Kingston Gazette, July 13, 1816, page 3

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./ifhrncn *>f the judw'ial f-r-ii. :-Hih> ;-w untioi*! aw alljwYiKtiifd with pn:t<'i»fioi< which c;inni t !)l* JMcnea uj in rvuttcra tri criminaljullice. Criminality gi?Gfi th light of puntfitmcnt; it bvltows jur-fli- ■ ion, for it aims at public oid:r; and there isuiot a nation on the, then is not a foci::! b.dy, which doffi r.ot \\lv<-h aftaatc tt*e -ftulk of the huma.j But fo^fi are vain e'flou'ftfi to conjeciine ace at the prcicjtt ffey, .They fc*ard »«,t the ciiltjvaliots of noble faculty, Krafon, a faculty implanted in the breall f cvviy man, by t!,e Supreme Being, as mark ofdtfigfiation from animal Hfe ; .r d to render him adeq-iate to the end or which he w^ created, viz, : To ccn- tr*<nplate the Divinity—to meditate 01. the highcll degree polfoft the v:"h?, and J T-'-i.'m, who firmed the world from not li¬ fe under the oh ifjr at ion to pnulili thole! fag ; on Him, who Itft his Fathers hau- wljf» infringe it. Every m -.. fhould km w| j ii-iion, the cc'.eftial regions of extatic *h?t in planting hi: foot upon a forcigpjjglories, and defeemed to earth ; aflum* foil, hi* flrft duty i> to cihfervc :t; laws. J led a human l^ody, a'nd fuiTe.ed thf moll Doea he not enjoy their profeftion—do] [hmniliatmg contempt r*f the world; on Him, who died that he might live, not only whik time Itifls, but during eterni ly , 'hat he might be permitted one day. to t «kc hii departure to the happy abodes luqtmy, as to the mod* Jjof hU Fntltti'fl KtngddQ ; to eradicate "a:r which titer criminal tribunal U VeguJa Jjftom hi-, bread that propenilty to pride t^'d which applies the laws, it s*cle»v that [land infidelity which renders him fo ob- they depend npon therlglit of fovercigRl no>:;ous t> the law of God ; to cultivate jiirifdiabn. Every Sate has lUJufticcj and a!fo its mode «.-"r admiuitlei tag it ■ It is faid, thai ;; Frenchman accttfed of Kavinc commutes a crime in Lnckiid is en'itle" to fcwe one half r.f his jurymen not they Wttch over his fafciv—and cat he invoke their a; I ir; one 7 .:£"*, and brave• thtirauthciitYin another ? G-od fen.ol alone r<koUfleVs Rich an error. As to; the forms of \ truth and jullice ; to vifit the houie of povrly pn.l want, leaving th?re the pled jes cf his pity ; to enter the abodes >f ficknefs and mifery, leaving rheve the balm of confolr.tion as a fore pledge, of; French. Tt& is <• privilege, doubtlefs. j fympacheiic and a feeling heart, a refine- Here, however, you wit* have no nerd of J fh!s privilege) it will be ufeleft to you ; jnftieedoes not inquiie whether you arc fo !*• •> tves or foreigners ; :: v.- ws you only a-> aecufed, and it v.ll know no other dif- tiiirflfons but thofe which proofs (hall es* ftblifn between innocence and guilt. £7o U CohthwuL^ LoaDO:j May it. The Bntifh go^?rnmcnt expended for the maintenance of French prifonere, during the war, the fum of/6, 87 t, 674 XI II. A letter from Paris cf M?y 5', fay«, H rnangular cards, replete with myfleiiouo i fymbols, noderitood a-loneby the fediti oii8, are Tn circnlation.M An aflrefs*at Bordeaux. Mad.SuzciMC, lately betraying a:> affeAIoil for the vtofat was compelled to make the amend hmop- nblc ; being compelled to cry Ppb& le Roi \ Vive Madame ! and then on a tri- ecloured cockade being thrown upon thc rl^ire, to pick it up, and bin* it on rht fpot. She %vai then allowed to proceed. "There m evidently a great degree of fermentation i.i the Gcrm.