Kingston Gazette, May 4, 1816, page 1

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V * / [SATURDAY, May 4) 1816.] [VOLUME V. 4 N0.-48.] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. _____________--L-T-iT- —_________________ _._ ___^^_______________________________ *• » S* * £> .'V-!* *-■*.' <V ^•-V^V-^"-^^^- *.V 'v-*»*.,-* PrioV cf' Gikwtijir.g J;: the Gazette, Six lines and under, 2/6 firll inferiion, and iy3 every fub Sequent. Ten lines and under, §fy firtt infertion, and 1/8 eytry fublcquent. Ten lines and upwards, 4//. per line fir ft rnfertion, and 2//« per line every fu-cceediugf, • r • inlertt.m. Advertifements unaccompanied with wit- ten directions ate inferLcd till iorbid, and charged accordingly. John D The Kingston Library \\ TILL be opm every Monday from 1 \ VV o'Clock A. M. until i o'CLck, P. M. at the C urt Houfe. SubfenYlions for Readiftg will He r<*<e{v. ed by the Treafiiret, Wm. Mitchell Efq, at thirty (hillings per Year, or ten fniliiogjs per Quarter, payable on fubfcribir.g. and a de- pout left with the Treasurer of VW-- Pv*n*ids as a fnretv aoain.t the lofa of Bocks. Sub- fcribcrs .ire to co::!"iier [heinfelvts fubjeSi to the rule-- of the Library. Pevfoashaving In their nc'frffion P..-,;-ks Belonging to this Library arc it-qnetLvl to TCCtirn fhe-i* Into the Library without o<:lay» CHARLES ANDERSON, 6V.V ' Kinglior., ift Feb. i8i& Notice. ALL FerfivtV3 mde&edto the Eftatc of ,< ,, Doctor Anson' Smith, dtvran-l, a«e requeftcd to make immediate payment to AHan Mac Lean Efq. and thofe who h-»\e demands* are requeued to exhibit the lame fur adiu ft merit, MARTHA SMITH, slduiiristratrix. ESPECTFULLY informs his friends aiid the public, that he has received from Quebec and M ntreal, an elegant af- fortmem of Mini r ?v.<] drefltng GLASS- ES, from one to CQ dollars each, of the quality ever In Upper Canada,—Belt Tur. key Carpetfegj Fuvniture Paper and Bor¬ dering, Ladys work, Card and Cotton box* e*a—Cure in pins and Ring*, Bell pulls, Brafs Nails, 3k Hat Pins, An aflbrtment of La- dvs and Gentleman*' Bonnet« and Ffatf,— Boxes of Colours, with Camel* hair Pencils—Croeketyand Glafs wave, &c. ike. ALSO, Jamaura bpirit-; i>i<uajy, rio»Iand L»m, Peppermint. Shrub and Irifh Whilkey—all which he will fell low for Cash only- New CcvrM.jhi Ml Store, Kln^Jion, March 2, iSl5. For Sale, By MONJE <VU & StGERMATN, Spirits, Rnm, Brandy, Shrub, Gin, Pep¬ permint and Wines. ALSO, An affbrtmeftt of NEW i H Johns & AVE JUST REClE'/kn A GENERAL ASSORTMENT CF Dry G ds D i y Goods AND Hardware G AND 1 oo numerous to mention, Kin'dHt'>fi. Toth Feb, i8:6. 39 »ntf FOR 6ALE, A number of Town Lots near the French Church. The terms of payment will be made eafyi H. EARL. Kingfton, Sept. 23, 1815. i6t£. ■"•fc-t be Let. T CHA 3 *- ber feventeen, m iiic Leeondcrmc^Kion ofih. Enwnlhtp of King-Iron. Fi>r the terms *>p- ply ■■■'■<- 3 S«« to cue iubicrioer. ijivMJS MARKLsiKD. Kmjrfton, Lgth Feb. 1816. 38 J Tamcs n H Kwgfton, FA. 2. 1S16. 35... F S '-i-nY1" WcftVg cft^» ****** ***•»*- - E L * *■ -» -^ » to\vnfui-> of I ............. Ki,,n. Ap^lytothe Pnwter For Sale, TT]7JpVU £* raSirOt rrtoi V.ird, of • V Cou:nvv?-odu-;:hve-tle^n^vnod- keep ijfijod m Adol- £,,uire«.rM^.^U-rVa^.uv,r m -Hn'ttiwn or ??£ the fuhfeuoer. C. WlLJK.h i i>t-** ^{l received and for me at tuiS Oia-e, OO REIMS WRAPPING- ° PAPER. A QUANTITY OF WRITING PAPER, Oppcjite Smith &•* Cf^i Sfor*?, Caen for faie the foliowiug Jew dry, viz. Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, coloured Slid ptain Cold Ear Ringgj Amethyft Am? berandj-'U do. Penrl jett ^d:\ Gold Sr a- che?, 60, do do. pi is, Topaz and Pearl ret;.s ; Pearl, ictt and Cornelian Rtngs; gold Box Rings ; [^ailtc's and Gentle men *ss plain _d>». amb.