Kingston Gazette, May 4, 1816, page 3

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• Midland «<;.--rauv. J T> Y ?*'tn? of a Town- J O WAIT of EXECltTiOPH, i.Tu.-d ont of Ufa Mujea. ty'jj comt of Ki.»;*s Bench, hjl.Mnfr civil pleas in and for the: Miulind Di'triAi afore* faid, at the fnit of Gains Den.n, ofihe Town- fivn of //nldimand, in the Dilli icl: of W-w- caillc, yc*oman, acatnfl: th-* hi.ids and t e n a - merits of David Johns, o| the 'IVv.-nmip of lia.ncit l\.wi, y-oman, to me ducted, I have (ekei and taken in Execution as bc- liuiinewtht (aid DAV10 JOH\T5, Lot No i^> on the fou'.b. fide of the Eutt lake, in the Tovvfyip if l-rali'iwell, co..ta:nfn^ by admeasurement 200 acre-, be the fame m >re or je&. Now i do hereby give notice that the laid tract or lot of h -d will be fold and s-'judged to thehighell bidder, at my ofBce m the town uf Kino ft jn, on sd.-.y the FIJF THday of jUNEncst, at TiLN of the clock in the ton rtoon, at which time and piace'ihceoudiuonof hie wiilhe m<ide known. CHART,FS STUART, s-kcrtjf. And every pcrnm or persons h-iviug < lai.ns en the above defcubed )o« of laud and pvem- ife«. by ir.-rt«:?.^r or other right ot? nicum- bra^e are he=vby advert ifed to give notice tc tlvt faid Sheriff, at hk '-rnee in the t.-»#ri of KiU'.jdou previous to tin: la-e th .'tot, fe#•* ®$^9 Kingston, May 3, 1 8 \ 6 —48 77.11-8 E T ^ TINTED to be delivered at the Ma- ^* ml Yard, in the months of June, Ju¬ ly Anpn.l and ;vptember next. :afred far the Quebec Market, and ro be of the qual- itv fent there ti be exported £0 ]:■ ghmd. Tf/l a /I I H Not t0 be [e-s VVHlU t'tfftj i th^n t we've i. ches .» r> J fcjUHie, cue third .. uOm llTl(\ Cm be gp&ctrvngj " 7-j 7 7~j ! op-etbiro 35. & the /CM / l/2£, J 0ts.er40f.ct long- Any pHfon vetoing to o^liwr a fpec led quantity of lb* fo'd tftobef mult teade-. for two thirds O. k and one third White Piw^ Sealrd '"en-'ers will be received at this Ya-don the fit May, expreflfog the pneea for delivering it in or out of the water* when the -atiicb are requeued to attend. 1 Fwn TAW W IT WD. LAWS, Agent for "ccivinj the J"aM Timber. } NEW GOODS. /~\ FalrnoH every dc'oiiplu.n j ft icecived at>t:oum)odaiM»c;-. >y «».' i'», T? \\t::tc uT ylnio-i' which are a vu-y cxtenfive a(Tort- Dry Gooas ; • f Togeth.TwilV. a caoloc afbvtniciif w .S;i,4.« 6i? Ribbons : aaics Gen tie. me B £? V KINGSTON AMATEUR T H E A T R E ON F!UDAY EVENING. f>& 1 t*S ^ MAT, Wilt be pei forwic J the COMEDY of The West Indian. To which will be added the FAR.CH ,.f *-? ; /e Z)oorj to be opened at SIX, performance to commence at SEVEN. Tickets to be had at Mr. Macaulay'j,, Admittance to the Boxes in future^ mil be One Dollar ; Pit, Half a j Dollar. 