Kingston Gazette, April 13, 1816, page 2

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srEWGoobs. OFalmod every defcrfption j'iift received and .ff.-ud f> iale on terms the molt accommod.-tt o;, by PEtl R WETSEU ^mong which are a very extcr.flvc afford Hient of Drv Goods ; To^e^her with a choice ^(Trtnicrit of Silks & Ribbons ; Lad Cent, B j 0 -8 FrefhTea*, Loaf and Mufcovado Sugar, Plug, Ladies1 Twjft and Paper Tobacco j Scotch*, and Macoboy Snuffs. Old Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Por,t and French Wine. CVTce, - Chocokire. Ginger, AWfySefy Oro-.nd Pepper. Mufrard, Nutmeg?, Cloves. Cinn^mn, Cunanrs, Raifins, Figs, Poland %arch, Fi? Blue, Powder and Shot. Com and Hah JJiooms. Window Glafsand Putty. ■Akii fcre.v Sugars, Steelyards, ohovels, Fry'ng Pa;i«, Tron and Siee1. ; 4'3 and lod cut Hails ; 8dand tod Wrought Nail?, Tecnher with a general aiTbrtrneni of Ha rd and H WA * 3 doz. Coverlets, I$o"doz, Worded H fe, 12 do*. OiTdfilfcHat.Covert^ 3 d ?.. Looking Glaflea, of various fizes, and of ~. fuoerior quality. 30 Bbk.'Mef* Pork, 2go lbs. Hog*s Lard, 30c O. V.cnsvaw and boii'd Linked Oil. 200 Prs. Men's 2?«ots of different quaUties 500 rJo do Shoes, 100 do Lad;e^ Boots, 500 do do Shoe3. 1000 do Children's Boot* & Shoos. , Ca'f Skins, U-jrer Leather, Hurnefs Lea- ther, and Sole Leather. ALSO, A General aflortme-.n of ficih €.Mi9EM SEED Jv.iffed at Lebanon, and put up by the Shakers. Mngs.on, March ic, 1816. 42 tf 1 3° '5 2? OR Sale, by the fubfaiberf 30 Ebls. Mefs Pork, 40 Do. Prime Do. loo Do. Salt, J 60 Do. AlSany Strong Beer, Do. Tar, Kegs Tobacco, Do. Nails, all fizesf Boxes Soap, Dc. Candles, ico CaH fleel Axes, 100 Reams Writing paper No. r,*,&3* 12 C ii's Tar'd Rope, 2co Hoes, ALSO, A quantify of Scythe's Sickles, and Hnii^v Ware ; Copper Tea Ket^es and S^nce Pars ; Steeiyard% Chains, Padlocks, Carry Comb*, ^/dzes, and other Carpen* ters'TsoH.—a large quantity of Glafs of aimed every defcription. A rreneral afFcrtrr.ent of DRY GOODS. A few ENGLISH SADDLES, And RIDING WHIPS ; Together with other articles, not mentioned. ALSO—One half of the prerrifes for fale on which the fnhferiber now lives. RICHARD SMITH. ngcton. Aprils, \%\6. ~ ■ —-^^^^-- « — — - ■ ^^ ____ GROVER & LEWIS, Kingston, April 13, 1816. COMMUNICATIONS • •. . c m Mk. Editor, 1 had really ? termined to remain mute, during the late, routed between the '• Tiuc Briton» and " Candida", nor ftiould I now have ventured to appear in your columns, Were it not for the manifeil illiberality of the latter writer in wickedly endeavoring to af- pcrft the eharader of a few individuals who never in the remotest decree injured him or his generous alfociates, many ot whom, like the * Snake in the grafs' have malicioufly held up aninnoeent pefon, as the author of the " True Briton", to the great detriment, as they fuppofe, of his character end reputa¬ tion.—But thank God he is fo eonfeicus < f his own integrity, and of never having in the flighted manner interfered with any of thesr :oncerns, that he bids d- fiance to all their nalignar.t iuiinuations. Not exactly inclin¬ ed to enter into a lengthy difcufiiou on any fubject whatever, with fo unmanly a writer as Candidas, I (hall merely take the liberty of oroving, what he has fo confidently ailert- ed to be fall'c, and. then leave him to his owa reile£lior.s and the cond«>ience of his adher¬ ents. As it is utterly impoftib'.e to my cer- . tain knowledge for the « True Britol.,, to give Candidufca cor.eft reply to his libsnd queftton ; I tntfthe will rardwn me if I (hall iucceed in doing it for him : and although Mr. " Candidus" may probably did ike the fiat contradiction which it c.-nveys—yet he " mud bear it ; —lillen then redoubtable licro, an to recoiled 'hat a day of retribution mud inev¬ itably come. 1 do therefore aiTert J hat Can- didus has uttered an infamous and fcanda** on? falfehood by atledging that a few mm- viduals of thin Province in conjunction with a band of aliens have it in contemplation to build a lhaifi boat on the Canadian (hore— and thofe perfons Candidus condefcends to fav are unwoithv the name of * Bntoni, have rendered their King and country more fervice? in one hour than he and his whole Lilt L/V.Ci» •*■ 9 —»*uvi» k.*^.- ..ww^.-.