< For Sale, * 3y the fubferiber, a few PunehconSj Jamaica Spirits,] Brandy, Gin, ' Wine, Shrub and Peppermint ; Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars, lea, Coffee and Chocolate, Indigo, Pepper & Allfpice. ALSO, A general affortment of Dry Goods, Iron & Steel* All very low for Cafh. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingstont 2$tb Dec. 1815. 31tf / Rags I Rags 1 Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN AGS, AT THIS OFFICE. % NOTICE. ALL Perfons indebted to the fubferiber, •Either by note or book. Mud make pay¬ ment by the firft day of June next or other- Wife must expcS to fettle with an attorney. DAVID BURNSIDE. Kingston, April 12, 1816 45 COME INTO the inclofure of-the fubferiber on the 5th in ft. a dark bay mare, four years old, one white hind foot, with a fmall blaze in her forehead, and fome white fpota on her back. The owner is re¬ queued to prove property, pay charges and take her away. DAPIUS SMITH. Kingston, May 7, 1816. 49lf NOTICE. THE fubferiber takes this opportunity of acquainting his friends and the pub¬ lic ttac he is elofiiig his Imfinc-fi fa ihh plgj c, and therefore requefts all thofe that have any demands again ft \vm to fend in their ac¬ counts for payment ; and all thofe indebted to him to make payment of their accounts before the 20th day of June next. He has on hand a large Mock of Drv Goo GLASS &f CROCKERT WARE, Which he will fell on the moft reafbnable terms for Cain. James Richardson, Gen. Kingston, vfth May ,1816. 5 o w 3 A LONG LEASE, on moderate terms, may be had of an extcnfive building Jot, nearly an acre, in the vicinity of Kingf¬ ton :—also feveral Lots of one. two or three fifths of an acre each, may be had on eafy terms, either on long leafes or fale.— Apply to Mr. Miles.—april 20. . 46tf Midland district,! T) Y virtue cf a to wit- J 15 WRIT of EXECUTION, iiTucd out of His Majes ty'scoutt of Kings Bench, holding civil pleas in and for the Midland Diltrici afore- faid, at the fuit of Gaius Dean, of the Town¬ fhip of jrValdiiriand, in the Dirtricr, of New- caftle, yeoman againft the lands and tena- meats of David Johns, or the rownihip of Earned Town, yeoman, to me directed, I have feized and taken in Execution a3 be¬ longing to the faid DAVID JOHNS,'Lot No 18, on the fouth fide of the Eaft lake, in the Towrfhip of Hallowell, containing by admeafurement 200 acres, be the fame more or lefs. N-^w 1 do hereby give notice that the faid tract or lot of land will be fold and adjudged to thehigheft bidder, at my ofnee in the town of King (ton, on Wednesday theFIFTHday of JUNE next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place thecond it ion of fale will be made known. charles stuart, Sheriff* And every perfon or perfons haviug claims on the above deferibed lot of land and prem- ife«. by mortgage or other right or incum¬ brance are hereby advert ifed to give notice to the faid Sheriff, at his office in the town of Kingfton previous to the fale thereof. Sheriff's Office* Kingston, May 3, 1816—48 PEASE, nrWO Hundred Bufiicls Prime Boilers, * for fate THURLOW MILLS, For Sale. Avery valuable Grill-Mill for Sale, which has juil undergone a thorough repair upon the improvement of Bevel Geer. Such a deferable property is feldom to be met with ; it will be difpofed of by the ow¬ ner in confeqtience of mercantile arrange¬ ments ; for particulars and to treat for the fame, apply to Thomas Coleman, Efq. the propiietor : he alio offers for fale feveral town water lots, upon the banks of the riv¬ er Moira. \ man who well underftands counduct- ing Carding Machines, and can keep ac¬ counts will meet with good encouragement on application as above. A fet of new Cards wanted as above. Thiirlo-w, Ma reh 2 3, l 816. 43 tf Hat ManufaElo NOTICE. y NEW GOODS THE fubferiber has just received now offers for fale, an extenfive Well chofen aflbvtme.it of Dry Goods, Groceries, SMITH & BU1TERWORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public in general that they havs re-commenced bufinefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an extenfive affortment of Ladies ot Children's bell Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's bell Beaver, Caftor, Roram and Knapt Hats ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's Wool Hats. Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Faftionable Bonnets, Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours ; Black White, Blue, Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefale and Retail for Cafh as cheap as tlrey can be purchafed at Montreal. N. B. Cafh paid for Beaver, Muftrat and Racoon Skins. Kingfton, 30th 0c\. 1815. 2 1 tf. and and Notice. THE fubferiber refpc&fully informs his friends and the public that he is about opening a Store in front of the new market houfe, where he will do and Hardware. BuStnefs on Commiffion JLSpf A well chofen Affortment of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices for cafh or country produce. E\\rD. J. HENDERSON. Kingfton, 26 January 1816- 34 Jufl puklijhedj and for fale at this Office. Price 1/3, The LIFE and DYING SPEECH of JOSFPH BEVIR; Who was executed at Kingston on Monday, the 4th day of September, 1815, for the murder of Mary Bevir, his daughter. THOMAS Wm. MOORE, Esq. His Majefty's agent for Packets fit New York, informs the public, that no letters will be received, or forwarded by him fir Eng¬ land, ftom Canada, unlefs they be Pod paid through the Canada sand the United States. New Tovly \\lh March Ioi6. 45w8 NEW GOODS. OFalmoft eve-y defcription jtift received tit id offered fur fate on ictros lx*e meA accommodating-, by PETER WETSEL. ^monp which are a very extenfive afLrt- ment of Dry Goods; Together with a choice affortment of Silks & Ribbons: Lad B Gentlemen s & B 5 r ■ 1 H a 1,_. Frefh Teas, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar, Plug, Ladies* Twift. and Paper Tobacco; Scotch, Rappe, and Macoboy Snuffs. Old Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Port and French Wine. Coffee, Chocolate, Ginger, Allfpice,, Ground Pepper, Milliard, Nutmegs, Cloves. Cinnamon, Currants, Raifins, Figs, Poland Starch, Fig Blue. Powder and Shot. Corn and Hair brooms. . - Window Glafs and Putty. Axes fcrew Augurs, Steelyards, Shovels, Frying Pans, Iron and Steel ; 4d and iod cut Nails ; 8d and iod Wrought Nails. Together with a general affortment of Hard and Hollow WARE. ALSO, 3 doz. Coverlets, * 136 doz. Worded Hofe, 12 doz. Oil'dfilk Hat Covers, 3 doz. Looking Glaffts, of various fizes, and of a fuperior quality. 30 Bbls. Mefs Pork, • 200 lbs. Hog's Lard, 300 Gallons raw and boil'd Linfeed Oil. 200 Prs. Men's i?oots of different qualities 500 do do Shoes, . , 100 do Ladies' Boots, 500 do do Shoes, j 1000 do Children's Boots & Shoes. Calf Skius, Upper Leather, Harnefs Lea¬ ther, and Sole Leather. ALSO, 98 Bufhels Corn, o Bbls, Strong Beer, Will buy and fell. JU Store & Forward GOODS Up or down the River. Will take in any orders of any defcription in that line of buiinefs. N. B Perfons defnous of committing con- ugnments to h/s charge, may know the rates ot llorage and commiffion by calling at 'he newcommifliou (lore. JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec 30, 1815. 30 FANCY GOODS. T:HF. fubferiber informs the Ladies of Kingfton and Its vicinity, thai he has juft received and has for fale the moft exten¬ five affortment of Figured, Twil'd & plain SILKS & RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs Ev.-r offered for fale in %hh place, whole¬ fale or retail on moderate terms. SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer. !, 18 15. 26tf NO FICE. ALL perfons indebted to the late firm of Norman Bethune and Co. are requeu¬ ed to make immediate payment to Mr. H'y. W. Wilkinfon, who is duly authorifed to receive the fame. JAMES G. BETHUNE.. Kingfton, 8ih March, 1816. 40 OR Sale, by the fubfciiber, SO 100 Do. 160 Do. 30 25 Do. Kegs Do^. Bbls. Mefs Pork, 40 Do. Prime Do. Salt, Albany Strong Beer, Tar, Tobacco, Nails, all fizes, Boxe* Soap, Do. Candles, 100 Caft fteel Axes, 100 Reams Writing Paper No. 7,2, & 3, 12 Coil's Tar'd Rope, 200 Hoes, ALSO, A quantity of Scythe's Sickles, and Hollow Ware ; Copper Tea Kettles and Sauce Pans ; Steelyaids, Chains,'Padlocks, Curry Combs, ^dzes, and other Carpen¬ ters' Tools,—a large quantity of Glafs cf almoii every defcription. A general affortment of DRY GOODS. A few ENGLI-H SADDLES, And RIDING WHIPS ; a Together with other articles, not mentioned. ALSO—One half of the premifes for fale on which the fubferiber now lives. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, April 2, 1816., 44tf Notice. f I rT,0 be fold or rented, as may be.agrerd up- **■ on, that well known valuable farm, lot No- 11 and the Weft half of Lot No. 10 * ____ in the firft concefllon of Additional Freder- icksburgh, together with a good frame Houfe and Barn, good Meadows, and two Orchards thereon, and about one hundred and forty acres of improved land. The pre¬ mifes are well fituated for a farrner,merchaut, or Innkeeper For further particulars ap¬ ply to the fubferiber, or to D. Waihburn, Efq. in Kingfton. Michael Covi.f. TpOR bit, the following lands brirtnr ? pa-,.; *■ of the real eftate owned by the fubferiber. 