Kingston Gazette, July 20, 1816, page 1

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•, V +* r e*. «U [SATURDAY* July 2o> 1816.] KIN TON iss. jBRiawSmi^iawjiBrw i fi wftttfc %£7M *~%G!t * * «-#:^ *i ,\*?c ¥ "*j **?■.:' ■ GA [VOLUME vf____No 7.] If*! Kingston, Upper Canada^^—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four "Dollars ter Annum. racsai ^>*. J-'IV £Wtf of adverting In the Gazette.^ Six lines and under, j/5firft infertion. had 1/3 every fubfequcnt. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infer- tion. and 1/8 every fubfequcnt. Ten lines and upwards, 41/. ner lin< firft infertion, and %d. per line - "ry fur- cecding infertion. Advertiferccnts unaccompanied with vritien di'rtflions are inferred till forbid, and charged according!" j- LETTERS remaining in the Wanted for His MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, 500 Bushels Oals, 20 Tons HA Y. The whole to be delivered into th^ CommifiVm Magazines at Kingston,I thlaume, John Ben fan F/iiah Bifden. Bapte. Bhiche, Elijah Bif*% Ahrahmn Boyccy Jofcph Brattt, Anna Brow* Ml cnor Puclley, William Bwi} Duncan GmnpheiU James Carney, Madame (}& dru, Ellas Champion. Jawes Gh§br% Rf-h ert* Jahz, Clark, Samuel Coeh ram Daniel Cole, Mary Conh* Henry Cor.onbcliu, Margaret Cmh, Shnw Cor t Commissariat Office, Kingston* 24'h 'June, i8t6. t Jg%& Reward. \JLJ HERE AS on the morning cfth< ' ^ 5th inft. a tan hv name of RI CHARD & BARKER, ran away| Lfmra Piefeott Upper Canada, with r »b- 7^^-r £?ra, Gtayr Turner. Diwxl Gar* J j to jitfl ice. thai! receive the iik*e reward rAfc f/rori! Garret fa, Qimjltd GW/fif, jo- hy applying t.> the fubfenber at Pivfcott, /S?£& Goheille, James Grace* John Graham, treuv? Gurncttt* Fanny JLile, Thomas Kardie. 7atm Bi rk&% FfmahA Harris, Ui>!«tr Can-da lit is a man alvv?! rwrntY fi* 1. s h*£h| fldhl !uf ajjefive f»e? 0". he' eofTipJ«'Kion, hght hair, baie rye*, rouuo Qhintii Glafs & Earthenware. iH E fubferiber daily expe&s to have a very extenlivc affbrtment of China, Ghfs and Erthcnware Cornprifin;* every article hi that line— among which are : 120 Crate- well aifortcd Erthcnware, Khdfi. Glafii ware of all defcriptions, Double Flint and common do. Burmflu d Gold lines and plain China, Breakfaft and Tea fetts, ' Do Defert Setts, Plain.printed table and defrrt fervices. Brown lines, hlutand green edged,&c Table and Dc!e»t Services* The ah^ve coHeSion of Good**, comptifiog one of tJ»e heQ sift/rime;** ever imported into 'hi- P ■ %i ice.—vv ;. tmrcHafed for C:rt», and *vi;! be f. M : [the Montreal Price*, with the au'ini*»>: ■ of 4c?. ptr Crate for tranfport tt» tl.i } p'ace Ail orders will be puttfiivaily r :cno-d to and dates reoa<ktd on th- fliortell notice. PATRICK SMTTII. KJugft^n, Jttlv B, 1816. 6 GROCERIES. ^ "l^'HE fubferibers, having comraenced hufincfs In the Grccrv I.inr, ei^ier who« fiilc ot ret ;il in *hi> ;;!*?e, whei' they will do rheir ut.T.ost to ruvply tht j onbhe on the rfto^t fPBf'»M*We terms. Ttutpjxes 7^ M*; rod. I"liii»ftoi», joch May, ] 8 ■ ^ C2 i - --i_ POKTRY. ., Vn\U ION lNiELi.SGE.V- . ; iw-o-TJ the Shrjji-ld (.'*."