^-------------- d (hould you ever again have the temerity commit fo hcipmous a crime as detamatiovi, -* v I Tailors* \K 7GULD fnrofm their friends and the public that they have commenced the above hnfinefs three doors north of the Mar¬ ket, at the fign of the Cold Watch, where tbrj jjc ready to wait on all who (haii fa¬ vour Ihem with commands.—They will be able to do wo'k on the Ihortest notice, and in a fupei i< r style, fitted to any fafhi-.n. Cloth? and trimmings of'-very defcription trill be furniflied at the (hep as cheap, or cheaper, than they can be p ocured in town, Sand every fa'.or duly acknowledged. Kingston stpril 4, 1816. 44tr* Blank Summonses 5or the District Courts, for Sale *\ this Oilice. »ang have done during their exigence What excufe, what paliation,then, can Candlaus ti»- fer for his unprh cipl-. d attack againd the cli * rafters of a few individuals not one of whori» have t'iotitly or indirectly interfered wifh 1 him or hi ^ d earn boat companions! Has he done it oecaufe a peif. n, arrogating to hte** feif the title of a * True /?iimn has ventur¬ ed to anaignor criticife the proceedings or that dearn.boat aOociation ! away, bafc and profligate'.wretch \ if this be the caufeof r ft * yot»r unreafon able declamation. I know net who the ' True Bx\\xtsf is, but I know that he doe* not belong to the affo- ciaiion for building another deam-boat, and although 1 deprecate the meafures of per¬ mitting the free and unreferved importation of American manufactures, and the want of a prohibition to then velTels coming into our p'^rts, yet I mod candidly join with the * True Briton' in opinion that nopeifon or pcrfons whatever, are entitled to the exclufive privilege of navigating our waters by fteim. From what Candidus has faid in his dlifer¬ ent papers, we are authorised to iiifer. that he is the oracle of thefirft deam boat couneClicn, and,confeqaently, his opini<ms ar>d affertions mud be upheld and fupported by his coadju¬ tors in the boat. Neverthelels, from the knowledge 1 have of the upright and honor¬ able character of fome of thole Gentlemen, I cannot refrain from expreffing my firm con¬ viction, that they do not altogether think as ' Candidus* dees-—be this as it may howev¬ er—to (hew their disintereftednefs, this great writer, after whining and whimpering about the reqnirhe capital to carry their project in¬ to effect, the great fpirit o^ adventurous en- lerprife manifeded, wifely Ash hia arliamen- tary knowledge, liy foolifhly and impudent¬ ly aderting that the rejection of their fttam-, boat Petition by our Legislature, is no proof of the impropriety of the memorial.—Thus has this renowned author had the unparalell- cd effrontery to place his opinion in direct oppoiition to the fenfe of the country. I was in great hopes that this champion of the ' mammouth deam boat' would have-' condefcended to inform the public where' this' Great fpirit of adventurousenterprife,*' of which he fo loudly boasts, had its origin.- But as he has abandoned the conteft, and^ with it, I fear, the fpirit of liberality ; 1^ (hall take the fmall liberty of telling the dory' for him. * It i-.■=, 1 believe, an indifputable fact, that1 before the building of this great deam boat1 was agitated, a refpedable perfon of this* town anxioudy folicited fome of the proprie-' torsof the faid boat to join him in buildingT one, but alas' they weiepofftlTed of fo much^ fo the great fpirit, that they uBtauSSf laughed1 at him ; nor did this commendable fpirit fairly/ fliew it fell until the arrival here of Sir Sidney/ eckwilh ; who, I am told, after pre miiingg then) the fupport of Government, and the- tranfpertation-ftheir unwieldy machinery for"1" their boat from England to Lower Canada13 free of expence, instantly aroufedtheir am> hition/aad their hyfaOie. fpirit c^ adventui1" ro'JS enterprise ntirst forth with Unrfvallcr! fplendont ! Hail difmterested fpmts, free from fordid fclfifiincls, you know no harm. Permit me now, Mr. Editor> to devlopc the intentions of the gentlemen who are buil¬ ding another deam boat/ A few individu¬ als at their own cods and charges, and with¬ out any affistance, fave what their own fenn- ty means afford ; have it in contemplation to build a fmall Steam Z?oat, and to pur- chafe the machinery at New York, to pay for it, and its tranfportation themfelves ; and if this arrangement chagrins * Candidus,' or any of his friends, he or they may belch till they belch themfelves wearied. but