Kingston Gazette, March 16, 1816, page 4

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For Sale, By the fubferiber, a few Puncheons, Jamaica Spirit, S ai cly, Gin, Wine/ Shrub and Peppernjint j Leaf and Mufcovado Sugars, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate, Indigo, Pepper & Allfpice. ALSO, A general ailoriment: of Dry Goods, Iron & Steel. All very low for Cafit. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, 2 Sth Dec. IS 15. gttft Plank & Boards. W?* ANTED to he dcliveiedon the gift * * in ft. and during the month of Febm- ary. Sealed Tenders will hz received at ihi* Yard on the 24th in ft. Plank, Z^- 2 O •I J. * Naval Yard. Kingflon, 1 1 ith Jan. 18 16. J 2COO i COO I5.80O 20 646J q8oo rwi). LAWS, Naval Storekeeper. 59* William M'Lean & Co. AVE juft e :eived a large afTortroent 1 of the folWwing Lienors & Groceries. ■■maka Spirits, Cogtiiac Brandy, Beft Holland Gtn, Port and Madeira Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Loaf and Mtifcovado Sugar. King's Arms Pine Apple, S- Cheefe. Chefhire, iftV.oni antJSatlanr! Raiiins, Hyfon and Green Tea, Figs, &c. &c. ALSO, An e!e£ant of Silk'iVmimuiga of every description. Ladies and Gentlemen's Blark and Coloured Silk Hofe and Gloves of a ftiperlof" quality. As the above articles were bought at an enrly fe«»fon, wholefalepurchafers can be fup- plied on term* more advantageous than they cow can he in Montreal Kingston, 29 th Dec, 1815. |lrf S IN FredtnckfWph, I ot No 11, in the firft emceffion of faid town, containing 2co Acres ; one hundred under improve¬ ment, with a Frame Houfe and Barn there¬ on. There can be cut yearly 30 tons of good Fay. Any one d. hVus <»f purcha¬ sing can apply to the fubferibcf in Camdcr, Cr to the Printer in Kingilon* JOHNCARSCALLAN. Camden, January, 4,1816. 3 1 tf. JTTST received by the fubferiber*, a Con- flrrnmcnt of 200 blue Fluimg GREAT COATS ; price feven d liar?___Alfo, a few Bine jackets and Trowfers of a fuperior quality. A MACPHFRSON&Co. Kingston, 6th Jan. 1816. Ji tf R a gs t R ags t Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R aG8, AT THIS OFFICE. ■■—- 1 , - ■ ■ m ■ ■ I For Sale at this Office, A Discaurfe delivered at Brockville, El:- 7.\htlhtrvrn, April 27, 1815, being a day a; pointed for a general thanksgiving in Up- p*i Canada ; fur pulling an erd to the War in which we were engaged againit Ciie EJlit- ttd Sate* <:f America. True Piety, a fource of individual bappi- nefe and nati nal profperity. Ey William Smait, Mi iller of the Gofpel. 0 fciu'mn, i-.-rJ] ilc Lord. Thy foa in tain j.iur..y. thy rtirtf and Qfipofc kit reign. For Sale, By Ben & Edwd. Startiis, Jamaica Spnits, Brandy, Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Port, Madeha, Spanifh and Te- ren'fTe Wines, boitUd Porter and Scotch Ale fn Calks ; bea En- lift and American Soap, Loaf Sugar* ALSO, A fmall Stffortmcnt of Dry Goods, Hardware and < yelr'v. A few boxes Smoak'd Herrings. Kingston, j$d January* tBl6.________3 t tf N O T1C K The fubfeviher refptctfu'ly informs hi*9 friends and the public, that lie has entered in¬ to co-partnefhip with Mr. Ge« rge H. Det- lor, and that the bufinefs will in future be carried on under the thr* Firm of THG MSO N ¥ DE TL OR pHe returns his unfeigned acknowledgments to thofe who have fo liberally afforded him fuprort, and hopes that the new Firm will merit a conn*! in nee of heir favours. As it U the fubfciiber's wifTi to elofe his former bufinefs as foon as pofTiMe. he will thank th< le who are indebted to call and arrange their refpective account.*. H. C.THOMSON.- 23d Q6t. 1815. FOR SALE, 39. N reafonable terms, Lot No. 22, in the $th Concession. A<0» 27. in the 6ih Concession. 23 AND Lot No. 20, in the i \th Concession. The whole be'iijT In the Townfhip of Lans* down, in the distticl of Johiiflown. For particlurs enqniit at the office of A LI. JIN MCLEAN, ffj. Kingston* August 2$, 1S15. 