0"Uo Money to be taken at the Door, No Children to be admitted. i OR Sale, by the fnbfciiber, 30 Bbl*. Mefs Pork, Prime Do. 40 Do. loo X)o. * 1 Co Do. o Do. Salt, Albany Strong Beer, 3 3° 3° Tar, Iveg« Tobacco, Do. Nails, all fizesf Soap, Cand'es, 100 Call ft eel Axes, ico Ream? Writing Paper No Ci'.'s Tar'd Rope, ^5 B :Xt Do. 1,2, *• y ^» 12 200 Hoes. ALSO, A quantity of Seytbe's Sickles, ar.d tfoll^vt' >"v"i>.re ; Copper Tea Kettles and Smce Pan"; Stet'vards Chains, padhvks, Lu-ry Combs, y/dzes, and other Catj>e*i- t-rs* Tools—ri latere quantity of Glab of aiinoft every defcvipti=m. A general aff-rtment of DRY GOODS. A few ENOUGH SADDLES, Anc) RIDING WHIPS ; Togefhe*" wIlVi other articles not ntentft oto* ^/,.Vf;_on . half of the brtmifa fo. fele on which &C fubfcribw now lives. RICHARD SMITH* Kington A pril 2. 18 .• 6. 44 ///Vu/ Gen "v;\»*Vf 0/JSr-?> Hi* Excellency t}n- l.jfMt O'vver*»ov Ins h^rn \'\i:?Jti\ to maVc tlw rUlawina? »oooif-t- r/'mts under the r Ipective Ststntei pnii'-d in th- lateBcolon of the Provincial Legrfiature viz frrfaTe*** Loaf and Mufcu-ado Sugir, ping, Udies* Twill and Paper Tobacco; Scotch, Rscpe, and Macoboy SnuiR Old jam La Spirits, Cogn ac branoy, Hol^nd Gtn, Shrub, Pepievn-int, Port »<4 Wirt. CofFef, '-hoco'ate, C-.ncrer, ^illp;ce,, Grouno RW« Mwltard- Mutrregf., Clo^ Cinnamon, C-nxts, Raifm., Pigs, Poland 'Starch. Fi?Bb-e. p(a -Vr :.nd :-'hot. Corn a; d Hs» brooms. Vv iadow Gin i and Putty. jfeet fere* ^-' SteeWards Shove.v. FSyirm Pan,, Iron and^t.el; *4 Jtt6 iod eut: :\*iU ; Maa«l iod Wron-ht iNa.l^. Tog-th- with a general ^To-tment of Hard and Hollow WiT»<n Hd^-rn. Efqmie,?o'oe A^cnt for Upoer eatiada, rtfident in England- "•r-tair. D-.tnc»fi Cameron -f the 3*1 ^ '!' t Mi i'-i'a, tofee P-ovinoal Aid-de-camp, Wtt*i the rank of I fe^t. Colonel £<lward MacM.bon, Efqnwe, ^o >c U-m- eraU-r.nt for the payment ot nniitia pen. ' "i-tV- Fvreileney the I,;c-:tenant Gover-or bM-aJfoSeen fiJ«aW tomukeihe feww«s ape-ointments for the Dlftrt#? of Gore and Ottawa. .* — ifai&r-DL'tr&ofGer* Titus Gfirr Simns, Efq. to be Sheriff* Ft-hml lUt, Efq. t* be Judge of the Di-!.;a Court. James Durane! Efq. to be Regillrar, W R«j^. Efq to be clerk of he t 1 r.»... niiUJA Tnirt. aivJ lie* John Ha.n:hon% Thomas Mcars% David Puttie, jiicxander Grant, Thomas Ktllog, Pink Ball, and Chancy John/on, Efquhea,—To be Commiflioners of the Peace. . » ■ Executive Council Office, Tori, 27th January, i 8 t 6. Public Notice is herebv given by ordc of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor n Council, thar no petition from Son.s or Daughters of U. K. Loyalifts will be here¬ after received without a certiheate fLom the Magiarates in Quarter Seflton's, figned by the Chairman and Clerk of the, that the Patent retained his Loyalty during the late War, and was under no fufpicion of aiding or abiding th" enemy—and if a fon, then of age, that he alfo was loyal during th-- late War, and did hi« duty in defence of the Pro¬ vince—and if a Daughter of aa U. E. Loy- married, that her huuSand was loyal* and did his duty in defence of the Province. JOHN SMALL, Cleik of the Executive Council, -------------------------------- Form of Certificate. PiuSidt,-------We A. h Chairman, and C. D. C!c;k of the Peace, Ci.rt.fy that E. F peponnMy appeared at tlu General Quar¬ ter Hcffion« of the Peace thin dry u recog¬ nized by the Ma^iftrste^ to be the Son of