Kingston Gazette, June 15, 1816, page 3

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Kingston, June 15, 1816, * • - * • • - - - * ■ • * • * • • COMMVXICATIONS. gfnjrflon for the lafl ten days has been uwufoally gay—towards which the feiffi of Sir FREDERICK ROBtti- MAT among us ha* perhaps contributed not a little. On ThurfJ:ty the 6th inft. that Ittgh * Jv difttUKuiihcd corps, the (J-lengary Light Irtfeotry, commanded by Lieut. Colonel Baiterstiy> came down from York tn the Mont'?:<l and Netlcy, flips of yai, and difctebaiked (ur the purpofc o!" feeing diflwnded.—Same day the 70th Regiment entertained Col, Batterfby S? til his officers at their MeU Room, where rood Wine and FJRowfii-tp fucceded in Seeping them to a late hour. On Sat* urday morntng the jO'h Regt. were re viewed on the field out fide the picketing and in the evening gave a dinner to Ma¬ yor tifcrn. Sir Frederkt Robin/on, and Nja- hr Gen. Tie U'atteville* previous to th »fc officers leaving Canada, There were fr'-fent the Captains nnd Cornmiifinnei of the Navy, * he Staff of the Diviiion fend all the heads of Departments. The hand of the Regiment attended, and ma¬ ny Loyal arvd appropriate Toafts were drank. On Tuefday laft the Racing commen- ' ccd fi»r the firft Spring meeting.—The weather wa< line, the courfe good and fpoit excellent. The following match¬ es wcie 1 nn. Hunter Stakes, 25 Guineas each. Capt. Dc La Hay's » Sham¬ rock.1 ' rode by Mr. Kirk, 701 h Rfgt. Mr Creiffhtotfs M Jcffey" rode by Capt. TVedennirk, Capr. I)ii'kf*)n,suCo1nnibinen rode by M:. Robinfon,a.d c 3 A mat,h for 50 Guinea* ea-hf Quick Mr. Robiufon's « Sylph1' rod.' by hmifclf. Mr. Law's -'Kate' rode by Mr. JGrk, omfetvcMo rxpreU in tne mofl public manner the high fenfc which we entertain of your character, and condnft. Your Biavcry as Soldiers,the Province of Upper Canada is proud to acknowl¬ edge, your politcnef$ an Gentlemen, the inhabitants of York will ever mod prate- fully remember; nor are we infenfible that the good order and regularity which has Hi happily prevailed between the Mi¬ litary and Civil inhabitants of this town, is elm fly to be afctibed to the wife regu¬ lations, aud exatl difcipline, which has honored and ditlinguifhed the Regiment to which you belong. Y »ur lervices indeed, are no longer cal¬ led for in the Field, but you will have the high faticfacT'on, of returning to your friend*, adorned with military hon- jr asal applaufc—and fhould the fervices f your King and Country again call tor jour military exertions, wc fhould with a plea (in y recollection of the paft, to k up to you fur Hill further aid, and protection. But whatever may be your destination in future life, the regards and belt wilhes f the inhabitants of Yoik will ever at tend you '(Signed,) Thomas .Scott, c. p. John Strachant, i>. d Reflor. Ghant PoWRi-L, Surgeon. ?'ori,2Sd May* I»i6. o *> 0 h 3 Eoltcd. I ' I ' I 2 Coffac Stakes to Guiveas each. Mi. Wood's 4i Hamlet* rode by Cap!. TredenniVk, Capt. Pn kfon's *Badgcr5 rode by hiu.felf, Capt. Owen's 'Trooper/ rude by Mr Pentnger, . . In the evening the officers* compufingj the Theatrical Amature Society, vvhoj have added fo much to our amufemrnt during the winter, again opened their houfe to a crowded auriiancc, whofe re- j highly they w<re gratified with the rep- icfentations of the " Wheel of Fortune* and " Lo-c a-la Mode". The pcifor tnance was chalfc,the characters abiy Tup- ported and the (Scenery and decoratim* of the Houfe very fupenor to thofe ul'u- al!y met with at Amature Theatres. On Wcducfday the raced were re fum¬ ed with unabated fpirit, and rather mor« fport fhewn than on the preceding day. The lirft run was A Mate!, for 30 Guineas. Major Turner's ■ WcKingtutt1 rode bv Mr. Kirk, MrGoldnap's 'John Bull', j rode by Capt. Trcdcnnick, A Match fir 3 c Game as. Mr- Penniger's 'Tompipes* rode by "himfelf, Capt. Dickfon's 'BefTcy' by himfelf, Sweepstakes, Ten Guineas each, Mr. Samlon's 'Abereromby* rode by Mr. Roh'\nf>\\, dead heat Capt. Swindell's'Morgeaua* rode by himfelf, ■ iLa / heat Mr. Norman's c Salamanca' rode by Capt. Tredcnnick, | 3 At 0 in the evening the Company af fembled at the Artillery rooms, where a race Ball was given. The ball and fup- *yer rooms were fancifully decorated with arches formed of green boughs, with Flags and Tranfparencies. Dancing foon commenced and continued until I o'clock* when the whole fat down to an elegant fupper. After fupper dancing was renewed and continued with much fpirit until an early hoji'r when all depart¬ ed pleafed with the pains taken to render the evening pleafant. Among thofc who honored the Ball with their prefence, were Sir Frederick, Lady Robinfon & family. Major General De Wattcville, &c. &c.