[SATURDAY, June 8, 1816.] [VOLUME Vt------No. 1 J B "Wl • V—^ ^» I NGSTON :t ."*> Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published pv STEPHEN MILES.—Prick Four Dollars Per Annum* -«. £S - «*iftIW"J f***"'- ■*■•/-•'* JV/t of advert!fin\* in the Gazette. Six lines and under, 2/t> firft infertton, Vad 1/3 every fubfequcnt. GROCERIES. 'THE fubferibers, having commenced bufinefs in the Grocery Line, either 1 Ten Isnes and under, 3/j. firft infer-. j xvlioUfale or retail in this place, wl ion- tnd l/3 every fubfequcnt. ^ 11 they will do their utmost to fupply Ten lines and ttfnvnttb, 4//. per line: J public on the mou reafonahlc terms. er where the firfl infertion, and 2'/. per line every fucrj ueeding infertinn. { Advertifen;ent6 unaccompanied with! written d:rtftir>ns are i'nierted till forbiov and charged accordingly. Torrance & M*Leod* Kington, 30th May, 1816. 52 sr« !r*a - .v. * *~=s, N OTICE. LOST, QU PPOSED to have beer* left in fome O (hop in town, about the 25th April r |^HE fubfetfbrrs refpeftfully inform , | hub, an old black Pocket Book, contain 1 their friends and the Public Jlijnaga note drawn by JACOB Germain, general, that they hive for file, at the|!in ' favor of Akdrlw Ksmmkrly, Efu, PtAre lately occupied by MelFrft. Pamck'fof Richnond, f>r ^271/. 17s. due lit Smyth and Co-and which they pledge; < Udo'icr, 1819. Alfo, a blank Mort rhcmfelvts todifpofe of althe moil redu (ig'Kr- about 30 or /\p in New Jforfc rod prices.— j| m\u dated 1771, a forged two Dollar s LI DRY GOODS of F.very Dcfcrin inn. j Hi!' and fuudiy fmall papers of no ufc to any pcrfon except the owner.-—Any per 1 o 1 that wiii deliver ihe kid Puckei HAKDWAKLb. j rhornas Matktand & Co, fell receive Every attention will be paid to thofej who mar favour them with their nation-- 1 aS*' Taylor & Parker. Kingston* May [ft 18 16. 49, /vLV(?7 GOODS." T"* H F. fiibfcriher informs the Ladles] of Kingilon and its vicinity, that] he has juil received and has for iale the I ihe reward of FOUR DOLLARS. Kingflon, 30th May, 18x6 52^4 THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD. STOLEN or STRAYED fro:* th Subfcnbcr, on .Saturday, 2 eh in- llaut, a finall brown M^Rli, his 2 fpo! nearly Without hair upon the left rib near the faJdb place, Ihe U ready t-: THE PARTNERSHIP, iERETOFtHtE exifting between Thomas &&<y% John f&rly and Patrick Smyth* ui^°r the firm of Thorn j *» Eealley and Cd< is this day diifolved by mutual confertt- In future the bu- fineffi will br carried on by the fubferi- ber. All thufe whd bavc an}r accounts a- ^a nft the laid Fifra arc tequelied to pre* fer.t them to him for payment—and all thofe that are indebted to the firm ate :*equel"leJ to mak* payment to, Thomas Beasley. HqIIq'wAI) ut fW') 1816. ttyA Charcoal Wanted: \nf\ r\nrt BUSHELS, tobedc of the navigation of 1816, at Rated peri- id , or Seven Hundred Bofhela to be delivered weekly Uut3 the end of March, .817. Any perfon wtfiing to undertake the delivery of the fane arc requclted to fend u-aled tenders to the Naval J-'t-uekeeper'* Office Point Frederick in the 3* it intl. Naval Tardi K:tig$etm% $\tf 1 zth Ma POETRY. r, 1S1& .'.--• has «||f received and \m for iale the r \ t\>- ' -n 1 r • . i* -n a .."• 1* rr c li* >ai—v* floevej will return Lhe laid Mart ti tt evt.