lM fa I * 7 dy Port GOODS. OF almofl every c tfcription juft recci ved and offered for fale on teftfw il»- moft accommodating, by PETER WETSEL. jinong which are a very extenfiveaf- ibrtracnt of Dry Goods ; Xoget^erwitb a choice afiortment of Silks & Ribbons; Ladies' Bonnets ; Gentlemen s & Boys' H ATS,, Fr"(h Teas, Loaf and Mttfcovado bn gar, Plug, Ladies Twill and Paper To¬ bacco ; Scotch, Rappe, and Macoboy Snuffs, Old Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Bran Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint and French Wine. Coffee, Chocolaie. Ginger, ^Ilfpice Ground Pcpp**% Milliard, Nutmegs Cloven Cinnam n, Cm*ants, RaififlS* Figs, Poland Starch, Fig Blue. powder and Shot. Qorn and Hair Zfrooms. Window Glafs and Putty. Axes fcrew /tfugtfrs, Steelyards, Sho- fd*« Frying Pans, Iron and Steel ; 4 2nd iodcutNJls;8dand lod Wrought Nails. Togrther with a general afTortment of Hard and Hollow ■ WARE. ALSO, 3 doz. Coverlets, 136d»2. Worlted H fe, 12 doz. Oii'dfilk Hat Covers, 3 d 7- Lo iking Glades, of varioOJ fiZCn, and of a fopciior qaah:y. 30 Bbk Mef.Pck. 200 lbs. Hog's Lard, 300 Gallons air-and botlM Ltnfce Oil. 200 Prs. Men's ZJootfiof different qua line? 'rco do do Shoes, 100 do Ladies' Boota, 500 do do Shoes, 1000 do Children's Boots & Shoe Caif Skins, Upper Leather, Harnei Leather, and Sole Lrather. ( ALSO, 9S Bufhels Corn, 5c B;)ls, Srroo-g Beer, 0;its ard Flower. Kingston) March 15, 1816. Advertisement. * HE fubferiber offers for falc the <j following Lots of Lands. Lots No. 14, 15, 17, i8t 25 and 26 in thecjthconccflion of the townfliip of Phurlow. No. 4, in the 8th concefHon of Hun- NEW GOODS. i well 42t Hat Manufactory SMITH & BUT. ERWORTH. "P ESPECTFULLY acquaint the, Jl\. Friend* and the Public ill genera that they have rc-commcnced bufinek 1 • :he new houfe "ear Walker's Hotd where they have on baud an exte-ifive i. iortment of Laches & Children's be1' Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Be;i- rc»*f Caller, Rotam and Knnpt Huts ■ Men's, Youths and Bov's Wool Hat-. L.kewife, Ladies and Children's Lon¬ don Fafhonahlr Bonnets, Feathers an I Trimmings of the following colours; Black Wliirc, Blue, Brow., Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefale anc; Retail for Cafh as cheap as they can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cafh caid for Beaver, Mufkrat and Racoon Skins. Kingtton, 30th Oct. 1815. 21 tf. Notice. + I ^HE fubferiber refpeclfully inform hi. friends and the public rhat he J aVnjt opening a Store in front of the new ffiark't houfe, where he will do BUSINESS on COMMISSION Will buy and fell, Store & Forward tingdon. No. cjj in the 10th conceffion of Row- den. No. 31, Eaft half, 2d conceffion of Sidney. 200 acres in the 4th and $00 in the 6th conceffion of the Gore between Er <ieft Town and Frcderiekfburgh. No 18 and 19 10 the 8th conceffion of I Murray. No. 54 and 35 in the _jth conceffion of the townfhip or Vaughan. ALSO, Three Town Lots in the town of K ngaton, of one fifth of an acre cac>- Wm. CRAWFORD- Frederickebnrgh, 261b June, 13i6 4 CHEAP SALES, \Ttbe Store of tfrffa H. W WH.K1NSON & Co. a larg; Quantity of Sweet-fcented Virginia, Common Plus:, Indies Twift, and Twift Tobacco; Spanifh and American Serais. in quartet" Boxes. Large or [mall Quantities, io full Pur hafers. The whole of which wil! be fold at jo per cent, cheaper than can br prOCH •d here fr-m any Maik-t of the 17 ni ;d States—NOT EXCEPTING SMUGGLERS. Kinzflon, 2 2J March, l8l6. 