-r Necklaces ; gold mid enanrled Fancf M(mtee> : Do Lo:k;-t:. ; Silver g'tt ':...Snnfl' T»oxes ; Muufiu.-,^ fet'ti ; gilt Rings and %&t lilugb i ;V»,:i iVuit Kiti«i«t», and Fountain P»jns ; do Bp*to n» ; liV'crar-.d pla* t:l Spcel.'.jL^ ; do Sc^ar Tu'bsS and f'him-. ble » it Clafpl and Snap^ ; Razors ifij cafes and wiuhout ; !p ir^nena Knivc ; l\.-i dn 'V-,m t »n 16 BWde*« ; do d.^ with 8»i iff P> txesand Sctflorsj Pafte Cirtter» ; Ljdi<4:-,' TY-rtoifc -fli 11 Combf-; Bed o dii'b-d (i.,,_-l SviiT>'*■• j :\:-v->'. gjllt Dirk" and Be*.t« ; j^IIt and ft'.'-d fword SwivcUj Plated, lii:/. > aw-d fte',1 overall Chain-;: fiinsi TeIefcopc?j v.ilt b«A Mminvin^B *, brafs bui'et m >ubu j V*, . -f d;{fc. ent defctipttons, warrar.: ( d good : Watches and Clock" of *Uticiciii Ue» fcripti'vn'J? deati*d »nd repaired in t'rie 1... [\ nr^HE fubferibers k-.-ep con^a-tly on handi in their Shoo, at the hVn of the -Wliite Bear, a variety of WaterLo, Wiudlor, Rook ynd Children's chairs. BUREAUS for file. . Shop Painting, liktwif-, done bv C HATCH*'d Co . Kingston, \ (v.h Marr/j. 4T 1 c A AT the ^tore of VLfTr?. H W. WIL¬ KINSON & Co. a larg^Qnaaittfol Swest-leented Virginia, Common Plug, L»<Jie Twift, and Twill Tobacco; Soanlfti and Ainericin Se^ars, in quarter Boxes. Largs or fji-al! §>yavtit'm, to fail Purchufers, The «-»Wv »v .vrhl.'h .»v,'JLI-^lf.d.,l at 20 'per rfiifi. en■* to■■<' L' t' , Qitu' o • p. '..i.i »tj Herfi from my VvV' of fhe United ^Lat^s— NOT ETtCEPTING SMUGGLERS, VdasALE, I . WO very valuable TOWNT LOTS, JL wtl! lV-nated for bnfmeCs. For terms apply to JOHN MaCAULAY. rocerus : Among which are the following articles :— Superfine and common Broad Cloths : White and black Cotton Cam brick 3 ; Superfine dr.ff'd and nndrefl'd Celfcoes; Black si-k, MadraL and Cotton Bandan¬ na Handke. >. hiefs ; A variety of Shawls and Veil ngs ; Larue damaflc si!k Sfiawb ; French Cambnck, f~n Handle rchirf-; ; Fine Linen Canibrfck an J i<< - Sterns f Black, white & changeable cpPd Lnlb ing; Twili'd Sarcenetts j Black Nlode ; Gt'ntlemen'a fine buck, doe fkln and ver gloves ; Ladies' black, whi; Silk do. Ladies' Fane? aborted Kid do. Black, bine, grren & scarltt oombazett? ; White ftfcailoon silk Velvets and C«-tton biwrtings; Fine Irim Linen, RniU-a, Imitation and Scotch Sheeting* ; - Black una white jean«, fiiijatues and bfeiv k 1^ k ea ■ ife and fancy colour'd f Kington, 22(3 Mirch, i8.6. 4:^3 The above g'^rds, together Willi a variety of articles not mentioned, wiil be f-Id ->t the mo:t reduced prices for cum. We ter.der our thankful acknowjedgment? to isigf ctfs- tomers For pnil favor?, and folfcit a continu¬ ance of their f;ture patronage* Kingston^ 6th Avgust, I 3 15. y. manner and expedition. Wath Glaffau Diab, SeconJ, Pimitc & Hour Hmd;, Gold and Gilt. (Ion. Jan. f 3, i?'6. ___ ADVLRTiSF.MENT. jKE fubferiber offers for fa'? to the ; Kino > ** a 2 E C4 1 e On rrafonable terotSy Hardware Store. fTpHS ftthfenber be^« leave to inform I the Pubhc, that fie lias opened a .Store in the above line oppoifo to Mr. Samhl -------------- --------...........,.._ Aynr.-r^s Store, where, he for late an Lots No. 22 in the 8tb Con. air",mc,l"f CUTLERT, ......~ J 9 Of Quality No. 2, ! Reams Writing Poll No. 2, ditto diT*-n uncut. 2t S DUTCH BARNES r* "arpmiers and Jyine^s TOOLS ; and 7 feet Min Ssa'S crofs cut do ; iquare, F Sale, A quantity of O.k fuirable for Sta^'Wd fqiare Timber « a rca-n,- b1e dirtanoerftHe water eu!»>R '.nto the Bay of Quinty- For part,ou!ar, any M H» or p,-rf^wifl1ing to purchafc W.I1 ^«& » callPat this Office or at Mr. Jofcph Valuer 3 Honfe. Kingfton, Dec. 9, 1815, 37 tf. TOHN S1MS0N, TAs still on hand a confiderable quanti- L tv of the best JAMAICA SPIRITS, ich he H difpnfinp of at ^/^ -alfoa few chests Hyfonfkm lea. ■wh prices } 4!^ A. METC4JLF. Kin£(1 on, 4th Dec. 181?