-'-iwe aliortment ol 11,. - ... ... , ., ,r , „ , Figared, L«nu d & pla»n SILKS 4.^ivc Ulc aljOVC reward. -_J d t n n .' \ vro * : . . _ ^ _ .__. _ __ and RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs Evacltaed for fate in tins p^ice, j I " ■ •.('•iio'.irfalc or ret::?! on mo-J;'r:-itc ter-tts. ji SAMUEL AYKKOYD. pR0M Desr. 1, 181 ?. i&f li Mar* AMACi.E L A MO MT AGNE. ICtngftoiii 30 May, iK16 52w?» j .a.^Gs roN races— 1816 pHS firll Turf meeting will take place on Tocfday the irh ]->nt. . Stewards no r 1 cE. A IX p'Tions Indebted to the late...... ** of Norman Sethune and Co. areI ri'T'.-VJ ro rriai.? i!trn-;di:<te payment to ' Mr. H'y. W WaSjwfia, vAxo is duly! J \?JK> G. BETHUNE. j KjfigSon,8iJi Maith, iKi6. 4.0 SfRAVKl) the ivingdon Mills, ?. g-c; Si j I * Mare abtmt nine years old, betwve -----jl 1,; attd x5'*a»^hiV.h»aud ma ke* J I grmlfabow defcribv-1 Vlaie t.: tbcfubferibcr. at the Kir-jiton J\Ii<ls> 01 t« IVm MiTCHbtt, Lfquire at K:rii;*.ionr v\i. be libcraily rewarded. Kingflou, 24th May, t«(6. Lt.c.*x. eocKBU&N,; Major TURNER.. Majnr SK ELTON, Captain DICKSON, Kingston, May 31, 1816. 52 cut -* » THURLO W MILLS, Tor Sale. A verv vaiur.hle Griit-Mil! f-»r Sale, S'lRAY HORSE. LOST OR STOLEN, J7KOVI the Siibfcribcr, of the 70th Regiment, bfl ni'^ht, a $jl?hz U'jtcu, No. 1795^, Jfay pcifon th,- Aili reruns the i'an«e t'> the Sbbfcriber ;it lictoth Bairack..,v lha?l ue »U%il^ui<% CWuidcd. JA MKS COLLINS- Kingflon, May 2S, 1816. 52W2 y^/i Indian Story founded on fail. * • • * Sombruna was daughter of- Norackthe rave, For his years and his courage held high— With hatchets and tomahawks deei/d was his cave : HtS forte were all warriors ; and each, as his flave, Obey*d theleaft glance of his eye. Sombruna was fhort, but fo graceful her ai., It made ihe heart throb Co behold her; As ebony black was the fliine of her b 111, Her cheeks were tattooed, and the flci:: of a bear, Hung carclefaly aver her fhoulder. S >mbruna was happy ; foe Tonk ion Of a Cherokee chfpf, young and tall Mad figh'd af^d had knelt, till her heart he hid won, As fne (at by the fide of the waters that j run O'er the ro-.ks of Niagara to fall. rlio' her Ton\y w;s kind, tho' her Ton ky was true, Y*t at limes he dunk deep of the b >wl One day, overcome by its powers, he withdrew To fieep «>ff ita fumes, in his fafe-moor'd canoe, Whiltt S-mbnina watch'd o'er her Lw'd .0 I. T» th. I j ritr charms, t-*o law, alluring, pafTen et gree n banks of the jj C'r^AYKi> iVo n ilie fubferiber a- j O b >ul four w rk, fi;:.:e, a dark fur i.el H-rfe, middling ii/.e, rij-ht years old s f o'iitiie arran^efnent*- ; for partic:ji?rs J ■4*4 to treat forth-? fame, apply to Tho* J m vsColemax, Efq the propiietnr : he j >.llo offers ft>r fale feveral town water | lots, upon the bank* of the river M"ira. \ man who well understands con- dcfti'jff Cardinc Machines, and can fteep account0 will rrn et with good en- :onraorc'r,cnt on application ac ^bove. A fr.t of new Cards wanted as above. Thurlocr.', March 23.1816, 43// Ktttgitcn, May 25:, 18.6. S'- F( ur Sal 3 COvIE INTO the inclofur oFthe fubfcrlbcr on the 5th inft. a dark J bay mare, four years old, one white hind . ;.»ot» with a fmall M-'.ze in her foreher1,. a>td fr»me white fptfts on h-.