—There were alfo prefenr the ladies of the Puff and Garrifon and ol Kingfton—Col. M'Donnell, Col. Bat- tcrASy/the ll.i ir of the divfl?rtnf&c.&c. On Friday the Mcfs ct t!;e Artillery and Engineers gave 1 *!;;inri to Sir Fred Crick Robinfon and M;:;oi" Gen. D-- Wattcville, to which the i'taff ar.d of department wzrz ajfo iuviied. TO Lieutenant Colonel Esttf.zsbt* and tin Qjlu-rs oj th' Cternary Light Inf.tUry. Gentlemen, t Wc the Magistrates, and other lahab- nanu uf iheTown i>f York, while w% fnicnely regret the intended departure of your Regiment from this place, confider ll a duty wc cjj^^ to yvu? a& w&i as to ANSWER. Ox NTLFMEN, It is molt gratifying to me and the o'.hcr officers of the Regiment, to find. 1 hat in performing our duty to our King and Country wc have gained the efteeni of the Magi-trates, a?ncl othei inhabitants of York, and the harclf.jme manner ii. which yow have exprcfled your appioba- ba'.ion of our conduct, has made a iasting tmprefiion upon us. And whatever may be our future des¬ tination, we fliall alway.s entertain a plea¬ ting recollection of the poliienefs and lib¬ erality we have cxpeiicnced from vou. FRANCIS BATTERSBY, «/./. CoL Commanding On the following evening the Magis Mates Mid Gentlemen *>f York gave a fplcdid diniier at Jordan's Hotel to Lt Col. BATTF.Ri.3V and the Officers of I In GVnamy L't ln'ry Chief Jolb'ce Scott in the Chair. His Excellency the Lc Governor honored the company with hit; piefcuce. To tBc Printer of the Kingston Gazette. T'ica'u to caCiiIc CllC inithud \ have taken to obtain a little information, b\ giving my ideas to the e^etftorsof Len- ox and Addington ridings, ufpeftino- Mi. Pdeifon's fpeech at the opening of the election at Adolphuflown court houfe on the 20th Maylaft ; which ad diefs I have heard highly applauded by 4 number of people, but as it did not en¬ tirely meet my approbation, (perhaps for want of penetiation) and not having had fa it able opportunity with its advo¬ cates and belitving alfo that a free and open communication of fentinvent is a rich loiirce i»f improvement, I hope to be benefited by making a few remark' therein, as he or his friends may pnffi- Wy think me worthy of their attention. The full part of hi« fpeech was to me agreeably pleafant—the middle cenfori- ous, and the latter part declamatory Firfi.if 1 rightly under flood the young man, he was flimulaicd by his fiiends, and confident in his own firmntf-j, right- eoufnefs, and ability, which he rather bc- lievcd to be rare qualifitations. nrittd in one perlon, in this (or perhaps in any o- ther riding.) he had come forward, thus eqm'ppedi to offer himfelf to us a* a can¬ didate, for a feat in the provincial affem bly ; and as 1 knew nothing to the con* tiary. this pait of his addrefs excited in me no extraordinary fenfations. Ncver- thelefs, when he come to fpeak of the difappointments we had experienced, on account of Our imprudence, by not be¬ ing fufficiently careful, to fclcft men fnft ably qualified and rightly difpofed to do us good, my mind, (although undeter¬ mined for whom I fnould vote) retra¬ cing the fubjeA, believed the caution es¬ sential, and zealoufly adhered to it; not however from any prepofTrflions felfifhlv imbibed agafnft the ynunir man or hi-^ family, but 1 carefully queried with my- felf on this wile, Is it likely thefe hum¬ ble appearing pretentions tn facrifice for niblic good are lincere ? What has been he example from thw perfon and fami¬ ly in matters of lefs moment ? and re .