4- L OR Sale, hvthe fubferiber, JO Bbb. -Mel's Pork, 40 Ic. iVtrae Do. 100 Do. Salt, 160 Do. Albany Strong Beer, 30 Do. Tar, 15 KegS Tobacco, ^o Do. Nails ail fizes, 20 Boxes Soap, 2; Do- Candles, 1 jo Curl fleel Axea, ICO Reams Writing Paper No. J, 2 lid 3. 12 Cil'a Tar'd Rope, 200 Hoc% ALSO, A quantity of Scythe's Sickles, and follow W^re ; Copper Ta Kettle- tr.rl Sauce Pans ; Steelyards, Chains adloeks, Curry Combs, y/dzeF,and . t' Carpenters' Tool-,—a lai^e Qtiantitv f Glafs of :ilm» il every de(cr?[>tion. A peneral afT-;rtr:[ent of DRY GOODS. • few ENGLI II SADDLES. And RIDING WHIPS ; Together with other articles, not *nti- ncd. ALSO—One half nf the prerr.ffes tw icon which the fubferiber now "lives. RICHARB SMITH. Kingston April 2. 1816. 44^ HE fubferiber has just ^ceived and now offers fot fnle, an cgtedta and clvifcn afTortment of Drv Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A well chofen Aflbrttnent of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prieCa for cafii or country pro- luce. Ewd. J- Hendj.rson. Kingston, 26 January < 81 *5- 34 JAMKS McUOUALL & Co. Succeprsto the late firm of S. Fitch and Co. Commifllon Merchants, MONTREAL, RESPECTFULLY Under their _w fervices to their frierds and the public, for agency and cummffioii bufi- efs; and flitter themf Ives ihit n - ho»ife •uthe Province is better fittancd to give faiiVfaaion in their line, to tbufe who hoofe to favor them with c^enrnands. Liberal advances m;ule on cenfignments, .-.'hich will helve the advantages of both Ifontreal and Quebec ma»k(tsf without extra coomffiion Montreal February 20, lSt& 4?*,a Wool Carding. THE fubfcrilier has t-rcr3^d a Card¬ ing Maclu'ftchalf a rr-'c north of* Mr. M'GuiVa Mill on Coin's Creek, in the lewiifhip of Kiigston, a'id has it •low in cpmpUte order f«* Carding Wool. All perfons who wil favor him «vi:h their custom may beaffjred ofhav- i -g their work done well. Pace, 6d. per lb. p.j nrcu. Kingston* June 8//jf 1816. 2tf Notice. HO be fold or rented* as rr.^y be agreed ■ upon, that well kno-.vu valuable farm, lot No n end the \\'t(r MS of | ot No. 10 in the full c,4ncc^",on of Additional FrcdericksKurgh» together with a good frame Hon!* and Bam, • nod Meadows and two Oi. h ird> tlieie- B. and ahoitfi ortft bimbrri a^d frtftj j •-.-•of impr^cu! land. The pre miles- • r- - •?! fituoted U'ctr a farmer, merchant, ir To fcrtfpei Ipor further particulars ■tjt.'] 1 r*»e fubf&rther,or to D. Wa(h- John SinisoiU -J A' tc ived by the faring ^tht\t n fi m Loudon. Manchester, #•* CJlafgow, a choice affoitmcnt of ieaforw ;>le Dry Goods, Parliciilaily fm'tab'e to this marks , which he is now opening, and dl1?'^" of at very reduced prices tor ealh or Ih it credit, VIZ: I Cotton and Woolen Holer of iil fizes, Grey & Striped Nankeens, Beaver, Kidd,and Buck feii Gloves, Thre.id & Cotton Laces, Black Lnce Veils, Fancy Muflins, Black h color'd Bombaietts Garment and Furniture Calicoes, Imitation & Printed Shawk, IViadrafs Handkerchiefs, Striped & Checked Cottons. Turkey Stripes, India Cotton, Fine and common Cloths, Corduroys and Velveteens, Black and color'd Velvet, Black Si!k Hdk'f's. Black Crape, Danby Foundation Muflin. Wellington h Median Boot ■ And an elegant aiTortnient of Engli/h Silks. Ribbons, NOTICE. &c. &;c. Orders from th*^ country will be par ticularly attended to, aad ail kinds of produce will betaken in payment. Waver SrkHB-r, Kingston, 2 id "june^ 1816. 