«£.) s/dv.vtifer- SELF EXAMINATION. Thou'rt growing n]d, thv head is grey. Life, 'ike a fpc&rc, glides away ; I'be evening lhadesi are gathering faft, ['hy fleeting day Wl'l foon bv paft ! 'rhen on thf* verge of life?s decline l>e folemn Recotleftior] tbhli\ Review the hoars for ever gone ; The hour of death comes baft'ning on. Ah ! hai Improvement, Confcience, f»y Ket>t f»ace wi.h life's advancinir day ? -J*<> • nil tli- hours thoi; h?..1 ei I y*d To the be't purpt ie been eitipl-y'd ? i iuw mnch Irjs p itPd in airy ureams, !;i id e vifi mary ? ■ hn though tin's time was fpent amifs, ri ovv m uch was fpent much worfethrn this? ]ft^ not thy bread with an^t-r hunvd, Vad ill for i}l how oft leturn'd? ' N'wv. haft thou not mifundet flood, good ? Mad thou hetn ih.inkful to the powe- Vhii h f ved thv life In dr.i^er's hour ? J '.V tjh blefiiftj;* who has crown'd 'hv days; S/*y, what returns of grateful praifc ? When He clrlliftd. rh/hk. had thou the:- ^nbrifiive to hi- cha'ilefung heii ? -avf diuil thou not aloud -^pii-c Wbcri H-"-iven had croif'd Anne one! wu! evil oft reiurn'd foi i i U, A/- ^r, 7\lew: i-avoy l.ev'iittf, William I*£tv>fa* Mu&xtiu j^-i QhtU Urhry Lhun Bapt'Jit Lalfatn 23**-! rid Loorrns. F>irs. Lone;n Wtiiam M**\\ Cnrty. Dnwcl McCr:n:;n?nf y>hn Afac DonaUy DorraU ffiwKaf Henry Mac slMASA WOOD. Presents U C. %m H:/j, IH6. 5 Strayed, Lau^h/in. /'lexander WcMillanx ?^/;/ J>lai;'<an(L Thomas Malhrr. Silas May, v - / ij ROM liiethetown uf Rinj^fror:, ab- nut ii> wcHca ftjjii a Y^iung COW. of the f.dlowing dcfcripilon-—Small fize—color.dirk »<•!, vvuh a white fice, aidv/hire fp»ts down her b>ek—f"re f.ct white—fliort horns ; and is now with calf. Any pt-rfoa that will rttmn her to the Printer^ or g?vt information where (heea,;| be found UmII he handfooRe- !y rewarded ; and any pcrfo^ foun<i kf-p io; her after ;he d.-itc of this advei'ttfe went vill be pfofeewted for io doing. Kingston, July 5, IS 16. $ For Sale Charles RTaet*ean% Ftcrre Rfhhdhn Sam vci f'mrO) Moran £3* MeNa?iry% Onu.u [ U: M'fesy Mo fa Murph$* >:,:hn \7,;fb. MaryNeih tlmilf 0brhm< Chirks * 0 die. Dt-'inis 0*Reify< j-J.r: Ofaan, 7. B. Parent*)* Jfobk Pahners yamrs PMHerf-n. 'Marfl'a Fat'tfai^yames T.Penny *r*:me$ Perkins, Daniel Pkteh\ P'nrre P:vin, 'Thowas IV Pavers, Ola huh peiec yo- fffii Provo yamss Rarey*- *iohn Roiwv- /a/ther Ratv/v/l yohn Ri/elie. Donnidl Prolanfai. Charhs Ro'n j&fypii Re.'n yafib , j Jiowen, Charles Saint Bmtt?*tf. h-Jo I' ,jmd Sa'i/bury. Adin Sanger, Elijah She1/»• j- r.'jdfon. yaeque Sirnard9 George B. Simp- { *'&n9 Fq/ier Sinclair, Richard Sife, Alex-1\ ender Smyth, Margaret Smyth, Nancy y Smith Pardon Sniiih, yohn Spoor, yeimt$\\ Stephens, Silas Stiles, John $lrath:rs. Ft\l ioflnt Taf>in. Francis Tce'le, Hubert Tin \\ del, Ephriim Tifdale, Picrr TLifaudoiv, 1 yames Thomas. David Thornf>jbnf yanel Turner, Jacob P> Vanaltn, Peter Farall len, jacob Vanomam Richard Viv ovuam, Garret Patfdsnlurgh, Orlando IPuIitT - 'jlaron IVilhn-d, mam Wilfrn, Samuel\\ l-onghrorougn. tf"tdsbnrnt Rev- L William* Mr. White,]* 200 acre, in the townfhip cf Hun pmm Wr{?L\ G Vole. 4ih Talcs. \ \ pe ford. John Macaulay v m lis n >w p 'Ip'-ncd ti:l MoKiyAY tiv • Fw \ty ">kcosd day of Ju'y n« xi Iwd'ihen JO take pive ar. tny orfiee, in1 Lthe Tuwn of Kingitoo, at the h'mr of t'J^FTj ofrhr* r>{i>ek in th rtrref*i 11 — M wh^ch tinx1 ,,,,l I*1 w' the coudtLioiiN *»i (ale will be «*■»&? hu wn. i HARf.' s Stuart, Sheriff ()fl>-: "lunc 2;. pBiTj ' l-i!' il. i«, according to thy i\ ^re, \'c ' lille»'il always to the poor ? vnd h. \\ ihmi, fympatlictic^giieve '■ )Vf ilhi which thou could'rt not relieve !.