before we part, fatter me, Mr. Editor, to recommend to thofe fweet little Brunets, who have fo conftantly " kept up a kind of mufleal howl, fmging their lamentations in {trains truly dolorous," a more attentive application to their Toilet, and not trouble, themfelves with the opinions of your corref- pon dents. And as for Mr. PeafeblofTom, 1 (hall merely tike the trouble o: telling him that he is unworthy of notice, for no honorable man that views hh.fiorld countenance would deign to hold communication with him. A- dien now, Mr. Editor ; farewell Candidus : and (hould the latter think proper to read the following lines, he will probably perceive a description of his own dear countenance, whild competing his lad communication. 4t Thus while he fpake, each paflion dimn'd his face, Which changed with pale, ire, envy, and defpair, Which marr'd hia borrowed vjfiage and betray'd Him counterfeit ;" " if any eye beheld [** *c Honestus >y To Candidus. f Hrfret laterl 1 at halls arnn/Jo* 'The tribes of'minstfth, JlroU'tng priests and players, ' Performers ami buffoonsf are all hi tears ; * For ah ! Candidus* the fattiest fon^flxr^s dead, * And Jure the foul ofbounty with him fed.1 Francis. 44 Alas poor Yorick." Sir, As you, in one of your late productions, recommended to me fome ancient maxims foi the regulation of my conduct, allow me now, in niy turn, to recall to your mind that plain and ufeful precept, " moderate your p.ffious." You may then have a bet- ter chance to claim the attention and indul¬ gence of the public. If declamation, invective, fcurrilous per- fonalitiesand faife and malicious infinuations aie the characterictics of a Gentleman, you certainly pofTtfstheio in an emintnt degree* With the moral and political charsclers of the proprietors of the deam boat neither you nor I have any thing to do. It was their meafures [ attacked, & n*t their characters ; and, fully convinced of the propriety of my conduct \\\ that point, I would contend to the lad for the civil liberties of my fellow citizens. " *Tii liberty thai crowns Briitannul's f/!c, " And makes her barren rocks, and her bleak mountains fmile* I aflerted in my fird communication, that t was perfectly difuitercded, and not actu¬ ated by ilm&er motives. I am fo ftill. To the gentlemen concerned in the deam boat I owe no private pique : to them I am no enemy. After theie obfervations, permit me now, fir, to take notice of the folutions of thofe quedfons, which I put to you for the infor¬ mation of the public, in my comunication of the 26th ult. To one cf them, you have vouchfafed an arifwer, which, " ht me tell you," ferveeme much better than I could my feif. To the others yon have referred me to the* committee of rmnangemeut," for folutions.—Pray Sir, what have I to do with this "commit e I * III have not, the public certainly have a light to expect from you fome explanation. Since you have undertaken to defend the meafures adopted by thofe gentlemen, you are bound to meet the argument fairly, and not to make ufe of thofe paltry maxima to which you have fo pitifully reforted. I thought you had been more mafler of your argument than to fly to that lalt, but too common relource, abufe. 1 have heard that there is a plan for build¬ ing another deam boat in agitation ; but that it was fet on foot by * a band of aliens In con¬ junction with a few individuels in this Prov¬ ince, unworthy of the name of l-ritons', I have not the lead knowledge.- The owners of tbj.< deam boat knows as little of me as thofe of the other.—Of you and of the ; proprietors of both deam boats, I am per¬ fectly independent. 1 would in the mean rime, caution yon fir, how you difleminate your infinuations againft thofe " perfons who, you impudent¬ ly affert, are concerned in that unprincipled and nefarious fpeeulatfon." You may find among their number, fome individuals, who are much more competent to diienU th? fab- jett in debate, than either yon or L ! T am vtrf happy to nnd from hU Exct;- ency the Governor'* Speech, at theclofiW have left * 1 # of the feftiort, that the Legrfialnr. Wlt»v K1 the regulations of the commercial duties & drawbacks to his Majetly\ Executive Gov¬ ernment of this Province until the Imperial Parliament decided upon them. ou fliould have firft made your candor apparent to the world, and then fome of your affeitions and infinuations might with more probability have been credited.