiaflically attached to the conllitu- tion of my country—that is, the Confti- iutions eftabliihed by the glorious Revo¬ lution b 1688. Then was formed Lliat exquifite fyftem of goverm-ent which ex¬ cites fuch univerfal admiration, which caufes our country to be pre-eminently denominated the claffic land of liberty, which procured us the eulogium of that philofopker Montefque, who belongs »(ot to France alone, but to the whole world, and who fays of us, that the Eng- lifh are the only people in the world who know how to make ufe of their religion, their laws and their commerce. From thc^Revolution of 1688, I date theprof- perity, grandeur, and liberty of Eng¬ land. V 1 muit fay, that if thefe principles which I piofefs, which are thofe of the conftitution of my country, are fubver- fivc ( f all ideas of order and good gov- rrnment, and make me an enemy" to oftcne; pa.u>uk of ihc iiutiative of aa at- King., to jultict and bu«v»ty—I con- all communications, even commercial r« at prcfent intercepted by the Police I have to add fomething to the bin fac¬ tions already known, which ha* been af forded me by an eye witnefs, an inhabit¬ ant of Dauphiny.—Many days previous to the event strong fymptoms of dilaffec- uon broke out in the department, The confidence of rhe authors of the confpira cy was fo great, that in the neighboring communes the tri-colored cockade was publicly v. rn, and cries of Vivi I'Empe- reur a las tes Bourbons were heard thro'- out feveral preceding nights, in different j districts of the cUy. On the other fide the authorities had taken every necefTary precauti m. The regiment ot the Dra goons d* AngOukme were under aims and in battle nrray on the two public places ; thty were here infulted by a mob of wo men and Jiildrm. Their forbearance was attributed to erroneous motives; the populace became more audacioo*, till at tengh the foljiery were aiTailed with stone?, and the fifst blood was fpilt w?ith- in the walls. On the ontlide cf the gates a more lerious refirtance was prepa¬ red, and under the Command ni General DoNAOlEU, the royal forces fucceeded, after a combat of feveral hours duration, -^^h Qnixote, in feavchj of adventures. A;, mrfuttunate man d>J mandsny proiediMn . he places confi- dencein my character. \ie puts his J|fc into my hands, and ,rja;ms ^y humanity. What would have hfeen fciddf me had I denounced, him lo t]ie po|;cc > j fj^^,^! then haverich;y defervCdthat death with] which I have betn fi„ce threatened. Wtet do I fey ! W|ia! wou!d havc bctn , tho t of me had 1 rcfufccj to protea bim > I (hould have been ]0l>ked ,lpon as a coward, as a wreul, without principle, without honor, wiihout courarrc> mfa outgenerofuy I lb);u!d havc Jcfervci3 the reproach ofevay good man. " But, Gcntlem?:)> there were ofar confiderauanfl which decided me. There W fomething roma.u[c fn lliC ^ of M. Lavalettc. Ti* rroVacn'ou, efcapc from pnOn the cru,| fufpcnfc j^^ life and death m whfchhe temaittd fo. Oichalength ofti^fa „ttWc devor^d- nefs cf his wife, t^e French Alcelte, rJnl b^-i»MAi/'n, w.^^h wi|| }jvc ju )|if r.ory, IIruck my imagination, and excited fo (trongan intereft {n my [lCarl t^t j could not refill its irripnlfr. Betides a your Lafoniaine r'»mpi.ui. Behdc$, **- njivcfe__ 'bferves with his ufufll * Dans cc month cnurir ' tlfaui Pun !"autre Jk *IlfcJ4tut ent> nature.*7 aider ; clest la l/t d< •' Gentlemen, 1 have travelled a gJ am ftM young, hut 1 many countries a!VH,c'^rHl- ' have Hen all the attention fJ examined them with always obferved, vvas capable of. 1 li v.- barbarous nation Cvcn a,»on8 lJl" f,,.0<' are neareil to th,- \ MWng thoft wbicll was held a facred r»tf o\ nature, that if had recourfe to l^tto M {h*>& "* ' ducv enjoyed by tf*[ P^«^- It W a land their mannci^ILlnv,!kr,on't!ur lnlvs' Defert, a Dtul7' A Bedeuiii rf the would rather facil\of ^rff"nt Lc^»ot1 the pcrfon who BP;e.h,!r !lfie lh*h b°fra>' of him. VVhatcr11' r»HO«M_ an afyium whatev *ger he manity for five years. Paris, Mat t. Williams, the famous Engliih defertcr, who for years had found nfuge with the Stetfi Barbizan in the file of Jourd n, lias, according to accounts from Auchr at length been arretted. The prodiaj0i|g ftrength and violent character of this naii had rendered liim the terror of a!I tiie peafants and fervanM in the canton.