-.ii flatcs—the king of Witft&nbcrjr and other pnncea tiave H-ir€kratti againii the mcdialized prjiicc-. ot the Confedeiation, and the latter have claimed the protection of Aultria. The ftkria paper* ofTucfday laft, arrived y. ilenlay. Tiie French papt.-rts ate equally dertitutcof intereft, pcrliapfi, VMth the exception of an article in the Moniteur, detailing the proceedings of a Meeting recently held in the French capital, and compofed of individual, villi have been laboring for i'ome tine ^•?ti'j zeal, thbugh we believe with little e.Tc'ft, to promote a crufide a^.iir.H the B'fbary powers. Sir Sidney Smith iiJ faid to be the originator of this chiva¬ lrous fcheme. Tiiey make no allulion to the canle of discontent. Which arc faid to afautinJ in . France. Nor do the)k mention the mul tiplied avreft^, which are Rated, upon the authority of private advices, to have taken place lad week in 'he capital. Some of thofe rumours may be exag- neut of human nature, 'he moft noble, ihc mnft rcfemhling Dei*y- Tt is the cultivation and pfatticr of virtue—the improvemeiit ofthc mind—the placidity of the heart* that conflftutes the perfec¬ tions ui man. While contem^la^inc the Kn% of life which man fhoold purfue, wt have a per- fpt^ive heavenly, divine ; at?d we be¬ come pleaf^d with our exiMc-ce, nl?af- ^.1 with it becauft it refemhlcs the per- fedtions of Deity. But if we contem late theprefeut Hate of fociety, the re that i° difregard the precepts and inili- tutioi/6of Deity, is a mark of courage and therefore merits commendation : but let in*-' afo fuch a one, tha;, ihouldi he, to fhew bis courage, place himfelf before the nl0i^hof a cannon, that i9 juft ready 8'c be difcharged of its contents, whether the uPrld would commend him for hifl valour : or, whether it would not Big- matir- him, with raflinefs and folly ; or, with iijfanity : Equally ra(h, fooliAi and infane W the man when- he walks in vio- 'ation of the commands of that Being, who farmed the world frcm nothi*^ ;— who remove!h mountains as a very little hing, «'ho fays to the fea, " hither¬ to fns't thou come, and no further, and here inall thy proud waves be llaid, and it obeys him :M of that being who ap¬ peared of "eld on Mount Sinai, amidd thunder and lightening, blaeknefs and daikr.efs and tempc!!, and from the cen- re of all thefc formidable enfignS cf his Ircadfcil Majefly, announced to the world, fii curfed is every one that contin- neth net m all things written in the book of the law to do them." What folly for m#i endowed by the Supreme Be¬ ing w»h facultiea fo noble, a* to be capa- jl)le, n^t only while time laiU, \mt through [eterfcfeyi of making continual advances tOwa*4* pel fe£iion ; of arriving nearer ;:nd mtarer to tlie perfe^jons of Deity, to a perfect Hate of h^ppmefs and glory. l\i fqaander time fo precious, in fhuffling S puctcf