3 A LONG Lv ASE, on mode¬ rate terms, may he had of an extenfi". building loi, Dearly an acre, in the vie fty of kitigfton ;—also feveral Loi> f one, i\voor three (ifihs of an acre each, m,»y be had on eafy terms, cither oi< long leafe« or fale.— Apply to Mr. Miks.—dprW 20. 46tf T 'Mill Kr EffJ. n Kn.j^fron. MUCHAEL COYLE. -n ?.->;- VA 1 $1A F^K o^LE, !*i GOODS Up or down the River, W3I take in any orders of any defcripti on in that line of bufinefe. N B Perfons defirous of committinp confignrccnts to his charge, may kn.jw tiieratea offtorpgeand commiffion by calling at the newcommifli »n ftore- JOHN DUNCAN. Kmgfloo, Dec. 30, 181J 30 notice! ^ MISSED on the lothinft. and fup- pufed to have been ftolen, a NOTE, payable to James Morris or bca- rerji for elcvenpounds fifteen (hillings, iicr.ied by Ifaae Hough ; there are two et iorfcments on faid Note. The public 0 hereby cautioned ag^inft porehafing It, a3meafure8 have already been take to flop the payment. Francis Carlisle. Kingston, I Uh April, 181 & 46 HANN* & RITTERS, TOBACCONISTS. > ESPECTFUIXY inform their \ friends and the public in general 'nt they have opened a SNUFF MANUFACTORY, \Text to Mr. Robin? Brewery. Where they have for fale Mackoboy, *) 1 Wft Bla^ard, \ SNUFFS. and other j Which they offer for fale cheap Kingston, xot/j May* r^r6. I reafonah>!e terms, Lot No* 22, m the $tb Ccr.cession^ \ No. ^^im the 6ih Concession^ A NO Lot No. io^in the 1 \th Concession. l^he whole beino? in the To-.vnfhip of a'vdown, in the d!>tricl of JohnflowD. For particlura enquire at the office of ALLAN MCLEAN, Efq Kingston* Jlugmst 28, 1 % \ j. 12 fo Vj Charcoal Wanted. 20,000,B™S,ub? 7 Iivcred before the cJol' of the navigation of 18 r 6, at Sated peri •d«, or Seven Hundred Bufhels to b" Slivered weekly until the end of Marc!. .•817. Any perfon wiflifng to undertake th Mhery of the fame are requefted to fenr H'a'ed tenders to the Naval Storekeeper Office Point Frederick on the 31ft infl. Naval Yard, Kingsion% Ajf l$tb Afay, 1816 PUBLIC NOTICE. rHE fubferibers to the Kingslbt Steam Boat, are hereby require •<i make immediate payment to the Trea ure- of the Monty vhich is ftill duco. the»r feverul fubfci iptions. Gno. H. Markland, • ■' _ . Secretary. 8th May, ,8.6. 4Qr/ i^LANK." BAf SHEklM-'s SALES, For sale at this Oiiice. Notice. I LL Perfon* indebted to the Eilate % of Doctor Anson Smith, decea- d, arr tequcflcd to make immediate ayment to Allan Mac Lean Efq. and • liofe who have demands, are requefted .0 exhibit tlie fa'ne fur adjnftment. MARTHA SMITH, Administratrix, Kingdom Fth. it 1S16. $5 -HURLOW MILLS, For Sale. very valuable Griil-Mill for Sale, which ha? juft undergone a thoro' ^pair upon the improvement of Bevel ^eer. Such a Iffirable property is fel- Jom to be met with ; ir will be difpofed •I by the owner {» confeqnence of mer- intile arrangements ; for particular^ ' 'd to treat for {N farr»^» apply to Tho- MasColeman, Trfy the propu'etnr : he 'lib offers for frf'e feveral town wate. *»ts, - upon the b;'n^5 °f the river Moira. 