•olleCTing, that 1 had, in the clerk's of- fiec, feen the affefs lilts of the tOWOlhip in which they live, the former lifts never contained the names of one of that fami¬ ly, except 'he old gentleman and his e* del! ion, who had been married long, and having a eonfiderable number of chil- fix between twenty-one ami thiity-five years of age. I admired that no one of j them poflcfled a horfe, or any ratcabU i property, but was informed, that by this prudent policy, the family did but twelve days annual llatutc labor on the road.— But when I viewed this fpring's atTefs lift, I rejoiced to fee fo great a reforma tion in the family, about forty days ad¬ ditional labor now cheerfully facrificed for the public weal, that had been ever withheld before. 2d. When he came to (peak of the difpolition of our former members, *• to crufh us under their feet," and infinua- ted that they fought bribes, and indif- criminately facrificed the troft wc repo- fed in them, I felt pitying emotions, be¬ lieving that the young man had been led by his paffion for promotion, into a track, that to his better experience would appear dark and uneven. 3d. I defignatc the third part of hi? fpeech from the time when, with an in- creafed elevation of v/>ice, he afTerted, " They fay that nochrillian ought to be chofen and fent to the houfe of aflembly ; bin 1 fay they ought to be men fearing God, that would Itand firm ; yea, God¬ fearing men ; for my part, before I would ihrir.k or give back, I would be put into one corner of the houle, yes, I would be put into a da^kplace^ I would nay and grind in irons, I know not how W" Now the finemty of the young man's intention at this period, I do not wifli to call In queftion, although I acknowl¬ edge that I had a fear he arrogated to himfelf the appellation of firm man and chrifiian, with but a fmall fliare of ex- periTi'entaJ knowledge of either, nor yet of his ij*n flrength to withftand the (hafts of 'ippolition, or the allurements of intereft ; alfo the animated warmth ofyouth&l vigor, even when accompan¬ ied with t5ie be ft abilities as well as in tentions, liavc frequently been oblerved to pu(h i*k) far, by which means the) have def ared their own good intentions by rot iVffieie- tly attending to that ex¬ cellent faxing, thit " the race is not for the fwift. dor the battle fill the ftrong," by which *e mayreafonably expect, that honor is W the perfevering in laudible perfuits.—The wife man faith, 4i It is not fit to fcy t<> a Kiijg, thou art wick¬ ed, nor to Princes, ye are ungodly."— Now how far the young man's fpeech may favowofa prudent attention to the above ciU't autient lemark, kftforour improvement, each of us will be likely to form t^jfc own judgments, but we tciy benefit each other by comparing pro!pi Cls ; ifbWiiJVft l1»4l fcu my upprc- henfion, till latter pait of his fpeech ap¬ pealed to b: directed intentionally to our poflious, in order to exci'e that which we otifiht io allay, in all the momentous tranfactioih of our lives. 1 /In Eft'tfor of Lenax aruil AtUlhigton Rid':ng. y June iof 1816. ! ■ CM therefore of conrfe nauil have a ■'o\v or two, for which the public 0i rieht receive a fmall tax, and hh neigh 3»ua foine affift^nce in their dulriifl load work. I queii'd with an acquaintance of »he family, how many more Ions, and what aye, and was informed there were BtiiUOP ASBURY. The fubflaiice of a letter from the Rev- John W. Bon<L to the Rev. Bidxop M*Kendfi«, giving a particular ac¬ count of the death of the Rev. Fran¬ cis Afb.ny, fenior Bifliop of tht Methodiil Epifcopal Church in thi United States of America. Spottfylvnn'niy {'Pa.) ApriU l8l6-. Rev. and Dear Sir — Probably before this will reach you, yon will have heaid its folmm contents from fome other fource ; but ftill I reel it my duty to fend you a particular ac¬ count of what has taken place ; yeftcr- day the Lord vifited us with a mofl fo- lemn and afflicting Providence ; He ha* taken our venerable father from us, Yes ! bifhop Afbury is dead ! He reached the houfe of his old friend, Tohn Potts, in Mancheftei, on Saturday, ihe '6th dav of March. On Sabbath he in lifted on fpeaking to a congregation, to be convened at fouv o'clock in brother Potts' houfe.