caids, ai.d counting tlie fpsts on ih*m, an employment to a cultivated mind, futile and childifh in the extreme. Should the votary to this vice, aflert as a jurtiScation of the practice, th^r men who vjlk in the higher prades of life, al chapter dPmaa, we arcr difgu'led ? \ eondefcend to araufe themfelvcs m thin a uifiufe is prcftfnted to our view which way, 2 allow the fa&, riches and hon- piciure is p mJces virtue and innoecney revolt with (corn ; man loufea hie pcrfedlions and comlrnefs. One part of *he Divine cf fence, his or$ do r.ot exclude vie • ;. oil men have their * liable* and wenk .fides. But no man ever obtained mc-fe honor, more pi¬ ety, more refinement of toite^%more ufe- Logo^, or \vo*-d, motives purely J fill knowledge, by joining a pa'ty at benevolent, hath appeared hi the world, [ to blind and bewi'.Jered man. In 4l fhe\\ hirn the psth ot hfcj" to fet him an ex amohi.n lii-e *>f ronduclto, which oades through thia 4' veil of miferie* M But, how li:t'*e d'»es ht egard his pre rcpn and examples! cauls, but often involve* himfelf and fata¬ lly In poverty and dlfgrace ; in alterca lions which end deep in dudgeon, or a duel. ' "* Card playing has nothing to reco'n- mend the practice in fociety ; for, it pro¬ hibits that which renders fociety moft de * 1" * * r ■ * % The f*rventh day w| the week, from j l:n:*6*e. a loquacity which produces a re the creation of the world was confiderecil a day of reft and eonfecrated to religion 1: ourpofes ; our Saviour, not Cu'iip'tiinff j t.'e work of redemption till riie eighth lay, taught hndifciples *o c-onfider thr ■\--iy the ClinHian Stbliatlt, m eomincm- o a.i»r r;f their feed -m fr ,m the Iws'i'l cfproeity cff::hVg; which teaciesonc to read Ehc hear; and j^dge of the mind ;! to dttltnguilh between ruHicityand go >d breeding ; to gain in the pKafire ox pain oftuo'.e whom fiendlhip ha* endeared to "ui heaits ; pka^tree peeuliarlv exhili ... jW-wg to the Riindofcnatu 'it it be Ayrat'an. Hetauglu thrm bycalimtxhi- bid that it is nei,(i'aiy at pittiei pfj dilciplea tpjjeHieroR that day to pay Ipleafure to ifitra'lii^ cmU t.» prevent' j[)ogrea:aniuantiiv> lh:s ca:nvit hold good only amougfl uncultSiratcd and.bur K{or.ition to the Supreme BctVtf, that ft Iljould be kept as a day devwt^d xo w\i- jrfon ; as ?. d ;y confecrated to Cud and !-Je.iven. yfveh Hifiiop ;. n P>1 •: ns0s, a Divine l)igbly,<lrit*tfgtii!he'l in the Eitg- lifh church, forhia learninpr, hw piety. and 1-11*1 tale;:'-;, Lis fliewn ffCI S-* ;pt- ure, that the crrf)'-::d, r.hi pr »du^?ons of the earth, the be&tk of the foreft, all O'id's creation arc holy on tha: day ; — that, any vain amufement, my employ¬ ment f.*l Aevva,»'(,-I<>r for (Inm beads that is no1 ofaii tndifpeuiahle n?.!u:c, H pr> f.m-ty, is facriliee, and me:its rhe wrath 3ut*ihoiUd I follow man i . hit fever- vtn m:cds; for a fuciety com po 1' of! gcrated ; but the filence ot rhe French)?5-' ^atks on that day, i ihot.l i never hav.- papers U no proof of their being folfc -' |th- nleafu-c of enuring within the foe- as the conduftors are undsr injundion.