G. H. of------------------------who retained his Loyalty during the late war without fufpi¬ cion of aiding r.r aflifling the e; emy—and thitthe faid E. F. did his duty in defence of the Province during the late War. Dated at the Conrt Houfe at----------------- in the faid Difti'itSi ibij----------day of——— 181 Kingston, May 4, 1816- the furniture was ?tirn\rn ^owr\4 nn-^ tfic bells iet in ni- tiwi by t!»' t '" nc ^ f . a'»", ranp of themfelvrs. ^he Mfi.i^ f the baK in th^&/V c'mfinned the idea tb t b w-a? an earthqn-ke ; bur the true emik was f. n difcovered by the balls tbflt fe', in the re»* mote pots of the city, and by the Uimenta- tiuQs of the wounded. — A third p-trt of 'he city, and precifcly that inhabited by 'hr D-»or c'afs; between 6and 700 honfes ihe ehitr- che-of.St Jamc$*s and ^^ Bartholomew, the SchnfTeldam, the markei place, the Pfrif- feHladt,and the adjacent lire*', b:ive partic¬ ularly luff-red. Cor pies, which, jrofli mil- tilation and dull, were hardlv to be recogni¬ zed as human,lay in ru-api a*- nod, and en¬ vied by the half living, who with tkeii Bmha emfhed, and howling with pain, endeav rured to crawl from beneath the rains,—-Thofe wh& had efcaped with moderate wounds wi^e d£» kirg or digging, with their f^»re3 and hand* covered ulct» bl -nd (which Ttie cold made ficezeopon thfem,) after their Friends «nd their property. There lay, it ill convu^cd, the roro ii.embers <-f a human hof,y. A mother lamemed over rluec chiidiarn whom flit: n ificd ; the civildren were fuind, hut none of them were a'ive. Almoft mo^e (harking vva^ the fi^ht in a l^rvtj lirect !e?.d- ing to the; powder magazine, which f»-rved as a mn:ket place for the country people, wlio came here with IfttVe fledges, loaded with wo »d, from C rflauben. It happened t be maiket time. Twenty of thele po r people Jay crufht-d under their h r f s and pxen, wnich were ikewifccri Hi-d. and under ikir overturned fleJges Round the (lump of a lamp-po ft was a horfe, whofe bones we're broken, twtlL-d round like a cord- The inllance of ah no ft miraculous efrapc a»e n a- mec'y by :ind i-f an arch over them. The extent -f '. he dan age may be o nceived fn m the circumilan-ff?, that fort! ny. 5ome perfooa wie faved mec'v b tlie falh'ug beams, &c. f-.m ing a kind of ; » 1 rtt. — • 1 - • * » » • * * C<>!r,nm« icition. On *VatunUy lalh the olficeo wf she Car- v:"on of Ki-'ttg&o&» gaveDq>i.ty cammKiZTf Geoeral Tirr^ufmcl a faiewvll Dinner pevi- ou- to hlo departure For the low r Province co duty, m faxm fmall telliniGnial of their Iiioh e'tee 111 for fo worthy a dia-adter. Up¬ on which occrilion Lit ut. C<>1. Cockbarn p»e- Qfeih The cntertwium.ut yrw conduced thoM^h*)ut with dfgics °f I jlwily and ^vad, Uiurcur which add? a zcil tucoiivivudity tmanatioa from fuch motive-j. • — — — ^ tu .t for the drftance of a leauore ronnil the • a- gazine,iff every -i-eaion it rained as oiifi may fay, balls, b n.b-, file h. caniller (hot, pieces of brickw rk, &c. The uii" her of killed and wounded isb tw enthr.c mq f-.ur hundred; andthatof the ho-ifrg daJnage^ fix or feven hundred, and the lofs fit flamed not to bf made good f^r half a mi']!..;; of '.A- lars. Glafs 15 wanting-to mend tfee win¬ dows, which arc almofi untverfally broken by the preffue of the air. From ihe London Courier of Thurfdav Even- i"g> Jan. so. V.