<er;j; s i.!, 1 stolen*ors 1 r yru, WO .Vlx'.rcs one ot '• '»• h i^ i- \k . black, t' iree yfi.rsold, with 1 fvMtni Hurt rhnn t.« n ktfijA to all thy fn'cnoV. No* U- I. »k mevrly Celliffi dndn ? An. liaili thu'i f..nii thv tnlvynth I 1 A\u icd t-» p\tin jAid Urn, Ie tru;h ? • * ■ • j V'iy all thyrleilmgs finely juh, it md futthfuVaKvay« t • thy tnifl'? 'h»v< rhofc whou^LcbM rhei never founO Thy •*•• oMU'jrttoii forbidden ground ? Ion her left Wind fethx-k, the ©the i< ajlHaR thop Ivcn tha-kful f -r rhatlighf, bay. whha v^hiw ftripctn her foreltead. 11VPiiich Hnv'a has (hvd o'er Natun t Mv-i wh;»e f.?ud feet, with afrar noon |u Lft thigh, 9 years Old. Whucvei v,\- \ "ivr L 10 nation CbiRcetmn^ them, I j i BY *e fuhfer^ers, Yellow Soap, CHEAP for Cafa Thomson & Dktloe Kingslat, July J, 1816 that the ihviki HEW CCt them (hall have* ten Dollars Kcward. John N. Woodcock FrcdricUhurJn Jnne I 7/6 ! night : 'MO. 5 m3 i Notice. 1 A R the QSice of Confirmation wiill. v TT. , , f 1 £5 , 1 • -n j l .' 1 1 r.-n | M o J jru n|oj>c \vi»o can forgive, - 1 j\ hea< Tii'iiUerednv the Lord /Slip- I ., ,,., , . ,• -.r r/-v l 'v a .1 .,« |A«q slid 1 he pea-treat ca'kve. rtlifftioi O ch c on or near ounciay the 2 1111 » r Haft thiltl the Oofnel rightly p-iz";lf .'■. i»d nc'ti ilr lacied rruths riiipi'td ? : iy. h;i'l thou kept thy heart fro-n fi ria* ail been pui'e anrl nghi within ? DJilfl ilion :n frcret always be \s fveing Him who feet! 1 ihec ? Phepafi review'd with f>lcmn care •Vil! rail for pc: iteucc, and prayer To be Sot'd, 800 acres of land in the townfhip of I - day of t!»i; r^onth, thofe of the Micitarj - I ~~ and K^vv who are defrrous to avail them- j; — \ felves of the opportunity will pTe*»fe tjj I A Saw Mill and Gnit-MIH with I wo dv'tlliiig■■houfifs, 6i)i boulet, (lablcsj &c. PUBLIC NOTICE. j; with 400 Bern of hnd, a aoira leak, 1 • r ,:n the tO'.sT.llv.p or 1 ituourga, hw ot i at" e?/% ALbO, A number of valuable Town Lots in • eno ri'cir nnrimrs ani t!:e Rtv. /{f#% Stl\:-::\ Kingston, vl jfuy. U>16. rr*t j,r*fV* t. \ : 00 ^eerf Notice, FOR SALE, (killS lid. O I L. JOHNh-^c F1NKLE. i The Mails difpatcht-! from t fice will in future be cbfed ?t the fol-! .•lowing hcn»rc— For I*oxei- Canaf;?, ■•.-'•Tifonday atefpht c'-1 v'k. .*.. m. Thurfdav at to o'clock, ^. .m. For York Sandwich. && • Mor.dnv at ten o'ch;* k, A - Pott Office, 7 ;u [the village of Wellington* For terms, \ i & apply to AMOS ANSLET. Kingston* July 5, 18:6. 5 I rj"^HE copsirtnerfeipheretoforeexming b-iwe^n lamer. Cnnnin^hann and John Link, is difK-lvtd.—-The fuhfc: ibev ■11 not pay any debts that the fa id KirrrsU'.