-*. [-* --alis of ti»c houtc of my God ;— not to' inferta paragraph that may I '* t»e vvays of Zinn mourn becauie fo ub- "few come U have any tendencey to agi^ace the pi He mind, or to point out the ex tent of the prevailing diffaiisfaftion Jfi the mean time it appears that a fudden and extraordinary buttle prevails in the cantonments of /Vmy of jt^« i «MM h&t tlie Obierv>.t?on;andtheDukeof Wellington, i£;on? riot reverberate in to the folcmn feaft /' 5 but tliou'd I approach the place {where the beverage is fold, ivhich pro* Siiiieca intoxication, which inHame^ the •'^ood ami renders man ungovernable, t'^re I faould h^r.r the voice of bacana- j fach«rhaye fpsnt \\x/ir u\(ine \xomi ;n 1 he cuhivatK » ltllcm;n.jf in the peru-} fal of thefacrcd vtt|unKi ;n tll€ ftujyof! *"e>Ki aphy,«dl. onumyf H|l, ;ent aiJCj mo, j. j em hUl-.ry, no vaci,m 0f mind can ex'ft.1 Me t?ho, when his bulinefs admits of a little n-U.x-.tion, ihJlcai u| g0i,^r to 3 tjrog fliop, to the Baojbting table, o> to the Theatre, would retire to the peftifal of fome godd fome ufrfu! book, his mind wo jld not only be gnriched,bnt he would fs-»n favc enoegh qtoocyta pnrchafe a valuable library ; whi^h wouIJ fervC( thtcugh life,to rtt^Jtealetfure hour pafs fweetfyaway. Sh^ilj \}iA coottitutiou requi e more exereffCj jet 1^ ch CV ioa«.uaJ.ou3aTl vven informed alToci ates, and make thejn faqnent vifits, al rt-ayAobferving to t1m tj,c topic of con vertationo:: fome u^io\ iUi(\ intereiling. fubjefi. A habit rJffcfc thu^perfiftedl [in, would m a {hort timit f0 cnrjch tJr. mv ears »!,,' <-ij v St is faid, is about to commence a gen cral >"nfoe&ion of the whole, including Antti ian troops in Alface. We have letters from Malta to near the end of March ; they flate that Lord Est- month's Expedition was amply p'oviclcd with thofe powe-fuh arguments in rea- foning with Corfa*r»j fliot. fhelU, Con* ftreve's Rockets, Sec. the fhew of which eontribntoJ mainiy to his Lerdfliip'a (»cceh>fd1 negociauons. The Slaves releafcd are mentioned at a number far beynnd any previous computation, and it is even .affirmed that ttioufandf had r)een already liberated. This is a glo¬ rious crufiJe 1 fr.ctcd name of my Creator, my Saviour, mind, that the moi^ vaUuhle materials for converfatian, n,;giUf at 3ny time> *hen fnendlhip or tood breed inn fhould fmy comfo:ter profaned ; there i (lould !r rj'ijre it, be draw;J from tj ?fiH man forming plans and indulging j j of the memory. fjjaa jn |j;i ir vie »e magazine e decline oi For the King&to:/ G.^.<t-tf.. Inlquos odio habuit Dominus. P-as qu'un peche a pris racine il ne reconnect plus dc QlOitre- lime is precious ; for on r\ right im¬ provement c-f it, depends our tc-r-p vwry and eternal happinefs or miL-ry. A d • vices the moft degsadtntf to liurnra|Jlifetinfttfad ©£ heijtg mj^ntblc himfelf, r.turc ; it is t!:cre th? fn\\ feeds [and rendering other, about hioifo woulc are fewn ; there le^vd and Itvcntioun pnfl ripiea are inltilled and clicrifhcd in the uc'ft of man. The confecrated dav of 01 • 7 Lord is thus polluted to the wick- r »«^ft«»K i;vj '/ft, how large a porti .n of ir.i .....-, gander it gfttay in ihfi mS.t yiohf [ »»nner ; they ufe i: v.