4 man who pell underflanda cov I'J&ing Cardirm Machines, and cat N^ep accounts w?" mett ^'ith good en wuragement on application a^ above. A fet of new t^a'ds wanted as above 'burlaw, March 2 j» ! 816. 4 yj ADVERTISEMENT. HE fubferiber offers for fale tr the Public, on liberal terms c f foment, the following lots of watL- La:ids. Lots No. 22 in the Sth Cud. No y in the 6th Con. S. Well j 23 Sill Con. No 8 Eaft j 5th Con. of the town (hip f/ Pittfbiirgh. also Lota No. 7 in the 5th conceffion No. 26 in the Cth conceffion No* 28, 29, 30, 7,1 & 33, in 6th con No. 23 Eaili Sth con.of Pitt/burgh ALSO, Several Lots of Land of ce ami fwoj ace.- in extent, on the front v>f lot Num¬ ber 24 in the townfhip of King (Ion, ly¬ ing a::d icituate on the fliore of the lake. And like wife feveral lots of land of one, two and three acres on trie tear of the faid lot No. 24, lying and fcfruateon the ioad from the town of Khffton to the country.—The lots arc well adapted fron- (their foliation for building on them,and!J pOltlSd*#AcfoHoirfirg lands, facingt 1 part of the real eftate owned by the ubferib^r. I. Eaft half of Lot number 79 in the -d conceffion of /tfdolphtiB Town, on -jft hay, having a framed houfe & batn, aether U'tth an improvement thereon, >ntaining 100 acres 2 Lot number 26 in weft bay, fouth .>f tlie black river in the ttt conceffion of he townfliip of Maryfburgh, with buil- Ifngsand other improvements thereonf containing 200 acres. 3. Three fourths of lot number 5, iif he firft concefTion, weft of number i, . d weft of the Rock in the townfhip of VTaryfbargh, with an improvement there*- ou, containing 150 acres. i.. Fifty acres of valuable wood land, being part of the farm formerly owned md occupied by the fubferiber, in the townfhip of -^dolphusTown,beingin the ear of the town Plot of Hoilandville, & idjointng thereto. 5. Lot number 6, and the weft halt .f number 14 in the 2d concefEon of the row-nfliip of Richmond, containing 300 jcre$- 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d conceffion^ fouth fide of the eaft Lake in the town.' (hip of Hollowell. containing 200 acres. 7. Eaft half of lot number 6 :u the 4th conceffion of the townfhip of Thurlow^ on tlie river Moira, with an improvement hereon, containing ico acres. 8. Lot number 1 eaft of VanalftiVs bke in the ift concefTion of the townfhip of Marysburgh, with an improvement 1 hereon, conta n'ng 200 acres. 9. Lot number 14 in the 5th concef¬ fion of the townfliip of Portland, contain iiig 200 acres. xo. Lot number 29 in the 4th conces. fion of the townfliip of Haldimand, con* raining 200 acres. 11. Lot number 20 in the 5th concea- fion of the townfhip of Pittfburgh, con¬ taining 2CO acres. 12. Lots number T2 and 13 in the Ath conceffioR of the townihip formerly called Efcothi now Yonge, in thed^nfl <*f Johnllown, containing 400 acres. 13. South half of lot number 16 "« thp 8rh conceffion of the townfliip of <jw (Tufla, lik-wifc in the Uiftria ofJoluiS' own,containing too acres. 14. Lot numbcr3,4,and47 in iheOffl conceffion, and lot number 37 in l'h» 7tfr conceffion, all in the townfhip of Cam¬ den, containing 800 acrea, ALSO, A rmrnhrr of f wtt W.^ t*>r We K\P^ 'cafe, in StuariviWe, in the rear of the town of Kingston. CHARLES STUART. Kingston, 15th March, i S16. 