________zjt£ "~ jA"vTiLc3 McDOUALL & Cd. Succeffbrs to the late firm of 8. Fitch . r^J Co. Com itjiill-) a Merch ants, M O N TEE * L. RESPECTFULLY tender their fe:- , ..vices to their friends snd the pub- lie, for agency and com mi Son buGnefs : and flatter themt" lyes thut no honfe in the Prov- itice Is better fituaied to give fati^fac^ion \t\ their line to thofe who choofe to favor tl em v/:th commands- Liberal advances made on confignments which will have the advanta¬ ges of .Montreal and (Quebec market, without extra commivTmn. MontrtaU February 20,1816. 4.7WI2 HARDWARE tf c flat and round Iron of all fvm J erawley and fetttW fteel ; nails and fpika of all h/.ca ; (IvoveVs and fpades ; fi« uYweL and tonp ; iron, b»a&aod belt plated Candlcftickn 5 c- S c -ni pepper Mills j bureau trimming*; fcale beams and weights; iVvew auge,^; Ji^ Public, on liberal terms of payment, the rollojvincr lotsof walie La .ds. Lots No. 22 in the 8th Con. No o m the 6th Con. S. Well ! 23 8th Con. No 8 Eaft |5th Con. of the town- fhipofPiulhurgh. also Lots No. 7 m the c'hconcefTion No 26 in the. 6th conceffion Nos 28; 29, 30, 32 & afg4 in 6th con- No. 23 Eatt 4 Sib con.'(if PittPour^h, Several Lots of Land of one and two r mention, the .^Mt of whbhwjU be fold much lower than can be purehafed at any other ftoie in Ivingft^n. Samukl Shaw- Khrsion. %%& March* 1S16. 4^f_ NOTICE. M three acres on the iear of the faid lot No. 24. lying and fcituate on the road from the town of Kiurrfton to the cr»urtrv—The l'jts are wel! adapted from tbeir fituation for buiidifig on them, and fur the ellab'iiliment of Gardens in the vicinity of the town. Application to be made to the fubferiber. GEO. OKILL STLUIIT. Klngfi^is Sept. 6, 1815. 14 Kington, 4pril 19, 1816. THE Officers of, and SubLribers to, the Midland Difttia School Society, are requeued to attend at the Epifcopal Church ■ in the town of &iog!fti* on Monrliy thex^h May, 181 6. at thehoW of TweSe o clock, for'the purpofe of examining the annual re- ports of the Society, and of ch-ohn^ at re- fident, Secretary, Treafnier, and ft* l™*> tees. By order of the Prefldent. ^ 46 William Merrhx, Secf. \L 1 •r' .1 f v. ;,,' aud l>u^!l VALUABLE ROPE-WALK MACH1SEHT!! ! rpHEUfen^r offers forfale oureafona- 1 ble terms, a Rope-Wa'.k Maemrie'y. m ccmnkte order, calculated for ifc .naoni.c- tu.inz of Cordage of every defcnptiun,_;_ it 1 1 inefi wa9 cainec advantages fea'.e. r,-,a a:. Any commwH-catioM on tae fubjeft^d. rcaedtothefobfenbe>, and poll Pa.d,wdl be duly attended to any, JLr.o;i'.;i H i.Ki'lLJCKSFKD, For Rat? at thW Ofike. i'aMES GORDON A 47 1 6 a? a en pounds fifteen Mb'**, ^ ^ % Hongn ; there are two endovfements. en laic Note^ The pub'ieis hereby caUttoried a- oainft purchahvg it, as meafnres have akea- dy been taken to (lop the payment. Francis Carlisle. "Osf—On Thurfday Evening lait, S a fomewhere about the Goal, two Leai- e^ronning f-m Government to. Stephen Fairfield, and rehafed from the laid Fairfield to me ; alto, a Contra-3 between Darnel Phelps .nd the fubferiber, concerning a Saw Mill. Whoever will return laid pa¬ pers to the fubferiber, (hall receive a reward of Four Dollars. * . Thomas Farks.^ . ' Kingtlor>, April |6,l8*& 4* For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with building also large unprftifements thereon, £?.- vorably fitusted within 2B mi'e> of Kings ton. perfons (^fn'ous of j-nich ding to in quire of the Piinter. K in'-stor. ■ JAv IC; 181 V ■ 5 *r ^ i\V Geutlrnian ha v.; ■$» a 1 inn to 1-1 •.,. fell, within five or tea mib.s of Ki-- f -n may meet with a tenant or purchafer, by ap plying at this Ginee. 'Kiagllon, Maich |£» 1.81-6- 41 BLANK BuilL BONDS, ana SHKklFPs SALES. For a ale at this OlHce.

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