-i.i, t1»« Jr^ree oi iPf'^g.lity, which bdicat« the raofl \m<t\ ignorance of iti (hurt3<'fs, r.r.J th* nc-r appfoacliM of a new Rat* of *y«iii1 the grave. The pU-aliitca ol k. f~*af*ir-t*be the kzLtx ««*i 'I ;-de8 :,nd baled of purpolcs. In r.y walk to the houfe of God, my ears air aflkil^d v/itl oaths and bfafphemV, an;! n.y rni"^ difturbed by the riot of boys at play* Siiould I enter the abodes oi" man, a fcene equally fhwefctng to thede vout mi-- J vonld probably prefent itlclf to my v;..v ; I conjeftnre 1 fnuuld find htm feated around iUc gaming tab'e, with the ghtfa of tnto:jvating inebriation it his elbow, and that money at Hake which fbonld fer? to fatiofy the hungry, to clothe the naked ofh& family ; or, t*> .e!;evc the wants of the poor and dis- trefled. Gaming is a vice which 1 would the rnore particularly dwell upon, be- aofe it h a vice that i< fo frivolous in it f.-lf and very pernicious to families and lociety at large ; it h a vice beneath •he dignity of man to indulge in. But, when man pollutes, with a vice fo flag¬ rant that holy day, which the foverxi^n [.aid of Creation ha'h dedicated to hi crviees alone, it Ihould feem that the hteaviert terrors of the Lord would ove* L-k- him irt the rr*ift cf his profperity. . _uld have iuch a fund or ufcf^ informa:ion, treaiurcd ttp in n:, younger Java, as would make old a^e pal-8 pleafantly a- way. No doubt-many | parent fce9 jjj, fai,its and wifl)CHtlut he fpC!|t j,j3 time diffe r- entiy; but h:s habits have grov,n witll h.m ftdin liii infancy . t|lcy havc been fo long iodulijed in; :\t9t tllCV ],aVe be come, as it were a i ftCOna nauire . he cannot how think cf rdfnqoifhJngf than; but Ut me aH: fuel. p3r<;nl8 it thcy con, jecfture that their cl,ildrcn w;|| piirfue a JiffcrfcM couvfe from t(icmfe)ves, w[1cn ihry are daily mculuat; or) thcJr m:11(1, the fame pra^.ces, not by precept, but, by what is more pc. flla.-lve> by r^mp\c. If parents »,ih to hr; , tht.;, chJ:d. ien to fobnety anj in(,ullry . jf thcy wifh to have them (er acd b vvlTc a;)d good men, let them ab,,n:,on gami,lg 0f every kirwJ either fo, amulcmeiU or plof. it ; kl them abaidSn |1r pra^icc 0f fic. quanting gnig th r . taIt$ am, Gerna of beentiou^J. ltt |hem rel- peatb<fabbatban.d|wcj| thgjf chiitl. rtn to Mlp«a .t by forbld;n al) kind8 of play o? ibat holy . fa kc • v.iemwM.i»u doors., rca()i fo!ne good aud pro6taWc>o)j. or h x%,.Wl„.t t»,cin [to go to church, by fettlnq; them tbt ex¬ ample. *c Train up a child in the wa) he fhould go, and when he ia old he will not depart from it." . . LUTHER. „______ ^ Tork, June 26. GENERAL F.LECTION. Lj0 of Members returned to fcrve in the enfu'tng Pcrlhlmei.t. j County of Giengary. Alexander McMaftiri and jno. Game/on, Efqrs. Prcftott. John McDonnell, £fq. Stirmont and Rufp-lU Philip VanKpiighnet, Efq. Dttiidas* John Cryfler^ E% Grewilli* Jonas Jones, Efq. Leeds. Peter Howard, Efq. Frontenac. Al'an MacLean, Efq. Prince Edward (except the tozun- Jhip of Amdiasburgh ) James Cotter, Efq. Lemx and Addingion* Willet Cafey and Ifaac Frafer, Efqrs. Hafiings, and the Townjhip of A- melias burgh. James McNabb, Efq. Northumberland, and Durham. Zacheus Burnluni, Efq, Tofk$ EmJI hiding. Pertr Robinfon, Efq. Lincoln j \A Ridin$9 and the town- Jhip of Grimsby. Robert Nclles* Efq. 2d Riding, Ralr Clench, Efq. jj<i Riding, David Secord, E(q. 4th Riding, lfaac Swayze, Efq. Oxf.rdand Middkfix. Mahlon Burwell, Efq. Ncrfo:!:—Robert Nichol Efq. Kent—Jofhua Cornwall, Efq. hf/l.x—Wrn. McCormtck and G. B. Hall, Efqrs. Chim.G'afs^ 11 r . 