-r back. Th* «w:ier is reqii**fted to prove property* p/y charges and t«ke her an-ny, D\RIU3 SMITH- A VALUABLE Farm, with build 1 * idgs alao large Improvements then on, favorably fituated within 28 mile- of King ton. Perfoos dtfi.ous „f rur- chafing to ii!T"ire of the P.inter. ftm%tfan: 7«/r to. '^t*; 5 tf ANY C/ei:Licma:; n m .g r. Ur.ij t I it* *■* or fell, within five or ten miles of I'lingltun may m**e». wth x tenant or pur- chafer, by applying at tiufl Office. Kingflon, Maicli 15, tStr). 41 PUBLILC NOTICE. } T'Hfi btb&rftwrt to the Ki^ston] X S.'am Ho->tl% are hereby required j t*» make itntiicd at' payment to the Tna- f*.te: <-f the i^'o-cy which is li 111 due on thur feveral fubiartptiosi*. G^.o. U. MarklanDj Secretary. 8th M^y, \%\6. _______49*f For Sale, 250 Acres of Land, vi s 'n t]hc t^v.-flup of Sidney.—En- [iiireof tlie fubfcWber, in Kingston. Mx/RY STICKLES. Kingston, March 13. 18 j6- 4 t m. 1 As he trod the deen : ctaA ptfoS u* 1 hliloveto the beautiful fquaw For Sale, For Sa! e Kh*fMi Mcy 7 1816. 49:f A L&NGLKASE, on mmzA nte tjrm^, may be had of an extenfive! fetildinw lot. nearly an acre, id the vicin- I hy ^'f Kto^ilon ;-^-also feveral Lois f j *ine two or three fifths of an acre each,. ma* behadone-ify terms, either on Ivwp leafes or fale.— dppfyto Mr. Mfrs.—*\>r\\ 20. 4^lf Rags! Rags! Cash and ihe highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R * (T f-. AT THIS OFFICE. K_91 v.^uiv-^ ! ""PHE.We-thalf of lot nn vber nineteen in*«he l*:c'-nd concefhon of the town- :hip of Ki:.g!to:^. Apply to the Printer Kingston* July ;c. 1S15. t; tf For Sale, VERY low foi calh> or moft kinds of Country produce, three elegant wooden clocks, wairanted to keep pood time. Enquire of Mr. Peter Van Ski* r in Adolphuftown, or of the fubferiber. C* MERRILL. th Nov. l8l e. 2+tf \ quantify °t^i'c Suitable for Staves and lquarc -'imber within a rea- bnable distance of the water leading into he Bay ofQm'nty. For particulars any perfon or periuus wiftiing to purchai'e v:l: pleafe to call at thib Office or at Mr. lofe-h ValliVs Honfe. She forn'd hi^ embrace* forbidden by law, Aul ran to ronfe Tonky from lleep. Sombruna ran fwift, but her fpced was in vn'n. The llraiitrer ran fwiftcr befo-c, LoolM tlu tope that made fall the cancc to the plain, Down the fl'cam her dear To. ky now drifted amain, VVhillt S-mbruna wept loud on the jllO!", Now, lit nek wiih new horror, (he uttered a lorcam, As towai U the rough cataracl*s ver^t * She beheld 'he catcc gliding down the full II ream, She beheld Tonky rouf'd, like a man fiom a dream. By the thundering-roar of the furge Tonky feiz'd his & rong paddle but fciz'd it too late ! All his llretigth, flcill and art, wert too flow ; So he v/av'd a farewell to his agnniz'd mate Cooly laid himfclf down and fubmittiug t^ Fate, Was piun»»'d in the deluge below. I- l'i"i:!«r.n, P»*c. g. fS1 in w^-i*^3^A*:*a^: Kinorftofcjiri ! fujt pubi'jLii, am!for fide at tbh j Office.. Price if\. hcLlFLandDYlNGisi'ELCll of JUS. Pil liEVtR; uft received and for fale at this OHice, QO RE.-IMS WRAPPING PAPER.. A QUANTITY OF Wnting Paper\ Of Quality No. 2, 11 Reams \Vt iti• •» Pull No. 2, FOR SALfc, A hnmhef of Town Lots near the] "■*■ French Church. The terms of i payment will be made eafy. j 4 -v H. EARL. I Kingflon, Sept. 23, 1815. 