—Though it was with dif¬ ficulty he could be beard, yet he fpoke for more than an hour ; and when done, did not appear ro much exhaufted as I expefted. On Monday, though the weather was unfavorable, we crofted o- ver to Richmond and put up with broth er Raymond. On Thursday we moved to brother A. Fofter's. On Saturday, 24th, he perfilted in a rcfolution to fpeak to the congregation at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I feared the confequenee, and urged every thing I could with pru¬ dence to diiffuade. him from it ; but he faid, God h-ad given him a work to do there, and bietmrfl deliver his tcdimony. At the time appointed he W& carried in¬ to the meet ;n^ houfe, and let in the pul¬ pit, on a> ti)blc, when he preached hi- lail fermoti, fgm Romans, rjth Chapter and 28th ve«,fe. ** For he will finiih the work aiijd cot it fhoit in righteon>- lieft; becaUife a (runt work uill the Led make upon the ca.-th." lie fpakt near an Lour-, and when done wasal i:,.ft fpent. J fowever, we let out Tuef ■lay and Tr^^dJcd twenty two miles.— Brother FO)Ae# accompanied us to our old fri-ud, Tho:r.ajCrcnfh;nvs. £zi ng much fatigued, and very unweu, ne rar. ricd here oil Wedncfday, and requelted that an appointment fhould be mndev and word fent out that there would be preaching at four o'clock in the after noon, faying, *l He witht 1 thofe that were with him to do fomcthing if he conic* int." A fmall congregation col¬ lected, to whom I preached, -but our venerable father was too unwell to come into the congregation. On Thurfday we again fct out, and travelled 20 miles, and put up with our good friend *nd brother, Edward Rou zee—hfre lie was exceedingly feeble, though cheeiful. We let out again on Friday ;brother Rouxee came feveral miles with us, and thtn took leave asom wh.o was giving up his father to die.— Wc dined at brother Hancock's and then proceeded to our •Id friend, George Ar¬ nold's, travelling mall this day, about 12 miles ; but I never law him fo much rxhaufted in travelling before. He fiid tome on Saturday morning, " Ii" thi. Ihould be as good a day as yetferday we can hardly help travelling fome.M— It however, rained,and I was not f.rry to fee it, wiftiing him to reft. Jt being propofed that we fhould ha*.'e a meeting on Sabbath,! fpakeof fending a note to a family above 5 miles off, who, it was faid would be much gratified to know it.— The Bifhop hearing it, replied,—" Yo 1 need not be in a hurry ; which wis f» nnufual a thing'for him to fay refpe«Siug meeting, efpeci-dly on the Loul'» day. that I concluded he apprehend that he would be too weak to bear the noife of I a meeting in the houfe. He (pent a very j reft lefs night, and in the morning ap¬ peared more than ufually unwell. I pro- oof*rd fending f:>r a phyfieian, the fumi'y faying that there was a I>r.Lcwis,a prac- litiouer of Eminence, about 10 or 12 miles off. He objected, faying, Pho ! u I fhall not be able to tell him whai is the master with me, and the man will not know what to do." On my urging it again, he faid " He could only pro¬ nounce me dead." 1 faid, " pvobably he could i>ive yon fomprhiug thnr would relieve y 11." Ke replied, u my breath will be goTe before he.can get here."— I faid, " 1 hope you have no appx'eheu- lion of any thing fo feriou^ taking place, have vou ?" He aniwered fc'Yes." Af- ter a while I aflccd him, *4 whether if any thing feii.jus fhould take place, he had any Word to leave with me." He faid. " he had fpoken and written i'o ful¬ ly, that it was unncceffaiy." 1 told him M tint 1 had lieard him fpeak fo fre¬ quently on the affairs of the church that ! believed I Dndcr'ftOtld Itfi feflJlffleHf* fully." He icplied M yes." After a while, aflcing the hour of the day, and being told it was nenr eleven. he aflced if it was not time For a meeting, being told that thcie were none piefeut but the family, he replied,—"' call them together, 1 want to have meeting."