'notify I?H \ fnhferiher d illy t>. .l-toha-r a very exienlive afloftweut f OhinavGI tftand Er* i|pn^'are. Cnmprifiug every article in thut ji:.c— t'nor*g which ati : 120 Cnltea well afTorted Erthenw;*re, Hhtls. Glafn ware of all defcrijui »nsf Double Flint a:id c;»n»n; >n do Burniihed Gold lia^aaudaWh China, Breakfail and Tea felta, v ' Do Defert vSetrs, Plain, printed table and defert f;rvi;e^ Brown lines, hlueand green '.dged.Stc. Table and Defert Se.viccs. 'l'he above collection of O-ds, rorripriling onc.of the, hell afibrtm-nts ever imported into this Province.—wis parchaftd for Cafh, and m\\ be fM z£ 'he Montreal Prices, whh rhe addition of 40s. per Crate for tianfport X-* thia plaee- All orders will be pnncluaHy -^t- 'ended to dnd Gratis repacked on the ftiortcfl notice. PATRICK SMTTIL Knigfl"ii. J.dv« $ti$m 6 PUBLIC NuHCE. The Mails dlfpatcF^d from thj= of. ill iu future be tl -led at the hi* iice w lowing hu& For Lower Cn^nda, Monday at eight tf'cK k, a. M, Thurfday at.10 oMock.ji M. For York Sandwich. 6iC, Mond-ty at ten o'clock, a K. Po=t Office j Gogrtort, July 12, 1R r 6. J 6mi Kingston,July 13, 1816. Wr chfi rve *.f \-A\r thai it ha» btcornr a familiar practice of fome evil djfpofcd peif>nor perfons, to tear down Bills of i;)I deferrp ions foon after they are polled up about the town, U> the great detri¬ ment eft thofe wholmvebeenat thctrnub le of getting them printed and p died It cannot be for want of vfnploymnnt that any prrfoH Ihould commit Iuch wanto; ads of dcpivdaMon, but a defire f rdoiny mifehicf, aid the perfon who is guilty -if it ought to bedetelledby every friend \u good order and regulation. Son:* m;fund'. rdanding appears to ex ift on Kak'c Eric, between Gov. Cafe of Detroit and the commanding officer of the Britifh Navy, on that lake. Wc wail for further particulars* J.1UKCH—On Monday laft, at 12 0 clock, the fi;e fhip, Beckwlih wa' launched from His Majefty's Dock yard Point Frederick. The following (hocking occurrence is copied from the Fayertcville North Carolina A.r.eilean, of June tl* Lumber ton, N. C. June 18. Extraordinary and Snockhig Occurrence. On Friday afternoon, the 7th raft. Mrs. Anna Ratley was Tiding acrolsthe Gum Swamp, (about it miles from thu place) where the water wzs hut little more than kneedeep,thebeatlon which fhc rode was attacked by an Alligator, and in the (iruggle, Mrs. Ratley was thrown and the moment flie fall, the monfter feiy.ed, bit, and mangled her mod horridly, of which wounds (he died on Monday evening lad. Her hnlband and bro 1 her weie near at hand and ran to her afliflanet, and in refcueing the woman, one of the men recti'ed a blow ftorn the alligator withoutfuftaining much injury, and after footing ffven ck- eight times thev fucceeded in killing h.m jhe mes furcd 11 feet in length; MARRIED, On Ti.erday halt, at Poland, %y the Rev. Mr M'Dowail, Mi. Pa ker Smirh of Eainrft Town, to Mifs Rebtkah Swilier of the former place. 