12 HPHE fobicn'ber informs the people of Kingsrcn that he has cowasenced the Boot and Shonnaking Bus in eft 1 Over the Oore of Geo. H. Mac Lean ; where lae propofes keeping conflantly on hand Gtntltmens Back llrappcd military Boots, Long fuarrow do do do Wellington. do Gentlemen's fine wax'd Calf Shrves, Morocco drefs pumps and (hoes for gen- tlcmen. Ancle Boots and walking fhoes trimmed in the neateft manner. MiiTe9and children8 fhoes. He pledge;? himfelf to thofe who are pleafedto favor him with their enflom,. that all W'-rk made in his (hop Pr.all be made of the heft materials and finifhed in a fupenor manner, as he is determined to keep the beft woikmen he can employ. WILLIAM TRY AN. Kingston, 23d December, 1S15. 30^11 Notice. r1pO be fold or rented, as may be agreed up- ■* on, that well known valuable farm, lot No 1 I and the Weft half of Lot No. lo in the firft concefllon of Additional Freder- i\k4>urgh. together with a good frame Houfe and Barn, good Meadows, and two Orchards thereon, and about one hundred and forty acres of improved land. The pre- miff s are well fituated for a farmer,merchant or Innkeeper For further particulars ap¬ ply to the fubferiber, or to D. Walhbiira, Efq. in Kingfton. Michael Coyle. Kingfton, 2Cth Feb. 1816. j'8tf For Sale AVERY valuable and pleafantly fitua- ted Town Lot- For terms apply at this Office. Dec. 2 2. 2Cplf NEW GOODS. THE fubferiber has just received and now offers for fale, an extenilve and well chofen aflbrtment of 1 y Goods 1 Groceries, and Hardware. /JLSO, A well chofen Allbrtment of MEDICINE. The whole of which will be fold at the lowest prices forcafli or ccnntiy produce. Ewn. J. Hkndj;uson. Kingrton. %(, January 1816* 1 34 Hat Manufactory. SMITH Sc BUTTERWORTH, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public in general that they have re-commenced bufinefs in the new houfe near Walker's Hotel, where they have on hand an exteniive aflbrtment of Ladies & Children's beft Beaver Bonnets, Gentlemen's beft Beaver, Caftor, Roram aiid Knapt Hats ; Men's, Youth's and Boy's Wool Kats. Likewife, Ladies and Children's London Fafhonable Bonnets, Feathers and Trimmings of the following colours ; Black White, Bluer Brown, Purple and Drab ; which they offer, Wholefale and Retail for Cam a? cheap as they can be purchafed *t Montreal. # N. B. Cafh paid for Beaver, Muilirat and Racoon Skins. King {ton, gOth 0£t .1815-.______2t tf. Notice. ■ THE fubferiber refpettfully informs his friends and the public that he is about opening a Store in front of the new market houfe, where he will do Businefs on Commiffion Will buy and fell, Store & Forward GOODS Up or down the River, Wul take m any orders of any description in that line of bufinefs. • ■ N. B Perfons defirous of committing con- minrr.entM to \m char^, may know the rates of Borage and commiffion by calling at the new comrr.iiTioii ftore. I JOHN DUNCAN. Kingfton, Dec 30, 1 815. j;e> FOR SALE, A few Barrels of excellent Pr sme Pork. C* Enquire at Mr Badgley •$ Tavern. Kingston December 15,1815 28 ~FANCY GOODS, THE fubferiber inform* the Ladies of Kingllon and its vicinity, that he has jnft received and has for fale the moft eattcii- five afhjrtment of Figured, TwiiM & puu* etuo RIBBONS, Shawls & Handkerchiefs Ever offered for fale in this place, whole- file or ret-all on moderate terms. SAMUEL AYKROYD. Deer. I, 181 5. 26tf ME fubferiber refpedful'iy begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he lias received a variety of D rv Good s & . Groceries, as cloths, flanne's, calicoes, ftorkinrrs, rea¬ dy rnnde coats, trowfers =md wain4coats, hrmdkei chiefs, (ha wis, linens, overf'ck3, mitts, women's (hues, tippets, bombrz -tts, umbrellas, earthen and gtafs ware, muftard, f>ap, candle?, raifins-, loaf ard roufcova<jo fugar, 3cc. ladle's trimming*; for coats, clofe brumes, fh<..t, powder, indigo, pepper, tea, &c. and will be fold at the lowed terms. John Dowlan. Kingaton. 2Cth Jan, 181^. 34. no r 1 c E. yt LIi perfons indebted to the late firm of •*A. Norman Bethune and Co. are reqneil- a] to make immediate payment to Mr. H'y. W. Wiikinfon, who in duly authorifed to receive the fam>. JAMES G. BETHUNE. Kingdon, Sth March, 1816. 