-v^-.^vi -:.v t^- u • ■ .. . . , • ted Governor of Newfuu >d,and, and con- rnander in chief of his Mnjedy's fiiir-s on i-at^. Ration, where he h, torelidc until tlie fern of his command eepire, without returning to Enu'iand in the winter, as ha* bc.cij the cu> torn heretoiore. * * ^ Infer ted by feqilfft-* 3 Where now are all my flutter in r dreams of joy I Charity, give rr.y foul her wonted r^ft ! Since litfi thy beuty fix'd rny rovii'g eye, Htariknawing cares corrode mypeufivebrtait! l.ctb.'p])' Lovers fly where pleafurea call, WithfeiHve fbngs beguile the fl-eting hour, Lead bcautv through the maxesof the baii, Or grefa her wanton in loves' rufeatc bow'r. F^r me, no more I'll raffgethe empurpled meads, Where flicpheids pipe, and virgins dance ar mud. Nor Wander thro' the woodbine fragrant (hade?1, To hear the mufic cf the 'jrove refound. I'll feck feme lonely church, or dreary hall, by the Bavarian ^ svernmei t are every wKc Where fancy paints the taper ported up, in which all the reports relative t ~~ «... ... . ,, We received this morning the Paris p ipers of Saturday. Thefe paper? allude ajratn to the difTereice between Aulbia and i/iva ia. which are moreferious than we a fi-ft fuppd.d. T..e Auttrian Obfcrvcr even fays that foine (lc;r- nufiu'A have taken place 0:1 the fr-n'krs. The Court of otrli. takes the part of li...a- . na. "The nejrociatior.p between Bavaria a> d Aullira app;a- to affnme a biigos't>ue fho* many perfons fuppofe that a-r arranjrein-nt will foon take place In the prindpa'iiv of Sattzburgh and the Invenhiel, proclmiati r.s"* e- to bl. ie the ceffion of thefe countries to a neighJbo r- ■ Peace, clerk of die Di'Arct eiftcrarofthc Surrogate Court John Wdjon, Efq. to be lutpecxor o r F t cence?. The Leeidative ?.rd Executive Connftl- lors and Judgesm thfi King's ifcncfc, a,d Wdliam Applcgarlh, Charles Ashin, S 1 Ck % J 24 *1___*G AUG, ^ do/. Coverlets i26dca. WorflcriTI fe, r2 doz OiVdfr.kHu Cvers 3 d^Lo-kinaG'aihs, of various uzes, and of a fupenor quality. 30 Bbk.Mefc Po.k, 200 lbs. Hog's LzrU ,co Gallons raw and boil'cilL»W Oi.. 200 Prs. Men's 7?ootsof diifcreat qua.iLics Richard Hath Samuel Ban, W'd'iam Cr.-'oLs, James Crash* Robert Nel's, Abraham NcUes, Richard Beasfy. John IViifo'h Levi Lewis, Tffuires, ■ Peace. to be George I/amiuon, » Wilham Hare, George A. Ball, Henry liable, ' Will'mm Thcmfon, George Chhhoim, \ttnes M' Bride and I "Hugh IVdfon, Commiflionera if the Where damps hang mouldn'ng on the ivy'd wall, Ana fhteted ghofts drink up the midnight dew. There, leaog'd with bopelefs anguifh and , d« fpair, A while in fdence o'er my fate repine ; Then, with a long fa. ewell to love and care, To kindred dud my weary limbs couiign. Wilt, thou, char'tv, (bed a gracious tear On the cold grave where all u,y fo» rows reft f Strew vernai