200 FOR SALE, Galls. Unsetd OIL. JOHNS \ TINKLE. DRIFTED afnorea fh»rt di(l..rcc below (hercfiJcMce rtf the filBfcr> bcr,6nthe North fl-.oi- ofWoife Ifl^nd, A Smalt B OA T. I The owner can have it again by proving property, paying charges, and applying to the fubfen'ber. .Isaac T. Barrett. Wolfe Iflarfd, July M, 1H16. 6*$jf . LET1ERS remaining in thk Foil Office, at Kingfton, 5th Jnlv, 1816. Madame A\«k% George Alexander, f B. Bemt«ardi Mr. Beeist *Jo[eph Bar- thhlUfHC) jJ:h Ber.pmy Elijah Bififtti* Bapt.% Bloidr, Elijah Bof, AbrnhatH Boyd Joftph Br nut, Anna Brown\ EU enor Luclhy, Wilfinw BvrJL Du'tettn CampttHt James Carney^ Mafade CJ- dru% Ellas Champion 1 James Claffer, Rob¬ ert Ctajlen* Jahm Clarir, Samuel C&&- pan, Daniel Colt, Mary Comit, fl*nry Cononbeliu. Margaret Cr,ol, SimeOft Cor- l>in% Gap! Croaftoer, jfohn Cvzzrns. J-:n Dftojloe, David Donation, John Drum- ma:d, Jofeph Du[auk, John EdmuuLu Franklin E!!pworth% IV'tH'mm J ;; -./# James Finn, George Turner, l)onh, -V- raty henry Garretju^ 0!mfl»d Gatrs; '-V ftpk Gobeitle, James Grace, John Gra'mm% Feuvt Gumeitey Fanny Hale. , ttwmai ffardiet John Harlefs, eiizaleth ffan rx, Harvey Hanvley* john HilL Ezra ffaftsn* Benjamin Hood> jobn Hough'-cn, $amvil Houghy George Huffman, jatez fft/fff Wr. Hurney, yohn jero% Stephen yohnfon ij Co, Bapte. yoinvH/e^ Ephraim h'cys, Mary Kimber* Ch.uUs I,audry> George Lan?- don, jofeph Lavoy, R. Lcavans, Pierre Levailkt, V/illiam Lewis, Madame Lu (lure, Henry Linn, Bapti/le Lmfcau% lit- rinh Loomis% Mrs. I,on»y, William Mc~ Carty, Daniel Mcnrimmojfy yohn Mae* Donald, Donald Mac Kay Henry Mac- LaughUn* Alexander McMillan jamrs Maitland. Thomas Mathtr, Silas flfcv, Charles Mac Lean, Pierre Michelin, Sam¬ uel Monro, Moran iff McMalley. Qrmch* ta Mofes, Mofrs Murphy, y\hi N.tft, Mary Neil, Timothy Olrian, Charles"Q- die, Dennis G'Rei'y, yohn Of man. 7. B. Parento, Koble Palmer, yamrs Pat.-ton* Martha Pattifon, jnmts T. Penny j w- Perkins, Daniel Picleti* Phrr: Plvir., Thomas W Powers. Oladiah Price. >v- fiph Provo, yames Rtucy, -john Ramey* Luther Rdwfm, yohn Ritchie, Donald Robin/on, Char/a Roi. jofefh Roi, yacoh Roiven, Charles Sa;nt Bernard* Tufdo- wih Sal'tfuury, Adin Stinger % E ijah khtp* aojfjbn, yacque Simards George ft. Simp* for;, Fojhr Sinclair, Richard $!fet v7<:v- ander Smyth, Margaret Smyth, Nancy Smyth, Pardon Smith, yohn >poor, y,r,h .r Stephens, Silas Stiles, John Strot hers. Et- Tapin, Fratefc Tecolc, Robert 7/;> del, Ephrtnm Tifdafe, Pierre Th'd>awLav. yames Thomas David Thomppin, yar Turner, ya-ob P. Vanalau Prirr Vanat- ku, yazoh Vwornam Richard trtinnr&am% Garret I 'andenbur^ h, Or.\rndo 11 \dlu r, /laron IVUlard, Adam Wiljon, S^w/wr/ Widbaen, Re*. L lV'dl':aois% Mr. lVhit:> yames lVrt*ht, G. Yak, miles 7"a!es. John Macaujay p. sr FOR SALE. on nnr> Four ftOC f'"TffS. 0U'UUU Apply at this Office. KirgR->i), 1 7'b May, tSi^. 50 A NY Gentleman having a farm to u* or fell, within five or ten miirs "of Kingfton may mce' w'th 1 »tfijiit oruur- chafer, by applying at rhU CfKce. King!io^3 March IJJj !?!<>. 41

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