0 MidlandDistricl, To ECUTJON ifTufd out of His Majcll^ •""ourt of King's bench, liolrfrnjr c;v;j ■)Ie3.s, in and for the Midland D fi-ift3. forefah!. at the fnit of John Kirby of the town of Kindlon, in the (aid Diftrift merchant, agahifl thelaiukandfenamenti which wereof William 4%kmfxa\% of the tame place Tanner, dccesfed.at the time of his death in the hands and enftody of " fchnrd C;»rtwrigh(;, John Fci^ti'for:. icholas Stick'eand Mary StiVfelc, Ex. Districl, 1 f; Y virtue 0f , !Vit: J hWRIT <>(l\. R N7i in tne V « fftft publijhedi and for fale at thi Office, ?>■«* l/$. ' i heLIFEancJ ^YINGSPEECI of yoSfiPH BEVIli; Vho wasexecut^d at Kingston on Mon 7 the 4th daf of s^P^en;ber, 18-1J r the murder oi Ma»y C laughter* evjr, jfor the eftablifhment of Gardens j vicinity of the town. Application to be made to the fubfcribei. GEO. OK ILL STUART. Kingflon% Sept. 6, 1815. '4 NOTICE. T*Hi fubferibers rcfpeflfully inform the Merchants, Traders and tlh public in general, that they have entere^ inlo co-partnerfhip, and have opened an auction room in front of the New Mai- ket, in the back part of the houfe be longing to John Duncan, where the; will ha"-? reguLrau&ions twice a week and being that the firm >r fubferiber hatl been the only one in that line of bufinel ioKfngfton,foi a number of year?, the- espeftby thti stfift attention and coi •ednefs, that they will have the cuato oi the place in future to encourage th. new firm. John Darlet^ John Duncan Auctioneers. Kingston, ZOt& April, 1 8 1 6. N- B. The days of auctions ate fix. on Tucfday and Friday. ^ f OST—On Thurfday Evening !afl L^j fomewhere about t.he Goal, tw ^Cafcs, running from Government 1 Stephen Fait field, and rclcafed from t *d Fairfield to me; alfo, a Contra between Daniel Phelps and the fubfc '•er concerning a Saw Mill. fcrW er wllrct„rn faid papers to the fubfcribir, hall receive a rsward of Four Dollars. Thomas Parks Kingston, April 16, 1816. 46 ecutore and Exccutnx, of the kit] WvXt fam Atkinfon dcceafcd, to me direded; I havefeized and taken ir, e:- -:c;i:ion, as belonging tothe bid WIL! JAM AT. K1NSOM, dtceafed,at the time of hit death in the hands and enftody of RicR. r^rd Cartwrighr, Ju!m Fergufon, Nicho¬ ls Stickles, and Mary Sucfetes, Execu¬ tors and Executrix of the fold W/C.'arr Atkfnfon, deceafed, h ts number igt 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, in thr fouith conces lion of the townfliipof Sidney, imtmini by admeafurerociu t 200 acres be the feme nore or left. Now I do hereby give no- tice that the faid lots or parcels offend will be fold and -a^udged to the hfghefi bidder, at mv nffiue in the tnwn of Krn^ 'ton, on WEDNESDAY the SIX- TEENTK d.y of OCTOBER ncxr. *it TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of .ale will be made known. Chaulfs Stuart. S&ertfi And every perfon 01 wrrpffj having ,?aims on the above deicnVd lots«f, ind and premifes, by mou'ri^e or other i*rnt or mcumbrance. are briew -*ulver- ■fed ro give nortee toth* faid Shetitf, a: tfs office in *he town of Kingllon, previ *« to the 0.1c thcreo£ Utri/fs office May 6, l S I 6. tf U ANK DEEDS axd MEMO UaLSj forfalc at this OSit* For Sale, \ quantity cf Oifc luitii':!e fe ave- and fquare Timbrr wiihi«« a " iruMcdistaHcetjftlic water k#ii»f> *'"" ic Bay of Qufitty. Fo* paru'cislarv aif "tlon or perions w.'fljir.^r fi puivUK ill plcafc to c:.!I at tb.S Officeui at M*,' >ft'fh Vallr'cr's Hcnff. Kir.jrftun, Dec. 9» 181J, -.;■■■