40 New Line of Stages HPHE fubferiber has commenced runnifig a X LINE OF STAGES from Montreal toKmgftoo twice a week. It leaves Mon¬ treal on Mondays and Thurfdays at eight o'clock A. M. and arrives in Kiugllon, on Wcdnefdays and Saturdays, and leaves King¬ ston at the lame time imd arrives in Montre¬ al on Wedncfdays and Saturdays. Perfons travelling in this line wiii find good teams & crarcful and experienced drivers, with covered ifieighs, made comfortable for the purpofe. Another line will leave Ogdenfbiinrh for HJtica, every Wcdnefclay and Friday for the convenience of travellers into that part of the country. The Books to enter the names of thofe who may wifn feats in the Stage, will be Jkept at Samuel Hedges in St. Paul Street, iin Montreal, and at Robert Walker's Hotel, ffii Kin^lb-n, BARNABAS DICKINSON. Montiea!, fauna™ lit, 1816, Hy. VTrv. ^iLKfxsoN. ft pft cupied by Normal Bethune, & (L* exteufive affortment of *aa y Good_ Coasting of every article in lhat jj^ f . ble to the feafon, together with a v„l choice affortment Silks, Sattine, SarfnJ Crapes, Thread Laces Trimming,, WreaJ Lace Veils, filk Shawls, Scarfs, Handket. chiefs,Tippets, Ac Sec* ALSO, 1 rdwa re F > lenware, Groceries & Liquor. Whfch they will fell on the most reafons ble ttrms, wbolefule anJ retail. King-aton, > Qth January.- 181S. jiif. JOHN SIMSON J AS received by the Fall arrivals ftoa f England, and now offers for fale, and. gant affortment of Dry Goods; V-onuiiJii^ 01 Superfine and common Cloths, white ani tlouted Flannels, Flufhings, 3,3 1-2 and4, Confifting of S u peril eafotlted Flannels, Flufhings, 3, 3 1-2 and 4, Point Blankets, black worried Hofe, worfled Socks boy's and girl's Hofe, Tartan Plaid, Turkey Stripes and Checks, Shirting Stripes, 3-4 and 64 Ginghams, Garment and Fur* Dittire Calicoes, black and coloured Cam. bncs, 64 and 74 Printed and fmtnttafl Shawls, Bandanna and Madrcls Hanekfr- chiefs ; white Cotton.; Le»o, Book in* Spriged Modim ; Dimities ; Thread anJ Cotton Laces ; black and coloured Velvet* plain and SgurM'Sattii), Twil'd and plaig Sarcnets ; Lnflres ; Tabiottts ; In.itafioa Sarcnetn ; Poplins ; filk Nett; black Crape; black 61k HandSerehicrfs ; fevving S.Iks ? Ribbons; and a number of other ufeful*! tietes to be difoofed of by wholefale, on re*- fonable terms for cam, or (hurt approve* ciedit. . tinned State's Bank Paper taken tr^ rot-Tit, by allowing thc^ difcoiint. • $™ Water Street, Kingfton, Jan. 13* l816' 2 0O Dollars OST on Thu.fdaj the 19th ,n(l'^ ___ ther in the ftrcts of K»«g«<*. ir the road towards Ei -H Town,* Containing army bills and other papers of value only to the owner. Whoever has found, the fame and will bring it to the Primer' to Mr. Sheriff Stuart, will leceivc the iW reward. The laid Bith can be of no nfeesceptto the owner, their number and defeription be \n% known, and naeafu-res having'been ah ready taken to flop payment at the arm-! Bill Office. Confequently any perfi>n at- tempting to pafs them fraudnleiitly«i|jfc» liable to arreft and trial for felony. Kingston, 20th OS. 1815. i0 — ■ G. H una, Oppofite Smith &? Csok's Store, Offers for fale th-e following Jewelry, vfz. Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, coloured and plain Gold Ear Rings, Amethyft Am. berandjett do. Pearl jett and Gold BVa.. ches, do. do do. JK«9, Topaz and Pearl fetts ; Pearl, jett and Cornelian Rings; gold. Box Rings; Ladie's and Gentlemen's- plai* do. ambe'r Necklaces; go.d and enameled. Fauce Montees ;. Do Lockets ;. Silver gilt; Snuff Boxes ; M'ourni'ig fetts ; gilt Rioga and Ear Rings ; filter fruit Knives, and Fountain Pens; do Spoons ; fil-erand pla¬ ted Spe&aeles % do Seirar Tubes and Thim* ble^ ; i.i't Clsfps and Snap; ; Razors fp cafes and without • fportmens Knives ; Pen do fiom 1 to \d Blades; do d» with SnnxT Boxes and Sciffors; Pafte Cutters ;• Ladies' Tortoife fiiell Combs; Beft polifhed ftee! Seiffors: Naval gi'l Di.ks and Belts ; gilt and iteel fword Swivels; Pl/.ted, Brafs and, ft be. Watches of different defciiption?, warranted good : Watches and Clocks of different de¬ fer iptions cleaned and repaired in the beft manner acd expedition, Wateh GfaOfMa Dials, Second, Minute* Hour Hand*, Gold and Gilt. % Kington, Jan. 13, 1816. 3* no ueci iwora owiveis; i ix.lcu, u'«» •>"« eel overall Chu'ns; fling Teiefcopes; gilt c!t Mountines ; brafs bullet moulds j 33 For Sale, On terms, 25 Sett Heavy DUTCH HARNESS. A. MEI'CALF. Wmaflftn. At!. V)o: iBl?- .__??£. BLANK BAIL BONUS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, > For :ialc at thi* OBxc

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