16tf- For Sale, AVERY valuable 2nd pleafanlly fit¬ uated Town Lou For term* ply at this Office. Dec. 22. 2Qtf ~TO let, " ND pofTcfTun given the firft of nne, the Itoufe now occupied by David liurnside as a tavern. Apply to PATRICK SMYTH. Kingston, May 25, 1316- 5 Itf j J ,f;; AlI% appropriating Six Thoufand \ Pounds for cstablijbing Common Schools throughout this Province $ r ap- Most Gracious Sovereign* f ^STHEREAS it would be conducive * » to tite happinefs of the inhabitants and general profpevity of thi^> Province] I to encourage tbe education of youth in common Lhools. WE, your Majefty'a dutiful and loyal fubjret-, the Common? of Upper Canada, in Provincial Parlia j ^] ditto dirto uncut BP'bb was executed at Kingston (»n Nf n 1 :-y. the 4tli d'=y of Septetuber, 1815 ! a r \\\t nmrder of Ma»v Bevir, Xx*\ iUgl.tvC 15iank. Summonses \tot the District Court?, tor Sa.e at this Office. i FOR SALE, f1U^UUU Apply at this OfFice Kingiton, 17th May, 1816. 50 FOR SALE, TWO very valuable TOWN LOTb we'd fituated for buiiuefs. For ternu apply to J°*TN KiACAULAY. Kingston, 23tj M^rcbj i-8»6. 42^3^ |thi$uA>tl« fwmof SiaThoufaudpoui ment aflerttbled,qioll humblybefcech yo*^, Majviiy that it may be enacted, and h\ it enacted by the King's moii exLcllen* majeliy, by and with tbe advice and con- feot of the Legiildtive Council and Ai fembly of the Province ol Upper Cana¬ da, con Hi vied and alien.hied by virtue of, and ui.derthe authority of an acl p.d-l fed in the Pailiament of Great britaii:, entitled, " An a^t to repeal cenaiu part ofanadt pafledin the l7"Urceenih year uf Hw Majtlly'g ?>-eign, entitled, an act for making more cfLctuai ptovifiotl h«r the Government of the Province ofQ«* b^c, in North America, and to mak further p-ovlfion for the Clover iment ul iht f. it] I'iGvince, and by the onthorft} uf the lame ; That for tbe eftablifhmtut t,f a.ff.ir.on fch* ols :u each and every Diftri&oftlu* Prnvrnce, tbtfre lhall b* ally paid, do :M\r the continuance ol tin mainrr hereafter rnet.ti.med, ciit of 'any *no u« wliicfi are nt»w railed or 'cvi. td, or which hereafter may be railed cr levied by authority of PirMarnci't, to or for t! e ufes of this Province ; of which foul mm of fix thoufand pernios, there lha'l be paid annually to the Home 1"'is. ui«5l, fix honored pounds ; to tlu- DU. trict of Newcaftlc, Rju'r hundred poundM; to the dlftriA o*" Gt*f<*» fix hlmdrtd pounds ; to th Mid abd Diflrift, one thoufand pounds ; to the Ddlriit :>£ John-town, fix hundred p »U"ds ; *'» the Eaftcrr) Dtftrld, et^ht hundred poun it,; jto thi- dtfhiA of" On \wb zno po-iiid- * to the D'^ict of Lnnjon, fix hun lred poand&f t-> the Wv'lern Dillrict. fix hundred p'.nnds. And b: it further enatlrd ly 'he authority afirefjid, That fr.-m and afrer the jKefiTug t f th-s act. it (hall sftid may be h'.^fn! it the iiihabitantfi (if a:y town, tow'Hup, village or place, to meet together for the purpofe of mak!":? aa 'an^e rWt* 101 c«- a- mm fchooK, In fuch town; t nvr.flifp, village 0' olace, on or before the firil •!, y of Tone in the prefent year, and 011 the firft day i:f June in each and evc^y year during thr continuance of h'.adl /*nd be it' firthtr enaSed by ihe a»thoriiy aforrfaid. 