— They being collected, I rend what was our Icffon for the day. the 2ift chaptci of the book of Revelations; it being re¬ markable that the lafl chapter in th< Revelation, which in the couife would ha-e been lead in the evening, Ihould b< •.he leffon which fhould clofe the day (><• which he cloftd his hbgnrs. During the whole of the meeting his foul feemed much engaged, and as it was fuiy an aftedting time, he appeared much elevat¬ ed and tailed his hands frequently ir. to ken of triumph. When meeting \va* over, he called on me to read the mite fubfeuption." But being told that there were none prcfeat but the family iic faid no more. His calling for thi- to be read Ihewfl that eveti the psngs of death we»c not ab-e to wieft fioifl hitw the interefts of the miftions which lay with fo much weight on his mind. After this his voice failed, but ftiil he gave evidence that he poffelTed his tea fon to the lafl. A little before he died, finding that 1 was affected at his not be¬ ing able to lake a little barley water which 1 offered him in a tea-lpoon, he lifted up his hand towards Heaven in token that he fhould foon be there. I then afked him if Ive found that Jefus was prefent ? When he raifed both hi* hands towards Heaven with an expres fton which I (hall never forget. He then without a groan or complaint, fell aflcep in th« arms of his Saviour, at 4 o'clock on Sunday the 3 1 ft of March, eighteen hundred and fix teen. Yours with relpeit. JeteN W. Bond. Rev. Bljhtp M KerJrer. Jiy Antiion. IXflLLhefoldat the lubf^bera' * Auction Room, on TUESDAY the .8rh,inft.. A Q^autiiy of Morocco, and Double So led SHOES ; Of Englifli Mar*ufa£lory, iu lot* to fuit purchakrs LIKEWISE, Some Gentlemen's Calf Skin Shoes, And a Quantity of DRY GOODS 5 rm: Spotted Lenos, Mufiius, Sp.iH'd Mtiflins, Fine Book Muflins, Cap Patterns, Habbet Shirrs, &c. ALSO* A Quantity of large SHAWLS, and an auortment of Pocker Handkerchiefs, And a ldrge'ldrbrtment of other arti¬ cles too numerous to mention. DARLErOt DUNCAN, •Au&ioneer*. Kingston* J\>m 14, iRifj. N B. The Goods may be feen any day before the fale. 2 60 Red 400 Paly 1600 : 2000 : 200 1 • 400 • 500 300 ■ ■ feazj By Auclion, ^^ILL be fold on WEDNESDAY vv the 19th inst. at the Audioa Room of the fnbfcribcr, near the Mark¬ et, tht undermentioned articles, be'ong- ingcpthe Glungary Ligiit In'tiy, P'JZm 800 White Flannel Shirts, do Drawers, Worftcd Hofe, Half . do GloveS, Grey Trowfers, Laced Boots, m 350 P.iirs of Brace?, 300 SmalhTooth Cornbsg 620 Shaving Boxes with GI's« 2000 Blacking Cakes. 1000 Pairs Shcs Brufhes, 600 Cloth do 300 Stocks and Gains, 2 «ro Cap Covers, Turn Screws & Worms, Bayonet Chips, Grnfs Black Buttons^ Brafs Bu?*lcs, 400 Sponges, 1 c8 Forage Caps, 79 Sett of Great Coat Straps. £?3dle to commence at i t o'clock* CHARLES SHORT, A. & B. TKE Furniture *c2 of Cir Frederick A Philip Robinfon, will be fold by Auflion, at the Commander in chief's Houfe, on Tuefday, the 25th intt. at eleven o'clock. Kingston, June 15, f8Tf3. 200 167 AC 436 Wool Carding. THE fubfenber ha^ erected a Card¬ ing Machine half a mile north ff Mr. M'Guin's Mill on ColiinN Creek, in thetownfhip of Kingston, and baa it now in complete order f>r Carding Wool. All pcrfons who will f?vor liim wiih their custom may be allured of hav¬ ing their work done Well. Pike, 6d. per lb. P.J. FITCH, Kingston June 8th, 1816. 2tf >Z\***<+*q****m±+ Wtii MASONIC FICSTIVAL. ptlEfefllval of St. John '.he Evan- .1. ^elill, will be celebrated by Lodge No. 6 A. Y. Mfcfons en Man day the st^th inft. at Walker's Hotel. Thofe brethren, Civil or Military, who wifli to join in the fediwty of :ne day, will alealr to figiiify the fame to Mr Robert V&aHtvr,.nn F.iday the zii\ inft. Bv ordci of the W". M. SAMUEL SffAm Sternary, Ivir»g3on3 June 15, iPj6\ 2 BROKE into the enclofurc of the fubferiber, in AdolphuPtown, <m or ftbout the fifteenth d.ny of May, r8i<5 a bright Bay H0R5E, about fiftan hands high, feven years ct$t and nat':»al trotter. The owner mav the fame by ptOVtng property and paying charges. Thomas Borland. J tare 1, iSi 6. aw.3 TAKEN UP, 4 DRIFT on Thurfday lad, about £~\_ three Quarters of a mile north of Long ldind, ii new Battcaux »:f #bout twe tons burthen. The owner can have it again by applying ro the fuhfcribw, or to Frederick rannau,, aHout 12 o<iUea below Kingfton, by proving property ^ paying charges. F.i.iAs Patbi. Pittsburgh* June 8, 1816. 1 w? FOR SALE. Four foot LATf/S. g 0,000 Apply at lhi8 0;licjrs Kingftotf, 17th Ma), ^^i6. 5.

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