— M Barbican was the only pcrfon who could controul him. His terrible llrcngth was particularly difplayed when he was intoxicated. Nothing could refill bib efforts. He then twilled bars of iron a* if they were fra.il twigs; with a blow oi'liufill hebroke throw partition! and with no other help than his linden, tore out the largtft nails. In one of his fits, he one day took up a fervant by the middle »»f the body, ran wich him to the diftance of fifty paces and threw him ovtr a wall twenty feet Mghj on the other fide of which a fmall river flowed. Happily fome trees broke the fall of the new Licus, who got off with no othct harm than a good fright. The pre feci hac on the application of the ODayor, ordered him t » be condufted ftom brigade, to brigade until i?e be lodged iri difpcrfir.fr the rebels, comw>fed princi- he bolts of a hci.fe^f juf[;Cc> j cii VQt j Jial|y cf dtibandetl iuidiery, and a ftub fally forth like Doftflw^nM ln r^^tJ born, mifquided pcafantry. Thfc latter had many local advantages. The num¬ ber ofvhe kilied and wounded amounted to Coo. Important information h,\o betu j already obtained from the prifouers. It rs affirmed, though I can icarcdy wjve credit toil, that yco half.pay ofHcerd are implicated in this enterpufe. ISTumeroUS detachments of the lioyai Guard have been uiivtfled from Paris towards the de¬ part ment of the [|;r-, and evtrv rr»» alme which prudence c:;n didae, or juliicc ie- quire, has been fince ad ipted. n Ti ulon. May 7.—The mayor of /Igt* has tuned the following otdonnance : AW ptrfons of whatever ciafs they m?y !;<, arc ror rhe future forbidden to wear 'edboon-ts, or any other ma»k of di>* tinftion tha: may call the terrible rtiga of ? 793 to recoile£lion ; it is liktrwi■«- prohibited to wenr s-y thing eife which unites the three colours, rcd% blue ani white or any other particular fi^ns, that c<m rt-'nouncethe intention of dilting tilhr jir.g hirnfelf. Princtjs Charlotte of IVales Weddings Drcfs and Jewellery. 1IIK DRXSS. t. The wedding drcfs is a flip of white and (fiver htlis, nrorQ, under a drefs of tranfparrnt filk net, elegantly embiof- derrd in filver lama, with a b udcr 10 eor- refpond, taflefully worked in branches of rljW'crs. to form feiloon? vom\ :he i vvjiatct.....— ' -v.-.» ;cr may be f m* be t!ie comrtiy, fcesnotbir'Ji';cr'ineof thc [l"dr}' f hofolff but ,Ilc dut? of ,: ?K ii man,havethowtfr**' !* a CI i?fa8d itate the virtue* '. itcomme-idf l)le to im And! cannot k.5ven °.f ^ibarian«r Paris, May 6th. An article from Dijon, which appears in a!) the French Papers, ftate the Min- iflerof War has p'wCu owlers tint all th' Military rending in the Department of the Cote d*Or are called into acTtml ant) ruimediate fervxee under fevere penalties. | This, together with thc late order for raifing the fifty regiments will, I hope, be admnted as a proof, that Government areafinally making Militiuy preparati¬ ons. The Due de Berry, who takes a very arliw part in the forming of this av- ffi3JPSHti i^cjluVil Of Clarke the oth*. day, whether he could promptly raifc j | yO.COO men, v.hi, h that Mi..ifler con- j felled to be imp'-ic'ticable— then, could 'he raifc too.ooo ?—The poffibility of e- v. n fuch a levy a; thai appeared to him [doubtful.—u What/' bid the Duke. ** y. u who could taile myriads of men! for thc ferviVe of the irfurpur, cannot mile fo Jr.cor.fiderablca f. ice for that of the legitimate Seven i^n.M—The miuitlei cbferved tn rcply,that tim'-'s and things were altered ; that he had ev;ry where to encounter either op^i refi(tanct\ or ] what wr.s efHc'c;:! thc <?*« i::erfitc. ' Then* refurned the Prince * if France will not light ft r us, (he must fuhmft to her doom —a prey to the Allies-, (he must (harethe fate of Poland' But a'l private anecdotes apart, the public and "iTuia! accounts alone Srfford feficiem evidence of extraordinary lcvlea . 3* . A drefs rftrtafp«ftoi net, worked of men and money bei^made by the I:1 br'Pf,t and dc-d diver / the border twelve inches deep in fcollopg ; at each Tcoliopis placed a bunch of barley corn, i-i bright and de?d Cher : the deeves to I French Court. No caufe is ailigued fjr then*, and yes thev mu?t have a uurpofe, and rhat puroofe cannot but airfcioufly engage tiie conjectures of all; Morring Chronicle. jottom ; the (hcvo-> and neck trimmed, with a rich fuit of BruiTcls p-int lace. The maniua is two yards and a half long, made of tich filver a:;d white atlas, trimmed the fame as the diefx, to COf* lefpond. After the cetcmony* ',cr vciy rich while fiik, irimmed with broad latin trimming at the bottom, ot the f>p of which are two rows of broad BrufTell point !acc The fleevea of this drcfj art fhort and full, intermixed with point lace, ihe neck fimmed with point to rrstch. 