'i'ha1 a. foon as a compettnt mm bvr of perfons a^ aforcfaid, fljaf' unite and b»*i!d, or provi le a f hool hc?ff, in. gage to iurniih twenty fchoiar crn;orej and ("hall in pa:t provide for the payment ■fa teacher, it Oiall and may be 'aivi J f >r fuch perf-ntfl as afnrefild, or the HW jority of then;, giving eight dayr. prcvio'is notice thereof, to meet at fome lo< ve- nieni place appointed f*« th-it puipofe. And it 111 all and may be lawlul f 1 f ch perfoaa as afo cf^ich-ml they are hcieby recpnred to a^poit t til ee fit an 1 ditcicet nrrfons, Truftces to the laid conmioo ifchool, who (hall have pov^rand author. Iity t«i examine tuto the mural character and rapActfy wf an/ perLn w. -^ hecoAaea leacbc of f ich commor* ft hool and beir^; fatified of the m >ral ch3a«nc^ ?rd cfipat ity of fuch teacher, to nominate and appoint fuch pc. Ion at) tl^ tcaclier 6f the faid common lVh ol. Provideda1way«, nevratheLf^, And be it enact~d by'tlu authority ttforefaia\ Tim no pcifon (hall br appoined tea: litr tr> fnch commo" Tchool, nn'cl.i fuch &C foa h a natural born ("object of His Maj fLfp or a lubiett of His Mttjcfty naturalised bvact of the '31*1?^ T*drli^menr, or a fufej iect of-Hi* Majefty, having becomt A'ch by the conoueit and eclu .n of ihe Pr »r- iuce fll Qnchec, or by bavin,* taken the uatb of atle^iancjfto H\^ Majefly And be it further cnaclcdby the authority aforefaidy That the faid tvullee?, or a m*. jority of them, ihail have power and au- thhtity, under the provifrm h-retnaficr merrttor.ed f >r that purpofe, in their dif- creMnn, t6 remove Inch teacher a* afoe- faid from his fchcol, for any miid-mean- nr or impropriety of GOttduci. And 'i may ar.d (hall be lawful for tbe faid Tri»- ree% or a majority of thrm, in cale r<f ^Je- miu, diiTiiffal, or removal of any teach¬ er as aforefaid, \a hnminatc and appoint^ :\* often an the cafe may require, 0:1c other fit and C'ifcrect period a^ afortfaid, to become fitch teacher as aforefaid —Pro- viaed always* ncverth-le»s. that no tei- ichet bfanyef*mmoh fchoo!, under the orovifinn 0} this aft, fliall bt remo\.e«l ordtfmuTed frum his laid fclrool, unlcfs the £enrd of Education heteafter ap¬ pointed in each and every Di'.tiid of th'i Province, fa»ftionthc removal 01 di&*& fal. An / fo it further enaP. td If the attfhnriiy aforefaid, That the Tf-uftces, ftisl! have jovvei and authority to make ndts a;.d rcgnlationa foi the g%^od government of } he faid comn-un fch*:ols, with re'uert to I the teacher, for the time being, and to the fcholars, as in their difcretion fl-.all leem m-et Ami that fl fhall and may ;.e lawful for thef»d Ttullees, aid they ire hercbv leo.niredto report to the dii- launiH 1 cii«£i Coaid of Education !;eu;ftcr to be appointed, the bo(^k^ ofed.. with the rules and rtgnlattims ufed [fl the faid fcho* 's, once in every tbrre months. Provided .ilwayp, that if fliall and may be lawful for the laid Diilricl Board i»f Education, on fucli reuort as aforefaid being received to order and JircC> fuch book., or any o, 1 hem, not to be ufed in the faid fchooU nd to recind the faid rules and te-u a- tions, or any part of them, if it ft 0 »ld "^e deemed expedient^iving fufHcie U no- 1 Ice-hereof to the faid TrufteeSg who ball w.un the fubferibers to the faid Vh -ol to provide atKer books for rhc • lition of the faid fcbolars, and To n akc ..ch alteratt mis, vulcs and regulation* in