-: Ttth I C, \ $ X 6. J M V/l 1 t Kingston, July 12, iStO ""FANCYGOODS. i i PablicNotico, '"PHE fubferiber has commenced run- mn<r a f. •5" r" r MM & ***** rr-iKE fubferiber ipfotm tLc Ladies j j &*&$ & X of Kfr.gllon and its vL'taity, ihiil . \ From Kingllon, to Ernrll Town v:.l ** **t jCunningharr nr<y contract in the name of the firm, aftrr the iirft cbv of April laft.j JOHN LINK, j Kingston. T»lv c- F&I6. 5W.?-* jvor oale, VERY low for cafh, or mod kinds or Country produce, three elegant j wooden ci.-cks, warranted to keep (ar°odj i j time. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Skiver! I j in Adolphu&own, 01 uf the fnhferiber. C. MERRILL. Ringfton, 151)1 Nov. i8ij. 24-tfi For Sale, i\ Vy/LUABLE Farm, with hnild- L * fogs aisio large improvements there¬ in, favorably Ctuated wirhin 28 miles AliigMon. Ptftions deliroup of pur- cha&Qg'to inquire of the Pihucr. fimzstoiij July' 10. 181c. ■ a" Spruce Beer, -Shawls & Handkerchief-- y:to.^ zvAhafrmc, Ever offered for faic in t;ns place, |j " SjtVJUEL PUF.D2". Wliolefale or retail on m<-l;-ra:c terrt* SAMUEL aVKRCV.P. Deer, i, J815. ifitf K'mrstcr, jUfy 13, 1816 PACKET. ' THE Schooner Pctfevirsnce, T I j G. Parker, M.ifter, will corr'rr:- t'-j| nin a* a Packet fmrn Ilin^flcn '. > '-•■■ -^ | j cti Harbor. May 15, i8»r. |« Rags! Rags! • Cask the highest price paid for CLEAN COT '"ON AND LINEN R A G ■ , AT THIS OFFICE. D 11 FT ED afhore a fliort diilarce below rherefidcnce of the fuhfcii- be(?onthe North (bote of vW.fe IflmJ, A Small BOAT. The owner can have it again hy proving property, paying charges, and applying to the fnbfeivber. Isaac T. Barrett. Wolfe Ifl^nd, July 1 tf i3;6. 6wjp] Blank Summonses ?or the District Courts, for Safe at this OiUce. OF moil any quantity, c*n be had at the CELLAR under ;he Au&ivn Room of Jllr. Charles Short, JOHN YOUNG P. S. All persons who are in- dchttd tu hnn, are reqiiefted toea1! with¬ out delay, and Tittle their accounts. Kingston, July 5, 1816. 5 For Stile, ' pHE West half of lot number nineteen in the fecond cooceffloti of the town {hip of Khfgfton. Apply to the F.inter Kingston* July 1 o, 1 b';5. 5 c* L y\ NV Oeiitlf-mmi having 8 f 11 m to let !«£■* or fell, within five or ten miles of ]\ir,gH.»i may WW with a tenant or pur- chafer, by applying at t his Office. Kinglton, March 15, 1816. 41 Frnl ;f Sir ROBERT WIL¬ SON, aud IVHTrs. BRULE r>d HUFCHi:- SON,rrlativCtothe Tcape of the convict LAVAL- Ajfi-ze Court of tht Department of the Seine' - Sluing of the 22 d of .ibrtl (Concluded) I proceed to Hie exatoinaftfon rtf nrooft, but. I null firft touch uo.-n the head uf arcufaiion. Bruce, Flutc^ir.fon, and WiJfcJn, are charged with Icing accomplices in con* cealhjtj Lavalett«» knotting that Ik wa0 condemned to die. T1k confeqncncc ia^ that thev facilitated and confum-nated his fcfeape. And here i raUS anticipate 1 difpute abont works, it will he laid* j thar the -.-fenpe wa« the acl ofiflulng from J prifon ; th-st outfide the gate- it ^ con- fummated ; that rhus it is fftljfe to charge the accofed with having facilitated and confummaled a thine already ;!or»e. But we muft look to the feufe in which chey •re inculpated.— Ir mud be tru**, tlut the efcape was facilitated in tBi« fen!'