'Pheptlific which the royal bride will put on when her Royal Hfghnela leaves Carlton Houfc-for Bufhey Paik, is of rich white latin, Kited with farfnet, and trimmed all round with broad ermine* Her Royal HIghne& baa alfo the following drcfles jnede up upon the occaiiou :— 2. A drefs Of white net, tmbroidcted in gold lama, an elegant border over white fatin ; the mantua of an extremely rich gold brocade, wjth blown rofes, richly woven in veiy thick1}' all over the drefs, and trimmed with broad gold lace. a Henry IV. tojp"*™00* iU. K1,1&' andxvouid to GJ£ ^ °f P"'ce,s.r Km I—wWehco\? a,i Km-\ vrerc '.'H a Bayard, the mSg* J?****. ""??** fear find -without ? fCrfe? of f* ***** vvas to fuccourti,"'/™"' woofe J0*"1 not believe that a? """^nnat^-i can- Engliflunan can f °n8 f!,ch a fc°?]c a" \C condemned for hsv- man. • London, May 17. Private fetter*from Paris mention ap- prehenfion? of furthrf rnafpiracTj It r J even faid that the Spanjfl) leaders lately match, trimmed with point lace, over white fatin. /j. A filver tiiTue'drefs, trimmed with ins: faved a Frenc. H Cjentlemen J , •.1 .1 H3V dierefpea which V a «":tw"hftandw« jefly ofThClaW.Ient;'t.:,;n/0r;'nCT' fefpea which I c— "otwtl'fta.id.ng the iowcto„lyreif1-lnt,-:.,cfp;rtv;h,ch far from repcntin"Ci"n^i'n?itlut af" Gentlemen i bd £ *\ ^ *T I » edone; I leave mv fate in yoiiT hands, ai:, r ,. . . -v , { juflice." C nothl«g but fWilfon, Brne . ]U ■» r f..«, j . .,-e and Hutchmion were lentenced to t|. . *■ ment.] months trnprifon- Orleans. Other let'eratailc of an infur reftion for the pretended purpofeof ex- pelling the Allies from France and fna- king off the contributions. • • • • . PR1VATB %Mmp&msKmt r,JUe ?B5?iS «W from an nnoffidal lourcc- i* cileemc. i . . . , pariiuuiaviUtcmv'i;;.bea,,lhcnt,cinjt! a rich trimming of filver lace and Brus» fels point 5. A gold India worked tr.^m. on final! fpots vety thick and deep border arreted in Pari" had x?ken part in a plot j u\ (mT<-fpond, and trimmed profufely [fortheaffaflinationo/all thebianrheaof \%yith Bruffels point. "he *5oui bon family, except the D.»ke of I ^ . A nether drefs fimilar to the former 0-1----- /-v.; r 4.....r \ct\\y in fpn'gs. ?• 8.—Two BriuTclit point lacedrcffes, with border and trimming of point lace to match ; the one cod 350 guineas, the other 300 guineas. 9, 10.—Twodreflea of Brftifh cloud net. elegantly trimmed with cloud, and another to wear over fatin flipsa The.e are be fides feveral dreffes of plain '»tin, haudfomely trimmed with lace and net* li* A morning drefs of fine mnfiin> with three rows of broad Valenciennes I IfffiCj the flounce furmounted with broad footing to match; lacs ruff and four breadths of the fame, and cuffs to cor- refpond. ir. A fine India muflin drcfa, with Mechlin face ; flowcjP, cuffs and ruff of the fame,and a lace cape, trimmed twice round. 13, 14.—Two woiked drcflV* for the oecaJiouj very ilcli fcoltopcd b'»rder» cf four vows, quilled with net at thc top of each row. Laced and muffin worked Paris, April 6. One of the Berlin Journals alTerts that the Prince Royal of Sweden haf ordered his eftates iq France tQ be iold forthwith. Count Grieifnanf[the right arm ot lyncher] commamivr in ch-if/0f the Pruffian troops in draftee, has demanded his difmiflittn from the kirg of Pruffia, but the king rrfufed to grant it. April 10.—They write from Rcnne, on the 30th of March, that wide the royal court was in feiTion, ihc fens d V.. mes on guard, obferved that an officer, who had been fubpoosnicd to cotirt to give evidence in a caufe before ir4 wore on his coat a button -with an Eagle, which he ftudi'oufly conccDlcd, The gens d arme informed the Prcfideul of the court of the fad, who immediately fus- pended th'* canfe hefore the court for the] j toff a*d cuffs to match. trU.t! Sever, ii purpofe of p-itiinS ihia Officer on al other d.cflcs afC nearly fimilsr.