1. Fail half of Lot «umbe> ;o. in the ^d conceftion of ^/dolphus Town, on eaft brv, having a framed houfe and barn, together with an improvement thereon, containg 100 acres. ' ' • 2. Lbt n'imber 26 in weft bay, fouth of the Mack river in the lit conccflion of the townfhip cf Marylburgh, with buildings and other improvements thereon, containing 20© acres. 3. Three fourths of lot number 5 in the firft couceftion, weft of number 1, Vnd weft of the Rock in the townfhip of Marjifessafrt with an improvement thereon, containing 150 acres. 4. Fifty acres of valuable wood'and, be* ing part of the farm formerly owned and oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber, in the townfhip of y'/d •Iphuf? Town,beingin the rearofthe town Plot of HoUar.dviile, and adjoining thereto, 5. Lot number 6, and the weft half of number 141*11 the 2d concefllon of the towr • (hip of Richmond, containing 300 acres- 6. Lot number 8 in the 2d cc;neefnon3 fouth fide of the eaft Lake in the townfhip of Hollo well, containing 200 acre?. 7. Eaft half of lot number 6 i:i the 41Vi conccflion of the townfhip of Thnrlow on the river Moira, with an improvement there¬ on, containing 100 acres. 8 Lot number 1 eaft of Vanalftine's lake in the 'ft conceffiou of the townfhip of Ma- rysbr.rgh. with an improvement thereon, con- t ling 200 acres. 9. Lot number 14 in the "5 th conceffion of the townfnip of Portland, containing 20® acres. 10. Lot number 29 in the 4th conccftion of the townfhip of Haldimand, containing ^00 acres. • 11. Lot number 20 in the cth concr-flion of the townfliip of Pittsburgh, containing 200 acres. 12. Lots number 12 and T3 in the 4th conctflEon of the townfnip formerly ealkd Efcoth, now Yonp-e, in the diftridl ot johntlown, containing 400 acres. 13. South half of lot number 16 in the 8th conccflion of the townfliip of yi'ngnlla, likewife in theDiitrict of Johnftown,contain¬ ing 100 acres* 14. Lot number 3,4, and 47 in the 6th conceffion, and lot number $c, hi the ythcon- ceffion, all in the townlhip of Camden, con- Mirnine 800 acres. ALSO, A number of town lots, for fale and to leafe, in Stuartville, intheiearof the town of Kingston. CHARLES STUART. Kingston, 15th March, 1816. 41 tf Midland Distnd,\ pf virtue of a WRIT To Wit: j O of EXECUTION ifTned out of His Majefly's Court of King?b bench, holding civil picas, in and for the Midland DifHa aforefaid, at the fuit of John Kirby of the town of Kingfton, m the faid DiftricT., merchant, againft the lands and d te. ameuts which were of Wiiiiam yVckinfon, of the fame place Tanner, deceafed, at the time of his death in the hands and cuftodv of Richard Cartwright, John Fergufo.T, Nicholas Stickle and Mary Stickle, Exec-- utors and Executrix, of the laid William At« kinfon deceafed, to me directed, I have feiz. ed and taken in execution, as belonging to the faid WILLIAM ATKINSON," de- ceafed, at the time of his death in the hand* and cuftody of Richard Cartwright, John Fergufon, Nicholas Stickles, and Mary- Stickles, Executors and Executris of the faid William Atkinfon, deceas¬ ed, lots number 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, in the fourth concefllon of the townfhip of Sidney, containing by admeafurement 1200 acres be the fame mure or lefs. Now i do hereby give notice that the faid lots or par¬ cels of land will be fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office in the toum of Kingfton, on WEDNESDAY the SIX¬ TEENTH day of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of fale wijl be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. And every perfon 01 perfons having claims on the above defcribed lots of land and premifes, by mortgage or other right or in¬ cumbrance, are hereby advertifed to give no¬ tice to the faid Sheriff,at hU office in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fale thereof. Sherif's off.ee* May 6, 181 6. 49 * . FOR SALE, N reafonable terms, Lot No. 22, in the ^th Concession, No. 27, in the 6th Concession, AND Lot No. 20, in the 1 \ih Concession. The whole beingin the Town/hip of l-an,- down, in the distiict cf [ohnnowu. For particlurs enquire at the on.ee <l- ALLAN MCLEAK,ffq- .