—-After at¬ tacking mt under the character of A True Briton, what Ttght have you to know me under any other ? Did you not expect a Utile eclat in this contcfl ? Forgive me for this iitterrosjation* Afc 10 ocol, have been fubferfbed towardi building the deam boat, 7000I of which are to be paid to the builder's, there will be a ba'ance of 3000*4 in favor of the owners. With this the ir:m-work is to be bought and the cabins and forecadJe furnidied with their necefiary appendages. Something may then remain, with which an elegent ternple miV'nt be erected for you, tir, on the fpot on which the deam-boat is building. On the end fa¬ cing the water, the following infciiption in gold letters, might be put : I am a plai* unassuming ciTizf-M ; and on that next to the road, the following as a warning to the Unwary traveller J Should any preffini r • r 1 *■ \ *.d occaju.n require my Jervtces m the gun povJcicr twide, I mightpojfibiyjind it in my weak nature to Jcre-zv my courage to the flicking place. X (hould indeed be very forty fir, if your jollf friend ' PealebJoffomV education ftiould be at all recarded by his being unfortunately fit-; uated in this Northern climate, where dtK ring nearly fix months of the year the river is covered with ioe. In that inclement fe3- fan however, his d^adinefs and integrity on board of the deam-boat during the fummcr, Wotitd1 juMy entitle hirn to the rank of.cup¬ bearer to you in your new habitation,' As a farther mark of dififndion, (as it is very cudomary for gentlemen's waiters to be dif¬ ferently clad from other people,) his livery might be, though fomewhat different, a cap made of your njanufcripts. « Perce to thv manes ! immortal Candidus i- I (hall "ot again disturb the hallowed urft in which thy afhes repofe.—May friend'y * Timothy*' over thy tomb, drop a tear I ox thy misfortunes and chaur.t a .'oiemn re<$*» em to\- thy untimely fate. A True Briton. • Kingston, llth April, 1816. Mr. Mil^s, A^onjrmany other praifcwnrthy refold t.onsorour Houfe of adembly, the follow¬ ing one j; ezpreffive of their approbation of an Individuals condncl, paffed without a d.iTent.ngvoice-you will iherefire obli- me by giving it room in ycur Qf,fu] p^* . J- *fi*w! that the Houfe ente,t,m,a ju^t fenfe of tne firm and deified ecnnuA of the honorable Allan McUa* Efarn^ speaker of the H,ufe of aflemoly &fal tne prefept Parliament, a period of naprcce- dented difficulty in maintaining their rioSra and privileges, aS well as for the able, impar¬ tial and honorable manner with which he has difcharecd the feveral fanpoibnl dut-es of that high Nation, are de&roift of evntcW the warm acknowledgments of the houfc by this unanimous r&te of thanks. 2. Refolved that the clerk of the Fouf- do furuifh the honorable the spe&ker, with an Engtofted copy of the above n-folutions.. The office of Allan IWLean, Efv wan broken open on Sunday evening lalt, and the following articles taken therefrom: Bofanqnet and Pullers Reports, 4th & 5th Volumns, Burrows Reports 1 at Volume.-^ Wilfons Reports 1st ai.d 3d do. affb 1 half docked fowling piece, 1 patent fix keyed Flute. t\\\ perfons to whom they maybe oiTered for fi.le, are receded to apprehend the oe-rfon orfering them, as we uv.deu'tand the owner intends to pro'ecute all in whote poff-ffion any of the above articles m.2y be found, A foldier of the 70th Regf, in whofe poflefSoQ foT.e of the article? were found, has been committed to jail for e\*.nmation, YORK, Apflil i, 1816. On Friday the 22d ultimo, His Excel¬ lency the lieutenant Governs Went down to the Legiflative Council Chamber, when the Houfe of affembly, in Obedience to His Excellency's Comand, having come up to the B\\\ Twenty One acts, prided during the prefent S.1T1..11, received His Excelien. cy'satTent, in Bia Majesty's Nam The two Houfesofthe Lcffiflatnre waited upon W\- Excellency The Lieut, ftoverflor, on Tuefday the 26th nil, at the Gnvermenc Houfe, and orefented the following a'Mrefs:' To his Excellency FRALC/SOORE Es*. Lieut, mini Governor of the Province of Uppet Canada, life. &c. £sV. e : • May it plr if-your Excellency. We Hh Majeuy'a mouc dutiful and loyal Bttbjedib the Legiliattve Council ai.d Houfe of alTcmbly of t4»c Proviore of Upper fifenada in ProviucW Parliament .ahNcm-

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