fiowers, applaud my iove hn- And bid the turf lie light upon my bread I .;, 7 OMISSIONS. W * for the Distria of Ottawa. Thomas Mears, Efqui-e to be Sheriff, and Infpt&o- of Licences. hhn M-Donell, and Robert If^cu, EC 500 do do Shoes, 100 do Ladies' Boots, ceo do do Shoes, , coo do Children's Boots tkShm*. Calf Skins, Upper Ltaibcr, Harnai i.ea- ther, and Sole Leather. ALSO, 98 Bufhels Corn, co Bbls, Strong Beer> and a Notary Public. JkLndfr Grant, Efq. to be a Coroner. Peter F. LeRoy, to be Clerk or the Die- DREADFUL EXPLOSION The Hambnrgh papers received yefter- ctay contain the following particulars of the tragical event which happened at D-ntzic on the 6th iuft:— Dantzic, Dec. io. On Wedntfday the' 6ih of December, a- bout nine in the morning, the remaining gun- powder, confiding of about 60 cwt. betides the filled bombs, and (hells were to be remo¬ ved from th- powner magazine clofe to the rampart within the city, near St. Jame-s tnte. For this purpofe 12 cannoffters, a fub- altern officer, and an artificer went into it ; Outs and Flower. Wfgttm, March 15, 1816, 42tf " ^ , Vi .» _ „nj Fyertitrve Counlel- nivvm «*••—»---- . / The Legmative and l.xec 1 ^ m^ w^ w ^ lt Ior9 *ffiM* ?*U& *! «**•»> J* 'Robert Hamilton, Gcorve Hamilton, William HoirMt^ effect of the 'explofnm was dreadful. Thofe who lived at a diftante toci it foi an earth- quake ; ^or the doors and windows fit w open im' power are declared to be with<vut f un- ♦ dari"n, and the pr> pagators of fuch r^x orta are threatened with the pimifhr.ent of uri- prtfonment. Thefe printed n 'tificati. n% have excited difcomenc arr/Tg the Auftii m^ ita'ioned on the Bavarian fVontietJ, and it is even laid that fome flight fl<itm»ftie» r avr- oc¬ curred, to which the chiefs, however, foon put a (V.p.' General Vdcq'nmt, wh ' i»- tlic Audrian negeciater with /Ja.\ari»» fometi res difpatches tw«» conrics a dry. •• We are allVed, that the vhlmaii-m of the Court of A°ftria has been delivt^ed by general Vacquant to the Court of Bavaria. In the mean time, the gceral opinion h9 that the military occupation of the Sa'tz- burgh and Inverthiel will foon take place, and that the Auttrian Government ha* alrea¬ dy appointed the fundi^narits to be employ¬ ed to thofe countries, and has ordered theni to repair provifi mally to the head-qnarters ■ of the Prince of Coll* redo, who commands the Aullriau troops on the Bavarian ft.mi- tiers."—Austrian Objfrvcr. A letter from Raftadt, dated January tS, fays, 4* The corps commanded by Cou r.t Colloredo in Upper Aullria.whicb iR dt (lined to t.ike pofftirion of the territories of SaVtz- bugh and tht Inverthiel, has hitherto made no movement fincc it lafl concct-ated It is hence inferred that the negociations be¬ tween Vienna and Munich are not yet r:m- cluded. General Vacquant h Hill at Mu¬ nich It i* faid that the Con'tol" Be'litl in- terclts itfeljf itrongly an the li Ie of 5fty r.i.a.'* » Journal de Paris. t • # ^ • • * - Wc must big the inddgwe of CorrcsfonJetUr far this cueeh

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