*-— :hnt the «-e capture of the CODYlQ waj rendered impofflhle. Iu vain di 1 the Public rmke its fearehes at Paris- when t *e convicl was no longcJ there; in vain ', did it feaich for him in F. .;e, when he,had gaffed the frontier ; and thus the efcape was ronfummared. But the iaSt which confliiute^ the nnje which (laudfi at the head of the cc'ifjTi n is the conceal^m'. It does nist fignify whither it aided! or did not *Td f'e efcap*: it. is, indted* of f «:ttle' f nportnnoN 'har evtn if'he coovid h^d •tot been ultimately ab'e to favc him - f, #1 ■*« li feived a* h:- afy iim: the T*an who had pr-^nrrfi it for him would hav-_ b zn •l«t :hc lefr guilty. In a word, nnctalment is a drfti ict nfiF»?n^e fo»m th t of efcape ; and | e»- • "WinS »hi- point ofeiiminal i:.W bitiUtr, it w i-ifp. i- nt to compare the rua^ratnuof the law on the two fub- i -fi- Tn the ofT'-nce of ercipe a'l who co- ■,'r.Vc in it arc i<u:nfhcd : t! ere' i. no 't'fli' clion, except in the penalties f>r he that h plSced as the he*pefc is inn&f guilty than him who n n«u ; l^yajio thra rh'- quality of the perfbn i^ no fattlier ic* elided, and tii< i»i;h public opinion n-,ay revolt a: it. and liumanity (bed a tear, a '" n ft n'*t ^t liberty, legally fp-king to .id hi^ father, nor a wife her huiband in breaking p'if »n ; and if Madame I.ava- Terte hac not b^en browght to trial, it w.^s because, nctwt'hflanding her odentatious :eclara;ion^. V.tflioe remained dot btful, *nd thoupht that it flill perceived the nfthe marxial ativhomy in the ict by which a wife aE'led her h::fi>mj. Why, then, this feverlty of principle? The reafon doubtleftf is, that the urif ?n i« a ficred and invio'able place ; tltat thole confined there belong no more to focicty* but to jv.ilicc* which detains them till they arfwer f*r their crime?. In the offence of concealment, neither does the law punifh without diftiuclion ? it follows the dictates of nature, and pi¬ ous exceptions are laid down for the fa¬ ther, rhr- for, the fpoufe, the brother, &: other relatives in the fame degree. Here clemency ftops, r.nd jnllice commences* Hence all who conceal a convict, with j whom they are not connected b'y tiea of Mood, are culpable Bruce, Hut jhin- \'or\, and Wilfim will, therefore, be guil¬ ty, if they have concealed Lavnlette. Theie have hern the concealment and efcape of Lavalette. juttire makec her inquiries 3 at full, thofe only are found ivhfl were implicated in the efcape from nrifon ; and when it wahorit to termin- at"* its inquiries, a ray of nncxpecled iijfht U thrown on the myilery of the concealment : other wct\ and other oro- jefts are dlfcovered- Thofe engi^ed in 1 lie efcape from prifon mean? nyiW'« u'. to fave Lavalette : thofe enfifafgr*! i i+ * oncealment, hy favin^ Favah tte, \.-i!h- '-d, or at halt appear to hive v. ;fhed to excite fedition or to revolt ; ard to ex- rite any kind of difurdcfj provided only ft was difrrdcr. Cut the plan was foolilh / Doubtlefs :t was : ilill, hnwever, we mull e* imine •1. We niufl fee by what ban k thf ap¬ ple of difcord was to he thr -ami amonglt us ; and ths correfpoudence Ucchc^ UJ» • .. %

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